
    holy prophet

    Explore "holy prophet" with insightful episodes like "Welcoming the Month of Ramadan: Reflections on the Sermon of the Holy Prophet [saw]", "The Seal of Prophets – His Personality and Character", "26. Sura ash-Shuara with Urdu Translation", "32. Sura as-Sajdah with Urdu Translation" and "Huzoor S.A.W Se Barh Kar Koi Haseen Nahi by Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri" from podcasts like ""Loving and Living the Quran", "English Audio Books - Ahmadiyya Muslim Community", "Recitation of Holy Quran by Qari Syed Sadaqat Ali with Urdu Translation", "Recitation of Holy Quran by Qari Syed Sadaqat Ali with Urdu Translation" and "Huzoor S.A.W Se Barh Kar Koi Haseen Nahi by Dr. Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri"" and more!

    Episodes (6)

    26. Sura ash-Shuara with Urdu Translation

    26. Sura ash-Shuara with Urdu Translation
    Sura 26. ash-Shuara (the Poets): In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Ever-Merciful. 1. Ta, Sin, Mim. (Only Allah and the Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) know the real meaning.) 2. These are the Verses of the Book that makes clear (the Truth). 3. (O Esteemed Beloved!) You will perhaps risk your (dearest) life (grieving) that they do not accept faith. 4. If We intend, We should send down upon them (such) a Sign from heaven as their necks would not but bow down before it. 5. And there does not come to them any fresh direction and guidance from the Most Kind (Lord) but they turn away from it. 6. Thus they have indeed denied (the Truth), so the news of what they used to make fun of will reach them soon. 7. And have they not discerned the earth — what a variety of excellent vegetation We have caused to grow in it? 8. Surely there is a Sign in it (of Allah’s Might) but most of them are not the ones to believe. 9. And assuredly your Lord alone is the Almighty, Ever-Merciful. 10. And (recall the incident) when your Lord called to Musa (Moses): ‘Go to the wrongdoing people; 11. (That is) the people of Pharaoh. Do they not fear (Allah)?’ 12. Musa (Moses) submitted: ‘O my Lord, I fear that they will reject me. 13. And my breast constricts (under such adverse circumstances) and my tongue does not express (fluently), so send (Gabriel with revelation) to Harun (Aaron as well so that he becomes my helper). 14. And they also have a charge against me (of killing a Coptic), so I fear they may kill me.’ 15. (Allah) said: ‘By no means, so go both of you with Our Signs. Surely We are with you, hearing (everything). 16. So go both of you to Pharaoh and say: We are the Messengers (sent) by the Lord of all the worlds. 17. (Our aim is that) you send the Children of Israel with us (setting them free).’ 18. Pharaoh said: ‘Did we not bring you up among us as a child and you spent many years of your life with us?’ 19. And (then) you committed that deed which you committed (i.e. you killed a Coptic), and you are one of the ungrateful (you have forgotten our guardianship and favours). 20. (Musa (Moses)) said: ‘When I did that deed I was unaware (that even a single blow would take his life). 21. So (at that time), I went out of your (line of control) when I feared your (designs). Then my Lord bestowed on me the Commandment (of Prophethood) and (finally) made me one of the Messengers. 22. And is that (any) favour of which you are reminding me? (That happened also because) you had enslaved (all my people) the Children of Israel.’ 23. Pharaoh said: ‘What is the Lord of all the worlds?’ 24. (Musa (Moses)) said: ‘(He) is the Lord of all the heavens and the earth and the (whole universe) between the two if you are a firm believer.’ 25. He said to those seated around him: ‘Are you not listening?’ 26. (Musa (Moses)) added: ‘(The One Who) is your Lord and the Lord of your forefathers (too).’ 27. (Pharaoh) said: ‘Surely your Messenger that has been sent to you is but insane.’ 28. (Musa (Moses)) said: ‘(He) is the Lord of the east and the west and (the whole universe) between the two if you have (some) sense.’ 29. (Pharaoh) said: ‘(O Musa (Moses,)) if you take a god other than me, I will certainly (arrest and) put you among the prisoners.’ 30. (Musa (Moses)) said: ‘Even if I bring you something manifest (also as a miracle)?’ 