

    Explore " kollel" with insightful episodes like "Parsha: Terumah - Cherub-Picking", "TORAH 101: Rambam’s Epistle of Resurrection", "Parsha: Terumah - The Mystery of the Menorah (5782)", "Parshas Terumah (Rebroadcast)" and "Parsha: Mishpatim - Blind Determination" from podcasts like ""Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe Podcast Collection", "Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe Podcast Collection", "Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe Podcast Collection", "Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe Podcast Collection" and "Rabbi Yaakov Wolbe Podcast Collection"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    Parsha: Terumah - Cherub-Picking

    Parsha: Terumah - Cherub-Picking

    The Tabernacle was a portable Temple in which the presence of God dwelled. Our Parsha begins with the fundraising effort to be conducted in the Wilderness where the nation was asked to donate the required materials for the construction of the Tabernacle, it's vessels, and the vestments of the high priest. In this enjoyable Parsha podcast we go deep and deeper on three different parts of the Parsha: we discuss the unusual ordering of the materials needed for the tabernacle; we probe the apparently conflicting definitions of cherubs; and we take a fascinating look at the unusual creature - the tachash - whose skin was used to create the upper curtain of the Tabernacle.

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    This Parsha Podcast is dedicated in loving memory and leilui nishmas Michael Ben Shmuel and Yehudit whose yahrzeit is this week, the 6th of Adar (1). May his soul be elevated in Heaven
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    TORAH 101: Rambam’s Epistle of Resurrection

    TORAH 101: Rambam’s Epistle of Resurrection

    The great medieval sage my Maimonides - Rambam - has been guiding us throughout our studies of the 13th principles of faith. This transcendental scholar, who's magisterial writings are authoritatively accepted amongst the entirety of the Jewish people, was one of our people's greatest personalities. His writings are enormously influential and authoritative in matters of philosophy and the foundations of our faith. In this episode we go through Rambam's epistle on Resurrection. In his lifetime, there were many questions and doubts and uncertainties about Rambam's position on several matters of resurrection. To dispel misconceptions misunderstandings, and misrepresentations, Rambam penned a lengthy epistle on the matter. This letter is sprawling and uncharacteristically wordy, but it is a very helpful source for us to gain a deeper and broader understanding of the subject of a resurrection.

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    Parsha: Terumah - The Mystery of the Menorah (5782)

    Parsha: Terumah - The Mystery of the Menorah (5782)

    This week's Parsha marks the beginning of the Torah's detailing of the Tabernacle and its vessels and operations. This subject makes up the bulk of the remaining narrative of Exodus, and Leviticus contains much of the laws related to the Tabernacle. We have never witnessed the Tabernacle, nor it's successor, the Temple in Jerusalem. The whole notion of a dwelling house for God is somewhat strange to us. What can we take out of these sections? In this special edition of the Parsha Podcast we discover that the answer is quite a lot. This episode orients around the Menorah, the candelabra that was lit in the Tabernacle each night. We discover what it represents, we ponder it's various symbolisms, and we sketch out a new approach for implementing the lessons of the Menorah in our lives today.

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    Parshas Terumah (Rebroadcast)

    Parshas Terumah (Rebroadcast)

    One of the fundamental principles of Jewish philosophy is the idea of “Kedushah”, holiness. Holiness, according to the Jewish definition, is when the physical and spiritual worlds meet. In no location in the world is holiness more present than the Temple, and its predecessor, the “Mishkan”, the Tabernacle. In this week’s parsha we read about the instructions to raise the materials and to construct the Tabernacle and most of its vessels.

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    Parsha: Mishpatim - Blind Determination

    Parsha: Mishpatim - Blind Determination

    Immediately after the Sinai Revelation, the Torah begins telling us many of the laws. In this Parsha podcast we focus on two of the laws: the famous verse of "an eye for an eye", and the requirement to aid your enemy when his donkey is struggling under its load. As is our mandate in year 8 of the Parsha Podcast, we go deep and deeper beneath the surface, trying to find insights and secrets beyond the text.

