
    marben bland

    Explore "marben bland" with insightful episodes like "Devotional: Death At The University Of Georgia A Prayer For Comfort, Guidance And Peace", "A Tribute To Gloria Johnson When We Are No Longer A Living Creature", "Listen To His Son", "Fame! The Sermon" and "Devotional: Alternative Facts" from podcasts like ""The Podcast With Marben Bland", "The Podcast With Marben Bland", "The Podcast With Marben Bland", "The Podcast With Marben Bland" and "The Podcast With Marben Bland"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    Devotional: Death At The University Of Georgia A Prayer For Comfort, Guidance And Peace

    Devotional: Death At The University Of Georgia A Prayer For Comfort, Guidance And Peace

    This has been a traumatic week for the University Of Georgia community, as we mourn the death of two young students.   

    The devastating news penetrates the soul of the vibrant campus testing our resolve.  As we as ask why and question can we be safe, in the place where we learn and live? 

    Answers as they always do will come in time however until then let us take solace in the wisdom of Romans 14:8-9 where Paul writes: “If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.   

    As untimely, senseless, and shocking as these deaths are Jesus is Lord!  And in this moment of sorrow and grief let us be strengthen in the knowledge that Christ died and was returned to life so that he might be the Lord of both the dead and the living.

    For the two students who have died this week Jesus is with them.  For those who remain Jesus is with us as we pray to our Lord and savior for comfort, guidance, and peace in the days and weeks ahead.  


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    A Tribute To Gloria Johnson When We Are No Longer A Living Creature

    A Tribute To Gloria Johnson  When We Are No Longer A Living Creature

    Genesis 2:7 tells us that God created man out of the dust of the ground.  When God breathed the breath of life into his nostrils, the man became a living creature. 

    Yesterday, I learned of the passing of a family friend Gloria Johnson, who died of a heart attack while working out at the gym.   Her death is a reminder that at some point each of us will no longer be a living creature.  Which begs the question, then what? 

     Right now, the answer to the question “then what” is mourning.  We mourn because Gloria was a wonderful parent, a tremendous grandmother, and a fabulous friend.  As a living creature, she lived with joy, kindness, and faith in a God who guided and ordered her steps. 

    2nd Corinthians 5:7 tells us that we walk by faith and not by sight.  Now that Gloria is no longer a living creature, let us who mourn her continue in her memory and honor God by walking with faith.

     For when we do, we can be confident that when the day comes when we are no longer a living creature, we will be like our dear Gloria.  Absent of the body but present with the Lord as we enjoy our new and better reality of no longer being a living creature. 


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    Listen To His Son

    Listen To His Son

    We find a busy Jesus in Mark Chapter 8, he feed thousands from a few loafs and fishes, he healed a blind man at Bethsaida, Peter, declares him the Messiah, Jesus foretells his death on the cross and challenges his disciples saying: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.”

    Six days later in Mark Chapter 9, Jesus Peter, James, and John go up a high mountain.  There he was transfigured before them, his clothes became dazzling white, whiter than anyone in the world could bleach them, Elijah, and Moses, appear to talk with Jesus.

    The voice of God comes from a cloud saying “This is my Son, whom I love. Listen to him!”

    Transfiguration is defined as a complete change of form or appearance into a more beautiful or spiritual state.   Jesus as holy, pure, complete, and busy as he was still able to be transformed to a more beautiful and a more spiritual state.   

    Like Jesus the chapters of our lives are busy, work, children, meetings, travel, concerns about our health and so much more that take our time our attention and our energy.  God is telling us to listen to Jesus, for Jesus understands the busyness of our lives, Jesus understands the hunger we face, the blindness we experience, and the crosses we must bear. 

    Despite all these things going on, Jesus offers us Transfiguration.  The complete change our appearance into a more beautiful or spiritual state.   Let us follow the voice of God and listen to His Son.  


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    Devotional: Alternative Facts

    Devotional: Alternative Facts

    On Friday, January 20th, 2017, thousands gathered at the capital in Washington, D.C. to witness the inauguration of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States.   

    The next day on Saturday, January 21st, 2017 White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer accused the media of deliberately underestimating the size of the crowd for President Trump's inaugural ceremony.   

