
    human design profiles

    Explore "human design profiles" with insightful episodes like "The 3/6 Profile in Human Design - The Martyr Role Model", "The 2/5 Profile in Human Design - The Hermit Heretic", "The 2/4 Profile in Human Design - The Hermit Opportunist" and "The 1/3 Profile in Human Design - The Investigator Martyr" from podcasts like ""The HD Your Biz® Show - Human Design for Business with Jamie Palmer", "The HD Your Biz® Show - Human Design for Business with Jamie Palmer", "The HD Your Biz® Show - Human Design for Business with Jamie Palmer" and "The HD Your Biz® Show - Human Design for Business with Jamie Palmer"" and more!

    Episodes (4)

    The 3/6 Profile in Human Design - The Martyr Role Model

    The 3/6 Profile in Human Design - The Martyr Role Model

    On today's episode of the HD Your Biz Podcast - Human Design for Business I continue the deep dive into the 12 profiles series in human design. Today's episode the 3/6 profile in human design known as the Martyr Role Model. This profile moves about the world with a deep inner wisdom and oscilates between experimentation and observation. They live their life in three distinct phases and are here to be of trusted council to the world. 

     The 3/6 needs to go through cycles of trial and error in order to embody the wisdom and step into the role model mentor role. These people experiement, create allegencies and build trust as the lead by being of council to others. They are deeply wise and their wisdom becomes stronger with age. 

    If you want to dive deeper into human design I invite you to explore the HD Wild Program. 


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    Speaker 1 (00:02):

    The three six profile, the martyr role model in traditional human design, or as I like to say, the experiment mentor, you are here to experiment and mentor others from the wisdom of your experiments. You are resilient, authentic, and you lead the people with your insights. You are sought out for your counsel. You find equilibrium by honoring your pull to dance with life while nourishing yourself with alone time. You build trust slowly with those who believe in your fundamentals. You show us what it means to be an embodied, authentic leader who isn't afraid to fail. Your failure fuels your wisdom, your strength and determination inspire every soul you come in contact with. Let's dive into the three six profile. So with the three six, we are here with the third line, the experimenter. And they're really the transition between the first floor and the second floor.


    This is really how we make material in the world. This is how we have success on the material plane. And then you have the sixth line who's here to be a mentor and a role model and really to show us how to lead in the world through guiding and giving others their quote, blessing or stamp of approval. So this profile is a challenging profile because for the first 30 years, the six line exists in three phases. Phase one to 30, phase two, 30 to 50, phase three, 50 and beyond. And roughly, roughly, those ages are approximate, but in the first 30 years, they're living as a double three profile. So there is a lot of trial and error and experiment. And from the outside world, it can be very challenging. There can be a lot of failures that happen.


    There can be a lot of failures that happen for the three six profile, and it can come with a lot of shame and guilt. But there's also deep wisdom in learning that happens during that phase of experimentation. And then in phase two, which is 30 to 50 years, is a period of retreat as they go and they kind of build their foundation and they climb back and they go to the roof and they begin to observe and they begin to try to heal those wounds that they experienced in their first 30 years. This is often where they establish a family and they build a foundation. But businesses often they kind of do things a little bit aloof here, they're not super connected to it. And then in phase 30, which is kind of 50 years and beyond, they start to

    Speaker 2 (02:58):

    Reengage with life. They come down from the roof or as I like to say, they kind of get their wings and they can oscillate between this time of retreat and this time of being with the people. And they have gained this wisdom, but they still have these wounds they've gotten for the first 30 years. And I always like to say, I don't think most six lines wounds heal like a third line. I think they're always kind of tender. And so these are people who can be skeptical. They're very discerning with who they trust. They often observe before they engage, and yet people are constantly seeking out their approval. But the challenge here is the third line wants to get into the field of life. They want to operate on the material plane, they want to be on the playing field. And the sixth line kind of prefers to be on the roof.


    And the third line wants to get its hands to his things. And they've got double third line for their first 30 years. And so this is a struggle. These are people who bump into things, life bumps into them, and they have to realize that they are not a failure. It's they move about the world through trial and error. That's how they experience the world. And there is this resiliency that is developed during that phase one. And it's during that phase one that they also gain the experiences they need to turn that into wisdom in phases two and three. And so they experience what life is like and they realize like, oh man, I don't know that I actually like this. And they may feel sort of unfulfilled or incomplete or weary of life. And then into phase two, they begin to experience more a tension.


    It's almost like they have two different personalities. The three, it bumps into things, life bumps into them. And then in they've got their sixth line that wants to retreat so they can become disinterested in life and what life has to offer because they've bumped into so many things. And there's often a lot of wounds from the first 30 years of life that they just like, I don't want to be down with the people. I don't feel safe to be down with the people. I'm going to stay up here. But the third line's like, and I want to jump into things. And so there's this tension. And particularly during phases two and three, there's challenges that they face with perfectionism and trust and in decision. And it's during that second phase where they're here to establish a family. They're here to have security and build that sense of what's, what does my life look like?


