

    Explore "hellenistic" with insightful episodes like "LP0106 pDoG2-2-3 Children of Corinth", "LP0105 pDoG1-44-6 The Corinthian Isthmus", "LP0104 plLoT6 Labors of Theseus", "LP0103 plLoT1 The Parallel Lives" and "Adam Elenbass: Astrologer & Author, Plus" from podcasts like ""Legendary Passages - Greek/Roman Myths", "Legendary Passages - Greek/Roman Myths", "Legendary Passages - Greek/Roman Myths", "Legendary Passages - Greek/Roman Myths" and "Cosmic Tuesdays"" and more!

    Episodes (39)

    LP0106 pDoG2-2-3 Children of Corinth

    LP0106 pDoG2-2-3 Children of Corinth
    Legendary Passages #0106,
    Pausanias' Description of Greece,
    Book [2.2.3],
    The Children of Corinth.

    Previously, Medea's children were killed after they brought poisoned gifts for their father's bride Glauce. In this passage we hear many myths about them and their mother before she flees to Athens.

    But first, a tour of Corinth. Lechaeum and Cenchreae are the harbors north of the city, followed by the grave of Lais, a courtesan known for her beauty. Next are carvings made from the tree Pentheus climbed to spy upon the female revelers of Dionysus. After the market-place is the spring of Peirene, and then the images of Hermes and the ram.

    After the baths, we come to the Well of Glauce, where the doomed bride of Jason tried to quell the burning chemicals of her poisoned crown and robe. Medea's children Mermerus and Pheres were buried nearby, after being stoned for bringing the gifts. After being expelled from Athens by Theseus, Medea had another son, either named Medus or Polyxenus.

    Eumelus said that the throne of Corinth once belonged to Medea's father Aeetes, and was subsequently ruled by Bunus, Epopeus, and Corinthus. Then the Corinthians sent for Medea to rule as Queen, making her husband Jason the King. After their children died, Jason sailed home and Medea gave the throne to King Sisyphus.

    The Children of Corinth,
    a Legendary Passage from,
    W. H. S. Jones translating,
    Description of Greece,
    Book [2.2.3] - [2.3.11].



    The names of the Corinthian harbors were given them by Leches and Cenchrias, said to be the children of Poseidon and Peirene the daughter of Achelous, though in the poem called The Great Eoeae Peirene is said to be a daughter of Oebalus. In Lechaeum are a sanctuary and a bronze image of Poseidon, and on the road leading from the Isthmus to Cenchreae a temple and ancient wooden image of Artemis. In Cenchreae are a temple and a stone statue of Aphrodite, after it on the mole running into the sea a bronze image of Poseidon, and at the other end of the harbor sanctuaries of Asclepius and of Isis. Right opposite Cenchreae is Helen's Bath. It is a large stream of salt, tepid water, flowing from a rock into the sea.

    As one goes up to Corinth are tombs, and by the gate is buried Diogenes of Sinope, whom the Greeks surname the Dog. Before the city is a grove of cypresses called Craneum. Here are a precinct of Bellerophontes, a temple of Aphrodite Melaenis and the grave of Lais, upon which is set a lioness holding a ram in her fore-paws.

    There is in Thessaly another tomb which claims to be that of Lais, for she went to that country also when she fell in love with Hippostratus. The story is that originally she was of Hycara in Sicily. Taken captive while yet a girl by Nicias and the Athenians, she was sold and brought to Corinth, where she surpassed in beauty the courtesans of her time, and so won the admiration of the Corinthians that even now they claim Lais as their own.

    The things worthy of mention in the city include the extant remains of antiquity, but the greater number of them belong to the period of its second ascendancy. On the market-place, where most of the sanctuaries are, stand Artemis surnamed Ephesian and wooden images of Dionysus, which are covered with gold with the exception of their faces; these are ornamented with red paint. They are called Lysius and Baccheus, and I too give the story told about them. They say that Pentheus treated Dionysus despitefully, his crowning outrage being that he went to Cithaeron, to spy upon the women, and climbing up a tree beheld what was done. When the women detected Pentheus, they immediately dragged him down, and joined in tearing him, living as he was, limb from limb. Afterwards, as the Corinthians say, the Pythian priestess commanded them by an oracle to discover that tree and to worship it equally with the god. For this reason they have made these images from the tree.

    There is also a temple of Fortune, with a standing image of Parian marble. Beside it is a sanctuary for all the gods. Hard by is built a fountain, on which is a bronze Poseidon; under the feet of Poseidon is a dolphin spouting water. There is also a bronze Apollo surnamed Clarius and a statue of Aphrodite made by Hermogenes of Cythera. There are two bronze, standing images of Hermes, for one of which a temple has been made. The images of Zeus also are in the open; one had not a surname, another they call Chthonius (of the Lower World) and the third Most High.

    III. In the middle of the market-place is a bronze Athena, on the pedestal of which are wrought in relief figures of the Muses. Above the market-place is a temple of Octavia the sister of Augustus, who was emperor of the Romans after Caesar, the founder of the modern Corinth.

    On leaving the market-place along the road to Lechaeum you come to a gateway, on which are two gilded chariots, one carrying Phaethon the son of Helius (Sun), the other Helius himself. A little farther away from the gateway, on the right as you go in, is a bronze Heracles. After this is the entrance to the water of Peirene. The legend about Peirene is that she was a woman who became a spring because of her tears shed in lamentation for her son Cenchrias, who was unintentionally killed by Artemis.

    The spring is ornamented with white marble, and there have been made chambers like caves, out of which the water flows into an open-air well. It Is pleasant to drink, and they say that the Corinthian bronze, when red-hot, is tempered by this water, since bronze . . . the Corinthians have not. Moreover near Peirene are an image and a sacred enclosure of Apollo; in the latter is a painting of the exploit of Odysseus against the suitors.

    Proceeding on the direct road to Lechaeum we see a bronze image of a seated Hermes. By him stands a ram, for Hermes is the god who is thought most to care for and to increase flocks, as Homer puts it in the Iliad:–

    Son was he of Phorbas,
    the dearest of Trojans to Hermes,
    Rich in flocks,
    for the god vouchsafed him
    wealth in abundance.
    Hom. Il. .

    The story told at the mysteries of the Mother about Hermes and the ram I know but do not relate. After the image of Hermes come Poseidon, Leucothea, and Palaemon on a dolphin.

    The Corinthians have baths in many parts of the city, some put up at the public charge and one by the emperor Hadrian. The most famous of them is near the Poseidon. It was made by the Spartan Eurycles, who beautified it with various kinds of stone, especially the one quarried at Croceae in Laconia. On the left of the entrance stands a Poseidon, and after him Artemis hunting. Throughout the city are many wells, for the Corinthians have a copious supply of flowing water, besides the water which the emperor Hadrian brought from Lake Stymphalus, but the most noteworthy is the one by the side of the image of Artemis. Over it is a Bellerophontes, and the water flows through the hoof of the horse Pegasus.

    As you go along another road from the market-place, which leads to Sicyon, you can see on the right of the road a temple and bronze image of Apollo, and a little farther on a well called the Well of Glauce. Into this they say she threw herself in the belief that the water would be a cure for the drugs of Medea. Above this well has been built what is called the Odeum (Music Hall), beside which is the tomb of Medea's children. Their names were Mermerus and Pheres, and they are said to have been stoned to death by the Corinthians owing to the gifts which legend says they brought to Glauce.

    But as their death was violent and illegal, the young babies of the Corinthians were destroyed by them until, at the command of the oracle, yearly sacrifices were established in their honor and a figure of Terror was set up. This figure still exists, being the likeness of a woman frightful to look upon but after Corinth was laid waste by the Romans and the old Corinthians were wiped out, the new settlers broke the custom of offering those sacrifices to the sons of Medea, nor do their children cut their hair for them or wear black clothes.

    On the occasion referred to Medea went to Athens and married Aegeus, but subsequently she was detected plotting against Theseus and fled from Athens also; coming to the land then called Aria she caused its inhabitants to be named after her Medes. The son, whom she brought with her in her flight to the Arii, they say she had by Aegeus, and that his name was Medus. Hellanicus, however, calls him Polyxenus and says that his father was Jason.

    The Greeks have an epic poem called Naupactia. In this Jason is represented as having removed his home after the death of Pelias from Iolcus to Corcyra, and Mermerus, the elder of his children, to have been killed by a lioness while hunting on the mainland opposite. Of Pheres is recorded nothing. But Cinaethon of Lacedaemon, another writer of pedigrees in verse, said that Jason's children by Medea were a son Medeus and a daughter Eriopis; he too, however, gives no further information about these children.

    Eumelus said that Helius (Sun) gave the Asopian land to Aloeus and Epliyraea to Aeetes. When Aeetes was departing for Colchis he entrusted his land to Bunus, the son of Hermes and Alcidamea, and when Bunus died Epopeus the son of Aloeus extended his kingdom to include the Ephyraeans. Afterwards, when Corinthus, the son of Marathon, died childless, the Corinthians sent for Medea from Iolcus and bestowed upon her the kingdom.

    Through her Jason was king in Corinth, and Medea, as her children were born, carried each to the sanctuary of Hera and concealed them, doing so in the belief that so they would be immortal. At last she learned that her hopes were vain, and at the same time she was detected by Jason. When she begged for pardon he refused it, and sailed away to Iolcus. For these reasons Medea too departed, and handed over the kingdom to Sisyphus.


    This passage continues with descriptions of Corinth & Sicyon, but in our next episode King Minos comes to Athens for his Tribute.

    LP0105 pDoG1-44-6 The Corinthian Isthmus

    LP0105 pDoG1-44-6 The Corinthian Isthmus
    Legendary Passages #0105,
    Pausanias' Description of Greece,
    Book [1.44.6],
    The Corinthian Isthmus.

    Previously, Theseus traveled the road from Troezen to Athens around the Saronic Gulf. In this passage, we explore in the opposite direction, from the Scironian Road, Cromyon, and then to the Isthmus.

    First is the white Megarean mussel stones along the road to the Molurian Rock, where Ino & Melicertes jumped into the sea, and became known as Leucothea & Palaemon. Later, Sciron fed strangers to the giant sea tortoises below the cliff. Cromyon, where Theseus slaughtered Phaea the sow, is where King Sisyphus found the body of Palaemon.

    The Isthmus proper is where Theseus killed Sinis the Pine-Bender, after slaying Pheriphetes the Club-Bearer. Alexander the Great tried to dig a channel connecting the gulfs, but it was only completed in recent times. The sanctuary of Poseidon is full of offerings, and nearby is a temple of Palaemon, and the alter of the Cyclopes. The tombs of Sisyphus and Neleus have been lost to history.

    The Corinthian Isthmus,
    a Legendary Passage from,
    W. H. S. Jones translating,
    Description of Greece,
    Books [1.44.6] - [2.2.2].



    On the road from Megara to Corinth are graves, including that of the Samian flute-player Telephanes, said to have been made by Cleopatra, daughter of Philip, son of Amyntas. There is also the tomb of Car, son of Phoroneus, which was originally a mound of earth, but afterwards, at the command of the oracle, it was adorned with mussel stone. The Megarians are the only Greeks to possess this stone, and in the city also they have made many things out of it. It is very white, and softer than other stone; in it throughout are sea mussels. Such is the nature of the stone. The road called Scironian to this day and named after Sciron, was made by him when he was war minister of the Megarians, and originally they say was constructed for the use of active men. But the emperor Hadrian broadened it, and made it suitable even for chariots to pass each other in opposite directions.

    There are legends about the rocks, which rise especially at the narrow part of the road. As to the Molurian, it is said that from it Ino flung her self into the sea with Melicertes, the younger of her children. Learchus, the elder of them, had been killed by his father. One account is that Athamas did this in a fit of madness; another is that he vented on Ino and her children unbridled rage when he learned that the famine which befell the Orchomenians and the supposed death of Phrixus were not accidents from heaven, but that Ino, the step-mother, had intrigued for all these things.

    Then it was that she fled to the sea and cast herself and her son from the Molurian Rock. The son, they say, was landed on the Corinthian Isthmus by a dolphin, and honors were offered to Melicertes, then renamed Palaemon, including the celebration of the Isthmian games. The Molurian dock they thought sacred to Leucothea and Palaemon; but those after it they consider accursed, in that Sciron, who dwelt by them, used to cast into the sea all the strangers he met. A tortoise used to swim under the rocks to seize those that fell in. Sea tortoises are like land tortoises except in size and for their feet, which are like those of seals. Retribution for these deeds overtook Sciron, for he was cast into the same sea by Theseus.

    On the top of the mountain is a temple of Zeus surnamed Aphesius (Releaser). It is said that on the occasion of the drought that once afflicted the Greeks Aeacus in obedience to an oracular utterance sacrificed in Aegina to Zeus God of all the Greeks, and Zeus rained and ended the drought, gaining thus the name Aphesius. Here there are also images of Aphrodite, Apollo, and Pan.

    Farther on is the tomb of Eurystheus. The story is that he fled from Attica after the battle with the Heracleidae and was killed here by Iolaus. When you have gone down from this road you see a sanctuary of Apollo Latous, after which is the boundary between Megara and Corinth, where legend says that Hyllus, son of Heracles, fought a duel with the Arcadian Echemus.


    The Corinthian land is a portion of the Argive, and is named after Corinthus. That Corinthus was a son of Zeus I have never known anybody say seriously except the majority of the Corinthians. Eumelus, the son of Amphilytus, of the family called Bacchidae, who is said to have composed the epic poem, says in his Corinthian History (if indeed the history be his) that Ephyra, the daughter of Oceanus, dwelt first in this land; that afterwards Marathon, the son of Epopeus, the son of Aloeus, the son of Helius (Sun), fleeing from the lawless violence of his father migrated to the sea coast of Attica; that on the death of Epopeus he came to Peloponnesus, divided his kingdom among his sons, and returned to Attica; and that Asopia was renamed after Sicyon, and Ephyraea after Corinthus.


    Corinth is no longer inhabited by any of the old Corinthians, but by colonists sent out by the Romans. This change is due to the Achaean League. The Corinthians, being members of it, joined in the war against the Romans, which Critolaus, when appointed general of the Achaeans, brought about by persuading to revolt both the Achaeans and the majority of the Greeks outside the Peloponnesus. When the Romans won the war, they carried out a general disarmament of the Greeks and dismantled the walls of such cities as were fortified. Corinth was laid waste by Mummius, who at that time commanded the Romans in the field, and it is said that it was afterwards refounded by Caesar, who was the author of the present constitution of Rome. Carthage, too, they say, was refounded in his reign.


    In the Corinthian territory is also the place called Cromyon from Cromus the son of Poseidon. Here they say that Phaea was bred; overcoming this sow was one of the traditional achievements of Theseus. Farther on the pine still grew by the shore at the time of my visit, and there was an altar of Melicertes. At this place, they say, the boy was brought ashore by a dolphin; Sisyphus found him lying and gave him burial on the Isthmus, establishing the Isthmian games in his honor.


    At the beginning of the Isthmus is the place where the brigand Sinis used to take hold of pine trees and draw them down. All those whom he overcame in fight he used to tie to the trees, and then allow them to swing up again. Thereupon each of the pines used to drag to itself the bound man, and as the bond gave way in neither direction but was stretched equally in both, he was torn in two. This was the way in which Sinis himself was slain by Theseus. For Theseus rid of evildoers the road from Troezen to Athens, killing those whom I have enumerated and, in sacred Epidaurus, Periphetes, thought to be the son of Hephaestus, who used to fight with a bronze club.