    Spicer claimed that the ceremony had drawn the "largest audience to ever witness an inauguration – period – both in person and around the globe".  Using rapid transit ridership data and photographic evidence news outlets around the globe proved that Spicer’s claims of record inaugural turnout were false.  

    Then the next day Sunday, January 22nd, 2017, Kellyanne Conway, Counselor to the President appeared on NBC’s Meet The Press.  She defended Spicer’s comments saying that he was given alternative facts.  Chuck Todd the moderator responded saying, alternative facts are not facts. They're falsehoods." 

    In Acts Peter encounters people who were operating with alternative facts about Jesus.  They had seen Peter and John heal a crippled beggar.  Assuming they practiced magic, Peter set the record straight.  Saying, that it was the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that cause the man to walk. 

    Peter continued describing Jesus as the Holy and Righteous One, the Author of life who was rejected by the people and hung on a tree. 

    On July 17, 2017, Sean Spicer announced his resignation as White House Press Secretary, thus ending one of shortest tenure of any person to hold the office.  

    His creditability in tattlers Spicer was not offered the high paying opportunities that others in his role were. Instead, he was on Dancing With The Starts and is now a contributor on News Nation a upstart cable news network

    There are no alternative facts when it comes to Jesus.  His life is spotless, His word is true, His death and resurrection are real and his coming again is a fact. 

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    Sermon: God Wants Us To Be Greater In 2024

    Sermon: God Wants Us To Be Greater In 2024

    Sermon Notes:

    Epiphany is a promise that God is here, whether or not we notice the signs. 

    After Jesus is born, according to Matthew, it is not the local folk to whom God-with-us is first revealed, but rather to Magi from the East. Foreigners. Strangers. Outsiders who interpret dreams and interrogate the night sky for signs. 

    Nor is it in the grand holy city of Jerusalem, with its magnificent temple at the center of religious, political, and economic power, where God chooses to come close, but rather in Bethlehem, a lowly village up the road a piece. 

    And it is not the great and powerful King Herod on whom God’s anointing rests, but on this vulnerable child-Messiah who “will save his people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21).

    In the first month of 2024, Israel is again at war.  It is at war with Hamas the terrorist group that staged the October 7th attacks. In which an estimated 1,200 Israelis were killed, and another 150 were taken hostage. 

    In retaliation Israel launched a military campaign into Gaza.   The Palestinian health ministry estimates nearly 18,000 of their people have died, upwards of 48,000 have been wounded and scores have been displaced.  

    War is no stranger to Israel. The modern state of Israel has fought nine major wars since its 1948 inception.   Scripture recounts many battles involving Israel.  God’s land and people were attacked, conquered, and occupied, time and time again.  

    With God on its side Israel is no joke.  God gave the Israelites power to win battles against seemly impossible odds.   

    In 1st Samuel 17, Israel’s army is being challenged again this time by the Philistine giant Goliath.   Bring forth someone to fight the giant for the right to be free. Faced with this challenge all the Israelites, fled and were very much afraid.   

    Three reasons why the Israelites fled: 

    First, they were out of God’s Favor.  

    Under Saul’s rule God empowered Israel to become a powerful nation with a great army capable of dominance on the battlefield.  However, Saul lost God’s favor as he disobeyed the Lord. 

    Second, the Israelites, lost faith in God.  

    They lost faith because they took God for granted thinking it was because of their might that they won those battles and not God.   

    Lastly, the Israelites did not have a vision from God.  

    All they could see was a giant and a giant defeat.  Only with God could they have a vison of victory.   

    Our Vision For 2024 Is To Greater 

    Matthew 28:16-20

    New International Version

    The Great Commission

    16 Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. 17 When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. 18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

    We are called to worship, We are called to teach, We are called to be disciples and to make disciples, we are called to be greater!

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    Devotional: Getting Back To The Business Of Our Faith

    Devotional: Getting Back To The Business Of Our Faith

    Yes, Jesus is the reason for the season however, how often has the season with all of its trappings gotten in the way of our faith?   Now that the season is over and if we truly want to be greater in 2024, now is the time to get back to the business of faith.  

