

    Explore "microcurrent" with insightful episodes like "Post-Covid-19 Therapie – Patienteninterview – Mikrostrom eine Möglichkeit?", "Mikrostromtherapie Perspektive 2021 – Wie sieht der Plan aus?", "Das Jahr 2020 aus Sicht der Luxxamed Mikrostromtherapie", "Luxxamed Mikrostrom Wissenschaft und Studien" and "5G How this will affect your life" from podcasts like ""Luxxamed Schmerztherapie Mikrostromtherapie", "Luxxamed Schmerztherapie Mikrostromtherapie", "Luxxamed Schmerztherapie Mikrostromtherapie", "Luxxamed Schmerztherapie Mikrostromtherapie" and "Wisdom Woman Podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (59)

    Post-Covid-19 Therapie – Patienteninterview – Mikrostrom eine Möglichkeit?

    Post-Covid-19 Therapie – Patienteninterview – Mikrostrom eine Möglichkeit?
    Frequenz-Spezifischer Mikrostrom wird über die Therapie von Schmerzen und neurologischen Beschwerden hinaus, auch in der Leistungssteigerung eingesetzt. Die Frequenzen, aber auch die Modulation des ‚Mikro’stroms selbst, bieten hier für Anwender und Patient verschiedenste Möglichkeiten. In dieser Episode haben wir ein Interview mit einem Post-Covid-19 Patienten und dem Physiotherapeuten Christian Foulds-Saupe als Mikrostrom-Therapeut mit über 15 Jahren Erfahrung in der Therapie mit Mikrostrom und spezifischen Frequenzen. Er wurde u.a. durch Dr. Caroly McMakin aus den USA ausgebildet, die als Pionierin der FSM (Frequency-Specific-Microcurrent-Therapy) über die Grenzen der Vereinigten Staaten hinaus gilt. Diese Podcast-Episode schließt an die vorangegangenen Teile an: „Post-Covid-19 Therapie Teil 1/2 – Mikrostrom eine Möglichkeit?“ „Post-Covid-19 Therapie Teil 2/2 – Mikrostrom eine Möglichkeit?“ Dort waren der Arzt Dr. med. univ. Voracek und der Physiker Dr. Thorsten Stüker im Interview um die medizinischen und bio-physikalischen Hintergründe zu beleuchten. Transkript und weitere Informationen dieser Episode finden Sie unter: https://www.luxxamed.de/2021/02/02/post-covid-19-therapie-patienteninterview-mikrostrom-eine-moeglichkeit/

    Mikrostromtherapie Perspektive 2021 – Wie sieht der Plan aus?

    Mikrostromtherapie Perspektive 2021 – Wie sieht der Plan aus?
    Ein neues Jahr hat begonnen und 'alle' hoffen darauf, dass 2021 besser wird als 2020, 'einige' sehe Chancen zu Verbesserung und 'wenige' setzen sich mit neuen Digitallösungen auseinander. ***Achtung - In dieser Episode erhalten Sie einen Ausschnitt der nächsten Folge zu einem Interview mit einem Post-Covid-19 Patienten und seiner Erfahrung mit Frequenz-Spezifischem-Mikrostrom*** Wir haben bereits über Online-Trainings & Co. in einer Episode gesprochen (Episode vom Mittwoch, 27. Mai 2020 -Training, Seminare, Schulung, Coaching & Co-) und sehen einmal mehr, dass hier noch ordentlich was in der "Pipeline" ist. Doch auch außerhalb von spezifischen Online-Trainings, wie wir sie auf unserer internen Trainingsplattform für Anwender der frequenz-spezifischen Mikrostromtherapie anbieten, gibt es Möglichkeiten sich auszutauschen und praktikabele Tipps mit in seinen Praxisalltag zunehmen. In dieser Episode geht es um die Perspektive der frequenz-spezifischen Mikrostromtherapie für das Jahr 2021. Was können wir aus 2020 mitnehmen und welche konkreten Pläne gibt es für 2021? Weitere Infos und das Transkript zur Episode finden Sie hier: https://www.luxxamed.de/2021/01/24/die-mikrostromtherapie-im-jahr-2021/

