
    it news

    Explore " it news" with insightful episodes like "Can you make AI sustainable?", "RCN #48 - "Planternetes", the open enterprise & more", "How Does Payment Security Work - Ep 66", "Cybersecurity Risks in The Critical Infrastructure Sectors - Ep 65" and "Application Security Posture Management (what a CISO needs to know) - Ep 64" from podcasts like ""Technology Untangled", "Radio Cloud Native with Eric Gregory & John Jainschigg", "Reimagining Cyber - real world perspectives on cybersecurity", "Reimagining Cyber - real world perspectives on cybersecurity" and "Reimagining Cyber - real world perspectives on cybersecurity"" and more!

    Episodes (26)

    Can you make AI sustainable?

    Can you make AI sustainable?

    In this episode we are looking at the challenges AI technology faces when it comes to becoming, and then remaining sustainable.
    The benefits of AI are unquestionable: from improved medical assistance and increased efficiency in the workplace, to autonomous transportation and next-level gaming experiences. But the more expansive the abilities of AI become, the more data storage that’s required.

    That data storage uses a lot of energy. In fact, it has been predicted that AI servers could be using more energy than a country the size of the Netherlands by 2030.

    For HPE Chief Technologist, Matt Armstrong-Barnes, the rate at which AI has grown in recent years has had an environmental impact, and he believes that’s down to people rushing into training large language models without thinking about longevity, or the need for future change. And that, in turn, has led to data being stored that is no longer needed.

    The sustainability issue is something that is also a main focus of Arti Garg, Lead Sustainability & Edge Architect in the office of the CTO at Hewlett Packard Enterprise. Like Matt, Arti has kept a keen eye on the exponential growth of AI data storage and the effect that is having on the environment, and agrees that the key to a more sustainable future is in how we train models.

    However, whilst training models well is important, the tech itself is a key component in more efficient AI. Shar Narasimhan is the director of product marketing for NVIDIA's data center GPU portfolio. He believes that a combination of openly available model optimisations and chipsets, CPUs, GPUs and intelligent data centers optimised for AI is a key piece of the puzzle in avoiding energy wastage, and making AI more sustainable all round.

    Sources and statistics cited in this episode:
    Global AI market prediction - https://www.statista.com/statistics/1365145/artificial-intelligence-market-size/#:~:text=Global%20artificial%20intelligence%20market%20size%202021%2D2030&text=According%20to%20Next%20Move%20Strategy,nearly%20two%20trillion%20U.S.%20dollars.
    AI could use as much energy as a small country report - https://www.cell.com/joule/fulltext/S2542-4351(23)00365-3?_returnURL=https%3A%2F%2Flinkinghub.elsevier.com%2Fretrieve%2Fpii%2FS2542435123003653%3Fshowall%3Dtrue
    Industry responsible for 14% of earth’s emissions - https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/JICES-11-2021-0106/full/html

    Number of AI startups - https://tracxn.com/d/explore/artificial-intelligence-startups-in-united-states/__8hhT66RA16YeZhW3QByF6cGkAjrM6ertfKJuKbQIiJg/companies
    AI model energy use increase - https://openai.com/research/ai-and-compute
    European Parliament report into AI energy usage - https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/STUD/2021/662906/IPOL_STU(2021)662906_EN.pdf

    RCN #48 - "Planternetes", the open enterprise & more

    RCN #48 - "Planternetes", the open enterprise & more

    Get the latest news on Kubernetes, the cloud native landscape, and the wider world of tech. Hosts Eric Gregory breaks through the jargon to help you make sense of it all.

    In this episode, Eric walks through the highlights of Kubernetes 1.28, then breaks down the latest kerfuffles in the world of the enterprise open source, a major security issue in npm, and more.

    A full list of topics for this week's episode include:

    • Kubernetes 1.28 Release
    • Cloud trends for the summer
    • Open source tumult
    • Developer trends for the remainder of 2023
    • ChatGPT & StackOverflow study
    • The bug at the heart of npm
    • Remembering Bram Moolenar

    If you want to listen to more episodes of Radio Cloud Native, please visit https://www.mirantis.com/radiocloudnative/ to download, or find them wherever you prefer to consume your podcasts.

