
    mental strength

    Explore " mental strength" with insightful episodes like "Self Focus Challenge Day 7 - Be yourself EP 33", "Self Focus Challenge Day 6 - How to Love yourself EP32", "Self Focus Challenge Day 5 - Plan your day, plan your life EP 31", "Self Focus Challenge Day 4 - Embrace continuous Learning EP 30" and "Self Focus Challenge Day 3 - Be Mindful EP29" from podcasts like ""Love Unlimited with Hellen", "Love Unlimited with Hellen", "Love Unlimited with Hellen", "Love Unlimited with Hellen" and "Love Unlimited with Hellen"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    Self Focus Challenge Day 7 - Be yourself EP 33

    Self Focus Challenge Day 7 - Be yourself EP 33

    If you want to be happy, do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present.”
    Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

    “Dance. Smile. Giggle. Marvel. TRUST. HOPE. LOVE. WISH. BELIEVE. Most of all, enjoy every moment of the journey, and appreciate where you are at this moment instead of always focusing on how far you have to go.”
    Mandy Hale, The Single Woman: Life, Love, and a Dash of Sass

    If you are busy trying to be like someone else, you are not living your life. If you are busy chasing one paycheck after another, you are not living life, you are a slave.  If you are addicted to glamour and materialism, you are not living life, you are a slave of the economy. If you are chasing one desire after another, in search of that thrill and fame, you are a fool and demented. Live. NOW.  Your dreams are your subjects and not the other way round.  It is crucial to master your life path, your goals, your desires and your life.

    The story of the king with four wives: soul, family and friends, wealth and possessions, body.

    Your soul is you and it is wise to be true to your soul.

    “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”― Oscar Wilde

    “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.”― Bernard M. Baruch

    Do what makes you happy. Be free to be you. Play, adventure, take risks, smile, cry and above feel the thrill of life. 

    Live life now.

    For more information please get a copy of my book: POPSTAR. the link is below



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    Self Focus Challenge Day 6 - How to Love yourself EP32

    Self Focus Challenge Day 6 - How to Love yourself  EP32

    “F.L.Y.  – First Love Yourself. Others will come next.” Anonymous

    You’re always with yourself, so you might as well enjoy the company.” Diane Von Furstenberg.

    If you love yourself, everything else falls into place.  You are your number one fun and you cannot expect people to love you if you do not love yourself; it shows when you don’t love yourself. You show it by the way you walk, the comments you make about yourself, how you treat your body, how you talk and act.

    Those negative remarks you make reinforce what you think about yourself. you may have learned it from your childhood, from your culture from your friends, but this habit does not build you. Avoid at all costs, bringing yourself down. I am certain you would not enjoy the company of someone who keeps telling you how but they are at one thing, how ugly they are, how untalented they are or how they cannot do one thing or the other.

    `How do I learn to love myself? 

    ·         Affirmations: Remember the lesson we learned from taking back your power? take those positive adjectives that describe you and repeat them every morning. repeat them until they become your second nature. Once you overwrite those demeaning thoughts you begin to realise the positive side of you.

    · Self-care: Taking care of your mind, body and spirit goes a long way in helping you love yourself. Make it a daily habit to build the inner person who comes to serve the outer you.

    ·         Grooming: Growing up, I was admonished for being unkempt and our parents kept repeating, “ cleanliness is next to godliness.” Keeping yourself clean and neat helps you manage stress, you feel calm and confident.  Looking good is seldom about physical attributes but rather it is about hygiene and grooming. Take time to be clean, tidy neat and you will feel a confidence boost almost instantly.

    ·         Pamper yourself, reward yourself: After a hard days work, it is okay to pamper yourself; with a bubble bath, a massage session a relaxing dinner out or in house good food.  Your soul needs some love for having taken you through a hard day or a tough ordeal. Pampering varies from one person to the next but the goal is to tap into the ‘feel-good’ hormones that come with a good reward.  Remember that you only reward yourself after achieving the set goals or tasks, never before.