    In Hebrews 11 Paul defines faith as the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.  He cites the examples of Abel, Abraham, and Isaac as pioneers of faith.  However, this roll call of the stalwarts of faith is not an invitation for us to mimic their actions.  Rather it is a reminder for us to practice the fundamentals of faith in our lives.   

    The business of faith calls on us to be in prayer, to study and to teach. The business of faith is a call to be humble and to serve.  It is a call to remember and to forgive. The business of faith is a call to demand more of ourselves in every aspect of our lives. And above all, the business of faith is to witness to all that Jesus Christ is Lord. 

    Faith is not restricted to a season.  Faith is our ongoing way of life, like the air we breathe, the food we eat and the people we love.  Faith is the essence of who we are, and more importantly who the Lord wants us to be.  

    So, if the season has gotten you off track the good news is this. Now, is the time to get back to the business of faith.   



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    Devotional:God’s Favor, God’s Faith, God’s Vision

    Devotional:God’s Favor, God’s Faith, God’s Vision

    On this first day of 2024, Israel is again at war.  It is at war with Hamas the terrorist group that staged the October 7th attacks. In which an estimated 1,200 Israelis were killed, and another 150 were taken hostage. 

    In retaliation Israel launched a military campaign into Gaza.   The Palestinian health ministry estimates nearly 18,000 of their people have died, upwards of 48,000 have been wounded and scores have been displaced.  

    War is no stranger to Israel. The modern state of Israel has fought nine major wars since its 1948 inception.   Scripture recounts many battles involving Israel.  God’s land and people were attacked, conquered, and occupied, time and time again.  

    With God on its side Israel is no joke.  God gave the Israelites power to win battles against seemly impossible odds.   

    In 1st Samuel 17, Israel’s army is being challenged again this time by the Philistine giant Goliath.   Bring forth someone to fight the giant for the right to be free. Faced with this challenge all the Israelites, fled and were very much afraid.   

    Three reasons why the Israelites fled: 

    First, they were out of God’s Favor.  

    Under Saul’s rule God empowered Israel to become a powerful nation with a great army capable of dominance on the battlefield.  However, Saul lost God’s favor as he disobeyed the Lord. 

    Second, the Israelites, lost faith in God.  

    They lost faith because they took God for granted thinking it was because of their might that they won those battles and not God.   

    Lastly, the Israelites did not have a vision from God.  All they could see was a giant and a giant defeat.  Only with God could they have a vison of victory.  

    The battles of 2024 lie ahead for all of us.  We need God’s favor; We need to keep our faith in the Lord, and we need God’s vision if we are to fight and win. 

    Happy New Year! 

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    In 2024 God Is Calling Us To Be Greater

    In 2024 God Is Calling Us To Be Greater

    The Books of Samuel describe the origins of kingship in Israel and recount the reigns of the first two kings, Saul, and David.

    Under Saul’s rule God empowered Israel to become a powerful nation with a great army capable of dominance on the battlefield.  For as Mary would say to Gabriel centuries later “nothing is impossible with God.”

    However, by the time the Philistine giant Goliath began to taunt Saul’s army and more importantly God himself.  Saul’s fortunes had changed he lost God’s favor because he lost favor with God.  

    Into this breach came David.  The Shepheard boy used only one of five smooth stones he had gathered to slay the giant in the name of God.  For nothing is impossible with God.    

    When the time came the great army of Saul could not be greater because they were not greater with God.  

    2024 is looming and God is calling us not to be great but to be greater.    

    God is calling us to be greater in 2024 because the challenges we face are greater.  

    We must be greater because the challenge of climate change with warmer winters, hotter summers and more intense weather events are greater.  

    We must be greater because the challenge of gun violence ripping through our communities, schools and even our churches is greater.  

    We must be greater because the challenge of the 2024 election where are voters are disenfranchised on a whim, where partisan gerrymandering eliminates our choice to pick candidates, where a candidate who plays games with reason for the Civil War and mad man is running to get his old job back. 

    In 2024 God Is Calling Us To Be Greater but the only way to be greater is to be like David so we must be greater with God. 

