

    Explore " lightbody" with insightful episodes like "A New Energy Healing Modality Has Landed | Quantum Conversations With A.L. Garris", "Clear a Path to Your Higher Purpose Meditation", "Intuitive Readings with Akasha", "How To Navigate The Ascension Process With The Akashic Records with Jennifer Longmore" and "Awakening as a Birthright with Liora Brunn" from podcasts like ""Cosmic Light Body", "Infinite Live with Akasha", "Infinite Live with Akasha", "Infinite Live with Akasha" and "Infinite Live with Akasha"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    A New Energy Healing Modality Has Landed | Quantum Conversations With A.L. Garris

    A New Energy Healing Modality Has Landed | Quantum Conversations With A.L. Garris

    As we expand our consciousness, we become available for "new" to land in this reality.  In this episode, Andrea and I discuss a new energy healing modality that recently came forward during a connection with my main spirit guide.   

    🌎 Subscribe to Andrea's YouTube Channel here:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXOAjHBvEdbVMQGVJkFYJgw

    🌎 Visit Andrea's website here:  https://sacredexpansion.com

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    🌎 Learn how to connect with your higher self, spirit guides and star family. Register for my course HERE

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    Clear a Path to Your Higher Purpose Meditation

    Clear a Path to Your Higher Purpose Meditation

    The energies are intense yet positive and open a bridge to a higher level of your soul evolution.
    Come do a meditation to help you elevate your soul journey and soul intentions while accessing these amplified energies.

    The energies that are here and will be encoded on the recording are all about clearing a pathway for you to higher states of consciousness and your purpose.

    Intuition Awakening Summer Training Live Online  https://shop.nanakasha.com/product/intuition-awakening/

    Awaken to you 360 Senses


    How To Navigate The Ascension Process With The Akashic Records with Jennifer Longmore

    How To Navigate The Ascension Process With The Akashic Records with Jennifer Longmore

    How To Navigate The Ascension Process With The Akashic Records with Jennifer Longmore

    She has personally conducted over 30,000 sessions with people from all walks of life and she amplifies light leaders via her business masterminds and mastery programs so that we can awaken even more souls to their mission during this time!  

    When she is not running her various companies, you can find her crystal mining with her son, doing Taekwondo with her husband, or hiking with her furbaby.

    Jennifer guides you into your Akashic Records to meet your record keeper! You'll love it!

    Get Jennifer Longmore's free gifts and more at: nanakasha.com/blisslifeglobalhealing

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    Awakening as a Birthright with Liora Brunn

    Awakening as a Birthright with Liora Brunn

    Awakening as a Birthright with Liora Brunn

    Liora Brunn, M.A., C.M. founder of Zoetic Workshops & Wellness Center. Liora is
    both highly spiritual and highly practical and seamlessly brings together a combination of ancient teachings wrapped in new and unique ways for today’s world. Liora combines guided meditations and other life-altering techniques in an environment of personal freedom and emotional safeness, enhancing spiritual transformation to be utilized in practical everyday life.

    Liora is a Life Coach, Reiki Master/ Teacher, Master Teacher New Paradigm Multi-Dimensional Transformation, NLP, iiYoga Master Teacher, Kundalini Reiki Master Healer.

    She channeled the curriculum of Zoetic Workshops, is a teacher of sterling reputation and has year-round speaking engagements. Her classes gently bring balance and harmony into people’s hearts, minds, bodies, and souls.

    Get Liora Brunn's free gifts and more at: nanakasha.com/blisslifeglobalhealing

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    Ancestral Story Clearing – Heal Generational Poverty Wounds to Increase Abundance with Monique Hunt

    Ancestral Story Clearing – Heal Generational Poverty Wounds to Increase Abundance with Monique Hunt

    Ancestral Story Clearing – Heal Generational Poverty Wounds to Increase Abundance with Monique Hunt

    One night, she was awakened by her Ancestors and received a profound message encouraging her to show others how incredible life can be when you call upon your healthy and happy Spirit Elders for guidance. 

    Dr. Monique's frequent visits from the Ancestors inspired her to create the Ancestral StoryClearing program. She teaches her clients how to invoke the healing power of their courageous, resilient, wise Ancestors for guidance. 