    Das Jahr 2020 aus Sicht der Luxxamed Mikrostromtherapie

    Das Jahr 2020 aus Sicht der Luxxamed Mikrostromtherapie
    Unsere letzte Podcast Episode für das Jahr 2020 und diesmal sowohl als Video (YouTube Link finden Sie am Ende des Textes) als auch als Audio Podcast. Wir haben das Jahr 2020 in Bezug auf die Therapie mit frequenz-spezifischem Mikrostrom noch einmal Revue passieren lassen und Ihnen zu unseren Podcasts, Seminaren und Studien jeweils eine kleine Zusammenfassung bereitgestellt. Ausgehend der Podcast-Episoden aus diesem Jahr, gehen wir gemeinsam durch ein sehr ausgewöhnliches Jahr mit neuen Herausforderungen, wie sie wohl noch nicht da gewesen sind. Komprimiert auf ca. 30 Minuten haben wir Ihnen die wesentlichsten Neuerungen zusammengefasst. Hier die wichtigsten Links aus dieser Episode: YouTube-Video dieser Episode: https://youtu.be/hgrfwXTetoE Podcast-Link zu dieser Episode: https://www.luxxamed.de/2020/12/24/das-jahr-2020-aus-sicht-der-mikrostromtherapie Studie ‚chronische Schmerzen‘ mit Luxxamed HD2000+ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32862632/ Atlas der Schmerztherapie von Heilpraktiker Burkhard Hock https://amzn.to/3nIi15A Interner Trainingsbereich Luxxamed GmbH https://www.luxxamed.de/login

    Luxxamed Mikrostrom Wissenschaft und Studien

    Luxxamed Mikrostrom Wissenschaft und Studien
    Wissenschaft und Forschung sind unabdingbar in der Medizin, Therapie und Rehabilitation. Auch im Rahmen der Therapie mit Mikrostrom ist es wichtig, dass Forschung betrieben wird. Seien es Grundlagenforschungen, Patientenbeobachtungen, wissenschaftliche Ausarbeitungen... Es gibt eine Vielzahl an Formaten und Möglichkeiten, auch bereits etablierte Therapieformen, wissenschaftlich weiterzuentwickeln und neue medizinisch-therapeutische Möglichkeiten daraus zu entwickeln. Hersteller von Medizinprodukten wie Mikrostromgeräten, müssen im Rahmen Ihrer Konformitätsbewertung und der daraus verpflichtenden Nachbeobachtung, Studien bzw. ein sogenanntes PMCF (Post-Market-Clinical-Followup) durchführen. In dieser Episode geht es jedoch nicht um das PMCF (hierzu werden wir eine spezielle Episode erstellen) zu den Luxxamed Mikrostromgeräten, sondern um die Studienlage generell und speziell um eine im August 2020 veröffentlichte Studie zur Therapie von chronischen Schmerzen mit dem Luxxamed HD2000+. Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier: https://www.luxxamed.de/2020/12/14/mikrostrom-studien-und-wissenschaft/

    5G How this will affect your life

    5G How this will affect your life

    Dr. Golding’s passion for healing dates back many years. Her older sister suffered from a terminal childhood disease in their late teens.  After spending over a decade in the corporate world, she found it necessary to transform the anguish and struggle of losing her sister into something positive. She chose to study and gain insight into the healing process via the ancient art of Chinese Medicine, a profound medical system thousands of years old. Through her extensive practice, research, and studies, Dr. Golding believes the most profound improvements are made when there is alignment body, mind, and soul. Therefore, treatments are focused on helping patients regain a sense of internal balance within their internal environment as well as their external.

    When not treating patients, Dr. Golding loves qi gong and yoga. She resides in beautiful Colorado with her husband and two active teenagers. Her family skis, hikes, back-packs, does slot-canyoning, rock-climbs, and loves tubing down the Poudre River.

    Dr. Heidi Golding is Nationally Board certified with NCCAOM and holds California and Colorado Acupuncture Board Licensure as well as maintains a Diplomat of Oriental Medicine (Dipl OM) status. She holds her Doctorate in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine from Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, San Diego.


    Website: https://livingwellchinmed.com/

    Social Media: instagram (@livingwellchinesemedicine and @living_well_health_group)

    Healy is a micro-current medical device meant to harmonize your body's bioenergetic field related to work-life, beauty, fitness, focus, and even emotions. 

    It is a compact and reliable companion to help you cope with the challenges of life. For well-being, for balance, whatever your goal is: "The Healy is there for you!".

    Cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the Healy is used for local relief of acute, chronic, arthritis pain and muscle soreness and has non-medical applications that use Individualized Micro-current Frequencies (IMF) to harmonize your Bioenergetic Field. To give you an overview of what Healy can do for you and enable you only to buy what you need, Healy's fields of the application had been organized into different program pages, covering various aspects for the harmonization of your Bioenergetic Field. Each program page contains several Individualized Micro-current Frequency (IMF) Healy programs for a specific application field, e.g., "Beauty" or "Job."

    In this video, you can better understand the technology behind it; this device is made in Germany; that's one reason I trusted it, and because I tested and saw the results in myself and my family.

    To purchase, click here.

