

    Explore "美國黑人" with insightful episodes like "Spitting bars 這兩個字分開看得懂,合起來是啥意思?", "Ride the wave 為什麼要騎海浪!?", "You got curved hard! 什麼意思?來聽聽 Elvi 的丟臉慘痛經驗 | Reggie從小就這樣?!", "Wit Yo Fine Ass 除了sexy,美國黑人還有更潮的稱讚法!Elvi 被迫演美國黑人太鬧了!" and "Get it out the mud 從泥巴裡爬出來是什麼意思?Reggie分享他激勵的童年故事,不只是玩泥巴XD" from podcasts like ""2 Please English", "2 Please English", "2 Please English", "2 Please English" and "2 Please English"" and more!

    Episodes (33)

    Spitting bars 這兩個字分開看得懂,合起來是啥意思?

    Spitting bars 這兩個字分開看得懂,合起來是啥意思?
    Spitting bars We only want the facts. Rather in rap or on the daily, truth is live and direct. You spittin hot fire 🔥? Spitting bars原本是指饒舌的意思,但現今社會,饒舌歌手們又賦予他另一層意義,快來聽聽是什麼意思吧! 聽眾信箱 Let us know your suggestions and opinions https://www.surveycake.com/s/RxQBM Please give us a 5 star + nice comments + tag us on Instagram, and we'll send you a lovely gift :) 歡迎幫我們打五星+留言+分享IG tag @2.please.english ,我們將會送出精美禮物唷! Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/2.please.english/

    Ride the wave 為什麼要騎海浪!?

    Ride the wave 為什麼要騎海浪!?
    With summer time here, we gotta ride the wave. Are your surf boards ready? 聽眾信箱 Let us know your suggestions and opinions https://www.surveycake.com/s/RxQBM Please give us a 5 star + nice comments + tag us on Instagram, and we'll send you a lovely gift :) 歡迎幫我們打五星+留言+分享IG tag @2.please.english ,我們將會送出精美禮物唷! Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/2.please.english/

    You got curved hard! 什麼意思?來聽聽 Elvi 的丟臉慘痛經驗 | Reggie從小就這樣?!

    You got curved hard! 什麼意思?來聽聽 Elvi 的丟臉慘痛經驗 | Reggie從小就這樣?!
    They outchea curvin and swiverin. 有被拒絕的經驗嗎?來聽聽Elvi和Reggie的糗事一籮筐! 聽眾信箱 Let us know your suggestions and opinions https://www.surveycake.com/s/RxQBM Please give us a 5 star + nice comments + tag us on Instagram, and we'll send you a lovely gift :) 歡迎幫我們打五星+留言+分享IG tag @2.please.english ,我們將會送出精美禮物唷! Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/2.please.english/

    Wit Yo Fine Ass 除了sexy,美國黑人還有更潮的稱讚法!Elvi 被迫演美國黑人太鬧了!

    Wit Yo Fine Ass 除了sexy,美國黑人還有更潮的稱讚法!Elvi 被迫演美國黑人太鬧了!
    Fine Ass Walking round here wit yo fine ass. 當你要說一個人很性感,除了sexy hot之外,美國黑人還有更潮的說法~ 學完你的英文就聽起來更帥了! 快來聽這集揭曉! 聽眾信箱 Let us know your suggestions and opinions https://www.surveycake.com/s/RxQBM Please give us a 5 star + nice comments + tag us on Instagram, and we'll send you a lovely gift :) 歡迎幫我們打五星+留言+分享IG tag @2.please.english ,我們將會送出精美禮物唷! Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/2.please.english/

    Get it out the mud 從泥巴裡爬出來是什麼意思?Reggie分享他激勵的童年故事,不只是玩泥巴XD

    Get it out the mud 從泥巴裡爬出來是什麼意思?Reggie分享他激勵的童年故事,不只是玩泥巴XD
    Get it out of the mud/ mud baby Some people adapted to the mud, others were born in it. 今天這集要來家大家如何用一句話描述「台灣阿信」的故事,從深淵爬起,白手起家! 聽眾信箱 Let us know your suggestions and opinions https://www.surveycake.com/s/RxQBM Please give us a 5 star + nice comments + tag us on Instagram, and we'll send you a lovely gift :) 歡迎幫我們打五星+留言+分享IG tag @2.please.english ,我們將會送出精美禮物唷! Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/2.please.english/

    I'M HIM!!! 籃球嘻哈界最近最紅的詞!

