

    Explore "likud" with insightful episodes like "Am Wochenende: "Israel droht sich in eine defekte Demokratie zu verwandeln"", ""The left has no backbone": Evan Cohen", "以色列國會大選(2021.3.23)之運作與進行方式", "Israel’s Endless Election [S3, E5]" and "Was eine große Koalition in Israel bewegen könnte" from podcasts like ""Auf den Punkt", "60-60: Israeli Elections for Dummies", "蘇老師的國際新聞導覽及中東中亞的歷史故事 Diplomat's daily news review and history research on Middle East and Central Asia ", "Altamar - Navigating the High Seas of Global Politics" and "Auf den Punkt"" and more!

    Episodes (10)

    "The left has no backbone": Evan Cohen

    "The left has no backbone": Evan Cohen
    In this episode, we talk with Dr. Evan Cohen, a Likud activist who is also one of the founders of the LGBT group in the Likud. Evan tells us why he believes in the Likud as Israel's most crucial leadership party. He busts some myths regarding the relations between sexual orientation and voting tendencies. He shares unique stories about how he and his friends demanded accountability from their representatives and describe what he sees as Israeli voters' worst mistakes.

    60-60 is produced and edited by Vanina Pikholc and Noy Carmel.


    本文將為各位介紹以色列國會組成結構、選舉模式、選後籌組執政聯盟方法與本次選舉預測。 以色列國會(Knesset)為一院制,有120席,下設10個常設委員會,議員任期四年,由18歲以上公民投票選出,凡年在21歲以上公民均有資格競選。國會每年開會兩次,每年會期不少於8個月。凡通過選票門檻3.5%之政黨可以分配國會席次,但1948年建國迄今從無任何政黨能夠得到半數席次,因此建國迄今都是採執政聯盟方式,由多個政黨共同組成每一屆的新政府內閣。 以色列國會(Knesset)大多數時間都是由立場南轅北轍的各政黨組成,從未有任何一個政黨在建國後能夠在國會大選中獲得超過半數,也就是60席的國會議員席次而自行組成新政府,通常有政黨能夠拿到30席以上的國會席次幾乎就是國會最大黨了,因此每一屆政府都是結合了不同政黨的執政聯盟形式政府。因此廣泛接觸所有政黨之國會議員,是我駐以色列外交人員很重要的工作,也可因而聽到每個政黨不同的主張,並研析政局未來可能之趨勢。 以色列建國的前三十年,都是由勞工黨(Labor Party)執政,而長久執政帶來的通常是黨國不分、頤指氣使,以不正當手段壓抑小黨與不同意見者,因此三十年累積下來的許多反勞工黨信念堅定的人,也就是最後埋葬勞工黨一黨獨大統治的人。進入21世紀後因為右翼鷹派聲浪高漲,勞工黨等主張溫和對待巴勒斯坦人的左派勢力衰微,勞工黨在2015年國會大選還獲得二十餘席次,2019年4月與9月的國會選舉勞工黨竟然都只獲6席,可謂跌到谷底,近乎滅絕。 以色列政治光譜分為左右兩陣營,左派如藍白黨、未來黨、勞工黨、梅瑞茲黨、民主聯盟等主張依照國際社會之期待,以和平談判方式與巴勒斯坦人交往,不惜以土地換取和平,並願依照美國小布希與歐巴馬總統時期主張的「和平路線圖(Road Map)與兩國論(Two State Solution)」之規劃讓巴勒斯坦人和平建國,「以巴以1967年6日戰爭前之邊界劃分領土,巴勒斯坦以東耶路撒冷為首都,巴勒斯坦與以色列和平共存」,以色列也可以繼續維持其猶太、民主國家的屬性,無須貶低阿拉伯裔居民為次等公民。 大以色列主義 而右翼鷹派如聯合黨Likud、Jewish Home, Israel Beteinu等則是主張整個巴勒斯坦地都是猶太人的歷史家園,包括「猶大與撒瑪利亞地(Judea and Samaria),也就是西方一般稱的「約旦河西岸或西岸(West Bank)」與「迦薩(Gaza)」等,主張的是大以色列主義,如果真的深究的話甚至可以包括約旦河東岸之地(今日之約旦哈西米王國及敘利亞、黎巴嫩一部份)也是過去大衛王、所羅門王時代猶太人的傳統疆域。 至於目前居住在西岸與迦薩之巴勒斯坦自治當局管轄下的4、5百萬巴勒斯坦人,右派勢力則不考慮給予其以色列國籍,因為這麼做會沖淡猶太種族在這塊土地上的住民比例,右翼的支持民眾與政治人物期盼以色列是一個純種猶太人的國度(pure Jewish state),是全世界猶太人的祖國(Jewish homeland),聖城耶路撒冷是不可以分割的,而且必須是以色列全部控制的,至於東耶路撒冷三十幾萬的阿拉伯居民,則置而不論,不給予其國籍,使其成為無國籍人,僅給予臨時居留權,隨時可以剝奪居留權並驅逐。如此則讓反對派及外國譴責以色列是一個「種族隔離(Apartheid) 」的國家。 本次大選迄今最新的預測是Likud*29, Hew Hope party*9, Yamina party*9, Religious Zionist party*4, UTJ*7, Shas*8, Israel beteinu*7, Blue an White*4, Yes Atid*18, Meretz*4, Labor*6, Arab Joint list*8, Raam party*4. 一般觀察都認為納唐亞胡還是比較有可能連任總理的人選,因為其他人都沒有他人脈與連結各黨的能力,所以雖然許多人討厭他擔任太久總理並稱他會對以色列民主帶來獨裁,並址他擔任總理就是為了獲得保護傘才不至於被起訴坐牢,但是投票就是少數服從多數,如果他勝出的話仍然需尊重投票給他的人的意願。

