
    matthew 22

    Explore " matthew 22" with insightful episodes like "Resurrection part 1: What Yeshua taught", "Pentecost 22: Thursday", "21st Sunday After Pentecost '23 - Deacon Bob", "Pentecost 21: Thursday" and "20th Sunday After Pentecost '23 - Deacon Bob" from podcasts like ""Core of the Bible", "God's Word for Today", "Peace Camarillo Sermons", "God's Word for Today" and "Peace Camarillo Sermons"" and more!

    Episodes (26)

    Resurrection part 1: What Yeshua taught

    Resurrection part 1: What Yeshua taught

    Like every other grand doctrine in the Bible, the topic of resurrection is not without its own complexity. I have found that resurrection is a wide-ranging topic in the Bible. Within its pages there are mentions of many individual resurrections, but there are also indications of collective types of resurrection, as well. Additionally, in a prophetic sense, resurrection is tied together with aspects of judgment which helps to illustrate the national arc of ancient Israel. All of this is combined with the use of ancient metaphorical and literary word pictures which can further distance us from the culture in which these concepts are presented.

    The complexity of this concept is evident even among the Jews in the time of Yeshua, as there was sharp disagreement between the Pharisees and Sadducees on the nature and reality of resurrection.

    Matthew 22:31-32 – “Now concerning the resurrection of the dead, haven’t you read what was spoken to you by God: ‘I am the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob?’ He is not the God of the dead, but of the living.”

    So, what exactly was Yeshua driving at by bringing up this statement of Yahweh at the burning bush? This same passage is related by Matthew, Mark and Luke, so it obviously carried some heavy weight with the early believers. By saying that “God is not the God of the dead, but of the living,” Yeshua appears to be teaching that at least the righteous dead (exemplified by Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob) were to be considered alive to God, and therefore, already in a resurrection state. While the Sadducees were talking of a general resurrection in a future tense (who’s wife will she be?), Yeshua speaks about it in the present tense (they do not marry and are like angels in heaven). This implied that Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, all of whom had lived physical lives fifteen hundred to two thousand years prior to the time of Yeshua, by the power of God had been retaining their identities and were to be considered already living in the resurrection state.

    Yeshua would have made his point clearly that the Sadducees not only did not understand the true nature of Scripture but also the power of God to provide life after physical death for the faithful. In these passages Yeshua seems to me to be implying that the righteous dead are already living in a resurrected state of some sort. For us, this broadens the meaning of the resurrection to become illustrative of the reality of life after physical death for believers.

    John 17:3 – And this is [present tense] eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Yeshua Messiah whom you have sent.

    Well, it's my sincere hope that this introduction to the topic of resurrection has brought you some concepts and ideas to meditate on and to study out further on your own. But remember, if you have thoughts or comments that you would like to explore further with me, feel free to email me at coreofthebible@gmail.com. And be sure to visit coreofthebible.org for all of the podcasts on our podcast page there.

    Take care!

    All music in today's episode: Brittle Rille by Kevin MacLeod

    Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3460-brittle-rille

    License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license


    Visit the blog articles and full podcast archive at: coreofthebible.org

    Email questions or comments to Steve at: coreofthebible@gmail.com



    All music in today's episode: "Brittle Rille" by Kevin MacLeod

    Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3460-brittle-rille

    License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

    Pentecost 22: Thursday

    Pentecost 22: Thursday

    We're looking forward to the Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost. Our holy gospel reading is Matthew 22:34-46, read by Pastor Ryan Kandoll. 

    God’s Word for Today is a podcast ministry of the Apostolic Lutheran Church of America. You can visit our website at apostoliclutheran.org for more information about our ALCA Federation, or to find a congregation. Also, please subscribe, so you’ll receive our new content every weekday.

    Pentecost 21: Thursday

    Pentecost 21: Thursday

    We're looking forward to the Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost. Our holy gospel reading continues in Saint Matthew, chapter 22, verses 15 through 22, read by Pastor Bob Tumberg. 

    God’s Word for Today is a podcast ministry of the Apostolic Lutheran Church of America. You can visit our website at apostoliclutheran.org for more information about our ALCA Federation, or to find a congregation. Also, please subscribe, so you’ll receive our new content every weekday.

    Pentecost 20: Thursday

    Pentecost 20: Thursday

    We're looking forward to the Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost. Our holy gospel reading is from Matthew, chapter 22, verses 1 through 14, read by Pastor Chuck Bylkas. 