    The Corinthian Isthmus stretches on the one hand to the sea at Cenchreae, and on the other to the sea at Lechaeum. For this is what makes the region to the south mainland. He who tried to make the Peloponnesus an island gave up before digging through the Isthmus. Where they began to dig is still to be seen, but into the rock they did not advance at all. So it still is mainland as its nature is to be. Alexander the son of Philip wished to dig through Mimas, and his attempt to do this was his only unsuccessful project. The Cnidians began to dig through their isthmus, but the Pythian priestess stopped them. So difficult it is for man to alter by violence what Heaven has made.

    A legend of the Corinthians about their land is not peculiar to them, for I believe that the Athenians were the first to relate a similar story to glorify Attica. The Corinthians say that Poseidon had a dispute with Helius (Sun) about the land, and that Briareos arbitrated between them, assigning to Poseidon the Isthmus and the parts adjoining, and giving to Helius the height above the city. Ever since, they say, the Isthmus has belonged to Poseidon.

    Worth seeing here are a theater and a white-marble race-course. Within the sanctuary of the god stand on the one side portrait statues of athletes who have won victories at the Isthmian games, on the other side pine trees growing in a row, the greater number of them rising up straight. On the temple, which is not very large, stand bronze Tritons. In the fore-temple are images, two of Poseidon, a third of Amphitrite, and a Sea, which also is of bronze. The offerings inside were dedicated in our time by Herodes the Athenian, four horses, gilded except for the hoofs, which are of ivory, and two gold Tritons beside the horses, with the parts below the waist of ivory. On the car stand Amphitrite and Poseidon, and there is the boy Palaemon upright upon a dolphin. These too are made of ivory and gold. On the middle of the base on which the car is has been wrought a Sea holding up the young Aphrodite, and on either side are the nymphs called Nereids. I know that there are altars to these in other parts of Greece, and that some Greeks have even dedicated to them precincts by shores, where honors are also paid to Achilles. In Gabala is a holy sanctuary of Doto, where there was still remaining the robe by which the Greeks say that Eriphyle was bribed to wrong her son Alcmaeon.

    Among the reliefs on the base of the statue of Poseidon are the sons of Tyndareus, because these too are saviours of ships and of sea-faring men. The other offerings are images of Calm and of Sea, a horse like a whale from the breast onward, Ino and Bellerophontes, and the horse Pegasus.

    Within the enclosure is on the left a temple of Palaemon, with images in it of Poseidon, Leucothea and Palaemon himself. There is also what is called his Holy of Holies, and an underground descent to it, where they say that Palaemon is concealed. Whosoever, whether Corinthian or stranger, swears falsely here, can by no means escape from his oath. There is also an ancient sanctuary called the altar of the Cyclopes, and they sacrifice to the Cyclopes upon it.

    The graves of Sisyphus and of Neleus – for they say that Neleus came to Corinth, died of disease, and was buried near the Isthmus – I do not think that anyone would look for after reading Eumelus. For he says that not even to Nestor did Sisyphus show the tomb of Neleus, because it must be kept unknown to everybody alike, and that Sisyphus is indeed buried on the Isthmus, but that few Corinthians, even those of his own day, knew where the grave was. The Isthmian games were not interrupted even when Corinth had been laid waste by Mummius, but so long as it lay deserted the celebration of the games was entrusted to the Sicyonians, and when it was rebuilt the honor was restored to the present inhabitants.


    This passage continues next episode with the Children of Corinth.

    LP0104 plLoT6 Labors of Theseus

    LP0104 plLoT6 Labors of Theseus
    Legendary Passages #0104,
    Plutarch's Life of Theseus,
    Section [VI.],
    Labors of Theseus.

    Previously, Theseus learned that he was the son of Aegeus, king of Athens. In this passage, Theseus makes his way to Athens to be recognized as his father's heir.

    Theseus retrieved his father's sword and sandals from under a boulder, but then refused to sail to Athens, wanting to go by land instead. His grandfather told him of the terrible bandits and beasts that lay on the road around the Saronic Gulf, but Theseus wanted to earn some glory for himself in the manner of his cousin Heracles.

    The first bandit was the Club-Bearer Periphetes; Theseus killed him and kept the club thereafter. Second was the Pine-Bender Sinis; his daughter Perigune bore Theseus a son named Melanippus. Third was the Crommyonian Sow called Phaea, either a gigantic pig or a monstrous lady. Fourth may have been Sciron of Megara, who was either a bandit with dirty feet, or an enemy general killed in war sometime later. After killing the Wrestler Cercyon, Theseus slew Damastes via his own Procrustean Bed.

    Finally, after being purified of bloodshed, Theseus arrived in Athens to discover that Aegeus had married the sorceress Medea. She planned to poison Theseus' wine, but when he pulled out his sword to carve meat, Aegeus recognized it and pushed the goblet away from his son's lips. Because of his deeds and valor, when Aegeus announced that Theseus was his heir, the citizens of Athens received him gladly.

    Labors of Theseus,
    a Legendary Passage from,
    Bernadotte Perrin translating,
    Lucius Mestrius Plutarchus,
    Life of Theseus,
    Sections [VI.] - [XII.]


    Theseus put his shoulder to the rock and easily raised it up, but he refused to make his journey by sea, although safety lay in that course, and his grandfather and his mother begged him to take it. For it was difficult to make the journey to Athens by land, since no part of it was clear nor yet without peril from robbers and miscreants.

      For verily that age produced men who, in work of hand and speed of foot and vigor of body, were extraordinary and indefatigable, but they applied their powers to nothing that was fitting or useful. Nay rather, they exulted in monstrous insolence, and reaped from their strength a harvest of cruelty and bitterness, mastering and forcing and destroying everything that came in their path. And as for reverence and righteousness, justice and humanity, they thought that most men praised these qualities for lack of courage to do wrong and for fear of being wronged, and considered them no concern of men who were strong enough to get the upper hand. Some of these creatures Heracles cut off and destroyed as he went about, but some escaped his notice as he passed by, crouching down and shrinking back, and were overlooked in their abjectness. And when Heracles met with calamity and, after the slaying of Iphitus, removed into Lydia and for a long time did slave's service there in the house of Omphale, then Lydia indeed obtained great peace and security; but in the regions of Hellas the old villainies burst forth and broke out anew, there being none to rebuke and none to restrain them.

    The journey was therefore a perilous one for travellers by land from Peloponnesus to Athens, and Pittheus, by describing each of the miscreants at length, what sort of a monster he was, and what deeds he wrought upon strangers, tried to persuade Theseus to make his journey by sea. But he, as it would seem, had long since been secretly fired by the glorious valor of Heracles, and made the greatest account of that hero, and was a most eager listener to those who told what manner of man he was, and above all to those who had seen him and been present at some deed or speech of his. And it is altogether plain that he then experienced what Themistocles many generations afterwards experienced, when he said that he could not sleep for the trophy of Miltiades. In like manner Theseus admired the valor of Heracles, until by night his dreams were of the hero's achievements, and by day his ardor led him along and spurred him on in his purpose to achieve the like.

    VII. And besides, they were kinsmen, being sons of cousins-german. For Aethra was daughter of Pittheus, as Alcmene was of Lysidice, and Lysidice and Pittheus were brother and sister, children of Hippodameia and Pelops. Accordingly, he thought it a dreadful and unendurable thing that his famous cousin should go out against the wicked everywhere and purge land and sea of them, while he himself ran away from the struggles which lay in his path, disgracing his reputed father by journeying like a fugitive over the sea, and bringing to his real father as proofs of his birth only sandals and a sword unstained with blood, instead of at once offering noble deeds and achievements as the manifest mark of his noble birth. In such a spirit and with such thoughts he set out, determined to do no man any wrong, but to punish those who offered him violence.

    VIII. And so in the first place, in Epidauria, when Periphetes, who used a club as his weapon and on this account was called Club-bearer, laid hold of him and tried to stop his progress, he grappled with him and slew him. And being pleased with the club, he took it and made it his weapon and continued to use it, just as Heracles did with the lion's skin. That hero wore the skin to prove how great a wild beast he had mastered, and so Theseus carried the club to show that although it had been vanquished by him, in his own hands it was invincible.

    On the Isthmus, too, he slew Sinis the Pine-bender in the very manner in which many men had been destroyed by himself, and he did this without practice or even acquaintance with the monster's device, but showing that valor is superior to all device and practice. Now Sinis had a very beautiful and stately daughter, named Perigune. This daughter took to flight when her father was killed, and Theseus went about in search of her. But she had gone off into a place which abounded greatly in shrubs and rushes and wild asparagus, and with exceeding innocence and childish simplicity was supplicating these plants, as if they understood her, and vowing that if they would hide and save her, she would never trample them down nor burn them. When, however, Theseus called upon her and gave her a pledge that he would treat her honorably and do her no wrong, she came forth, and after consorting with Theseus, bore him Melanippus, and afterwards lived with Deioneus, son of Eurytus the Oechalian, to whom Theseus gave her. From Melanippus the son of Theseus, Ioxus was born, who took part with Ornytus in leading a colony into Caria whence it is ancestral usage with the Ioxids, men and women, not to burn either the asparagus-thorn or the rush, but to revere and honor them.

    IX. Now the Crommyonian sow, which they called Phaea, was no insignificant creature, but fierce and hard to master. This sow he went out of his way to encounter and slay, that he might not be thought to perform all his exploits under compulsion, and at the same time because he thought that while the brave man ought to attack villainous men only in self defence, he should seek occasion to risk his life in battle with the nobler beasts. However, some say that Phaea was a female robber, a woman of murderous and unbridled spirit, who dwelt in Crommyon, was called Sow because of her life and manners, and was afterwards slain by Theseus.

    X. He also slew Sciron on the borders of Megara, by hurling him down the cliffs. Sciron robbed the passers by, according to the prevalent tradition; but as some say, he would insolently and wantonly thrust out his feet to strangers and bid them wash them, and then, while they were washing them, kick them off into the sea. Megarian writers, however, taking issue with current report, and, as Simonides expresses it, “waging war with antiquity,” say that Sciron was neither a violent man nor a robber, but a chastiser of robbers, and a kinsman and friend of good and just men. For Aeacus, they say, is regarded as the most righteous of Hellenes, and Cychreus the Salaminian has divine honors at Athens, and the virtues of Peleus and Telamon are known to all men. Well, then, Sciron was a son-in-law of Cychreus, father-in-law of Aeacus, and grandfather of Peleus and Telamon, who were the sons of Endeis, daughter of Sciron and Chariclo. It is not likely, then, they say, that the best of men made family alliances with the basest, receiving and giving the greatest and most valuable pledges. It was not, they say, when Theseus first journeyed to Athens, but afterwards, that he captured Eleusis from the Megarians, having circumvented Diocles its ruler, and slew Sciron. Such, then, are the contradictions in which these matters are involved.

    XI. In Eleusis, moreover, he out-wrestled Cercyon the Arcadian and killed him and going on a little farther, at Erineus, he killed Damastes, surnamed Procrustes, by compelling him to make his own body fit his bed, as he had been wont to do with those of strangers. And he did this in imitation of Heracles. For that hero punished those who offered him violence in the manner in which they had plotted to serve him, and therefore sacrificed Busiris, wrestled Antaeus to death, slew Cycnus in single combat, and killed Termerus by dashing in his skull. It is from him, indeed, as they say, that the name “Termerian mischief” comes, for Termerus, as it would seem, used to kill those who encountered him by dashing his head against theirs. Thus Theseus also went on his way chastising the wicked, who were visited with the same violence from him which they were visiting upon others, and suffered justice after the manner of their own injustice.

    XII. As he went forward on his journey and came to the river Cephisus, he was met by men of the race of the Phytalidae, who greeted him first, and when he asked to be purified from bloodshed, cleansed him with the customary rites, made propitiatory sacrifices, and feasted him at their house. This was the first kindness which he met with on his journey.

    It was, then, on the eighth day of the month Cronius, now called Hecatombaeon, that he is said to have arrived at Athens. And when he entered the city, he found public affairs full of confusion and dissension, and the private affairs of Aegeus and his household in a distressing condition. For Medea, who had fled thither from Corinth, and promised by her sorceries to relieve Aegeus of his childlessness, was living with him. She learned about Theseus in advance, and since Aegeus was ignorant of him, and was well on in years and afraid of everything because of the faction in the city, she persuaded him to entertain Theseus as a stranger guest, and take him off by poison. Theseus, accordingly, on coming to the banquet, thought best not to tell in advance who he was, but wishing to give his father a clue to the discovery, when the meats were served, he drew his sword, as if minded to carve with this, and brought it to the notice of his father. Aegeus speedily perceived it, dashed down the proffered cup of poison, and after questioning his son, embraced him, and formally recognized him before an assembly of the citizens, who received him gladly because of his manly valor. And it is said that as the cup fell, the poison was spilled where now is the enclosure in the Delphinium, for that is where the house of Aegeus stood, and the Hermes to the east of the sanctuary is called the Hermes at Aegeus's gate.


    This passage continues with King Minos coming for his Tribute, but our next episode explores The Corinthian Isthmus.

    LP0103 plLoT1 The Parallel Lives

    LP0103 plLoT1 The Parallel Lives
    Legendary Passages #0103,
    Lucius Mestrius Plutarchus,
    Life of Theseus [I. - VI.]
    The Parallel Lives.

    This passage begins Plutarch's comparison between the Life of Theseus and the Life of Romulus, founder of Rome.

    There are a few notable parallels, including questionable or divine parentage, strength and cunning, foundation of empires, terrible relationships, and feuds with family and countrymen.

    The story of Theseus began with wise Pittheus, son of Pelops, and King Aegeus, descendant of Erectheus. Aegeus went to an oracle to find out how to become a father, and then went to Pittheus to understand the strange reply. After a night of wine and romance, Aegeus suspected he had gotten Pittheus' daughter Aethra with child. He hid his sword and sandals under a rock for his son to retrieve when he came of age.

    Aethra had a son named Theseus, whose father was rumored to be the sea god Poseidon, and he was raised by his grandfather Pittheus. After visiting Delphi and sacrificing some of his hair to Apollo, Aethra told Theseus to retrieve his father's tokens and set out for the city of Athens.

    The Parallel Lives,
    a Legendary Passage from,
    Bernadotte Perrin translating,
    Lucius Mestrius Plutarchus,
    Life of Theseus,
    [I. - VI.]


    I. Just as geographers, O Socius Senecio, crowd on to the outer edges of their maps the parts of the earth which elude their knowledge, with explanatory notes that “What lies beyond is sandy desert without water and full of wild beasts,” or “blind marsh,” or “Scythian cold,” or “frozen sea,” so in the writing of my Parallel Lives, now that I have traversed those periods of time which are accessible to probable reasoning and which afford basis for a history dealing with facts, I might well say of the earlier periods “What lies beyond is full of marvels and unreality, a land of poets and fabulists, of doubt and obscurity.” But after publishing my account of Lycurgus the lawgiver and Numa the king, I thought I might not unreasonably go back still farther to Romulus, now that my history had brought me near his times. And as I asked myself,

    "With such a warrior” (as Aeschylus says) “who will dare to fight?
    "Whom shall I set against him? Who is competent?”

    it seemed to me that I must make the founder of lovely and famous Athens the counterpart and parallel to the father of invincible and glorious Rome. May I therefore succeed in purifying Fable, making her submit to reason and take on the semblance of History. But where she obstinately disdains to make herself credible, and refuses to admit any element of probability, I shall pray for kindly readers, and such as receive with indulgence the tales of antiquity.