    Read the attached blog post for this episode here: https://www.mirantis.com/blog/what-s-new-in-kubernetes-1-28-sidecar-containers-and-fewer-disruptions 

    As mentioned by Eric, this (RCN #49) will be the final episode of Radio Cloud Native (in it's current format).

    Please keep the podcast in your feed and keep an eye out for fresh content. Sometime early in this new year, the team at Mirantis is planning to revamp Radio Cloud Native (possibly under a new name, but accessible from this same RSS feed).

    Thank you to all of our listeners that kept Radio Cloud Native going over the past two-or-so years. And a special thanks as well as good luck to long-time host Eric Gregory as he pursues future endeavors outside of Mirantis. Stay tuned for more podcasts from Mirantis in 2024!

    How Does Payment Security Work - Ep 66

    How Does Payment Security Work - Ep 66

    How safe is payment security? What are the payment system cyber security solutions? 
    This week's guest is Dan Fritsche, CISO at RSI Security. He has security and compliance expertise that spans over 20 years. His experience is across multiple industries, but in this episode Rob and Stan explore his experience in the payment security area.

    Glossary of terms used in this episode:
    PCI SSC – Security Standards Council

    PCI DSS - Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard

    PA-DSS – Payment Application Data Security Standard

    PCI SSF and SSS - Software Security Framework/Secure Software Standard

    PCI Secure SLC - Software Life Cycle

    PAN – Primary Account Number

    SAD – Sensitive Authentication Data

    SPoC - Software based PIN entry on COTS

    CPoC - Contactless Payments on COTS

    CDE - Cardholder Data Environment

    Voltage SecureData Payments


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    Share the show with others in the cybersecurity world.
    Get in touch via reimaginingcyber@gmail.com

    Cybersecurity Risks in The Critical Infrastructure Sectors - Ep 65

    Cybersecurity Risks in The Critical Infrastructure Sectors - Ep 65

    How do you stop cybersecurity issues in the critical infrastructure sectors?

     It has been inspired by a series of blog posts  that focus on
    Cyber security threats in healthcare and public health
    Risks and Cybersecurity in the energy sector
    Cyber security in financial services
    Cybersecuirty in critical manufacturing

    "Some of the threats are common among the different sectors. Certainly these  large scale kind of ransomware attacks is impacting healthcare. Bu it's also impacting the manufacturing sector. You know, 13% of all ransomware attacks last year were attributed to those in the manufacturing sector. Because if your production line’s down you're motivated to pay. And ransomware attackers know that."

    " I think the reality is we can no longer assume that we have a landscape where people will play nice.  For example what's going on between Ukraine and Russia, where cyber is being used as one of the elements of war. And if we are in a conflict in the future, our adversary is most likely going to be leveraging cyber and will look for weaknesses in our infrastructure.  We've got to change the priority and the voluntary approach doesn't seem to work. So whether it be through carrot or stick we need to  motivate each of these operators to raise their game. Because time's running out."

    Follow or subscribe to the show on your preferred podcast platform.
    Share the show with others in the cybersecurity world.
    Get in touch via reimaginingcyber@gmail.com

    Application Security Posture Management (what a CISO needs to know) - Ep 64

    Application Security Posture Management (what a CISO needs to know) - Ep 64

    What is Application Security Posture Management (ASPM)? Surely you already know, or you wouldn't be listening to Reimagining Cyber! But you could always do with finding out a bit more, right? 

    In this episode we hear from Dennis Hurst, the Founder and President of Saltworks Security.

    He’s been an application security leader since the earliest days of the industry. With over 30 years of experience across the entire software development lifecycle, he has helped launch startups and traveled the globe to aide multinational enterprises in successfully implementing their application security programs. Dennis is a recognized and trusted advisor for Fortune 500 companies that span multiple industries and concerns.

    Dennis is a founding member of the Cloud Security Alliance where he co-authored the first two versions of its Application Security guidelines. He is also a contributor and advocate for the Open Web Application Security Project.

    Follow or subscribe to the show on your preferred podcast platform.
    Share the show with others in the cybersecurity world.
    Get in touch via reimaginingcyber@gmail.com

    CISO investment Priorities & State of Code Security - Ep 63

    CISO investment Priorities & State of Code Security - Ep 63

    Rob and Stan dissect the results of a couple of recent surveys to see if they really reflect the feelings of those at the coal face of cybersecurity.

