

    Explore "lindenberg" with insightful episodes like "#29 - Überforderung", "Hugo Lindenberg, lauréat du prix du Livre Inter, publie son second roman", "Auto mit Wählscheibe", "#15 mit Murat Cakal, Director Information Systems bei Liebherr Aerospace Lindenberg GmbH" and "#12 Richards Soul // mit Richard Wester" from podcasts like ""West-östlicher Alman", "Vous avez moins de 20 minutes", "Erzähl mir was Gutes!", "Allgäu Digital Podcast" and "Alles, was Wissen schafft"" and more!

    Episodes (13)

    #29 - Überforderung

    #29 - Überforderung
    Zwischen Nahost-Konflikt und Incel-Phänomen suchen Ralph und Justus das richtige Mindset. Dabei wollen sie stets offen sein für das Neue. Es gibt also viel zu besprechen. Aber bitte nicht zu geschwind! Es sollen ja alle mitgenommen werden. Über all dies sprechen Ralph und Justus in Folge #29 von „West-östlicher Alman“: Udo Lindenberg und sein Konzert im Palast der Republik, Solidarität mit Israel in den etablierten Medien und Unterstützung der Palästinenser in der Social-Media-Öffentlichkeit, die Herausforderung der ausgewogenen Berichterstattung in den öffentlich-rechtlichen Nachrichtensendungen, das unschätzbar wertvolle Korrespondenten- und Expertennetzwerk der Öffentlich-Rechtlichen in Konflikt- und Krisensituationen, das Arbeiten mit schrecklichem Bildmaterial aus Israel und dem Gaza-Streifen, warum Ralph auf der Frankfurter Buchmesse war, Typen mit Sigma-Mindset und andere Incels, warum Legasthenie und Systemrebellion gute Eigenschaften für erfolgreiche Startupper sind, inwiefern Frank Thelen und Dirk Müller keine guten Repräsentanten der deutschen Innovator- und Macher-Szene sind, woran man gute und innovative Ideen erkennt, Justus' Erlebnisse als Buchautor und seine Erkenntnisse daraus, warum Künstler und andere Kreative Feedback und Kritik grundsätzlich persönlich nehmen (müssen), inwiefern Albert Einstein dazu Beruhigendes zu sagen hat, was Ralph am Incel-Mindset aufregt, inwiefern das Entwicklungstempo einer Gesellschaft nicht zu groß sein darf, der gesellschaftliche Zusammenhalt und seine größten Gefährdungen, inwiefern der Mensch eine natürliche Veränderungsgeschwindigkeitsgrenze hat, inwiefern Kinder es nicht mehr besser haben als ihre Eltern, inwiefern die Gesellschaft auch “langsamer“ und “falsch“ lebende Menschen akzeptieren und wertschätzen muss, in welchen Fällen das Vorgenannte auch seine Grenzen hat - Ralph Baudach auf Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ralph_baudach/?hl=de - Justus Geilhufe auf Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/justusgeilhufe/?hl=de

    #15 mit Murat Cakal, Director Information Systems bei Liebherr Aerospace Lindenberg GmbH

    #15 mit Murat Cakal, Director Information Systems bei Liebherr Aerospace Lindenberg GmbH
    In dieser Folge treffen wir Murat Cakal, Director information Systems bei Liebherr Aerospace Lindenberg GmbH. Liebherr Aerospace und Transportation ist eine der 11 Sparten der Liebherr Gruppe. Die Kernbereiche sind unter anderem Luftbetätigungssysteme, Fahrwerke und Klimaanlagen für Luftfahrt und Schienenverkehr. Die klassischen Kunden also Hersteller von Zügen, Flugzeugen und Hubschraubern und die Aerospace Technologien sind in fast jedem Airbus vertreten. Murat Cakal erzählt von den Anfängen der Digitalisierung bei Liebherr Aerospace und wie ein internationales Triumvirat sich dem Thema nun widmet. Es geht um Analytics-Systeme für Flugzeuge und das Nutzbarmachen der gesammelten Daten, um Sensortechnologie im Klimabereich und die Monetarisierung von digitalen Geschäftsmodellen. Murat Cakal spricht über eine Multi-Cloud-Platform-Strategie, über digitale Mockups von Flugzeugen mit dem Model Based Enterprise System und über Change Management und interdisziplinäres Arbeiten als Treiber der digitalen Transformation bei Liebherr. Interesse geweckt? Jetzt reinhören! Der Allgäu Digital Podcast – Alles zu Digitalisierung im Allgäu mit Albert Heim. Weitere Infos: Murat Cakal bei Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/murat-cakal-4927481a Liebherr Aerospace Lindenberg GmbH: https://www.liebherr.com/de/deu/%C3%BCber-liebherr/liebherr-weltweit/deutschland/lindenberg/aerospace-lindenberg.html Website: https://standort.allgaeu.de/allgaeudigital-podcast Falls ihr Fragen oder Feedback zum Podcast habt meldet euch gerne unter mail@allgaeudigital-podcast.de Allgäu Digital: Website: digital.allgaeu.de Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/showcase/allgaeu-digital Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/allgaeudigital Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/allgaeu_digital/ // Gefördert duch Bayerisches Staatsministeriums für Wirtschaft, Landesentwicklung und Energie //