31. (Pharaoh) said: ‘Bring it if you are truthful.’ 32. So Musa (Moses) put his staff down (on the ground) and that at once became a serpent evidently clear. 33. And (Musa (Moses)) brought out his hand (after putting it under his armpit) and there it became radiant white to the viewers. 34. (Pharaoh) said to the chiefs (sitting) around him: ‘Undoubtedly he is a (highly) learned sorcerer. 35. He seeks to drive you out of your land by (the force of) his magic. So what is your opinion (about him now)?’ 36. They said: ‘Put off (the announcement of sentence for) him and his brother (Harun (Aaron)) and send callers to (all) the cities (to summon the sorcerers). 37. They shall bring to you every high ranking expert sorcerer.’ 38. So all the sorcerers were assembled at the appointed time on the fixed day. 39. And it was said to the people (by Pharaoh’s side): ‘You will assemble together (on this occasion), 40. So that we may follow (Din (Religion) of) the sorcerers if they overmaster (Musa (Moses) and Harun (Aaron)).’ 41. Then when the sorcerers arrived they said to Pharaoh: ‘Is there (also) any reward (fixed) for us if we gain the upper hand (in the contest)?’ 42. (Pharaoh) said: ‘Yes indeed! (Instead of the rewarded ones,) you will straight away join (my) closer circle (and intimate relationship is far higher in grade than reward).’ 43. Musa (Moses) said to those (sorcerers): ‘Throw down the (magic) items which you are about to throw.’ 44. So they cast down their strings and sticks and said: ‘By the honour of Pharaoh we shall certainly win.’ 45. Then Musa (Moses) cast down his staff which, (changing into a serpent,) began swallowing up those things which they had made look different (from reality) through trickery. 46. So, all the magicians fell down prostrating themselves. 47. They said: ‘We believe in the Lord of all the worlds, 48. The Lord of Musa (Moses) and Harun (Aaron).’ 49. (Pharaoh) said: ‘You have believed in Him before I granted you permission. Surely it is he (Musa (Moses)) who is your chief (coach) and who has taught you magic. You will soon come to know (your end). I will definitely cut off your hands and your feet on opposite sides and will surely crucify you all.’ 50. They said: ‘There is no harm (in it). Surely we are to return to our Lord. 51. We have strong hope that our Lord will forgive our sins since it is we who are the first to believe (now).’ 52. And We revealed to Musa (Moses): ‘Take away My servants (from here) by night; you will certainly be chased.’ 53. Then Pharaoh sent callers to the cities. 54. (And conveyed:) ‘Surely these (Children of Israel) are but a small party. 55. And undoubtedly they are provoking us. 56. And verily we all are (also) alert and vigilant.’ 57. Then We drove them (Pharaoh’s people) out of gardens and springs, 58. And (also expelled them) from treasures and refined dwellings. 59. So (We did) and made the Children of Israel inheritors of all (those bounties). 60. Then at sunrise they (Pharaoh’s people) chased them. 61. So when the two parties came face to face the companions of Musa (Moses) said: ‘(Now) we are sure to be caught.’ 62. (Musa (Moses)) said: ‘Never! Surely my Lord is with me. He will show me the way (to deliverance) just now.’ 63. Then We revealed to Musa (Moses): ‘Strike the sea with your staff.’ So the sea split (into twelve parts) and each part became like a huge mountain. 64. And We brought the other party (Pharaoh and his companions) closer to that place. 65. And We saved Musa (Moses) and (also) all those who were with him. 66. Then We drowned the others (i.e. Pharaoh and his people). 67. Surely in this (incident) there is a great Sign (of Allah’s Infinite Power). And most of them were not the believers. 68. And verily your Lord alone is Almighty, Ever-Merciful indeed. 69. And also recite to them the story of Ibrahim (Abraham). 70. When he said to his father and his people: ‘What do you worship?’ 71. They said: ‘We worship idols and remain stuck to their (worship and care).’ 72. (Ibrahim (Abraham)) said: ‘Do they hear you when you call (them)? 73. Or do they bring you any profit or loss?’ 74. They said: ‘(We do not know that) but we found our fathers doing the same.’ 75. (Ibrahim (Abraham)) said: ‘Have you (ever) thought (of their reality) you worship?’ 