

    Explore "havens" with insightful episodes like "The First Luminous Mystery: The Baptism of Jesus (Joanne Wright) - 10/12/22", "Biden i Saudiarabien, grönländsk fotboll och hälften av havens koraller har dött", "Framgångsreceptet för att skydda havens mångfald", "Kim-Van Dang:Turn a Passion into Profitable Beauty Businesses Part 1" and "Kim-Van Dang: Turning a Passion into Profitable Beauty Businesses Part 2" from podcasts like ""The Simple Truth", "Godmorgon världen", "Vetenskapsradion Klotet", "Start Right Here! Podcast" and "Start Right Here! Podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (47)

    Biden i Saudiarabien, grönländsk fotboll och hälften av havens koraller har dött

    Biden i Saudiarabien, grönländsk fotboll och hälften av havens koraller har dött

    Sveriges Radios veckomagasin om veckan som gått och veckan som kommer med reportage, intervjuer, kommentarer och satir.

    Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play.

    Påven till Kanada för att be om ursäkt till ursprungsbefolkning

    I slutet av nästa vecka åker påven Franciskus till Kanada för att be ursprungsbefolkningen om ursäkt för de övergrepp som elever vid katolska internatskolor utsattes för. I över 100 år splittrade den kanadensiska staten ursprungsbefolkningens familjer genom att tvångsplacera barn på internatskolor drivna av bland andra katolska kyrkan. Barnen fick inte tala sitt språk och många utsattes för vanvård, våld och övergrepp. Tusentals barn dog under tiden på internatskolorna.

    Syftet var att utrota ursprungsbefolkningens kultur genom att kapa familjebanden. Men frågan är hur långt påvens ursäkt räcker?

    PKK, kurderna och NATO

    Sverige har skrivit under en avsiktsförklaring med Turkiet för att landet ska godkänna Sverige som nato-medlen. Men för många svenska kurder innebär detta ett svek, och för vissa, ett trauma.

    Centralt för den här diskussionen är PKK, som klassas som en terrororganisation av Sverige och EU. Men vad är PKK? Och hur förhåller sig den organisationen till andra beväpnade kurdiska grupper?

    Här är hela innehållet i programmet:

    Timme ett

    • USA:s president Joe Biden besökte Saudiarabien, vad blev resultatet? Samtal med USA-kännaren Karin Henriksson.

    • Påven reser till Kanada för att be om ursäkt. I över 100 år splittrade den kanadensiska staten ursprungsbefolkningens familjer genom att tvångsplacera barn på internatskolor drivna av bland annat katolska kyrkan. Men vad betyder en ursäkt från påven? Reportage av Paloma Vangpreecha.

    • I Lettland har en strid om gamla sovjetiska monument seglat upp i kölvattnet av kriget i Ukraina. Reportage av Nina Benner.

    • På Grönland hoppas nu vissa att landet ska få spela fotboll under egen flagg, och fotbollen kan komma att bli en del i kampen om självständighet från Danmark. Reportage av David Rasmusson.

    • Krönika av Nina Wormbs.

    • Panelen om veckans inrikespolitik.

    Timme två

    • PKK är klassat som en terrororganisation i Sverige, men varför? Vad skiljer egentligen PKK från andra kurdiska organisationer? Reportage av Edgar Mannheimer.

    • Satir från Utkantssverige.

    • Bråttom att avvärja hoten mot den biologiska mångfalden. Samtal med Torbjörn Ebenhard från Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet.

    • Regeringen vill begränsa möjligheten att gå före kön med privata sjukvårdsförsäkringar. Reportage av Ulrika Fjällborg.

    • Om "rockgubbarna" som tycks turnera i all oändlighet. Rolling Stones, Iggy Pop, Kiss, Bob Dylan, Tom Jones med flera, är några av de manliga 70-plussare som spelar i Sverige i sommar. Vad driver dem att hålla igång? Samtal med musikjournalisten Fredrik Strage.

