
    leaving religion

    Explore " leaving religion" with insightful episodes like "Jesus is Offensive | House Church with Justin Knoop", "We are God: my spiritual journey & how I found peace outside of religion", "Is Meekness An Illusion For Power with Aaron Trembath", "Boundaries with God with Michelle Wilding" and "Hard Truths About Leaving Religion" from podcasts like ""JESUS IS OFFENSIVE", "Making Life Art with Kalli Rachelle", "Leaving Religion: a Guide", "Leaving Religion: a Guide" and "Leaving Religion: a Guide"" and more!

    Episodes (32)

    We are God: my spiritual journey & how I found peace outside of religion

    We are God: my spiritual journey & how I found peace outside of religion

    Disclaimer: these are my own thoughts, feelings, and opinions based on my own experiences and lessons in life.  They also may evolve as I do throughout this human journey.  If you don't agree, that is wonderful because we are all different people with our own unique perspectives.   Regardless, I hope you get something out of this episode.  And I hope this makes you feel more connected, grounded, and less alone.  We are all made up of the same energy, we are all connected.  And so, I love you.  Thank you for being here. 



    The Tiktok on finding God:

    All things Michael A. Singer:

    My sister's Spotify:

    Is Meekness An Illusion For Power with Aaron Trembath

    Is Meekness An Illusion For Power with Aaron Trembath

     Sit back and enjoy this beautiful conversation I had with Aaron Trembath. We met at a recent retreat and I loved our conversations and the depth we were able to go to. Aaron has a wealth of knowledge in many things but one in particular, philosophy, that is greatly insightful.

    In today's episode Aaron shares that he became his  own abuser as he held the religious gun to his head. A truly profound analogy that I think many people can relate to.  Aaron shares his journey through religion and how he felt the religion left him.
    Religion is not spirituality.

    Talking about magic faith and the idea of a truth first perspective. As Aaron shares, every philosophy is going to have a bubble in the fly paper. Underneath it all there is something you have to swallow. Because of this, he started pursing truth for the sake of truth and his journey that unfolded is quite beautiful.

    Aaron shares that as he taught gospel doctrine it became more and more clear to him that the church was going away from the divine love principle that Jesus taught. As his relationship with the divine started to change, so did his relationship with the religion.

    We touch on Buddhism, shintoism, the void and more. You will want to join us in the conversation.

    Are you wanting to attend one of Aaron's classes? Connect with Aaron through his email: aaron.michael.trembath@gmail.com


    Let's stay in touch!

    IG: @amanda.joy.loveland
    FB Amanda Joy Loveland
    YouTube: Amanda Joy Loveland

    Boundaries with God with Michelle Wilding

    Boundaries with God with Michelle Wilding

    Have you ever considered that having boundaries with God / Spirit is a very healthy thing? This is a new concept for most people and something that we should discuss more.

    Join me today as I sit down with Michelle Wilding as we have a beautiful and interesting conversation around the filters that the voice of god can come through.
    Diving into the pendulum swing that can happen when we leave and some of the spiritual pitfalls after leaving religion.

    Are you being a victim to what God is telling you to do?

    What are the results you are getting out of your life? Are you liking them?

    This episode really covers so many great insights, thoughts and tools to assist you in navigating the waters after leaving religion.

    You are not alone!

    To listen to Michelle's first episode with me where she shares her story of leaving, go here: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0BenHUKSPCXm5s6agDlC7I?si=Si7V7KY9TKKyCGAISNvdgw


    To see more about Michelle & Amanda's upcoming training, click here: https://www.thesoco.org

    Grab my latest book to assist you in your faith transition:

    Looking for more tools? Click here to grab my guided meditation bundle to assist you in unwinding the energetics out of your field so that you can see and feel more cleanly. https://www.amandajoyloveland.com/leavingreligiontools

    Let's stay in touch!

    IG: @amanda.joy.loveland
    FB Amanda Joy Loveland
    YouTube: Amanda Joy Loveland

    Hard Truths About Leaving Religion

    Hard Truths About Leaving Religion

    Leaving religion is not an easy thing to do. In fact it's quite difficult as you now get to unwind all the beliefs you have carried AND you move into a place where you are judging yourself, questioning your beliefs, wondering if you made a mistake and so much more.

    What do you do? Will it ever get better?

    Join me as we dive into some of the hard truths about leaving religion. I share some tools that will help you along the way.