76. (Did) you or (any of) your forefathers (ever realize)? 77. So (all) these (idols) are enemies to me except the Lord of all the worlds. (He is the One Who is my God.) 78. He Who created me and He is the One Who guides me. 79. And He is the One Who provides me with food and drink. 80. And when I fall ill, He is the One Who cures me. 81. He is the One Who will cause me to die and then He alone will give me life (again), 82. And Who, I hope, will forgive me my misdeeds on the Day of Judgment. 83. O my Lord! Bless me with excellence in knowledge and deeds, and include me among those who deserve Your exceptional intimacy. 84. And ordain for me virtuous remembrance and acceptance among the coming generations (too). 85. And include me among the inheritors of the Garden of Bliss. 86. And forgive my father. Surely he was of the misguided. 87. And disgrace me not on the Day (when) people will be raised up (from the graves), 88. The Day when neither wealth nor sons will profit. 89. But he alone (will be the gainer) who appears before the Presence of Allah with a heart protected (from) and pure (of all evils).’ 90. And (on that Day) Paradise will be brought closer to the Godfearing (and self-protecting). 91. And Hell will be uncovered before the misguided. 92. And it will be said to them: ‘Where are those (idols) which you used to worship, 93. Besides Allah? Can they help you or can they help themselves (to save themselves from Hell)?’ 94. So into Hell will be thrown headlong (the idols as well as) the people who lost the straight road. 95. And all the troops of Iblis (too will be hurled into Hell). 96. Those (misguided people) will say while disputing among themselves (in the Hell): 97. ‘By Allah, we were in manifest error, 98. When we held you equal to the Lord of all the worlds. 99. And no other than (these) evildoers led us astray. 100. So we do not have any intercessor (today). 101. Nor do we have any passionate friend. 102. Alas! If once we could have (a chance to) return (to the world), we would become believers.’ 103. Surely in this (incident) there is a great Sign (of Allah’s Infinite Power). And most of them were not the believers. 104. And verily your Lord alone is Almighty, Ever-Merciful. 105. The people of Nuh (Noah also) rejected the Messengers. 106. When their (kinship) brother Nuh (Noah) said to them: ‘Do you not fear (Allah)? 107. Indeed I (have come as) a trustworthy Messenger to you. 108. So fear Allah and obey me. 109. And I do not demand of you any wages for this (preaching of the Truth). My reward is only with the Lord of all the worlds. 110. So fear Allah and obey me.’ 111. They said: ‘Should we believe in you while the people of the lowest and most worthless (classes of society) are following you?’ 112. (Nuh (Noah)) said: ‘What has my knowledge to do with their (professional) tasks? 113. Their account is only with my Lord. If you could but understand (what the real honour and dishonour is)! 114. And I am not the one who casts out the believers. 115. I am only a clear Warner.’ 116. They said: ‘O Nuh (Noah), if you do not stop (saying these things), then surely you will be stoned to death.’ 117. (Nuh (Noah)) submitted: ‘O my Lord, my people have rejected me. 118. So judge between me and them and deliver me and the believers who are in my company.’ 119. So We delivered him and those who were (aboard) with him in the fully loaded Ark. 120. Then thereafter We drowned all the rest. 121. Surely in this (incident) there is a great Sign (of Allah’s Infinite Power) and most of them were not the believers. 122. And verily your Lord alone is Almighty, Ever-Merciful. 123. (The people of) ‘Ad (too) rejected the Messengers. 124. When their (kinship) brother Hud said to them: ‘Do you not fear (Allah)? 125. Verily I (have come as) a trustworthy Messenger to you. 126. So fear Allah and obey me. 127. And I do not demand of you any wages for this (preaching of the Truth). My reward is only with the Lord of all the worlds. 128. Do you build a monument on every high point (merely) for vanity and vain pursuits? 129. And do you erect strongly-built palaces (having pools) with the hope of living (in the world) forever? 