

    Explore "mandel" with insightful episodes like "Sæson 2 - Afsnit 13 (Riget)", "Sæson 2 - Afsnit 12 (Riget)", "Sæson 2 - Afsnit 6 (Riget)", "It's Not Easy Being Green" and "Sæson 4 - Afsnit 8 (Borgen)" from podcasts like ""Den Uofficielle Podcast", "Den Uofficielle Podcast", "Den Uofficielle Podcast", "AJ Benza: Fame is a Bitch" and "Den Uofficielle Podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    Sæson 2 - Afsnit 13 (Riget)

    Sæson 2 - Afsnit 13 (Riget)
    Det absolut sidste afsnit af Riget i historien. Tror vi da. Den ikoniske serie, tager sin afslutning og efterlader os med flere spørgsmål end svar. Dette episke værk har været nærmest næsten 30 år undervejs og her får det så sit endelige. Tusind tak for at lytte med, og for at skrive ind til os på Denuofficiellepodcast@gmail.com. Vi bliver så glade når vi høre fra jer lyttere. Inden længe vil vi tage fat i en rigtig who-done-it, og det kan i glæde jer rigtig meget til. Det bliver med mord og barometre samt snacks! Vi lyttes ved. Kærlig hilsen David, Sebastian og Jesper Ole

    Sæson 2 - Afsnit 12 (Riget)

    Sæson 2 - Afsnit 12 (Riget)
    Everybody dance now! Sådan starter vi dagens podcast. Flere ting imponerer. Mona er måske fremtidig cykelrytter. Vidste du at Latin bliver talt 95% procent af gangene, når man skal lave satanistiske ritualer, de restererende 5% er flamsk? Sebastian har brugt 4 måneder på at skrive en bog om "Gift ved første blik" med titlen: "Så gift mig dog". David har haft fødselsdag. Jesper Ole faster stadig. Rigtig godt nytår til dig kære lytter. Håber du vil nyde dagens afsnit.

    Skriv endelig til Denuofficiellepodcast@gmail.com hvis du har nogle gode madopskrifter, gerne til noget der skal braissere rigtig længe.

    It's Not Easy Being Green

    It's Not Easy Being Green
    Trouble at the theme park, Sunset Place. Are the muppet characters racist?...What could Rosie O'Donnell possibly bring to her role on the sexy Showtime series American Gigolo?...Howie Mandel makes an ass of himself on TikTok...Party at Bill Maher's house...The Godfather's Gianni Russo is going to the mattresses.

    Sæson 4 - Afsnit 8 (Borgen)

    Sæson 4 - Afsnit 8 (Borgen)
    Birgitte Nyborg står foran et nyt kapitel i sit liv. Det må hun sande i dette sidste afsnit af Borgen. Hun kan ikke længere løbe fra de handlinger, der har skabt den virkelighed hun nu befinder sig i. Det at kunne indrømme sine egne fejl, det at handle der efter, det kræver stort mod. Hun er modig. En modig handling, kan skabe en positiv forandring for ens nærmiljø, ens land og til sidst hele verden. Vores venner i Borgen arbejder både for sig selv og for andre. Det er en gave og vi lander heldigvis alle sammen det helt rigtige sted og ikke på rumpetten. Det er forløsningen. Borgen er og bliver en serie om magt og politik, ikke om slotte og borge. Sikke en fornøjelse det har været at følge med, og en gave at alle I kære lyttere har været med os på "rejsen". Den uofficielle Podcast holder nu en lille pause, til vi ved hvad vi skal gå i kødet på næste gang. I kan altid kontakte os på Forbrydelsen2020@gmail.com. Giv en stjerne eller en thumps up til os, og så lyttes vi ved næste gang. De varmeste hilsner: David, Sebastian og Jesper Ole

    Sæson 4 - Afsnit 6 (Borgen)