    Later in this episode I take you in a guided meditation that will assist you greatly.


    Want more tools to assist you in letting go of old programs and beliefs?https://www.amandajoyloveland.com/leavingreligiontools

    Order your copy of my Leaving religion book:


    Let's stay in touch!

    IG: @amanda.joy.loveland
    FB Amanda Joy Loveland
    YouTube: Amanda Joy Loveland

    Hugh Vail: Be Whole

    Hugh Vail: Be Whole

    Sitting down with Hugh Vail is always such a pleasure. I am hoping we will make this a more regular occurrence. 

    Hugh is someone who knows scriptural text very well as he's made it part of his studies. As we dive into the scripture, "for god so loved the world he sent his only begotten son" and if there is a more accurate translation, we engage in a fascinating conversation about truths.

    Hugh share's about a recent conversation with a client of his that leads to an interesting discussion about the lgtbq+ community and actual scriptural text around truth. "a man shall not lay with a boy" was not to say that same sex attraction was not okay, but that a man should not lay with a boy. Simple truths.

    Is it possible that there are more accurate truths within scriptural text and reframes that could allow for you to deprogram out of religion?

    Have you ever heard of the phrase plant sacrament? Hugh heard this one day and then had it synchronistically come up later in a conversation which led him to an experience with a plant sacrament that is beautiful.

    Life is not a random series of events, but is working in your behalf. There is truth in all things, are you paying attention to what the truths are trying to share with you?

    Join us for this insightful conversation!


    Head to Hugh's website to learn about his upcoming events: https://www.mustangmedicineevents.com/

    Follow Hugh on his social accounts:

    TicTok @Cowboy_Jesus
    IG @mustang_medicine_
    FB @mustangmedicine1

    Let's stay in touch!

    IG: @amanda.joy.loveland
    FB Amanda Joy Loveland
    YouTube: Amanda Joy Loveland

    Gifts In The Burning

    Gifts In The Burning

    Are you feeling like you are in the fire? How can you navigate the fire when you are in it and how can you see the gifts?

    When we are leaving religion, or going through any transitions in life, it can feel as if we are being put in the fire. It feels painful, I get it trust me. And, there is beauty in this fire as it's burning away more layers of those places within that are asking to be deconstructed. This assists you in becoming more clear in who you are.

    My book, Leaving Religion a Guide, is a powerful tool to assist you in your deconstruction. In this episode I share a bit about how this book came to life, the challenges that I faced while writing and publishing this book and I share one of my most vulnerable chapters around shame.

    Come join my group mentorship program geared to assist any of you that are moving through transitions in life right now. The group starts July 6th and is packed with freebies, weekly calls, daily accountability and massive support and tools. This course will fill up quickly so snag your spot today. And, if you join my gift I want to give you an autographed copy of my book for free! Email me aj@amandajoyco.com to secure your spot.

    To get my book, head over to amazon! https://www.amazon.com/Leaving-Religion-Those-Leave-Behind/dp/1952566487/ref=sr_1_1?crid=15D40RVX90IO8&keywords=leaving+religion+%26+those&qid=1654713416&sprefix=leaving+religion+%26+those%2Caps%2C142&sr=8-1

    Grab my meditation bundle: https://www.amandajoyloveland.com/offers/kFjGjqQc/checkout

    Are you enjoying this podcast? Please leave me a review!

    Let's stay in touch!

    IG: @amanda.joy.loveland
    FB Amanda Joy Loveland
    YouTube: Amanda Joy Loveland

    Leaving Christianity | Doubting God: Part 2

    Leaving Christianity | Doubting God: Part 2

    Some people are leaving Christianity over doubts about their faith or questions they can’t seem to answer. But it doesn’t have to be that way. In this message, we’re learning how to hold onto what’s true and build our faith.  


    It’s easy to think of doubt as a sign of weak faith. But it’s not. God isn’t afraid of our doubts, so we don’t have to be either. In our new series, Doubting God, we’re creating a space for the questions we’ve been afraid to ask. Together, let's discover how doubt can actually build our faith. 