130. And when you lay hand on someone you do it like ruthless tyrants. 131. So fear Allah and obey me. 132. And fear Him (Allah) Who has helped you with the things which you know. 133. He has helped you with cattle and children, 134. And (also) with gardens and springs. 135. Surely I fear the torment of a Terrible Day coming upon you.’ 136. They said: ‘It is all the same to us whether you admonish or do not become of those who admonish (we shall not believe). 137. It is nothing (else) but the habits (and customs) only of the forerunners (which we cannot abandon). 138. And we will not be afflicted with the torment. 139. So they rejected him (Hud) and We destroyed them. Surely in this (incident) there is a great Sign (of Allah’s Infinite Power) and most of them were not the believers. 140. And verily your Lord alone is Almighty, Ever-Merciful. 141. (The people of) Thamud (also) rejected the Messengers. 142. When Salih, their (kinship) brother, said to them: ‘Do you not fear (Allah)? 143. Verily I (have come as) a trustworthy Messenger to you. 144. So fear Allah and obey me. 145. And I do not demand of you any wages for this (preaching of the Truth). My reward is only with the Lord of all the worlds. 146. Will you be left in peace and contentment (forever) in these (bounties) which are (available to you) here? 147. (Here) in the gardens and springs? 148. And in crops and palm-trees which have soft and fine blossoms? 149. And, skilled (in stone-carving), you carve out houses in the mountains. 150. So fear Allah and obey me. 151. And do not obey the instructions of those who exceed limits, 152. Those who spread destructive activities in the land and do not do constructive works (for society).’ 153. They said: ‘You are but of the magic-stricken people. 154. You are but a human being like us, so bring some Sign if you are truthful.’ 155. (Salih) said: ‘(That Sign) is this she-camel. A time for water is (appointed) for her and on an appointed day is your turn for water. 156. And do not touch her with evil (intention) or the torment of a (gravely) terrible Day will seize you.’ 157. But they hamstrung her (and killed her). Then they became remorseful (because of what they did). 158. So the torment seized them. Surely in this (incident) there is a great Sign and most of them were not the believers. 159. And verily your Lord alone is Almighty, Ever-Merciful. 160. (The people of) Lut (Lot) also rejected the Messengers, 161. When Lut (Lot), their (kinship) brother, said to them: ‘Do you not fear (Allah)? 162. Verily I (have come as) a trustworthy Messenger to you. 163. So fear Allah and obey me. 164. And I do not demand of you any wages for this (preaching of the Truth). My reward is only with the Lord of all the worlds. 165. Do you approach only males (to satisfy your sexual desire) from among the people of the world; 166. And you leave your wives your Lord has created for you? You are rather of those who exceed bounds (in transgression).’ 167. They said: ‘O Lut (Lot), if you do not stop (saying these things), you will surely become of the exiled.’ 168. (Lut (Lot)) said: ‘No doubt I am of those who are disgusted by your practice. 169. O Lord! Deliver me and my family from (the consequent suffering of) this practice which they are doing.’ 170. So We delivered him and his entire family, 171. Except for an old woman who was among those who stayed behind. 172. Then We destroyed the others. 173. And We rained on them (stones). So how devastating was that rain on the people who were stressed with horror! 174. Surely in this (incident) there is a great Sign and most of them were not the believers. 175. And verily your Lord alone is Almighty, Ever-Merciful. 176. The dwellers of al-Aika (i.e. the People of the Wood also) rejected the Messengers, 177. When Shu‘aib said to them: ‘Do you not fear (Allah)? 178. Verily I (have come as) a trustworthy Messenger to you. 179. So fear Allah and obey me. 180. And I do not demand of you any wages for this (preaching of the Truth). My reward is only with the Lord of all the worlds. 181. Always fill up full measure and do not become injurious (to the rights of the people). 182. And weigh with a straight balance. 