    Israel’s Endless Election [S3, E5]

    Israel’s Endless Election [S3, E5]

    Israelis head to the ballot box –again– on March 2 in hopes that Prime Minister Netanyahu or challenger Benny Gantz’s Blue and White party can form a new coalition government. The backdrop is rife with drama: “Bibi” faces a criminal corruption investigation but was thrown an electoral bone in the form of Donald Trump’s lopsided Middle East Peace Plan. Meanwhile, the Syrian exodus to Turkey and the death of Iran’s General Qasem Soleimani have upended the region. Top Israeli reporter Gil Tamary joins Altamar to break down the political landscape through an independent lens. Gil is the Washington bureau chief for Israel’s Reshet News. He has worked for Israel’s Broadcasting Authority, Israel Public Radio and as anchor and chief editor of “Good Morning Israel”. 



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    Poor Mojo's News Show Podcast No. 70 for Friday, March 16, 2007

    Poor Mojo's News Show Podcast No. 70 for Friday, March 16, 2007
    Poor Mojo's News Show Podcast No. 70 for Friday, March 16, 2007 Poor Mojo's News Show Podcast No. 70 (64 kbps .mp3 10:41 5.0 Mb) A daily roundup of things that seemed important. This is what we do in our room at night with the lights off making those wet slappy noises. THIS IS POOR MOJO'S NEWS SHOW FOR FRIDAY, MARCH SIXTEENTH, TWO THOUSAND AND SEVEN. A DAILY ROUNDUP OF THINGS THAT SEEMED IMPORTANT. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/6442293.stm http://www.slate.com/id/2161712/ WRITING ABOUT A B-B-C REPORT ON CHILDHOOD OBESITY, POOR MOJO'S NEWSWIRE EDITOR FRITZ SAID: So, a series of serious peer-reviewed government-financed studies in the UK have shown that how much a child runs around (either in sport or on their own) has no relationship to their Body Mass Index, or the measure of how fat they are. Here, UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN researchers have found a strong relationship between a child's BMI and how early puberty occurs. But what are we to do? FRITZ GOES ON TO SAY THAT GOVERNMENT BOTH FINDS IT EASY TO TAKE THE FOOD INDUSTRY'S MONEY TO NOT LOOK INTO WHAT MAKES OUR KIDS FAT, AND ALSO EASY TO TAKE MONEY FROM THE SPORTS INDUSTRY TO PROMOTE ACTIVITIES THAT WON'T KEEP KIDS FROM GETTING FAT. http://www.nytimes.com/2007/03/14/business/14light.html?_r=1&oref=slogin FRITZ ALSO COMMENTED ON THE NEW YORK TIMES ARTICLE ABOUT HOW THE UNITED STATES NEEDS TO REPLACE FOUR BILLION INCANDESCENT LIGHTBULBS WITH FLOURESCENT ALTERNATIVES TO SAVE ELECTRICITY. HE WRITES: IT'S AN effort to cut national energy consumption (I kid you not) by a maximum of about 3 percent. If we turned off every incandescent bulb in the country, and simply went without that extra light, we'd only cut energy consumption by 9 percent. It's ultimately a depressing article. But 4 billion light sockets!? There's a very big, generation defining joke there somewhere. How many. Screw in light bulb. Kind of people. Polish people. Alternate ethnic or social groups... the