

    Explore "lt" with insightful episodes like "Episode 23: How to Coach Through Language and Proper Understanding of the Learner (With Nick Winkelman)", "Episode 22: Become a Stronger Version of Yourself (With Jason Ferruggia)", "Les belles roses de l'été", "U-HUB, avagy felkerült-e Székelyföld az IT-térképre?" and "1st Lt Robert McClellan on Princeton Flying School Podcast 8" from podcasts like ""Lee Taft Performance Podcast", "Lee Taft Performance Podcast", "Le podcast du Jardin des Merlettes", "B@szélgetések á lá Székelyföld" and "Princeton Flying School Podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (83)

    Les belles roses de l'été

    Les belles roses de l'été

    Pour le jardinier qui souhaite un jardin fleuri toute l'année, il est très important de bien choisir les caractéristiques des plantes qu'il choisit. Ceci est particulièrement important pour les rosiers car un grand nombre d'entre eux ne fleurissent pas pendant l'été. Outre ceux qui ne refleurissent pas du tout après le mois de juin, un grand nombre de rosiers ne produisent pas de fleurs en juillet et en août.

    Cet épisode propose une sélection de rosiers qui fleurissent abondamment pendant l'été. Cette première partie présente les rosiers buissons de parterre, un prochain épisode présentera les hauts buissons, à planter en isolé ainsi que les rosiers tiges et pleureurs. Un troisième et dernier épisode présentera les rosiers grimpants et abordera la question du parfum des roses.

    U-HUB, avagy felkerült-e Székelyföld az IT-térképre?

    U-HUB, avagy felkerült-e Székelyföld az IT-térképre?
    Kap-e kellő támogatást Székelyföldön, Udvarhelyszéken az ún. IT-szektor, aminek három éve még csak hírmondója is alig volt a régióban. Mit jelent a U-HUB, mit tartalmaz az a regionális IT-koncepció, melynek megvalósítására visszaköltözött szülővárosába Simon Károly, maga mögött hagyva Románia IT-központját, Kolozsvárt? Digitális Kaláka, azaz 49 órás hackathon, ahol 15 alkalmazás/szoftver prototípusa született meg helyi civil szervezetek ötleteiből kiindulva. Nem csak vájtfülűeknek!

    1st Lt Robert McClellan on Princeton Flying School Podcast 8

    1st Lt Robert McClellan on Princeton Flying School Podcast 8

    Welcome to the Princeton Flying School Podcast with Pete Rafle, Princeton Flying School Instructor Emeritus. In this episode Pete sat down with 1st Lt Robert McClellan, Commander of the Twin Pine Composite Squadron of the Civil Air Patrol.


    Pete and Rob discussed many of the benefits of being a Civil Air Patrol volunteer - whether a CAP Cadet or a senior member… whether a pilot or a parent… interested in aviation or aerospace, military customs and courtesies, even cyber. 


    So without any further introduction, let’s join the conversation about the Civil Air Patrol with Pete Rafle and Robert McClellan.


    Episode 154 Forrest Gump and Other Scary Stories (Father's Day Special)

    Episode 154 Forrest Gump and Other Scary Stories (Father's Day Special)

    This week we discuss We go all out to give you a DOUBLE DOSE of nerdiness! We discuss how Forrest Gump is the movie for fathers out there who know that sometimes kids do things that sometimes don't make no sense. We also dig into the Scary Stories series to analyze how a movie could even successfully be made about a childhood favorite!

    Follow us on:
    Facebook - Defeated by Delicious Fruit Pies
    Twitter - @DBDFP
    iTunes - DBDFP

    Lt. Carson's Seat Belt PSA

    Lt. Carson's Seat Belt PSA

    It's All Been Done Radio Hour Commercial #81          

    "Lt. Carson's Seat Belt PSA"  


    Lt. Carson advises you to wear a seatbelt!  