    What does my career look like? What does my family look like? And that happens in phase two, but depending upon what happened in their first 30 years, they either balance this tension well or they don't feel safe to head out into the world at all. And there's usually not a lot of nuance in between that. It's like people typically fall into one of two camps. And so at a healthy expression, they need to balance their desire to experiment and gain wisdom while also honoring their need to observe. And then in phase three, they kind of fully embody, they fully step onto the roof. They fully incorporate that wisdom that they learn from the first 30 years of life. And they're still going to bump into things. And the bumping into things is often for them so that they can have more wisdom. But the reality is they have this unique perspective.


    They are a valuable resource. They're a sounding board to other people. And they don't really lead by getting their hands dirty. They, they may lead by getting their hands dirty for themselves, but that's not necessarily how they guide other people. People will come to the three six for council and they'll get guidance, and then the three six will immediately get back on the roof and observe. But understand that these are people, it takes time for these people to develop self-confidence, develop self-trust to gain mastery, because there's this constant dancing with their discoveries of their third line and the wisdom that comes along with that. And then the sixth line to be a living example of lesson learned. So these are people who as they mature, they gain more wisdom, they gain more trust, they gain more confidence over time, and they embody leading by learning from mistakes.


    And they really have a resilience to stick with the course in spite of what might come up. So the three six s are resilient, they're strong, and they have a capacity to show the world a new way to lead. They persevere. And I think it's important to understand that the challenges here are abundant. And the reality is awareness is key because the three and the six operate fundamentally differently. One's in the lower trigram, but they face two different struggles. So they often might feel like they're just fighting themselves or that they have two different personalities. And really learning to navigate that becomes key. And I always say six lines. They kind of have this wound from the first 30 years that's tender. And that leads them to struggle to trust other people. It may lead them to sit in indecision, it may lead them to perfectionism.


    And they'll sit there and they'll tweak and they'll hone and they'll adjust and they'll modify and they learn and observe for years. And they never really step into that mental role. And I think it's important to note that, and nobody really talks about this, but I think it's important to mention that just because you're a sixth line does not mean that you're automatically guaranteed to step into that role model role, particularly if you have not been following your strategy and an authority. So understand that this three six, they may never step into that mental role because they don't feel safe. And it's important to understand that there is a lack of trust, both internally and externally. They don't trust themselves to come down the roof because they don't know what will happen if they're going to get tackled. And then they don't know if they can trust other people.


    So it's important for them to integrate the experience experiments that they had into learning so that six line can carry that with them. And the reality is when they do turn that into wisdom, they'll thrive. And it's important for them to understand that the sixth line doesn't want to get hurt. But that's kind of how the third line operates. The third line operates through trial and error. So there's a tension there that exists. And three, six children, they're often labeled as failures. They often make a lot of, they make and break a lot of bongs early in life, and they often carry those wounds into adulthood. They often experience a lot of shame and a lot of mistakes. And it really piles up to leaving them feeling inferior to other people. And this may lead them wanting to give up and hide away. And so teaching a three six child, this is how you go about learning in the world and that your discover great discoveries come from experimentation is really important.


    And so for a three six, we want them to be engaged in the wonder of life. But these childhood wounds can carry a great deal of distress into adulthood. For the three six, they end up with trust issues and they struggle in relationships. They also can really get into indecision of whether or not they should move forward, or whether it's the right time or not, or whether they should get off the roof or whether or not they should engage in life. And really understanding and leaning into their strategy and authority is really what becomes key, because perfectionism is ever present in a three six. They have high standards, they have high expectations. They don't really like to fully commit to things until they are certain they can meet the expectations they've set for themselves. And often their expectations that they've set for themselves are incredibly realistic.


    So there's a lot that you have to kind of contend with as a three six. But the reality is they are keenly aware of the fact that there are many ways to accomplish the same thing. And there is no one answer. There are many answers. And that's a really important thing to understand. So some questions to ask A three six profile, can I trust this person, this idea, this environment? What did I learn from this experience? Am I sitting in indecision? What do you recommend? Even though you may not want to personally be involved? Am I identifying with my mistakes or am I using, looking at my mistakes as a way in which I gained wisdom? Where might I need to reestablish a bond in my relationships? Am I sitting on the fence of indecision? Am I obsessing over something as a means to avoid moving forward or coming off of the roof? Am I spending time alone? Am I spending time with people? And lastly, what stories am I telling myself that are no longer serving me? That is the three six profile. Thank you so much for tuning in.


    The 2/5 Profile in Human Design - The Hermit Heretic

    The 2/5 Profile in Human Design - The Hermit Heretic

    On today's episode of the HD Your Biz Podcast - Human Design for business I continue the deep dive int othe 12 profiles series in human design. Today's episode is focused on the 2/5 profile in human design known as the hermit heretic. This is profile that loves spending time alone but are here to universalize a practice solution for everyone when the time is corrrect. These 2/5 profile individuals are deeply creative, excellent at marketing, and can transform the world with their genius and practicality.