    She believes partnering with the Ancestors allows you to Live Happily, Live Abundantly and Love Deeply.

    Get Monique Hunt's free gifts and more at: nanakasha.com/blisslifeglobalhealing

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    Rooted Spirit - How Mother Earth Supports and Nurtures our Intuition with Rachel Harris

    Rooted Spirit - How Mother Earth Supports and Nurtures our Intuition with Rachel Harris

    Rooted Spirit - How Mother Earth Supports and Nurtures our Intuition with Rachel Harris

    Rachel, an international intuitive teacher and healer of many modalities is going to share about "Rooted Spirit - How Mother Earth Supports and Nurtures your Intuition"! 

    Rachel works with energy, distance, intuitive, Goddess, Angelic, sound, past life, and hands-on healing.  

    She is the founder and tutor of Priestess/Priest of Mother Earth training and the online Rooted Spirit course through the Glastonbury Goddess Temple.

    She will share the wheel of Mother Earth and how Mother Earth helps with our intuition, grounding and rooting us. 

    This is important to be able to sense, trust and follow your intuition and learn how the different seasons help you in different ways. Rachel gave us a chart we will see to go deeper into this!

    Spring is the sacred fire of Mother Earth and is all about the fire of creativity and the power of our mind (claircognizance) to create our soul’s desires and purpose. 

    Summer solstice is aligned with the sacred waters and it’s all about the heart and emotions and your clairsentience. 

    Autumn is about the body and your clairsentience (feelings/emotions) and the body sensations... you can see how fun this will be!

    Get Rachel Harris' free gifts and more at: nanakasha.com/blisslifeglobalhealing

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    Activate Your Multidimensional Self with Catherine Tetreault-Ayotte

    Activate Your Multidimensional Self with Catherine Tetreault-Ayotte

    Activate Your Multidimensional Self with Catherine Tetreault-Ayotte
    Catherine will guide us on a deep process - yay! I love the experiences because they have such a deep effect on us!
    Catherine Tétreault-Ayotte is a Rainbow Tribe Priestess, Activator of the New Code of Feminine Power, Wisdom Keeper of the Ancient Doorways. 

    She helps her tribe reconnect to their Root & Lineage, activate their sacred power to create the new paradigm. Her purpose is to unleash the feminine’s divine power to weave the new golden era.

    Catherine says "Believe in the medicine, Trust the Process". 

    Catherine is a pioneer of the New Feminine Leadership Paradigm. She left a successful management career to fully dedicate her life to walking her true soul path & be of service to the rising of conscience of humanity.

    Catherine is the founder of Women Who Rise Up, a movement to inspire, guide, and support humans to create the New Paradigm.

    Get Catherine Tetreault-Ayotte's free gifts and more at: nanakasha.com/blisslifeglobalhealing

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    Maintaining High Frequency in Times of Transition with Carol Nayach

    Maintaining High Frequency in Times of Transition with Carol Nayach

    Maintaining High Frequency in Times of Transition with Carol Nayach
    The Arcturians first connected with Carol years ago, as soon as she picked channeled book, showing them she was ready and willing to make a connection.

    The Arcturian Helio-Ah came straight in through her crown chakra and started working with her through her heart. Carol later discovered that she is an Arcturian Starseed and has been working diligently with these Star beings and other ascended masters ever since, channeling their multidimensional energies. Not many people had heard of the Arcturians at that time and not much was known about them. 

    Carol channels the Arcturian Light frequencies.The Arcturians are said to be the most highly evolved beings in our section of the universe and are assisting us in the ascension process. 

    As we ascend in consciousness into the fifth dimension and beyond, so much more is opening up for us. We continue to raise our frequency allowing increased activations to our DNA and constant recalibration as we integrate the higher frequencies of love and light and ground them into the new Earth grid.

    Get Carol Nayach's free gifts and more at: nanakasha.com/blisslifeglobalhealing

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    Alchemy Turnaround Technique – for Reversing Negative Energy Into Positive Energy with Karen LaGrange

    Alchemy Turnaround Technique – for Reversing Negative Energy Into Positive Energy with Karen LaGrange

    Alchemy Turnaround Technique – for Reversing Negative Energy Into Positive Energy with Karen LaGrange

    Alchemy is one of your intuitive gifts! Learning to transmute energy to a different state is key to happiness, personal growth, prosperity, and living your purpose.
    Karen is a natural-born transformative healer with a direct connection with the source. 

