

    Explore "iphone14pro" with insightful episodes like "你拿的 iPhone 顏色跟個性有關,心理學家告訴你每種顏色代表的個性!", "Mesh y Cámara de 48 MP ¿Sirven?", "#果仁科技週報-iPhone SE4發表可能延期或取消、Android有望使用Apple TV App 、iPad pro真的媲美桌機!", "這支手機也有不少人在等:iPhone SE 4 最新 8 大規格、亮點資訊總整理!" and "iPhone 14 Pro 產能確實受疫情影響!蘋果發公告說明出貨時間將延後" from podcasts like ""果仁聊科技", "AdrianOS", "果仁聊科技", "果仁聊科技" and "果仁聊科技"" and more!

    Episodes (16)

    你拿的 iPhone 顏色跟個性有關,心理學家告訴你每種顏色代表的個性!

    你拿的 iPhone 顏色跟個性有關,心理學家告訴你每種顏色代表的個性!
    今天聊個有趣的主題, 是關於 iPhone 的心理測驗,趕快拿起身旁的手機,聽聽看性格對照表準不準確吧! 👉 完整圖文:你的 iPhone 是什麼顏色?心理學家告訴你每一種顏色代表的個性 👉在這裡可以找到我們👈 🍎聯絡信箱:contact@applealmond.com 🍎Web:https://applealmond.com 🍎FB:https://www.facebook.com/applealmondblog 🍎IG:https://www.instagram.com/applealmond.blog/ 🍎YT:https://www.youtube.com/c/Applealmond 🍎Podcast:https://linktr.ee/applealmond #果仁聽新聞 #果仁聊科技 #蘋果仁 #Apple #iPhone #iPad #Mac #MacStudio #Netflix #Netflix影劇推薦 #科技新聞 #科技新知 #iPhone心理測驗 #iPhone顏色 #iPhone顏色選擇 #iPhone天峰藍 #iPhone酒紅色 #iPhone特殊色 #iPhone14pro #iPhone15 #iPhone15pro

    #果仁科技週報-iPhone SE4發表可能延期或取消、Android有望使用Apple TV App 、iPad pro真的媲美桌機!

    #果仁科技週報-iPhone SE4發表可能延期或取消、Android有望使用Apple TV App 、iPad pro真的媲美桌機!
    果仁聊科技先祝大家新年快樂!在 2023 年第一集,我們有 6 則新聞要分享給大家,包含: ・蘋果推出日本獨享、兔年限量的 AirTag,和最高 32,000 元 Apple Store 禮品卡 ・iPhone 14 Pro 螢幕出現一條橫線?蘋果客服:不是硬體問題 ・iPhone 14 Pro 原本有計劃加入光追效果,但因為太耗電所以作罷了 ・分析師表示,蘋果可能延期或取消 iPhone SE 4,因為中低階機型銷量低迷 ・iPad Pro 真的媲美桌機了,專業級後製軟體 Davinci Resolve 正式登陸 ・據說 Android 手機也將有機會使用 Apple TV app 👉在這裡可以找到我們👈 🍎聯絡信箱:contact@applealmond.com 🍎Web:https://applealmond.com 🍎FB:https://www.facebook.com/applealmondblog 🍎IG:https://www.instagram.com/applealmond.blog/ 🍎YT:https://www.youtube.com/c/Applealmond 🍎Podcast:https://linktr.ee/applealmond #Apple #iPhone #iPhoneSE4 #Airtag #iPhone14 #iPhone15 #新年快樂 #iPhone14pro

    這支手機也有不少人在等:iPhone SE 4 最新 8 大規格、亮點資訊總整理!