    We’re continuing to monitor guidelines and best practices for gathering in a safe way. Learn more about everything we're doing to keep you safe and how you can help by using hand sanitizer, washing your hands often, and more: https://www.life.church/updates

    Find a time and attend a service with us: http://www.life.church/locations


    Have you made a decision to follow Jesus? You may be wondering what’s next on your journey. We want to help! Let us guide you to your next steps in your walk with Christ: https://www.life.church/next


    Wherever you are in life, you have a purpose. Life.Church wants to help you find your next step. Our hope is that your journey will include joining us at a Life.Church location throughout the United States or globally online at https://www.live.life.church. Find locations, videos, and more info about us at https://www.life.church or download the Life.Church app at https://www.life.church/app


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    #lifechurch #craiggroeschel #leavingchristianity

    How To Let Go of The Wounded Story with Hugh Vail.

    How To Let Go of The Wounded Story with Hugh Vail.

    My guest, Hugh Vail, has spent thousands of hours combing through scriptural texts and finding the true meaning in the translations of the scriptures. For example, the word perfect  is not translated correctly. Perfect actually means whole. So it's about our wholeness as we are all whole. Sin has a truer meaning of missing the mark.

    Is it possible by having a different perspective on some of the ancient stories it can help you to have more peace?

    Is it possible that religion is a necessary first step in learning about spirituality and ancient wisdom?

    Hugh shares some of his formula that has taken him years to create around how to move through and let go of your story.  Are you still holding onto your wounded story?

    Our conversation dives deep into scriptural truths, ceremonies, the endowment and more. We talk through ancient stories and ancient wisdom that you will want to dive into with us!

    To follow Hugh and to learn more about what he does head to his website.



    IG: @mustang_medicine_

    To grab your ticket for our upcoming event head to: https://www.amandajoyloveland.com/leanin

    Let's stay in touch!

    IG: @amanda.joy.loveland
    FB Amanda Joy Loveland
    YouTube: Amanda Joy Loveland

    Who Is Christ Really?

    Who Is Christ Really?

    Solocast. As Easter is coming up it is common to wonder what we celebrate now after religion.

    In this episode today I am diving into this time of year, plus touching on some pieces from the Mormon conference that was experienced for many. What if there was a comment made about members who leave being compared to Judas, why does it matter?

    We have been taught, conditioned and programmed as to who Jesus was. He was not what we have been taught to believe and many of us have been or are still living in the shadow of the cross. It's time to see the shadow and step into the light.

    Where are you holding to places within that are not allowing for new truth and experiences to come in?

    Where are you needing to let go and heal parts of you?

    What gets to be re-birthed?

    Book referenced: The Existential Kink by Carolyn Elliott, PHD

    Grab your ticket today for my upcoming speakers symposium! April 24th in Highland, UT

    Let's stay in touch!

    IG: @amanda.joy.loveland
    FB Amanda Joy Loveland
    YouTube: Amanda Joy Loveland

    What is The Dark Night of The Soul?

    What is The Dark Night of The Soul?

    Do you know what the dark night of the soul is? What about upper limiting?

    Today I am sharing a bit more raw and candid conversation about the dark night of the soul, what it is and also about upper limiting.

    One of my favorite poems by Marriane Williamson says, 
    " Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. 
     Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. 
     It is our light, not our darkness
     That most frightens us. 

    We ask ourselves
     Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
     Actually, who are you not to be? 
    You are a child of God. 

    Your playing small 
     Does not serve the world. 
     There's nothing enlightened about shrinking 
     So that other people won't feel insecure around you.

    We are all meant to shine, 
     As children do. 
     We were born to make manifest 
     The glory of God that is within us. 

     It's not just in some of us; 
     It's in everyone.

    And as we let our own light shine,
     We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
     As we're liberated from our own fear,
     Our presence automatically liberates others."

    Want to work with me? Are you ready to put down what isn't serving? Let's chat. 
    Email me aj@amandajoyco.com

    Let's stay in touch!

    IG: @amanda.joy.loveland
    FB Amanda Joy Loveland
    YouTube: Amanda Joy Loveland

    Mimi Knowles."I have made a whole lot of changes, but I am still myself."

    Mimi Knowles."I have made a whole lot of changes, but I am still myself."

    Sitting down with Mimi Knowles; songwriter, singer, producer and former Mormon. One of the lines from his recent single that just released seemed perfect for today's podcast, "I have made a whole lot of changes, but I am still myself."

    This interview is a colorful & fun conversation and one that you will for sure enjoy! In my conversation with Mimi, nothing was off limits.

    We talk about his Mormon mission to Italy. His mom leaving the mormon church, later his wife leaving too which was difficult for Mimi at the time. Mimi shares his struggles, what he went through and how he navigated through the emotions after his wife left.

