
    howard straus

    Explore "howard straus" with insightful episodes like "New directions for the Max Gerson Foundation", "Encore: The Power of Natural Healing with Gaetan Chevalier, Ph.D.", "Want to get rid of the extra holiday pounds?", "Encore: Why are we so depressed? How to beat it." and "Jesse Yu, 5 year recovery from malignant melanoma" from podcasts like ""The Power of Natural Healing", "The Power of Natural Healing", "The Power of Natural Healing", "The Power of Natural Healing" and "The Power of Natural Healing"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    New directions for the Max Gerson Foundation

    New directions for the Max Gerson Foundation
    The Max Gerson Foundation has recently upped their game. Since there has been a recent problem of patients being unable to reach the scheduling activity of the Gerson Clinic in Mexico, we have committed ourselves to help make the critically needed connection in a timely and knowledgeable manner. Patients needing to schedule stays at the clinic may now call the Max Gerson Foundation to schedule stays at the only Gerson certified center in North America, founded by Charlotte Gerson and in continuous operation for four decades. We will do everything we can to return telephone calls and answer emails within less that 24 hours, with knowledgable team members able to help patients. The Foundation will also accept patients to the Mexican clinic from China through Gerson China until our Chinese clinic opens.

    Encore: The Power of Natural Healing with Gaetan Chevalier, Ph.D.

    Encore: The Power of Natural Healing with Gaetan Chevalier, Ph.D.
    Howard’s guest on The Power of Natural Healing, Monday, March 17, 2014 will be Gaétan Chevalier, Ph.D., a meticulous researcher and faculty on the staff at several institutions including the California Institute for Human Science, UC Irvine and the Earthing Institute, who has been doing careful research on Earthing for the past 10 years, and publishing his findings in respected peer-reviewed journals from the start. Dr. Chevalier started out as a strong skeptic, but approached the project with an open mind and a commitment to the most meticulous, painstaking research to avoid any doubt as to his findings. What he found surprised him, delighted him and opened up a whole new field of research that is bringing scientific light to the ancient and powerful healing technique. This interview, in Dr. Chevalier’s laboratory, was also filmed for the upcoming sequel to the film “The Grounded,” and will appear in the film.

    Want to get rid of the extra holiday pounds?

    Want to get rid of the extra holiday pounds?
    Around this time of year, specifically (in the US) between Thanksgiving feasts, Christmas parties and treats, and New Year's celebrations, it is an unfortunate side effect that there will be many more calories coming in to our bodies. At the same time, because of the inclement weather, cold, rain and snow, we'll be spending less time outdoors walking, hiking, exercising. The net result? Many of us will pack on extra pounds that will be difficult to get rid of in the coming months. Yet, your body gets rid of over 100 pounds of fat each and every year! If we didn't keep pumping fat into our systems, it would dump all the weight it needed to in order to return to a healthy and sustainable weight. The opportunity this represents is that we don't have to work hard to maintain a healthy weight; our body will do it for us! Join us for your guide to maintaining a healthy weight effortlessly.

    Encore: Why are we so depressed? How to beat it.

    Encore: Why are we so depressed? How to beat it.
    It is a very sad statistic that today, over 10% of all Americans have suffered at least one bout of severe depression, often clinical depression. Lest you think that sadness is the only effect, and that it is not all that dangerous, remember that antidepressants and antipsychotics are some of the most dangerous pharmaceuticals that there are. Virtually all, if not all school mass shootings are perpetrated by people who are being treated with one or more of these drugs, and the shooter often ends up dead, or in prison for the rest of his life. These drugs have expectable side effects of violent psychotic episodes and suicidal ideation and actions. So it would be ever so much easier to simply avoid, or repair the dysfunction, rather than deal repeatedly with schools and universities turned into graveyards. We'll talk about what depression really is, and how you can avoid the factors that put you in that state. If there is time, we'll talk about a linked problem: migraines.