    Rob talks about a round table he led that discussed a survey report OpenTech Cybersecurity have produced in conjunction with the Osterman Research group.

    The survey spoke to almost 300 CISOs and CIO across the globe to find out what their top cybersecurity investments are for this year

    Listen to find out what they are.

    Stan talks about a recent report called the 2023 State of Cloud Security.  The survey specifically interviewed AppSec professionals, to discover the main factors influencing tool adoption, as well as key implementation challenges..

    Stan points out that some of the key findings concerned DevSecOps, and  there was also concern about API security. 

    Links to the reports/surveys:
    CISO Investment Priorities 2023

    State of Code Security 2023


    Follow or subscribe to the show on your preferred podcast platform.
    Share the show with others in the cybersecurity world.
    Get in touch via reimaginingcyber@gmail.com

    AI and ChatGPT - Security, Privacy and Ethical Ramifications - Ep 62

    AI and ChatGPT - Security, Privacy and Ethical Ramifications - Ep 62

    This episode features “the expert in ChatGPT”, Stephan Jou. He is CTO of Security Analytics at OpenText Cybersecurity. 

    “The techniques that we are developing are becoming so sophisticated and scalable that it's really become the only viable method to detect increasingly sophisticated and subtle attacks when the data volumes and velocity are so huge. So think about nation state attacks where you have very advanced adversaries that are using uncommon tools that won't be on any sort of blacklist.”

    “In the past five years or so, I've become increasingly interested in the ethical and responsible application of AI. Pure AI is kind of like pure math. It's neutral. It doesn't have an angle to it, but applied AI is a different story. So all of a sudden you have to think about the implications of your AI product, the data that you're using, and whether your AI product can be weaponized or misled.” 

    “You call me the expert in ChatGPT. I sort of both love it and hate it. I love it because people like me are starting to get so much attention and I hate it because it's sort of highlighted some areas of potential risk associated with AI that people are only start now starting to realize.”

    “I'm very much looking forward to using technologies that can understand code and code patterns and how code gets assembled together and built into a product in a human-like way to be able to sort of detect software vulnerabilities. That's a fascinating area of development and research that's going on right now in our labs.”

    “[on AI poisoning] The good news is, this is very difficult to do in practice. A lot of the papers that we see on AI poisoning, they're much more theoretical than they are practical.”

    Follow or subscribe to the show on your preferred podcast platform.
    Share the show with others in the cybersecurity world.
    Get in touch via reimaginingcyber@gmail.com

    US National Cybersecurity Strategy and EU Cyber Resilience Act - Ep 61

    US National Cybersecurity Strategy and EU Cyber Resilience Act - Ep 61

    In this episode, Rob and Stan look at a couple of drives to impose law and order on cybersecurity.

    First the new US National Cybersecurity Strategy for the US.

    “I actually see this as being a pretty sharp break from the past. If it's fully implemented, I think the potential to change the US cybersecurity posture will significantly be improved for the better.”

    “The strategy does put an emphasis on holding software vendors more directly responsible for the security of their technologies. And it recognizes that if left to its own devices, the software market many times rewards vendors that under invest in security and get things out to market faster. It’s been proven time and time again that market pressures are not necessarily going to result in more secure products.”

    “This is going to take time. They're talking about a 10 year window here for the cybersecurity act….so the implementation of this through various administrations who may have different priorities is going to be interesting.”

    Rob and Stan also reflect on how the US strategy compares to the the EU Cyber Resilience Act, revealed in September 2022.

    “They actually are very focused on personal data and ensuring that there's the protection and confidentiality and integrity of the data of the individuals. There are vulnerability disclosures that are required from the manufacturers.”

    "If you are to improve compliance, you're not doing business in the EU. That's the one that really resonates, right? That's what's going to make people say  “Well, I have to if I want to be able to generate the type of business I require from the entire EU marketplace.”"

    Follow or subscribe to the show on your preferred podcast platform.
    Share the show with others in the cybersecurity world.
    Get in touch via reimaginingcyber@gmail.com

    Energy and Cybersecurity - Ep 60

    Energy and Cybersecurity - Ep 60

    "We got very good at testing things to failure"
    Virginia “Ginger” Wright is the Energy Cybersecurity Portfolio Manager for Idaho National Laboratory’s Cybercore division within its National and Homeland Security directorate. She leads programs focused on cybersecurity and resilience of critical infrastructure for the Department of Energy, DARPA [Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency] and other government agencies.