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    Self Focus Challenge Day 5 - Plan your day, plan your life EP 31

    Self Focus Challenge Day 5 - Plan your day, plan your life EP 31

    A goal without a plan is just a wish.” ― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, writer and pioneering aviator

     “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” ― Benjamin Franklin, Founding Father of the United States

     Self-improvement will meet nothing if you do not plan to take action.  Every minute you are alive adds up to make your life. It would be prudent, therefore, to make the seconds, the minutes, the hours count.  


     When you wake up in the morning, the day will often unfold according to your plans. If you have no plans, then your day unfolds according to your inaction.   As the says, failing to plan is planning to fail.  You fail not because you did not know what to do, but because you did not plan to take action.  

    You can divide your day into parts: Self-focus time, service time and downtime.


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    Self Focus Challenge Day 4 - Embrace continuous Learning EP 30

    Self Focus Challenge Day 4 - Embrace continuous Learning EP 30

    “Continuous learning is the minimum requirement for success in any field.” Brian Tracy

    Henry Ford said, “ Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. And whoever continues learning stays young.”

    “Live as if you’ll die tomorrow, and learn as if you’ll live forever,” Mahatma Gandhi.


    Let us start by distinguishing formal education from learning.  Learning is what is left after all you studied has faded.  It is what you retain for life.  often times it is a very small fraction of the education process, and it easily becomes obsolete with time.  that is why continuous learning is inevitable. If you do not embrace self-improvement, you also risk being obsolete.

    Continuous learning is about consciously seeking knowledge that is relevant and important for you. It involves seeking knowledge, skills, seeking mentors, emulating other trailblazers in your field and sometimes discovering other aspects on your own.


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    Self Focus Challenge Day 3 - Be Mindful EP29

    Self Focus Challenge Day 3 - Be Mindful EP29

    After getting back your power, it is important to remember that wielding power without mindfulness can be dangerous.  Using the newly acquired power with consciousness and virtue is desirable.  How you go through every day is as crucial as the results you get. Ask yourself the following questions:

    ·         Am I conscious/mindful of my eating habits: Do I eat because I am hungry or it because I feel like eating? Am I conscious of the nutrition value of what I eat?

    ·         How do I treat those around me? Do I pay attention to those talking to me and listen actively to their conversations? Do I feel the pain in peoples tears, and feel the loneliness in their requests?

    ·         Do I listen to my body and heed its advice? do I work out to keep my body fit or do I dump junk in it without thinking? How do I treat my mind? Do I feed my mind with positive thoughts, my soul with healthy soul food?  How do I treat the negative nagging thoughts that visit my minds? Do I entertain them or do I observe them passively and let them pass?  Remember what you focus on grows.


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    Self Focus Challenge Day 2 - Take Back your Power EP28

    Self Focus Challenge Day 2 - Take Back your Power EP28

    How many times have you blamed other external triggers for your predicaments? How do you give away your power over your future? The decisions you make today will define your future depending on who you give your power. Listen in:

    For more information please visit: https://guruhellen.com/

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    Self Focus Challenge Day 1 - Drop that Baggage EP27

    Self Focus Challenge Day 1 - Drop that Baggage EP27

    whether we are aware of it or not, we carry baggage that we should not have on our shoulders, and it wears us down eventually.  Most of the pains we suffer from emanates from the undue pressure we expose ourselves to, for instance:

    • Unforgiveness
    • Unfounded fear
    • Worrying

    We need to get over our past and heal ourselves inside out.


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    Family Series: Women Talk-Millennial Panel (part 2 of 2)

    Family Series: Women Talk-Millennial Panel (part 2 of 2)

    So today we continue with our female millennial panel conversation from last week. We light the fire even higher with part 2. Take a listen! 
    We covered:

    • How men respond to independent women
    • Male vs female maturity today
    • Dating today with the invention of social media
    • How men deal with women making money
    • Men executing or not executing their goals
    • The idea of "submission"
    • The idea of wanting to be married today

    Mr. Financial Diversity with Phil Ager

    Mr. Financial Diversity with Phil Ager

    What better way to start off 2020 than with another great guest interview. In today's episode I spoke with Phil Ager. We had so much to cover that this ended up being a 2 part interview. The next part will be part of our Informational series. Today we covered