    這支手機也有不少人在等:iPhone SE 4 最新 8 大規格、亮點資訊總整理!
    iPhone SE 系列因為平價以及恰到好處的性能深受年輕族群歡迎,2022 年春季發表會推出了 iPhone SE 3,這次來幫大家整理 iPhone SE 4 的所有傳聞,有興趣的朋友快來聽聽本集節目! 👉 完整圖文:https://applealmond.com/posts/164672 👉在這裡可以找到我們👈 🍎聯絡信箱:contact@applealmond.com 🍎Web:https://applealmond.com 🍎FB:https://www.facebook.com/applealmondblog 🍎IG:https://www.instagram.com/applealmond.blog/ 🍎YT:https://www.youtube.com/c/Applealmond 🍎Podcast:https://linktr.ee/applealmond #iPhone #Apple #iPhoneSE4 #iPhoneSE3 #iPhoneSE #iPhone15 #iPhone14 #iPhone14pro

    iPhone 14 Pro 產能確實受疫情影響!蘋果發公告說明出貨時間將延後

    iPhone 14 Pro 產能確實受疫情影響!蘋果發公告說明出貨時間將延後
    已經下單 iPhone 14 Pro,出貨時間卻一直被延後嗎?Apple 針對這件事發表聲明了,究竟發生什麼事?快來聽聽本集節目吧! 👉 原本圖文:https://applealmond.com/posts/164096 👉在這裡可以找到我們👈 🍎聯絡信箱:contact@applealmond.com 🍎Web:https://applealmond.com 🍎FB:https://www.facebook.com/applealmondblog 🍎IG:https://www.instagram.com/applealmond.blog/ 🍎YT:https://www.youtube.com/c/Applealmond 🍎Podcast:https://linktr.ee/applealmond #iPhone14Pro #Apple #iPhone

    #果仁聊評測-iPhone14 Pro的4800萬畫素給力嗎?適合哪些人?編輯實拍心得分享

    #果仁聊評測-iPhone14 Pro的4800萬畫素給力嗎?適合哪些人?編輯實拍心得分享
    果仁編輯拿到 iPhone14 Pro 後,進行了幾天的日拍、夜拍評測,究竟 4800 萬畫素好不好用?適合哪些使用者?一起來聽編輯們的使用心得! 日拍實測圖文👉https://applealmond.com/posts/157972 夜拍實測圖文👉https://applealmond.com/posts/157894 👉在這裡可以找到我們👈 🍎聯絡信箱:contact@applealmond.com 🍎Web:https://applealmond.com 🍎FB:https://www.facebook.com/applealmondblog 🍎IG:https://www.instagram.com/applealmond.blog/ 🍎YT:https://www.youtube.com/c/Applealmond 🍎Podcast:https://linktr.ee/applealmond #iPhone14Pro #4800萬畫素 #iPhone14開箱 #iPhone14評測 #iPhone14相機

    iPhone 14 Pro 隨顯模式好用嗎?如何設定?會不會耗電?

    iPhone 14 Pro 隨顯模式好用嗎?如何設定?會不會耗電?
    iPhone14 Pro 跟 iPhone14 Pro Max 的 AOD 隨顯螢幕功能好用嗎?螢幕一直亮著會不會耗電?今天要跟大家分享編輯實測心得,有興趣的朋友快來聽看看! 👉完整圖文:https://applealmond.com/posts/158003 👉在這裡可以找到我們👈 🍎聯絡信箱:contact@applealmond.com 🍎Web:https://applealmond.com 🍎FB:https://www.facebook.com/applealmondblog 🍎IG:https://www.instagram.com/applealmond.blog/ 🍎YT:https://www.youtube.com/c/Applealmond 🍎Podcast:https://linktr.ee/applealmond #iPhone14 #iPhone14Pro #iPhone14ProMax #AOD #AOD隨顯螢幕