    These are people who oscilate between nourisngment and depelestion and attractive and unattractive and tehese can be used as giulde posts to help them align to who they are in conjunction with their strategy and authority. Join me as we break down the traits, strengths, and challenges of the 2/5 double projected profile in human design.  If you want to dive deeper into human design I invite you to explroe the HD Wild Program. 


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    Speaker 1 (00:03):

    The two five profile, the hermit heretic, or as I like to say, the introvert disruptor. You are called to change the world, nourish your gifts in the quiet of your sanctuary while listening to the calls of the universe around you'll be called in divine time to change the world, to disrupt the old ways and create a path for the new nourish Your talents, nourish your soul, nourish your being. Your time to give will come be patient. This nourishment will fuel your impact when you are called to care for the other, to universalize, to create change, to embody. Your time is coming. You are here to change the world. All right, so let's dive into the two five profile. And these are people who, it's important to understand that the two and the five of this profile are in harmony with one another. The two needs alone, time and a place that feels really good in order for them to do what they love.


    And it's really during this alone time where they're honing their innate gifts, where they're waiting to be called out by other people. And then the fifth line is here to come in and save the day when all other traditional ways of doing things have failed. The five comes in and universalizes and transforms. And it's important to understand that both of these lines exist in the projection field. So if you were a two five, understanding your strategy and authority, authority and honoring that is really important because otherwise you'll get burned at the stake. And so the fifth line here is called in to save the day and universalize. But if they say yes to the incorrect projections or they aren't really clear in their communication about what they're going to save the day on, ultimately they end up in a place where they, Ross says, burned at the stake.


    But in modern day times, this is where your reputation is going to be impacted. This is where, you know, can become an outcast potentially. And so the reality is the combination with these two is that the two is going to need that time to hone their gifts and talents, even if there is pressure from the projection field to come in and save the day. And these are people who often can and will feel unfulfilled and threatened if they answer the wrong call or they step into the projection field at the wrong time. So balance is a really important thing. And these are people with a very special energy. We can feel that the two five can help us. And ultimately that's sort of the plight of the projection field of their profile. Like others are like, Ooh, I can feel this person can help me.


    And the reality is the two five is here to do incredibly special things. They're here to transform the world with their genius to bring practicality to the other. But this comes only after they've had time in their introvert mode, in their sanctuary. And when the call for what they can save the day is correct for them based on their strategy and authority. And the reality is these are people who can, when aligned, make a very large, extraordinary and far reaching impact. They break norms. They do things in their own way. They bring hope to a world that a new dawn is possible. And the reality is they observe, they bring practicality. And that's really important for them. Two fives bring a lot of p practicality. They're passionate, they're fierce, and they're not afraid to lead when the call is correct. And the reality is these are people who are good at handling pressure.


    These people do well under pressure, and there's sort of this air of mystery around them. If you think about the two is on the first floor of the house, if we use the metaphor of the house when we are thinking about the hexagram, but the fifth line's up in the attic, it's mysterious. But people can energetically feel how any fifth line, not just the two five, but any fifth line can help them. That's why everybody always wants to kind of bask in the aura of a fifth line. And they project this onto the fifth line. And fifth lines are often never truly seen. So when this profile, the two, five steps into a room, people are magnetized to it because it can save them in times of need. And these are people who often attract a following or a loyal group of people as a result of that.


    And of course, it's important to understand these are people who are naturally withdrawn due to the fact that they're always projected on. And so they can feel really unsure of other people. Is this loyalty? Is this trust? Does this person actually see me? And that can often lead to them energetically feeling kind of uncomfortable around other people, and therefore they may stay safe and not honor their strategy and authority even though they're being called to do certain things. But that clarity in terms of what you're willing to save the day on becomes really important. And it's not uncommon for people who have this profile to actually receive more invitations if they're more withdrawn. And these are people who are deeply creative. They often excel at marketing. They handle pressure well. They can really amplify their natural gifts when they study. And the reality is they'll get many chances in life to handle the protection field.


    And so they kind of bounce from being called in the two to calling others in the five as they go about establishing this practical solution in the world. And it's really, it's quite magical. The thing is here though, the challenges of the two five is that they are part lower trigram and part upper trigram. And at times they can neglect their own needs in order to serve others. And the two doesn't necessarily need other people to fulfill their destiny while the five does. So this often creates a tension in their being, even though there is harmony in their profile. So they also live in the projection field. They also handle pressure really well. So they can get tired from handling pressure all the time. And because they live in the projection field, they may often get ridiculed or people might not actually see them for who they are.


    They see the two five for what they want from them, not for who they are. And from a very early age, this profile needs to establish boundaries and not be forced into doing things that they don't want to do. When they're forced to do things, they're often knocked out of alignment. And it can take a great deal of time for these people to get back to who they are. And as a child, the two five is often, they're often labeled. They often kind of get a reputation. You're a reputation, you have a reputation for being a blank kid, whatever that is. And it's often because they have just one day, but it kind of stays with them. It follows them around for a while. And this often that wound is often carried into adulthood, which keeps the two five out of alignment. And as a result of the fact that they are projected on by a very early age, they often grow up too fast or they're expected to be further along or they aren't really seen.


