
    maundy thursday

    Explore "maundy thursday" with insightful episodes like "The Ultimate Guide To Celebrating Holy Week This Easter - Lani Hilton | For All The Saints 28", "What Is Maundy Thursday | John 13:34-35", "Easter: Maundy Thursday Service", "Maundy Thursday Sermon" and "Maundy Thursday 2023" from podcasts like ""For All The Saints", "Vince Miller Podcast", "Cleburne Bible Church's Podcast", "Holy Trinity Ankeny" and "Hopevale Church Podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (81)

    The Ultimate Guide To Celebrating Holy Week This Easter - Lani Hilton | For All The Saints 28

    The Ultimate Guide To Celebrating Holy Week This Easter - Lani Hilton | For All The Saints 28

    Lani is a Brigham Young University graduate of Family Science with a music minor. She loves the simplicity and happiness found in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Lani is married to John Hilton III and is mother to six wonderful children.  She finds joy in uplifting time with good friends, laughter when no one is the brunt of the joke, a kitchen that cleans itself and bedtime hugs and kisses. She is an author, speaker and energetic teacher.

    I wanted to speak to Lani about the practical ways we can celebrate Holy Week, and the weeks following, as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Although the birth of Christ is important, the whole Plan of Salvation revolves around Christ's atoning sacrifice and resurrection, making Easter so pivotal! Let's make it great in 2024.

    Some highlights from this episode are the differences between British and American Easter traditions, the food you can use to celebrate Holy Week, and our responses to Elder Gary E Stevenson's invitation to put more emphasis on Easter.

    You can find more of Lani's writing at www.lanihilton.com/easter

    For All The Saints episodes are released every Monday on YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts and more. 

    If you have any suggestions for topics or guests, connect with Ben & Sean via hello@forallthesaints.org

    From Eden to Easter | Connecting history to glory

    From Eden to Easter | Connecting history to glory

    Welcome to our final and deepest Easter episode. Today, we are going deep! This episode is released on Good Friday and so its theme bridges history from Eden to Easter. You can also view the video of this episode on YOuTube at https://youtu.be/AN0Vkhnms_Q 

    You know the story. God created the world and everything in it. Including a man, for whom God created a beautiful garden. The man was to tend the garden and enjoy its luscious produce, amidst unbroken fellowship with God and with all the animals. But something was missing… This is not a story primarily about genders or human relationships. This is the Easter story. It is the origins story of our identity, and it is completely wrapped up in the identity of our King.

    You have heard it said that Jesus is the second Adam. It is straight from several passages of the New Testament. And when we see the birth and core identity of Adam and Eve, we behold Jesus’ death. God caused Jesus to die. God created a bride for the man – God created a bride for Jesus. We are Eve. We are the bride. We have been taken from the heart of the Son of God. And, when Adam is brought to sleep to birth Eve, this is God drawing a stick figure to announce to us what He has already decided in the heavenly places before time was. He is announcing what will take place in future time but has been decided before Genesis 1:1. We have been taken out of the beating heart of Christ, our eternal Adam. The decision was made before the foundation of time. The stick figures were drawn by the Father in the garden, with Adam and Eve as the actors playing for us the scene that would truly take place later. And later came on the cross. It is the Easter story.

    It means that our deepest identity is that we are Eve. We are the beating heart of Christ, the rib that was taken from Him through death. His beloved whom He calls bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh.  There is nothing you can do to lose your identity in Christ, because you did nothing to earn it. It is the Easter story.

    All the Pauline passages about the roles of Adam and Eve suddenly shine with new depth when you consider this. Indeed, Christ is the head of the church, and that is symbolized in the way Adam was first and gave life to Eve. Christ preexisted the church – He preexisted humanity as a whole. Easter is the actual event to which this passage points. On the cross Jesus was put to sleep, so that the church could be born.  On the cross His side was pierced. That is where the bride came from.

    The church has one name that echoes through the centuries as its most compelling identity. We are the body of Christ and the bride of Christ. Just like Eve is, literally, the body of Adam and the bride of Adam. When Jesus sees you, He sees the bone of his bones and the flesh of His flesh. He sees His bride, his beloved. Just like Adam knew that Eve had come from him, yet was different.