183. And do not give to the people their things (weighing) less than what is due, nor provoke strife in the land (by such moral, economic and social corruption and fraud). 184. And fear Him (Allah) Who has created you and the former generations.’ 185. They said: ‘(O Shu‘aib,) you are but of the magic-stricken people. 186. And you are but a human being like us and surely we consider you among the liars. 187. So, make a piece of heaven fall on us, if you are truthful.’ 188. (Shu‘aib) said: ‘My Lord knows best these (frauds) which you are doing.’ 189. So they rejected Shu‘aib and the torment of the Day of Shadow seized them. No doubt that was the torment of a terrible day. 190. Surely in this (incident) there is a great Sign and most of them were not the believers. 191. And verily your Lord alone is Almighty, Ever-Merciful. 192. And indeed this Qur’an has been revealed by the Lord of all the worlds. 193. The Trusted Spirit (Gabriel) has descended with it, 194. Upon your (most illumined) heart so that you may be a Warner (to the disobedient). 195. (It is sent down) in the plain Arabic language. 196. And verily it is (also mentioned) in the scriptures of former communities. 197. And is it not for them a (sufficient) proof (of the Truth of the Qur’an and the Truth of Muhammad’s Prophethood (blessings and peace be upon him)) that the learned scholars of the Children of Israel (also) recognize it? 198. And if We had sent it down to any of the non-Arabs, 199. And he had recited it to these people, (even then) they would not have believed in it. 200. Thus have We forced its (denial) firmly into the hearts of the sinners. 201. They will not believe in it until they see the painful torment. 202. So that (torment) will come upon them all of a sudden and they will not (even) perceive it. 203. They will then say: ‘Shall we be given respite?’ 204. Do they seek to hasten Our punishment? 205. Tell Me, if We provide them benefit for years, 206. Then comes to them that (torment) which they are being promised, 207. Then what will those resources which they were utilizing do (to drive that torment away from them)? 208. And We have not destroyed any town except those (towns) for which Warners had come, 209. (And that too) for direction and guidance. And We were not unjust. 210. 1And it is not Satans who descended with this (Qur’an). 211. 1They are neither worthy nor capable (of it). 212. 1Surely they have been debarred from hearing (this Divine Communication). 213. 1So, (O My servant,) do not call upon any other god besides Allah lest you become of those who are punished. 214. 1And, (O Esteemed Beloved,) warn your close relatives (of Our torment). 215. 1And extend your (merciful, kind and supporting) hand to those believers who follow you. 216. 1But, if they disobey you, then say: ‘I am disgusted by these (evil) deeds which you are doing.’ 217. 1And put your trust in Almighty, Ever-Merciful (Lord), 218. 1Who sees you when you stand up (for Tahajjud Prayer in the solitary hours at night), 219. 1And Who (also keeps) seeing your turning movements among those who prostrate themselves in Prayer. 220. Verily He is All-Hearing, All-Knowing. 221. Shall I tell you upon whom the satans descend? 222. They descend on every lying sinner (who weaves false allegations), 223. Who pour (into their ears) hearsay and most of them are liars. 224. And only the digressers follow the poets. 225. Have you not seen that these (poets) wander distracted (purposelessly) in every valley (of reflections? They take little serious and true interest in reality. They rather remain happy and lost in verbal leaps and imaginative jumps). 226. And that they say (such things) that they do not (themselves) do, 227. Except for those (poets) who believe and do pious deeds persistently and remember Allah abundantly (i.e. they eulogize Allah and the Holy Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) in their poetry), and avenge themselves after they are wronged (by means of poetic compositions, and defend Islam and the oppressed rather inspire them with zeal through their poetry. This type of poetry is not condemnable.) And those who do wrong will soon come to know to what place of turning they shall turn back (after death).

