
    intermittent fasting journal

    Explore "intermittent fasting journal" with insightful episodes like "#51 Intermittent Fasting Journal", "#41 Intermittent Fasting Journal", "#33 Intermittent Fasting Journal", "#32 Intermittent Fasting Journal" and "#31 Intermittent Fasting Journal" from podcasts like ""Weight Loss Lifestyle Coaching", "Weight Loss Lifestyle Coaching", "Weight Loss Lifestyle Coaching", "Weight Loss Lifestyle Coaching" and "Weight Loss Lifestyle Coaching"" and more!

    Episodes (23)

    #51 Intermittent Fasting Journal

    #51 Intermittent Fasting Journal
    In this broadcast, Donna Reish, author of over 100 curriculum books for students, Intermittent Fasting teacher, blogger, and online teacher, teaches how our thoughts affect our results by looking at her husband’s Pollyanna way of thinking. She delves into how working with weight loss and life coach Brooke Castillo in Self-Coaching Scholars has led Donna to see how her husband’s way of thinking has been right all along! (Gasp!) When we think differently about people, situations, our goals, life’s disappointments, and more, we act differently. When we think good thoughts, we act in a way that brings good results. When we think bad thoughts, we act in a way that brings bad results. Donna applies this to work, marriage, weight loss, and exercise with examples of both---thoughts that lead us to negative results in these areas and thoughts that lead us to positive results in these areas. She then talks about the need to be extremely specific in our thoughts—take a circumstance or person and think an intentional thought—and then our actions will follow these specific thoughts.

    #41 Intermittent Fasting Journal

    #41 Intermittent Fasting Journal
    In this Broadcast, Donna Reish, blogger, author of 100 curriculum books for preschool through twelfth graders, seeker of health and fitness, and Intermittent Fasting teacher, talks about insomnia and Intermittent Fasting. She begins the broadcast with her and her husband’s fasting update and what she has been learning about calorie cycling—and how many IF’ers who are within 20 pounds of their goal weight do a version of calorie cycling without even realizing it or counting calories. She describes how making food restrictions based on occasions and eating at home can help us break through plateaus and set us up for healthier eating overall. Donna then digs into the topic of insomnia—and how our circadian rhythms are related to insomnia as well as to our fasting and eating cycles. She describes potential causes for insomnia as related to fasting—including hunger, lack of satiety, and lack of food satisfaction. She also describes how IF-related insomnia usually subsides within a week or so and how IF actually gives deeper and better sleep overall. Then she moves into typical reasons for insomnia, describing how they affect our sleep and wake patterns. These include caffeine, blue light, exercise, lack of activity/napping/sleeping late, magnesium deficiency, and subdued melatonin release. This week’s broadcast is sponsored by Plexus supplements. Specifically, Donna taught about Plexus’ new metabolism/cortisol-reducing/thyroid aiding MetaBurn today! This natural, plant-based product is loaded with amazing adaptogens as well as other incredible mood and metabolism-boosting ingredients. Donna is offering a FREE private FB group centered around weight management coaching and teaching for all of her wholesalers and customers in the coming year!

    #33 Intermittent Fasting Journal

    #33 Intermittent Fasting Journal
    Donna Reish, author of over 100 curriculum books for kids, blogger, and Intermittent Fasting teacher, focuses this episode on more hunger during the fast issues—both in the beginning days and for long-term fosters. She begins by talking about an important subject that those who are only eating two or three times a day (snack/meal or meal/meal)—distracted eating. In working towards healthy eating habits and appropriate food associations, we need to learn to enjoy our meals and snacks more than ever before. She talks about how we can get rid of old food associations once IF becomes a way of life for us and how we can make new ones that involve sitting down and eating, savoring our foods without including another “stimulus.” Next, Donna talks about one of her favorite IF-related subjects—sleep! The research is clear from all camps on this one—sleep is crucial to fat burning (metabolism), hunger, mood, energy, cognitive function, and more. She shares studies about the effect of sleeping under seven hours on hunger, and it is significant! The third “hunger” component she describes is food during the eating window. What does protein and fat do for satiety during the fast? And what do carbs do for satisfaction (food reward) during the fast? Today’s broadcast is brought to you by Plexus ProBio 5, a three-in-one product with healthy bacteria, digestive enzymes, and anti-fungals (to get rid of bad bacteria!). This product is specially encapsulated so that it doesn’t have to refrigerated, and its contents are intact until it hits the gut, where it is needed. (For more hunger help, see the blog donnareish.com and/or Episodes #31 an #32 specifically.)

