

    Explore "#lifechoices" with insightful episodes like "Adding Perspective into the Fabric of Your Life MMEpisode 246", "Guess who is back? :)", "Jak nie umarlam na Lotwie, o mnie i alergii chyba na zycie :D", "About being enough or not enough, that's the question..." and "o znajdywaniu ulgi w cwiczeniach i wiecej o zdrowym stylu zycia" from podcasts like ""Mini Miracles from Minor Moments with Linda Gullo", "reverse your mindset with Coach P", "reverse your mindset with Coach P", "reverse your mindset with Coach P" and "reverse your mindset with Coach P"" and more!

    Episodes (20)

    Adding Perspective into the Fabric of Your Life MMEpisode 246

    Adding Perspective into the Fabric of Your Life MMEpisode 246

    Let's all emphasize the importance of having a perspective on various aspects of life. Highlight the impact of perspective on daily choices, from fashion to career decisions.

    The Fabric of Life:

    • We'll explore the concept of life as a fabric, with each thread representing a different perspective.
    • Discuss how knowing what to wear and where to work contributes to the overall dimension of one's life.

    Defining Perspectives:

    • Identify key sources of perspective, including family, friends, personal beliefs, environment, and exposure to literature.
    • Discuss how each source shapes an individual's outlook and influences decision-making.

    Diverse Perspectives:

    • Explore differences in perspectives among siblings.
    • Discuss how varied perspectives contribute to personal growth and understanding.

    Effects on Relationships:

    • Examine how different perspectives can impact relationships.
    • Highlight the importance of understanding and respecting diverse viewpoints in maintaining healthy connections.

    Receiving and Taking In Perspectives:

    • Discuss the active process of receiving and internalizing perspectives.
    • Encourage listeners to be mindful of the perspectives they allow into their lives.

    Guess who is back? :)

    Guess who is back? :)

    Hello, and thank you!
    We are starting the new season with reverse your mindset. I’m back. I’m stronger. And I’m honest. 
    More details of the episode in actual episodes;) the song in the end is a surprise as well ;) 
    You welcome, 
    Coach P. 



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    Jak nie umarlam na Lotwie, o mnie i alergii chyba na zycie :D

    Jak nie umarlam na Lotwie, o mnie i alergii chyba na zycie :D

    Dzien dobry,
    witam w tym szczegolnym odcinku po szczegolnie wydluzonym urlopie ze wzgledu na moje przygody i niczym nie zmocony umysl. Walka o przetrwanie, walka o zycie, i pozytywna strona zycia miotaja mna i moja rodzina jak szalona, ale hej ho, co nas nie zabije to nas wzmocni i czasem trzeba wszystko zaakceptowac jak leci:) zapraszam na odcinek jak zwykle o mnie i moich pomyslach :D
    ksiazke bardzo polecam:

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    About being enough or not enough, that's the question...

    About being enough or not enough, that's the question...

    Hello my dear people,
    This podcast is for everyone interested in changing their life due to their own logic, heart, motivation and peace with most likely less silence, especially, when you have kids running around. Me and my life, my stories and my all moments, when I could give up, but instead of this I just stand up and smile. It is nothing in this world for you, that you need to suffer from. Nothing and no-one can tell you what to do. We all can suggest something, but do not be crazy, no- one just you, should know what to do. In the meantime, you can listen to me and my personal journey of living my best life.

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    Support the show

    you welcome, Coach P. :)

    o znajdywaniu ulgi w cwiczeniach i wiecej o zdrowym stylu zycia

    o znajdywaniu ulgi w cwiczeniach i wiecej o zdrowym stylu zycia

    kolejny dzien I kolejny odcinek :) zapraszam serdecznie na moj podcast, w ktorym opowiem o swoim zyciu, doswiadczeniu w zyciu, ktore nie zostawia na mnie czasem suchej nitki, ale ide gdzies ide, i zostawiam tutaj teraz slad w swoim zyciu tylko dlatego, ze moge byc szczesliwa, tym kim jestem i kim sie otaczam. Wszystko o czym powinnas pomyslec, jest w moim podcascie, troche odpowiedzi na te same wracajace pytania, jaka rada? Nie przejmuj sie i to wcale :) 

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    Support the show

    you welcome, Coach P. :)

    diets, calories and how to start thinking about healthy life style

    Coach P. o odpowiedzialnosci za: ludzi, zwierzatka i zyciowe wybory. polska edycja

    Coach P. o odpowiedzialnosci za: ludzi, zwierzatka i zyciowe wybory. polska edycja

    hello, hello
    dzień dobry,
    witam wszystkich serdecznie w kolejnym polskim podcaście. tym razem będę mówić od odpowiedzialności względem obowiązków, rodziny, czy własnych zwierzątek. W podcaście wspominam  o swoich własnych doświadczeniach, życiu i co spowodowało, gdzie teraz jestem. Wszystko to doprawione wspaniałą muzyka i moim głosem. Na koniec Paktofonika - chwile ulotne.
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    you welcome, Coach P. :)