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    Sermon: Go Tell It On A Mountain

    Sermon: Go Tell It On A Mountain

    The Time For Watching And Waiting Is Over

    When I was young the night before Christmas was a time of watching, waiting, and wondering.  Watching to see when Santa will come, waiting endlessly for Christmas morning to come, and wondering what in the world would be there for me under the tree. 

    God Is Calling Us To Action

    God Is Call Us In Luke 2:8-20 

    To Go And Tell It!

    A closer examination of the text provides us with these key points:

    1. God speaks to us in our everyday lives. (Luke 2:8-11)

    8 Nearby shepherds were living in the fields, guarding their sheep at night. 9 The Lord’s angel stood before them, the Lord’s glory shone around them, and they were terrified.

    10 The angel said, “Don’t be afraid! Look! I bring good news to you—wonderful, joyous news for all people. 11 Your savior is born today in David’s city. He is Christ the Lord. 

    Remember: God loves us so much that he will give us constant reminders of his love and the actions he wants us to take to spread his love. 

    2. God will give us a sign when he calls us to action. God will also give us a way to validate the signs that we are given. 

    (Luke 2:12, 2:15-16)

    12 This is a sign for you: you will find a newborn baby wrapped snugly and lying in a manger.”

    15 When the angels returned to heaven, the shepherds said to each other, “Let’s go right now to Bethlehem and see what’s happened. Let’s confirm what the Lord has revealed to us.”

    16 They went quickly and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby lying in the manger.

    Remember: God will not only give us the sign and validate the sign. God will also determine the pace of the action he wants us to take. 

    3. The action that God is calling us to is to and tell it to the mountain.  (Luke 17, Luke 20, Matthew 28:16-20)

    16 They went quickly and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby lying in the manger. 17 When they saw this, they reported what they had been told about this child. 

    20 The shepherds returned home, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen. Everything happened just as they had been told.

    Matthew 28:16-20

    Common English Bible

    16 Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus told them to go. 17 When they saw him, they worshipped him, but some doubted.  18 Jesus came near and spoke to them, “I’ve received all authority in heaven and on earth. 19 Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to obey everything that I’ve commanded you. Look, I myself will be with you every day until the end of this present age.”

    Remember: God loves us and his call to action for those who love us is tell others about his love so that they can love his as well. 


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    Christmas Is Over! So Now What Do We Do About Jesus?

    Christmas Is Over! So Now What Do We Do About Jesus?

    Christmas is over.  The wrapping paper, the boxes and some presents are garbage bound.  Christmas trees are coming down, carols are not being sung, and the after Christmas sales rush is on.  Yes, Christmas is over so now what do we do about Jesus?  

    For some they know that Jesus was born, but it changes nothing.  For others they are caught up in the glow Jesus birth, but it only last for a few days before fading away.  Many are like Herod; the biblical king are so filled with rage and hate that they wanted to kill Jesus and everything he stands for.  And still others while celebrating Christmas have never heard of Jesus.  

    Christmas is over so now what do we do about Jesus?  For an answer we look to the angels

    shepherds and wise men who were in Bethlehem that first Christmas night.  They glorified Jesus by following the commandments of God.  They worshiped Jesus singing praises to his Holy Name and they told people about Jesus.  Sharing his name, his teachings and his coming again to people everywhere.  

    Glorifying, Worshiping, and Telling that is what we do about Jesus now that Christmas is over.  

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    Devotional: Let Us Go At The Pace Of The Lord

    Devotional: Let Us Go At The Pace Of The Lord

    The U.S. Department of Transportation forecasts that more Americans that ever will be driving or flying far away from home over Christmas.  

    Airports and highways will be packed and while the speed limit on most interstate highways is 80, we will have to settle for a slower pace during our treks.

    The pace of our lives is determined by many things.  Education is paced by a set number of years of study. Football, basketball, and hockey games are governed by a 60-minute clock. Time and temperature rule cooking.  

    When the angels returned to heaven the shepherds decided to go to Bethlehem to see Jesus.  The account from Luke 2:16 states that the shepherds went quickly.   

    Going quickly meant the shepherds had to leave their flocks alone for there was not enough time to call in substitute shepherds. 