    They get a lot of responsibility put onto them. And oftentimes this leads to rebellion, the unhealthy kind in adulthood because they're expected toll and told to do something, and they really just don't feel respected or honored for who they are. And this kind of leads them to have a lot of unease in the world and can lead them to feel incredibly uncomfortable. And this often results in sort of like this hoarding that happens, this selfishness that can happen with that fifth line. And the reality is this is often a great way we can use that as a compass. So if the two, they move from this place of depletion and nourishment and back again, and the fifth line moves from this selflessness to this selfishness or this, I don't feel attractiveness to this attractiveness, we can almost use that as a compass in order to guide us as a two five.


    We can use that as a go a compass to say, oh, I might be out of alignment here. And the reality is, as a two five, these are people who are here to step in when everything else is failed. And the two five is incredibly good at handling pressure, and they're good at handling pressure. I know I've mentioned this a couple of times, but they handle pressure well because of the fact that they've been projected on their whole life. And so it's sort of this double-edged sword. It can be really a challenge, the fact that they've been projected on their whole life. But in the real world, I often see these are people who are like event planners. They are people who are under constant pressure and can manage that pressure well because of the fact that they have been dealing with it their whole lives.


    They really know how to manage it. Probably better than many of the other profiles because it's a double projection field that they live in. And you might be thinking, oh, well, the five two must be the same way. It's not. The two five really handles pressure in a way that many of the other profiles cannot. And they're here to serve others. They're here to make a big impact. But the reality is they have to make sure they're answering the right call. You're answering the right. You're honoring that strategy and authority that you have. So here are a few questions for the two five profile. Is it practical? Am I being called in when the majority is in crisis? That's really important. Do I actually want to save the day on this? Is this something that I actually want to do? Do I have a practical solution I can bring to the table? Have I been clear with what I'm willing to save the day on? Have I established clear

    Speaker 2 (11:52):

    Boundaries myself? Am I universally universalizing my message? Am I being respected by those closest to me? Have I spent the time I needed cultivating and nourishing my talents? Am I calling on others to create a new foundation? Am I showing up for myself and sharing my message? Am I rebelling just to rebel or am I rebelling because I found a new practical way to do things? Am I honoring my need for alone time? And that is the two five hermit heretic or introvert disruptor, as I like to say. Thanks so much for tuning in.


    The 2/4 Profile in Human Design - The Hermit Opportunist

    The 2/4 Profile in Human Design - The Hermit Opportunist

    On today's episode of the HD Your Biz Podcast - Human Design for Business I continue the deep dive into the 12 profiles series in human design. Today's episode the 2/4 profile in human design known as the hermit opportunist. This is profile that loves spending time alone in an envirornement that nourishes them. The 2/4 is naturally talented but can't explain their process.

    This is one of the projected profiles and the 2/4 need others to recognize them for their talents in order to get clear on what they are good at while honoring their strategy and authority. .These are people who oscilate between nourishement and depletion and these themes are a key for the 2/4 to discern when they are aligned. They are here to step out into the world and transform others. 

    If you want to dive deeper into human design I invite you to explore the HD Wild Program. 

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    The two four profile known as the hermit opportunist in traditional human design, or as I like to say, the introvert Mayor, you are a gift to the world with your innate talents here to make an impact and transform the world. You balance your yearning to be alone with your desire to thrive in community. You are a powerful, vibrant force to be reckoned with. Once you answer the call of the other, [00:00:30] you are here to simply be no explaining, just be it is in this being, this transformation, this stepping into your power. You impact others simply by allowing them to watch you do things in your own way and on your own terms. You are a gift to the world. Okay, so let's dive into the two four. I have the privilege and honor [00:01:00] of raising a two four son, and let me just tell you, it is a delight.

    Speaker 1:        So when we come to the two four profile, these are people who are going to oscillate between introvert and extrovert, okay? They are people who I always like to say almost live in their own little forced bubble. If you're familiar with Star Wars, I think of it as they have a forced bubble around them and they just like to be in their own [00:01:30] little bubble. They're happy to just be in their house and do their own thing, and that's there too. And then this four comes along, and the four is this place where it wants to influence. It needs a network. And so there's sort of this tension that exists in this profile of, I'm going to go be alone. I'm going to do my own thing, or I am going to go be with the people. And the reality is two fours are very naturally talented.