    • Kåseri av Pamela Jaskoviak.

    Programledare Anna Oscarius

    Producent Mona Hambraeus

    Tekniker Joachim Persson

    Framgångsreceptet för att skydda havens mångfald

    Framgångsreceptet för att skydda havens mångfald

    Vid sidan om klimatförändringarna är utarmningen av den biologiska mångfalden en av vår tids absolut största ödesfrågor.

    Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play.

    Hotet mot både djur- och växtarter finns såväl till lands som till havs och inom FN och EU diskuteras nu att skydda betydligt mer natur än tidigare, minst 30 procent av hela planetens yta.

    Längs den svenska kusten finns exempel på att det har varit svårt att bilda nya marina nationalparker, men i Kosterhavet på västkusten har man lyckats.

    Hör om hur myndigheterna och lokalbefolkningen där har gått till väga för att ge ett bättre skydd för havsmiljön.

    Skriv till oss! vet@sverigesradio.se

    Reportrar: Sara Sällström och Stefan Nordberg

    Programledare: Niklas Zachrisson

    Producent: Anders Wennersten


    Clas Lek - kustfiskare

    Anita Tullrot - marin naturvårds-förvaltare på Kosterhavets nationalpark

    Charles Olsson - räk- och kräftfiskare

    Erland Lundqvist - före detta kommunalråd i Strömstads kommun

    Andrea Morf - forskare vid Havsmiljöinstitutet och det nordiska forsknings-institutet Nordregio

    Annica Sandström - statsvetare vid Luleå tekniska universitet

    Anna-Karin Utbult Almkvist - lantbrukare

    Anita Tullrot - marin naturvårds-förvaltare

    Anders Tysklind - chef för Kosterhavets nationalpark

    Kim-Van Dang:Turn a Passion into Profitable Beauty Businesses Part 1

    Kim-Van Dang:Turn a Passion into Profitable Beauty Businesses Part 1

    Stay tuned for a 2-part Master Class on having a stellar beauty career. In this episode, I am joined by Kim-Van Dang, the former beauty director of In Style, who talks to me about her impressive editorial career and how it led to her becoming a serial entrepreneur. I call her the CEO of many things, and you'll find out why.

    In this first episode, Kim shares her love of magazines and her determination to land a summer job at a publication. After being turned down for several positions, she landed a job at the LA Bureau of WWD/W. She shares how she made herself an invaluable team member and found opportunities to expand her role. After graduating college, she landed a job at the Orange County Register. Kim talks about how learning to be a hard news reporter added to her skills toolkit.

    She shares how the Fairchild Publication job that didn't pan out resulted in her pivot to beauty at WWD. Learn how her job there led to stints at Good Housekeeping and In Style. 

    And she'll share how fragrance has been an essential throughline in her life, starting with that first bottle of Jean Naté. And one of her new favorites, Strange Love perfumes' Fall into Stars. 

    In part 2, you'll learn about her pivot into entrepreneurship and the three amazing businesses she is running.  Preview her companies here:



    Follow Kim on Instagram: @kimvandangnyc @ilovehavens @vandangfragrances 

    Kim-Van Dang: Turning a Passion into Profitable Beauty Businesses Part 2

    Kim-Van Dang: Turning a Passion into Profitable Beauty Businesses Part 2

    This is part 2 of an interview with the amazing Kim-Van Dang, the former beauty director of Instyle turned serial beauty entrepreneur. In this episode, Kim and I chat about how her love of fragrance helped her build profitable beauty businesses. 

    Kim could see the writing on the wall before she decided to leave In Style. The internet and its impact on print publishing was going to change things significantly. So she began thinking about her next gig. She realized that she often gave free advice to CEOs about products, from naming to strategy and distribution, and it helped them make millions while she got a chicken salad lunch. That gave her the idea to launch KVDNYC, a 360-degree branding agency with an editorial edge. She worked with all the big brands: Estee Lauder, L'Oreal, P&G but was more gratifying was working with startup founders like Francesco Clark of Clark Botanicals to bring their brands to market. But then the 2008 recession hit and the phone stopped ringing.