    II. It seemed to me, then, that many resemblances made Theseus a fit parallel to Romulus. For both were of uncertain and obscure parentage, and got the reputation of descent from gods;

    "Both were also warriors,
    as surely the whole world knoweth,”

    and with their strength, combined sagacity. Of the world's two most illustrious cities, moreover, Rome and Athens, Romulus founded the one, and Theseus made a metropolis of the other, and each resorted to the rape of women. Besides, neither escaped domestic misfortunes and the resentful anger of kindred, but even in their last days both are said to have come into collision with their own fellow-citizens, if there is any aid to the truth in what seems to have been told with the least poetic exaggeration.

    III. The lineage of Theseus, on the father's side, goes back to Erechtheus and the first children of the soil; on the mother's side, to Pelops. For Pelops was the strongest of the kings in Peloponnesus quite as much on account of the number of his children as the amount of his wealth. He gave many daughters in marriage to men of highest rank, and scattered many sons among the cities as their rulers. One of these, named Pittheus, the grandfather of Theseus, founded the little city of Troezen, and had the highest repute as a man versed in the lore of his times and of the greatest wisdom. Now the wisdom of that day had some such form and force as that for which Hesiod was famous, especially in the sententious maxims of his Works and Days. One of these maxims is ascribed to Pittheus, namely

    "Payment pledged to a man who is dear
    must be ample and certain."

    At any rate, this is what Aristotle the philosopher says, and Euripides, when he has Hippolytus addressed as “nursling of the pure and holy Pittheus,” shows what the world thought of Pittheus.

      Now Aegeus, king of Athens, desiring to have children, is said to have received from the Pythian priestess the celebrated oracle in which she bade him to have intercourse with no woman until he came to Athens. But Aegeus thought the words of the command somewhat obscure, and therefore turned aside to Troezen and communicated to Pittheus the words of the god, which ran as follows: --

    "Loose not the wine-skin's jutting neck,
    great chief of the people,
    Until thou shalt have come once more
    to the city of Athens.”

      This dark saying Pittheus apparently understood, and persuaded him, or beguiled him, to have intercourse with his daughter Aethra. Aegeus did so, and then learning that it was the daughter of Pittheus with whom he had consorted, and suspecting that she was with child by him, he left a sword and a pair of sandals hidden under a great rock, which had a hollow in it just large enough to receive these objects. He told the princess alone about this, and bade her, if a son should be born to her from him, and if, when he came to man's estate, he should be able to lift up the rock and take away what had been left under it, to send that son to him with the tokens, in all secrecy, and concealing his journey as much as possible from everybody; for he was mightily in fear of the sons of Pallas, who were plotting against him, and who despised him on account of his childlessness; and they were fifty in number, these sons of Pallas. Then he went away.

    IV. When Aethra gave birth to a son, he was at once named Theseus, as some say, because the tokens for his recognition had been “placed” in hiding; but others say that it was afterwards at Athens, when Aegeus “acknowledged” him as his son. He was reared by Pittheus, as they say, and had an overseer and tutor named Connidas. To this man, even down to the present time, the Athenians sacrifice a ram on the day before the festival of Theseus, remembering him and honoring him with far greater justice than they honor Silanio and Parrhasius, who merely painted and moulded likenesses of Theseus.

    V. Since it was still a custom at that time for youth who were coming of age to go to Delphi and sacrifice some of their hair to the god, Theseus went to Delphi for this purpose, and they say there is a place there which still to this day is called the Theseia from him. But he sheared only the fore part of his head, just as Homer said the Abantes did, and this kind of tonsure was called Theseis after him.

      Now the Abantes were the first to cut their hair in this manner, not under instruction from the Arabians, as some suppose, nor yet in emulation of the Mysians, but because they were war-like men and close fighters, who had learned beyond all other men to force their way into close quarters with their enemies. Archilochus is witness to this in the following words: --

      "Not many bows indeed will be stretched tight,
    nor frequent slings
    Be whirled, when Ares joins men in the moil of war
    Upon the plain, but swords will do their mournful work;
    For this is the warfare wherein those men are expert
    Who lord it over Euboea and are famous with the spear."

      Therefore, in order that they might not give their enemies a hold by their hair, they cut it off. And Alexander of Macedon doubtless understood this when, as they say, he ordered his generals to have the beards of their Macedonians shaved, since these afforded the readiest hold in battle.

    VI. During the rest of the time, then, Aethra kept his true birth concealed from Theseus, and a report was spread abroad by Pittheus that he was begotten by Poseidon. For Poseidon is highly honored by the people of Troezen, and he is the patron god of their city; to him they offer first fruits in sacrifice, and they have his trident as an emblem on their coinage. But when, in his young manhood, Theseus displayed, along with his vigor of body, prowess also, and a firm spirit united with intelligence and sagacity, then Aethra brought him to the rock, told him the truth about his birth, and bade him take away his fathers tokens and go by sea to Athens.


    This passage continues next episode with the Labors of Theseus.

    LP0102 LoA3-15-2 Kings of Athens

    LP0102 LoA3-15-2 Kings of Athens
    Legendary Passages #0102,
    The Library Book 3 [3.15.2],
    Kings of Athens.

    This passage recounts the genealogy and history of Theseus, his father Aegeus, his father Pandion the second, his father Cecrops, his father Erectheus, and his father Pandion the first.

    Now, Pandion the first had many children after Erectheus, including a son Metion and a daughter Orithyia. After Erectheus died, his son Cecrops became King. But his son Pandion the second  went to Megara, married Pylia daughter of King Pylas, and had sons Aegeus, Pallas, Nisus, and Lycus.

    Meanwhile, Minos took his revenge on the sons of Pandion for the death of his own son. Minos attacked Athens, but the war ended in a stalemate. As Tribute, seven youths and maidens were to be sent to the Minotaur's Labyrinth, constructed by Daedalus.

    Finally, Theseus came of age, and after clearing the road of Periphetes the Clubman, Sinis the Pine-Bender, the Crommyonian Sow, Sciron the Corinthian, Cercyon the Wrestler, and Procrustes the Stretcher, Theseus arrived at Athens with his father's sword and sandals.

    Kings of Athens,
    a Legendary Passage from,
    J. G. Frazer translating,
    The Library Book 3,
    [3.15.2] - [E.1.4]


    While Orithyia was playing by the Ilissus river, Boreas carried her off and had intercourse with her; and she bore daughters, Cleopatra and Chione, and winged sons, Zetes and Calais. These sons sailed with Jason and met their end in chasing the Harpies; but according to Acusilaus, they were killed by Hercules in Tenos.

    Cleopatra was married to Phineus, who had by her two sons, Plexippus and Pandion. When he had these sons by Cleopatra, he married Idaea, daughter of Dardanus. She falsely accused her stepsons to Phineus of corrupting her virtue, and Phineus, believing her, blinded them both. But when the Argonauts sailed past with Boreas, they punished him.

    Chione had connexion with Poseidon, and having given birth to Eumolpus unknown to her father, in order not to be detected, she flung the child into the deep. But Poseidon picked him up and conveyed him to Ethiopia, and gave him to Benthesicyme (a daughter of his own by Amphitrite) to bring up. When he was full grown, Benthesicyme's husband gave him one of his two daughters. But he tried to force his wife's sister, and being banished on that account, he went with his son Ismarus to Tegyrius, king of Thrace, who gave his daughter in marriage to Eumolpus's son. But being afterwards detected in a plot against Tegyrius, he fled to the Eleusinians and made friends with them. Later, on the death of Ismarus, he was sent for by Tegyrius and went, composed his old feud with him, and succeeded to the kingdom. And war having broken out between the Athenians and the Eleusinians, he was called in by the Eleusinians and fought on their side with a large force of Thracians. When Erechtheus inquired of the oracle how the Athenians might be victorious, the god answered that they would win the war if he would slaughter one of his daughters; and when he slaughtered his youngest, the others also slaughtered themselves; for, as some said, they had taken an oath among themselves to perish together. In the battle which took place after the slaughter, Erechtheus killed Eumolpus.

    But Poseidon having destroyed Erechtheus and his house, Cecrops, the eldest of the sons of Erechtheus, succeeded to the throne. He married Metiadusa, daughter of Eupalamus, and begat Pandion. This Pandion, reigning after Cecrops, was expelled by the sons of Metion in a sedition, and going to Pylas at Megara married his daughter Pylia. And at a later time he was even appointed king of the city; for Pylas slew his father's brother Bias and gave the kingdom to Pandion, while he himself repaired to Peloponnese with a body of people and founded the city of Pylus.

    While Pandion was at Megara, he had sons born to him, to wit, Aegeus, Pallas, Nisus, and Lycus. But some say that Aegeus was a son of Scyrius, but was passed off by Pandion as his own.

    After the death of Pandion his sons marched against Athens, expelled the Metionids, and divided the government in four; but Aegeus had the whole power. The first wife whom he married was Meta, daughter of Hoples, and the second was Chalciope, daughter of Rhexenor. As no child was born to him, he feared his brothers, and went to Pythia and consulted the oracle concerning the begetting of children. The god answered him:

    The bulging mouth of the wineskin, O best of men, loose not until thou hast reached the height of Athens.

    Not knowing what to make of the oracle, he set out on his return to Athens.

    And journeying by way of Troezen, he lodged with Pittheus, son of Pelops, who, understanding the oracle, made him drunk and caused him to lie with his daughter Aethra. But in the same night Poseidon also had connexion with her. Now Aegeus charged Aethra that, if she gave birth to a male child, she should rear it, without telling whose it was; and he left a sword and sandals under a certain rock, saying that when the boy could roll away the rock and take them up, she was then to send him away with them.

    But he himself came to Athens and celebrated the games of the Panathenian festival, in which Androgeus, son of Minos, vanquished all comers. Him Aegeus sent against the bull of Marathon, by which he was destroyed. But some say that as he journeyed to Thebes to take part in the games in honor of Laius, he was waylaid and murdered by the jealous competitors. But when the tidings of his death were brought to Minos, as he was sacrificing to the Graces in Paros, he threw away the garland from his head and stopped the music of the flute, but nevertheless completed the sacrifice; hence down to this day they sacrifice to the Graces in Paros without flutes and garlands.

    But not long afterwards, being master of the sea, he attacked Athens with a fleet and captured Megara, then ruled by king Nisus, son of Pandion, and he slew Megareus, son of Hippomenes, who had come from Onchestus to the help of Nisus. Now Nisus perished through his daughter's treachery. For he had a purple hair on the middle of his head, and an oracle ran that when it was pulled out he should die; and his daughter Scylla fell in love with Minos and pulled out the hair. But when Minos had made himself master of Megara, he tied the damsel by the feet to the stern of the ship and drowned her.

    When the war lingered on and he could not take Athens, he prayed to Zeus that he might be avenged on the Athenians. And the city being visited with a famine and a pestilence, the Athenians at first, in obedience to an ancient oracle, slaughtered the daughters of Hyacinth, to wit, Antheis, Aegleis, Lytaea, and Orthaea, on the grave of Geraestus, the Cyclops; now Hyacinth, the father of the damsels, had come from Lacedaemon and dwelt in Athens. But when this was of no avail, they inquired of the oracle how they could be delivered; and the god answered them that they should give Minos whatever satisfaction he might choose. So they sent to Minos and left it to him to claim satisfaction. And Minos ordered them to send seven youths and the same number of damsels without weapons to be fodder for the Minotaur. Now the Minotaur was confined in a labyrinth, in which he who entered could not find his way out; for many a winding turn shut off the secret outward way. The labyrinth was constructed by Daedalus, whose father was Eupalamus, son of Metion, and whose mother was Alcippe; for he was an excellent architect and the first inventor of images. He had fled from Athens, because he had thrown down from the acropolis Talos, the son of his sister Perdix; for Talos was his pupil, and Daedalus feared that with his talents he might surpass himself, seeing that he had sawed a thin stick with a jawbone of a snake which he had found. But the corpse was discovered; Daedalus was tried in the Areopagus, and being condemned fled to Minos. And there Pasiphae having fallen in love with the bull of Poseidon, Daedalus acted as her accomplice by contriving a wooden cow, and he constructed the labyrinth, to which the Athenians every year sent seven youths and as many damsels to be fodder for the Minotaur.

    Aethra bore to Aegeus a son Theseus, and when he was grown up, he pushed away the rock and took up the sandals and the sword, and hastened on foot to Athens. And he cleared the road, which had been beset by evildoers. For first in Epidaurus he slew Periphetes, son of Hephaestus and Anticlia, who was surnamed the Clubman from the club which he carried. For being crazy on his legs he carried an iron club, with which he despatched the passers-by. That club Theseus wrested from him and continued to carry about.

    Second, he killed Sinis, son of Polypemon and Sylea, daughter of Corinthus. This Sinis was surnamed the Pine-bender; for inhabiting the Isthmus of Corinth he used to force the passersby to keep bending pine trees; but they were too weak to do so, and being tossed up by the trees they perished miserably. In that way also Theseus killed Sinis.

    Third, he slew at Crommyon the sow that was called Phaea after the old woman who bred it; that sow, some say, was the offspring of Echidna and Typhon.

    Fourth, he slew Sciron, the Corinthian, son of Pelops, or, as some say, of Poseidon. He in the Megarian territory held the rocks called after him Scironian, and compelled passers-by to wash his feet, and in the act of washing he kicked them into the deep to be the prey of a huge turtle.

    But Theseus seized him by the feet and threw him into the sea. Fifth, in Eleusis he slew Cercyon, son of Branchus and a nymph Argiope. This Cercyon compelled passers-by to wrestle, and in wrestling killed them. But Theseus lifted him up on high and dashed him to the ground.

    Sixth, he slew Damastes, whom some call Polypemon. He had his dwelling beside the road, and made up two beds, one small and the other big; and offering hospitality to the passers-by, he laid the short men on the big bed and hammered them, to make them fit the bed; but the tall men he laid on the little bed and sawed off the portions of the body that projected beyond it.

    So, having cleared the road, Theseus came to Athens.


    This passage continues into the Epitome of Theseus, but our next episode compares Theseus to Romulus and their Parallel Lives.

    LP0101 ovMeta7-322 Medea & Aegeus

    LP0101 ovMeta7-322 Medea & Aegeus
    Legendary Passages #0101,
    Publius Ovidius Naso,
    Metamorphoses Book 7 [322],
    Medea & Aegeus.

    Previously, Medea convinced the daughters of Pelias to slay their father. In this passage, they do just that, and Medea flies from Iolcus to Corinth to Athens, sowing chaos in her wake.

    After slaying Pelias, Medea and her dragons sail over Pelion, Orthrys, Pittane, Ida's grove, Eurypylus, Rhodes, Carthaea, Hyrie, Pleuron, Calauria, and Cyllene; all with their own legends.

    After burning the palace in Corinth, she came to Athens and married King Aegeus. When Theseus arrived, she brewed aconite, a poison from the very land where Hercules brought up from Hades the three-headed dog Cerberus.