    God’s Word for Today is a podcast ministry of the Apostolic Lutheran Church of America. You can visit our website at apostoliclutheran.org for more information about our ALCA Federation, or to find a congregation. Also, please subscribe, so you’ll receive our new content every weekday.

    Isaiah's outline of the steps to forgiveness

    Isaiah's outline of the steps to forgiveness

    Isaiah 55:7 – Let wicked people abandon their ways. Let evil people abandon their thoughts. Let them return to Yahweh, and he will show compassion to them. Let them return to our God, because he will freely forgive them.

    The problem that arises in our modern context is that most people, even bad people, do not consider themselves as bad people. They justify themselves in their actions based on their own rationale stemming from comparing themselves with those around them who may do even worse things, thinking themselves better and therefore not guilty of wrongdoing.

    However, God’s standards are uncompromising. Even at the most basic level, the Ten Commandments exhibit a baseline standard for people to evaluate themselves in any culture and in any time in history. The universality of the commandments stand as a testimony against every individual as a performance standard that God expects of people who would consider themselves as his own people. That was the purpose of delivering them to the assembled congregation at Sinai, as God was laying out the constitution or charter of his Kingdom to be evidenced among his people for all time. The commandments lay out the appropriate actions toward God and toward others, and all other instruction from God’s Word stems from this blueprint.

    Yeshua expanded on the spiritual motivations behind the Ten Commandments with his Sermon on the Mount. This teaching appears in both the gospels of Matthew and Luke in slightly different settings, highlighting the likelihood this was a basic teaching of Yeshua’s which he shared wherever he went. These methods of seeking God's Kingdom first involve integrity, vigilance, holiness, trust, forgiveness and compassion. When people truly evaluate their actions in view of the standards God has provided to us in these teachings of Moses and Yeshua, and not the standards of society, then there is a more complete picture of their standing before God.

    For all those who recognize they have transgressed the commands and intentions God has provided in his Word, forgiveness is always available, along with strength through his holy Spirit which can enlighten and guide in the correct ways. Repentance of wicked ways and thoughts paves the way for God to expand his influence in the life of not only those who have not yet experienced spiritual regeneration, but in the life of the believer, as well. The Word of God comes to life through our obedient thoughts and ways, and God is glorified when we lay down anything that offends or transgresses his instruction for us. This is how the Kingdom of God continues to expand and grow, and we become privileged to become his co-laborers in the fulfillment of these things.


    If you enjoyed this week's podcast, be sure to visit coreofthebible.org to read hundreds of articles on these topics and to find out more about the message of the Bible reduced to its simplest form in the Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount.

    Have questions about today's topic, or comments or insights you would like to share? Feel free to email me at coreofthebible@gmail.com.

    Thanks for your interest in listening today!


    All music in today's episode: Brittle Rille by Kevin MacLeod

    Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3460-brittle-rille

    License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license


    Visit the blog articles and full podcast archive at: coreofthebible.org

    Email questions or comments to Steve at: coreofthebible@gmail.com



    All music in today's episode: "Brittle Rille" by Kevin MacLeod

    Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3460-brittle-rille

    License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

    How we can sanctify ourselves for God's use in any situation

    How we can sanctify ourselves for God's use in any situation

    Today we will be looking at the topic of holiness or sanctification, and how our ongoing commitment to God’s word distinguishes us beyond just participating in God's Kingdom in ways that are more beneficial for God’s overall purposes.

    Paul wrote to Timothy:

    2 Timothy 2:20-21 - "In a large house there are dishes and bowls of all kinds: some are made of silver and gold, others of wood and clay; some are for special occasions, others for ordinary use. Those who make themselves clean from these things will be used for special purposes, because they are dedicated and useful to their Master, ready to be used for every good deed."

    Holiness is about being sanctified or set apart for God’s specific purposes. In the example that Paul uses here with Timothy, there is also an ongoing refinement that is similar to recognizing the differences between ordinary plates for everyday use and fine china that would be used for special occasions. There is a cleansing or refining process that he mentions: “those who make themselves clean.”

    Psalm 119:9 – "How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word."

    In an overall sense, God has set us apart by drawing us to faith in Messiah so that we may do the good things he has prepared for us to do, according to his word. But by continuing to sharpen our obedience to God’s word, we also distinguish ourselves from those in God’s household who are content to remain simply with their sanctification from the world.