    A comedy radio show originally performed Friday, June 22, 2018 at 7:30PM in the Peace Tent at Comfest (Community Festival) in Goodale Park.  



    Joe Morales as Lt. Carson 

    Narrated by Chris Allen  

    Foley Artist Seamus Talty  


    Podcast edited by Chris Allen 

    Written and directed by Jerome Wetzel 

    Music Director Kristin Green

    Theme Songs by Nathan Haley and Jerome Wetzel  

    Technical Director Shane Stefanchik 

    Story Consultant Nick Arganbright 

    Script Editors Shannon Marie Watts and Keith Jackson  


    We are a proud member of Circle270Media  

    Visit our website itsallbeendoneradiohour.com  

    Please support us at http://pateron.com/IABD 


    Follow us on social media @IABDPresents  

    When you post about us, hashtag #IABD  


    We are part of the IABD Presents network, found at iabdpresents.com

    Gianfranco Salis im Gespräch mit Grill-Ueli

    Gianfranco Salis im Gespräch mit Grill-Ueli

    In der heutigen Sendung ist bei mir der Welt-, Europa- und elffache Schweizer Meister im Grillieren, der Rheintaler Ueli Bernold bei mir zu Gast. Ich traf den berühmten Grillmeister der Schweiz an der OLMA in St.Gallen.

    Der gelernte Rheintaler Metzgermeister aus Schönbüel , der vor einigen Jahren ein Restaurant und eine Metzgerei vom Vater übernommen hatte, entschied sich im Frühling 2018 beide aufzugeben, um fortan voll und ganz auf die Karte «Grill-Ueli» zu setzen. Dies gelang ihm mit großem Erfolg.

    Seit bald dreissig Jahren lebt er seine Passion aus. Er lebt seinen Traum und ist der Inbegriff für Partyservice und Grillkurse vom Feinsten. Als Koch in der Sendung «SRF bi de Lüüt» und als Werbegesicht für «Aldi Suisse», ist er seit vielen Jahren auch regelmässig am Fernsehen zu sehen. Er ist einer der gefragtesten und bekanntesten Grilleure der Schweiz.

    «Grill-Ueli» bietet Grillkurse für Firmen und Vereine sowie Detailfachgeschäfte an und ist regelmässig an Publikumsmessen anzutreffen. Jährlich wird er über 230 Mal gebucht!

    Bei Veranstaltungen aller Art und Größe, wie Geburtstagsfeiern, oder Firmenjubiläen geniesst man die vielen Variationen aus Fleisch und Fisch mit Gemüse vom Grill oder Smoker . Bei den Events mit dem Welt-, Europa- und Schweizermeister legen seine Kunden und Gäste selber Hand an und setzen Tipps und Tricks des Weltmeisters an Ort und Stelle gleich selber um.