    #12 Richards Soul // mit Richard Wester

    #12 Richards Soul // mit Richard Wester
    45 Jahre im Musik-Business, davon die ersten 15 Jahre in the Heart of German Popgeschäft. Nach einer Überdosis Großstadt, Szenenwechsel nach Steinbergholz nahe der dänischen Grenze. Richard Wester - zu Gast bei Heike Muß -, lässt sich von Songs aus seinem Leben überraschen und erinnert sich. Mit den Stimmen von Katharina Thalbach, Udo Lindenberg, Andrea Sawatzki, Manfred Maurenbrecher, George Nussbaumer u.a. Viel Spaß beim Hören wünscht die Landesvertretung Schleswig-Holstein!

    #21 Der 11. Dezember in 5 Minuten

    #21 Der 11. Dezember in 5 Minuten
    Es war ein Schock zu Jahresbeginn: Mitten in der Silvesternacht rast ein Mann absichtlich in mehrere Menschengruppen, um Ausländer zu töten. Heute ist das Urteil gefallen. Außerdem haben wir Reaktionen zur neuen Clan-Dienststelle gesammelt und über die Lösung im Streit um den Obststand in der Kettwiger Straße berichtet.

    Schritttempo Podcast Folge 12: Lindenberg, Bernauer Str.

    Schritttempo Podcast Folge 12:  Lindenberg, Bernauer Str.
    Diesmal geht es mit dem Auto raus nach Brandenburg! Da ist was los, in Lindenberg. Neben der Dorfkirche pausieren Benni und Max, um eine kurze Episode aus Brandenburg zu rekapitulieren. Was gibt es eigentlich in dem kleinen Dorf zu entdecken? Findet es heraus bei einer neuen Folge Schritttempo! Facebook: www.facebook.com/schritttempopodcast iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/de/podcast/schritttempo-podcast/id1268267927

    Season 1, Episode #8 - Interview With Adrienne D'agata

    Season 1, Episode #8 - Interview With Adrienne D'agata

    Interview With Adrienne D'agata

    Hosted By Nate Pfaff

    Adrienne D'agata an interior designer and native New Yorker. She attended the Fashion Institute of Technology and specialized in interior design. She opened up the design firm Dimension New York with several partners, which specializes in residential and hospitality design. Adrienne heads the residential department. She got into interior design through her innate creativity and how she found the design of a surrounding space could powerfully affect her mood. She wanted to create spaces for people where they really enjoy being and elevates their lifestyle.

    She likes to get to know her clients and what they like and dislike and create their own personal style and help refine it. Her main objective is to understand their vision and not only elevate it but make it functional and translate to an easier life. She’s partial to the color white because she feels it create a space that is timeless and sophisticated and creates brightness and openness.

    Her favorite area of Brooklyn is Williamsburg because it places a strong emphasis on creativity and individual expression. Her favorite restaurant is Maison Premiere on Bedford Avenue, for its great atmosphere and interior design and it has a wonderful cocktail bar and great oysters. The interior design in a restaurant is just as important to Adrienne as the food they serve. She also sees Sunset Park, Crown Heights and Bushwick as hot spots because they retain the old Brooklyn neighborhood vibe that’s attracting the younger crowd and artists. Adrienne recommends The Women I Wanted to Be by Diane von Furstenberg and Ladies Who Launch by Victoria Colligan and Beth Schoenfeldt as inspirational business books.

    Adrienne D'agata an interior designer and native New Yorker. She attended the Fashion Institute of Technology and opened up the design firm Dimension New York with several partners, which specializes in residential and hospitality design. Adrienne heads the residential department there. Her focus is to design spaces that are timeless and sophisticated as well as elegant and functional.


    [1:32-1:57] Intro: Adrienne Dagata is an interior designer from New York. She opened up a design firm, Dimension New York, together with several partners which is a firm that specializes in residential and hospitality design. She heads the Residential department.

    [2:00-2:59] Tell us about yourself and what you specialize in.

    I’m a native New Yorker. I went to the Fashion Institute of Technology and specialized in interior design. After school, I worked under a great interior designer who has been featured in many publications. I later worked my way up from a design assistant to a director over the course of about 10years.Then 2 years ago, my partners and I came together and started the company and now I head the Residential department.