    Going quickly meant the shepherds did not consider the pros and cons of the trek including the distance, the time, or the mode of transportation.  

    Going quickly meant any consideration, barrier or question were settled. 

    The shepherds simply rised up and followed because they had been called by God.  

    When God calls us, we are called to go at God’s pace not ours.  But how often do we follow God’s pace.  

    How often do we not follow God’s pace because it means leaving behind things of value? 

    How often do we not follow God’s pace because we are trapped in our own internal debate about the pros and cons?

    How often do we not follow God’s pace because our considerations, barriers or questions are not settled? 

    The shepherds have given us a magnificent gift.  The gift is the understanding that the opportunities of a lifetime only last as long as the lifetime of the opportunity.  

    And that opportunity is governed by the pace of God.  

    If God tells us to go slow, we go slow. 

    If God tells us to go fast, we go fast 

    If God tells us to go somewhere in between well, we do that do.  

    Let learn this Christmas lesion from the shepherds and let us go at the pace of the Lord.   

    Join us tomorrow for a Christmas Eve Message entitled: God Tell It On The Mountain. Worship with us at 11:00 AM In Person at 140 Rose St. in Athens or online via Facebook or YouTube so until tomorrow, blessings, peace, and love.  








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    Sermon: Rise Up Shepherd And Follow

    Sermon: Rise Up Shepherd And Follow

    In a 30-minute Advent sermon from Luke 2:8-20 and Matthew 2:1-12 Pastor Marben Bland teaches about the liberating power of Jesus.  

    Key Points:

    Jesus came to save us from sin and liberate us from oppression. 

    The image of the shepherd has been prominent in the Bible. In Able the son of Adam and Eve was described in Genesis 4:2 as a keeper of sheep.  

    Woe to the shepherds the faith leaders of Israel who feed themselves without feeding the flock is the warning given in Ezekiel 34 

    In John 10:11 Jesus is called the good shepherd, and we all know from 23rd Psalm that the Lord Is My Shepherd.  

    God thinks highly of the shepherd, but the world does not. 

    The African American slave and the shepherd have much in common. Both are accustomed to backbreaking work, both are accustomed to being separated from family, both exploited, looked down on and discriminated. 

    The texts we are studying today from Luke and Matthew about the star that shined the light to the baby Jesus has a history of being cloaked in discrimination and white supremacy.  

    This cloak has attempted to hide the liberation that the birth of Jesus represents to all people…especially those who are oppressed.   

    As evident by the spiritual Rise Up Shepherd And Follow our enslaved brothers and sisters embraced the liberating power of Jesus 

    Today as shepherds of the Lord we are called to rise up.  

    We are called to rise up to help our suffering neighbors 

    We are called to rise up to fight discrimination

    We are called to rise up to stan up for candidates in the 2024 election 

    However, we cannot rise up without Jesus 


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    Sermon: Mary Had A Baby

    Sermon: Mary Had A Baby

    Sermon: Mary Had A Baby And Joseph Obeyed His Dream  

    Key points in a 28-minute sermon form Matthew 1:18-25 

    When Joseph discovers that Mary is pregnant, he decided to break the engagement. Understanding the danger facing Mary as unmarried single mother Joseph makes plans to quietly send her away. 

    Joseph did not take this decision to leave Mary lightly. During a sleepless night he fell into a dream, an angel of the Lord appeared with amazing news.  

    Mary had been impregnated by the Holy Spirit she will have a son and Joseph will name him Jesus which means Savior for he will save people from their sins. 

    The angel was right to remind Joseph not to fear.   

    It was fear that powered Jim Crow yesterday and racism today.  

    It is fear that keeps Trump supports from seeing him for who he is.  And its fear that keeps America from being great.  

    It is fear that robs us of our dreams, makes us distrustful and causes all matter of heartache.

    Jesus came so that whoever believed in him would have an abundant life.  

    With Jesus there is only hope so let’s not fear.  

    Joseph was a man of Color 

    Today the dreams of person of Color are in danger 

    Young Black men are not getting an education: 

    Young Black are men most at risk at remaining in poverty:

    Young Black men are less likely to participate in the labor force:

    Hope for the young black men of Greater Bethel 

    Suit campaign for our young men 

    Jesus can bring hope to your dreams 

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    So, Let’s Not Fear

    So, Let’s Not Fear

    In Matthew 1:18-25 the angel from the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. 