    Mimi shares, "there's one time Jess came with my daughter to Sacrament and Quincy was asking about people on the stand. And she's like, who are they? Jess said, that's the bishopric you'll never be able to be one of them because you're a woman. And I'm like, that's just facts. Yeah, just facts. And that was kind of the the tipping point for me wanting to leave. My wife identifies as pan, I'm a person of color. I have daughters. And I couldn't associate myself or align myself with anything that makes my people or communities feel lesser than right. I want my daughter to believe she can be whatever she wants to be. And I don't want her to grow up in an institution that's like you can you can only like be this if you conform."

    Mimi shares the he felt he should be clear with his followers and shared a post that he was leaving the mormon religion. He was surprised that he had 100% of DM's coming in that commented. Most of them commenting that they wished they could make a post like he did. It was eye opening for Mimi. He felt grateful he has a support system as others don't have the same.

    Check out Mimi's latest single! It will get stuck in your head, it's SO GOOD!

    https://open.spotify.com/album/2mznwMw4KkGwIvoUlhSWkA?si=ggqrmdECT6mo0jWr8qQEHA https://open.spotify.com/album/2mznwMw4KkGwIvoUlhSWkA?si=ggqrmdECT6mo0jWr8qQEHA




    Let's stay in touch!

    IG: @amanda.joy.loveland
    FB Amanda Joy Loveland
    YouTube: Amanda Joy Loveland

    Katie Jo Finai. Walking to the beat of her own drum.

    Katie Jo Finai. Walking to the beat of her own drum.

    On a soul level, why did I choose Mormonism? This is a question that Katie Jo shares that she had asked herself to understand some deeper truths.

    Navigating through mormonism as a child, then a youth and then later as a young mom Katie Jo says that because of her nature she had the belief that just because you say it, doesn't make it true.

    Through her journey she shares about her eating disorder that she had for over 20 years that led to utter rejection of self, the idea that she couldn't keep up and it continued to spiral her down with feelings of lack of self-worth. Through these emotions Katie Jo attempted to take her life and then connects with someone shortly afterwards and she becomes pregnant at 19 years old. She marry's the father and they make their way to the temple. Katie Jo shares that she really wanted to teach her only things about God that was love. The "sunbeam" type level of learning. God is love. Through this Katie Jo shares that she believes this assisted her own healing that God loved her and was helpful as she went through the loss of the death of her second child at only 18months old.

    After a few years, Katie Jo is a single mom to three kids and worked several jobs. One of them was as an artist. She was asked to paint a drum for someone and soon found herself being in the "woo woo" world - a place she had not known - and she was known as the drum lady.

    Katie Jo shares how the drum became such a healing gift to her and that the sound of the drum took her to spaces where she could truly heal.

    As Katie Jo has navigated some hardships in her life, especially the death of her child, she shares, "there is no getting through, there is only walking on."

    "Spirituality is a path of knowing you are one with the divine"

    This is a stunning episode!

    Katie Jo is creating a co-collaborative book called The Untold Stories of Motherhood. To find out more, join her call on Feb 8th at 10am to get more information with becoming an author on this book.

    To connect with Katie Jo:

    Find her on IG @katiejodrum or @sagecanvas
    Her websites:

    And make sure to grab your spot in my next retreat! Head to:

    Let's stay in touch!

    IG: @amanda.joy.loveland
    FB Amanda Joy Loveland
    YouTube: Amanda Joy Loveland

    Joy Dunyon: From feeling powerless to knowing she had a choice.

    Joy Dunyon: From feeling powerless to knowing she had a choice.

    Feeling the powerlessness in watching her world unravel, Joy realizes she has a choice. She ultimately regains her power by trusting herself.

    In my latest episode Joy shares her experience of raising her family within the mormon church only to start having experiences that felt off. That felt incongruent. As Joy started to question these incongruencies, her world felt like it started to crumble. Most of her faith crises happened while her second son was serving his mission. Joy shares how open she was with him and how they still, to this day, have very open and honest conversations as she has left and her son has chosen to stay in. 

    Have you felt the darkness of the choices you are making come in and leave you feeling alone? Do you wonder if you are being tempted by Satan? You are not alone! Joy shares that starting with trusting yourself is one of the biggest pieces that she found helpful for her.

    Having challenges with her Stake president, Joy felt powerless until she recognized that she had a choice. You will want to hear this part of her story.