    I'M HIM!!! 籃球嘻哈界最近最紅的詞!
    I'M HIM!!! When you (you’re) outside doing things masterfully….I'M HIM!!! 我就是屌! 當你成為某領域的專業,你就可以說:「I'm him/ her!!!」 Youtube Version: https://youtu.be/ZNLVc3qtGJs 聽眾信箱 Let us know your suggestions and opinions https://www.surveycake.com/s/RxQBM Please give us a 5 star + nice comments + tag us on Instagram, and we'll send you a lovely gift :) 歡迎幫我們打五星+留言+分享IG tag @2.please.english ,我們將會送出精美禮物唷! Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/2.please.english/

    Pull up 從籃球術語引申的潮流英文用語

    Pull up 從籃球術語引申的潮流英文用語
    Pull up on ya Rather it be the homies, bae or haters, sometimes you gotta pull up on them. Pull up 原是用於指上籃或投籃的動作,而後引申出超多潮流用語之意,例如「去」、「來」、「找人麻煩」等,快來收聽這集重點,筆記來不及抄的話,請多聽幾次! Youtube version: https://youtu.be/6cnSnwj2RwI 聽眾信箱 Let us know your suggestions and opinions https://www.surveycake.com/s/RxQBM Please give us a 5 star + nice comments + tag us on Instagram, and we'll send you a lovely gift :) 歡迎幫我們打五星+留言+分享IG tag @2.please.english ,我們將會送出精美禮物唷! Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/2.please.english/

    He's trash or valid? 他是垃圾?除了good and bad,還有什麼更潮的用語?

    He's trash or valid? 他是垃圾?除了good and bad,還有什麼更潮的用語?
    In this episode, we're gonna look into the usage of "trash", "mid/ middy", and "valid". Trash Mid Valid: The best way to rate things from earrings to attractiveness. 這集要來學除了 good 和 bad,還有什麼更潮的用語可以用呢? 快來學一下吧! Youtube Version: https://youtu.be/Vh8N7oRLaKU 聽眾信箱 Let us know your suggestions and opinions https://www.surveycake.com/s/RxQBM Please give us a 5 star + nice comments + tag us on Instagram, and we'll send you a lovely gift :) 歡迎幫我們打五星+留言+分享IG tag @2.please.english ,我們將會送出精美禮物唷! Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/2.please.english/

    Shoot your shot 🏀 這集是英文學習 + ASMR,Reggie被整慘了!

    Shoot your shot 🏀 這集是英文學習 + ASMR,Reggie被整慘了!
    Shoot your shot “Sometimes you’re Steph Curry, sometimes you’re just sliding into the DMs. Whatever you do, make sure you shoot your shot.” Sorry guys lol 這集我們玩了真心話大冒險,逼 Reggie 吃他討厭的「台灣美食」,強烈建議你們看Youtube影片,會讓你們笑翻 😆 如果是收聽podcast的你,這就會是一場ASMR體驗,如果你很討厭這類影片,we're sorry for that! Youtube Version https://youtu.be/S9l27jbR6ic 聽眾信箱 Let us know your suggestions and opinions https://www.surveycake.com/s/RxQBM Please give us a 5 star + nice comments + tag us on Instagram, and we'll send you a lovely gift :) 歡迎幫我們打五星+留言+分享IG tag @2.please.english ,我們將會送出精美禮物唷! Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/2.please.english/

    Sleep on 不是睡覺的意思喔!