    #32 Intermittent Fasting Journal

    #32 Intermittent Fasting Journal
    Donna Reish, curriculum author of over 100 books (for students grades pre-school through 12th!), blogger, and Intermittent Fasting teacher, tackles more hunger issues during the fast. (Episode #30 was all about ghrelin; Episode #31 was all about ghrelin tips and hunger.) She teaches about the effects of caffeinated drinks on appetite, metabolism, and exercise performance. Then she delves into a study about the effect of chlorogenic acid from decaf coffee, caffeinated coffee, and caffeinated water---and their effect on the third hunger hormone, Peptide YY. Following this, she described why gut health influences hunger and cravings. And finally, she discusses the huge effect that cortisol has on hunger, cravings, and weight, including ways to reduce cortisol levels. This episode is sponsored by Plexus Slim, the pink drink!

    #31 Intermittent Fasting Journal

    #31 Intermittent Fasting Journal
    In Episode 31 of Donna’s Intermittent Fasting Journal, Donna Reish, author of 100 curriculum books (for kids!), blogger, and IF teacher, teaches about how to control appetite/hunger/cravings/ghrelin. She begins the episode by giving her and her husband’s update—down over 100 pounds between the two of them in ten months with just over and under 20 pounds each remaining! She describes how fasting brings out various food sensitivities that might have been dormant or unknown prior to fasting, and how she has been having sugar headaches despite loving sugar her entire life! This has caused her and her husband to reduce their sugar intake somewhat. Donna then reviews some info from Episode 30 about the hunger hormone ghrelin, including where and how it is released. Next, she describes the food control that IF provides in general, including regulating blood sugar and insulin, healing the gut, providing more pronounced leptin signals, and more. Donna moves into some tips on controlling ghrelin next. She describes the following: how ghrelin comes in waves and how to overcome those waves; foods and drinks that ghrelin works well with and doesn’t work well with; the effect of water (including mineral water and sparkling water) on ghrelin; stomach distensibility, fiber, and fruit; clock hunger; sleep; mineral balance; and more! Finally, Donna touches on foods that have an effect on satiety/hunger/ cravings, including protein, fat, and fiber. This episode is sponsored by Plexus’ ProBio 5—a three in one product that aids in gut health, digestion, breaking down bad bacteria such as candida/yeast overgrowth, and much more.

    #30 Intermittent Fasting Journal

    #30 Intermittent Fasting Journal
    In this episode, Donna Reish, curriculum author, blogger, and Intermittent Fasting teacher, teaches about the hunger hormone, ghrelin. First of all, she begins explaining what this hormone is, where it comes from, and what it does. She goes into ghrelin’s path—where it is released from and where it goes, including what triggers its release. Donna explains how ghrelin isn’t to be feared—it acts on a part of the brain responsible for memory (which helps us think better!), is the precursor for human growth hormone, and its release means that we are burning body fat! She then explains what can trigger ghrelin. Other areas she teaches on in this episode include how much food our bodies need at lower weights, how waves of ghrelin can be controlled/worked through, and much more! Stay tuned for the next episode in which Donna teaches how to overcome hunger, appetite, and cravings through intermittent fasting! Donnareish.com Subscribe to the blog for free Intermittent Fasting start up charts!

    #29 Intermittent Fasting Journal

    #29 Intermittent Fasting Journal
    In this broadcast, Donna Reish, blogger, curriculum author of 100+ language arts/writing books, and Intermittent Fasting teacher, teaches listeners about four metrics that we can use to track our Intermittent Fasting journeys. She starts out teaching about scale weighing, including the fact that the scale weighs everything that is placed on it---water, fat, muscle, bones, stool in our intestines….everything. She explains how to best use the scale as an effective tool, including averaging your weights for the week to get a total for that week’s weight, weighing at the same time in the same clothes, and not using the scale as your only metric. Donna then moves on to the tape measure as a second assessment. We need to remember that the tape measure can measure fat loss AND muscle loss, and that the measuring tape can be extremely subjective. Thirdly, Donna teaches about body fat percentage, including a few ways to measure it, the benefits of using it as a metric, and determining body fat goals. Lastly, she teaches her personal favorite metric, the goal pant. Here she helps listeners see the visual motivator that goal pants can be and advises on choosing the right pants so you don’t get discouraged. Today’s broadcast is sponsored by Plexus Boost, a plant based capsule that boosts metabolism, helps with hunger, and aids in energy boosting. This product has amazing botanicals, including caralluma fimbriata (edible cactus the ward off hunger!), green tea extract, yerba mate, higenamine, chromium, and bio-available B vitamins.