    Finally, once father and son are reunited, the Athenians sing of the Labors of Theseus.

    Medea & Aegeus,
    a Legendary Passage from,
    Brookes More translating,
    Publius Ovidius Naso,
    Metamorphoses Book 7,
    [322] - [453]


    Three times Phoebus unyoked his steeds after their plunge in Ebro's stream, and on the fourth night stars shown brilliant on the dark foil of the sky, and then the treacherous daughter of Aeetes set some clear water over a hot fire and put in it herbs of no potency. And now a death-like sleep held the king down, his body all relaxed, and with the king his guards, a sleep which incantations with the potency of magic words had given. The sad king's daughters, as they had been bid, were in his room, and with Medea stood around his bed. "Why do you hesitate,” Medea said. “You laggards, come and draw your swords; let out his old blood that I may refill his empty veins again with young blood. In your hands your father's life and youth are resting. You, his daughters, must have love for him, and if the hopes you have are not all vain, come, do your duty by your father; drive out old age at the point of your good weapons; and let out his blood enfeebled—cure him with the stroke of iron.” Spurred on by these words, as each one of them was filial she became the leader in the most unfilial act, and that she might not be most wicked did the wicked deed. Not one could bear to see her own blows, so they turned their eyes away; and every face averted so, they blindly struck him with their cruel hands. The old man streaming with his blood, still raised himself on elbow, and half mangled tried to get up from his bed; with all those swords around him, he stretched out his pale arms and he cried: “What will you do, my daughters? What has armed you to the death of your loved father?” Their wrong courage left them, and their hands fell. When he would have said still more, Medea cut his throat and plunged his mangled body into boiling water.

    Only because her winged dragons sailed swiftly with her up to the lofty sky, escaped Medea punishment for this unheard of crime. Her chariot sailed above embowered Pelion—long the lofty home of Chiron—over Othrys, and the vale made famous where Cerambus met his fate. Cerambus, by the aid of nymphs, from there was wafted through the air on wings, when earth was covered by the overwhelming sea—and so escaped Deucalion's flood, uncrowned.

    She passed by Pittane upon the left, with its huge serpent-image of hard stone, and also passed the grove called Ida's, where the stolen bull was changed by Bacchus' power into a hunted stag—in that same vale Paris lies buried in the sand; and over fields where Mera warning harked, Medea flew; over the city of Eurypylus upon the Isle of Cos, whose women wore the horns of cattle when from there had gone the herd of Hercules; and over Rhodes beloved of Phoebus, where Telchinian tribes dwelt, whose bad eyes corrupting power shot forth;—Jove, utterly despising, thrust them deep beneath his brother's waves; over the walls of old Carthaea, where Alcidamas had seen with wonder a tame dove arise from his own daughter's body.

    And she saw the lakes of Hyrie in Teumesia's Vale, by swans frequented—There to satisfy his love for Cycnus, Phyllius gave two living vultures: shell for him subdued a lion, and delivered it to him; and mastered a great bull, at his command; but when the wearied Phyllius refused to render to his friend the valued bull. Indignant, the youth said, “You shall regret your hasty words;” which having said, he leaped from a high precipice, as if to death; but gliding through the air, on snow-white wings, was changed into a swan—Dissolved in tears, his mother Hyrie knew not he was saved; and weeping, formed the lake that bears her name.

    And over Pleuron, where on trembling wings escaped the mother Combe from her sons, Medea flew; and over the far isle Calauria, sacred to Latona.—She beheld the conscious fields whose lawful king, together with his queen were changed to birds. Upon her right Cyllene could be seen; there Menephon, degraded as a beast, outraged his mother. In the distance, she beheld Cephisius, who lamented long his hapless grandson, by Apollo changed into a bloated sea-calf. And she saw the house where king Eumelus mourned the death of his aspiring son.—


    Borne on the wings of her enchanted dragons, she arrived at Corinth, whose inhabitants, 'tis said, from many mushrooms, watered by the rain sprang into being. There she spent some years. But after the new wife had been burnt by the Colchian witchcraft and two seas had seen the king's own palace all aflame, then, savagely she drew her sword, and bathed it in the blood of her own infant sons; by which atrocious act she was revenged; and she, a wife and mother, fled the sword of her own husband, Jason. On the wings of her enchanted Titan Dragons borne, she made escape, securely, nor delayed until she entered the defended walls of great Minerva's city, at the hour when aged Periphas—transformed by Jove, together with his queen, on eagle wings flew over its encircling walls: with whom the guilty Halcyone, skimming seas safely escaped, upon her balanced wings. And after these events, Medea went to Aegeus, king of Athens, where she found protection from her enemies for all this evil done. With added wickedness Aegeus, after that, united her to him in marriage.—

    All unknown to him came Theseus to his kingly court.—Before the time his valor had established peace on all the isthmus, raved by dual seas. Medea, seeking his destruction, brewed the juice of aconite, infesting shores of Scythia, where, 'tis fabled, the plant grew on soil infected by Cerberian teeth. There is a gloomy entrance to a cave, that follows a declivitous descent: there Hercules with chains of adamant dragged from the dreary edge of Tartarus that monster-watch-dog, Cerberus, which, vain opposing, turned his eyes aslant from light—from dazzling day. Delirious, enraged, that monster shook the air with triple howls; and, frothing, sprinkled as it raved, the fields, once green—with spewing of white poison-foam. And this, converted into plants, sucked up a deadly venom with the nourishment of former soils, -- from which productive grew upon the rock, thus formed, the noxious plant; by rustics, from that cause, named aconite. Medea worked on Aegeus to present his own son, Theseus, with a deadly cup of aconite; prevailing by her art so that he deemed his son an enemy. Theseus unwittingly received the cup, but just before he touched it to his lips, his father recognized the sword he wore, for, graven on its ivory hilt was wrought a known device—the token of his race. Astonished, Aegeus struck the poison-cup from his devoted son's confiding lips. Medea suddenly escaped from death, in a dark whirlwind her witch-singing raised.


    Recoiling from such utter wickedness, rejoicing that his son escaped from death, the grateful father kindled altar-fires, and gave rich treasure to the living Gods.—He slaughtered scores of oxen, decked with flowers and gilded horns. The sun has never shone upon a day more famous in that land, for all the elders and the common folk united in festivities,—with wine inspiring wit and song;—

    "O you,” they sang, “Immortal Theseus, victory was yours!
    Did you not slaughter the huge bull of Crete?
    Yes, you did slay the boar of Cromyon—
    where now the peasant unmolested plows;
    And Periphetes, wielder of the club,
    was worsted when he struggled with your strength;
    And fierce Procrustes,
    matched with you beside the rapid river, met his death;
    And even Cercyon, in Eleusis lost his wicked life—
    inferior to your might;
    And Sinis, a monstrosity of strength,
    who bent the trunks of trees, and used his might
    Against the world for everything that's wrong.
    For evil, he would force down to the earth,
    Pine tops to shoot men's bodies through the air.
    Even the road to Megara is safe,
    For you did hurl the robber Scyron,—sheer—over the cliff.
    Both land and sea denied
    His bones a resting place—
    as tossed about they changed into the cliffs that bear his name.
    How can we tell the number of your deeds,—
    deeds glorious, that now exceed your years!
    For you, brave hero, we give public thanks and prayers;
    to you we drain our cups of wine!”

    And all the palace rings with happy songs, and with the grateful prayers of all the people. And sorrow in that city is not known.—

    But pleasure always is alloyed with grief, and sorrow mingles in the joyous hour. While the king Aegeus and his son rejoiced, Minos prepared for war.


    This passage continues with Minos and Aeacus, but our next episode returns to the Kings of Athens.

    LP0100 dsLoH4-56-3 The Birth of Theseus

    LP0100 dsLoH4-56-3 The Birth of Theseus
    Legendary Passages #0100,
    Diodorus Siculus,
    Library of History [4.56.3],
    The Birth of Theseus.

    The next 25 episodes cover the early adventures of Theseus, son of Aegeus. In this passage, he journeys to Athens to be recognized by his father.

    But first, this passage continues from last episode with an alternate route of the Argonauts around the Iberian Peninsula.

    Then, the sons of Heracles fought wars against Eurystheus, Mycenae, Troy, and the Dorian Invasion.

    Finally, Theseus was born to Aethra, daughter of Pittheus. On the way to Athens, he slew Corynetes the Clubber, Sinis the Pine-Bender, the Crommyonian Sow, Sceiron of Megara, Cercyon the Wrestler, and Procrustes the Stretcher.

    Once recognized, Theseus and Aegeus sacrificed the Marathonian bull, the sire of the Minotaur...

    The Birth of Theseus,
    a Legendary Passage from,
    C. H. Oldfather translating,
    Diodorus Siculus,
    Library of History,
    [4.56.3] - [4.59.6]



    Not a few both of the ancient historians and of the later ones as well, one of whom is Timaeus, say that the Argonauts, after the seizure of the fleece, learning that the mouth of the Pontus had already been blockaded by the fleet of Aeëtes, performed an amazing exploit which is worthy of mention. They sailed, that is to say, up the Tanaïs river as far as its sources, and at a certain place they hauled the ship overland, and following in turn another river which flows into the ocean they sailed down it to the sea; then they made their course from the north to the west, keeping the land on the left, and when they had arrived near Gadeira (Cadiz) they sailed into our sea.

    And the writers even offer proofs of these things, pointing out that the Celts who dwell along the ocean venerate the Dioscori above any of the gods, since they have a tradition handed down from ancient times that these gods appeared among them coming from the ocean. Moreover, the country which skirts the ocean bears, they say, not a few names which are derived from the Argonauts and the Dioscori.

    And likewise the continent this side of Gadeira contains visible tokens of the return voyage of the Argonauts. So, for example, as they sailed about the Tyrrhenian Sea, when they put in at an island called Aethaleia they named its harbour, which is the fairest of any in those regions, Argoön after their ship, and such has remained its name to this day.

    In like manner to what we have just narrated a harbour in Etruria eight hundred stades from Rome was named by them Telamon, and also at Phormia in Italy the harbour Aeëtes, which is now known as Caeëtes. Furthermore when they were driven by winds to the Syrtes and had learned from Triton, who was king of Libya at that time, of the peculiar nature of the sea there, upon escaping safe out of the peril they presented him with the bronze tripod which was inscribed with ancient characters and stood until rather recent times among the people of Euhesperis.

    We must not leave unrefuted the account of those who state that the Argonauts sailed up the river Ister river as far as its sources and then, by its arm which flows in the opposite direction, descended to the Adriatic Gulf.

    For time has refuted those who assumed that the Ister which empties by several mouths into the Pontus and the Ister which issues into the Adriatic flow from the same regions. As a matter of fact, when the Romans subdued the nation of the Istrians it was discovered that the latter river has its sources only forty stades from the sea. But the cause of the error on the part of the historians was, they say, the identity in name of the two rivers.


    Since we have sufficiently elaborated the history of the Argonauts and the deeds accomplished by Heracles, it may be appropriate also to record, in accordance with the promise we made, the deeds of his sons.

    Now after the deification of Heracles his sons made their home in Trachis at the court of Ceÿx the king. But later, when Hyllus and some of the others had attained manhood, Eurystheus, being afraid lest, after they had all come of age, he might be driven from his kingdom at Mycenae, decided to send the Heracleidae into exile from the whole of Greece.

    Consequently he served notice upon Ceÿx, the king, to banish both the Heracleidae and the sons of Licymnius, and Iolaüs as well and the band of Arcadians who had served with Heracles on his campaigns, adding that, if he should fail to do these things, he must submit to war.

    But the Heracleidae and their friends, perceiving that they were of themselves not sufficient in number to carry on a war against Eurystheus, decided to leave Trachis of their own free will, and going about among the most important of the other cities they asked them to receive them as fellow-townsmen. When no other city had the courage to take them in, the Athenians alone of all, such being their inborn sense of justice, extended a welcome to the sons of Heracles, and they settled them and their companions in the flight in the city of Tricorythus, which is one of the cities of what is called the Tetrapolis.

    And after some time, when all the sons of Heracles had attained to manhood and a spirit of pride sprang up in the young men because of the glory of descent from Heracles, Eurystheus, viewing with suspicion their growing power, came up against them with a great army.

    But the Heracleidae, who had the aid of the Athenians, chose as their leader Iolaüs, the nephew of Heracles, and after entrusting to him and Theseus and Hyllus the direction of the war, they defeated Eurystheus in a pitched battle. In the course of the battle the larger part of the army of Eurystheus was slain and Eurystheus himself, when his chariot was wrecked in the flight, was killed by Hyllus, the son of Heracles; likewise the sons of Eurystheus perished in the battle to a man.

    After these events all the Heracleidae, now that they had conquered Eurystheus in a battle whose fame was noised abroad and were well supplied with allies because of their success, embarked upon a campaign against Peloponnesus with Hyllus as their commander.

    Atreus, after the death of Eurystheus, had taken over the kingship in Mycenae, and having added to his forces the Tegeatans and certain other peoples as allies, he went forth to meet the Heracleidae.

    When the two armies were assembled at the Isthmus, Hyllus, Heracles’ son challenged to single combat any one of the enemy who would face him, on the agreement that, if Hyllus should conquer his opponent, the Heracleidae should receive the kingdom of Eurystheus, but that, if Hyllus were defeated, the Heracleidae would not return to Peloponnesus for a period of fifty years.

    Echemus, the king of the Tegeatans, came out to meet the challenge, and in the single combat which followed Hyllus was slain and the Heracleidae gave up, as they had promised, their effort to return and made their way back to Tricorythus.

    Some time later Licymnius and his sons and Tlepolemus, the son of Heracles, made their home in Argos, the Argives admitting them to citizenship of their own accord; but all the rest who had made their homes in Tricorythus, when the fifty-year period had expired, returned to the Peloponnesus. Their deeds we shall record when we have come to those times.

    Alcmenê returned to Thebes, and when some time later she vanished from sight she received divine honours at the hands of the Thebans. The rest of the Heracleidae, they say, came to Aegimius, the son of Dorus, and demanding back the land which their father had entrusted to him made their home among the Dorians.


    But Tlepolemus, the son of Heracles, while he dwelt in Argos, slew Licymnius, the son of Electryon, we are told, in a quarrel over a certain matter, and being exiled from Argos because of this murder changed his residence to Rhodes. The island was inhabited at that time by Greeks who had been planted there by Triopas, the son of Phorbas.

    Accordingly, Tlepolemus, acting with the common consent of the natives, divided Rhodes into three parts and founded there three cities, Lindus, Ielysus (Ialysus), and Cameirus; and he became king over all the Rhodians, because of the fame of his father Heracles, and in later times took part with Agamemnon in the war against Troy.


    But since we have set forth the facts concerning Heracles and his descendants, it will be appropriate in this connexion to speak of Theseus, since he emulated the Labours of Heracles. Theseus, then, was born of Aethra, the daughter of Pittheus, and Poseidon, and was reared in Troezen at the home of Pittheus, his mother’s father, and after he had found and taken up the tokens which, as the myths relate, had been placed by Aegeus beneath a certain rock, he came to Athens. And taking the road along the coast, as men say, since he emulated the high achievements of Heracles, he set out performing Labours which would bring him both approbation and fame.


    The first, then, whom he slew was he who was called Corynetes, who carried a korynê, as it was called, or club which was the weapon with which he fought, and with it killed any who passed by, and the second was Sinis who made his home on the Isthmus.