    But it was a package from the perfumer Francis Kurkdijan that set her off into new areas of business with her new husband, Anthony, fragrance distribution. She shares how she got the Maison Francis Kurdjian  line into Bergdorf and Neiman-Marcus during a challenging recession. Other brands came calling too like Cire Trudon and Coqui Coqui among others. Then came her retail store, Havens in Sag Harbor, NY. 

    But her love of fragrance also inspired Kim to create an eponymous home line that has just launched in Bergdorf Goodman, Van Dang Fragrances.Find out what inspired the line, what makes it unique and its cosmic appeal.

    Other stores that carry the line will include:

    The Conservatory Hudson Yards

    Marissa Collections in Naples, FL

    Tesoro, Beverly Hills

    The Paris Market, Savannah

    Follow Kim on Instagram:@kvdnyc, @ilovehavens @vandangfragrances

    In Beiroet is een burgeroorlog nooit ver weg

    In Beiroet is een burgeroorlog nooit ver weg

    Libanon verkeert officieel niet in oorlog, maar dat is wel het gevoel dat je er krijgt. Historische vijandschappen herleven, de overheid is afwezig en werkelijk iedereen heeft wapens. Correspondent Midden-Oosten Melvyn Ingleby trok de wijken van Beiroet in en zag met eigen ogen hoe dicht het land is bij een burgeroorlog.

    Lees hier ook het artikel van Melvyn Ingleby


    Presentatie: Thomas Rueb

    Productie: Esmee Dirks, Iris Verhulsdonk en Julia Vié

    Montage: Jennifer Pettersson

    Zie het privacybeleid op https://art19.com/privacy en de privacyverklaring van Californië op https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    1-17-21 | The View From Here | S3 Become - Following Him Together

    1-17-21 | The View From Here | S3 Become - Following Him Together

    We need to remain rooted in our mission as a church so refresh times are necessary.
    The way that we fulfill our mission looks different in different times and under changing circumstances. So our messages need to have our mission as the starting point, then demonstrate how acting on that mission looks today.

    Intro Music by "The Gray Havens"
    Song: "Three Birds of Babylon Instrumental"

    Through the Fire
    en-usJanuary 26, 2021

    1-10-21 | The View From Here | S2 Believe: Living the Gospel of Jesus

    1-10-21 | The View From Here | S2 Believe: Living the Gospel of Jesus

    We need to remain rooted in our mission as a church so refresh times are necessary.
    The way that we fulfill our mission looks different in different times and under changing circumstances. So our messages need to have our mission as the starting point, then demonstrate how acting on that mission looks today.

    Intro Music by "The Gray Havens"
    Song: "Three Birds of Babylon Instrumental"
    Through the Fire
    en-usJanuary 26, 2021

    1-3-21 | The View From Here | S1 Belong - New Things for the Gospel

    1-3-21 | The View From Here | S1 Belong - New Things for the Gospel

    We need to remain rooted in our mission as a church so refresh times are necessary.
    The way that we fulfill our mission looks different in different times and under changing circumstances. So our messages need to have our mission as the starting point, then demonstrate how acting on that mission looks today.

    Intro Music by "The Gray Havens"
    Song: "Three Birds of Babylon Instrumental"

    Through the Fire
    en-usJanuary 05, 2021

    12-27-20 | Advent | S6 Shameless Hope

    12-27-20 | Advent | S6 Shameless Hope

    Advent means coming. Church historians tell us this word comes to us in english via latin and originating in greek. They think that in the earliest centuries of the Christian Church, Advent was a time when people prepared for baptism and the second coming of Christ. Later on, it changed and was connected to the first coming of Christ as a baby in Bethlehem.