    It took the death of the Son to birth the fullness of the new creation, the fullness of what it means to be Imago Dei. This indeed is the Easter story.


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    And, last but not least, PRAY Gospel Spice Forward: We pray for you weekly. We covet your prayers for our ministry, the thousands we reach, and our team! Contact us to let us know you are praying for us!


    Another way to partner with us is to purchase our workbooks and online Bible studies. We keep them at the lowest possible cost, but they require a lot of work from us! For example,

    - a complete Bible Study requires an average of 500 man-hours.

    - a workbook for a series requires almost 100 man-hours.


    Gospel Spice Ministries is a non-profit organization registered under the tax-exempt 501c3 status.

    Our goal is to provide in-depth, high-quality, free Bible resources for all. They are free, but expensive to create! We need your financial support to keep producing and distributing them. Please pay Gospel Spice forward today! For example, a podcast episode takes close to 10 hours of work (and we release 2 each week). They come to you completely free, but we would truly love your support.

    We want the money to go to those who really need it. Once our operating costs are paid, 100% of your donation is redistributed to our partners who fight human trafficking. Each year, we aim to give as much as we can. For example, Stephanie works more than full time for Gospel Spice, entirely for free. All board members and volunteers are donating time. We limit our operational expenses to the bare minimum.

    Your pay-it-forward donations are tax-deductible under IRS Section 170.

    We want to be the best possible stewards of your financial support. Thank you!

    Go to gospelspice.com for more, and go especially to gospelspice.com/podcast to enjoy our guests! Interested in our blog? Click here: gospelspice.com/blog

    The perfect gift for everyone - apparel, drinkware, stickers and more for all the women, men and kids in your life!


    Go to gospelspice.com for more, and go especially to gospelspice.com/podcast to enjoy our guests! Interested in our blog? Click here: gospelspice.com/blog

    SHADES OF RED is a new original series by GospelSpice Ministries. We ponder humanity as loved, created, fallen and, in Christ, redeemed.

    SHADES OF RED brings you a simple theological perspective to understand the consequences of the curse of sin on humanity, followed by a practical approach to step up against the evils of our day, rooted in unity between man and woman. Weaving real-life Bible stories, this series will help you get informed, keep interceding, get involved, and keep influencing our generation. We will also occasionally welcome special guests who share our passion to fight against oppression in all its forms, for example through the fight against human trafficking, or through racial reconciliation, and more.

    Go to gospelspice.com for more, and go especially to gospelspice.com/podcast to enjoy our guests! Interested in our blog? Click here: gospelspice.com/blog

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    Maundy Thursday Service - 4-6-23

    Maundy Thursday Service - 4-6-23

    I am a people watcher. I love watching how people react and respond in various situations and circumstances, and I learn a lot about people and human behavior by doing this people watching. I find it fascinating to watch people’s actions when forced to move beyond their comfort zones.  Quite honestly, when any one of us is forced to move beyond our comfort zone because of changing circumstances, we often react adversely. One can expect that when we step outside of our comfort zone, we usually experience added stress and anxiety.  And, when this happens, people can become quite reactive – often displaying unpleasant behavior.  So, the gospel reading on this night is captivating because we see the disciples having to move way beyond their comfort zones.

    In biblical times, the washing of feet was a non-religious, ordinary part of everyday life. It was as ordinary as brushing your teeth or washing your hands before a meal. It was a secular practice that routinely took place after entering a dwelling, especially if you would be sitting down and preparing to eat a meal.  After all, peoples’ feet would get very dirty from all of that walking in those sandals on dusty roads. Furthermore, this foot washing was always done by the lowliest of servants.  So, when Jesus gets up from the table and begins washing the disciples’ feet, his action is truly shocking. In fact, it is disgraceful and scandalous, and it moves the disciples to a place of real unease.  It moves them beyond their comfort zones.

    Reactive Peter, always the outspoken one, always a work in progress, knows that servants wash the feet of their master.  Masters do not wash the feet of their servants. This is just NOT how the world works.  So, certainly Jesus, the one they see as the Messiah, should not be the one touching their feet!  Peter’s world is structured by domination, power, hierarchy, and tradition. Foot washing revealed the societal pecking order. It was usually done by slaves, children, and women, those who had no standing in society. The lower class washed the upper class. Now, I have to say, our world is not all that different from Peter’s. Those who have power, wealth, intelligence, beauty, and position are the ones who are washed, they make sure they get the best of everything and hire others to do the menial work. Those who don’t have power, wealth, intelligence, beauty and position – well, they are the washers.