    大家還記得自己第一支智慧型手機嗎?還記得那時候對於科技力量的讚嘆嗎?! 我的第一支智慧型手機,讓大家猜猜看是什麼品牌的? HTC? 三星? 蘋果? …. 答案揭曉,是「Motorola 」。 是不是有夠冷門,印象中好像叫做one ,但年代已久我也記不太清楚了。 但後來認真使用有印象的是 Sony 的 Z1,至於為什麼會對它特別印象深刻呢?請聽我娓娓道來….. 那時候Sony手機的防水功能,其實是非常強大的,為了防水Sony 公司特別還將充電方式改成磁吸式,也就是沒有孔洞,防止進水。 那年夏天,我們家族旅遊去了馬拉灣玩水,我的z1已經服役超過一年了,他的防水功能我已經測試的淋漓盡致。 無論是在雨天的機車後座,直接手機掏出來導航,又或是動不動就在洗手台把我的手機拿出來沖水清潔,我的家人都覺得我瘋了,但我自己依然對於它優異的防水功能樂在其中。 馬拉灣有一項遊樂設施叫做飄飄河,在園區中挖掘一道人工河流,讓遊客可以乘坐大型游泳圈在河中漂流,享受愜意時光。 那時候我們一家人正悠閒的在河中隨波逐流,我妹妹像是想到什麼,轉頭對我說: 「哥~你不是有帶手機下來,幫我拍照,我想留念!」 於是我跳下游泳圈,開始幫在河中的妹妹拍起了網美照片~ 我們一群人開始大肆的輪流拍照,突然隔壁有一家四口也飄了過來。我聽到他們家媽媽說: 「老公,都忘了帶手機下來拍照,真是可惜,你看他們拍著那麼開心!」 「不是啊,怎麼可能帶下來,手機又不能碰到水,他們應該是用別的器材吧?」他先生疑惑的回應道。 此時那個太太忍不住對我們發問。 「弟弟,你們是用手機在拍照嗎?」 「對啊,我們想說留個紀念」我一邊回答一邊拿起我的手機晃了晃。 「為什麼你們手機可以下水?不會壞掉嗎?」他先生忍不住插嘴問道。 「這隻手機是防水的唷,是Sony品牌出的!」我開心的回答。 「這麼厲害!!謝謝你跟我們說~」先生也很有禮貌的回應。 當天行程中,我時不時就拿著手機在各個遊樂設施拍照,同時也引來不少好奇的目光,現在想起來依舊覺得是一段難忘的回憶。 雖然現在我已經入坑蘋果,成為果粉的一員,但不得不說,曾經的Sony也是帶給我滿滿驚喜體驗的一部手機。 你還記得曾經陪伴你度過人生精彩時光的那部手機嗎? 翻閱相片的時候會不會想起那些青澀的回憶呢? 摸摸你的手機,不要再讓它時不時摔在地上了唷~知道嗎?阿嬌! - - - - - - - - - - - - 大家午安~ 大家有換這次新出的IPhone 14嗎? 這次老田因為手機還頭好壯壯,暫時不會更換,倒是阿嬌先一步從指紋辨識的8代換成最新的14了! 希望阿嬌可以好好照顧新手機,不要再讓它時不時就仆街了,哈~ 「龜Look二仙嬌」 合作邀約|guilooktwo@gmail.com Instagram|https://reurl.cc/411Waj Apple|https://reurl.cc/Opa8jD Spotify |https://reurl.cc/VjZvmR KKBOX |https://reurl.cc/akbjxZ YouTube|https://reurl.cc/g244oQ 如果您喜歡我們的節目, 並且想要餵食我們- ///// - 歡迎點下面連結,留下餐點唷! https://ppt.cc/fk5wlx

    MacVoices #22193: Josh Centers Takes Control of iOS 16 and iPadOS 16

    MacVoices #22193: Josh Centers Takes Control of iOS 16 and iPadOS 16

    Josh Centers has published Take Control of iOS 16 and iPadOS 16 for Take Control Books, just in time for you to find out all about the new versions of Apple’s mobile operating systems. Josh talks about some of the bugs that have cropped up since the release, such as the “vibrating camera” issue with the new iPhones 14, the “copy and paste bug” that potentially affects all iOS 16 installs, and more. Some of the new features are among Josh’s favorites, and he talks about lock screen customization, focus modes, and more. Josh also explains why this version of his iOS books contains a Basics section by popular demand. 

    Rogue Amoeba

    This edition of MacVoices is supported by Rogue Amoeba. Audio tools for everyone. Visit MacAudio.com to take 20% off orders for the month of September.