    Jesse Yu, 5 year recovery from malignant melanoma

    Jesse Yu, 5 year recovery from malignant melanoma
    When Jesse Yu, a young engineer and management consultant, was diagnosed with malignant melanoma in 2013, he was in shock. Only 31, and he thought he ate healthy food, took care of himself, and yet he suddenly found out he might not live another year! He scheduled surgery, but his mother begged him to instead try an alternative therapy she knew of: the Gerson Therapy. He knew nothing of it, but trusted his mother. Jesse then set out to find out as much about the results and science behind the Therapy, and became convinced that it was the right way to go. Today, five years since his diagnosis, he is healthy, married to a wonderful and supportive woman, and they have a 7-month-old boy, whose middle name is Gerson.

    It's that time of year again ... Stay healthy!

    It's that time of year again ... Stay healthy!
    I am sure that many of you have experienced the unpleasant time in late January and early February when you are down with sniffles, fever, cough and worse. Most people attribute it to the stress of the holiday season, the cold winter weather, the financial stress we subject ourselves to in order to provide gifts and parties to our families, travel, and other causes. But I don't believe it! Over the years, I have often worked in close proximity with a work group of six or eight others, all of whom suffer during this period from the flu that's going around. Since everyone has it, the assumption is that it is inevitable, universal and must be borne. NOT TRUE! Listen in and find out how to stay healthy during this period, and far beyond it. Illness is NOT inevitable. Our bodies are more than capable of keeping us healthy even in the worst winters, under the most stresses. We'll talk about that and more.

    Encore: Nicolette Richer: New book, Crowdfunding, trip to Malawi

    Encore: Nicolette Richer: New book, Crowdfunding, trip to Malawi
    Friend of the show Nicolette Richer, founder of the Green Moustache restaurants, Richer Health Consulting and author of Eat Real to Heal, will tell us about her most recent projects. Eat Real to Heal has been the number one Amazon new release for months, and is a powerful argument for eating whole, organic, plant-based foods, with an eye towards good health through nutrition. She bases her deep knowledge on the Gerson Therapy, plus her years of health consulting with her Canadian neighbors. Nicolette is now launching a crowdfunding campaign to bring this healing food to hospitals, schools, universities, and other organizations, and has given TEDx talks on Canadian television. She is a dynamic, brilliant young woman with a healthy family and a drive that just does not quit. Nicolette just returned from a trip to her ancestral homeland, Malawi, and was highly impressed by the natural and healthy people she met. Join us for a dynamic hour with Nicolette Richer.

    Nicolette Richer: New book, Crowdfunding, trip to Malawi

    Nicolette Richer: New book, Crowdfunding, trip to Malawi
    Friend of the show Nicolette Richer, founder of the Green Moustache restaurants, Richer Health Consulting and author of Eat Real to Heal, will tell us about her most recent projects. Eat Real to Heal has been the number one Amazon new release for months, and is a powerful argument for eating whole, organic, plant-based foods, with an eye towards good health through nutrition. She bases her deep knowledge on the Gerson Therapy, plus her years of health consulting with her Canadian neighbors. Nicolette is now launching a crowdfunding campaign to bring this healing food to hospitals, schools, universities, and other organizations, and has given TEDx talks on Canadian television. She is a dynamic, brilliant young woman with a healthy family and a drive that just does not quit. Nicolette just returned from a trip to her ancestral homeland, Malawi, and was highly impressed by the natural and healthy people she met. Join us for a dynamic hour with Nicolette Richer.

    First performance of The Man Who Killed the Cure

    First performance of The Man Who Killed the Cure
    This last weekend, I spent in Dayton, Ohio, attending the first public performance of The Man Who Killed the Cure, a play by noted Los Angeles playwright, Luke Yankee, about the suppression and eventual assassination of Dr. Max Gerson. I'll tell you about the play, the audience, and the reaction to the information. It's a dramatic story, and one that we hope will ignite curiosity and research into the reaction of the American medical community to alternative medicine in general, and the Gerson Therapy in particular. Renowned theater critic Rex Reed has penned a glowing review of the play, particularly focusing on the information presented, saying, Everyone should see this play, at least twice!