    Sæson 4 - Afsnit 6 (Borgen)
    Krigskunst! The art of war! Er der overhovedet noget kunst over det, eller er det bare en kunstig dans? Så banal og alligevel så fængende, som beskrevet i Nik og Jays dybsindige poesi: Lad mig se dig gå frem tilbage, fra side til side, lad mig se dig gå op og ned, kom nu bliv ved. I dette dramatiske afsnit af borgen får vi umiskendeligt denne mekaniske æstetik til at gå op i en højere enhed, når Asgers bestøvningsdans måske bliver fatal, når Birgitte Nyborgs rankespil måske tages op på et højere niveau i dansen med djævlen Laugesen, og når Fønsmark skal danse med en ilter medarbejdergruppe og en måske ret så uvederhæftig chef Frederik Heegaard. Lyt med og husk i altid kan skrive til os på Forbrydelsen2020@gmail.com

    Sæson 4 - Afsnit 5 (Borgen)

    Sæson 4 - Afsnit 5 (Borgen)
    Kære lytter! Bliver du snøret af sociale mediers massehypnose? Borgen prøver i dette afsnit at belyse dette.
    Nyborg laver rankespil med Laugesen. Et rankespil som endnu engang sætter familiedynamikken på prøve. Fønsmark forsøger at holde fokus på TV 1, alt imens hun jonglerer mellem renovering og splid i medarbejdergruppen. Et hæsblæsende godt afsnit om sociale mediers magt og deres betydning for hvordan spillet spilles. Lyt med i denne uges forsinkede afsnit af "Den uofficielle borgen podcast". Har du svar på et af vores utallige spørgsmål, ris, ros eller kommentarer, så skriv til os på Forbrydelsen2020@gmail.com.

    Sæson 4 - Afsnit 1 (Borgen)

    Sæson 4 - Afsnit 1 (Borgen)
    Birgitte Nyborg er tilbage og det er vi også. Vi gennemgår Borgen afsnit for afsnit og forsøger at finde hoved og hale på den hæsblæsende Grønland-sag. Er det en god ide at udvinde olie deroppe? Hvad har canadierne gang i med russerne? Og skal Danmark overhovedet blande sig? Lyt med og find ud af det. Husk du altid kan skrive til os på forbrydelsen2020@gmail.com. God lytter!

    Hypnosis to Drain the Lake of Life's Disappointments

    Hypnosis to Drain the Lake of Life's Disappointments

    Adam creates a hypnosis session to help you drain the lake of life's disappointments and to help you to reduce future disappointments and unlike more enthusiasm, motivation and desire for your best possible future. 

    This is a randomly generated hypnosis session using a combination of emotions like disappointment and lust and nouns like far, officer, and tank. 

    The language pattern card used is "Enthusiasm...". 

    To sponsor or request a topic for a future episode click here: https://www.adamcox.co.uk/store/p4/Sponsor_an_Episode_of_The_Hypnotist.html 

    Adam Cox is one of the world's most innovative hypnotists and is known for being the hypnotherapist of choice for Celebrities, CEO's and even Royalty.

    You can contact Adam at adam@adamcox.co.uk

    Find Adam on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/adamcoxofficial/

    For information on Adam go to https://www.adamcox.co.uk/

    To book a free 30-minute consultation call to consider working with Adam go to: https://go.oncehub.com/AdamCox

    Adam's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/AdamCoxHypnotist

    To hear Adam's podcast The Hypnotist on Spotify and iTunes visit: http://link.chtbl.com/TheHypnotist

    To hear Adam's podcast Modern Mindset on Spotify and iTunes visit: https://link.chtbl.com/ModernMindset  


    Hypnosis to Revitalise a Part of Your Life That's Neglected

    Hypnosis to Revitalise a Part of Your Life That's Neglected

    Adam creates a random hypnosis session based in an old western ghost town called Calico - near Barstow in California. The random nouns were; patience, mastermind and ignorance with pity and shame as the two random emotions. The hypnotic language card word from Mike Mandel's cards was the phrase 'you may...'. 