    Sleep on 不是睡覺的意思喔!
    Sleep on “I never sleep, because sleep is the cousin of death.” - Nas N.Y. State of Mind Sleep是「睡覺」,但Sleep on呢? 聽眾信箱 Let us know your suggestions and opinions https://www.surveycake.com/s/RxQBM 全英文露營報名中 https://www.surveycake.com/s/G2xrQ Please give us a 5 star + nice comments + tag us on Instagram, and we'll send you a lovely gift :) 歡迎幫我們打五星+留言+分享IG tag @2.please.english ,我們將會送出精美禮物唷! Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/2.please.english/

    Ride with/ For 是要跟誰騎機車嗎?

    Ride with/ For 是要跟誰騎機車嗎?
    Ride for Rather you are riding for the homies or riding on your ops. We delve into the difference between the two. Ride這次不是騎車的「騎」的意思,在美式黑人英文文化裡,Ride可以怎麼用呢?快來學起來吧! 聽眾信箱 Let us know your suggestions and opinions https://www.surveycake.com/s/RxQBM 全英文露營報名中 https://www.surveycake.com/s/G2xrQ Please give us a 5 star + nice comments + tag us on Instagram, and we'll send you a lovely gift :) 歡迎幫我們打五星+留言+分享IG tag @2.please.english ,我們將會送出精美禮物唷! Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/2.please.english/

    Cuffing Season 冬天快到了,你最想做什麼?

    Cuffing Season 冬天快到了,你最想做什麼?
    Cuffing season When the winter time comes, cuffing season begins. Is it time for a new boo? 冬天快到了,你最想做什麼呢? 在美國,冬天很冷,大家會開始想找個伴過冬,你也會嗎? 快來聽聽這集節目,了解 cuffing season 的時程吧! 聽眾信箱 Let us know your suggestions and opinions https://www.surveycake.com/s/RxQBM 全英文露營報名中 https://www.surveycake.com/s/G2xrQ Please give us a 5 star + nice comments + tag us on Instagram, and we'll send you a lovely gift :) 歡迎幫我們打五星+留言+分享IG tag @2.please.english ,我們將會送出精美禮物唷! Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/2.please.english/

    Get ghosted 渣男/女其實有苦衷?來聽聽Reggie以前有多渣 lol

    Get ghosted 渣男/女其實有苦衷?來聽聽Reggie以前有多渣 lol
    Ghosted Have you eve felt a connection with someone while on a date? Then without warning, all communication stops. You might have been ghosted. 👻 Get ghost 原本是指「我要走囉!」,之後演變成另一種意思,快聽聽這集來學習這個表達法吧! Please give us a 5 star + nice comments + tag us on Instagram, and we'll send you a lovely gift :) 歡迎幫我們打五星+留言+分享IG tag @2.please.english ,我們將會送出精美禮物唷! 聽眾信箱 Let us know your suggestions and opinions https://www.surveycake.com/s/RxQBM 全英文露營報名中 https://www.surveycake.com/s/G2xrQ Speak Easy 聖誕英文花藝課報名中~~ https://www.surveycake.com/s/Y4Moy Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/2.please.english/

    Hit Different 什麼意思?這集有夠好笑!

    Hit Different 什麼意思?這集有夠好笑!
    Hit different People so boring things over and over. But in the right context, boring things hit different. 當你想表達某樣東西看起來很特別、吃起來最對味、穿起來最好看,除了good之外,還有其他表達法,快聽這集Reggie解說! Please give us a 5 star + nice comments + tag us on Instagram, and we'll send you a lovely gift :) 歡迎幫我們打五星+留言+分享IG tag @2.please.english ,我們將會送出精美禮物唷! Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/2.please.english/ Speak Easy 聖誕英文花藝課報名中~~ https://www.surveycake.com/s/Y4Moy 聽眾信箱 Let us know your suggestions and opinions https://www.surveycake.com/s/RxQBM 全英文露營報名中 https://www.surveycake.com/s/G2xrQ

    Who's the baddie? 😈 這集教你用英文把妹把帥哥輕鬆上手!