material is here people! PLEASE SEND YOUR ENTRIES FOR THE "HOW MANY BLANKS DOES IT TAKE TO CHANGE FOUR BILLION INCANSECENT LIGHTBULBS" JOKE-WRITING CONTEST TO ALAN -- THAT'S A-L-A-N -- AT POORMOJO DOT ORG. http://consumerist.com/consumer/riaa/npr-vs-the-riaa-244318.php http://www.boingboing.net/2007/03/13/warner_music_sues_pa.html WHAT MORE COULD THE RECORDING INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA DO TO MAKE PEOPLE HATE MAINSTREAM RECORDING ARTISTS AND RECORD COMPANIES? LET'S SEE. HAVE THEY SUED SINGLE MOTHERS FOR THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS FOR THIER 12-YEAR-OLD KIDS MISTAKES? CHECK. HAVE THEY SUED THE ESTATES OF DEAD PEOPLE? CHECK. HAVE THEY FORCED COLLEGE KIDS TO DROP OUT OF SCHOOL TO PAY THE JUDGMENTS AGAINST THEM? CHECK. AND NOW, THEY'VE GONE AHEAD AND SUED A STROKE VICITIM WHO CAN'T MOVE HALF HIS BODY AND WHO LIVES ON A DISABILITY CHECK AND WHO WASN'T LIVING IN THE STATE WHERE THE ALLEGED FILESHARING TOOK PLACE, ACCORDING TO BOING-BOING. AND NOW, ACCORDING TO CONSUMERIST, THEY'VE GONE AHEAD AND INCREASED THE FEES THEY CHARGE NATIONAL PUBLIC RADIO TWENTY-FOLD -- WHEN NPR SPENDS TONS OF TIME AND EFFORT PROMOTING NEW ARTISTS TO ITS AUDIENCE. SO, WHAT COULD THE RIAA DO NEXT TO PROVE THEMSELVES WORTHY OF OUR LOVE? DOUSE AN ORPHANAGE IN KEROSENE AND LIGHT IT AFTER NAILING THE DOORS SHUT? RAPE KITTENS ON LIVE TV? SERIOUSLY, GUYS...YOU ARE WRETCHED ASSHOLES. THIS IS POOR MOJO'S NEWS SHOW! http://rawstory.com/showarticle.php?src=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.antiwar.com%2Futley%2F%3Farticleid%3D10661 SURE, I. LEWIS SCOOTER LIBBY, CONVICTED LIAR, IS A BAD GUY, BUT HE'S A SAD LITTLE HENCHMAN STANDING IN THE SHADOWS OF TRUE CRIMINALS, LIKE FORMER ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF DEFENSE DOULAS FEITH. ANTIWAR.COM HAS AN EXCELLENT RE-CAP OF FEITH'S AWFULNESS, FOCUSING ON HIS PERSONAL AUTHORING of the orders to disband the entire Iraqi army and destroy the civilian government infrastructure. FROM THE ARTICLE: I was a student in Germany after the Second World War. Even after ousting the the Nazis, America did not dismiss every school teacher and village administrator, but that's what the U.S. government did in Iraq. ... Was Feith trying to provoke a Shi'ite-Sunni civil war? What other disasters did Feith have a hand in?... Feith's actions are comprehensible if one connects them to his LOYALTIES TO THE ULTRA-RIGHT-WING ISRAELI Likud PARTY. Polls in Israel show that most Israelis want to trade the West Bank for peace. A recent Gallup Poll shows that most Jewish Americans have strongly opposed the Iraq war, despite the Israel Lobby's enthusiasm for it. Feith was not merely sympathetic to Israeli concerns; he acted on behalf of an extreme faction inside the Israeli government. This all demands an investigation with congressional subpoena power. http://www.nytimes.com/2007/03/13/opinion/13juhasz.html?