    Adam takes these random ingredients and creates a hypnosis session in real-time enabling you to identify an area of your life that you have neglected (the metaphorical ghost town) and unlock the resources to revitalise this area of your life and restore it to its former glory... and beyond. 

    To sponsor or request a topic for a future episode click here: https://www.adamcox.co.uk/store/p4/Sponsor_an_Episode_of_The_Hypnotist.html 

    Adam Cox is one of the world's most innovative hypnotists and is known for being the hypnotherapist of choice for Celebrities, CEO's and even Royalty.

    You can contact Adam at adam@adamcox.co.uk

    Find Adam on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/adamcoxofficial/

    For information on Adam go to https://www.adamcox.co.uk/

    To book a free 30-minute consultation call to consider working with Adam go to: https://go.oncehub.com/AdamCox

    Adam's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/AdamCoxHypnotist

    To hear Adam's podcast The Hypnotist on Spotify and iTunes visit: http://link.chtbl.com/TheHypnotist

    To hear Adam's podcast Modern Mindset on Spotify and iTunes visit: https://link.chtbl.com/ModernMindset  


    Hypnosis to Increase Luck and Good Fortune

    Hypnosis to Increase Luck and Good Fortune

    Adam creates a random hypnosis session based in Las Vegas on the topic of Luck and being Lucky. The random nouns were; frozen, pier, and pure. The hypnotic language card phrase from Mike Mandel's cards was the "the more (x), the more (y)".  

    Adam takes these random ingredients and creates a hypnosis session in real-time based on increasing the luck and good fortune in your life. It gives you a feeling of pure luck and a desire to bet on yourself and to take measured risks to increase the possibility of a better future. 

    To sponsor or request a topic for a future episode click here: https://www.adamcox.co.uk/store/p4/Sponsor_an_Episode_of_The_Hypnotist.html 

    Adam Cox is one of the world's most innovative hypnotists and is known for being the hypnotherapist of choice for Celebrities, CEO's and even Royalty.

    You can contact Adam at adam@adamcox.co.uk

    Find Adam on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/adamcoxofficial/

    For information on Adam go to https://www.adamcox.co.uk/

    To book a free 30-minute consultation call to consider working with Adam go to: https://go.oncehub.com/AdamCox

    Adam's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/AdamCoxHypnotist

    To hear Adam's podcast The Hypnotist on Spotify and iTunes visit: http://link.chtbl.com/TheHypnotist

    To hear Adam's podcast Modern Mindset on Spotify and iTunes visit: https://link.chtbl.com/ModernMindset  


    Hypnosis to Forgive Yourself - Redemption in Rio

    Hypnosis to Forgive Yourself - Redemption in Rio

    Adam creates a random hypnosis session in the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro. The randomly generated emotions were hunger and gratitude which Adam uses as a based for the listener to be grateful for what they have, the assets in their life, and to be hungry to do more and have more. 

    Adam then teleports you to the statue of Christ the Redeemer where you are able to have redemption and forgiveness in your life. The Mike Madel hypnotic language card phrase used in this session is "You might have noticed..."

    To sponsor or request a topic for a future episode click here: https://www.adamcox.co.uk/store/p4/Sponsor_an_Episode_of_The_Hypnotist.html 

    Adam Cox is one of the world's most innovative hypnotists and is known for being the hypnotherapist of choice for Celebrities, CEO's and even Royalty.

    You can contact Adam at adam@adamcox.co.uk

    Find Adam on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/adamcoxofficial/

    For information on Adam go to https://www.adamcox.co.uk/

    To book a free 30-minute consultation call to consider working with Adam go to: https://go.oncehub.com/AdamCox

    Adam's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/AdamCoxHypnotist

    To hear Adam's podcast The Hypnotist on Spotify and iTunes visit: http://link.chtbl.com/TheHypnotist

    To hear Adam's podcast Modern Mindset on Spotify and iTunes visit: https://link.chtbl.com/ModernMindset  


    Hypnotic Prayer to Turn Contempt into Excitement

    Hypnotic Prayer to Turn Contempt into Excitement

    Adam creates a random hypnosis session based in the Spanish city of Ferrol. The random nouns were; frighten, housewife, and pray with contempt and excitement as the two random emotions. The hypnotic language card word from Mike Mandel's cards was the word 'eventually'. 