    Who's the baddie? 😈 這集教你用英文把妹把帥哥輕鬆上手!
    In this episode, we’re all about them baddies. Who’s a baddie? Well, that part is subjective. Baddie不是很壞的意思,那是什麼呢?上一集學如何稱讚人很有型、很潮,這集再進階教學,如何稱讚人的外貌、穿搭、身形等,男女都通用喔! Please give us a 5 star + nice comments + tag us on Instagram, and we'll send you a lovely gift :) 歡迎幫我們打五星+留言+分享IG tag @2.please.english ,我們將會送出精美禮物唷! Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/2.please.english/ Speak Easy 聖誕英文花藝課報名中~~ https://www.surveycake.com/s/Y4Moy 聽眾信箱 Let us know your suggestions and opinions https://www.surveycake.com/s/RxQBM 全英文露營報名中 https://www.surveycake.com/s/G2xrQ

    Drip Drop 「潮到出水」英文怎麼說?如何用英文稱讚別人很有型!Elvi為何無法在台灣買衣服?

    Drip Drop 「潮到出水」英文怎麼說?如何用英文稱讚別人很有型!Elvi為何無法在台灣買衣服?
    We learn why Elvi can’t get her drip on Taiwanese shopping sites. And that Reggie needs more drip. 「好潮!」「好有型!」美國黑人英文怎麼說?這集全都教你! Please give us a 5 star + nice comments + tag us on Instagram, and we'll send you a lovely gift :) 歡迎幫我們打五星+留言+分享IG tag @2.please.english ,我們將會送出精美禮物唷! 聽眾信箱 Let us know your suggestions and opinions https://www.surveycake.com/s/RxQBM 全英文露營報名中 https://www.surveycake.com/s/G2xrQ Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/2.please.english/

    That Was Clutch! 這集 Reggie一直說Curry壞話 lol

    That Was Clutch! 這集 Reggie一直說Curry壞話 lol
    Clutch Ever have something come to you at the right time? That’s clutch, bruh. 有沒有在你很需要人幫忙時,突然來了救星,解決困難?今天就要學如何形容這個「即刻救援」的用語! Please give us a 5 star + nice comments + tag us on Instagram, and we'll send you a lovely gift :) 歡迎幫我們打五星+留言+分享IG tag @2.please.english ,我們將會送出精美禮物唷! Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/2.please.english/

    The Homies 美國黑人怎麼稱呼好朋友?這集有雞湯~🥣

    The Homies 美國黑人怎麼稱呼好朋友?這集有雞湯~🥣
    The Homies Friends, what would we do without them? Let’s talk about what we call our chosen family. 有時,好朋友就像真的兄弟姊妹一樣好,在美式黑人用語裡,有什麼特殊用語嗎?這集來揭曉! Please give us a 5 star + nice comments + tag us on Instagram, and we'll send you a lovely gift :) 歡迎幫我們打五星+留言+分享IG tag @2.please.english ,我們將會送出精美禮物唷! Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/2.please.english/

    It's Pride Month 🌈!!! 「同志驕傲月」美國同志唯一指定英文俚語 🌟 Elvi最後森氣氣

    It's Pride Month 🌈!!! 「同志驕傲月」美國同志唯一指定英文俚語 🌟 Elvi最後森氣氣
    PRIDE Celebrating PRIDE and the LGBTQAI community! Here is some lingo that originated with black and Latino members of the family. Enjoy. 你知道六月是Pride Month 同志驕傲月嗎?在同志驕傲月的倒數兩週,我們來學學美國黑人同志愛用俚語,看你可以猜對幾個?:) Please give us a 5 star + nice comments + tag us on Instagram, and we'll send you a lovely gift :) 歡迎幫我們打五星+留言+分享IG tag @2.please.english ,我們將會送出精美禮物唷! Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/2.please.english/

    Baby girl ✨ 美國黑人到處叫人寶貝?

    Baby girl ✨ 美國黑人到處叫人寶貝?
    Baby girl Baby girl…some like it and others maybe not so much. Hell, some get jealous if you call someone else baby girl. 「寶貝」不能隨便叫,那什麼對象才能叫 baby girl 或 baby boy呢?快來聽聽這集解析! Please give us a 5 star + nice comments + tag us on Instagram, and we'll send you a lovely gift :) 歡迎幫我們打五星+留言+分享IG tag @2.please.english ,我們將會送出精美禮物唷! Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/2.please.english/

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