_r=1&oref=slogin FROM DAY ONE OF THE OCCUPATION OF IRAQ -- ACTUALLY, FROM 1991 AND THE FIRST IRAQ WAR -- CRITICS HAVE SAID THE WHOLE POINT OF THE EXERCISE WAS STEALING IRAQ'S OIL. AND THE MAINSTREAM POLITICAL ESTABLISHMENT AND MEDIA SAID THOSE CRITICS WERE TINFOIL-HAT WEARING NUTCASES. WELL, EVER HEARD OF PRODUCTION SHARING AGREEMENTS? ANTONIA JUHASZ BREAKS IT DOWN FOR YOU IN HER NEW YORK TIMES ARTICLE -- WHOSE OIL IS IT ANYWAY -- WHICH WE FOUND VIA THE RANDI RHODES SHOW. THERE'S A BILL WHICH HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE IRAQI CABINET AND WHICH NOW GOES TO THE COUNTRY'S PARLIAMENT THAT HANDS CONTROL OF IRAQ'S OIL OVER TO FOUR OIL COMPANIES FOR THIRTY YEARS. FROM THE ARTICLE: Until about 35 years ago, the world’s oil was largely in the hands of seven corporations based in the United States and Europe. Those seven have since merged into four: ExxonMobil, Chevron, Shell and BP. Ever since they lost their exclusive control of the oil to the governments, the companies have been trying to get it back. The Iraq hydrocarbon law would take the majority of Iraq’s oil out of the exclusive hands of the Iraqi government and open it to international oil companies for a generation or more. HERE'S WHAT I'VE GOT TO SAY ABOUT IT: If the Iraqi Parliament is forced to make this bill law AND hand control of Iraq's oil over to four private corporations WHILE ITS COUNTRY IS OCCUPIED BY FOREIGN FORCES -- then you really will have, as an American, waged a war of choice on a sovereign nation to steal its treasure. CAN WE NOW STOP ALL THE PRETENSE ABOUT SPREADING DEMOCRACY TO THE ARAB WORLD? http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/iraq/article1505832.ece AND WHAT KIND OF PLACE IS IRAQ TODAY? IT'S A PLACE WHERE RAPE IS APPARENTLY USED AS A WEAPON OF WAR, NOT MUCH SURPRISING ABOUT THAT. BUT EVER HEARD OF A RAPE VICTIM BEING ARRESTED FOR TALKING ABOUT BEING RAPED? THE TIMES OF LONDON STORY SAYS THAT Sabrine Janabi Shocked Iraq last month when she appeared on Al-Jazeera television and accused three policemen of detaining her and then raping her in their garrison. JANABI HAS BEEN ARRESTED BY IRAQ'S GOVERNMENT FOR INCITING VIOLENCE -- SHE'S BLAMED FOR A WAVE OF SECTARIAN KILLINGS IN THE WAKE OF HER ANNOUNCEMENT. Shia officials have accused her of being a proxy for Sunni militants who want to sabotage a security plan for Baghdad, while Sunni politicians have pointed to her story as proof of the sectarian nature of Shia Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s Government. THIS IS POOR MOJO'S NEWS SHOW, A MEMBER OF THE PROGRESSIVE PODCAST NETWORK! THERE ARE MANY EXCELLENT, PROGRESSIVE PODCASTS OUT THERE FOR YOU TO DOWNLOAD AND LISTEN TO AT PROGRESSIVE PODCAST NETWORK DOT ORG. http://www.bentcorner.com/2007/03/13/did-wizard-take-advantage-of-insider-information/ Did Wizard magazine engage in insider trading? YOU DECIDE AFTER HEARING THIS FROM THE BENT CORNER BLOG: Newsarama’s Vaneta Rogers talks with comic book retailers about Captain America #25. It’s an interesting read. Especially when the topic turns to how Wizard Universe, which is owned by the same company as Wizard Magazine, sold hundreds