    Called to Politics with Dan Forest - CMAW035

    Called to Politics with Dan Forest - CMAW035
    What You'll Hear:
    • Dan went to a church as a kid but didn't hear the Gospel and wasn't a Christian.  When he heard the Gospel he became a Christian, but his life didn't change much.  
    • He got married and they went to the Billy Graham crusade. His wife accepted Christ and got involved in a Bible study.  Dan wasn't following God.  In early 1997 he got down on his knees and turned his life over to Him.
    • As an architect he worked on moving Billy Graham's organization from Minneapolis and building the Billy Graham Library
    • He went to the Univ. of SC for Engineering for 2 years but hated it.  He went to the UN-Charlotte Architectual School and loved it right away.
    • His specialty was office buildings and corporate interiors.   He had a lot of fun and has no regrets.
    • His mother was the mayor of Charlotte and a member of the U.S. Congress.  He always said he wouldn't get involved in politics because of how grueling it was on his Mom, but he really felt called to run for Lt. Gov. in 2009.
    • "When you're really called to do something, you just have to go do it, you really can't deny it.  It really doesn't matter what the cost is."
    • Dan is passionate about education. NC was the first state in the nation to have every single classroom connected to high speed broadband, even though it's one of the most rural states in the country.  This provides opportunities that some kids didn't have before.
    • They opened up school choice opportunities.
    • They gave teachers raises 6 years in a row.  No other state has done that.
    • Dan started the Black Mountain Men's Retreat and this year it will be at the Cove.
    • "There's no separation of our relationship with Jesus Christ when you become believers,  You're just one person driven by one set of principles."
    • "I don't deny God...If you really believe that God is who He said He is...then you will trust in the Lord and you will follow him and tell people about Him."
    • "I'm not called to preach as Lt. Gov but when you have opportunities you don't shy away from talking about the truth either"
    • "This notion of truth being relative is a dangerous thing, so I believe in absolute truth"
    • To truly love our neighbors and to love our enemies, there's a lot of crazy concepts out there in the world of politics that I believe are just as true today as they were 2000 years ago"
    • We need to engage.  We live in a culture today that separates itself into certain ideologies and certain groups.
    • "Turn politics off for a while.  There's a lot more to life than politics"
    • The church has to love each other and we don't do that very well. Then we need to love our neighbor.
    • "We don't even know who our neighbors are so how are we going to love them?"
    • Favorite scriptures include those related to joy "The Joy of the Lord is our Strength" and Romans 12:1-2 - be living sacrifices and don't be conformed to this world
    • He's an audible.com junkie and has a general of doing 30-50 books per year.  He loves C.S. Lewis and a lot of apologetics.  He typically alternates fiction and non-fiction.
    • To contact call the Lt. Gov office or go to www.danforest.com or www.facebook.com/danforestnc

    The Topnotch Tangler: Grinchmeister

    The Topnotch Tangler: Grinchmeister

    It's All Been Done Radio Hour #141  

    The Topnotch Tangler #19 "Grinchmeister"  


    The Topnotch Tangler faces off against The Grinchmeister, who is stealing toys from orphans at Christmas! 


    A comedy radio show originally performed at the Columbus Podcast Meetup event at RawVoice on December 5, 2017. 



    Samantha Stark as Kimberly Benson / The Topnotch Tangler 

    Keith Jackson as Commissioner Carl Darling 

    Joe Morales as Lt. Adam Carson 


    Shane Stefanchik as The Grinchmeister

    Kristin Green as Cindy

    Ryan Yohe as Bobby

    Dallas Ray as Patrick

    Seamus Talty as Lou

    Nick Arganbright as Santa Claus


    Theme song performed by Nick Arganbright and cast 

    Narrated by Chris Allen  

    Foley Artist Seamus Talty  


    Podcast edited by Chris Allen 

    Written and directed by Jerome Wetzel  

    Music Director Kristin Green

    Theme Songs by Nathan Haley and Jerome Wetzel  

    Technical Director Shane Stefanchik 

    Vocal Coach Karen Perta

    Story Consultant Nick Arganbright 

    Script Editors Shannon Marie Watts and Keith Jackson  


    We are a proud member of Circle270Media  

    Visit our website itsallbeendoneradiohour.com  

    Please support us at http://pateron.com/IABD 


    Follow us on social media @IABDPresents  

    When you post about us, hashtag #IABD  


    We are part of the IABD Presents network, found at iabdpresents.com

    The Topnotch Tangler: The Sting

    The Topnotch Tangler: The Sting

    It's All Been Done Radio Hour #124 

    The Topnotch Tangler #15 "The Sting"  


    The Topnotch Tangler faces off once more with her archnemesis, the high dangerous The Sting!  


    A comedy radio show originally performed as part of OGP's West Grandview Fringe Festival at Jimmy V's on August 5, 2017. 