    Adam takes these random ingredients and creates a hypnosis session in real-time enabling you to learn valuable lessons from previous moments of contempt and to identify the part of your unconscious that identifies with the characteristics of a housewife to organise your thoughts and memories into exciting opportunities to solve problems before they even happen. 

    To sponsor or request a topic for a future episode click here: https://www.adamcox.co.uk/store/p4/Sponsor_an_Episode_of_The_Hypnotist.html 

    Adam Cox is one of the world's most innovative hypnotists and is known for being the hypnotherapist of choice for Celebrities, CEO's and even Royalty.

    You can contact Adam at adam@adamcox.co.uk

    Find Adam on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/adamcoxofficial/

    For information on Adam go to https://www.adamcox.co.uk/

    To book a free 30-minute consultation call to consider working with Adam go to: https://go.oncehub.com/AdamCox

    Adam's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/AdamCoxHypnotist

    To hear Adam's podcast The Hypnotist on Spotify and iTunes visit: http://link.chtbl.com/TheHypnotist

    To hear Adam's podcast Modern Mindset on Spotify and iTunes visit: https://link.chtbl.com/ModernMindset  


    Harnessing Guilt, Shame and Rage with Hypnosis

    Harnessing Guilt, Shame and Rage with Hypnosis

    Inspired by Adam's favourite podcast: Brain Software by Mike Mandel and Chris Thompson where they use a random word generator to get inspiration for new connections and insights Adam creates a truly random hypnosis session. 

    A travel destination generator chose Nepal which is where the session is set.

    An emotion generator chose guilt, shame and rage which Adam utilises in the session. 

    And the random words were cruel, bad and weave which Adam weaves into the hypnosis. 



    Adam Cox is one of the world's most innovative hypnotists and is known for being the hypnotherapist of choice for Celebrities, CEO's and even Royalty.

    You can contact Adam at adam@adamcox.co.uk

    Find Adam on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/adamcoxofficial/

    For information on Adam go to https://www.adamcox.co.uk/

    To book a free 30-minute consultation call to consider working with Adam go to: https://go.oncehub.com/AdamCox

    To hear Adam's podcast The Hypnotist on Spotify and iTunes visit: http://link.chtbl.com/TheHypnotist

    To hear Adam's podcast Modern Mindset on Spotify and iTunes visit: https://link.chtbl.com/ModernMindset  

    Sæson 1 - Afsnit 5 (Kastanjemanden)

    Sæson 1 - Afsnit 5 (Kastanjemanden)
    Vi nærmer os. Vi nærmer os faktisk så meget, at vi føler os næsten 100% sikre på, vi har fat i den rigtige morder. Men udover at have fat i Kastanjemanden, så er det også et afsnit fyldt med vigtige livslektier. Så kan du tage noget med herfra, så har vi løst vores opgave. Både som detektiver, men også lærer! Husk du altid kan skrive til os på forbrydelsen2020@gmail.com. Rigtig god lytter!

    Sæson 1 - Afsnit 4 (Kastanjemanden)

    Sæson 1 - Afsnit 4 (Kastanjemanden)
    Det store fjerde afsnit. Fire. Et historisk stort tal og på engelsk betyder det brand. Tilfældigt? Muligvis, men det er værd at overveje. En ting er sikkert. I dette afsnit får podcasten en ny klar fjende - Tim Jansen.

    Der flyver teorier gennem luften og morderbarometeret byder på stor uenighed. Sagt med andre ord - vi er simpelthen i topform. Rigtig god lytter og husk du altid kan skrive til os på forbrydelsen2020@gmail.com.

    OBS: Denne podcast er officielt imod alle former for spirituskørsel.