    Amy Johnson, recovery from ovarian cancer

    Amy Johnson, recovery from ovarian cancer
    Amy Johnson was a dynamic young woman who suffered from a number of minor ailments, and thought of herself as being in relatively good health. So it was a total, and devastating shock to be diagnosed in 2013 with clear cell ovarian cancer in her right ovary. When she went for surgery to remove the ovary, it was discovered the cancer was spread to both. She made the harsh decision to have a total hysterectomy, since she had hoped to have children one day. However, despite the warnings of the conventional medical community (including her mother, a nurse), she declined chemotherapy, and instead, in extensive research, found the Gerson Therapy, which resonated with her core beliefs. She and her mother attended the Gerson Therapy clinic in Mexico in October, 2013. Today, Amy is a high energy, healthy, active young woman who acts and looks decades younger than her chronological 48 years, has her own design business, and takes every opportunity to tell others about her journey.

    Water, water, everywhere, BUT...

    Water, water, everywhere, BUT...
    We are all very familiar with the standard urging to drink at least eight glasses of water every day. It is a rarity to see someone now, out and about, doing any kind of sport, without a water bottle of some kind close at hand. It is so normal that billions of water bottles are clogging even the oceans, large as they are. So, strongly advising people NOT to drink water is seen as madness. What are you thinking? Why on Earth would water be on the forbidden foods list? Water?! We'll go through the very strong arguments for avoiding water when you are on the Gerson Therapy, and the important reasons that you should be drinking anything but water when you are trying to heal (and at all other times, too). And, just for the record, since the next question is so predictable, yes, I avoid water as much as possible. I will never reach for a water bottle at any time. Yet, I do not get dehydrated. I'll explain it in detail. Listen in to Monday's The Power of Natural Healing.

    What is the Gerson Therapy?

    What is the Gerson Therapy?
    This show will be an overview of the Gerson Therapy, as it has been a long time since we have concentrated on the Therapy itself. What is it? Where did it come from? Why does it seem to work, despite all the calumny from the conventional, allopathic medical industry? Most people by now understand that the Therapy is based on a vegan, organic diet, complemented by juices and detoxification, but that seems a bit simplistic an approach for a disease like cancer, with all its complications and variants. What is the real story here? If this therapy really can affect the progression or reversal of chronic illnesses, then why is it not more widely known and accepted? And why should we adopt this labor-intensive lifestyle, when we have modern medicine?

    Flu vaccine and flu epidemic, corporate and government cynicism

    Flu vaccine and flu epidemic, corporate and government cynicism
    Despite the huge success of the flu vaccination programs across the United States, including huge and universal coercion by medical, academic, military and employers, there is an immense epidemic of flu in all 50 states. Emergency rooms are filled to overflowing, temporary shelters have been pressed into service, and there has even been publicity about vaccine shortages. What is going on? If the number of people who have been vaccinated is at an all-time high, why is flu spreading at such a high rate? We have spoken on this program in the past about vaccines not being tested for safety and effectiveness, about vaccines being the only product exempted from product liability in the US, and this is still the case today. We'll also talk about the cynicism of food manufacturers and the animal food industry, pushing products known to be carcinogenic by the WHO, and hiding that information from us by corrupting the press.

    Encore: Nicolette Richer and the Green Moustache phenomenon

    Encore: Nicolette Richer and the Green Moustache phenomenon
    Nicolette Richer of Whistler, British Columbia, is a ball of fire. She has a master's degree in psychology, is a Gerson Therapy home setup trainer, founded a chain of organic, whole-foods restaurants that is growing like wildfire, has been invited to help British Columbia hospitals improve their dietary offerings to healing rather than damaging foods, gives seminars, and has started to franchise the restaurants. She has so much energy, it's going to be hard to corral it all in a tiny one-hour interview, but we'll try. Bubbly, full of plans and ambitions, with a tool that she knows will help anyone who picks it up. Listen in for an exciting interview!