    About yoga, relaxation and midnights

    About yoga, relaxation and midnights

    Hello Beautiful people, it is Wednesday, and it is Coach P. time. Please make yourself comfy, I hope the kids are sleeping and you can listen to my pesonal journey, full of motivation and good words. Today I would love to introduce you even more to yoga, relaxion and how to find the balance in streching and being good to yourself, not only sometimes, but everyday. Thank you so much for listening to my podcast it means a lot of too me. Thank you so much for support of the people all over the world. I am so happy that the content that I am making is important for other poeple. More to come! Today I would love to recommend you a yoga book, which was written by Ann Swanson. That's the website for author. I would like to say my little thank you to Ann for writing such a good content.
    Miley Cyrus- Midnight sky
    Do not forget that I have made so much effort and you can see my podcast
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    Coach P. about her dogs, kittens and hope for better tomorrow

    Coach P. about her dogs, kittens and hope for better tomorrow

    Hello people,

    Hello to all my smart, happy, motivated and in love with your life people. In this episode I will be talking about as I said in the title, about dogs, one very brave kitten, and one, who was kinda foster... Long story in short story... They are all sound and safe, but I need to tell you, I have a moment that I could not believe in my luck !
    Damian Marley as hymn of the day :) stayed tuned smart people :)



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    you welcome, Coach P. :)

    About my motivation, rejection and love. part 2 and last one

    About my motivation, rejection and love. part 2 and last one

    Hello people,
    Welcome to my podcast.
    Hello to second part of my podcast about motivation, rejection and love, in my life from my own experience as the person, who wants to give you a bit of personal touch to all research I have done in my life to give you fresh way of thinking about your life and future. I am mother, personal trainer, book writer and such creative mine. I will change, I will move, I will get what I want, because I do love people. I would like to tell you, that I am in the process of building my life. Talking here from the side is much easier for me than speaking about all these rules and expectation. Welcome to my life, when no one should judge anyone, I am so happy for you people to be yourself and listen to your heart. Sometimes, you should only feel like you are walking not chasing anymore, or have to run after your dreams, you will understand that you can just walk and take life, with the smile, how it is.
    Thank you my listeners for support.
     Justin Bieber as hymn of the day :) stayed tuned smart people :)
    Do not forget that I have made so much effort and you can see my podcast
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    you welcome, Coach P. :)

    Borders, mental health and my motivation polska edycja

    Borders, mental health and my motivation polska edycja

    Hello, cześć

    W dzisiejszym odcinku opowiadam o moich przeżyciach, o moich załamaniach nerwowych i tym, ze każdy może wyjść ze wszystkiego jeśli tylko tego chce, to nie jest łatwa droga, to nie jest coś z czym każdy może sobie poradzić, ale z odrobina pomocy specialistow, przyjaciół i rodziny, jesteśmy w stanie podnieść się z największych problemow. Mówiąc tutaj o problemach jakie staja na naszej drodze, mowie zawsze o pozytywnym nastawianiu i przeprogramowaniu swojego mózgu na pozytywne sytuacje. Dziękuję sobie, ze nigdy się nie poddałam i mam nadzieje, ze zdobędziecie się na odwagę i weźmiecie los w swoje ręce, nie obwiniając nikogo o to jakie decyzje podjęliście. Na koniec podcastu zapraszam na piosenkę Eldo- Granice. Dziękuję.
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    you welcome, Coach P. :)

    Story with and about Coach P. polska edycja

    Story with and about Coach P. polska edycja

    Dzień Dobry,
    dziękuje wszystkim ludziom, którzy słuchają moich podcastów! Jesteście wielcy :) W dzisiejszym odcinku opowiadam trochę więcej o sobie niż ktokolwiek by mógł pomyśleć.  Reszta w podcascie :)
    moj youtube z duza iloscia rozowego
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    books :D
    Piosenka, która wrzuciłam na koniec zmieniła moje spojrzenie na świat, na motywacje i na bycie silną, wiele razy w akompaniamencie tej piosenki odcięłam sporo ludzi, polecam odcinak węzły i słuchać SzUstego !!! Dziękuje SzUsty, że zgodziłeś się na udostępnienie swojej muzyki w moim podcaście. Dziękuje z całego serca, bo znaczy to dla mnie aż tak dużo.

    my email if you need any contact.

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    you welcome, Coach P. :)

    no fear, motivation and Big Boy mental health...

    no fear, motivation and Big Boy mental health...