    MacVoices is supported by Rocket Money. Cancel unwanted subscriptions today at RocketMoney.com/macvoices.

    Show Notes:


    Josh Centers is the Managing Editor of TidBITS and the publisher of Apple Buying Advice. He's also an occasional contributor to Macworld, Boing Boing, and The Sweethome. You can keep up with him on Twitter, and his blog at joshcenters.com.


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    5檔蘋果概念股人氣旺!多元題材突破空頭格局|上流投資術 EP54

    5檔蘋果概念股人氣旺!多元題材突破空頭格局|上流投資術 EP54
    #蘋果概念股 #上流投資術 #財訊 在股市空頭反彈格局下,傳統蘋概股已難符合投資人更刁鑽的選股,能夠在蘋果訂單旺季需求上,再添加多元性新題材,才能吸引市場關注。 《各節重點》 00:00 開場 00:23 iPhone 14 推出,多元題材發酵突破空頭格局 01:33 5檔蘋果概念股詳細解說 03:53 都更危老博覽會,大獎等你帶回家 06:30 回覆觀眾留言 07:35 下半年給投資朋友的小建議 ★ 商業合作請洽 service1@wealthgrp.com.tw,或撥專線 (02)2551-2561 轉 255。 製作|財訊雙週刊 主持|尚清林 來賓|劉志明 企劃|吳尚哲 攝影|吳尚哲 後製|李國奉

    MacVoices #22186: MacVoices Live! - "Far Out" Reactions (3)

    MacVoices #22186: MacVoices Live! - "Far Out" Reactions (3)

    An extra-large MacVoices Live! panel finishes up an extra-long session discussing the announcements from Apple’s “Far Out” event. This time, Chuck JoinerDavid GinsburgEric BoldenDerek MileyBrittany SmithWeb BixbyKelly GuimontPatrice Brend’Amour, and Andrew Orr cover the audio and non-audio features of the new version of AirPods Pro, debate whether all the ports will ever be removed from the iPhone, and why it didn’t happen this time around. (Part 3) 


    This edition of MacVoices is supported by Kolide. Get important, timely, and relevant security recommendations for your Mac, right inside Slack. Try Kolide with all its features on an unlimited number of devices for free for 14 days; no credit card required, at Kolide.com/macvoices.

    Show Notes:


    Hamile Compatible with AirPods Pro Case Protective Silicone Airpod Case Shockproof Cover Skin for Apple Airpod Pro 2019 Charging Case, with Keychain, Ice Blue-Night Glow

    Spigen Tag Armor Duo Designed for Airpods Pro Case and AirTag Case Cover with Keychain



    Web Bixby has been in the insurance business for 40 years and has been an Apple user for longer than that.You can catch up with him on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

    Eric Bolden is into macOS, plants, sci-fi, food, and is a rural internet supporter. You can connect with him on Twitter by email at embolden@mac.com, and on his blog, Trending At Work.

    Jeff Butts writes for The Mac Observer, HowToGeek, and more. He is a tech advocate who can be reached on Twitter as @clefmeister.

    Patrice Brend’amour is the creator, advocate and Product Manager of a global healthcare software initiative, which is not only pushing the industry to provide user-centered solutions using the latest advances in UX and technology, but also advancing the sharing of medical information between healthcare providers across the world. He is also an avid podcaster, mainly in the technology space, as well as a maintainer and contributor to a number of open source projects. Everything he does can be linked to from The Patrice, you can follow him on Twitter, and engage with him on the podcast, Foodie Flashback.

    David Ginsburg is the host of the weekly podcast In Touch With iOS where he discusses all things iOS, iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, Apple Watch, and related technologies. He is an IT professional supporting Mac, iOS and Windows users. Visit his YouTube channel at https://youtube.com/daveg65 and find and follow him on Twitter @daveg65.

    Kelly Guimont is a podcaster and friend of the Rebel Alliance. She hosts the Daily Observations Podcast at MacObserver.com, and appears on The Incomparable network as well as hosts I Want My M(CU) TV. You can also hear her on The Aftershow with Mike Rose, and she still has more to say which she saves for Twitter.

