
    horse lover

    Explore " horse lover" with insightful episodes like "More than just a saddle: A special interview with Letitia Glenn", "Zero on expectations (Z.O.E.)", "Mastering the mundane", "Teaching v's just telling" and "Leaving training until it's too late" from podcasts like ""Zoë's Horse Bytes", "Zoë's Horse Bytes", "Zoë's Horse Bytes", "Zoë's Horse Bytes" and "Zoë's Horse Bytes"" and more!

    Episodes (92)

    More than just a saddle: A special interview with Letitia Glenn

    More than just a saddle: A special interview with Letitia Glenn

    This was a truly engaging experience; our conversation was so rich and expansive that we inadvertently left numerous topics untouched. I eagerly anticipate our next discussion.

    To my loyal listeners, I guarantee the raw and unfiltered insights you've come to expect. I'm thrilled for you to hear from my very first guest, an individual whose influence and inspiration knows no bounds.

    Her journey defies the conventional constraints of age, showcasing remarkable success and a spirit of friendship I deeply value. Her dedication to equine welfare, through the innovative saddle system she pioneered, has garnered acclaim not only from riders but from the horses themselves—a testament to its efficacy.

    I am inspired by the vision she holds for her company's future, boldly challenging traditional norms and ensuring the utmost comfort for horses with their products. This is a journey of innovation and compassion, promising a brighter future for equine care ♥

    Letitia mentioned her free webinars, you can watch the replay below called:
    The Four Components Of Riding Success


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    Zero on expectations (Z.O.E.)

    Zero on expectations (Z.O.E.)


    Seriously this is one of the biggest secrets to creating a bond with horses and is the first time I share this detailed information publicly!

    If you would like to know more and learn step-by-step how to do that, I share it all in my Online Training Academy ♥

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    Mastering the mundane

    Mastering the mundane

    It IS difficult because we live in a world where we are fed instant gratification and instant dopamine kicks. 
    So what we have got to do is be careful we ae not doing the same in our horse training.

    It is actually the mundane tasks, training and moments that get the most neglected because we are wanting and needing the fix of having things now.

    I can tell you right now, this does not work with horses. 
    It might look like it for a minute or give you a temporary fix, but in the end it will either bite your on the butt later or the horse will suffer the consequences in one way or another.

    Why not have a listen, and see if you get what I mean and can perhaps think abut that whilst working/playing/training with your horses ♥

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    Teaching v's just telling

    Teaching v's just telling
    • Do you find yourself in the situation of having to keep telling your horse but not getting any results?
    • Do you understand that telling is very different to teaching (educating & communicating)?
    • Did you know that if you teach behind your telling that you can achieve the desired out come and will not have to tell them anymore?

    Listen in where I hope some coins drop and maybe you can start to think about your training in general and what your expectations are. 

    It could be a game changer ♥

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    Leaving training until it's too late

    Leaving training until it's too late

    Many know it, yet they still do it!
    Why is that?

    I question these kind of subjects because as an educator and for the horses sake, I want to help improve things and create awareness.

    Trailer loading OR as I call it Trailer load-IN is one of the bigger topics where it is simply just left until it is too late.

    Did you know I offer a complete online training course on teaching your horse how to trailer load?

    Please listen in where I share my thoughts and some other subjects which are often left too late leading to the horse becoming a victim due to the lack of training, education AND intelligence of their humans to explain it to them in advance ♥

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    Tying horses

    Tying horses

    Why is tying important?
    In this episode I share my thoughts about different ways of tying horses and what to expect in terms of understanding and relaxation.

    The idea as ever, is to create questions and awareness of what we are doing and if it is good enough.

    Tying horses is what I call a 'General Skill' and is one that a human needs to learn in order to teach it well to their horses. 

    • It starts with the knot, which one we are using and why?
    • Then we have too look at what the horses thought's and knowledge are about being tied and make sure that we have the skills and mindset to teach them how to stand still and relax.