    But this night is different, this foot washing is different. Once again Jesus is breaking the rules and the social order is being realigned as Jesus forces the disciples to move beyond their comfort zones.  In the middle of supper Jesus gets up from the table, removes his outer robe, ties a towel around himself, pours water into a basin, and he begins to wash the disciples’ feet. With this action, the boundaries that establish status and power are completely reversed, and all human images of protective barriers that provide security are removed. And what is the result? Turmoil fills the room.  Peter is alarmed.  His world is being changed.  This is truly uncomfortable.  Peter does not like it and he does not understand it.  

    As we ponder Peter’s reaction, I ask you to think about the past few years of our lives, about how our world has changed. I ask you to think about how you may have felt threatened by that change. Think about the last time some circumstance forced you to move beyond your comfort zone.  Even when it’s for our own good we often resist, get angry, or fight back. At a minimum, we grumble under our breath or vent to a trusted friend. So, Peter responds saying, “You will never wash my feet!  I am hanging on to what I know, to what I have. I don’t want you messing with my world. This is just not right and definitely not comfortable.” Today in the church we might respond, “We’ve never done it like this before and we’re just not really interested in starting now.”

    Jesus is always setting before us one example after another of what God’s life in the world looks like.  God’s life in this world is always going to shake us up and move us to places that quite frequently seem uncomfortable and downright risky.  For Peter, Jesus’ action looks like nothing he has ever seen or done before.  As he reacts, I wonder if he might be pondering, “If this is how the Messiah acts, what will be expected of the Messiah’s disciples? Whose feet might I be asked to wash for the love of Christ?”

    Well, as Peter objects and wonders, he hears Jesus say, “You also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have set you an example, that you also should do as I have done to you. Very truly, I tell you, servants are not greater than their master.” Listen to the way theologian, John Shelby Spong, describes what Jesus is saying. Spong writes:

    Peter, do not resist the freeing power of divine love through which I am calling you into a new dimension of what it means to be truly human. Here status needs are not relevant. Those rules apply only in the world of consistent human yearning, the world of human becoming.  I am a doorway for you into being itself.  Come through me and you will become more fully human.  I am inviting you into an experience that will make you whole.  If I do not wash your feet, you cannot be part of the God I am revealing and of the humanity I am offering.  (John Shelby Spong, The Fourth Gospel: Tales of a Jewish Mystic)


    In the gospel of John, Jesus is always calling us into a new way of being, new life that truly matters. And, tonight, we see Jesus sets before the disciples and before us an example of love, servant love. That is the kind of love he has lived and that is the kind of love he calls us to live.  By doing this, Jesus has washed away the old ways of domination and hierarchy. He has replaced those old ways with something new, communion and love. There are no feet excluded from God’s love, and God’s very self is defined as love. There are no feet unworthy of being washed. Even Judas’s feet were washed.  And, the unconditional love of Jesus always means moving beyond our comfort zone and going to the places where Jesus goes.

    Think of all the feet that pass through our lives in a day, a month, a year, a lifetime. What have we done with those feet? What will we do with them? Maybe we ignore them. Maybe we have stepped on them. Maybe we have received them into our lives and maybe we have not.  So many feet. Young, old, tired, lost, angry, hurt. There are all sorts of feet. Feet that have walked through the muck of life. Feet that have trespassed into places they shouldn’t have gone. Feet that have stood on holy ground. Feet that have carried the message of good news. Feet that dance to a different beat or walk a path different from ours.

    Those are the very feet Jesus washed. They are the feet of the world. They are the ones he commands us to wash.  And guess what?  They are no different from our own feet. We too have walked through the muck of life. Our feet have trespassed into places they shouldn’t have gone. Our feet have stood on holy ground. Our feet have carried the message of good news. Our feet have sometimes walked a unique, if not strange, path.