     Her recent research areas include cyber supply chain for operational technology components,  instant response, critical infrastructure modeling and simulation and nuclear cybersecurity.

    Some quotes from this episode:

    "Idaho National Laboratory is the only national laboratory that is focused on nuclear energy. Part of that legacy was in testing what are today normal commercial nuclear installations and understanding where the boundaries of either operational resilience were, or the boundaries of particular material and installation methods that would cause that infrastructure to fail. We have, of course, taken that ability to turn things into failure and use that to develop our own adversary guided thinking about defensive cybersecurity."

    "In the energy infrastructure, we have devices that are in regular use today that are decades old. In the IT world, I have Patch Tuesday where every week my critical infrastructure is updated. Then after about three years. I toss it and I get another one that is completely and wholly built on the more modern incarnation of technology.  When we think about operational technology, applications, energy or water, we certainly can't re-engineer those systems on that cycle of replacement. So often we may not be able to patch or the technology that we are using is so old that the vendor is now no longer supporting patches."

    "I think a lot of engineers understand materials that they build with. They understand wood,  concrete,  but they don't often get taught to think about digital systems in the same way they think about materials -  that these systems have stress points and failure points and they can be trusted to a certain level but after that we need to build protections into our system to protect us from the ways that they can fail or be brought to failure by an adversary"

    Follow or subscribe to the show on your preferred podcast platform.
    Share the show with others in the cybersecurity world.
    Get in touch via reimaginingcyber@gmail.com

    RCN #37 - Cloudy (cost) Forecasts

    RCN #37 - Cloudy (cost) Forecasts

    Get the week's news on Kubernetes, the cloud native landscape, and the wider world of tech. Co-hosts Eric Gregory and Nick Chase break through the jargon and help you make sense of it all.

    This week, Eric breaks in the new year with this abridged, solo episode. He dives into the recent LastPass security breach, the industry-wide revolt of cost-conscious cloud users, the year in HTTP, and so much more!

    Sign up for our upcoming join webinar with Kubecost if you want to learn more about controlling your Kubernetes spend in 2023: https://www.brighttalk.com/webcast/18604/569770?utm_source=Mirantis&utm_medium=rcn&utm_campaign=569770

    A full list of topics for this week's episode include:

    • Security update
    • Big Tech under pressure from cost-conscious cloud customers
    • HTTP updates
    • Open source news & tooling
    • How eBay Engineering uses OpenTelemetry
    • Lagniappe (Cajun for "a little something extra")

    Find the resources discussed in this week’s episode here: https://www.mirantis.com/blog/this-week-s-news-cloudy-cost-forecasts

    As mentioned by Eric, this (RCN #49) will be the final episode of Radio Cloud Native (in it's current format).

    Please keep the podcast in your feed and keep an eye out for fresh content. Sometime early in this new year, the team at Mirantis is planning to revamp Radio Cloud Native (possibly under a new name, but accessible from this same RSS feed).

    Thank you to all of our listeners that kept Radio Cloud Native going over the past two-or-so years. And a special thanks as well as good luck to long-time host Eric Gregory as he pursues future endeavors outside of Mirantis. Stay tuned for more podcasts from Mirantis in 2024!

    RCN #35 - The High Cost of Low-Quality Code

    RCN #35 - The High Cost of Low-Quality Code

    Get the week's news on Kubernetes, the cloud native landscape, and the wider world of tech. Co-hosts Eric Gregory and Nick Chase break through the jargon and help you make sense of it all.

    This week, special guest host John Jainschigg is back beside Eric to discuss the trending stories across the world of technology. Eric & John dive into the impact that "low quality" software has on BIG enterprises, new modes of attack specific to air-gapped systems, and a look at the future-facing technologies like COBOL , floppy disks & even Python. Remember those?