    Sinis, it should be explained, use to bend over two pines, fasten one arm to each of them, and then suddenly release the pines, the result being that the bodies were pulled asunder by the force of the pines and the unfortunate victims met a death of great vengeance.

    For his third deed he slew the wild sow which had its haunts about Crommyon, a beast which excelled in both ferocity and size and was killing many human beings. Then he punished Sceiron who made his home in the rocks of Megaris which are called after him the Sceironian Rocks. This man, namely, made it his practice to compel those who passed by to wash his feet at a precipitous place, and then, suddenly giving them a kick, he would roll them down the crags into the sea at a place called Chelonê (Turtle).

    And near Eleusis he slew Cercyon, who wrestled with those who passed by and killed whomever he could defeat. After this he put to death Procrustes, as he was called, who dwelt in what was known as Corydallus in Attica; this man compelled the travelers who passed by to lie down upon a bed, and if any were too long for the bed he cut off the parts of their body which protruded, while in the case of such as were too shot for it he stretched (prokrouein) their legs, this being the reason why he was given the name Procrustes.

    After successfully accomplishing the deeds which we have mentioned, Theseus came to Athens and by means of the tokens caused Aegeus to recognize him. Then he grappled with the Marathonian bull which Heracles in the performance of one of his Labours had brought from Crete to the Peloponnesus, and mastering the animal he brought it to Athens; this bull Aegeus received from him and sacrificed to Apollo.


    This passage continues with the kingship of Theseus, but our next episode revisits Medea & Aegeus.

    LP0099 -XXV ARGO- The End of the Argo, from Diodorus' Library of History

    LP0099 -XXV ARGO- The End of the Argo, from Diodorus' Library of History
    Legendary Passages #0099 -XXV ARGO-
    The End of the Argo, from Diodorus' Library of History.

    Previously, Medea tricked the daughters of Pelias into killing their own father. In this passage, the Argonauts take over Iolcus, and Jason hands the kingdom over to Acastus, the king's son.

    Jason and Medea live happily in Corinth, but Jason stets aside his wife to marry the daughter of Creon, so Medea sneaks into the palace with a magic root that burns the palace to ash.

    Finally, Medea cured Heracles of his madness, and then came to Athens and married King Aegeus. When his son Theseus arrived she was exiled, and eventually returned home to Colchus.


    The End of the Argo,
    a Legendary Passage from,
    BOOK IV. Sections 52 - 56,
    trans. by C. H. OLDFATHER.

    [4.52.4] - [4.56.2]

    After Pelias had been slain in this way, Medea, they say, took no part in cutting the body to pieces or in boiling it, but pretending that she must first offer prayers to the moon, she caused the maidens to ascend with lamps to the highest part of the roof of the palace, while she herself took much time repeating a long prayer in the Colchian speech, thus affording an interval to those who were to make the attack.

    Consequently the Argonauts, when from their look-out they made out the fire, believing that the slaying of the king had been accomplished, hastened to the city on the run, and passing inside the walls entered the palace with drawn swords and slew such guards as offered opposition. The daughters of Pelias, who had only at that moment descended from the roof to attend to the boiling of their father, when they saw to their surprise both Jason and the chieftains in the palace, were filled with dismay at what had befallen them; for it was not within their power to avenge themselves on Medea, nor could they by deceit make amends for the abominable act which they had done.

    Consequently the daughters, it is related, were about to make an end of their lives, but Jason, taking pity upon their distress, restrained them, and exhorting them to be of good courage, showed them that it was not from evil design that they had done wrong but it was against their will and because of deception that they had suffered the misfortune.

    Jason now, we are informed, promising all his kindred in general that he would conduct himself honourably and magnanimously, summoned the people to an assembly. And after defending himself for what he had done and explaining that he had only taken vengeance on men who had wronged him first, inflicting a less severe punishment on them than the evils he himself had suffered, he bestowed upon Acastus, the son of Pelias, the ancestral kingdom, and as for the daughters of the king, he said that he considered it right that he himself should assume the responsibility for them.

    And ultimately he fulfilled his promise, they say, by joining them all in marriage after a time to the most renowned men. Alcestis, for instance, the eldest he gave in marriage to Admetus of Thessaly, the son of Pheres, Amphinomê to Andraemon, the brother of Leonteus, Euadnê to Canes, who was the son of Cephalus and king at that time of the Phocians. These marriages he arranged at a later period; but at the time in question, sailing together with the chieftains to the Isthmus of Peloponnesus, he performed a sacrifice to Poseidon and also dedicated to the god the ship Argo.

    And since he received a great welcome at the court of Creon, the king of the Corinthians, he became a citizen of that city and spent the rest of his days in Corinth.


    When the Argonauts were on the point of separating and departing to their native lands, Heracles, they say, proposed to the chieftains that, in view of the unexpected turns fortune takes, they should exchange oaths among one another to fight at the side of anyone of their number who should call for aid; and that, furthermore, they should choose out the most excellent place in Greece, there to institute games and a festival for the whole race, and should dedicate the games to the greatest of the gods, Olympian Zeus.

    After the chieftains had taken their oath concerning the alliance and had entrusted Heracles with the management of the games, he, they say, picked the place for the festival on the bank of the Alpheius river in the land of the Eleans. Accordingly, this place beside the river he made sacred to the greatest of the gods and called it Olympia after his appellation. When he had instituted horse-raced and gymnastic contests, he fixed the rules governing the events and then dispatched sacred commissioners to announce to the cities the spectacle of the games.

    And although Heracles had won no moderate degree of fame because of the high esteem in which he was held by the Argonauts throughout their expedition, to this was now added the glory of having founded the festival at Olympia, so that he was the most renowned man among all the Greeks and, known as he was in almost every state, there were many who sought his friendship and who were eager to share with him in every danger.

    And since he was an object of admiration because of his bravery and his skill as a general, he gathered a most powerful army and visited all the inhabited world, conferring his benefactions upon the race of men, and it was in return for these that with general approval he received the gift of immortality. But the poets, following their custom of giving a tale of wonder, have recounted the myth that Heracles, single-handed and without the aid of armed forces, performed the Labours which are on the lips of all.


    But we have now recounted all the myths which are told about this god, and at this time must add what remains to be said about Jason. The account runs like this:– Jason made his home in Corinth and living with Medea as his wife for ten years he begat children by her, the two oldest, Thessalus and Alcimenes, being twins, and the third, Tisandrus, being much younger than the other two.

    Now during this period, we are informed, Medea was highly approved by her husband, because she not only excelled in beauty but was adorned with modesty and every other virtue; but afterward, as time more and more diminished her natural comeliness, Jason, it is said, became enamoured of Glaucê, Creon’s daughter, and sought the maiden’s hand in marriage.

    After her father had given his consent and had set a day for the marriage, Jason, they say, at first tried to persuade Medea to withdraw from their wedlock of her free-will; for, he told her, he desired to marry the maiden, not because he felt his relations with Medea were beneath him, but because he was eager to establish a kinship between the king’s house and his children.

    But when his wife was angered and called upon the gods who had been the witnesses of their vows, they say that Jason, disdaining the vows, married the daughter of the king.

    Thereupon Medea was driven out of the city, and being allowed by Creon but one day to make the preparations for her exile, she entered the palace by night, having altered her appearance by means of drugs, and set fire to the building by applying to it a little root which had been discovered by her sister Circê and had the property that when it was kindled it was hard to put out. Now when the palace suddenly burst into flames, Jason quickly made his way out if it, but as for Glaucê and Creon, the fire hemmed them in on all sides and they were consumed by it.

    Certain historians, however, say that the son of Medea brought to the bride gifts which had been anointed with poisons, and that when Glaucê took them and put them about her body both she herself met her end and her father, when he ran to help her and embraced her body, likewise perished.

    Although Medea had been successful in her first undertakings, yet she did not refrain, so we are told, from taking her revenge upon Jason. For she had come to such a state of rage and jealousy, yes, even of savageness, that, since he had escaped from the peril which threatened him at the same time as his bride, she determined, by the murder of the children of them both, to plunge him into the deepest misfortunes; for, except for the one son who made his escape from her, she slew the other sons and in company with her most faithful maids fled in the dead of night from Corinth and made her way safely to Heracles in Thebes. Her reason for doing so was that Heracles had acted as a mediator in connection with the agreements which had been entered into in the land of the Colchians and had promised to come to her aid if she should ever find them violated.

    Meanwhile, they go on to say, in the opinion of everyone Jason, in losing children and wife, had suffered only what was just; consequently, being unable to endure the magnitude of the affliction, he put an end to his life. The Corinthians were greatly distressed at such a terrible reversal of fortune and were especially perplexed about the burial of the children. Accordingly, they dispatched messengers to Pytho to inquire of the god what should be done with the bodies of the children, and the Pythian priestess commanded them to bury the children in the sacred precinct of Hera and to pay them the honours which are recorded to heroes.

    After the Corinthians had performed this command, Thessalus, they say, who had escaped being murdered by his mother, was reared as a youth in Corinth and then removed to Iolcus, which was the native land of Jason; and finding on his arrival that Acastus, the son of Pelias, had recently died, he took over the throne which belonged to him by inheritance and called the people who were subject to himself Thessalians after his own name.

    I am not unaware that this is not the only explanation given of the name the Thessalians bear, but the fact is that the other accounts which have been handed down to us are likewise at variance with one another, and concerning these we shall speak on a more appropriate occasion.


    Now as for Medea, they say, on finding upon her arrival in Thebes that Heracles was possessed of a frenzy of madness and had slain his sons, she restored him to health by means of drugs. But since Eurystheus was pressing Heracles with his commands, she despaired of receiving any aid from him at the moment and sought refuge in Athens with Aegeus, the son of Pandion.

    Here, as some say, she married Aegeus and gave birth to Medus, who was later king of Media, but certain writers give the account that, when her person was demanded by Hippotes, the son of Creon, she was granted a trial and cleared of the charges he raised against her.

    After this, when Theseus returned to Athens from Troezen, a charge of poisoning was brought against her and she was exiled from the city; but by the gift of Aegeus she received an escort to go with her to whatever country she might wish and she came to Phoenicia.


    From there she journeyed into the interior regions of Asia and married a certain king of renown, to whom she bore a son Medus; and the son, succeeding to the throne after the death of the father, was greatly admired for his courage and named the people Medes after himself.

    Speaking generally, it is because of the desire of the tragic poets for the marvelous that so varied and inconsistent an account of Medea has been given out; and some indeed, in their desire to win favour with the Athenians, say that she took that Medus who she bore to Aegeus and got off safe to Colchis; and at that time Aeëtes, who had been forcibly driven from the throne by his brother Perses, ahd regained his kingdom, Medus, Medea’s son, having slain Perses; and that afterwards Medus, securing the command of an army, advanced over a large part of Asia which lies above the Pontus and secured possession of Media, which has been named after this Medus.

    But since in our judgment it is unnecessary and would be tedious to record all the assertions which the writers of myths have made about Medea, we shall add only those items which have been passed over concerning the history of the Argonauts.


    This passage concludes our collection of twenty-five episodes on the Argonauts.

    LP0098 -XXIV ARGO- Medea & The Argo, from The Library of Apollodorus

    LP0098 -XXIV ARGO- Medea & The Argo, from The Library of Apollodorus
    Legendary Passages #0098 -XXIV ARGO-
    Medea & The Argo, from The Library of Apollodorus.

    Previously, the Argonauts had many adventures on their quest to obtain the Golden Fleece. In this passage, Medea's own story comes to the forefront.

    Not only does she help Jason win the fleece, but slays her own brother to aid in their escape. After being purified for this deed by her aunt Circe, Medea weds Jason on the isle of the Phaeacians.

    Medea defeats the bronze giant named Talos on the isle of Crete; and when they return to Iolcus, tricks the daughters of Pelias into killing their own father, the king, to avenge Jason's family.

    Jason and Medea live in Corinth for ten years and had two sons, but he divorces her and marries the daughter of Creon. Medea poisons Creon and his daughter; and her own sons die at either her hand, or at the hand of the Corinthians.

    Medea lands in Athens and marries King Aegeus, but his son Theseus drives her away. She returns home to Colchis, kills her uncle, and then returns the throne to her father Aeetes.


    Medea & The Argo,
    a Legendary Passage from,
    BOOK 1 Section 9,
    translated by J. G. FRAZER.

    [1.9.23] - [1.9.28]

    When the ship was brought into port, Jason repaired to Aeetes, and setting forth the charge laid on him by Pelias invited him to give him the fleece. The other promised to give it if single-handed he would yoke the brazen-footed bulls. These were two wild bulls that he had, of enormous size, a gift of Hephaestus; they had brazen feet and puffed fire from their mouths. These creatures Aeetes ordered him to yoke and to sow dragon's teeth; for he had got from Athena half of the dragon's teeth which Cadmus sowed in Thebes. While Jason puzzled how he could yoke the bulls, Medea conceived a passion for him; now she was a witch, daughter of Aeetes and Idyia, daughter of Ocean. And fearing lest he might be destroyed by the bulls, she, keeping the thing from her father, promised to help him to yoke the bulls and to deliver to him the fleece, if he would swear to have her to wife and would take her with him on the voyage to Greece. When Jason swore to do so, she gave him a drug with which she bade him anoint his shield, spear, and body when he was about to yoke the bulls; for she said that, anointed with it, he could for a single day be harmed neither by fire nor by iron. And she signified to him that, when the teeth were sown, armed men would spring up from the ground against him; and when he saw a knot of them he was to throw stones into their midst from a distance, and when they fought each other about that, he was taken to kill them. On hearing that, Jason anointed himself with the drug, and being come to the grove of the temple he sought the bulls, and though they charged him with a flame of fire, he yoked them. And when he had sowed the teeth, there rose armed men from the ground; and where he saw several together, he pelted them unseen with stones, and when they fought each other he drew near and slew them. But though the bulls were yoked, Aeetes did not give the fleece; for he wished to burn down the Argo and kill the crew. But before he could do so, Medea brought Jason by night to the fleece, and having lulled to sleep by her drugs the dragon that guarded it, she possessed herself of the fleece and in Jason's company came to the Argo. She was attended, too, by her brother Apsyrtus. And with them the Argonauts put to sea by night.

    When Aeetes discovered the daring deeds done by Medea, he started off in pursuit of the ship; but when she saw him near, Medea murdered her brother and cutting him limb from limb threw the pieces into the deep. Gathering the child's limbs, Aeetes fell behind in the pursuit; wherefore he turned back, and, having buried the rescued limbs of his child, he called the place Tomi. But he sent out many of the Colchians to search for the Argo, threatening that, if they did not bring Medea to him, they should suffer the punishment due to her; so they separated and pursued the search in diverse places.

    When the Argonauts were already sailing past the Eridanus river, Zeus sent a furious storm upon them, and drove them out of their course, because he was angry at the murder of Apsyrtus. And as they were sailing past the Apsyrtides Islands, the ship spoke, saying that the wrath of Zeus would not cease unless they journeyed to Ausonia and were purified by Circe for the murder of Apsyrtus. So when they had sailed past the Ligurian and Celtic nations and had voyaged through the Sardinian Sea, they skirted Tyrrhenia and came to Aeaea, where they supplicated Circe and were purified.