    Come join me as Joy shares her powerful story.


     Joy recommends the book, The book of longings by Sue Monk Kidd. You can find the book here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0143111396/ref=cm_sw_r_oth_api_glt_fabc_Q3DEBR4AP4YG43MF7T60

    Registration now open for my retreat! Go to www.amandajoyloveland.com/unbind to snag your spot.

    Grab my book! Love & The Space in Between:

    Take my relationship quiz to access my free mini relationship course!

    Let's stay in touch!

    IG: @amanda.joy.loveland
    FB Amanda Joy Loveland
    YouTube: Amanda Joy Loveland

    Lucas Behrbom: A 19 year old perspective on leaving religion.

    Lucas Behrbom: A 19 year old perspective on leaving religion.

    Today I sat down with my 19 year old son! I knew I wanted to have him on the podcast as having a perspective from a teenager offers some interesting insights.

    Lucas shares his story of having a divorced household where one parent had left Mormonism and the other was still very much Mormon.

    At the age of 10 years old his parents went through a divorce and his mom also left Mormonism. Lucas shares his journey navigating the waters of two households, divorced parents and religion. He offers some valuable insight that will be of value to all of you parents that are worried as to how to navigate leaving religion with your children.

    I am excited to share this interview with you all!

    Grab my new book, Love & The Spaces in Between here:https://www.amazon.com/Love-Spaces-Between-self-discovery-relationships/dp/B09MG18YYT/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=love+%26+the+spaces+in+between+amanda+loveland&qid=1639365166&sr=8-1

    Take my relationship quiz and get access to my mini course for free: https://www.amandajoyloveland.com/quiz

    Let's stay in touch!

    IG: @amanda.joy.loveland
    FB Amanda Joy Loveland
    YouTube: Amanda Joy Loveland

    Camilla Hondel. Stepping out of abuse.

    Camilla Hondel. Stepping out of abuse.

    Today's episode is another raw and powerful episode. Talk about living under extreme patriarchy! My interview today was both challenging and profound to listen to.

    Camilla had a childhood that was unique to many others. At a young age, her parents got divorced and her and her siblings were told that later they would be told why they were getting a divorce.,

    Fast forward a few years later, after her mom has gotten remarried and she's told by her new cousins that they cannot hang out with her because of who her dad is. Camilla, at age 11, then learns from her cousins that her dad was a pedophile. You can imagine how difficult that was for her to hear.

    Sharing her story through continual challenges with her dad, with why she chose out of Mormonism. This is another episode you will want to make sure you listen to.

    Are you feeling the call to share your story? Send me a message!

    Also, make sure you are subscribed to my email list!
    Go to www.amandajoyloveland.com
    Follow me on IG and Facebook @amanda.joy.loveland

    Let's stay in touch!

    IG: @amanda.joy.loveland
    FB Amanda Joy Loveland
    YouTube: Amanda Joy Loveland

    Holly Semanoff. Breaking wide open.

    Holly Semanoff. Breaking wide open.

    Holly shares her powerful story through religion, connections with Jesus and her experience being broken wide open. 

    So many of us on our spiritual journeys wish we could just have all of our spiritual abilities to turn off overnight. Well this essentially happened to Holly and as you will hear from her, this was not easy. Holly shares her experience of feeling & experiencing everyone's pain created a dark night of the soul moment for her where she didn't know what her life was, if she was married, had kids, etc. Holly started seeing energy, feeling and experiencing things she had never experienced up to this point.

    Growing up in Orem, Ut and still living there Holly shares her experience through leaning into all that she was and embodying what that meant in her community. 

    This is a very unique story and one that I am sure you will deeply enjoy.

    Connect with Holly at:

    Get registered for our heart opening retreat:

    Also, for those interested in one of the spots for the private leaving religion program email me at aj@amandajoyco.com

    Let's stay in touch!

    IG: @amanda.joy.loveland
    FB Amanda Joy Loveland
    YouTube: Amanda Joy Loveland

    Jacob Dunford: On Being Gay & Mormon.

    Jacob Dunford: On Being Gay & Mormon.

    Whatever your child's journey is, go together. This one one of the most beautiful statements Jacob made on his episode. 

    How many of us need to expand our awareness and understanding of the LGTBQ+ community and show more love to these members that are around us? Do we need to expand our personal social circles to have more diversity?