    Find the resources discussed along with a transcript here: https://www.mirantis.com/blog/this-week-s-news-the-high-cost-of-low-quality-code

    A full list of topics for this week's episode include:

    • Report: impact of "bad" software on US Economy reaches $2.41 Trillion
    • Kubernetes Security: a new TokenRequest API attack vector
    • Beware: evasive new cyberattack can bypass air-gapped systems
    • Linux kernel 6.1 is here!
    • Your end-of-year WebAssembly update
    • Where will Python be in 100 years? Guido van Rossum on Python's future
    • Keeping it COBOL
    • Meta-Inverse: Metaverse for the Enterprise?
    • AI-assisted coding: the more the better

    As mentioned by Eric, this (RCN #49) will be the final episode of Radio Cloud Native (in it's current format).

    Please keep the podcast in your feed and keep an eye out for fresh content. Sometime early in this new year, the team at Mirantis is planning to revamp Radio Cloud Native (possibly under a new name, but accessible from this same RSS feed).

    Thank you to all of our listeners that kept Radio Cloud Native going over the past two-or-so years. And a special thanks as well as good luck to long-time host Eric Gregory as he pursues future endeavors outside of Mirantis. Stay tuned for more podcasts from Mirantis in 2024!

    RCN #34 - Kubernetes 1.26, DoD's Zero Trust Model, AI Coding & More!

    RCN #34 - Kubernetes 1.26, DoD's Zero Trust Model, AI Coding & More!

    Get the week's news on Kubernetes, the cloud native landscape, and the wider world of tech. Co-hosts Eric Gregory and Nick Chase break through the jargon and help you make sense of it all.

    This week, we welcome Nick back to his normal spot beside Eric as co-host for an exciting episode packed full of interesting stories from around the tech world. Eric & Nick discuss this week's Kubernetes 1.26 release, the US Department of Defense's new Zero Trust security framework, AWS re:Invent - which took place last week in Las Vegas, all the latest ChatGPT hubbub, and so much more! Stick around to the end for a double dose of Whack-a-Doodle in honor of Nick's return.

    Find the links to the resources discussed here: https://www.mirantis.com/blog/this-week-s-news-kubernetes-1-26-dod-s-zero-trust-guidance-and-more

    A full list of topics for this week's episode include:

    • Kubernetes 1.26 is here!
    • The DoD's Zero Trust Strategy & Roadmap
    • How to secure Helm with Sysdig
    • European, Dev-focused Honeypot releases documentary on Prometheus
    • New, open source project Gitopper to bring GitOps outside of Kubernetes
    • Do recent round of tech layoffs mean we can all breathe again?
    • Recapping last week's AWS re:Invent
    • News from Forrester APAC Predictions 2023 - the rise of (coding) machines
    • Stack Overflow bans AI-generated answers
    • Whack-a-Doodle (a double dose)

    As mentioned by Eric, this (RCN #49) will be the final episode of Radio Cloud Native (in it's current format).

    Please keep the podcast in your feed and keep an eye out for fresh content. Sometime early in this new year, the team at Mirantis is planning to revamp Radio Cloud Native (possibly under a new name, but accessible from this same RSS feed).

    Thank you to all of our listeners that kept Radio Cloud Native going over the past two-or-so years. And a special thanks as well as good luck to long-time host Eric Gregory as he pursues future endeavors outside of Mirantis. Stay tuned for more podcasts from Mirantis in 2024!

    RCN #33 - Istio, Fedora, Deno, OpenStack’s 2022 User Survey, & more!

    RCN #33 - Istio, Fedora, Deno, OpenStack’s 2022 User Survey, & more!

    Get the week's news on Kubernetes, the cloud native landscape, and the wider world of tech. Co-hosts Eric Gregory and Nick Chase break through the jargon and help you make sense of it all.

    This week, Eric & our favorite recurring guest host John Jainschigg talk new releases from Istio, Fedora & Deno, OpenStack's 2022 User survey, and are we really "turning off the microservices?" That & more in this week's jam-packed episode. 

