

    Explore "healings" with insightful episodes like "Holy Spirit 3", "Humility, Tragedy and Revival: Lessons from 81 y/o Martha Tennison", "Embrace God's Healing", "How to See People Receive the Baptism with the Holy Spirit" and "Testimony Tuesdays - Revived in Revival" from podcasts like ""In The Background", "Talking Church", "Father Dave Preaches", "Spirit Empowered Living with Jared and Rochelle Laskey" and "High Tower Ministries Podcast with Bill & Cara Nordeen"" and more!

    Episodes (42)

    How to See People Receive the Baptism with the Holy Spirit

    How to See People Receive the Baptism with the Holy Spirit

    Do you want to know how to see people receive the Baptism with the Holy Spirit? Jared shows some of the ways from the Bible and personal experience how God can use you to see people receive the Spirit Baptism.

    Also, listen to one of our earlier podcast episodes on 'Adventures in the Spirit with Jared Laskey' episode 20 with Christ Overstreet of Compassion to Action on The Power of the Holy Spirit.

    Partner with us at www.firebornministries.com 

    Testimony Tuesdays - Revived in Revival

    Testimony Tuesdays - Revived in Revival

    Welcome to High Tower Ministries “Testimony Tuesdays” with Bill and Cara! We are so glad you are joining us for this power time in the Lord’s presence. Our guests today will be sharing an incredible testimony of the Miracle Healing Power of The Lord Jesus Christ. Pastor Steve and Evangelist Francine Peacock are joining us from Portsmouth Virginia to Give Glory to God, and to raise faith in the hearts of our viewers. So, get ready to be blessed! 

    Share this broadcast with your friends and get ready to experience the unlimited power of God!

    Get connected with us and watch “Greater Glory” on the High Tower Ministries, Int. Facebook Page! Sundays at 9 AM & 7 PM and Wednesdays at 7 PM for inspiring messages that will raise your faith and grow you in the Word! Don’t miss a message, Follow Us on Facebook:


    Bookings/ Churches / Conferences: Bookings@HighTowerMinistry.org 

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    High Tower Ministries Podcasts: High Tower Ministries Podcast with Bill & Cara Nordeen on Apple Podcasts

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    Unlocking Glory and the Unlocking Glory Study Guide are available on our website (signed copy with free shipping within the US). Also available on Amazon and Barnes and Nobles.

    Become your own BFF!

    Become your own BFF!

    When you are an ally to someone or something you have positively united yourself to them and are promoting an common interest. Who are you an ally to? Are you an ally to yourself? In this episode we talk about what it means to be an ally to yourself in your healing process and align your thoughts and actions with the TRUTH of who God says you are. Being your own ally is represents the work and hope you are putting into your healing.

    Scripture Reference:
    Romans 8:31
    Philippians 3:13-14
    Psalms 118:6
    Psalms 139
    Acts 1:8
    Fun Questions:
    Pick the first one that comes to your mind:
    1. Candy Corn / Pineapple Pizza
    2. Ketchup / Ranch
    3. Crunchy Peanut Butter / Smooth Peanut Butter
    4. Guacamole / Salsa
    5. Night / Morning
    6. Train / Airplane
    7. City / Country
    8. Paypal / Venmo
    9. Plans / Surprises
    10. Android / iPhone

    A Study On The Book of Acts: Revival Continues | Acts 4:32-36

    A Study On The Book of Acts: Revival Continues | Acts 4:32-36

    Revival Continues | Acts 4:32-36

    Important points to keep in mind:

    Acts 4:32 ~ All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had.

    The unity that is seen here is a wonderful evidence of God's work among the believers. Because of their unity, they regarded people as of more importance than anything else. 

    The believers had all things in common. They recognized that God owns everything. Everything belongs to God and His people. Because God had touched their lives so deeply, they found it easy to share all things with those in need.

    There was also probably an immediate reason for this significant sharing of all things in common. Since Pentecost there was a large number of those who believed and many of them were from distant lands. Without permanent homes and jobs in Jerusalem and Judea, those who stayed in Jerusalem to learn more about being followers of Jesus needed special support from the Christian community.

    The great power that is mentioned in verse 33 is both the result and the root of the attitude we have seen in the previous verse (verse 32) - the believers put God first, people second, and material things a distant third.

    Notice again the central place the resurrection of Jesus held in the message of the first Christians. They preached a resurrected Jesus.

    Great grace was upon them all. Grace is God's favor. God's favor is evident everywhere.