    They just [00:02:00] sort of know things and they often can't explain how they learned it or where it came from. And it just, they know how to do it is really, these are the people who in school never study for a test and still get straight. And I see this in my own son. He's six and we homeschool and I haven't pressured, pressured, pressured in order to read and write. And then all of a sudden the other day [00:02:30] he's reading a book to me and I'm like, where did you learn how to do that? I know we've been doing letters and stuff, but it's just so different than my other son. That's a one three. These are people, they're naturally talented that they're just good at that stuff. But the two is what known as a projected profile. And the two is sort of the first floor in the hexagram

    House, if you're familiar [00:03:00] with that metaphor. And so people can see in and see what that two is doing. And these are people who need other people to help them recognize what they're really talented at about. And that's really where strategy and authority comes in a lot for the two, four. And they're here to impact people on a really personal level. They're here to help other people transform. And again, with that fourth line, that fourth line, that network is critical success. And these are people who need [00:03:30] to balance that time with people time alone. And it's not optimal for these people to have to explain, well, I did this step and this step and this step and this step. They're not going to be able to explain their process. They're like, I just did this thing.

    They're also pretty democratic. They don't like to rock the boat. And their confidence in their security comes over time through people recognizing them for their gifts. And [00:04:00] the themes here that I think is important to notice is that second line, it moves from sort of depletion, depletion to nourishment and then back again. And then it also is like, I'm shy, withdrawn, I'm bold. I'm going to advance. And then on the fourth line side, it's like I'm dependent. You're not a confidant or you're a benefactor and you're a confidant. So those are the themes that we have here [00:04:30] with this two for profile. The reality is when we have a two for, these are people who need other people in order to help them figure out what they're good at. Because one, they take their gifts for granted. But the reality is when someone recognizes a second line for their gifts and with their own strategy and authority, they determine this is the right thing for me to go and [00:05:00] do.

     Magic happens. And so it's important to understand that these are people who are going to, they call 'em away in traditional human design, but these are people who will just sit and be in their own process for long periods of time. And then someone will, I always like to joke, they meddle with that second line. They come in and they meddle. I'm like, oh, you're so good at blah, blah, blah. Can you come help me do x? And the two's like, I guess. So I don't [00:05:30] see what the big deal is because they're just in their own process. That's just how they operate. And so it's important to understand that the two's, it's almost aloof. It's not going to see what the big deal is about the thing you're asking them to do. And these is a profile that exists in dichotomy. They thrive in alone time as a two.

       Their environment is [00:06:00] so key to them. If they don't feel good in their environment, if their environment is depleting them, they won't be able to recharge and get to that place of nourishment. And that's a really important theme to remember for the two four profile. Notice when you are feeling depleted as a two four, and notice where you're feeling nourished because those two things sort of need to dance together in order for you to be aligned to your design. [00:06:30] Because it's important to understand that this is someone who is naturally talented. They aren't necessarily going to need schooling in the traditional sense of the wor word. And that's not to say studying and tweaking and honing their skills isn't going to benefit them, but they're going to need other people to recognize them and then honor their strategy and authority to discern which tools they want to dig deeper into or which niches they want to dig deeper.

     [00:07:00] Because traditional studying or digging deeper into a topic is only going to amplify their, they're already sort of talented self. But the reality is like SEC two, four people, second lines in general, two, four people are not easily motivated. They are not necessarily motivated in the traditional sense in the world. And I have experienced this over and over in my six years of being a two four [00:07:30] mom with my son, all those things that you typically do to potty train or to whatever, don't work with my two four child. He had to come to the conclusion one day like, Hey, I want to be potty trained. So that's really how this two four works. And the reality is these are people who are not going to be able to see their own gifts. They need other people [00:08:00] to recognize that. And they often will take their gifts for granted, this comes easy to me, it's no big deal.

      But they're also just happy to stay in their sphere and they're happy to wait and just exist. And then somebody comes in as I always like to say, metals in their forest bubble and then pulls them out. I think it's important to note that these are people who [00:08:30] are often called out by friends, and the two is a projected profile. And that call or that recognition often comes from a friendship, somebody that they're friends with because they feel that two four will feel safe to step out into the world. They'll feel safe to share their talents with other people, because otherwise they wouldn't.

     And the reality is that two four is here to share their knowledge. They're here to influence others, but they're not [00:09:00] here to stay out with people all the time because they will become depleted and then they will become dependent on other people. And so it's really important for two fours to pay attention to the places where they might be overly dependent on people or where they might begin to feel depleted and where they feel nourish. And the reality is the two just wants to be left alone to do their own thing. They don't necessarily [00:09:30] want to go out and be with the people. They don't want to go out and have to explain their process. And the reality is they're not really here to explain their process. And I often get asked a lot, well, what does that look like in business? And when we think I think about a two foreign in business, I always think of it as the person who goes on stage and talks about their story and their experiences.

    And as a result of sharing that story, there's so many lessons [00:10:00] that the people in the audience, and then they walk off stage and they're like, I don't see what the big deal was. And everyone's like, wow, that was so amazing, yada, yada, yada. Alternatively, this is, I think of the two four, a lot of Twitch streaming. Let me watch this person do this thing, whether that's Twitch streaming or let me watch, watch me build a funnel. Watch me build a website. That is very much how the two four works. It's like, witness me doing [00:10:30] this thing. Don't make me explain it. Witness me doing this thing. And then the transformation for you will follow. And it's really important to understand that these are people who can radically change the lives of other people. And there's really, they often can't put a finger on this force that comes to life when they're kind of put in front of a lot of people.