    I got the wonderful pleasure of sitting down with Jacob Dunford who shares his story of being Gay and navigating being Mormon. 

    One of my favorite parts about Jacob's story was his parents absolute support and love for their son. They are truly a beautiful example to us all.

    Jacob works at Encirle which has a beautiful slogan, "no sides, only love.' They embody a culture and an environment that there is a place for everyone at the dinner table. Jacob shares, "What does that really break down to? Mormon or atheist, or anything in that spectrum? gay or straight? Male or female, Republican or Democrat. There's a place for you at the dinner table. That's our motto. That's our methodology. That is how we go about everything. "

    Jacob also shares that he feels that a lot of people within religion and outside of religion are looking for a way to show up for the LGBTQ community in the way they know how. "So often what happens is we sort out people of religion and people who have left religion into  two groups that can't communicate." Jacobs feels strongly about being someone that wants to be that person who reaches accross the isle and bridged the divide and he's doing damn good job at it. 

    There were several beautiful pieces of this interview that I was so honored to listen to and now share with you. Let's assist the world in building bridges, of holding and giving unconditional love for everyone. 

    To learn more about encircle go here:

    Follow Jacob on IG @jacobdunford

    Get signed up for my Leaving Religion Course here:

    Ready to reignite your heart with your souls purpose? 


    Let's stay in touch!

    IG: @amanda.joy.loveland
    FB Amanda Joy Loveland
    YouTube: Amanda Joy Loveland

    Audrey O'Brian: Emancipating herself truly created Heaven.

    Audrey O'Brian: Emancipating herself truly created Heaven.

    Even before her birth, Audrey’s family system was quite unique and somewhat divided.  One side of her family being very orthodox Mormon and the other side being less traditional, her Grandmother a feminists in nature, and then later having her father and mother divorced as her father came out as being gay.

    Having her family be so secretive about her youth, Audrey was forced to really do her own diving into her healing & her personal work to find true peace. 

    Her story is both heartfelt and painful to listen to as she went through some pretty difficult and challenging circumstances through her youth. Being sexually abused by her step-uncle, then being taken to the bishop instead of counseling as she needed to repent for her sins to becoming pregnant at 16 years old and being kicked out and many other things that pull at your heart. Audrey shares her beautiful story of a emancipation from her religion and her family of origin. 

    Find Audrey at  https://www.thebreathingco.com or her Instagram @thebreathingco

    Join my heart opening retreat! https://www.amandajoyloveland.com/heartopening

    Leaving religion and looking for some help? My 13 week Leaving Religion course launches Nov. 9th. Reserve your spot at https://www.amandajoyloveland.com/leavingreligioncourse

    Let's stay in touch!

    IG: @amanda.joy.loveland
    FB Amanda Joy Loveland
    YouTube: Amanda Joy Loveland

    Jessie Funk: Leaving Mormonsism felt like death by a 1,000 paper cuts.

    Jessie Funk: Leaving Mormonsism felt like death by a 1,000 paper cuts.

    Are you a victim to the culture of Mormonism? Have you experienced being shamed for who you were or what you were choosing because your loved ones chose the Mormon culture over you? Well you are not alone! My guest today is the amazing Jessie Funk. You may have heard about her, @dearauntjessie, from her singing and sharing her talent with EFY. Maybe  you have seen her speak, or seen her work with the youth, her books that she's published or more recently her events and retreats that she is facilitating. Jessie is a power house and I was thrilled to have her on the show today!

    Jessie shares that for years she clung onto the phrase, "a testimony is found by the bearing of it".  She felt that if she did all the little things, held onto faith, tried to do her very best to be as sincere as possible, as loving as possible, you name it that it would help her with her testimony in the Mormon church. But, it never worked.

    She shares that her transition out of Mormonism could be described as 'death by 1,000 paper cuts'. 

    You can be happy and free. You can and will be blessed, even when you leave religion.

    See the magnificence of who you are. 

    For more about Jessie's retreats go here: www.Especiallyfortruth.com 
    Find her on IG & TickTock: @especiallyfortruth

    For my 13 week leaving religion course go to: https://www.amandajoyloveland.com/leavingreligioncourse

    For our Heart Opening Retreat go: https://www.amandajoyloveland.com/upcoming

    Let's stay in touch!

    IG: @amanda.joy.loveland
    FB Amanda Joy Loveland
    YouTube: Amanda Joy Loveland