    And as they sailed past the Sirens, Orpheus restrained the Argonauts by chanting a counter-melody. Butes alone swam off to the Sirens, but Aphrodite carried him away and settled him in Lilybaeum.

    After the Sirens, the ship encountered Charybdis and Scylla and the Wandering Rocks, above which a great flame and smoke were seen rising. But Thetis with the Nereids steered the ship through them at the summons of Hera.

    Having passed by the Island of Thrinacia, where are the kine of the Sun, they came to Corcyra, the island of the Phaeacians, of which Alcinous was king. But when the Colchians could not find the ship, some of them settled at the Ceraunian mountains, and some journeyed to Illyria and colonized the Apsyrtides Islands. But some came to the Phaeacians, and finding the Argo there, they demanded of Alcinous that he should give up Medea. He answered, that if she already knew Jason, he would give her to him, but that if she were still a maid he would send her away to her father. However, Arete, wife of Alcinous, anticipated matters by marrying Medea to Jason; hence the Colchians settled down among the Phaeacians and the Argonauts put to sea with Medea.

    Sailing by night they encountered a violent storm, and Apollo, taking his stand on the Melantian ridges, flashed lightning down, shooting a shaft into the sea. Then they perceived an island close at hand, and anchoring there they named it Anaphe, because it had loomed up (anaphanenai) unexpectedly. So they founded an altar of Radiant Apollo, and having offered sacrifice they betook them to feasting; and twelve handmaids, whom Arete had given to Medea, jested merrily with the chiefs; whence it is still customary for the women to jest at the sacrifice.

    Putting to sea from there, they were hindered from touching at Crete by Talos. Some say that he was a man of the Brazen Race, others that he was given to Minos by Hephaestus; he was a brazen man, but some say that he was a bull. He had a single vein extending from his neck to his ankles, and a bronze nail was rammed home at the end of the vein. This Talos kept guard, running round the island thrice every day; wherefore, when he saw the Argo standing inshore, he pelted it as usual with stones. His death was brought about by the wiles of Medea, whether, as some say, she drove him mad by drugs, or, as others say, she promised to make him immortal and then drew out the nail, so that all the ichor gushed out and he died. But some say that Poeas shot him dead in the ankle.

    After tarrying a single night there they put in to Aegina to draw water, and a contest arose among them concerning the drawing of the water. Thence they sailed betwixt Euboea and Locris and came to Iolcus, having completed the whole voyage in four months.

    Now Pelias, despairing of the return of the Argonauts, would have killed Aeson; but he requested to be allowed to take his own life, and in offering a sacrifice drank freely of the bull's blood and died. And Jason's mother cursed Pelias and hanged herself, leaving behind an infant son Promachus; but Pelias slew even the son whom she had left behind. On his return Jason surrendered the fleece, but though he longed to avenge his wrongs he bided his time. At that time he sailed with the chiefs to the Isthmus and dedicated the ship to Poseidon, but afterwards he exhorted Medea to devise how he could punish Pelias. So she repaired to the palace of Pelias and persuaded his daughters to make mince meat of their father and boil him, promising to make him young again by her drugs; and to win their confidence she cut up a ram and made it into a lamb by boiling it. So they believed her, made mince meat of their father and boiled him. But Acastus buried his father with the help of the inhabitants of Iolcus, and he expelled Jason and Medea from Iolcus.

    They went to Corinth, and lived there happily for ten years, till Creon, king of Corinth, betrothed his daughter Glauce to Jason, who married her and divorced Medea. But she invoked the gods by whom Jason had sworn, and after often upbraiding him with his ingratitude she sent the bride a robe steeped in poison, which when Glauce had put on, she was consumed with fierce fire along with her father, who went to her rescue. But Mermerus and Pheres, the children whom Medea had by Jason, she killed, and having got from the Sun a car drawn by winged dragons she fled on it to Athens. Another tradition is that on her flight she left behind her children, who were still infants, setting them as suppliants on the altar of Hera of the Height; but the Corinthians removed them and wounded them to death.

    Medea came to Athens, and being there married to Aegeus bore him a son Medus. Afterwards, however, plotting against Theseus, she was driven a fugitive from Athens with her son. But he conquered many barbarians and called the whole country under him Media, and marching against the Indians he met his death. And Medea came unknown to Colchis, and finding that Aeetes had been deposed by his brother Perses, she killed Perses and restored the kingdom to her father.


    This passage continues with the story of Io, but our final passage brings us to the end of the Argonauts.

    LP0097 -XXIII ARGO- Fables of the Argo, from the Fables of Hyginus

    LP0097 -XXIII ARGO- Fables of the Argo, from the Fables of Hyginus
    Legendary Passages #0097 -XXIII ARGO-
    Fables of the Argo, from the Fables of Hyginus.

    Previously, the Argonauts launched from Iolcus, getting sidetracked by the women of Lemnos. In this passage they sail all the way to Colchis, and leave with Medea, who is eventually betrayed, exiled, and returns home.


    Fables of the Argo,
    a Legendary Passage from,
    translated by MARY GRANT.

    [16] - [27]

    [16] XVI. CYZICUS

    Cyzicus, son of Eusorus, king in an island of the Propontis, received the Argonauts with generous hospitality, but when they had left him, and had sailed a whole day, by a storm that arose in the night they were brought unaware to the same island. Cyzicus, thinking they were Pelasgican enemies attacked them on the shore at night, and was slain by Jason. On the next day, when he had come near the shore and saw that he had killed the king, he gave him burial and handed over the kingdom to his sons.

    [17] XVII. AMYCUS

    Amycus, son of Neptune and Melie, king of Bebrycia, compelled whoever came to his kingdom to contend with him in boxing, and slew the vanquished. When he had challenged the Argonauts to a boxing match, Pollux fought with him and killed him.

    [18] XVIII. LYCUS

    Lycus, king of an island of the Propontis, received the Argonauts hospitably, grateful because they had killed Amycus, who had often attacked[?] him. While the Argonauts were staying with Lycus, and had gone out to gather straw, Idmon, son of Apollo, was wounded by a wild boar and died.

    [19] XIX. PHINEUS

    Phineus, a Thracian, son of Agenor, had two sons by Cleopatra. Because of their stepmother’s charges, these two were blinded by their father. Now to this Phineus, Apollo is said to have given the gift of prophecy. But he, since he revealed the deliberations of the gods, was blinded by Jove, and Jove set over him the Harpies, who are called the hounds of Jove, to take the food from his lips. When the Argonauts came there and asked him to show them the way, he said he would show them if they would free him from the punishment. Then Zetes and Calais, sons of the North Wind and Orithyia, who are said to have had wings on head and feet, drove the Harpies to the Strophades Islands, and freed Phineus from the punishment. He showed them how to pass the Symplegades by sending out a dove; when the rocks rushed together, in their rebound . . . [they would pass through if the dove went through, and they exerted all their strength in rowing. But if she perished,] they should turn back. By the help of Phienus the Argonauts passed the Symplegades.


    When the Argonauts had come to the island of Dia, and the birds were wounding them, using their feathers as arrows, they were not able to cope with the great numbers of birds. Following Phineus’ advice they seized shields and spears, and dispersed them by the noise, after the manner of the Curetes.


    When the Argonauts had entered the sea called Euxine through the Cyanean Cliffs, which are called Rocks of the Symplegades, and were wandering there, by the will of Juno they were borne to the island of Dia. There they found shipwrecked men, naked and helpless – the sons of Phrixus and Chalciope – Argus, Phrontides, Melas, and Cylindrus. These told their misfortunes to Jason, how they had suffered shipwreck and been cast there when they were hastening to go to their grandfather Athamas, and Jason welcomed and aided them. They led Jason to Colchis, bade the Argonauts conceal the ship. They themselves went to their mother Chalciope, Medea’s sister, and made known the kindness of Jason, and why they had come. Then Chalciope told about Medea, and brought her with her sons to Jason. When she saw him, she recognized him as the one whom in dreams she had loved deeply by Juno’s urging, and promised him everything. They brought him to the temple.

    [22] XXII. AEETES

    An oracle told Aeetes, son of Sol, that he would keep his kingdom as long as the fleece which Phrixus had dedicated should remain at the shrine of Mars. And so Aeetes appointed this task for Jason, if he wished to take away the golden fleece – to yoke with yoke of adamant the bronze-footed bulls which breathed flames from their nostrils, and plow, and sow from a helmet the dragon’s teeth, from which a tribe of armed men should arise and slay each other. Juno, however, whished to save Jason, because once when she had come to a river and wished to test the minds of men, she assumed an old woman’s form, and asked to be carried across. He had carried her across when others who had passed over despised her. And so since she knew that Jason could not perform the commands without help of Medea, she asked Venus to inspire Medea with love. At Venus’ instigation, Jason was loved by Medea. By her aid he as freed from all danger, for when he had plowed with the bulls, and the armed men had been born, by Medea’s advice he threw a stone among them. They then fought among themselves and slew each other. When the dragon was lulled to sleep with drugs he took the fleece from the shrine, and set off for his country with Medea.


    When Aeetes knew that Medea had fled with Jason, he made ready a ship and sent Absyrtus, his son, with armed guards after her. When he had caught up with her in the Adriatic Sea in Histria at King Alcinous’ court, and would fight for her, Alcinous intervened to prevent their fighting. They took him as arbiter, and he put them off till the next day. When he seemed depressed and Arete, his wife, asked him the cause of his sadness, he said he had been made arbiter by two different states, to judge between Colchians and Argives. When Arete asked him what judgment he would give, Alcinous replied that if Medea were a virgin, he would give her to her father, but if not, to her husband. When Arete heard this from her husband, she sent word to Jason, and he lay with Medea by night in a cave. Then next day when they came to court, and Medea was found to be a wife she was given to her husband. Nevertheless, when they had left, Absyrtus, fearing his father’s commands, pursued them to the island of Minerva. When Jason was sacrificing there to Minerva, and Absyruts came upon him, he was killed by Jason. Medea gave him burial, and they departed. The Colchians who had come with Absyrtus, fearing Aeetes, remained there and founded a town which from Absyrtus’ name they called Absoros. Now this island is located in Histria, opposite Pola, joined[?] to the island [corrupt].


    Since Jason has faced so many perils at the command of his uncle Pelias, he began to think how he might kill him without suspicion. This Medea proposed to do. And so, when they were now far from Colchis, she bade the ship be hidden in a secret place, and she herself in the guise of a priestess of Diana came to the daughters of Pelias. She promised to make their father Pelias a youth again instead of an old man, but this the eldest daughter Alcestis said could not be done. In order more easily to bend her to her will, Medea cast mist before them, and by means of drugs formed many strange things which seemed to be like reality, putting an old ram in a brazen vessel, from which a very fine young lamb seemed to spring. So in the same way the daughters of Pelias – namely, Alcestis, Pelopia, Medusa, Pisidice, and Hippothoe – at Medea’s instigation slew their father and cooked him in a brazen caldron. When they realized they had been deceived, they fled from the country. But Jason, at a given signal of Medea, made himself the master of the palace, and handed over the rule to Acastus, son of Pelias, brother of the Peliades, because he had gone with him to Colchis. He himself with Medea departed for Corinth.

    [25] XXV. MEDEA

    When Medea, daughter of Aeetes and Idyia, had already borne to Jason sons – Mermerus and Pheres – and they were living in great harmony, it was cast in his teeth that a man so brave and handsome and noble should have as wife a foreigner and sorceress. To him, Creon, son of Menoecus, King of Corinth, gave his younger daughter Glauce as wife. When Medea saw that she, who had been Jason’s benefactress, was treated with scorn, with the help of poisonous drugs she made a golden crown, and she bade her sons give it as a gift to their stepmother. Creusa took the gift, and was burned to death along with Jason and Creon. When Medea saw that the palace was on fire, she slew Mermerus and Pheres, her sons by Jason, and fled from Corinth.


    Medea, an exile from Corinth, came to Athens to the hospitality of Aegeus, son of Pandion, and married him; to him Medus was born. Later the priestess of Diana began to censure Medea, and tell the king that she could not perform sacrifices piously because there was a woman in that state who was a sorceress and criminal. She was exiled then for the second time. Medea, however, with her yoked dragons, returned to Colchis from Athens. On the way she came to Absoros where her brother Absyrtus was buried. There the people of Absoros could not cope with a great number of snakes. At their entreaties Medea gathered them up and put them in her brother’s tomb. They still remain there, and if any goes outside the tomb, it pays the debt to nature.

    [27] XXVII. MEDUS

    An oracle told Perses, son of Sol, Aeetes’ brother, that he should beware of death from Aeetes’ descendants. Medus, following his mother, was brought to him by a storm, and guards seized him and brought him to King Perses. When Medus, son of Aegeus and Medea, saw that he had come into the power of his enemy, he falsely asserted he was Hippotes, son of Creon. The king carefully investigated, and ordered him cast into prison. There sterility and scarcity of crops are said to have occurred. When Medea had come there in her chariot with the yoked dragons, she falsely claimed before the king to be a priestess of Diana. She said she could make atonement for the sterility, and when she heard from the king that Hippotes, son of Creon, was held in custody, thinking he had come to avenge the injury to his father . . . there, unknowingly, she betrayed her son. For she persuaded the king that he was not Hippotes, but Medus, son of Aegeus, sent by his father to dispatch the king, and begged that he be handed over to her to kill, convinced that he was Hippotes. And so when Medus was brought out to pay for his deceit by death, when she saw that things were otherwise than she had thought, she said she wished to talk with him, and gave him a sword, and bade him avenge the wrongs of his grandfather. Medus, at this news, killed Perses, and gained his grandfather’s kingdom; from his name he called the country Media.


    This passage continues with the fables of Hercules, but our next passage retells the story of Medea & the Argo.

    LP0096 -XXII ARGO- The Chariot (Part 7) of Euripides' Medea

    LP0096 -XXII ARGO-  The Chariot (Part 7) of Euripides' Medea
    Legendary Passages #0096 -XXII ARGO-
    The Chariot (Part 7) of Euripides' Medea.

    Previously, Medea slew both the King and Jason's bride. In this passage, she completes her revenge, and escapes to Athens on a flying chariot.


    The Chariot (Part 7),
    a Legendary Passage,
    from Euripides' Medea,
    trans. by E. P. Coleridge.

    LEADER OF THE CHORUS This day the deity, it seems, will mass on Jason,
    as he well deserves, heavy load of evils. Woe is thee, daughter of
    Creon We pity thy sad fate, gone as thou art to Hades' halls as the
    price of thy marriage with Jason.

    MEDEA My friends, I am resolved upon the deed; at once will I slay
    my children and then leave this land, without delaying long enough
    to hand them over to some more savage hand to butcher. Needs must
    they die in any case; and since they must, I will slay them-I, the
    mother that bare them. O heart of mine, steel thyself! Why do I hesitate
    to do the awful deed that must be done? Come, take the sword, thou
    wretched hand of mine! Take it, and advance to the post whence starts
    thy life of sorrow! Away with cowardice! Give not one thought to thy
    babes, how dear they are or how thou art their mother. This one brief
    day forget thy children dear, and after that lament; for though thou
    wilt slay them yet they were thy darlings still, and I am a lady of

    (MEDEA enters the house.) 