       So that's where making sure you're answering [00:11:00] the correct recognition and projection as a two four becomes really important. You have to follow your strategy and authority because if you answer the wrong call, then you're going to be left depleted. And the reality is, as a two, four, you're powerful. You're brilliant. You have the ability to have a massive impact in the world, and you just have to remember to honor that strategy and authority above all else. And the reality is, [00:11:30] these are also people who establish really special connections with other people. They're sort of a safe space. They're confidants for people, and they really help other people nourish themselves simply by taking care of themselves first. I think in terms of challenges, this profile doesn't exist in harmony with

    Itself. Two wants to hermit, the four wants to network. And so these are people who can become overwhelmed, exhausted. [00:12:00] They can get involved in really unhealthy situations. They can be in this depletion, they can stay too long in their own environment, which also depletes them. They can kind of get in a cycle of stuck of just being alone, which is also not correct for them. There's a balance here that has to be struck. And it doesn't mean a 50 50 balance. It could be 80% of the time I'm home, her hermiting in 20%. I'm out with the people. [00:12:30] But the reality is they have to understand that they need to be paying attention to that nourishment depletion cycle or that benefit benefactor dependent cycle. I think the other piece to keep in mind here is two, four kids are not the kids who are going to leave the house at 18.

     They aren't per typ typically. Again, there's caveats to that again and again, again, but [00:13:00] these are kids who can be dependent for long periods of time, typically longer than other children in comparison or other profiles. And the reality is though, these are kids who will be the people who tend up taking care of their parents. And oftentimes well-meaning parents push to four children to go into soccer or go into this thing or go into that thing. And I remember in my H household, we [00:13:30] did soccer last season, and my little two, four poor guy, he was on a soccer team with three to five year olds. And you could just see his frustration with the three-year-olds on the soccer team who were picking up the balls. And he came over to me and he goes, mom, I just want to go home. And I was like, I could totally see he was completely depleted from that experience.

      And there were several times throughout the season where it was just like the coach would be like, [00:14:00] Easton, you know, want to go in? And he'd be like, Nope. And that's, but that's the thing. The two for it isn't always going to want to go out and get on the playing field. So it's important to understand as a two for adults that you don't, you're not going to be motivated in the traditional sense of the world or the word, and you are naturally talented. So you really have to learn to cultivate [00:14:30] those gifts that you have and really tweak and hone that and own the fact that you're not here to explain your process. You're here to just do it in your own way. And the reality is that you don't need to explain in an a relationship where you feel nourished and you're a confidant and the person's a benefactor, don't have to explain the way in which you do things as a two, four people simply witness your process and they watch you and they gain deep wisdom and they impact, [00:15:00] and there's a big impact.

    And as a result, an evolution or a transformation follows. So when we think of the two four, some of the questions that you can ask are, what am I here to do? How do I know what is correct for me? Do I have a place where I can go that feels like a sanctuary? Am I nourishing myself during my alone time? Or am I caught in a cycle of the not self? Do I have a friend or family member I can rely on? Have [00:15:30] someone share with you as a two, four, what your gifts and talents are. Are you balancing some time alone with time with others? Are you overwhelmed and exhausted? Are you depleting your own resource resources because you're spending too much time alone? Or are you depleting your resources because you're spending too much time with people? And lastly, have I set up a sanctuary for myself? That is the [00:16:00] two four profile, the introvert mayor, as I like to say. So thank you so much for tuning in. I hope you have a fantastic day.


    The 1/3 Profile in Human Design - The Investigator Martyr

    The 1/3 Profile in Human Design - The Investigator Martyr

    In this episode, I dive deep into the human design profile of the One Three investigator martyr or as I like to researcher experimenter. Those with a 1/3 profile in human design are individuals who are constantly seeking to acquire knowledge and then move that knowledge forward through experimentation. The 1/3 profile in human design may struggle with feelings of insecurity or impostor syndrome, as they balance their desire for research with their need for experiementation.

    In this episode I  explore the many facets of the 1/3 profile, from the importance of uninterrupted alone time to the significance of timing. 1/3 Investigator Matyrs in Human Design are individuals who love to spend their time in researching.Throughout the episode, I will share the challenges and strengths of the 1/3 profile in humand from the oscillation of back-and-forth research and experimentation to the importance of building a strong foundation to feel safe and confident. We also discuss how children and adults alike can benefit from this balance, learning from failures and experimenting with new ideas to cultivate a deeper understanding of their expertise.

    Overall, this episode offers a thought-provoking look into the world of the 1/3 profile in human design profile, exploring the themes of weakness to strength, bonds broken and made, and the pursuit of expertise and excellence in one's expertise.