    She is a powerful channel for the Angelic Kingdom and for Loved ones who have transitioned and she works with the Ascended Masters.

    Karen tunes into you to create a Custom Pyramid that is unique for You! Karen was Divinely led by Spirit to start making these pyramids and using the highest vibrational frequencies of copper, and Herkimer diamonds, and 12 of the most powerful stones in the world.

    Get Karen LaGrange's free gifts and more at: nanakasha.com/blisslifeglobalhealing

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    Elevate Your Life with Tracy L Clark

    Elevate Your Life with Tracy L Clark

    Elevate Your Life with Tracy L Clark

    Tracy came into this world sick and riddled with ailments. She was born with her legs and hips disconnected, her stomach valve closed shut, and a damaged nervous system that caused excruciating pain. Throughout her life, she experienced three near-death experiences. 

    At the age of five, Tracy was kidnapped, this extremely traumatic experience began to open her gifts. 

    17 years ago Tracy made the decision to leave a marriage that no longer served her with her two little girls in tow, At this time Tracy was told her body was shutting down again. 

    This was her wake-up call, it was time to wake up or check out for good.

    Get Tracy L Clark's free gifts and more at: nanakasha.com/blisslifeglobalhealing

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    The Mysteries of Psychic Experiences Unveiled with Dr. Rita Louise

    The Mysteries of Psychic Experiences Unveiled with Dr. Rita Louise

    The Mysteries of Psychic Experiences Unveiled with Dr. Rita Louise

    Each of us has had at least one experience where we knew something was true but could not explain how we knew it. Maybe you knew who was on the phone before you picked it up or you followed a gut feeling, which turned out to be right.

    Loaded with down-to-earth examples of ordinary people having psychic experiences, today's call will reveal how you may already be using your psychic abilities on a daily basis! 

    Get  Rita Louise's free gifts and more at: nanakasha.com/blisslifeglobalhealing

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    Entering the Golden Realm of New Lemuria with Waxela Sananda

    Entering the Golden Realm of New Lemuria with Waxela Sananda

    Awaken Intuitive Gifts with Akasha and Waxela Sananda who powerfully shares how "Entering the Golden Realm of New Lemuria"

    We are multidimensional beings

    with access to Universal Consciousness.

    When we learn to trust our intuition

    and connect to the field, we can

    unlock our abilities to receive

    communications with our ancestors,

    our guides, the cosmos, and beyond.” 

    Waxéla (wa-shay-la) Sananda is an activator of Spiritual Gifts, an Embodiment Coach, a Galactic Shaman, and an Ascension Trainer. 

    Combining celestial Starseed consciousness and shamanic training, Waxéla holds space for clients to experience the embodiment of Divine Frequencies. She is a conscious channel activating the latent spiritual gifts and soul codes within her soul family.

    Waxéla works in multiple dimensions holding space to move into a higher state of awareness and to clear old blocks and patterns.

    “My mission is to assist people in achieving a greater level of consciousness

    Get Waxela's free gifts and more at: nanakasha.com/blisslifeglobalhealing

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    It’s Time to Be Unapologetically You! with Louise Matson

    It’s Time to Be Unapologetically You! with Louise Matson

    Awaken Intuitive Gifts with Akasha and Louise Matson who powerfully shares how "It’s Time to Be Unapologetically You!"

    You will learn:
    How the failures in your life might be perfect and lead to more joy
    How there are consequences to accepting and being yourself, and there are gifts
    The great awakening is an accelerated time and we can
    What is unconditional love
    What has unconditional love got to do with Sovereignty?
    What has Unconditional love got to do with the Great Awakening?