    CHORUS  (chanting) O earth, O sun whose beam illumines all, look,
    look upon this lost woman, ere she stretch forth her murderous hand
    upon her sons for blood; for lo! these are scions of thy own golden
    seed, and the blood of gods is in danger of being shed by man. O light,
    from Zeus proceeding, stay her, hold her hand, forth from the house
    chase this fell bloody fiend by demons led. Vainly wasted were the
    throes thy children cost thee; vainly hast thou borne, it seems, sweet
    babes, O thou who hast left behind thee that passage through the blue
    Symplegades, that strangers justly hate. Ah! hapless one, why doth
    fierce anger thy soul assail? Why in its place is fell murder growing
    up? For grievous unto mortal men are pollutions that come of kindred
    blood poured on the earth, woes to suit each crime hurled from heaven
    on the murderer's house.

    FIRST SON  (within) Ah, me; what can I do? Whither fly to escape
    my mother's blows?

    SECOND SON  (within) I know not, sweet brother mine; we are lost.

    CHORUS  (chanting) Didst hear, didst hear the children's cry? O lady,
    born to sorrow, victim of an evil fate! Shall I enter the house? For
    the children's sake I am resolved to ward off the murder.

    FIRST SON  (within) Yea, by heaven I adjure you; help, your aid is

    SECOND SON  (within) Even now the toils of the sword are closing
    round us.

    CHORUS  (chanting) O hapless mother, surely thou hast a heart of
    stone or steel to slay the offspring of thy womb by such a murderous
    doom. Of all the wives of yore I know but one who laid her hand upon
    her children dear, even Ino, whom the gods did madden in the day that
    the wife of Zeus drove her wandering from her home. But she, poor
    sufferer, flung herself into the sea because of the foul murder of
    her children, leaping o'er the wave-beat cliff, and in her death was
    she united to her children twain. Can there be any deed of horror
    left to follow this? Woe for the wooing of women fraught with disaster!
    What sorrows hast thou caused for men ere now! 

    (JASON and his attendants enter.) 

    JASON Ladies, stationed near this house, pray tell me is the author
    of these hideous deeds, Medea, still within, or hath she fled from
    hence? For she must hide beneath the earth or soar on wings towards
    heaven's vault, if she would avoid the vengeance of the royal house.
    Is she so sure she will escape herself unpunished from this house,
    when she hath slain the rulers of the land? But enough of this! I
    am forgetting her children. As for her, those whom she hath wronged
    will do the like by her; but I am come to save the children's life,
    lest the victim's kin visit their wrath on me, in vengeance for the
    murder foul, wrought by my children's mother.

    LEADER OF THE CHORUS Unhappy man, thou knowest not the full extent
    of thy misery, else had thou never said those words.

    JASON How now? Can she want to kill me too?

    LEADER Thy sons are dead; slain by their own mother's hand.

    JASON O God! what sayest thou? Woman, thou hast sealed my doom.

    LEADER Thy children are no more; be sure of this.

    JASON Where slew she them; within the palace or outside?

    LEADER Throw wide the doors and see thy children's murdered corpses.

    JASON Haste, ye slaves, loose the bolts, undo the fastenings, that
    I may see the sight of twofold woe, my murdered sons and her, whose
    blood in vengeance I will shed.  (MEDEA appears above the house, on
    a chariot drawn by dragons; the children's corpses are beside her.)

    MEDEA Why shake those doors and attempt to loose their bolts, in
    quest of the dead and me their murderess? From such toil desist. If
    thou wouldst aught with me, say on, if so thou wilt; but never shalt
    thou lay hand on me, so swift the steeds the sun, my father's sire,
    to me doth give to save me from the hand of my foes.

    JASON Accursed woman! by gods, by me and all mankind abhorred as
    never woman was, who hadst the heart to stab thy babes, thou their
    mother, leaving me undone and childless; this hast thou done and still
    dost gaze upon the sun and earth after this deed most impious. Curses
    on thee! now perceive what then I missed in the day I brought thee,
    fraught with doom, from thy home in a barbarian land to dwell in Hellas,
    traitress to thy sire and to the land that nurtured thee. On me the
    gods have hurled the curse that dogged thy steps, for thou didst slay
    thy brother at his hearth ere thou cam'st aboard our fair ship, Argo.
    Such was the outset of thy life of crime; then didst thou wed with
    me, and having borne me sons to glut thy passion's lust, thou now
    hast slain them. Not one amongst the wives of Hellas e'er had dared
    this deed; yet before them all I chose thee for my wife, wedding a
    foe to be my doom, no woman, but a lioness fiercer than Tyrrhene Scylla
    in nature. But with reproaches heaped thousandfold I cannot wound
    thee, so brazen is thy nature. Perish, vile sorceress, murderess of
    thy babes! Whilst I must mourn my luckless fate, for I shall ne'er
    enjoy my new-found bride, nor shall I have the children, whom I bred
    and reared, alive to say the last farewell to me; nay, I have lost

    MEDEA To this thy speech I could have made a long reply, but Father
    Zeus knows well all I have done for thee, and the treatment thou hast
    given me. Yet thou wert not ordained to scorn my love and lead a life
    of joy in mockery of me, nor was thy royal bride nor Creon, who gave
    thee a second wife, to thrust me from this land and rue it not. Wherefore,
    if thou wilt, call me e'en a lioness, and Scylla, whose home is in
    the Tyrrhene land; for I in turn have wrung thy heart, as well I might.

    JASON Thou, too, art grieved thyself, and sharest in my sorrow.

    MEDEA Be well assured I am; but it relieves my pain to know thou
    canst not mock at me.

    JASON O my children, how vile a mother ye have found!

    MEDEA My sons, your father's feeble lust has been your ruin!

    JASON 'Twas not my hand, at any rate, that slew them.

    MEDEA No, but thy foul treatment of me, and thy new marriage.

    JASON Didst think that marriage cause enough to murder them?

    MEDEA Dost think a woman counts this a trifling injury?

    JASON So she be self-restrained; but in thy eyes all is evil.

    MEDEA Thy sons are dead and gone. That will stab thy heart.

    JASON They live, methinks, to bring a curse upon thy head.

    MEDEA The gods know, whoso of them began this troublous coil.

    JASON Indeed, they know that hateful heart of thine.

    MEDEA Thou art as hateful. I am aweary of thy bitter tongue.

    JASON And I likewise of thine. But parting is easy.

    MEDEA Say how; what am I to do? for I am fain as thou to go.

    JASON Give up to me those dead, to bury and lament.

    MEDEA No, never! I will bury them myself, bearing them to Hera's
    sacred field, who watches o'er the Cape, that none of their foes may
    insult them by pulling down their tombs; and in this land of Sisyphus
    I will ordain hereafter a solemn feast and mystic rites to atone for
    this impious murder. Myself will now to the land of Erechtheus, to
    dwell with Aegeus, Pandion's son. But thou, as well thou mayst, shalt
    die a caitiff's death, thy head crushed 'neath a shattered relic of
    Argo, when thou hast seen the bitter ending of my marriage.

    JASON The curse of our sons' avenging spirit and of justice, that
    calls for blood, be on thee!

    MEDEA What god or power divine hears thee, breaker of oaths and every
    law of hospitality?

    JASON Fie upon thee! cursed witch! child-murderess!

    MEDEA To thy house! go, bury thy wife.

    JASON I go, bereft of both my sons.

    MEDEA Thy grief is yet to come; wait till old age is with thee too.

    JASON O my dear, dear children!

    MEDEA Dear to their mother, not to thee.

    JASON And yet thou didst slay them?

    MEDEA Yea, to vex thy heart.

    JASON One last fond kiss, ah me! I fain would on their lips imprint.

    MEDEA Embraces now, and fond farewells for them; but then a cold

    JASON By heaven I do adjure thee, let me touch their tender skin.

    MEDEA No, no! in vain this word has sped its flight.

    JASON O Zeus, dost hear how I am driven hence; dost mark the treatment
    I receive from this she-lion, fell murderess of her young? Yet so
    far as I may and can, I raise for them a dirge, and do adjure the
    gods to witness how thou hast slain my sons, and wilt not suffer me
    to embrace or bury their dead bodies. Would I had never begotten them
    to see thee slay them after all!  (The chariot carries MEDEA away.)

    CHORUS  (chanting) Many a fate doth Zeus dispense, high on his Olympian
    throne; oft do the gods bring things to pass beyond man's expectation;
    that, which we thought would be, is not fulfilled, while for the unlooked-for
    god finds out a way; and such hath been the issue of this matter.



    The play concludes with this passage. In our next passage, we hear Fables of the Argonauts and Medea's exile.

    LP0095 -XXI ARGO- The Messenger (Part 6) of Euripides' Medea

    LP0095 -XXI ARGO- The Messenger (Part 6) of Euripides' Medea
    Legendary Passages #0095 -XXI ARGO-
    The Messenger (Part 6) of Euripides' Medea.

    Previously, Medea sent her children with a poisoned crown & robes to the daughter of Creon. In this passage, she debates just how far to take her vengeance, when a messenger arrives and reveals the ill fates of Creon and his daughter.


    The Messenger (Part 6),
    a Legendary Passage,
    from Euripides' Medea,
    trans. by E. P. Coleridge.

    (MEDEA turns to the children.)

    MEDEA O my babes, my babes, ye have still a city and a home,
    where far from me and my sad lot you will live your lives, reft of
    your mother for ever; while I must to another land in banishment,
    or ever I have had my joy of you, or lived to see you happy, or ever
    I have graced your marriage couch, your bride, your bridal bower,
    or lifted high the wedding torch. Ah me! a victim of my own self-will.
    So it was all in vain I reared you, O my sons; in vain did suffer,
    racked with anguish, enduring the cruel pangs of childbirth. 'Fore
    Heaven I once had hope, poor me! high hope of ye that you would nurse
    me in my age and deck my corpse with loving hands, a boon we mortals
    covet; but now is my sweet fancy dead and gone; for I must lose you
    both and in bitterness and sorrow drag through life. And ye shall
    never with fond eyes see your mother more for o'er your life there
    comes a change. Ah me! ah me! why do ye look at me so, my children?
    why smile that last sweet smile? Ah me! what am I to do? My heart
    gives way when I behold my children's laughing eyes. O, I cannot;
    farewell to all my former schemes; I will take the children from the
    land, the babes I bore. Why should I wound their sire by wounding
    them, and get me a twofold measure of sorrow? No, no, I will not do
    it. Farewell my scheming! And yet what possesses me? Can I consent
    to let those foes of mine escape from punishment, and incur their
    mockery? I must face this deed. Out upon my craven heart! to think
    that I should even have let the soft words escape my soul. Into the
    house, children!  (The children go into the house.)  And whoso feels
    he must not be present at my sacrifice, must see to it himself; I
    will not spoil my handiwork. Ah! ah! do not, my heart, O do not do
    this deed! Let the children go, unhappy one, spare the babes! For
    if they live, they will cheer thee in our exile there. Nay, by the
    fiends of hell's abyss, never, never will I hand my children over
    to their foes to mock and flout. Die they must in any case, and since
    'tis so, why I, the mother who bore them, will give the fatal blow.
    In any case their doom is fixed and there is no escape. Already the
    crown is on her head, the robe is round her, and she is dying, the
    royal bride; that do I know full well. But now since I have a piteous
    path to tread, and yet more piteous still the path I send my children
    on, fain would I say farewell to them.  (The children come out at
    her call. She takes them in her arms.)  O my babes, my babes, let
    your mother kiss your hands. Ah! hands I love so well, O lips most
    dear to me! O noble form and features of my children, I wish ye joy,
    but in that other land, for here your father robs you of your home.
    O the sweet embrace, the soft young cheek, the fragrant breath! my
    children! Go, leave me; I cannot bear to longer look upon ye; my sorrow
    wins the day. At last I understand the awful deed I am to do; but
    passion, that cause of direst woes to mortal man, hath triumphed o'er
    my sober thoughts.  (She goes into the house with the children.)

    CHORUS  (chanting) Oft ere now have I pursued subtler themes and
    have faced graver issues than woman's sex should seek to probe; but
    then e'en we aspire to culture, which dwells with us to teach us wisdom;
    I say not all; for small is the class amongst women-(one maybe shalt
    thou find 'mid many)-that is not incapable of wisdom. And amongst
    mortals I do assert that they who are wholly without experience and
    have never had children far surpass in happiness those who are parents.
    The childless, because they have never proved whether children grow
    up to be a blessing or curse to men are removed from all share in
    many troubles; whilst those who have a sweet race of children growing
    up in their houses do wear away, as I perceive, their whole life through;
    first with the thought how they may train them up in virtue, next
    how they shall leave their sons the means to live; and after all this
    'tis far from clear whether on good or bad children they bestow their
    toil. But one last crowning woe for every mortal man now will name;
    suppose that they have found sufficient means to live, and seen their
    children grow to man's estate and walk in virtue's path, still if
    fortune so befall, comes Death and bears the children's bodies off
    to Hades. Can it be any profit to the gods to heap upon us mortal
    men beside our other woes this further grief for children lost, a
    grief surpassing all?  (MEDEA comes out of the house.) 

    MEDEA Kind friends, long have I waited expectantly to know how things
    would at the palace chance. And lo! I see one of Jason's servants
    coming hither, whose hurried gasps for breath proclaim him the bearer
    of some fresh tidings.  (A MESSENGER rushes in.) 

    MESSENGER Fly, fly, Medea! who hast wrought an awful deed, transgressing
    every law: nor leave behind or sea-borne bark or car that scours the

    MEDEA Why, what hath chanced that calls for such a flight of mine?

    MESSENGER The princess is dead, a moment gone, and Creon too, her
    sire, slain by those drugs of thine.

    MEDEA Tidings most fair are thine! Henceforth shalt thou be ranked
    amongst my friends and benefactors.

    MESSENGER Ha! What? Art sane? Art not distraught, lady, who hearest
    with joy the outrage to our royal house done, and art not at the horrid
    tale afraid?

    MEDEA Somewhat have I, too, to say in answer to thy words. Be not
    so hasty, friend, but tell the manner of their death, for thou wouldst
    give me double joy, if so they perished miserably.