    The angle told Joseph that Mary had been conceived by the Holy Spirit.  

    The angle told Joseph that Mary will have son and that his name would be Jesus. 

    And the angle told Joseph to not to fear, but to take Mary as his wife.  

    The angel was right to remind Joseph not to fear.  

    It was fear that powered Jim Crow yesterday and racism today.  

    It is fear that keeps Trump supports from seeing him for who he is.  And its fear that keeps America from being great.  

    It is fear that robs us of our dreams, makes us distrustful and causes all matter of heartache. 

    Jesus came so that whoever believed in him would have an abundant life.  

    So, let’s not fear for an abundant life is available even in times of financial uncertainty. 

    So, let’s not fear for an abundant life is available even when we are sick. 

    So, let’s not fear for an abundant life is available even when today is rotten, and tomorrow is out of site.    

    With Jesus there is only hope so let’s not fear.  

    Join us tomorrow at Greater Bethel for a teaching form Matthew 1:18-25 entitled “Mary Had A Baby and Joseph Obeyed His Dream.”  Worship with us in person at 11:00 ET at 140 Rose Street in Athens or online as we stream to Facebook and YouTube.  So until tomorrow blessings, peace and love.  



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    Sermon: The Love Of Christ

    Sermon: The Love Of Christ

    In this 20-minute sermon from Romans 8:38-39 Pastor Marben Bland teaches about The Love Of Christ

    Key Points:  

    We live in an uncertain world.

    The world is uncertain because we as humans are uncertain. 

    God is the certainty in an uncertain world.  The certainty of God can be expressed in one word…. Love. 

    Paul In Romans 5:8 says: 

    But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8)

    1 John 4:19 reminds us that We love because God first loved us. 

     And we all know what John 3:16 says:  16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

    The Love of God is seen in Jesus Christ our King that we praise and celebrate today.  

    Jesus showed his love when he said in John 15:23 

    Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.

    Jesus demonstrated his love as he made the blind see as he healed the sick, and as he brought a dead man back to life.  

    Then Jesus proved his love defeating sin and death with his resurrection and coming again. 

    The verses we are exploring today Romans 8:38-39 is Paul bringing certainty to the new Christians in Rome and for us today about the love of Jesus.    

    The promise of these verses bring excitement and hope to an uncertain world.  

    38 And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. 39 No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.

    God loves us…. but the question is have you accepted God’s love.  Because for all the good things that God love brings to us there is even more goodness when you accept God’s love. 

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    Devotional:Mary Had A Baby And Joseph Obeyed His Dream

    Devotional:Mary Had A Baby And Joseph Obeyed His Dream

    Matthew 1:18-25 gives these facts about the birth of Jesus 

    When Joseph discovers that Mary is pregnant, he decided to break the engagement. Understanding the danger facing Mary as unmarried single mother Joseph makes plans to quietly send her away. 

    Joseph did not take this decision to leave Mary lightly. During a sleepless night he fell into a dream, an angel of the Lord appeared with amazing news.  Mary had been impregnated by the Holy Spirit she will have a son and Joseph will name him Jesus which means Savior for he will save people from their sins. 

    All this will be done to fulfill God’s message through his prophets.  All of this will be done if Joseph obeys his dream.  

    The Brookings Institute reports to be male, poor and either African American or Native-American is to confront, daily, a deeply held racism that exists in every social institution.  No other demographic group has fared as badly, so persistently and for so long.”

    Young Black men are not getting an education:

    The national center of education statistics report that Black Men are at the bottom of graduation rates in High School, College, Graduate and Technical Schools. 

    Young Black are men most at risk at remaining in poverty: 

    The group Opportunity Insights reports only 19% of Black Men who were born into poverty lift themselves out of poverty compared to 40% of white men.  

    Young Black men are less likely to participate in the labor force:

    According to the US Labor Department, Black men consistently have the highest unemployment rate  

    Joseph obeys his dream and Mary had a baby, a baby that he named Jesus.   For so many black men in America, they have no dream to obey.  Having no dream is a problem, it deprives the world of the talents of black men.  Talents which can do so much good.   