    Acts 4:34-35 ~ 34 that there were no needy persons among them. For from time to time those who owned land or houses sold them, brought the money from the sales 35 and put it at the apostles’ feet, and it was distributed to anyone who had need.

    This radical giving was absolutely necessary to meet the needs of this rapidly growing church. Remember, many of these Jerusalem Christians who responded to the Gospel on the day of Pentecost lived as refugees from abroad.

    People didn’t wait for others to give. When a need arose, they gave what they had to help others.

    They distributed to each as anyone had need: Unfortunately, this generosity of the early Christians soon began to be abused. Later the Apostle Paul taught regarding who should be helped and how they should be helped. Paul’s directions were that:

    •             The church must discern who the truly needy are (1 Timothy 5:3).

    •             If one can work to support himself, he is not truly needy and must provide for his own needs (2 Thessalonians 3:10-12, 1 Timothy 5:8, 1 Thessalonians 4:11).

    •             If family can support a needy person, the church should not support them (1 Timothy 5:3-4).

    •             Those who are supported by the church must make some return to the church body (1 Timothy 5:5, 10).

    •             It is right for the church to examine moral conduct before giving support (1 Timothy 5:9-13).

    •             The support of the church should be for the most basic necessities of living (1 Timothy 6:8).

    Remember: This is radical. There are people who only speak today about the power of the Spirit and how people speak in tongues and do miracles. But actually in Acts, the Spirit goes deeper than that. The Spirit transforms us from the inside so that we serve God gladly. We are then devoted to one another and we strive to meet the needs of others. There were a lot of very poor people in Jerusalem, and they wanted to make sure that everybody is taken care of. All of this took place as people started believing in Jesus and professing their faith in Him. Both in words and actions. 

    "32 All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had. 33 With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And God’s grace was so powerfully at work in them all" ~ Acts 4:32-33 (NIV)


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    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/CityHarvestAG

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    Website: https://www.cityharvestagchurch.in/

    MATT466 - Critics and Fans Do Not Agree on This One

    MATT466 - Critics and Fans Do Not Agree on This One

    MATTHEW 21:12-17

    On this podcast we pick books of the Bible and work through them from beginning to end, bit by bit every day.

    This show exists because of listener support. If you’d like to consider supporting, you can learn more at thetmbh.com/support or check out the Patreon support page at patreon.com/thetmbhpodcast

    Thanks to everyone who supports TMBH 

    You're the reason we can all do this together!

    Discuss the episode here

    Music written and performed by Jeff Foote.

    MATT419 - The Forgiving Family of Faith Fascinates the Flock

    MATT419 - The Forgiving Family of Faith Fascinates the Flock

    MATTHEW 18:21-35

    On this podcast we pick books of the Bible and work through them from beginning to end, bit by bit every day.

    This show exists because of listener support. If you’d like to consider supporting, you can learn more at thetmbh.com/support or check out the Patreon support page at patreon.com/thetmbhpodcast

    Thanks to everyone who supports TMBH 

    You're the reason we can all do this together!

    Discuss the episode here

    Music written and performed by Jeff Foote.

    The Incorruptible Seed (Part 4)

    The Incorruptible Seed (Part 4)

    The Incorruptible Seed (God's Word) is always good and viable.

    God's Word has inherent tremendous power to produce a harvest of healings, victories, deliverances, and miracles.

    However, you have a definite role to play in seeing God's Word produce a great harvest in your life.

    The final part of this great teaching series examines your definite role in receiving a great harvest from God's Word.

    Listen and learn how to start reaping a great harvest from the incorruptible seed (God's Word)!

    EP 117 Medical Intuitive Julie Ryan Reads Two of My Fertility Clients!!

    EP 117 Medical Intuitive Julie Ryan Reads Two of My Fertility Clients!!

    Psychic and Medical Intuitive Julie Ryan can sense what medical conditions and illnesses a person has and facilitate energetic healings. She can communicate with spirits both alive and dead. Julie can scan animals, access people’s past lives, and remove ghosts from homes and other buildings, and she can tell how close to death someone is. Her book Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This Life Into The Next describes a series of events that involves angels, multitudes of deceased family and friends, the spirits of deceased pets, and countless serendipitous and miraculous moments. Julie’s latest book Angel Messages For Kids is a picture book that has angels answering kids’ tough questions. Each week, Julie scans callers on her 'Ask Julie Ryan' podcast which is heard by millions in over 100 countries throughout the world. Julie is a businesswoman, an inventor, an author, a podcaster, and a serial entrepreneur. Her surgical device inventions are sold globally and she has founded nine companies in five different industries. Julie’s Psychic and Medical Intuitive skills are learned.