    We'd also like to point you all towards our "Sister Show" - Cloud Native & Coffee - hosted by our very own John Jainschigg. CN&C features longer form conversations with Kubernetes experts, cloud native innovators, and open source champions from across the industry & around the world. Find full episodes of Cloud Native & Coffee wherever you can find Radio Cloud Native, or catch us live every other Thursday at 1PM EST on the Mirantis LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/company/mirantis/events/

    A full list of topics for this week's episode include:

    • Announcement: check out our "Sister Show" Cloud Native & Coffee
    • Choozle leverages Lens Autopilot to move faster with Kubernetes
    • Istio announces the release of version 1.16
    • Spotify Backstage vulnerability discovered & patched before it causes any real damage
    • GitHub adds procedure for private vulnerability reporting
    • IBM discontinues IoT device management offering
    • Twitter blue check fracas & Twitter 2.0
    • Deno 1.28 brings 1.3M npm modules
    • Fedora Linux 37
    • OpenStack's 2022 User Survey

    As mentioned by Eric, this (RCN #49) will be the final episode of Radio Cloud Native (in it's current format).

    Please keep the podcast in your feed and keep an eye out for fresh content. Sometime early in this new year, the team at Mirantis is planning to revamp Radio Cloud Native (possibly under a new name, but accessible from this same RSS feed).

    Thank you to all of our listeners that kept Radio Cloud Native going over the past two-or-so years. And a special thanks as well as good luck to long-time host Eric Gregory as he pursues future endeavors outside of Mirantis. Stay tuned for more podcasts from Mirantis in 2024!

    RCN #30 - Live from KubeCon NA 2022

    RCN #30 - Live from KubeCon NA 2022

    Get the week's news on Kubernetes, the cloud native landscape, and the wider world of tech. Co-hosts Eric Gregory and Nick Chase break through the jargon and help you make sense of it all.

    This week, Eric & very special, recurring guest host John Jainschigg, bring you Radio Cloud Native live from KubeCon North America in Detroit. Eric & John are excited to network with any potential listeners that may also be in attendance, but - in case you missed it - we'll be recapping all the leading stories from the opening days of the conference. 

    Topics for this week include:

    • Google Cloud & storage updates
    • Mirantis Kubernetes Engine now supports GCP
    • Why BaseCamp/HEY is leaving the cloud
    • Google submits containerized Go project to the CNCF
    • WebAssembly "micro-survey" results from the CNCF
    • The CNCF introduces a new Linux Foundation course, free!
    • Kubecost - open source & Hosted Releases
    • Observations from the Show Floor - KubeCon NA 2022 in Detroit

    As mentioned by Eric, this (RCN #49) will be the final episode of Radio Cloud Native (in it's current format).

    Please keep the podcast in your feed and keep an eye out for fresh content. Sometime early in this new year, the team at Mirantis is planning to revamp Radio Cloud Native (possibly under a new name, but accessible from this same RSS feed).

    Thank you to all of our listeners that kept Radio Cloud Native going over the past two-or-so years. And a special thanks as well as good luck to long-time host Eric Gregory as he pursues future endeavors outside of Mirantis. Stay tuned for more podcasts from Mirantis in 2024!

    RCN #29 - What you missed at Ignite

    RCN #29 - What you missed at Ignite

    Get the week's news on Kubernetes, the cloud native landscape, and the wider world of tech. Co-hosts Eric Gregory and Nick Chase break through the jargon and help you make sense of it all.

    This week, Eric & Nick will be discussing a very Dapr new service for Kubernetes (see what we did there?), Microsoft Ignite, new developments in Broadcom’s VMware acquisition bid, a 2022 survey on IoT & edge, and much, much more!

    Topics for this week include:

    • Quick programming update - check out Cloud Native & Coffee
    • KubeCon North America is next week
    • Kubernetes - Diagrid
    • Tooltip - Kubecolor
    • Eclipse Foundation releases key finding from 2022 IoT & Edge Dev Survey
    • Things you may have missed at Microsoft Ignite
    • GitHub Copilot continues to gain steam
    • AI recruitment software dubbed 'automated pseudoscience'
    • Broadcom pushes VMware acquisition forward
    • Fujitsu & Japanese University want internet 'endorsement layer'
    • Eric's Opinion Corner: are our security woes rooted in education gaps?
    • 5G C-band & aircraft can now safely share the skies
    • SpaceX asks Pentagon to foot the bill for Starlink in Ukraine
    • Whack-a-Doodle

    As mentioned by Eric, this (RCN #49) will be the final episode of Radio Cloud Native (in it's current format).