of issues of Captain America #25 on ebay on Wednesday at prices from $10 to $50 an issue. It’s as though Wizard Universe had some kind of inside information from Marvel Comics that Captain America #25 would include the death of Captain America. That’s something no other comic retailer was privy to. That Captain America was going to be killed. Did anyone over at Wizard Magazine with information concerning what was going to happen in Captain America #25 advise their counterparts at Wizard Universe to stock up on copies so they could quickly post them on eBay? It sure seems like it. It also seems highly unethical. http://www.freakonomics.com/blog/2007/03/15/if-crack-dealers-took-lessons-from-walgreens-they-really-would-be-rich/ DO ALL STORES CHARGE THE SAME AMOUNT FOR GENERIC DRUGS? HELL, NO, ACCORDING TO THE FREAKONMICS BLOG. THEIR INVESTIGATOR began snooping around and found that two chains, Costco and Sam’s Club, sold generics at prices far, far below the other chains. PRICES FOR 90 PROZAC TABLETS RANGED FROM TWELVE DOLLARS AT COSTCO TO $117 AT Walgreens. SO, SHOP AROUND AND ASK QUESTIONS. SACRED PUBLIC-RADIO BORE GARRISON KEILLOR MUST HAVE A BLOOD-CLOT IN HIS BRAIN THAT HAS DAMAGED HIS ABILITY TO HIDE HIS SMALL-MINDED HOMOPHOIA. THAT'S THE ONLY EXPLANATION FOR THIS DRIVEL, FROM AN ARTICLE IN SALON, VIA FEMINISTING: The country has come to accept stereotypical gay men -- sardonic fellows with fussy hair who live in over-decorated apartments with a striped sofa and a small weird dog and who worship campy performers and go in for flamboyance now and then themselves. If they want to be accepted as couples and daddies, however, the flamboyance may have to be brought under control. Parents are supposed to stand in back and not wear chartreuse pants and black polka-dot shirts. That's for the kids. It's their show. Oh, thank you, Garrison Keillor, for making it acceptable to hate fucking Garrison Keillor. Now take that hackneyed, precious, droning, self-important radio abortion and shove it sideways up your grey, wrinkled ass! Maybe we'll be able to listen to our NPR stations on Saturday evening again. DAN SAVAGE OF THE SAVAGE LOVE COLUMN POINTS OUT THAT KEILLOR IS A SERIAL ADULTERER, WHO LEFT HIS WIFE FOR HIS LOVER THEN LEFT HIS LOVER FOR HIS SECOND WIFE AND THEN LEFT HER FOR HIS DANISH LANGUAGE TEACHER AND NOW SAYS THAT HIS EYES ARE OPENED EVERY DAY TO THE WONDER OF PARENTING -- IN WHAT MUST BE HIS 60S -- HIS NEWEST BABY GIRL WITH HIS THIRD WIFE, WHICH I'M CERTAIN MAKES HIS CHILDREN FROM HIS FAILED MARRIAGES FEEL LIKE SHIT. GARRISION, SHUT THE FUCK UP! ## C L O S E R ## OUR THEME SONG IS AN UNTITLED PIECE FROM THE DISC "HIMNO NASIONAL" BY THE FIGURES, AVAILABLE AT FINGERPRINT DASH RECORDS DOT COM. FIND US ONLINE AT P-O-O-R-M-O-J-O DOT O-R-G, AND FOLLOW THE LINK TO THE NEWSWIRE ON BEHALF OF LONGO, BRETT, JIM, DAVE-O, FRITZ, THE GIANT SQUID AND MOJO, THIS HAS BEEN POOR MOJO'S NEWS SHOW, I'M ALAN BENARD. Posted by Alan at 8:48 AM 0 comments Labels:

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