    Samantha Stark as Kimberly Benson / The Topnotch Tangler 

    Keith Jackson as Commissioner Carl Darling 

    Joe Morales as Lt. Adam Carson

    Ryan Yohe as The Sting 

    Kristin Green as Julie 

    Theme Song performed by Nick Arganbright and cast 


    Narrated by Chris Allen  

    Foley Artist Brendan Talty  


    Podcast edited by Chris Allen 

    Written and directed by Jerome Wetzel  

    Music Director Kristin Green

    Theme Songs by Nathan Haley and Jerome Wetzel  

    Technical Director Shane Stefanchik 

    Vocal coach Karen Perta

    Story consultant Nick Arganbright 


    We are a proud member of Circle270Media  

    Visit our website itsallbeendoneradiohour.com  

    Please support us at http://pateron.com/IABD 


    Follow us on social media @IABDPresents  

    When you post about us, hashtag #IABD  


    We are part of the IABD Presents network, found at iabdpresents.com

    #132 çağlar yalı ile kolayik'nin yeni yatırım turunu, ikamp ve kolayik kültürünü konuşuyoruz

    #132 çağlar yalı ile kolayik'nin yeni yatırım turunu, ikamp ve kolayik kültürünü konuşuyoruz
    Son dönemde iyi haber duymakta zorlanıyorduk, Eylül sonu itibariyle KolayIK'nın yatırım - hem de yabancı bir yatırımcıdan gelen yatırımın haberi ekosisteme heyecan getirdi. çağlar yalı yatırım sürecini bütün detaylarıyla bize anlatıyor. yatırım arayışında olan girişimciler için kesinlikle tavsiye ettiğimiz bir bölüm oldu.

    çağlar'ın bahsettiği yatırım sürecini anlatan kitap:

    VC'ler hakkında daha fazla bilgi için

    kolayik ekibi işe alım için bir yaz kampı düzenledi. bu kamp sürecini ve sonuçlarını bir de çağlar'dan dinliyoruz. kampın detaylarını anlattıkları medium yazısı:

    009: From Gang-banger to Making Music with Purpose | L.T. Smooth

    009: From Gang-banger to Making Music with Purpose | L.T. Smooth

    Award-winning musician, L.T. Smooth not only performs for audiences around the world but also meets with youth in schools and in prison, in an effort to provide hope, guidance, and love. Today, he's building the Heart of Music Academy, a 501(c)(3), to help troubled youth through music in Kona, Hawaiʻi.

    Guest Biography

    Virtuoso slack key guitarist Leon Toomata, better known by his stage name L.T. Smooth, has overcome many obstacles on his journey to the concert stage. In his own words, “I was born and raised in Aotearoa, New Zealand. My story is long, but here is a short version. I have spent too many years of my life doing drugs and alcohol, and running from the law and the people that loved me the most. It’s been eighteen years sober now, and I would never change a thing. The music has been the change in my life. The lyrics I write and the music that I compose is about my journey through the struggles that I have conquered. My music is my tools I use to help, encourage, heal, and to mend what we go through in life. This is my story of FREEDOM on MY JOURNEY to make a CHANGE in life.

    L.T. Smooth has released 4 albums, having sold over a million copies combined, and he has performed with Bono, Mary J. Blige, and other well respected recording artists. LT is also an inspirational speaker and recently recorded a video about ʻOhana (family) for Sales Force, a worldwide company based in San Francisco. LT played and spoke at the last World Economic Development Conference in Stockholm, Sweden, in front of many world leaders. Despite his success, LT is one of the most humble, gentle, kind, and loving men you will meet.

    Show notes: http://www.inspiredmoney.fm/009 for videos of LT Smooth.


    In this episode, you will learn:

    • Take nothing for granted. Appreciate the blessings and privilege in your life.
    • No matter how bad things seem, there’s always hope for turning things around.
    • LT will teach the importance of passion with purpose.

    Thanks for Listening!

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    • Leave a note in the comment section below.
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    • Leave an honest review on iTunes. Your ratings and reviews really help, and I read each one.
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    Special thanks to Jim Kimo West for the music.



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