

    Explore " judaic" with insightful episodes like "Episode 409: American Jewish History's History - Hasia Diner", "Rabbi Aaron Gruman – The Ultimate Pioneer: Twin Rivers to Torah Links", "Rabbi Sruli Fried - Empowering Families with Support, Strength and Serenity", "Rabbi Avi Schnall - A Man of the People" and "Episode 4 - Rivka Soloway" from podcasts like ""Judaism Unbound", "Our Town", "Our Town", "Our Town" and "Bestowed"" and more!

    Episodes (8)

    Episode 409: American Jewish History's History - Hasia Diner

    Episode 409: American Jewish History's History - Hasia Diner

    Hasia Diner is the Director of the Goren-Goldstein Center for American Jewish History at New York University, and the award-winning author of over twenty books, many of which focus on the history of American-Jewish minority communities. She joins Lex Rofeberg and Dan Libenson for a conversation about questioning tradition, raising up long-quieted voices, and turning towards under-represented individuals instead of mainstream institutions when writing and re-writing the American Jewish historical narrative.

    Access full shownotes for this episode via this link

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    Rabbi Aaron Gruman – The Ultimate Pioneer: Twin Rivers to Torah Links

    Rabbi Aaron Gruman – The Ultimate Pioneer: Twin Rivers to Torah Links

    Rabbi Aaron Gruman is the Director of Torah Links, the outreach division of Bais Medrash Gavoah.

    Torah Links has branches throughout New Jersey and across the country. In this week’s episode, Rabbi Gruman tells us about Torah Links; how he got involved and what it accomplishes, as well as more about the Twin Rivers community.

    Rabbi Gruman moved to Twin Rivers in 1989 with his wife and family to expand the existing outreach program. Today, Twin Rivers' infrastructure includes a shul with about 60 diverse families as well as an eiruv, a mikvah, and even a night kollel.

    Rabbi Gruman takes us on a journey through his 25-year mission of spreading the light of yiddishkeit to our unaffiliated brethren. He shares how his work with Torah Links has grown over the years, and discusses the organization's plans for the future. He explains how they aim to expand their many programs with the goal of making Lakewood the kiruv capital of the US. Join us in this eye opening portrayal into the world of Jewish outreach and kiruv happenings, right here in Our Town.

    Episode Sponsor: 24Six
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    Website: www.24six.com Email: info@24six.com

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    Rabbi Sruli Fried - Empowering Families with Support, Strength and Serenity

    Rabbi Sruli Fried - Empowering Families with Support, Strength and Serenity

    In this episode we have the pleasure of hosting Rabbi Sruli Fried, MSW, Director of Chai Lifeline NJ/PA as well as Executive Director of Bike4Chai. Rabbi Fried is known for his incredible work helping children with serious illnesses and their families.

    During our conversation, he describes how he manages the intense emotions that are inherent in his job, as well as the things that give him the strength to persevere. With his trademark warmth and empathy, Rabbi  Fried gives us a glimpse of how he supports families in their most difficult moments.

    Despite the seriousness of the topics covered, this episode is sprinkled with Rabbi Fried’s humor and positivity. His selfless display of dedication to helping others will make you walk away feeling inspired and uplifted.

    Episode Sponsor:  24Six
    The first on-demand entertainment platform for the Jewish family, customized by you.
    Website: https://www.24six.app
    email: info@24six.app

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    Rabbi Avi Schnall - A Man of the People

    Rabbi Avi Schnall -  A Man of the People

    Rabbi Avi Schnall is the Director of the New Jersey Office of Agudas Yisroel. Over the past nine years, he became known for his humble approach and genuine care for the needs of the frum community as well as the needs of every individual.
    In this episode we explore Rabbi Schnall’s fascinating public persona and how the early years of his life made him who he is today. He discusses his thoughts on contemporary issues, and his plans for the future.
    Join us as we catch a glimpse into the heart and soul of a man who is making a real difference in the world and in each of our lives.