    MESSENGER When the children twain whom thou didst bear came with
    their father and entered the palace of the bride, right glad were
    we thralls who had shared thy griefs, for instantly from ear to ear
    a rumour spread that thou and thy lord had made up your former quarrel.
    One kissed thy children's hands, another their golden hair, while
    I for very joy went with them in person to the women's chambers. Our
    mistress, whom now we do revere in thy room, cast a longing glance
    at Jason, ere she saw thy children twain; but then she veiled her
    eyes and turned her blanching cheek away, disgusted at their coming;
    but thy husband tried to check his young bride's angry humour with
    these words: "O, be not angered 'gainst thy friends; cease from wrath
    and turn once more thy face this way, counting as friends whomso thy
    husband counts, and accept these gifts, and for my sake crave thy
    sire to remit these children's exile." Soon as she saw the ornaments,
    no longer she held out, but yielded to her lord in all; and ere the
    father and his sons were far from the palace gone, she took the broidered
    robe and put it on, and set the golden crown about her tresses, arranging
    her hair at her bright mirror, with many a happy smile at her breathless
    counterfeit. Then rising from her seat she passed across the chamber,
    tripping lightly on her fair white foot, exulting in the gift, with
    many a glance at her uplifted ankle. When lo! a scene of awful horror
    did ensue. In a moment she turned pale, reeled backwards, trembling
    in every limb, and sinks upon a seat scarce soon enough to save herself
    from falling to the ground. An aged dame, one of her company, thinking
    belike it was a fit from Pan or some god sent, raised a cry of prayer,
    till from her mouth she saw the foam-flakes issue, her eyeballs rolling
    in their sockets, and all the blood her face desert; then did she
    raise a loud scream far different from her former cry. Forthwith one
    handmaid rushed to her father's house, another to her new bridegroom
    to tell his bride's sad fate, and the whole house echoed with their
    running to and fro. By this time would a quick walker have made the
    turn in a course of six plethra and reached the goal, when she with
    one awful shriek awoke, poor sufferer, from her speechless trance
    and oped her closed eyes, for against her a twofold anguish was warring.
    The chaplet of gold about her head was sending forth a wondrous stream
    of ravening flame, while the fine raiment, thy children's gift, was
    preying on the hapless maiden's fair white flesh; and she starts from
    her seat in a blaze and seeks to fly, shaking her hair and head this
    way and that, to cast the crown therefrom; but the gold held firm
    to its fastenings, and the flame, as she shook her locks, blazed forth
    the more with double fury. Then to the earth she sinks, by the cruel
    blow o'ercome; past all recognition now save to a father's eye; for
    her eyes had lost their tranquil gaze, her face no more its natural
    look preserved, and from the crown of her head blood and fire in mingled
    stream ran down; and from her bones the flesh kept peeling off beneath
    the gnawing of those secret drugs, e'en as when the pine-tree weeps
    its tears of pitch, a fearsome sight to see. And all were afraid to
    touch the corpse, for we were warned by what had chanced. Anon came
    her haples father unto the house, all unwitting of her doom, and stumbles
    o'er the dead, and loud he cried, and folding his arms about her kissed
    her, with words like these the while, "O my poor, poor child, which
    of the gods hath destroyed thee thus foully? Who is robbing me of
    thee, old as I am and ripe for death? O my child, alas! would I could
    die with thee!" He ceased his sad lament, and would have raised his
    aged frame, but found himself held fast by the fine-spun robe as ivy
    that clings to the branches of the bay, and then ensued a fearful
    struggle. He strove to rise, but she still held him back; and if ever
    he pulled with all his might, from off his bones his aged flesh he
    tore. At last he gave it up, and breathed forth his soul in awful
    suffering; for he could no longer master the pain. So there they lie,
    daughter and aged sire, dead side by side, a grievous sight that calls
    for tears. And as for thee, I leave thee out of my consideration,
    for thyself must discover a means to escape punishment. Not now for
    the first time I think this human life a shadow; yea, and without
    shrinking I will say that they amongst men who pretend to wisdom and
    expend deep thought on words do incur a serious charge of folly; for
    amongst mortals no man is happy; wealth may pour in and make one luckier
    than another, but none can happy be. 

    (The MESSENGER departs.)


    This passage concludes next episode, as Medea makes her escape on a flying chariot.

    LP0094 -XX ARGO- The Children (Part 5) of Euripides' Medea

    LP0094 -XX ARGO- The Children (Part 5) of Euripides' Medea
    Legendary Passages #0094 -XX ARGO-
    The Children (Part 5) of Euripides' Medea.

    Previously, Medea hatched a plan of vengeance upon her husband Jason, his new bride, and their children.

    In this passage, Medea pretends to make peace, and so that her children may escape banishment, prepares a golden crown and robes for Jason's new bride.


    The Children (Part 5),
    a Legendary Passage,
    from Euripides' Medea,
    trans. by E. P. Coleridge.

    CHORUS  (singing, strophe 1)

    Sons of Erechtheus, heroes happy from of yore, children of the blessed
    gods, fed on wisdom's glorious food in a holy land ne'er pillaged
    by its foes, ye who move with sprightly step through a climate ever
    bright and clear, where, as legend tells, the Muses nine, Pieria's
    holy maids, were brought to birth by Harmonia with the golden hair.

    (antistrophe 1)

    And poets sing how Cypris drawing water from the streams of fair-flowing
    Cephissus breathes o'er the land a gentle breeze of balmy winds, and
    ever as she crowns her tresses with a garland of sweet rose-buds sends
    forth the Loves to sit by wisdom's side, to take part in every excellence.

    (strophe 2)

    How then shall the city of sacred streams, the land that welcomes
    those it loves, receive thee, the murderess of thy children, thee
    whose presence with others is a pollution? 'Think on the murder of
    thy children, consider the bloody deed thou takest on thee. Nay, by
    thy knees we, one and all, implore thee, slay not thy babes.

    (antistrophe 2)

    Where shall hand or heart find hardihood enough in wreaking such
    a fearsome deed upon thy sons? How wilt thou look upon thy babes,
    and still without a tear retain thy bloody purpose? Thou canst not,
    when they fall at thy feet for mercy, steel thy heart and dip in their
    blood thy hand. 

    (JASON enters.)

    JASON I am come at thy bidding, for e'en though thy hate for me is
    bitter thou shalt not fail in this small boon, but I will hear what
    new request thou hast to make of me, lady.

    MEDEA Jason, I crave thy pardon for the words I spoke, and well thou
    mayest brook my burst of passion, for ere now we twain have shared
    much love. For I have reasoned with my soul and railed upon me thus,
    "Ah! poor heart! why am I thus distraught, why so angered 'gainst
    all good advice, why have I come to hate the rulers of the land, my
    husband too, who does the best for me he can, in wedding with a princess
    and rearing for my children noble brothers? Shall I not cease to fret?
    What possesses me, when heaven its best doth offer? Have I not my
    children to consider? do I forget that we are fugitives, in need of
    friends?" When I had thought all this I saw how foolish I had been,
    how senselessly enraged. So now do commend thee and think thee most
    wise in forming this connection for us; but I was mad, I who should
    have shared in these designs, helped on thy plans, and lent my aid
    to bring about the match, only too pleased to wait upon thy bride.
    But what we are, we are, we women, evil I will not say; wherefore
    thou shouldst not sink to our sorry level nor with our weapons meet
    our childishness.

    I yield and do confess that I was wrong then, but now have I come
    to a better mind. Come hither, my children, come, leave the house,
    step forth, and with me greet and bid farewell to your father, be
    reconciled from all past bitterness unto your friends, as now your
    mother is; for we have made a truce and anger is no more. (The ATTENDANT
    comes out of the house with the children.) Take his right hand; ah
    me! my sad fate! when I reflect, as now, upon the hidden future. O
    my children, since there awaits you even thus a long, long life, stretch
    forth the hand to take a fond farewell. Ah me! how new to tears am
    I, how full of fear! For now that I have at last released me from
    my quarrel with your father, I let the tear-drops stream down my
    tender cheek.

    LEADER OF THE CHORUS From my eyes too bursts forth the copious tear;
    O, may no greater ill than the present e'er befall!

    JASON Lady, I praise this conduct, not that I blame what is past;
    for it is but natural to the female sex to vent their spleen against
    a husband when he trafficks in other marriages besides his own. But
    thy heart is changed to wiser schemes and thou art determined on the
    better course, late though it be; this is acting like a woman of sober
    sense. And for you, my sons, hath your father provided with all good
    heed a sure refuge, by God's grace; for ye, I trow, shall with your
    brothers share hereafter the foremost rank in this Corinthian realm.
    Only grow up, for all the rest your sire and whoso of the gods is
    kind to us is bringing to pass. May I see you reach man's full estate,
    high o'er the heads of those I hate! But thou, lady, why with fresh
    tears dost thou thine eyelids wet, turning away thy wan cheek, with
    no welcome for these my happy tidings?

    MEDEA 'Tis naught; upon these children my thoughts were turned.

    JASON Then take heart; for I will see that it is well with them.

    MEDEA I will do so; nor will I doubt thy word; woman is a weak creature,
    ever given to tears.

    JASON Why prithee, unhappy one, dost moan o'er these children?

    MEDEA I gave them birth; and when thou didst pray long life for them,
    pity entered into my soul to think that these things must be. But
    the reason of thy coming hither to speak with me is partly told, the
    rest will I now mention. Since it is the pleasure of the rulers of
    the land to banish me, and well I know 'twere best for me to stand
    not in the way of thee or of the rulers by dwelling here, enemy as
    I am thought unto their house, forth from this land in exile am I
    going, but these children,-that they may know thy fostering hand,
    beg Creon to remit their banishment.

    JASON I doubt whether I can persuade him, yet must I attempt it.

    MEDEA At least do thou bid thy wife ask her sire this boon, to remit
    the exile of the children from this land.

    JASON Yea, that will I; and her methinks I shall persuade, since
    she is woman like the rest.

    MEDEA I too will aid thee in this task, for by the children's hand
    I will send to her gifts that far surpass in beauty, I well know,
    aught that now is seen 'mongst men, a robe of finest tissue and a
    chaplet of chased gold. But one of my attendants must haste and bring
    the ornaments hither. (A servant goes into the house.) Happy shall
    she be not once alone but ten thousand-fold, for in thee she wins
    the noblest soul to share her love, and gets these gifts as well which
    on a day my father's sire, the Sun-god, bestowed on his descendants.
    (The servant returns and hands the gifts to the children.) My children,
    take in your hands these wedding gifts, and bear them as an offering
    to the royal maid, the happy bride; for verily the gifts she shall
    receive are not to be scorned.

    JASON But why so rashly rob thyself of these gifts? Dost think a
    royal palace wants for robes or gold? Keep them, nor give them to
    another. For well I know that if my lady hold me in esteem, she will
    set my price above all wealth.

    MEDEA Say not so; 'tis said that gifts tempt even gods; and o'er
    men's minds gold holds more potent sway than countless words. Fortune
    smiles upon thy bride, and heaven now doth swell her triumph; youth
    is hers and princely power; yet to save my children from exile I would
    barter life, not dross alone. Children, when we are come to the rich
    palace, pray your father's new bride, my mistress, with suppliant
    voice to save you from exile, offering her these ornaments the while;
    for it is most needful that she receive the gifts in her own hand.
    Now go and linger not; may ye succeed and to your mother bring back
    the glad tidings she fain would hear (JASON, the ATTENDANT, and the
    children go out together.) 

    CHORUS  (singing, strophe 1)

    Gone, gone is every hope I had that the children yet might live;
    forth to their doom they now proceed. The hapless bride will take,
    ay, take the golden crown that is to be her ruin; with her own hand
    will she lift and place upon her golden locks the garniture of death.

    (antistrophe 1)

    Its grace and sheen divine will tempt her to put on the robe and
    crown of gold, and in that act will she deck herself to be a bride
    amid the dead. Such is the snare where into she will fall, such is
    the deadly doom that waits the hapless maid, nor shall she from the
    curse escape.

    (strophe 2)

    And thou, poor wretch, who to thy sorrow art wedding a king's daughter,
    little thinkest of the doom thou art bringing on thy children's life,
    or of the cruel death that waits thy bride. Woe is thee! how art thou
    fallen from thy high estate!

    (antistrophe 2)

    Next do I bewail thy sorrows, O mother hapless in thy children, thou
    who wilt slay thy babes because thou hast a rival, the babes thy husband
    hath deserted impiously to join him to another bride. (The ATTENDANT
    enters with the children.) 

    ATTENDANT Thy children, lady, are from exile freed, and gladly did
    the royal bride accept thy gifts in her own hands, and so thy children
    made their peace with her.

    MEDEA Ah!

    ATTENDANT Why art so disquieted in thy prosperous hour? Why turnest
    thou thy cheek away, and hast no welcome for my glad news?

    MEDEA Ah me!

    ATTENDANT These groans but ill accord with the news I bring.

    MEDEA Ah me! once more I say.

    ATTENDANT Have I unwittingly announced some evil tidings? Have I
    erred in thinking my news was good?

    MEDEA Thy news is as it is; I blame thee not.

    ATTENDANT Then why this downcast eye, these floods of tears?

    MEDEA Old friend, needs must I weep; for the gods and I with fell
    intent devised these schemes.

    ATTENDANT Be of good cheer; thou too of a surety shalt by thy sons
    yet be brought home again.

    MEDEA Ere that shall I bring others to their home, ah! woe is me.

    ATTENDANT Thou art not the only mother from thy children reft. Bear
    patiently thy troubles as a mortal must.

    MEDEA I will obey; go thou within the house and make the day's provision
    for the children. (The ATTENDANT enters the house.)


    This passage continues next episode, as Medea's plan comes to fruition, and the fate of the princess is revealed by a palace messenger.

    Peter in HD (Part 37) -- The Remarkable Man to Whom was Passed the Torch of Torah

    Peter in HD (Part 37) -- The Remarkable Man to Whom was Passed the Torch of Torah

    Hate is a horrible thing.

    Hate unbridled and unchecked is a murderous thing.

    Hate in name of God is terrifying and terrorizing thing.

    And as you are about to hear in this PODCAST, hate in the name of God is indeed a terrorizing thing because such religious hatred is actually viewed by the hater as a righteous thing.

    Just ask a certain Pharisee—emphasis upon that lofty religious title, Pharisee, since it goes to the very heart of this story—named Saul. Yes! Saul was a Pharisee.

    On the night before He was executed, as Jesus and His now-eleven disciples were slinking through the dark alleys of Jerusalem, literally one step ahead of His betraying-disciple Judas, the Temple guards, and the Roman cohort that Judas was leading to arrest and ultimately to crucify Jesus, Jesus made this chilling statement which should have given His disciples pause, assuming that in that desperate hour they had presence of mind to pause.

    It’s found in John 16:2, where Jesus said this: “The time is coming when those who kill you will think they are doing a holy service for God.”

    A prediction, a prophecy that has historically come to pass in our day—the bitter result of religious extremism—far too many times to count. Bloodshed in the name of God. Be that blood shed at the hands of the Christian Crusaders, Muslim suicide bombers, or a now-ranking member of Sanhedrin—keep that label in mind; it too goes to heart of this story—Saul.

    From where did Saul’s unbridled fury, his murderous hatred for Jesus and all things Jesus-related come?

    Tonight, we will consider together much of what is often overlooked in any discussion about Saul-to-become-Paul’s background.

    All of which will expose the degree to which God went when preparing His “Apostle to the Gentiles.”

    Indeed, Paul will write in wonder in Galatians 2:8, “For by God's power I was made an apostle to the Gentiles.”

    That power was clearly at work in Paul’s/Saul’s past. And as you are about to hear, that power was equally at work in Saul’s present here in Acts 9.

    Please remember that depending upon your web browser and connection speed, it may take up to 60 seconds for this podcast to begin to play.

    God bless you richly as you listen.

    Women in Hellenistic and Roman Athens: Visualizing Female Power and Wealth

    Women in Hellenistic and Roman Athens: Visualizing Female Power and Wealth
    Anna Vasiliki Karapanagiotou, director, Ephorate of Antiquities of Arcadia, Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports. To honor closing day of the exhibition Power and Pathos: Bronze Sculpture of the Hellenistic World on March 20, 2016, Anna Vasiliki Karapanagiotou surveys imagery portraying influential women of Hellenistic and Roman Athens in order to explore and better understand their historical context. The late Hellenistic and imperial periods were characterized by profound changes in ancient Greeks' perceptions of societal roles. In this lecture, Karapanagiotou explains how life for women was altered and suitable conditions arose for more prominent depictions of upper-class women in visual media. This program was coordinated with and supported by the Embassy of Greece to the United States.

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