    Besides hundreds of other subjects my Online Training Academy offers solutions for this subject and the actual practice of tying horses as a 'General Skill' and also troubleshooting for example with a horse that cannot stand and relax ♥

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    Bridle-less riding - some thoughts

    Bridle-less riding - some thoughts

    Such a nice thing to head towards where for many riders they don't believe it would ever be possible for them.
    I am here to tell you that that is not entirely correct.

    With some grit mostly to swallow a chunk of pride and the gearing up of ones dedication level, anything is possible.

    Our horses are a direct result of where our knowledge level is at in our chosen subjects.

    • Am I saying because you can't ride bridleless you are a crap rider? No.
    • Am I saying because you can ride bridleless you are a brilliant rider? No.

    It is about the fundamental practice of achieving it if you wanted it and the understanding that the practice to get there if done correctly should improve things, not hinder them.

    Listen in where I tell you more ♥

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    A song for Horse Lovers - A voice for them

    A song for Horse Lovers - A voice for them

    Something a bit different.
    Controversial in its nature I share with you our award winning song of which is titled - The Heartless Equestrian.

    Aimed at the mainstream sports and the cruelty that does go on behind the scenes you will either love or hate the song and this podcast.

    Either way, it is a voice for them, the beautiful horses.

    You can find out more about Eddy here:
    Last Hope Horsemanship - Website
    Eddo's music - Instagram

    You can hear the full song, read its lyrics and use it for your own videos and reels - here

    The Heartless Equestrian

    Original lyric - Zoë Coade
    Modified lyrics, music and artist - Eddy Modde

    Equestrian horse lovers, please listen up

    Stop lining their pockets for glory and that golden cup

    Stop buying new trends, like a new and stronger bit

    You can say no thanks and put an end to all of it

    Speak up when they dig in that god awful spur

    Leaving blood and welts leaking from their fur

    Chorus >

    Heartless Equestrian Organisation

    Why do you put up with these forces

    You make them cry these poor horses

    Don’t buy that ticket

    Coz money keeps them wicked

    Rollkur and hyperflexion do not have to take place

    Blue tongue is not just a moment of abusing their face

    Chains and wires yank and tug at their poor mouth

    Chin straps on very tight, drawing their head too far south

    Nails sticking out of poles to get them to clear the fence

    Then pushing them hard because they feel a bit tense

    Chorus >

    It is only human nature to leave things too late

    This has gone on far too long, if only horses could hate

    Hiding behind traditions, it has no hold

    Protect them and make change, we MUST be bold

    Don’t be old fashioned or incredibly unkind

    Protect the horses, open your mind

    Chorus >

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    Let them run

    Let them run

    Yes, it is indeed a poignant aspect of horse welfare; letting them run.

    The ability for horses to engage in natural behaviors, such as galloping, is important for their physical and mental well-being.
    Horses that are kept in confined spaces or those used primarily for specific tasks may have limited opportunities to express their natural behaviors.

    While some horses are fortunate to have the freedom to gallop in open spaces, others may spend their lives in more restricted environments.
    This can be due to various factors, including the type of work they're trained for, living conditions, or the constraints of their surroundings.

    Promoting environments that allow horses to engage in natural behaviors, like running and socializing, is crucial for their overall health and happiness.
    Where the above is not possible, then alternative ways of allowing the horses to move freely should be considered, like for example whilst riding.

    It's a reminder of the responsibility that comes with caring for these majestic animals and considering their needs beyond practical utility ♥

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    Introverted horse OR horse in pain?

    Introverted horse OR horse in pain?

    As I delve deeper into my studies, my fascination with understanding the horse as a specific species grows. 

    It's not just about seeking better ways to hear their whispers, but also about attuning myself to the nuances of their cries. 

    This exploration goes beyond the surface, delving deep into the intricate fabric of their existence. 

    Each layer reveals a new aspect, prompting me to listen more intently to the stories they tell and to the echoes of what could be pain.

    Join me now in this episode where I discuss my thoughts about just that ♥

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    They don't see, how it can be

    They don't see, how it can be

    This is a tough one because there are many humans who struggle with their horses but it has become so normal to them that they start to think or really do believe its actually quite normal.