    “Once upon a time our intuition was the quiet voice of our truth that whispered to us through the sea of external truths. The small internal voice of truth we often and easily ignored is now raising in volume as the awakening raises our frequency
    to come more in alignment with our truth.” - Louise Matson

    Louise is an intuitive conscious channel, conduit for energy healing, best-selling co-author, way shower, and spiritual mentor and guide. She is the host of the Mundane to Magical Online Series and assists you to ‘Stand In Your Sovereignty’! That's freedom and then power, purpose, and more come alive in your life.

    Get Louise's free gifts and more at: nanakasha.com/blisslifeglobalhealing

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    Intuitive Awakening Celebration with Rhys Thomas and Donna Marie

    Intuitive Awakening Celebration with Rhys Thomas and Donna Marie

    Intuitive Awakening Celebration with Rhys and Donna Marie

    Rhys Thomas is a talented energy medicine teacher and healer, founder of the Rhys Thomas Institute, and author of “Life Purpose Profiles”. He has done his awesome crystal bowl readings for us before, don’t miss it!

    Donna-Marie is a dynamic, fun, and very intuitive guide and Medium who I adore and we always have tons of fun. She will be sharing about how intuitive gifts awaken.


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    Potent Manifestation 11:11 Portal with Akasha and Donna Marie

    Potent Manifestation 11:11 Portal with Akasha and Donna Marie

    The 11:11 Potent Manifestation Portal adventure replay is ready for you to absorb the amazing 11:11 energy, release your fears and blocks, and uplevel your manifesting mastery!
    We had a blast cleansing, clearing playing with golden dolphins and even a channeled message from Mother Mary came through!

    You will enter the sacred space and 'walk' between gold pillars of light as you begin to watch or listen, so be somewhere comfortable prepared to receive and let go. Get into a comfy place and turn off the outside world and take this time just for you.

    I lead a deep cleanse as light beings line a path of light, leading to the 11:11 gateway.

    Prepare to let go and release deeply, known, and unknown energies that no longer serve your highest good.

    You will merge into this clear space of golden light while Donna-Marie and I hold sacred space for everyone to effortlessly release all that is blocking your manifesting flow.
    The video/audio is encoded with the powerful 11/11/20 energies no matter when you listen! and the Pillars of light are waiting for you to reconnect to your incredible power for manifestation on a scale of immediate return!

    Enjoy this playful spiritual adventure infused with POTENT MANIFESTATION ENERGY as we use the 11/11 gateway as a passageway through pillars of light - connecting you to the "one" and you being the "one".

    11/11 is the sign of spiritual connection, psychic power awakening, Divine guidance, and unlimited abundance guiding you towards your highest potential and it's all encoded here for you to tap into anytime you want.

    This powerful Portal will allow you to release and relinquish once and for all any karma, energetic attachment, or negative repetitive patterns that sabotage internal growth... so you can access to your true purpose.

    As we play in these high vibe energies they will cleanse, clear, and realign you to your Divine truth and soul’s abundance.

    Get ready to line up with the life your Soul intended and re-login to your prosperity and access the power of higher states of consciousness, subtle realms, and the infinite field in every area of your life.
    This is mastery level Light codes that will awaken us to the truth of who we are and we can manifest while merged with the infinite, as a master creator!
    11/11 is a passageway through pillars of light - connecting you to the "one" and you being the "one".
    This powerful Portal is allowing us to release and relinquish once and for all any karma, energetic attachment, or negative repetitive patterns that sabotage internal growth and access to your true purpose.

    As we play in these high vibe energies they will cleanse, clear, and realign you to your Divine truth and soul’s abundance.

    Come travel with me and Donna-Marie between the pillars of light and ride this energy into creating your new reality!

    Thank you for up-leveling your energy and sharing this so everyone can too!

    Click >here< to view video replay


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    Soul Blueprint and Profile Readings with Akasha

    Soul Blueprint and Profile Readings with Akasha

    BlissLife Global Healing Series 2 Soul Purpose Awakening with Akasha

    Soul Blueprint and Profile Readings with Akasha

    Join the full series and get all the free gifts: https://nanakasha.com/blisslifeglobalhealing
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    Check out meditations, courses, Soul sessions, and more

    ALL NEW COURSE: Soul Star Awakening - 6 journeys with your higher self https://nanakasha.com/soulstar

    Get All the Soul Purpose Awakening Videos on the playlist here

    Video Replay >Here<


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