    [3:00-3:30] What is the name of the person you stayed under and what influence did he have on you? Mark Cunningham Inc. He made sure that the quality of everything that you put into someone’s home is there and that they are pieces that can last a lifetime and can be passed from generation to generation.

    [3:36-4:33] How did you first get into interior design? Interior design has kind of been a background for my life. My father would bring architectural digest and out décor for me and I would tear pages from there and keep for myself for inspiration when I get older and that lead me into doing interior design.

    [4:34-5:32] How do you know where to start implementing your vision when you first walk into space? There are two main elements, the first being the client. I like to know their likes and dislikes and create their own personal style and then refine it. The second is the style of the built space.

    [5:33-6:11] What are the most important questions you ask clients or potential clients when you’re first taking on a job? I first discuss what their wants are and needs for the project by pulling up pictures off magazines and seeing what they like from the images. Then I try and implement that into their home. I find out what their personal style is and elevate it.

    [6:11-6:23] Is there a favorite color that you like to work with? I like the color white because it’s pure and it makes everything bright and airy.

    [6:24-7:38] What are the two most important qualities of a successful interior designer? The first is listening. It is important to listen to your clients’ wants and needs and make sure what we design delivers what they want. The second is communication. Both verbal and virtual communication is important since we work with so many people and this is what can make or break a project.

    [7:39-8:37] Stay in touch with the podcast by subscribing to the mailing list. Text Brooklyn to 66866.

    [8:38-8:59] What is your favorite area of Brooklyn? I still really like Williamsburg reason being it has set the bar for other boroughs in New York to aspire to be like. Over the years, it has evolved from being a kind of a grumpy area to a place that has some of the most creative restaurants and music venues. It is such a dynamic area.

    [9:00-9:24] Do you have a favorite restaurant in Williamsburg? It is the May Zone premier located on the south side of Williamsburg. It is beautifully designed and has a great atmosphere. It also serves great oysters which is my favorite.

    [9:25-9:50] Are restaurants and spaces with a good interior design just as important to you as the food they serve? Yes. As soon as I walk into a restaurant I start looking around taking some of the spaces inspiration and seeing what I would do differently.

    [9:51-10:36] Where are you taking most activities in New York? People are now buying property further away from Manhattan like Sunset Park and Prospect Heights. They are liking more of the old Brooklyn vibe of east and upcoming areas. They have more of a sense of community area that makes them feel like a neighborhood.

    [10:37-11:16] What kind of jobs are you working on right now? For residential, we are working on two apartments that were combined into one. Another project that we are working on is a townhouse renovation.

    [11:17-12:16] What kind of innovations or renovations, specific jobs excite you? I love all different types of projects whether an apartment or a townhouse. They all have their different interests. What I like the most about it is the challenges and that no project is the same. Whatever project I do I have to ensure that it is time worth and that the clients feel like they can live there forever.

    [12:17-12:58] What are the ways that you can make a space feel timeless? Keeping your colors on the neutral instead of using bright colors since they tend to become boring over time. Instead, use decorations with color.


    Contact Our Guest:

    Send Adrienne an email at adrienne@dimensionny.com

    Give her a ring at 646-751-8497 



    The Women I Wanted to Be

    Ladies Who Launch by Victoria Colligan and Beth Schoenfeldt




    Our Proud Sponsors: 

    The RATNER Team 

    Spartan Renovations

    Kings Auto Group

    Lindenba é o anti Polvo Paul

    Lindenba é o anti Polvo Paul
    Enquanto o octópode anglo-germânico faz sucesso por levar esperanças àqueles quem ele escolhe como vencedores, devido a ter acertado todas as suas previsões desde o começo da Copa, o nosso comentarista e contrariador nato Lindenba Mota coleciona façanhas justamente inversas. A série de maldições lindêmbicas começou na Copa do Brasil, quando ele falou que o Atlético Goianiense era um dos melhores times do Brasil, e depois disso o Dragão do Cerrado apanhou mais que mulher de malandro. Na Copa, Lindenba jogou sua praga na Eslovênia e na Coréia do Norte (a pior defesa da Copa). No fim de semana decisivo dessa Copa sulafricana, Lindenba escolheu o Uruguay e a Holanda. Ao mesmo tempo, o Polvo Paul apostou na Espanha e na Alemanha, o que multiplicou as apostas na bolsa de Londres a favor dos teutões e dos ibéricos. Além do Lindenba, Coelho e Vitão também analisam a decisão da Copa e os números que envolvem esse confronto quase virgem, e o título inédito que o mundo verá desde Johanesburgo.

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