    Well, still feeling the discomfort of this situation, Peter hears Jesus then say, “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another.  Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.  By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”

    Jesus, through his action of washing the disciples’ feet, has just taken on the role of the servant.  He is showing the disciples that love means serving others, all others!  The love he has for them also means providing routine physical, even intimate care for others.  Jesus subverts the religious expectations of the moment by turning this non-religious deed into an act of humility, service, and love. And he moves his disciples way beyond their comfort zones.  Yes, that is where love will always take us. That is what love does because love always takes us to the cross.

    Tonight, Jesus comes to each one of us and, through his very humble deed, shows us and teaches us what love is all about.  The self-giving love of Jesus connects us to the very source of love, God’s very self.  It is a love we will see lifted high on a cross. And it is that self-giving, healing love that empowers us to move beyond our comfort zones as we share God’s love for the sake of a very broken world. 

    FREEDOM from LONELINESS! (and you don’t have to be RICH)

    FREEDOM from LONELINESS! (and you don’t have to be RICH)

    To WATCH this podcast go to the Live Truly Free YouTube channel.

    The podcast opens with Hugh Grant summing up the state of the world in regards to “Love Actually” to Dianne Sawyer.

    Basically, Hugh explains why we’re so lonely!

    George and AJ pick up the conversation from last week: Alone VS. Lonely - at the top or bottom - Episode 23.

    So, the day this podcast comes out is the Thursday before Easter. Which is referred to in the Church calendar as Maundy Thursday.

    George was researching the word ‘Maundy’ because it is so odd sounding. He and AJ discuss what George accidentally discovered: THE ANTIDOTE TO LONELINESS!

    [Opening clip from: Diane Sawyer interviews Hugh Grant on the "The Laughter & Secrets of Love Actually: 20 Years Later – A Diane Sawyer Special" that aired on ABC November 22, 2022]

    Please help people find us by sharing this Podcast with others. Thanks!

    We’d LOVE to hear your comments, questions and topic ideas for future podcasts. Please email us at podcast@livetrulyfree.com.

    Keep GROWING profitably with George’s book: The Next Level Entrepreneur.  Through Max and Mr A’s exchange of letters: you will learn to FOCUS Your Passions into great strategy, MAP Your Direction to your Next Level, and BUILD a Great Company! Check out a preview on Amazon.


    What does it mean that Jesus is our Bridegroom? | Gospel Spice Easter BONUS

    What does it mean that Jesus is our Bridegroom? | Gospel Spice Easter BONUS

     Stephanie invites us to enter the last week of Jesus' earthly life. We will take a long, slow look at the events that precede the Cross and the Resurrection. On the menu here at Gospel Spice today, the first-century Jewish custom of betrothal! And, more specifically, how Jesus shouted loud and clear that He is the Bridegroom come the fetch His bride, the church... Matthew makes abundant use of non-spoken cultural clues to deliver this message clearly to his audience. But wait, we don't even really know what betrothal is anymore. And who knows what the ceremony entailed in first-century Israel? Well, you might actually know more than you think! It will remind you of many familiar passages taught by Jesus... who knew we knew so much!?! 🙂

    Stephanie opens the first-century Jewish custom of betrothal to our 21st century western minds. We focus on the betrothal ceremony's elements--the proposal, the bride-price, and the drinking of the cup as covenantal agreement. We follow the bride-to-be as she took up to twelve months to prepare and adorn herself in every way--physical, and spiritual. We follow the groom-to-be in his various endeavors to prepare their future life together. And then, the big day finally came--the wedding celebration could start! Jesus drew one parallel after another to help us understand He is the Groom come for His bride, the church universal. Find out what 2,000 years of western history made us forget!

    This episode is a bonus episode to accompany Episode 195 which aired jsut previously. Make sure to listen! If you enjoyed this episode, you may appreciate Season 1 of Gospel Spice which aired in 2019 and 2020. Check out episodes 1 to 50!


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    Also, PLAY Gospel Spice Forward: SHARE the podcast and the studies with your friends and family. FOLLOW, RATE & REVIEW on your favorite podcast app (leave a comment + a star rating on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Pandora, IHeart, Google Podcast, etc…). It REALLY is the best way to help others find this content-rich podcast. 

    And, last but not least, PRAY Gospel Spice Forward: We pray for you weekly. We covet your prayers for our ministry, the thousands we reach, and our team! Contact us to let us know you are praying for us!