    #28 Intermittent Fasting Journal

    #28 Intermittent Fasting Journal
    In this broadcast, Donna Reish, blogger, curriculum author of 100+ language arts/writing books, and Intermittent Fasting teacher, teaches listeners about Carbohydrate Cycling—continuing from last episode’s overview to exactly how to figure out your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) and how to figure out how many calories you need to weigh your goal weight (and maintain it). She then takes listeners through three levels of difficulty with Carb Cycling in order to see what works best for each person. She explains how Carb Cyclers “cycle” through their high carb and low carb days in order to pair it with their level of activity and energy output (especially with HIIT and large muscle strength training). She teaches readers the values of the three macro-nutrients and how we can incorporate all three in a healthy IF eating protocol. Donna teaches readers the details of the most difficult way of Carb Cycling and asks listeners to determine if that level of daily math and recording is necessary for each one’s goals. Finally, she helps listeners determine if any level of Carb Cycling is right for them—or if they can get the same results through Appetite Correction, long fasting, insulin balancing, etc. Today’s broadcast is sponsored by Plexus Ease—Donna explains the four natural, plant-based ingredients in this amazing pain-relief/anti-inflammatory product: Tumeric, Bromelain, Serrapeptaise, and Green Lipped Mussel. Read more at https://www.donnareish.com/intermittent-fasting-journal-week-28

    #27 Intermittent Fasting Journal

    #27 Intermittent Fasting Journal
    In this broadcast, Donna Reish, blogger, curriculum author of 100+ language arts/writing books, and Intermittent Fasting teacher, teaches listeners about Carbohydrate Cycling—and how it might be used with Intermittent Fasting. She begins by reminding listeners that if IF alone is working well, you are not plateaued desperately, or you are not working on the last stubborn 20 pounds, you probably want to keep doing what you are doing. However, we can all benefit from learning about what our bodies need, macro-nutrients, and healthier eating, so listen on! Donna gives an overview of Carb Cycling in general—how it isn’t necessarily a “low carb” or “keto” diet but rather is a focus on switching up fuel sources day by day and correlates with low intensity and strength training exercise days. Finally, in the first half of this two-part broadcast, Donna rants and raves about this approach—how it is healthy to focus on macronutrients, why it helps us incorporate real foods more fully, how we don’t need to villainize entire food groups, why it’s better to up carbs than it is to have cheat days, and the positive effect Carb Cycling can have mentally and emotionally compared to other “diets.” Finally, she recommends that listeners ask themselves how different this approach might be to other restrictions and how they might already do some of these things intuitively. Donna leaves listeners with the option of receiving a free sample of the Plexus pink drink, today’s broadcast sponsor. (Join Donna in Broadcast #28 when she explains three ways to Carb Cycle and teaches IF’ers how they can use a low math method to look at their entire week and make better food choices.)

    #25 Intermittent Fasting Journal

    #25 Intermittent Fasting Journal
    Donna Reish, blogger, author of over 100 language arts/writing curriculum books, and Intermittent Fasting teacher, inspires listeners by reminding IFers how they become true “managers” of their lives through their success with this lifestyle. She explains that while we have many areas of our lives that are out of our control, the body balancing and empowerment that comes through IF helps us to be able to manage our lives like never before. She first describes how Fat Adaption and Appetite Correction make it easier for us to stick with fasting---and this control over food (sometimes for the first time in our lives) gives us layers of self control that we never knew we could have. Donna explains how success breeds success in our lives—and especially in an area as challenging as food control. She describes the self confidence that comes from weight loss and size loss, especially when it comes about from something that we can honestly do forever (not a diet or quick weight loss plan). Donna explains the many health benefits that come from simply doing “nothing” in a world in which we are faced with challenges and pleas to do “everything perfect” in order to achieve health.