    EPA Suppresses fluoride science and experts

    EPA Suppresses fluoride science and experts
    Recently, Paul Connett and his wife, both experts on the deadly substance fluorine, went to Washington to testify in the EPA hearings on water fluoridation. They drove for hours from upstate New York to Washington, and were put on the agenda to testify as to the science and effects of fluoride. When they were scheduled to testify, they were told that they had THREE MINUTES to talk, and no more would be allotted, although there was ample time in the schedule for speakers to allow them to speak longer. Any dissent, any mention of the actual science behind the opposition to water fluoridation was completely silenced and suppressed, showing that the EPA is NOT a science-driven agency, but a political agency driven by imperatives different from protecting the environment and population of the United States. Time for this agency to change administrators and/or be abolished, as it is NOT serving its stated purpose, rather just the opposite.

    Gilbert Hakim, DC, and chiropractic healing

    Gilbert Hakim, DC, and chiropractic healing
    There are many paths to healing, including chiropractic. But in the end, all paths, no matter where they begin, lead to the central principle that the human body is designed, and functions best, when it is able to do what it is supposed to do, and that is maintain homeostasis, or good health. Every healer who observes his patients, and pays attention to their responses, will eventually come to the conclusion that properly feeding the body, removing the poisons that people have accumulated, and making sure that joints and nerves are properly functioning will result in optimum health over the long run. Chiropractic is one of the paths leading to the holy grail of good health and well-being. Dr. Hakim is an experienced and effective healer, and we'll explore his journey to the healing arts.

    Colds, flu and shots, Oh, my!

    Colds, flu and shots, Oh, my!
    This is the time of year when, due to parties, poor nutrition, not enough sleep, stress due to finances, fatigue, alcohol, reduced sunlight, people all around you are, or will be getting colds, the flu and other infectious illnesses. Some of these, if the past is any guide, will progress into pneumonia, with potentially fatal consequences. At the same time, the pharmaceutical industry and the vaccine manufacturers are working day and night to develop hundreds of more vaccines, and lobbying for all they are worth ($$$) to get every single one designated as mandatory. Dr. Andrew Saul, vitamin, nutrition and supplement expert, great friend and frequent guest on The Power of Natural Healing, will share techniques for protecting yourself from, even reversing the ill effects of untested and unsafe vaccines, and will show you how to protect yourself from colds and flu, even if they have progressed to pneumonia. You need to listen to this show!

    Kathleen Blake and the Gerson Therapy Support Group

    Kathleen Blake and the Gerson Therapy Support Group
    Friend of the show and recovered thyroid cancer patient (31 years on Gerson Therapy), and stays close to its principles still. She took over moderating a Facebook discussion called Gerson Therapy Support Group when there were a few hundred members, and has shepherded it faithfully for years, to its current membership of over 21,000 members. This group is dedicated to people helping each other with the ins and outs of the Gerson Therapy, the myriad questions that arise, and the alleviation of the feeling of being totally isolated and alone. People who have recovered help people who are struggling; people who are considering the Therapy can ask those doing it about their experience. Kathleen has expended untold hours of care and assistance to this group, and has gotten in return the satisfaction of seeing hundreds of people helped.

    Gerson in China

    Gerson in China
    We just returned from a trip to Beijing, China to meet with doctors, patients and government officials to introduce them to the Gerson Therapy. This is the first visit by a member of the Gerson family to the country to discuss the Therapy, especially with regards to natural healing and prevention. China has many health problems, and the government pays for all medical care. Thus, it is in their interest for the population to be healthy and productive rather than in need of medical intervention. A translation of Healing the Gerson Way into Simplified Chinese is in progress, and our host, N.99 Health, is exploring supplements, devices and training to help the many sick patients in China. We visited organic farms, the site of the 2022 Winter Olympics, the Wall (of course) and had many productive meetings. Listen in!

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