    In Paul’s example, these are the plates used for ordinary purposes, for the basics of eating and drinking, for the rough and tumble of everyday existence. These are the plates and bowls that have chips and cracks, that have rough edges, blemishes and marks from use. They are serviceable in the uses they are designed for, but they all carry evidence of that use, and are not as likely to be used for special occasions.

    By contrast, the gold and silver plates and cups are those which would be used for specific events that are noteworthy, the holiday gatherings with friends and family, or the formal dinners with respected individuals and guests. Paul is implying that, apart from God’s sanctification from the rest of the world, believers can “cleanse themselves” further from rough, ordinary use into something that is more useful to God in special ways. But this has to be an intentional purpose on their part, something that is chosen to do by disciplining themselves in his word to create and maintain the luster and polish required of the fine china.

    The context of the passage with the dishes, plates, and cups helps us frame a reference for this concept of living worthy of the calling, as Paul had just mentioned it to Timothy a few verses earlier.

    2 Timothy 2:15 – "Make every effort to present yourself approved to God, an unashamed workman who accurately handles the word of truth."

    In this way, we can continually prepare ourselves to be the most useful to him and provide him the greatest amount of "special dishes" to use as he sets the banquet wide for any and all to come to him.


    If you enjoyed this week's podcast, be sure to visit coreofthebible.org to read daily articles on these topics and to find out more about the message of the Bible reduced to its simplest form in the Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount.

    Have questions about today's topic, or comments or insights you would like to share? Feel free to email me at coreofthebible@gmail.com.

    Thanks for your interest in listening today!


    All music in today's episode: Brittle Rille by Kevin MacLeod

    Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3460-brittle-rille

    License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license


    Visit the blog articles and full podcast archive at: coreofthebible.org

    Email questions or comments to Steve at: coreofthebible@gmail.com



    All music in today's episode: "Brittle Rille" by Kevin MacLeod

    Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3460-brittle-rille

    License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

    Daily Insight: Overcoming covetousness with love

    Daily Insight: Overcoming covetousness with love

    True righteousness and holiness can be achieved when we love God and love others, as Yeshua taught.

    Please visit coreofthebible.org for hundreds of Bible articles, other podcast episodes, and videos!


    Visit the blog articles and full podcast archive at: coreofthebible.org

    Email questions or comments to Steve at: coreofthebible@gmail.com



    All music in today's episode: "Brittle Rille" by Kevin MacLeod

    Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3460-brittle-rille

    License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

    Matthew 22:1-14

    Matthew 22:1-14

    Two weeks ago I read a list of character qualities in Colossians chapter 3

    Although it seems like Paul rattles them off,
    - each one requires years of devoted practice to embody them fully
    • I said then, it would be good for us to meditate on the qualities in that list
    • I realize it would be very good for me – and we’ll start today
    - so why are we in Matthew this morning and not Colossians?
    • because Paul frames the list within a specific context
    ◦ before the character qualities, he produced a list of vices
    ◦ regarding those vices, Paul says,
    now you must put them all away . . . seeing you have put off the old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator (Col. 3:5-10)
    ◦ then he begins the list of virtues with,
    Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved . . . (v. 12)
    ◦ the context, then, has to do with this allusion to putting off and putting on

    What's Most Important? | Josh Thompson | Sunday, August 9

    What's Most Important? | Josh Thompson | Sunday, August 9
    In this episode, Pastor Josh Thompson looks at Matthew 22 and what's the most important call, command, and way for any believer. We hope you are encouraged to walk out the Gospel as you listen to this week's message. Recorded live at Hope Church in Springfield, Mo. www.hopechurch.net www.facebook.com/myhopelive www.instagram.com/myhopelive www.twitter.com/myhopelive www.youtube.com/myhopelive

    004 - Taxes and NBA All-Star Weekend

    004 - Taxes and NBA All-Star Weekend

    Brandon & Shannon wax semi-eloquently on subject matters such as taxes, giving, and part 2 of NBA All-Star weekend.

    This Show's Topics
    1. Dollars & Sense-Taxes
    2. Dollars & Sense-Giving
    3. NBA All-Star Weekend-Part 2
    4. Verse of the day (Matthew 22:21)


    • Intro Song - Apple: https://apple.co/2HtcSe7
    • Intro Song - Spotify: https://spoti.fi/39AAQ32

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