    #26 Intermittent Fasting Journal

    #26 Intermittent Fasting Journal
    In Episode #26, Donna Reish, blogger, curriculum author of over 100 language arts/writing books, and Intermittent Fasting teacher, explains the basis of Calorie Cycling. She begins with how she “discovered” it—only to find out that it was a real thing! She then teaches the official definitions and benefits users find with it. Next, Donna examines calorie counting vs calorie cycling and why low calorie diets, even when combined with the metabolic benefits of Intermittent Fasting, can wreak havoc on our metabolism and future weight management endeavors. She explains traditional calorie cycling protocols, including so much low time and so much higher time and how these approaches might preserve metabolic function, much like IF does. She explains that while we might not need a “counting approach” to weight management when IF is working well for us, some might feel the need to add more boundaries (besides the OMAD/3 she teaches at the blog and the boundaries provided with Appetite Correction). Calorie Cycling might be a good boundary for IF’ers who are looking to balance out their caloric intake over the week and still enjoy parties, social events, and festivities while eating healthy foods on non-party days. Lastly, Donna explains some low-math ways to calorie cycle for those who want to add this boundary into their IF practice without so much counting and record keeping. This week’s supplement focus at the end of the broadcast is on Plexus Pink Drink, specifically the Hunger Control Plexus Slim.

    Week 24 Intermittent Fasting Journal

    Week 24 Intermittent Fasting Journal
    Donna Reish, Intermittent Fasting blogger and author, tackles the subject of building belief in yourself and Intermittent Fasting through the teaching of James Clear, author of upcoming book, Atomic Habits. Donna starts out asking listeners to think back to something that they have done consistently, something that they have been successful at. Then she builds on that to explain that we are successful at something when we take it on as our identity. We are consistent then we succeed. It becomes US, who we are. She then applies this to weight management endeavors. Many of us were not successful because we didn’t have our bodies working FOR us to help us build the habits that it takes to be successful with weight management and fitness. Donna then explains a two-step process that Clear teaches in his articles and videos—that of taking on the identity of who or what you want to become and THEN applying TINY habits that support that identity. She explains how we can do this with Intermittent Fasting, exercising, and other habits that may have eluded us before we became fat adapted and developed balanced hunger hormones. Everything is different now with IF—and we can be exactly what we want to be—even something that we previously never thought possible!

    Week 23 Intermittent Fasting Journal

    Week 23 Intermittent Fasting Journal
    Podcast/Videocast #23---Four Ways We Lose Pounds and Inches With Daily Intermittent Fasting 1) We become Fat Adapted 2) Muscle Is Retained While Fat Is Burned, Making You Lose Inches 3) A Slight Reduction in Calories Over Time Causes Weight Loss 4) Metabolism Is Boosted, Resulting in More Calorie Burning Course enrollment is open until Sunday evening! Sign up here with the code first30 to receive a $30 discount! donnasintermittentfasting.com DISCLAIMER: This is an intermittent fasting support group, blog, podcast, and/or course. None of the information/advice shared is considered to be medical advice. Information shared here is for inspiration and/or informational purposes only. Please consult your physician or medical professionals with any specific medical questions including treatment options, medications, dosages, and other medical concerns. Again, no specific medical advice is given herein. No discussion in this group, blog, or course should be considered to be a substitute for medical care.

    Week 21 Intermittent Fasting Journal

    Week 21 Intermittent Fasting Journal
    DISCLAIMER: This is an intermittent fasting support group, blog, podcast, and/or course. None of the information/advice shared is considered to be medical advice. Information shared here is for inspiration and/or informational purposes only. Please consult your physician or medical professionals with any specific medical questions including treatment options, medications, dosages, and other medical concerns. Again, no specific medical advice is given herein. No discussion in this group, blog, or course should be considered to be a substitute for medical care.

    Week 22 Intermittent Fasting Journal

    Week 22 Intermittent Fasting Journal
    DISCLAIMER: This is an intermittent fasting support group, blog, podcast, and/or course. None of the information/advice shared is considered to be medical advice. Information shared here is for inspiration and/or informational purposes only. Please consult your physician or medical professionals with any specific medical questions including treatment options, medications, dosages, and other medical concerns. Again, no specific medical advice is given herein. No discussion in this group, blog, or course should be considered to be a substitute for medical care.