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    Mitzvah: Processing Sacrifices Protocols (#138-141)

    Mitzvah: Processing Sacrifices Protocols (#138-141)

    There are many different types of sacrifices brought in the temple. Each sacrifice follows the prescribed protocol. There is zero tolerance for deviation from the protocol. In this podcast, we learn about the requirement for the priests to follow the protocol to a t, and we end with an important perspective that makes this entire subject more salient and meaningful to us.

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    Parsha: Mishpatim - Hearing Sinai (5782)

    Parsha: Mishpatim - Hearing Sinai (5782)

    The Sinai Revelation was the most significant event in all of human history, certainly in all of Jewish history. Our nation experienced what no other people has experienced: we heard God speaking the Ten Commandments from amidst the fire and thick cloud on the mountain, and survived to tell the tale. This event - as told in last week's Parsha - is the foundation of our religion. This week we begin with a very obscure and strange law: we read about a Jewish bondsman who voluntarily choses to extend his 6-year term and must have his ear pierced. Why is this the first thing that we must be told after Sinai? Upon deep analysis we discover that this unique law contains the secret to actualizing the lessons of Sinai.

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    Ethics: Sense of Mission (6.6.29)

    Ethics: Sense of Mission (6.6.29)

    We love Torah. Torah study is our national pastime and obsession. It is enjoyable; it is fun; it is interesting -- but to acquire it – we have to now that it is imperative: It is as indispensable as water, oxygen and bread.

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    Parshas Mishpatim (Rebroadcast)

    Parshas Mishpatim (Rebroadcast)

    Parshas Mishpatim marks a stark change in the rhythm and pace of the Torah narrative. The preceding 17 Parshas contained a total of 41 mitzvos; this week we begin learning the Torah laws en masse. In this single parsha alone we have 53 mitzvos (only three parshas have more mitzvos). Beyond the varied laws, this parsha contains a prophetic promise and guidance regarding the conquest of Canaan, and the completion of the Sinai narrative that began in last week’s parsha.

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    Parsha: Yisro - Splitting the Heaven

    Parsha: Yisro - Splitting the Heaven

    The arrival of Jethro, the preparation for Sinai, and the nature of the Sinai revelation - these are some of the subjects featured in our parsha. In this very special and atypically extemporaneous Parsha podcast, we offer four interesting ideas: one on the unique route that Jethro took to the truth; one on the particular form of pleasure that Torah bestows upon those who learn it; a supremely clever idea on the boundaries placed around Mount Sinai; and a fascinating observation on the splitting of the sea and the splitting of the heavens.

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    Parsha: Yisro - Deathrow and Jethro (5782)

    Parsha: Yisro - Deathrow and Jethro (5782)

    The eponymous protagonist of our Parsha - Moshe's father-in-law, Jethro - makes three appearances in the Torah. His story, at first glance, seems wholly unremarkable. His greatest claim to fame was the fact that Moshe married his daughter. But the Torah revisits this interesting and compelling character again and again, and his narrative is positioned as an introduction to the Revelation at Sinai and the giving of the Torah. What is the secret of Jethro? This is the third year in a row that the Parsha Podcast on Parshas Yisro has tried to unlock the mystery of Jethro. I think we've finally deciphered the riddle.

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    TORAH 101: The Nature of the Preliminary Resurrection

    TORAH 101: The Nature of the Preliminary Resurrection

    In our pursuit of understanding of the subject of resurrection, many questions remain. In the previous episode we talked about the two types of resurrection, there is still a lack of clarity in the similarities and the differences between the two types of resurrection. Furthermore, the Talmud says that the righteous are alive even when they are dead. If they are alive when they are dead, how can they be resurrected? In addition, Rambam - our guide to studying the 13 principles - says some statements that seem to contradict each other and the Talmud. In this very interesting podcast episode, we suggest a new framing for how to understand the initial resurrection in the times of Messiah. The listener is forewarned that what you are about to hear is a bit more speculative than most episodes, and also one that requires active listening. The podcast is called Torah 101 in part because the Talmud teaches us that we must study our Torah 101 times. I don't know if this episode requires 101 listens, but certainly more than one would be necessary to fully understand every part of the framework.

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    Parshas Yisro (Rebroadcast)

    Parshas Yisro (Rebroadcast)

    The most significant event in all of human history is the Revelation at Sinai, which occurs in Parshas Yisro. Prior to that monumental experience and the conveyance of the Ten Commandments, Moshe’s father in law, Jethro, arrived at the camp and makes an important suggestion for improving the efficiency of the judicial process.