    If you would like to learn more about working with me and diving deeper into human design discover HD Wild - Become a Human Design Expert

    ******* Full Episdoe Transcription *******

    Hello, hello, hello and welcome. I am so excited today to speak with you about the one three Profile and Human Design in traditional human design. This is known as the investigator Martyr, or in my world I like to call this the researcher, experimenter, your inner thirst for knowledge and discovery through experimentation and exploration ignites evolution to the foundation that the human experience is built upon. Honor your yearning for knowledge and balance that yearning by getting your hands into your explorations. You are here to move your research forward and discover something new. You oscillate back and forth between research and experiments. The power of your research and experimentation is here to change the game in order for you to live your highest expression, balance your yearning [00:01:00] to research with your desire to experiment and experience. So let's dive into the one three. So I have a lot of one threes in my world and I always feel really honored about that because this profile, the one and the three, is in the lower hexagram.

    So that means it's a personal profile. It doesn't necessarily need anybody else but one. Threes really have  this thirst for knowledge. And so they'll work with people because they believe that they can learn from them. And one three s are really here to become experts. They're here to have sort of this a niche expertise. These are not typically people who are jack of all trades. They're people with a very specific niche set of knowledge that they've really worked hard to  develop. And I say worked hard in air quotes. It's they've spent a lot of time researching and they've spent a lot of time experimenting. But it's important to understand that for a one three, to actually step in to alignment with their profile, they first and foremost really have to have their basic needs met. They met. They have to feel sort of secure. They have to feel safe.

    And I always think of this sort of as the Maslow's hierarchy of Needs. A one three has to have those first two levels of the Maslow's hierarchy of needs met in order for them to step into a place where they feel safe to actually go and research and investigate and do their thing. And once they go and they eat, eat, eat, eat, eat all this knowledge, they will then move into this place where they take that knowledge and they go and they experiment with it, and they kind of oscillate back and forth. So they take this knowledge and they go and they say, okay, let's go experiment with this. Let's go see if we can kind of push this knowledge forward. And it's important to understand that for a 13, they move from this place where they sort of feel weak or not confident around the information that they have.

    And there's always a little bit of this on ease until they move into this position of strength. So the themes here are not safe and safeweakness to strength for that first line. And then for that third line, it's like bonds, broken bonds made rejection allegiance. But the thing to remember that as a one three, these are people who have an inwardly focused process. They don't necessarily need other people in order to live out their life. Their focus mostly on themselves, their focus mostly on their process. And I always like to say a one three in particular is like, I'd always rather have too much information than not enough. And the reality is once these people have a sense of security, they are self providers, they are independent, and they are absolutely empathetic and they always sort of try to be creative. They always aspire to be creative.

    And the reality is they're open to learning from others and they'll seek others to learn from so that they can move into this position of authority. Because that's really what the one three strives to do. The one three wants to move into this position of I'm the authority, I'm the expert in this space because they're really here to establish a foundation or I always like to say they're sort of here to establish the industry standard for what is expected. I always think of it, here's a really detailed foundation that is probably a some sort of one line profile, but particularly a one three that has tested it and tried it. And the reality is when we have the one, the researcher, and the three, the experimenter, when those two lines come together to create the profile, the one is on that mind side and the mind makes sense of the world through investigation, through acquisition of knowledge.

     And then the researcher, that researcher, that investigator needs that foundation in order for them to feel secure, in order for them to feel confident, in order for them to move into this expertise or this expert role where they can actually build that foundation. While the third line in the body side and the subconscious side, this is the experimenter. They want to go out and get into the world and experience all that life has to offer. And they really want to kind of learn by fire. They want to get their hands into things. My one three manifestor son, he is always like, I can't wait to get my hands in this. I just can't wait to get my hands dirty. And inevitably in true third line fashion, he always bumps into something or somebody bumps into him.But the reality is this profile is here to do both research and experimentation.

      I always think of this as this scientist. The scientist has done all their research, they've done all their homework, they have all this knowledge, and then they move into the lab to test this knowledge to see if it's true. They do some experiments and then they go back to that baseline of knowledge. And then they discern, is this knowledge legitimate? These are people  who are constantly trying to poke holes in things. They are trying to make sure that there is this sense of security and a solid foundation because it is only when that foundation, that solid foundation is developed, can the one three truly step into their expertise. And the challenge that's really over always ever present for a one three is like, do I have enough information? Because I see a lot of one three s, they, I need more and more and more and more information.

    And the reality is that yes, you probably do need more information and you might need to move into experimentation. I always ask my one three, this is a question, how do you know when you will have acquired enough information, right? Because the reality is the one that first line in this profile will always want more information, but that third line will always want to jump into things. And so there's definitely this balance here that you have to strike when you have this one three profile. And the reality is confidence and strength comes over time for you as a one three, as you sort to start to feel security and safety and you start [00:08:30] to see yourself as the expert, as you gain more knowledge, as you gain more repetitions. I think of this in the coaching world, a lot of one threes will always stay in this place of, I got to read another book, I got to take another course.