    For more information about Michelle, visit www.thewholesomelotus.com

    For information on the Wholesome Fertility Method online program visit www.thewholesomefertilitymethod.com

    The Wholesome Fertility facebook group is where you can find free resources and support: 


    Instagram: @thewholesomelotusfertility

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thewholesomelotus/

    EP 102 Medical Intuitive Julie Ryan Talks Spirit Babies and Connecting with Your Innate Intuition!

    EP 102 Medical Intuitive Julie Ryan Talks Spirit Babies and Connecting with Your Innate Intuition!

    Psychic and Medical Intuitive Julie Ryan can sense what medical conditions and illnesses a person has and facilitate energetic healings. She can communicate with spirits both alive and dead. Julie can scan animals, access people’s past lives, and remove ghosts from homes and other buildings, and she can tell how close to death someone is. Her book Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This Life Into The Next describes a series of events that involves angels, multitudes of deceased family and friends, the spirits of deceased pets, and countless serendipitous and miraculous moments. Julie’s latest book Angel Messages For Kids is a picture book that has angels answering kids’ tough questions. Each week, Julie scans callers on her 'Ask Julie Ryan' podcast which is heard by millions in over 100 countries throughout the world. Julie is a businesswoman, an inventor, an author, a podcaster, and a serial entrepreneur. Her surgical device inventions are sold globally and she has founded nine companies in five different industries. Julie’s Psychic and Medical Intuitive skills are learned.


    For more information about Michelle, visit www.thewholesomelotus.com

    For information on the Wholesome Fertility Method online program visit www.thewholesomefertilitymethod.com

    The Wholesome Fertility facebook group is where you can find free resources and support: 


    Instagram: @thewholesomelotusfertility

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thewholesomelotus/

    58: The Anointing and Mantles, with Richard Furlow

    58: The Anointing and Mantles, with Richard Furlow

    Richard started preaching at 12 years old after Jesus came into his room laid hands on him and called him to the ministry...His first missionary trip was to Guyana South America in his early 20’s. After preaching at a Wesleyan Church the Lord filled the pastor and deacons with the Holy Spirit. That was pretty crazy since they didn’t believe in speaking in tongues.He started Reach the Nations Kingdom College School of Ministry which is a small but very intense training academy of the Spirit.He has been preaching the Kingdom message for two decades!!We will also cover Healings, Angels, Miracles and more.

    Coaching With Me:

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    Did Jesus Tell His Disciples That Some Demons Could Only Be Cast Out By Prayer OR Faith? #212

    Did Jesus Tell His Disciples That Some Demons Could Only Be Cast Out By Prayer OR Faith? #212

    A desperate father comes to the disciples of Jesus for help. His precious son is tormented by an unclean spirit that seeks to throw him down, and cause him to injure himself. Try as they might, Jesus' disciples cannot heal the boy or cast out the unclean spirit. When Jesus is able to do so with relative ease, the disciples ask Him later the reason for their failure. Mark gives one answer of Jesus, Matthew another. Which is the proper answer: prayer or faith, or is something deeper going on here? 

    Jesus Walks on Water. Mark chapter 6

    Jesus Walks on Water. Mark chapter 6

     Mark tells us the Jesus taught with power and authority, unlike any during His walk on earth.

    Jesus commanded His disciples to go out, lay hands on the sick and preach the gospel.

    John is beheaded by Herod, even though Herod loved to hear him preach. Herod's lifestyle was condemned by John.

    Mark also records Jesus walking on water and healing many people of sicknesses and demons. 

    Music by Scott Holmes, intro and outro,(Corporate Uplifting)


    The Test Of Greatness. Luke 9

    The Test Of Greatness. Luke 9

     Luke continues to give us a view of the ministry of Jesus and His disciples.

    Jesus ministers to the twelve, and how He wanted them to depend upon Him for everything.

    Their only commission was to spread the gospel, not to worry about how they would do it. Just do it. He would provide through their faith in Him.

    He fed the 5 thousand because He lifted it up to His Father and blessed it, believing there would be enough to feed them with only five loaves of bread and two fish.

    He commanded His disciples to also heal the sick, because they had been called.

    We are to listen to Him and not make idols out of false gods, or men.

    He reminded His disciples that those who are lifting up the name of Jesus and doing the work of the Lord, does not always belong to the same group.

    Music by Scott Holmes, intro and outro (Corporate Uplifting)

    Worship Tutorials, Cinematic Pads(Key of A# bb pads7.1)

    Meydn (Surreal Forest)