    Episode Sponsor:  24Six
    The first on-demand entertainment platform for the Jewish family, customized by you.
    Website: https://www.24six.app
    email: info@24six.app

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    and anywhere else Podcasts are available!
    To watch any of our episodes as well as to get all the latest Lakewood news: LNNNews.com
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    Status: https://wa.me/17326083941?text=%20Subscribe

    Episode 4 - Rivka Soloway

    Episode 4 - Rivka Soloway

    Judaic Studies Head at Abraham Joshua Heschel School in NYC. When I started working at the Heschel School, Rivka was one of the first people that stood out. Typically when I join a new group, start a new job, go to a celebration with lots of people, it's hard for me to remember all the faces that where present. Rivka is one of the people that you CAN'T forget. If I had only worked that one day and never returned....then ran into Rivka on the streets somewhere else, I would know when and where I had originally met her. Unfortunately, this will be her last year at Heschel, and the school community are already missing her. I hope everyone enjoys this conversation.

    Abraham Joshua Heschel School
    My Podcasts

    Episode 2 - The Thing - Part 2

    Episode 2 - The Thing - Part 2
    • Fantastic Four Vol. 6 #5, (Legacy 650), 2018 Creators: Written by Dan
      Slott Drawn and inked by Aaron Kuder Colored by Marte Gracia & Erick
      Arciniega Lettered by VC's Joe Caramagna 4 out of 9 covers feature
      Ben in Jewish regalia! Esad Ribic cover - Ben in tallis and kippa
      holding Alicia, surrounded by heart and doves Mark Brooks variant -
      Ben in tallis and kippa holding Alicia in wedding dress Elizabeth
      Torque variant - Ben in tallis and kippa kissing Alicia under the
      chuppah Alex Ross variant - Ben in kippa kissing Alicia, surrounded
      on either side by superhero battles
      In an interview with CBR, Dan slott reveals he was building to Ben proposing to Alicia in the Thing #25, but was told the wedding
      would have to be in FF (then written by J Michael Straczynski
      First, a flashback with art by Mike and Laura Allred, very touching story about Sue teaching Ben to dance for the wedding
      while flashing back to playing matchmaker Then bachelor party
      with art by Adam Hughes. Serpent Society burst out of cakes
      Wedding in Benson, AZ??? Rabbi Lowenthal traveled with everyone
      to officiate Meet Aunt Petunia and Uncle Jake, who says kids
      being teenagers is meshugana Benson?? Don’t think there’s many
      Jews in Benson. The nearest synagogue is a 37 minute drive south
      (Temple Kol Hamidbar in Sierra Vista) Finally get to the wedding
      There is a chuppa. Ben wears a tallis “Alicia Reiss Masters and
      Benjamin Jacob Grimm” both sound more Jewish with their middle
      names (Jacob Reiss was her deceased father, Phillip Masters her
      stepfather) Doom interrupts with a worldwide projection announcing
      Galactus has returned and he'll defend earth, but nobody better
      enter Latverian airspace. The FF immediately think they need to
      spring into action “Remember what the rabbi said” Alicia asks Ben
      to have patience. Definitely what happens, people lose their
      identities, become just THE rabbi LITERAL CHUPPAH Reed uses a
      coronal displacement device (a 4-minute time bubble) to give those
      under the chutzpah time to finish the wedding while everybody else
      is frozen Amazing literalization of the chuppah as sacred time.
      Time literally freezes under the canopy They give vows. Not a
      traditionally Jewish thing, but more popular these days Typical I
      do moment No harei at, no ketubah, no sheva brachot Rabbi
      Lowenthal: “It is said that, at our weddings, the crash of a glass
      ends the hush of mythic time under a huppah… allowing the world and a
      new beginning to come rushing in. Never before has that been more
      true.” Seems entirely taken from Anita Diamant's The Jewish Wedding
      Now, which is reprinted on myjewishlearning. Pretty sure Dan just
      googled chuppah She writes “The crash of glass ends the hush of
      mythic time under the huppah, and the world rushes in. Everyone
      exhales, claps and shouts, “Mazel tov!” The celebration begins”
      Bubble snaps as they shout mazel tov, team rushes off in just married