    Please keep the podcast in your feed and keep an eye out for fresh content. Sometime early in this new year, the team at Mirantis is planning to revamp Radio Cloud Native (possibly under a new name, but accessible from this same RSS feed).

    Thank you to all of our listeners that kept Radio Cloud Native going over the past two-or-so years. And a special thanks as well as good luck to long-time host Eric Gregory as he pursues future endeavors outside of Mirantis. Stay tuned for more podcasts from Mirantis in 2024!

    RCN #28 - From Azure to Zed

    RCN #28 - From Azure to Zed

    Get the week's news on Kubernetes, the cloud native landscape, and the wider world of tech. Co-hosts Eric Gregory and Nick Chase break through the jargon and help you make sense of it all.

    Both Eric & Nick are hosting this week to discuss OpenStack Zed, Google's recent State of DevOps report, SBOM skepticism, the latest metaverse developments (a Nick Chase favorite) & much more!

    Topics for this week include:

    • Mirantis Container Runtime support update
    • OpenStack releases Zed
    • Google's State of DevOps report
    • Venturebeat's study on IT spend
    • Cloudflare launches $1.25B startup fund
    • Is Go making a breaking change to redefine for loop variable semantics?
    • Linux & Windows updates bring their own troubles for users
    • Opinion: the SBOM frenzy is a bit premature
    • Recent developments to Metaverse tech
    • Whack-a-Doodle

    As mentioned by Eric, this (RCN #49) will be the final episode of Radio Cloud Native (in it's current format).

    Please keep the podcast in your feed and keep an eye out for fresh content. Sometime early in this new year, the team at Mirantis is planning to revamp Radio Cloud Native (possibly under a new name, but accessible from this same RSS feed).

    Thank you to all of our listeners that kept Radio Cloud Native going over the past two-or-so years. And a special thanks as well as good luck to long-time host Eric Gregory as he pursues future endeavors outside of Mirantis. Stay tuned for more podcasts from Mirantis in 2024!

    RCN #26 - Confidential Kubernetes, "distro-less" images & phishing galore

    RCN #26 - Confidential Kubernetes, "distro-less" images & phishing galore

    Check out the 2022 G2 Grid Report for Container Orchestration platforms: https://www.g2.com/products/mirantis-kubernetes-engine-formerly-docker-enterprise/reviews

    Get the week's news on Kubernetes, the cloud native landscape, and the wider world of tech. Co-hosts Eric Gregory and Nick Chase break through the jargon and help you make sense of it all.

    Our super special guest host, John Jainschigg, is back again! He & Eric dive into some new open source tooling for confidential Kubernetes & distroless container images, a host of security updates & phishing attacks, and a Python vulnerability that has been around for so long, it would be old enough to be legally employed in the United States. Join us for these stories and as always, so much more!

    A full list of topics for this week include:

    • Mirantis named leader in 2022 G2.com Grid Report
    • Constellation's "confidential K8s"
    • Wolfi, a Linux "undistro" for supply chain security
    • A 15-year-old Python vulnerability
    • Phishing GitHub accounts with fake CircleCI notifications
    • Fake sites fool Zoom users into downloading deadly code
    • Authentication provider, Okta, claims over 1/3 of login attempts are credential stuffing
    • Firefox vulnerabilities exposed - patch now!
    • Cambodian authorities crack down on "cyber slavery"
    • Floppy disks: still here, kind of, for now

    As mentioned by Eric, this (RCN #49) will be the final episode of Radio Cloud Native (in it's current format).

    Please keep the podcast in your feed and keep an eye out for fresh content. Sometime early in this new year, the team at Mirantis is planning to revamp Radio Cloud Native (possibly under a new name, but accessible from this same RSS feed).

    Thank you to all of our listeners that kept Radio Cloud Native going over the past two-or-so years. And a special thanks as well as good luck to long-time host Eric Gregory as he pursues future endeavors outside of Mirantis. Stay tuned for more podcasts from Mirantis in 2024!

    RCN #21 - Down on the Farm

    RCN #21 - Down on the Farm

    Get the week's news on Kubernetes, the cloud native landscape, and the wider world of tech. Co-hosts Eric Gregory and Nick Chase break through the jargon and help you make sense of it all.