    • his childhood in Queens, NY
    • influence of his father being an entrepreneur
    • life lessons from his father
    • high school life attending the famous Andrew Jackson High School
    • life skills learned participating in high school COOP Program
    • his first impression of meeting Elliot while at the FOCUS Retreat summer 2019
    • joining the Air Force and lessons learned
    • transitioning from the Air Force into the family business
    • self-evaluation as a father
    • growing a money mindset

    Informational: Let's Talk Real Estate with Yadlynd Cherubin-Eide

    Informational: Let's Talk Real Estate with Yadlynd Cherubin-Eide

    In our first episode in the Informational series for Season 2, I sit with NY state licensed realtor Yadlynd Cherubin-Eide and discuss the in's and outs of home ownership. These informational episodes are meant to educate. No one knows everything so these episodes are to help you learn. In this episode we covered:

    • How and Why she became interested in real estate
    • The process of becoming a realtor
    • Home buying process
    • Pre-approval process
    • Credit Scores
    • Real Estate taxes
    • Down payment amounts
    • Home selling process
    • Short Sales

    You will find out Yadlynd has realtor connections in other states so if you're interested in buying/selling a home contact her.
    email: yadlynd@gmail.com
    website: www.yadlynd.com
    FB: Yadlynd Cherubin-Licensed Realtor 
    IG @yadlynd

    Mr. Executioner with Mustafa Gill (part 2)

    Mr. Executioner with Mustafa Gill (part 2)

    In today's episode I continue with part 2 of my interview with my childhood friend Mustafa Gill. A lot of foundation principles are revisited from part 1 and we also discussed...

    • Becoming a Production Assistant on Judge Judy television show
    • Getting a full ride to editing school
    • Moving back to NY after being let go and the Big Picture it set
    • The message from God that transitioned him to becoming a mortician
    • Mastering jobs and becoming "bored"
    • The want to starting a family and being married
    • What commercial gave him the idea as a child to move to California
    • Getting back into security and working on the production of the movie "Salt" and working with Angelina Jolie
    • Making security an official business
    • Expanding Whole Armour Protection to Las Vegas in 2020

    For your executive protection services needs you can contact Mustafa at http://www.wholearmourprotection.com/

    Mr. Executioner with Mustafa Gill (part 1)

    Mr. Executioner with Mustafa Gill (part 1)

    In today's episode, I am so happy to have interviewed a childhood friend who was a mentor to me growing up (unbeknownst to him)--Mustafa Gill. It was so much we covered I had to break this interview in to two parts. In Part 1, we covered

    • Growing up in Brooklyn, NY and moving to Queens, NY
    • Being one of 3 Black families on the block
    • Influences of his Father and Mother 
    • Coping with his father passing away from cancer
    • Executing to get his first car and transitioning into manhood
    • LL Cool J story
    • Entering the entertainment industry
    • Going to the Million Man March
    • Moving to California
    • Being security for Mary J. Blige

    Mustafa's executive protective services: Whole Armour Protection LLC

    Family Series: Women Talk (part 1 of 2)

    Family Series: Women Talk (part 1 of 2)

    I had the Men Panel just a few weeks ago so it's only fair to hear the ladies opinion on the state of womanhood today. In part 1 the ladies and I cover

    • What do you consider to be a quality woman?
    • What do you consider to be a "real" man or a quality man?
    • How can you identify good qualities in a man when dating?
    • Dating "broken" men/"bad boys"
    • How's today's society changing the definition of womanhood

    #23 J.T. Talks Traveling, Endurance Racing, and Mental Strength

    #23 J.T. Talks Traveling, Endurance Racing, and Mental Strength

    John Thornton, who goes by J.T., joins us in this episode to talk about his travels and experiences around the world. He shares a crazy story of how he and his friends almost were abducted in Istanbul and tells us a little about his first year competing in spartan and obstacle course races. He also shares some tips on productivity, minimizing distractions and accomplishing your goals.

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