    Week 20 Intermittent Fasting Journal

    Week 20 Intermittent Fasting Journal
    DISCLAIMER: This is an intermittent fasting support group, blog, podcast, and/or course. None of the information/advice shared is considered to be medical advice. Information shared here is for inspiration and/or informational purposes only. Please consult your physician or medical professionals with any specific medical questions including treatment options, medications, dosages, and other medical concerns. Again, no specific medical advice is given herein. No discussion in this group, blog, or course should be considered to be a substitute for medical care.

    Week 19 Intermittent Fasting Journal

    Week 19 Intermittent Fasting Journal
    In this podcast/videocast episode, Donna Reish addresses Intermittent Fasting and Vacations again! Following up last week’s episode in which she described their two weeks of vacation, weight gain, calories, and more, Donna now addresses how to keep healthy habits going and have minimum weight impact during vacations. She talks about the importance of not starting vacation before vacation begins (a mindshift change from our old dieting ways!). She recommends doing some longer fasts before vacation in order to be at your best when you leave—size wise and motivation wise! Donna recommends that you look at your vacation week, choose your “specials,” and try to figure out some fasting hours that you can keep during vacation. These can vary, but they will help you not feel so bloated, have energy, AND control calories some without counting or restricting. Next, she moves into the effect that exercise can have on a trip—burning some extra calories, keeping metabolism stoked, putting you into fat burning sooner, and more. Donna then describes the roles of insulin (fat storing) and glucagon (fat releasing) and how eating two meals a day during your vacation vs grazing can have an effect on fat burning, calorie control, satiation, insulin production, and more. Donna’s Plexus biz sponsors the episodes—and this week’s was Plexus Slim Hunger Control—the pink drink that fills your stomach up so you aren’t hungry! She describes this in the “commercial” portion at the end of the episode. Continue reading and see complete show notes and resource links at her blog. https://donnareish.com/intermittent-f... 5 Ways to Find Me! (1) FB Group for Support and Daily Help: https://www.facebook.com/groups/31866... (2) Blog with all videos, articles, 5 Top Tips for IF Slideshow, and more: http://donnareish.com/intermittent-fa... (3) IF Journal Podcast at iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/t... (4) YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJL5... (5) Donna Reish Blogger FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/DonnaReishBl... DISCLAIMER: This is an intermittent fasting support group, blog, podcast, and/or course. None of the information/advice shared is considered to be medical advice. Information shared here is for inspiration and/or informational purposes only. Please consult your physician or medical professionals with any specific medical questions including treatment options, medications, dosages, and other medical concerns. Again, no specific medical advice is given herein. No discussion in this group, blog, or course should be considered to be a substitute for medical care.

    Week 16 Intermittent Fasting Journal

    Week 16 Intermittent Fasting Journal
    Welcome to Episode 15 of The Intermittent Fasting Journal Podcast/Videocast! In this episode, Donna Reish, author of over 100 language arts and writing books and blogger at her self-named lifestyle blog, tells about her fifteenth week of Daily Intermittent Fasting, including her two week experiment in low carbing combined with IF and what she learned about keeping to OMAD/3 (one meal a day divided into three parts). She talked about her weight gain from that two week experiment and subsequent loss of all lost within a few days of focusing more on OMAD than on "counting." She also describes her husband's first ten weeks on Daily IF--and his nearly 30 pound loss in that time frame. Donna then goes into Listener Lessons (the teacher in her can't help it!) of exactly how OMAD/3 with her first food being low carb (with a typical dinner later) has helped her with cravings, overeating during the eating window, reducing overall carb intake, nutrition density, and more. Finally, she describes three benchmarks that should be considered when choosing WHAT to eat during the eating window, reminding listeners that while Daily IF'ers can eat ANYTHING they want, they can't eat EVERYTHING they want (emphasizing the need to keep a small calorie deficit in play all the time). The three benchmarks for what to eat during your eating window include (1) Foods that help you get your nutrition in; (2) Foods that make you feel great; and (3) Foods that you enjoy. See complete show notes and resource links at her blog: http://donnareish.com/intermittent-fasting-journal-week-16/ Get my FREE Daily IF Start-Up Charts here! https://donnareish.com/daily-intermittent-fasting-start-up-charts/ Find her in these five places: (1) FB Group for Support and Daily Help: https://www.facebook.com/groups/318664198605086/ (2) Blog with all videos, articles, 5 Top Tips for IF Slideshow, and more: http://donnareish.com/intermittent-fasting-journal/ (3) IF Journal Podcast at iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-intermittent-fasting-journal/id1300848760 (4) YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJL5joMQZSATLDcLy5Nn5EA (5) Donna Reish Blogger FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/DonnaReishBlogger/ DISCLAIMER: This is an intermittent fasting support group, blog, and/or course. None of the information/advice shared is considered to be medical advice. Information shared here is for inspiration and/or informational purposes only. Please consult your physician or medical professionals with any specific medical questions including treatment options, medications, dosages, and other medical concerns. Again, no specific medical advice is given herein. No discussion in this group, blog, or course should be considered to be a substitute for medical care.