    Andrew Orr is a freelance writer and amateur photographer and Contributing Editor at AppleInsider. He loves Apple products and enjoys writing and sharing all things tech. When he's not writing about Apple, you can often find him snapping photos with his iPhone. Follow him on Twitter or sample his musical tastes on Apple Music…if you dare.

    Jim Rea has been an independent Mac developer continuously since 1984. He is the founder of ProVUE Development, and the author of Panorama X, ProVUE's ultra fast RAM based database software for the macOS platform. Follow Jim at provue.com and via @provuejim on Twitter.

    Brittany Smith is a trained cognitive neuroscientist who provides ADD/ADHD, technology, and productivity coaching through her business, Devise and Conquer, along with companion video courses for folks with ADHD. She’s also the cofounder of The ADHD Guild, a community for nerdy folks with ADHD. She, herself, is a self-designated “well-rounded geek”. She can be found on Twitter as @addliberator and on YouTube with tech tips.


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         Subscribe manually via iTunes or any podcatcher:

         Audio: http://www.macvoices.com/rss/macvoicesrss
         Video: http://www.macvoices.com/rss/macvoicesvideorss

    MacVoices #22185: MacVoices Live! - "Far Out" Reactions (2)

    MacVoices #22185: MacVoices Live! - "Far Out" Reactions (2)

    The discussion of Apple’s “Far Out” event announcements continued as Chuck JoinerDavid GinsburgEric BoldenDerek MileyBrittany SmithWeb BixbyKelly GuimontPatrice Brend’Amour, and Andrew Orr finished up with some final thoughts on the iPhones 14, then turned their attention to the Apple Watch Series 8 and Apple Watch Ultra. Who are they for, who will buy them, and what are the important new features? Health, cycle tracking, and safety are all at the top of the list. (Part 2)


    This edition of MacVoices is supported by Kolide. Get important, timely, and relevant security recommendations for your Mac, right inside Slack. Try Kolide with all its features on an unlimited number of devices for free for 14 days; no credit card required, at Kolide.com/macvoices.

    Show Notes:


    Web Bixby has been in the insurance business for 40 years and has been an Apple user for longer than that.You can catch up with him on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

    Eric Bolden is into macOS, plants, sci-fi, food, and is a rural internet supporter. You can connect with him on Twitter by email at embolden@mac.com, and on his blog, Trending At Work.

    Jeff Butts writes for The Mac Observer, HowToGeek, and more. He is a tech advocate who can be reached on Twitter as @clefmeister.

    Patrice Brend’amour is the creator, advocate and Product Manager of a global healthcare software initiative, which is not only pushing the industry to provide user-centered solutions using the latest advances in UX and technology, but also advancing the sharing of medical information between healthcare providers across the world. He is also an avid podcaster, mainly in the technology space, as well as a maintainer and contributor to a number of open source projects. Everything he does can be linked to from The Patrice, you can follow him on Twitter, and engage with him on the podcast, Foodie Flashback.

    David Ginsburg is the host of the weekly podcast In Touch With iOS where he discusses all things iOS, iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, Apple Watch, and related technologies. He is an IT professional supporting Mac, iOS and Windows users. Visit his YouTube channel at https://youtube.com/daveg65 and find and follow him on Twitter @daveg65.

    Kelly Guimont is a podcaster and friend of the Rebel Alliance. She hosts the Daily Observations Podcast at MacObserver.com, and appears on The Incomparable network as well as hosts I Want My M(CU) TV. You can also hear her on The Aftershow with Mike Rose, and she still has more to say which she saves for Twitter.

    Andrew Orr is a freelance writer and amateur photographer and Contributing Editor at AppleInsider. He loves Apple products and enjoys writing and sharing all things tech. When he's not writing about Apple, you can often find him snapping photos with his iPhone. Follow him on Twitter or sample his musical tastes on Apple Music…if you dare.

    Jim Rea has been an independent Mac developer continuously since 1984. He is the founder of ProVUE Development, and the author of Panorama X, ProVUE's ultra fast RAM based database software for the macOS platform. Follow Jim at provue.com and via @provuejim on Twitter.