    Another way to partner with us is to purchase our workbooks and online Bible studies. We keep them at the lowest possible cost, but they require a lot of work from us! For example,

    - a complete Bible Study requires an average of 500 man-hours.

    - a workbook for a series requires almost 100 man-hours.


    Gospel Spice Ministries is a non-profit organization registered under the tax-exempt 501c3 status.

    Our goal is to provide in-depth, high-quality, free Bible resources for all. They are free, but expensive to create! We need your financial support to keep producing and distributing them. Please pay Gospel Spice forward today! For example, a podcast episode takes close to 10 hours of work (and we release 2 each week). They come to you completely free, but we would truly love your support.

    We want the money to go to those who really need it. Once our operating costs are paid, 100% of your donation is redistributed to our partners who fight human trafficking. Each year, we aim to give as much as we can. For example, Stephanie works more than full time for Gospel Spice, entirely for free. All board members and volunteers are donating time. We limit our operational expenses to the bare minimum.

    Your pay-it-forward donations are tax-deductible under IRS Section 170.

    We want to be the best possible stewards of your financial support. Thank you!

    Go to gospelspice.com for more, and go especially to gospelspice.com/podcast to enjoy our guests! Interested in our blog? Click here: gospelspice.com/blog

    The perfect gift for everyone - apparel, drinkware, stickers and more for all the women, men and kids in your life!


    Go to gospelspice.com for more, and go especially to gospelspice.com/podcast to enjoy our guests! Interested in our blog? Click here: gospelspice.com/blog

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    Taste the fullness of Easter afresh | Gospel Spice Easter

    Taste the fullness of Easter afresh | Gospel Spice Easter

    We invite you to consider Easter under a fresh light, a slightly different angle, maybe with a sprinkle of unexpected spices. Our goal today is to know Jesus more – because that is the essence of Easter. One of the best ways to experience Scripture afresh is to connect the Old and the New testaments, so today is about creating a sense of wonder and astonishment at the very event of Easter. We are entering the banquet that Joseph gave his brothers in Genesis 42-45 as the gateway to experience the Last Supper in the Upper Room – Jesus’ last meal with His disciples, and the instruction of the Communion. We will also study another key event that links the two and is linked to each of them, namely  PASSOVER – that will be instituted by God through Moses as they leave Egypt.

    You can also view the video of this lesson on YouTube at https://youtu.be/94zE3huzJiw 

    SUPER SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! WE WOULD LOVE TO FEATURE YOU ON GOSPEL SPICE! For our 200th episode, Stephanie will compile a handful of stories from our beloved listeners. How has the Lord met you recently, and has Gospel Spice played a role? Email us at contact@gospelspice.com today to apply! Deadline is March 25, 2023. Thank you!

    About our episode today... Joseph’s banquet represents the entry to Egypt, the escape from famine and death. It is a family reunion and a hopeful new start for the young Jewish nation that is summed up in the 70 family members.

    The last supper, taking place in the upper room on the night that Jesus was betrayed, the last night before he was killed, is a symbol of spiritual freedom. Just like Moses liberated the Jews from the physical oppression of the Egyptians, Jesus will liberate all who believe in Him from the spiritual oppression of sin and death. So Jesus is like Joseph in the sense that he provides escape from famine and death, and like Moses in the sense that he provides liberation from sin and death.

    The last supper is a mix of two primary events, and it is also where Jesus gives us the sacrament of communion, or the Lord’s supper. Every Jew would celebrate Passover on that night, ever since they entered the Promised Land 1500 years earlier. This particular last supper is the last Passover, really, because the true Lamb of God has finally come to do what the Passover has been pointing to all these years. So today we are connecting Joseph’s banquet to the last supper with occasional connections with Passover because Passover and last supper are intricately linked in places. We will look at the central role of Egypt, the freedom from slavery, the preparations being made around these two feasts, the guests who attend, the atmosphere around the events, the revelations made, the restoration of relationships, and the entry into a glorious future, and even the promise of hardships. We will ponder the role of cups and promises, access to Kingdoms, and the reversals of true intimacy. We will end with the glorious feast of the Lamb that awaits every one of us as followers of Christ. Happy Easter!

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