    OR there are people who are fully aware that  they ARE struggling but they do not seek further than beyond the end of their nose to change because they think it will cost them far more energy than if they were to stay as they are. 
    Worse still, many are afraid to change!

    My advice is to always stay open, look for and hang out with people who are successful with their own horses. 

    Where it gets interesting is; as you gain more experience and insights, what you thought might have been a good example of horsemanship in the past, may well start to become your worse nightmare later because you woke up, you started to see what is crap and what is better. 

    Lets move away from crap, its bad for horses, forgive ourselves for the past and continue the search for good so the horses can forgive us too ♥

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    Quiet practice is not real practice

    Quiet practice is not real practice

    Thank you dear listeners for your 500 plays last week - proud to be a part of your tribe.

    Please join me in this episode where I talk about and elaborate somewhat on the subject of practicing in a quiet area.

    Where it might have benefits for us, it probably has zero benefits for the horse!
    If you are curious about what I mean, then please have a listen ♥

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    HOW to get good with horses

    HOW to get good with horses

    Tune in to hear some of the secrets 'how to get good with horses' plus also a little story how I came up with the name and stuff like that!

    Our horses are a direct reflection of who we are, what we do, what our skill set and experience is. 
    If that does not improve, the horse will not. 
    Go ahead a buy a new horse but pretty soon it will start to look like that last. 
    I call this the 'default'!

    Horses either default to what they think is the correct thing to do or the owners default to the level of where their knowledge is at. 

    Things can only get good (or great) when the knowledge is fed and practiced enough to become normal and stopping us and our horses from defaulting to the old things we do not want or need anymore ♥

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    A day in the life of a Shetland owner

    A day in the life of a Shetland owner

    Benny - he is my little (big) guy where in this episode I share with you some of our day-today interactions with other people and their horses.

    I guarantee you three things in this episode: a smile, a giggle and a 'you said whaaaaat'?

    To me no matter the color, age, sex or breed, they are all horses and all have equal rights on this earth. I hope you agree and if not maybe my podcast can help change that or we (you and I) are simply not compatible ♥

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    The Relaxation Whistle

    The Relaxation Whistle

    It is absolutely possible to have a communication for your horse that says relax or don't worry. 

    In this podcast I share with you how I came to discover that, how to train it and how and when to apply it.

    You can always reach out to me if you have any questions and if you like to learn more about how to get good with horses then please see the links ♥

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    Ears forwards does not mean happy horse

    Ears forwards does not mean happy horse

    In this first episode I share with you some insights, facts and my own experiences about horses ears and how they use them to express themselves and communicate.

    Often times, especially in comments on social media, I have seen people question, even attack perfectly good horsemanship because the horses ears were not forward facing.

    • Forward facing ears does necessarily not mean happy
    • Backwards facing ears does not necessarily mean unhappy
    • Pinned ears momentarily can just be a quick expression comparable to for i.e. when you say 'no'!

    I don't know about you but personally in my life, I like to have the option and permission to say no. 
    I would hate to have to be perfect in everything I do because someone who does not know better would think I was unhappy if I did not.

    Let's not do this to the horses. 
    Let's learn to understand how they communicate and accept that as a part of their 'happy language' they do indeed put their ears to the side, to the back, wrinkle their nose, swish their tail and even lift a hind leg. 
    They need to do this just as much as you need certain words to express yourself.

    I could elaborate on this subject for hours, please note it is not an excuse for poor horsemanship and unhappy horses; the idea is to simply get people to think and learn the language of the horse better.

    I hope you enjoy ♥

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    Cathy Woods

    Cathy Woods

    Cathy Woods is an experienced Yoga instructor and author of Yoga for Riders, which focuses on the use of yoga principles and postures to improve horsemanship. Cathy believes the meditative, mindful breath work and lifestyle aspects of the tradition, as well as the postures, can be profoundly helpful in our interactions with horses.

    Cathy's Website: https://cathywoodsyoga.com/

    Cathy's Book: https://www.amazon.com/Yoga-Riders-Principles-Postures-Horsemanship/dp/1570769710

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    Warwick has over 650 Online Training Videos that are designed to create a relaxed, connected, and skilled equine partner. Start your horse training journey today!

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