    Brittany Smith is a trained cognitive neuroscientist who provides ADD/ADHD, technology, and productivity coaching through her business, Devise and Conquer, along with companion video courses for folks with ADHD. She’s also the cofounder of The ADHD Guild, a community for nerdy folks with ADHD. She, herself, is a self-designated “well-rounded geek”. She can be found on Twitter as @addliberator and on YouTube with tech tips.


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         Subscribe manually via iTunes or any podcatcher:

         Audio: http://www.macvoices.com/rss/macvoicesrss
         Video: http://www.macvoices.com/rss/macvoicesvideorss

    MacVoices #22184: MacVoices Live! - "Far Out" Reactions (1)

    MacVoices #22184: MacVoices Live! - "Far Out" Reactions (1)

    Hours after Apple’s “Far Out” event wrapped, a mega-panel convened on MacVoices Live! to discuss and debate the announcements. The iPhone 14 and its variations were up first as Chuck JoinerDavid GinsburgEric BoldenDerek MileyBrittany SmithWeb BixbyKelly GuimontPatrice Brend’Amour, and Andrew Orr dug deep into the iPhone 14, with the A16 Bionic Chip, Display Island, and improved camera and stabilization catching their interest. (Part 1) 


    This edition of MacVoices is supported by Kolide. Get important, timely, and relevant security recommendations for your Mac, right inside Slack. Try Kolide with all its features on an unlimited number of devices for free for 14 days; no credit card required, at Kolide.com/macvoices.

    Show Notes:


    Web Bixby has been in the insurance business for 40 years and has been an Apple user for longer than that.You can catch up with him on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

    Eric Bolden is into macOS, plants, sci-fi, food, and is a rural internet supporter. You can connect with him on Twitter by email at embolden@mac.com, and on his blog, Trending At Work.

    Jeff Butts writes for The Mac Observer, HowToGeek, and more. He is a tech advocate who can be reached on Twitter as @clefmeister.

    Patrice Brend’amour is the creator, advocate and Product Manager of a global healthcare software initiative, which is not only pushing the industry to provide user-centered solutions using the latest advances in UX and technology, but also advancing the sharing of medical information between healthcare providers across the world. He is also an avid podcaster, mainly in the technology space, as well as a maintainer and contributor to a number of open source projects. Everything he does can be linked to from The Patrice, you can follow him on Twitter, and engage with him on the podcast, Foodie Flashback.

    David Ginsburg is the host of the weekly podcast In Touch With iOS where he discusses all things iOS, iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, Apple Watch, and related technologies. He is an IT professional supporting Mac, iOS and Windows users. Visit his YouTube channel at https://youtube.com/daveg65 and find and follow him on Twitter @daveg65.

    Kelly Guimont is a podcaster and friend of the Rebel Alliance. She hosts the Daily Observations Podcast at MacObserver.com, and appears on The Incomparable network as well as hosts I Want My M(CU) TV. You can also hear her on The Aftershow with Mike Rose, and she still has more to say which she saves for Twitter.

    Andrew Orr is a freelance writer and amateur photographer and Contributing Editor at AppleInsider. He loves Apple products and enjoys writing and sharing all things tech. When he's not writing about Apple, you can often find him snapping photos with his iPhone. Follow him on Twitter or sample his musical tastes on Apple Music…if you dare.

    Jim Rea has been an independent Mac developer continuously since 1984. He is the founder of ProVUE Development, and the author of Panorama X, ProVUE's ultra fast RAM based database software for the macOS platform. Follow Jim at provue.com and via @provuejim on Twitter.

    Brittany Smith is a trained cognitive neuroscientist who provides ADD/ADHD, technology, and productivity coaching through her business, Devise and Conquer, along with companion video courses for folks with ADHD. She’s also the cofounder of The ADHD Guild, a community for nerdy folks with ADHD. She, herself, is a self-designated “well-rounded geek”. She can be found on Twitter as @addliberator and on YouTube with tech tips.


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