    To become a member, click here.

    Betina Meyer Pflug is an entrepreneur, a business and life coach, a marketing and CRM specialist with a passion for supporting nonprofit professionals. She has a degree in hotel management, received her MBA from Rotman School in Canada, and has completed three different coaching certifications, including a specialization in facilitating nonprofits, life coaching, and biopsychology to promote positive mental attitudes for mental and physical wellbeing. If you want to know more about her work, visit the website 

    Nonprofits - Wity and schedule a quick call if you are interested in having a mentor. How to contact Betina Pflug? Send us an email at podcast@wity.tech




    Post-Covid-19 Therapie Teil 1/2 – Mikrostrom eine Möglichkeit?

    Post-Covid-19 Therapie Teil 1/2 – Mikrostrom eine Möglichkeit?
    Mikrostrom wird im Amateur- als auch Profisport, im Rahmen der Regeneration und Leistungssteigerung bereits erfolgreich eingesetzt. Doch wie sieht es in der Nachbehandlung von Corona-Patienten (Covid-19 Patienten) aus? Kennen Sie hier Konzepte oder Ansatzpunkte, wie eine Post-Corona-Therapie aussehen könnte? Die Brücke zur Leistungssteigerung von Post-Covid-19 Patienten mit Mikrostrom – eine Hypothese In dieser Podcast-Episode geht es um die Möglichkeit des additiven Einsatzes der Mikrostromtherapie bei Post-Covid-19 Patienten. Der Arzt (Dr. med. univ. Voracek) und der Physiker und Entwickler von Mikrostrom-Systemen (Dr. Thorsten Stüker), sprechen über die Grundlagen von Mikrostrom und deren Applikation auf die Therapie von Post-Covid-19 Patienten. Einer der wichtigsten Aspekte hierbei ist, die Leistungssteigerung durch die Anwendung von Mikrostrom und die Beeinflussung von inflammatorischen Prozessen im Körper. Den ausführlichen Artikel finden Sie unter: https://www.luxxamed.de/2020/12/07/post-covid-19-therapie-podcast-mikrostrom-eine-moeglichkeit/

    Mikrostrom in der Neurologie Teil 2/2 im Interview Physiotherapeutin Inge Metag

    Mikrostrom in der Neurologie Teil 2/2 im Interview Physiotherapeutin Inge Metag
    "Wo wir ganz schnell erfolgreich geworden sind, mit eben Krankengymnastik und Mikrostromtherapie, waren all die Patienten deren Bewegungen, Arme, Beine und Gang [...] klein, körpernah und ohne große Bewegungsaplituden gewesen sind." In dieser Episode erhalten Sie den zweiten des Interviews mit Physiotherapeutin Inge Metag rund um das Thema Mikrostrom in der Neurologie. Inge Metag berichtet von einer Patientenbeobachtung die sie vor einigen Jahren mit der Mikrostromtherapie bei Patienten mit Mb. Parkinson und Multiple Sklerose durchgeführt hat. Gerade die praktischen Erfahrungen um Umgang mit frequenz-spezifischem Mikrostrom und neurologischen Patienten, geben einen guten Einblick in die entsprechenden Möglichkeiten für die Physiotherapie, Naturheil- und Arztpraxis. Was sind die Indikatoren, die einem Behandler Informationen über den Ablauf einer solchen Anwendung bieten und wir kann ein Therapiekonzept mit Mikrostrom dort aussehen? Das sind die Kernfragen um die es in dieser Episode geht. https://www.luxxamed.de/2020/10/21/podcast-interview-mikrostrom-neurologie-teil-2-2/

    Mikrostrom in der Neurologie Teil 1/2 im Interview Physiotherapeutin Inge Metag

    Mikrostrom in der Neurologie Teil 1/2 im Interview Physiotherapeutin Inge Metag
    "Man muss ganz einfach wissen, was man will und was der Mikrostrom kann, dass bringt einen schnell dazu nicht mit einem festgelegten Schema zu arbeiten, sondern immer wieder aktualisierender Weise angepasst zu arbeiten" (Inge Metag, 2020) Solche Infos, auch im Detail beschrieben bringt die Physiotherapeutin Inge Metag auf den Punkt, wenn es um das Arbeiten mit Mikrostrom geht. Physiotherapeutin Inge Metag konnte in der Vergangenheit in Zusammenarbeit mit einer geriatrischen Abteilung speziell das Gebiet der Neurologie mit Mikrostrom "erforschen". Daraus entstanden ist eine Patientenbeobachtung von fast 100 Patienten in einem Zeitraum von fast drei Jahren. Aber hören Sie selbst, was Mikrostrom in der Neurologie alles zu bieten hat. https://www.luxxamed.de/2020/10/10/podcast-interview-mikrostrom-neurologie/