    Week 15 - Intermittent Fasting Journal

    Week 15 - Intermittent Fasting Journal
    Welcome to Episode 15 of The Intermittent Fasting Journal Podcast/Videocast! In this episode, Donna Reish, author of over 100 language arts and writing books and blogger at her self-named lifestyle blog, tells about her fifteenth week of Daily Intermittent Fasting, including her two week experiment in low carbing combined with IF and what she learned about keeping to OMAD/3 (one meal a day divided into three parts). She talked about her weight gain from that two week experiment and subsequent loss of all lost within a few days of focusing more on OMAD than on "counting." She also describes her husband's first ten weeks on Daily IF--and his nearly 30 pound loss in that time frame. Donna then goes into Listener Lessons (the teacher in her can't help it!) of exactly how OMAD/3 with her first food being low carb (with a typical dinner later) has helped her with cravings, overeating during the eating window, reducing overall carb intake, nutrition density, and more. Finally, she describes three benchmarks that should be considered when choosing WHAT to eat during the eating window, reminding listeners that while Daily IF'ers can eat ANYTHING they want, they can't eat EVERYTHING they want (emphasizing the need to keep a small calorie deficit in play all the time). The three benchmarks for what to eat during your eating window include (1) Foods that help you get your nutrition in; (2) Foods that make you feel great; and (3) Foods that you enjoy. See complete show notes and resource links at her blog: http://donnareish.com/intermittent-fasting-journal-week-15/ Find her in these five places: (1) FB Group for Support and Daily Help: https://www.facebook.com/groups/318664198605086/ (2) Blog with all videos, articles, 5 Top Tips for IF Slideshow, and more: http://donnareish.com/intermittent-fasting-journal/ (3) IF Journal Podcast at iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-intermittent-fasting-journal/id1300848760 (4) YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJL5joMQZSATLDcLy5Nn5EA (5) Donna Reish Blogger FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/DonnaReishBlogger/

    Week 14 - Intermittent Fasting Journal

    Week 14 - Intermittent Fasting Journal
    In this episode, blogger and Daily Intermittent Faster, Donna Reish summarizes her fourteenth week on Daily IF, including her week of carb counting while IF (under 50 net carbs)--and the effect this had on her weight and her enjoyment. She explained how the carb counting took precedence over the control of the eating window--and how she would do that differently if she ever decided to count carbs more often. Then Donna explained the difference between low carb eating and keto eating--and why a person can seldom "sort of keto" with good results. In "Listener Lessons," Donna dives into the three things factors to consider in determining what to eat in your eating window: a) food that gives you the nutrients you need; b) food that makes you feel good (i.e. no carb comas or brain fog); and c) food you enjoy. Daily IF can meet all of these criteria! Finally, she emphasizes the importance of following something that you can stay on! DISCLAIMER: This is an intermittent fasting support group, blog, podcast, and/or course. None of the information/advice shared is considered to be medical advice. Information shared here is for inspiration and/or informational purposes only. Please consult your physician or medical professionals with any specific medical questions including treatment options, medications, dosages, and other medical concerns. Again, no specific medical advice is given herein. No discussion in this group, blog, or course should be considered to be a substitute for medical care.

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