    But they don't ever actually go work with clients and apply the thing. They're just like, I need more textbook knowledge and I'm not dismissing textbook knowledge. And also at some point, this third line has to actually [00:09:00] move into experimentation in order to actually integrate that knowledge. And the reality is the one three has this deep desire to move the world forward, to move, to create a better foundation for the world. And this profile exists to establish whether or not the foundation is valid or not. Whether the hypos hypothesis is true, and [00:09:30] this is not. The people said it and forget it. These are people who are in this constant evolution and they may feel like their work is never complete because they study, they study, they study, they experiment. They're like, okay, well this is true. This is not true. This is not true. Let me go back and add to this research, right, challenges with this profile because they're almost intention with one another.

    The ones I just want to sit and read a book, and the three is like, let me go belly flop into the pool. And so there can be a lot of insecurity and imposter syndrome that comes with this. And the reality is the one three needs uninterrupted alone time so that they can move from this position of weakness into this position of strength and so that they can actually dive into their process. And they really do have to honor the timing of their life of as to when they've acquired enough knowledge. I see this a lot with my one three son. He'll be like, I'm going to go read a book on X, whatever it is. And then he'll be like, all right, now I'm ready to go do it. He does this a lot with Pokemon, right? He'll like Go research all of the different stuff about a particular Pokemon and then he'll leverage that Pokemon in his Nintendo game.

      And I'm just using that as an example, but I see it play out more and more. There's sort of this balance where if he has that baseline of knowledge, he can more easily move back and forth. Or for example, when he started playing basketball, he's like, okay, I want to research all the different techniques in basketball. So he would research it and then he would go play, and then he'd research it and he'd go play some more. And there was this sort of back and forth that happens very naturally for him. And the reality is many one, three children were typically punished because of that third line trial and error bumping into things. And therefore, as they come into adulthood, that shakes their confidence. That third line kind of bumps into things, has things happen, doesn't mean to, particularly on the body side. I notice when the three is on the body side, there tends to be a lot of clumsiness, and it could be clumsiness for the person, clumsiness for the person with someone in their ecosphere.

     I see this with my one three son  and my two four son. My one three son is constantly bumping into my two four son. And the reality is he can't help himself. My one three son, that's how he moves about the world. He moves through in this experimentation and he moves through in trial and error. And so it's important for you to understand that if you're a one three adult, you may not always feel safe to step into that experimentation. And it's often as a result of the fact that you know, were pushed to do  too much too soon. Early on, you weren't allowed that research time, or alternatively, you were punished or scolded or discouraged because you know, bumped into this was a real thing that happened in my house. You bumped into your brother and he split his head open. And eventually that happens enough times where it leaves you with this residue of, I don't feel safe to step into the experiment of this.

     And I feel much safer if I just sit and read the book. But the reality is, as a one three, you have to kind of honor that oscillation of back and forth because that's optimal for you to step into alignment. And one of the things I always encourage people with a one three, regardless of age, is to share. To share what did you learn? What did you learn from this thing that you just did, whether you were  studying or you were out on the field of play? Because the reality is, when you ask a one, three, what did you learn from this? It allows them to start to synthesize their research with their explorations. And particularly for children, this really helps make them feel safe to be able to do both things. And as adults, as you're in your deconditioning process, this can also help you give you that feeling of confidence,help you move from this place of weakness to strength.

      Because you'll start to see and feel more confidence because the fact that your failures as a third line are really just experiments where you go, you learn something and you take it back and you move that information forward, you move that body of work forward, and you absolutely develop a better foundation. And that is really what you are here to do. You're here to step into a position of authority, to be the expert and to really move the foundation forward, to create a more secure foundation for everyone else based on your own research and experimentation. And so I think one of the things that's important to remember here is that at its high expression, these are people who are incredibly artful and amazingly empathetic and incredibly creative because they have this potential to discover all of this stuff because they kind of oscillate back and forth.

    And at times they may be resistant to advice from other people. They may be stubborn, stubborn as well. So when a one three, if you have one threes in your life, that's an honor because they've chosen you to learn from. They really value your expertise because it's helping them move from this position of weakness to one of strength. But sometimes if a one three is resistant to your advice, I, it's often because they want to want to and need to experience it for themselves because they have to take what they've learned and they have to integrate it. And that's really the challenge here with this profile. So you have to have time that is both spent in research and investigation, and you have to have time that is both experimenting out in the world, getting your hands dirty, getting into it. Because the reality is, as a 13, you are here to sort of take charge and provide for yourself, and that's really where you're going to get your wings, and you're going to build your confidence and your strength. So I'm going to leave you with just a few questions to ask the one three profile, what did you learn or take away from this? Tell me about whatever it is you're researching, what are you going to try next? What is it going to take for you in order to feel ready to move forward? And where in your life might it be time to take action? So thank you so much for tuning [in to the one three Profile, the Investigator Martyr, or as I like to say, the researcher experimenter.



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