    During this time of waiting for the coming of Jesus, we’re going to focus in on some major themes in scripture that help us understand why Jesus came, how necessary his coming was, and what difference his Advent makes to our lives today. As you use your advent devo book Come Let Us Adore Him, you will see these themes and others developed as we read together through the month of December. If you don’t have this book, contact us and we’d be glad to provide you with a copy. Not too late!

    Our hope is that this series is a blessing to all ages. Whether in person or at home, we want everyone to see they have a place in our services. To do that, we will have different readers and Advent candle lighters. Also, we're going to incorporate short videos made in our homes, sharing something what you are doing at home to celebrate Jesus' coming together.

    Intro Music by "The Gray Havens"
    Song: "Three Birds of Babylon Instrumental"
    Through the Fire
    en-usDecember 30, 2020

    12-24-20 | Advent | S5 Jesus!

    12-24-20 | Advent | S5 Jesus!

    Advent means coming. Church historians tell us this word comes to us in english via latin and originating in greek. They think that in the earliest centuries of the Christian Church, Advent was a time when people prepared for baptism and the second coming of Christ. Later on, it changed and was connected to the first coming of Christ as a baby in Bethlehem.

    During this time of waiting for the coming of Jesus, we’re going to focus in on some major themes in scripture that help us understand why Jesus came, how necessary his coming was, and what difference his Advent makes to our lives today. As you use your advent devo book Come Let Us Adore Him, you will see these themes and others developed as we read together through the month of December. If you don’t have this book, contact us and we’d be glad to provide you with a copy. Not too late!

    Our hope is that this series is a blessing to all ages. Whether in person or at home, we want everyone to see they have a place in our services. To do that, we will have different readers and Advent candle lighters. Also, we're going to incorporate short videos made in our homes, sharing something what you are doing at home to celebrate Jesus' coming together.

    Intro Music by "The Gray Havens"
    Song: "Three Birds of Babylon Instrumental"
    Through the Fire
    en-usDecember 30, 2020

    12-20-20 | Advent | S4 A Great Joy!

    12-20-20 | Advent | S4 A Great Joy!

    Advent means coming. Church historians tell us this word comes to us in english via latin and originating in greek. They think that in the earliest centuries of the Christian Church, Advent was a time when people prepared for baptism and the second coming of Christ. Later on, it changed and was connected to the first coming of Christ as a baby in Bethlehem.

    During this time of waiting for the coming of Jesus, we’re going to focus in on some major themes in scripture that help us understand why Jesus came, how necessary his coming was, and what difference his Advent makes to our lives today. As you use your advent devo book Come Let Us Adore Him, you will see these themes and others developed as we read together through the month of December. If you don’t have this book, contact us and we’d be glad to provide you with a copy. Not too late!

    Our hope is that this series is a blessing to all ages. Whether in person or at home, we want everyone to see they have a place in our services. To do that, we will have different readers and Advent candle lighters. Also, we're going to incorporate short videos made in our homes, sharing something what you are doing at home to celebrate Jesus' coming together.

    Intro Music by "The Gray Havens"
    Song: "Three Birds of Babylon Instrumental"
    Through the Fire
    en-usDecember 24, 2020

    12-13-20 | Advent | S3 The Trail of Peace

    12-13-20 | Advent | S3 The Trail of Peace

    Advent means coming. Church historians tell us this word comes to us in english via latin and originating in greek. They think that in the earliest centuries of the Christian Church, Advent was a time when people prepared for baptism and the second coming of Christ. Later on, it changed and was connected to the first coming of Christ as a baby in Bethlehem.

    During this time of waiting for the coming of Jesus, we’re going to focus in on some major themes in scripture that help us understand why Jesus came, how necessary his coming was, and what difference his Advent makes to our lives today. As you use your advent devo book Come Let Us Adore Him, you will see these themes and others developed as we read together through the month of December. If you don’t have this book, contact us and we’d be glad to provide you with a copy. Not too late!