    32. Sura as-Sajdah with Urdu Translation

    32. Sura as-Sajdah with Urdu Translation
    Sura 32. as-Sajdah (Prostration): In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Ever-Merciful. 1. Alif, Lam, Mim. (Only Allah and the Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) know the real meaning.) 2. There is not even an iota of doubt in it that sending down of this Book is from the Lord of all the worlds. 3. Do the disbelievers and the polytheists say this: ‘He (the Holy Prophet) has fabricated it?’ Nay, it is the Truth from your Lord so that you may warn those to whom no Warner has come before you that they may receive guidance. 4. Allah is He Who created the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them in six days (i.e. six phases). He then settled Himself on the Throne (the Command and Control System of universe, befitting His Glory). You have no helper or intercessor apart from Him. So do you not accept direction and guidance? 5. He plans and executes the Command and Control System from the heavens to the earth. Then His Command ascends (and will ascend to completion) towards Him in one Day which measures one thousand years according to (the number) that you count. 6. He is the One Who knows the unseen and the visible, Almighty and Ever-Merciful. 7. He is the One Who endowed everything He created with perfection and virtue. And He initiated the genesis of man from clay (i.e. inorganic matter); 8. Then He linked up lineage of his kind from the extract of a lowly fluid (a sperm drop); 9. Then He perfected (organs and limbs in) him and breathed into him of His spirit (i.e. life) and made for you (also in the mother’s womb) ears and (then) eyes and (then) hearts and brains. You give thanks but little. 10. And the disbelievers say: ‘When we are lost in the earth, shall we then be created anew?’ In fact they deny the meeting with their Lord. 11. Say: ‘The angel of death that is appointed over you will terminate your life. Then you will be sent back to your Lord.’ 12. And (you will wonder at them) if you see the sinners hanging down their heads before the Presence of their Lord (and saying:) ‘O our Lord, we have seen and heard, so send us back (to the world now) so that we do pious deeds. Surely we believe with certitude.’ 13. And had We intended We would have given guidance to every soul (Ourselves), but this Command from Me has been confirmed: I will certainly fill Hell with all the (disbelieving) jinn and mankind. 14. So (now) savour the taste that you had forgotten your meeting of this Day. Surely We have forgotten you. And enjoy the flavour of everlasting torment, a reward of your deeds which you continued to do. 15. So only those who believe in Our Revelations, when directed and guided by means of these (Verses), fall down prostrating themselves and glorify their Lord with praise. And they do not attempt arrogance. 16. Their sides stay away from their beds and they call out to their Lord in a (mingled state) of fear and hope and spend (in Our Way) out of the sustenance We have provided them. 17. So no one knows what coolness of eyes is kept hidden for them. This will be a reward for those (pious deeds) which they used to do. 18. How can a person who is a believer be like him who is disobedient? (Nay,) they (both) cannot be equal. 19. So those who believe and keep doing good deeds, for them are Gardens of eternal repose as an entertainment and honour (from their Lord) in reward for those (works) which they used to do. 20. But as for those who disobeyed, their abode is Hell. Every time they will intend to get out of it and escape, they will be turned back into it and it will be said to them: ‘Keep enjoying the taste of this Fire of Hell which you used to belie.’ 21. And surely before the major torment (of the Hereafter), We shall make them savour the (taste of) nearby torment (in this world) so that they abstain (from disbelief). 22. And who is a greater wrongdoer than someone who is admonished by means of Revelations of His Lord, and then he turns away from them? Surely We take revenge on the evildoers. 23. And verily We gave Musa (Moses) the Book (Torah). So do not have any doubt with regard to his meeting. (That meeting is about to take place during the Night of the Ascension.) And We made it a guidance for the Children of Israel. 24. And We made from among them authorities and leaders who kept disseminating guidance by Our Command when they persevered with patience. And they believed in Our Revelations with certitude. 25. Surely your Lord alone will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection concerning matters in which they used to disagree. 26. And have they not taken any guidance (from this proclamation) that how many generations We have destroyed before them in whose dwellings these people (now) move about? Surely there are Signs in it. So do they not hear? 27. And have they not seen that We stream water towards the dry land, then with that We produce crops of which their cattle as well as they themselves eat? Do they not observe? 28. And they say: ‘When will this (Day of) Judgment take place if you are truthful?’ 29. Say: ‘On the Day of Judgment the belief of disbelievers will bring them no benefit, nor will they be given any respite.’ 30. So turn your face away from them and wait and they (too) are waiting.

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