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    Parsha: Beshalach - Bones to Pick

    Parsha: Beshalach - Bones to Pick

    The Exodus is finally here. After 210 years in Egypt - enslaved, tormented, and oppressed - the nation is leaving with great pomp and ceremony. There is an apparently curious factoid about the Exodus: in the third verse of our Parsha, the Torah tells us that Moshe secured the bones of Joseph, and transported them with the nation.  What is the significance of the bones of Joseph? Why was it so important to bring these bones of Joseph with the people? In this Parsha podcast we go deep and deeper on the fascinating subplot of the bones of Joseph.

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    Parsha: Beshalach - Songworthy Sequels (5782)

    Parsha: Beshalach - Songworthy Sequels (5782)

    The Exodus marked the severing of the Jewish people from their former masters, the Egyptians. With plagues and miracles, the Almighty extracted the Israelites from bondage. That all happened in last week's Parsha. You would expect that our nation would move on to other pursuits and challenges, but our Parsha begins with the Egyptians again. In fact, the Exodus is repeated in this week's Parsha. Once again, there are 10 plagues foisted upon the Egyptians. Once again, there are 10 miracles given to the Jewish people. Why is there a need for a sequel? Why does the Exodus happen twice? In this special edition of The Parsha Podcast we probe the subject of Exodus 2.0 and draw from it a valuable lesson for how to achieve permanent change.

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    TORAH 101: Messianic Resurrection

    TORAH 101: Messianic Resurrection

    One of me hallmarks of the Messianic times is the resurrection of the righteous. With Messiah comes the reemergence of the righteous. Those buried in the land will precede those buried outside of it, but all the righteous will come back. This is well established in the Literature. In this podcast we discussed the two types of resurrection and the nature of each.

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    Parshas Beshalach (Rebroadcast)

    Parshas Beshalach (Rebroadcast)

    Parshas Beshalach may be the most action-packed parsha in the Torah. After the Exodus, God directed the people to not take the shortest route to the Land in order to facilitate the great miracle of the Splitting of the Sea and the final destruction of the Egyptians. After those unprecedented miracles, the trouble began: Twice they ran out of water, they ran out of food, and a ferocious enemy launched an unprovoked attack.

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    Parsha: Bo - Shots on Goal

    Parsha: Bo - Shots on Goal

    The Jewish people spent several centuries in Egypt, but now it is time to leave - and the nation is leaving with flair, with miracles, signs, and wonders. In this very special, celebratory, Parsha podcast, I share two incredible ideas that I shared over the past couple of days during the festivities surrounding the birth and the bris of our son, David Wolbe.

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    Parsha: Bo - Climbing Mount Exodus (5782)

    Parsha: Bo - Climbing Mount Exodus (5782)

    The Exodus from Egypt was the founding event of our people. Our nation had been in Egypt for more than two centuries and we had become acculturated into the Egyptian way of life. Over the year of the Exodus process, our nation was privy to miracles never before seen in history: we saw our masters humbled, we saw our nation elevated, we witnessed Moshe doing incredible miracles, and a spark was awakened within us. With the culmination of the Ten Plagues - the Death of the Firstborn - our nation was ushered out of the land. Our Sages tell us something fascinating: the remarkable transformation of the Exodus is revisited every time our nation experiences redemption. As such, studying the Exodus is more than the study of an ancient event, it is about discovering the formula of all kinds of redemptions. In this podcast we examine the principles of how to unlock an Exodus.

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    Celebrating A New Wolbe Baby Boy

    Celebrating A New Wolbe Baby Boy

    Our family was blessed with a new baby boy this past Sunday evening. With the help of the almighty, he will be joining the covenant of Abraham and receive his Bris tomorrow morning, Monday the 15th of January, in the Young Israel of Houston. In this special, celebratory podcast, I share what I said on Friday night during the Shalom Zachor that we held in our home. As is customary, we got together on the Friday night after the baby was born for an evening of festivities, food, and of course words of Torah. I spoke about the concept of the Shalom Zachor, about the nature of this custom, and share several fascinating and profound takeaways.

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