    Our hope is that this series is a blessing to all ages. Whether in person or at home, we want everyone to see they have a place in our services. To do that, we will have different readers and Advent candle lighters. Also, we're going to incorporate short videos made in our homes, sharing something what you are doing at home to celebrate Jesus' coming together.

    Intro Music by "The Gray Havens"
    Song: "Three Birds of Babylon Instrumental"

    Through the Fire
    en-usDecember 15, 2020

    12-6-20 | Advent | S2 How to be a Herod

    12-6-20 | Advent | S2 How to be a Herod

    Advent means coming. Church historians tell us this word comes to us in english via latin and originating in greek. They think that in the earliest centuries of the Christian Church, Advent was a time when people prepared for baptism and the second coming of Christ. Later on, it changed and was connected to the first coming of Christ as a baby in Bethlehem.

    During this time of waiting for the coming of Jesus, we’re going to focus in on some major themes in scripture that help us understand why Jesus came, how necessary his coming was, and what difference his Advent makes to our lives today. As you use your advent devo book Come Let Us Adore Him, you will see these themes and others developed as we read together through the month of December. If you don’t have this book, contact us and we’d be glad to provide you with a copy. Not too late!
    Our hope is that this series is a blessing to all ages. Whether in person or at home, we want everyone to see they have a place in our services. To do that, we will have different readers and Advent candle lighters. Also, we're going to incorporate short videos made in our homes, sharing something what you are doing at home to celebrate Jesus' coming together.

    Intro Music by "The Gray Havens"
    Song: "Three Birds of Babylon Instrumental"
    Through the Fire
    en-usDecember 07, 2020

    11-29-20 | Advent | S1 Promises

    11-29-20 | Advent | S1 Promises


    Sunday, November 29th, is the first Sunday of Advent. Advent means coming. Church historians tell us this word comes to us in English via Latin and originating in Greek. They think that in the earliest centuries of the Christian Church, Advent was a time when people prepared for baptism and the second coming of Christ. Later on, it changed and was connected to the first coming of Christ as a baby in Bethlehem.

    During this time of waiting for the coming of Jesus, we’re going to focus in on some major themes in scripture that help us understand why Jesus came, how necessary his coming was, and what difference his Advent makes to our lives today. As you use your advent devo book Come Let Us Adore Him, you will see these themes and others developed as we read together through the month of December. If you don’t have this book, contact us and we’d be glad to provide you with a copy. Not too late!

    Our hope is that this series is a blessing to all ages. Whether in person or at home, we want everyone to see they have a place in our services. To do that, we will have different readers and Advent candle lighters. Also, we're going to incorporate short videos made in our homes, sharing something what you are doing at home to celebrate Jesus' coming together. 

    This Sunday we consider the promises of God. Join us in worshipping our perfect promise keep

    Intro Music by "The Gray Havens"
    Song: "Three Birds of Babylon Instrumental"

    Through the Fire
    en-usDecember 01, 2020

    E16: Under the Hand of God

    E16: Under the Hand of God
    Under the Hand of God
    Sunday, 22 November 2020 10am CST

    We are liberated and vindicated in our suffering because Jesus suffered for us first.  When we are ridiculed, mocked, shamed, disenfranchised, physically/emotionally/spiritually hurt, hated, know what we are vindicated because Christ suffered first.  He endured the pain of the cross.  The hate and sin of the entire world. 

    Much like an insignia marking, we have an identity as Christians that is authentic and genuine to Christians because of Christ’s calling for us.  Our identity is setting our hope fully on the grace that will be brought to us at the revelation of Jesus Christ.  Our identity is putting away resentment, dishonesty double standards, jealousy, and smearing others character.  Our identity is in caring for others, sympathizing for others, and being humble.  Lastly, our identity is being ready to suffer because Christ suffered.

    Intro Music by "The Gray Havens"
    Song: "Three Birds of Babylon Instrumental"
    Through the Fire
    en-usDecember 01, 2020

    E15: The End is Near?