    On each of the four Sundays preceding Christmas, an Advent candle is lit representing the virtues of Jesus.  This Sunday we light the candle of Hope.    

    This week as we celebrate the Hope of Jesus let’s keep black men in prayer as we hope that they will be like Joseph and will have dreams to obey.   

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    Devotional:The Certainty Of The Third Day

    Devotional:The Certainty Of The Third Day

    Welcome to Saturday, November 25th, 2023, and the uncertainty of the third day after Thanksgiving.  

    On the third day after Thanksgiving the feast is over but are we certain that all the dishes have been washed?  

    On the third day after Thanksgiving there are still leftovers. The certain delectability of the turkey and dressing on Thursday has turned into the uncertainty that I would every want to eat turkey again on Saturday. 

    On the third day after Thanksgiving, the certainty that my Black Friday was a deal has turned into uncertainty as I realize there is still 29 shopping days until Christmas.  

    In a lifetime of three day after experiences where the tinter of our lives changes with rising and setting of the sun. 

    What is certain is this. Three days after the Crucifixion of Jesus early in the morning the women went to the tomb and found the stone had been rolled away.  The Angeles said to them why do you look for the living amongst the dead?  He is not here He has risen from the dead.   

    For evermore, in our world of uncertainty the third day is now a day of certainty.   It is a day of certainty because Jesus lives and because I believe in the certainty of the third day.  I am certain that I will live with Jesus.    

    Join us tomorrow at Greater Bethel, for a teaching from Romans 8:38-39 entitled The Love Of Christ.  We worship in person at 11:00 AM ET at 140 Rose Street in Athens, Georgia.  The service is streamed live on our Facebook page and YouTube channel.   So, until tomorrow blessings, peace, and love.  

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    Devotional:Feast With Jesus

    Devotional:Feast With Jesus

    We all know that gratitude and appreciation lie at the heart of the Thanksgiving holiday.  However, between the travel and all the rushing around to prep a delightful Thanksgiving meal we can sometimes lose sight of why we're even celebrating.

    The Word of God in Philippians 4:6 reminds us that we are not to be anxious about anything.  But in every situation by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present our requests to God.   For when we do the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus.

    The peace of God is not a Black Friday sales item.  Rather, it is an invitation for us to feast with Jesus in the calm, understanding and peacefulness of his love. 

    So, in the hectic moments of this Thanksgiving day, and the frantic times of the holidays to come let us be grateful to God and take His invitation to feast with Jesus.  

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    Devotional:Thanksgiving Giving

    Devotional:Thanksgiving Giving

    We are just days away from Thanksgiving and another season of giving.  The story of the “Widow’s Mites” featured in the Gospels of Mark and Luke gives us insights about how we should give.      

    At the temple Jesus watches as people are giving.  He sees the rich in a showy display give, and then he see a poor widow sacrificing all she had to give.  

    The story highlights three ways to give, one we can give out of show, two we can give out of sacrifice, or three we can give out of abundance.    Of these three ways of giving the most stainable and Godly way to give is out of abundance.   

    Jesus in John 10:10 says “I came so that you may have life and have it abundantly.

    Abundance is defined as “a very large quantity of something,” 

    If we believe in Jesus and desire to following his teachings, then we must live life with an abundance mindset.   

    An abundance mindset envisions endless possibilities and sets lofty goals. An abundant mindset knows the best is yet to come, and that Godly ideas, resources, and love are unlimited.  

    This is not a prosperity gospel.  Giving out abundance of our time, talent and money simply means that we are not giving for show, we not giving as a sacrifice to our wellbeing, but we are giving from the abundance that God has blessed us with.  

    So, this Thanksgiving and this giving season let us give thankfully out of the abundance that God has given to us.  

    Join us tomorrow at Greater Bethel for a teaching about giving entitled, Thanksgiving Giving.  Worship in person 11:00 AM ET at 140 Rose Street in Athens, Georgia  or online via YouTube or Facebook.  So, until then blessings, peace, and love.  





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