      Marvel Holiday Special 1994 The Thing in “Losin’ The Blues” Creators: Written by Greg Wright Drawn by Mike Manley Colored by
      Greg Wright Lettered by Brad Joyce Wright- early 90’s work like
      Deathlok and Morbius the Living Vampire Thing saves a group of
      ice skaters from a Christmas tree about to smash them Young girl
      named Amy starts asking lots of questions complaining about Xmas
      and Trees Intersperse their conversation with Ben stopping various
      crimes - a Salvation army robbery, a jewelry store robbery. People
      keep yelling at Ben for causing damage as he saves “I'm Jewish.
      They don't have a million Hanukkah specials on TV, or big sales,
      or tons of decorations. People think Hanukkah’s like eight days of
      Christmas, and it isn't! It wouldn't be so bad if Christmas stuff
      wasn't everywhere for three months, you know. I'm proud if my
      religion, but this stuff makes me feel--like--less or something.”
      Goes on yo explain how she doesn't see peace or goodwill, just
      fighting over presents Punk kids steal Amy's coat. Ben goes to
      offer her his, but a homeless person gives his coat first.
      Supposed to be sweet, but it's super creepy Ben gives his coat to
      the homeless man, who managed to convince Amy the season is about
      goodwill She gives Ben some felt as a Hanukkah present she just
      had lying around Ben offers to get all three hot cocoa Funny, I
      remembered the first time I read this story that it felt like Ben had
      never heard of Hanukkah before. But it comes across as him playing
      cou, leaving Amy room to articulate her own position. It could fit in
      with a narrative of Ben as someone who turned his back on his Judaism
      Marvel Holiday Special 2004 “The True Meaning of...” Creators: Written by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa Drawn by Duncan Rouleau Inked by
      Aaron Sowd Colored by Morry Hollowell Lettered by Clem Robins
      Franklin has to write a report for school on what his family does for
      the holidays, so he dictates it to HERBIE Thing identifies himself
      and Shadowcat as the only two openly Jewish superheroes Bull. Even
      if Moon Knight is still secretive and Magneto is evil at the time,
      there's Sabra Celebrates Hanukah with Mr. Sheckerberg and orphans
      Franklin offers to host the Hanukkah party at the Baxter building,
      Ben reveals Reed and Sue have offered. But he's not interested He
      likes that it's low key
      “This is personal. Between me and God. You understand?” Ben doesn't strike me as religious.
      Franklin finally talks to Reed about whether he believes in God Ends with an equation of all religious holidays as the same
      “Christmas and Hanukkah and Kwanzaa...other holidays like Ramadan”
      Frustratingly shallow read of holidays
      Marvel Holiday Comic 2011 “Chinese Food for Christmas” Creators: Written by Jamie S. Rich Drawn by Paco Diaz Colored by
      Jean-Francois Beaulieu Lettered by Jeff Eckleberry Jamie is
      currently group editor for Batman comics FF era Ben
      Ben on the phone with Kitty Pryde, who is teasing him about his pumpkin spice eggnog latte and the fact Sasquatch and Moon
      Knight will eat all the sesame chicken
      Thing also brings up stereotypical Jewish drink, manischewitz Ben is hunting down this monster that keeps stealing Xmas
      decorations “It may be Christmas time for the gentiles, but for
      you...it's clobberin’ time!”
      Turns out the monster is stealing everything for orphan children whose charity Christmas was canceled
      Ben invites them to Jewish Christmas Weird that he asks if they have heard of Hanukkah (they have, and they know it's over)
      instead of whether they know what Jews do on Christmas All the
      Jewish superheroes celebrating together:
      Moon Knight, Songbird, Shadowcat, Thing, Sasquatch, Wiccan Gold, Langkowski, Kaplan Wiccan is lighting a hanukkiyah, which is
      cool except… He's not lit the central shanah candle We established
      Hanukkah is over!
      Marvel Two-in-One #8 (1975) - Thing and Ghost Rider team up Ghost Rider witnesses Three Wise Men recreation Thing insists that
      Mr. Fantastic celebrate Christmas with his family while he goes to
      investigate. Interpretive room for him being Jewish

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