    E15: The End is Near?
    The End is Near?
    Sunday, 15 November 2020 10am CST

    We are liberated and vindicated in our suffering because Jesus suffered for us first.  When we are ridiculed, mocked, shamed, disenfranchised, physically/emotionally/spiritually hurt, hated, know what we are vindicated because Christ suffered first.  He endured the pain of the cross.  The hate and sin of the entire world. 

    Much like an insignia marking, we have an identity as Christians that is authentic and genuine to Christians because of Christ’s calling for us.  Our identity is setting our hope fully on the grace that will be brought to us at the revelation of Jesus Christ.  Our identity is putting away resentment, dishonesty double standards, jealousy, and smearing others character.  Our identity is in caring for others, sympathizing for others, and being humble. Lastly, our identity is being ready to suffer because Christ suffered.

    Intro Music by "The Gray Havens"
    Song: "Three Birds of Babylon Instrumental"
    Through the Fire
    en-usDecember 01, 2020

    E14: Enough Already!

    E14: Enough Already!
    Sunday, 8 November 2020 10am CST

    We are liberated and vindicated in our suffering because Jesus suffered for us first.  When we are ridiculed, mocked, shamed, disenfranchised, physically/emotionally/spiritually hurt, hated, know what we are vindicated because Christ suffered first.  He endured the pain of the cross.  The hate and sin of the entire world. 

    Much like an insignia marking, we have an identity as Christians that is authentic and genuine to Christians because of Christ’s calling for us.  Our identity is setting our hope fully on the grace that will be brought to us at the revelation of Jesus Christ.  Our identity is putting away resentment, dishonesty double standards, jealousy, and smearing others character.  Our identity is in caring for others, sympathizing for others, and being humble.  Lastly, our identity is being ready to suffer because Christ suffered.

    Intro Music by "The Gray Havens"
    Song: "Three Birds of Babylon Instrumental"

    Through the Fire
    en-usNovember 10, 2020

    E13: Todays Suffering, Tomorrows Victory

    E13: Todays Suffering, Tomorrows Victory
    Todays Suffering, Tomorrows Victory
    Sunday, 1 November 2020 10am CST

    We are liberated and vindicated in our suffering because Jesus suffered for us first.  When we are ridiculed, mocked, shamed, disenfranchised, physically/emotionally/spiritually hurt, hated, know what we are vindicated because Christ suffered first.  He endured the pain of the cross.  The hate and sin of the entire world. 

    Much like an insignia marking, we have an identity as Christians that is authentic and genuine to Christians because of Christ’s calling for us.  Our identity is setting our hope fully on the grace that will be brought to us at the revelation of Jesus Christ.  Our identity is putting away resentment, dishonesty double standards, jealousy, and smearing others character.  Our identity is in caring for others, sympathizing for others, and being humble.  Lastly, our identity is being ready to suffer because Christ suffered.

    Intro Music by "The Gray Havens"
    Song: "Three Birds of Babylon Instrumental"

    Through the Fire
    en-usNovember 03, 2020

    E12: Your Everyday Apologetic

    E12: Your Everyday Apologetic
    Your Everyday Apologetic
    Sunday, 25 October 2020 10am CST

    We are liberated and vindicated in our suffering because Jesus suffered for us first.  When we are ridiculed, mocked, shamed, disenfranchised, physically/emotionally/spiritually hurt, hated, know what we are vindicated because Christ suffered first.  He endured the pain of the cross.  The hate and sin of the entire world. 

    Much like an insignia marking, we have an identity as Christians that is authentic and genuine to Christians because of Christ’s calling for us.  Our identity is setting our hope fully on the grace that will be brought to us at the revelation of Jesus Christ.  Our identity is putting away resentment, dishonesty double standards, jealousy, and smearing others character.  Our identity is in caring for others, sympathizing for others, and being humble.  Lastly, our identity is being ready to suffer because Christ suffered.

    Intro Music by "The Gray Havens"
    Song: "Three Birds of Babylon Instrumental"
    Through the Fire
    en-usOctober 29, 2020