    Nick returns from his time off last week to discuss the latest developments in some major social engineering attacks as well as debates around package manager security practices. We've also got space internet, a new way to look at edge computing, robots, and so much more.

    Topics for this week include:

    • More on last week's Twilio story
    • Google's bug boss: finding vulns is 'totally useless'
    • Fileless malware attacks with containers
    • A discussion on Dev tooling
    • A deep dive into the current state of Edge computing
    • Rural broadband
    • Robots!
    • A double dose of Whack-a-Doodle

    We've also included a Radio Cloud Native survey along with this week's episode. We'd really appreciate if you would take a few minutes to fill it out & give us a better understanding of the types of stories you'd like to see more of, topics that we may be missing & anything else that will help us improve our show!
    Survey link - https://forms.gle/S6qTHS9FR6MuHMsY9

    As mentioned by Eric, this (RCN #49) will be the final episode of Radio Cloud Native (in it's current format).

    Please keep the podcast in your feed and keep an eye out for fresh content. Sometime early in this new year, the team at Mirantis is planning to revamp Radio Cloud Native (possibly under a new name, but accessible from this same RSS feed).

    Thank you to all of our listeners that kept Radio Cloud Native going over the past two-or-so years. And a special thanks as well as good luck to long-time host Eric Gregory as he pursues future endeavors outside of Mirantis. Stay tuned for more podcasts from Mirantis in 2024!

    RCN #20 - Forthcoming features (and removals) in Kubernetes 1.25

    RCN #20 - Forthcoming features (and removals) in Kubernetes 1.25

    Get the week's news on Kubernetes, the cloud native landscape, and the wider world of tech. Co-hosts Eric Gregory and Nick Chase break through the jargon and help you make sense of it all.

    Nick was out, this time for a much needed break, but Eric takes the reins for this abridged episode.  This week's episode is all about the updates coming in Kubernetes 1.25 as well as some recent news stories related to open source tech & software security.

    Topics for this week include:

    • Kubernetes 1.25: major removals & changes
    • GitLab & the case of the quiet repos
    • Twilio attack
    • Unpacking incident reporting regulations: CISA vs. SEC

    As mentioned by Eric, this (RCN #49) will be the final episode of Radio Cloud Native (in it's current format).

    Please keep the podcast in your feed and keep an eye out for fresh content. Sometime early in this new year, the team at Mirantis is planning to revamp Radio Cloud Native (possibly under a new name, but accessible from this same RSS feed).

    Thank you to all of our listeners that kept Radio Cloud Native going over the past two-or-so years. And a special thanks as well as good luck to long-time host Eric Gregory as he pursues future endeavors outside of Mirantis. Stay tuned for more podcasts from Mirantis in 2024!

    RCN #19 - Lens 6 has arrived!

    RCN #19 - Lens 6 has arrived!

    Get the week's news on Kubernetes, the cloud native landscape, and the wider world of tech. Co-hosts Eric Gregory and Nick Chase break through the jargon and help you make sense of it all.

    Nick returns from his surprise network outage to tackle this week's top stories including the release of Lens 6 from our very own Team Lens, the Kubernetes Gateway API reaching beta, new security issues at Atlassian, an update on the CHIPS & Science Act, and so much more. 

    Topics for this week include:

    • Lens 6 has arrived!
    • Kubernetes Gateway API graduates to beta
    • Go version 1.19 is now live
    • New vulnerability identified in Atlassian's Confluence (hint: your Org probably uses it)
    • Python PyPi package index deleted by creator, form of "protestware"
    • Update: CHIPS & Science Act passed in the US
    • The NIST's "post-quantum" coding competition
    • Tesla sells over 75% of its Bitcoin, holds all of their Dodgecoin
    • Double dose of Whack-a-Doodle

    As mentioned by Eric, this (RCN #49) will be the final episode of Radio Cloud Native (in it's current format).

    Please keep the podcast in your feed and keep an eye out for fresh content. Sometime early in this new year, the team at Mirantis is planning to revamp Radio Cloud Native (possibly under a new name, but accessible from this same RSS feed).

    Thank you to all of our listeners that kept Radio Cloud Native going over the past two-or-so years. And a special thanks as well as good luck to long-time host Eric Gregory as he pursues future endeavors outside of Mirantis. Stay tuned for more podcasts from Mirantis in 2024!


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