    Hello people,
    welcome to my podcast, which is called reverse your mind-set with Coach P. In today's episode I am talking about lack of fear in my life, abnormal motivation, stubborness and see, the life as I want to see it, not how other people want to see it. I am introducing you to my friend, who is coming out with his podcast Ru24/7, Big Boy Talk, which is going to carry topics on mental health, motivation, lack of love in childhood and totally diffrent view on life, that i do have. Highly recommended especially for Big Boys, whose have problems with making them way to talk about emotions and life strruggles.
    2pac - Unconditional love


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    Polish Writer and her story polska edycja

    Polish Writer and her story polska edycja

    Dzień dobry, halo, cześć
    W dzisiejszym odcinku przedstawiam wam moją drogą koleżankę z liceum. Pisarkę, która wydała trzy książki, która dużo za dużo musiała przetrwać w życiu, które jej nie oszczędziło w między czasie znajdując miłość swojego życia. Motywacja, wiara i niezłomność w tej kobiecie, jest potęgą, którą każdy z nas powinien w sobie znaleźć. Dziękuje bardzo Annie Madejak, która zgodziła się wypowiedzieć w moim podcaście, jako autorytet, pisarka i wspaniała osobowość, o której powinniście słyszeć więcej.
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    A bit about fitness, but more about life... again..

    A  bit about fitness, but more about life... again..

    This episode is about fitness, strength workout and motivational point of view towards the changes in your new, healthy lifestyle. I have shared the most important knowledge, that can just give you the starting point and ready moment to move with your fitness and health. Strength workout is the best workout, if you want to build muscles mass or keep lean body, get stronger core and push your fitness forward.  Please check the beats on my friend website rubeats.com and stay motivated, hydrated and check my other episodes.

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    you welcome, Coach P. :)

    Adult tantrum with Coach P., so don't get angry, I will do for you...

    Adult tantrum with Coach P., so don't get angry, I will do for you...

    Today episode is about children, activities, mind- set, motivation and, obviously, my life stories, what will be my podcast if I will not share with you my own thought, philosophy and recommend some good books. Today, I am as always visiting my bro beats shop at rubeats.com and I am advising you to get your knowledge about parenting from Jesper Juul, which in my opinion wrote amazing books about parenting and children behaviour, mind-set and the way to talk to them. I would love to invite you today to journey from my heart to all parents. Find the reason, you will find your answers, sometimes they are closer than you think. Stay tuned for more knowledge and positive thoughts with Coach P.  Don't be shy and please share my podcast with other people, as I always said, in some situations it might be enough to bring people some sun to them life. thank you Coach P.

     Do not forget that I have made so much effort and you can see my podcast

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    A lot of about HIIT workouts and anxiety.

    A lot of about HIIT workouts and anxiety.

    Hello, hello,
    This episode contains information about : HIIT exercises, what, why and how to start the journey with HIIT workout. Explained by me Coach P., the content is 100% my knowledge and my personality through all my ups and downs with fitness as personal trainer. I am introducing you to reverse your fitness with Coach P., which might change your life for better, you will thank me later. The music has been made by Ru247, you can visit his beats shop in the meantime, very talented man.
    Lady Gaga - Born this way
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    ADHD, I hate people and hyper brain... how about this?

    ADHD, I hate people and hyper brain... how about this?

    Hello, hello,
    in this episode Coach P is going to talk about herself, her ADHD, social life or lack of it and hyper brain, but not that often hyper body. Personal statement from Coach P. and her struggles from early childhood. Sharing her thought, sharing her point of view for life, emotions, mental health and solutions which get her closer to maintain her body, spirit and mind. This series is for everyone, who feel not right with themselves. Coach P. is calling you to get up and find yourself as she did, with some more or less idea from her life experience. New episode every Wednesday and Saturday at 11 am. Visit our beatmaker website on rubeats.com. Find me on my social media today, and get in touch today for workout plan.

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    Inspiration corner with Coach P.

    Inspiration corner with Coach P.

    Today episode is first podcast that group twenty two  gives to people nothing more than vision of safe, healthy and motivated lifestyle. Lifestyle and mindset that we are fighting for everyday. Mind-set of Coach P. and her first ever most difficult client, rapper, graphic genius and best friend. This episode shows - what you can do, if life left you with no choice. Feeling it? Love it. Listen to Coach P. inspirational corner with many professionals and normal people taking about life and how fitness affect their own life. Reverse you fitness today by trust in yourself and trust in Coach P. Xx
    stayed tuned smart people :)
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    Life Choices by GE Hayob

    Life Choices by GE Hayob

    Today we talk about the book, “Life Choices” by the artist, GE Hayob. With use of paintings, words, and scriptures she describes the choices we have relating to several serious topics in today’s world. 

     She boldly addresses materialism, modesty, good vs. evil, marriage, and many other issues. She ends with the question, “Where will you spend eternity?” and she provides the salvation message.

    I highly recommend you get this book!
     Video https://youtu.be/qHqguVpXFM8
    Audio https://buzzsprout.com/1275572 

     GE Hayob contact information:
    Website: GEHayob.wordpress.com
    Email: elanesart@msn.com
    ETSY: LifeChoicesStudio

    #lifechoices, #GEHayob, #reapwhatyousow, #chooselife,