    Teil 2/3 - Interview mit Physiotherapeut Matthias Rother

    Teil 2/3 - Interview mit Physiotherapeut Matthias Rother
    Zweiter Teil des Interviews mit Physiotherapeut Matthias Rother zum Einsatz der Luxxamed frequenz-spezifischen Mikrostromtherapie und zum kombinierten Einsatz der LED-Lichttherapie. In dieser Episode spricht Matthias Rother über das praktische Vorgehen, also so wie er Mikrostrom vor über 20 Jahren kennengelernt hat und wie sich seine Strategien über die Jahre verändert und angepasst haben. Das ‚Sagen umwobenen‘ Kochbuch zur Elektrodenanlage und warum symptombezogene Anlagen nur selten der Weisheit letzter Schluss sind wird ausgiebig diskutiert. Sein Fazit dabei ist „Das Gerät funktioniert“, doch manchmal übersehen Anwender wichtige Schlüsselpunkte in der Therapie. Physiotherapeut Matthias Rother erklärt zu dem in dieser Episode ‚Schritt für Schritt‘ wie sein Konzept der systemischen Elektrodenanlage aussieht und warum die Frequenzen des Mikrostroms das ‚zentrale Steuermedium‘ im Körper so gut beeinflussen können. https://www.luxxamed.de/2020/09/24/teil-2-3-interview-physiotherapeut-matthias-rother/

    Whats up with microcurrent?

    Whats up with microcurrent?
    Our first podcast episode in english! – Well, Germany isn't so famous in microcurrent therapy like the US, but we don't need to hide in the perspective of technology and engagement. With this episode we will give you an idea or better a picture, what a Germany manufacturer was able to do since the year 2000. I'm personally engaged with the medical microcurrent therapy since 2004 and became a devolper and ISO certified producer of microcurrent deives. Want to know more? Luxxamed german frequency-specific-microcurrent https://www.luxxamed.de

    Episode #102: Frequency Specific Microcurrent with Dr. Carolyn McMakin, MA, DC

    Episode #102: Frequency Specific Microcurrent with Dr. Carolyn McMakin, MA, DC

    Why You Should Listen:

    In this episode, you will learn about Frequency Specific Microcurrent and how FSM is used in optimizing health.

    About My Guest:

    My guest for this episode is Dr Carolyn McMakin. Carolyn McMakin MA, DC is the clinical director of the Fibromyalgia and Myofascial Pain Clinic of Portland, Oregon. She developed Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) in 1995 and began teaching FSM courses in 1997. In addition to maintaining a part time clinical practice, she teaches seminars on the use of FSM in the United States, Australia, Europe and the Middle East. She has lectured at the National Institutes of Health and at medical conferences in the US, England, Ireland, and Australia on the subjects of Fibromyalgia and myofascial pain syndrome, Fibromyalgia associated with cervical spine trauma, and on the differential diagnosis and treatment of pain and pain syndromes and sports injuries. Her peer-reviewed publications include papers on the FSM-induced changes in inflammatory cytokines and substance P seen with FSM treatment of Fibromyalgia associated with spine trauma, treatment of pain in the head, neck and face, and low back caused by myofascial trigger points, delayed onset muscle soreness, shingles, and neuropathic pain. She consults with various NFL and MLB teams and players on the use of Frequency Specific Microcurrent in the treatment of sports injuries. Her textbook Frequency Specific Microcurrent in Pain Management was published in 2010. Her book The Resonance Effect was released in March 2017 and describes how FSM was developed and provides case reports and frequency protocols for the visceral uses of FSM.

    Key Takeaways:

    • What are frequency and resonance?
    • What are some of the conditions that FSM can help a person with?
    • What role might FSM play in SIBO, Ehlers-Danlos, and MCAS?
    • How does FSM impact ATP production?
    • Can FSM influence gene expression?
    • How might FSM benefit those dealing with traumatic brain injuries or concussion?
    • How might FSM play a role in supporting detoxification?
    • Can FSM be used to support those dealing with interstitial cystitis?
    • Is Shingles responsive to FSM therapy?
    • How does FSM affect the limbic system and the vagus nerve?
    • How might FSM be used as a "rebooting" strategy?

    Connect With My Guest:


    Interview Date:

    July 17, 2019


    To review a transcript of this show, visit https://BetterHealthGuy.com/Episode102.

    Additional Information:

    To learn more, visit https://BetterHealthGuy.com.


    The content of this show is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any illness or medical condition. Nothing in today's discussion is meant to serve as medical advice or as information to facilitate self-treatment. As always, please discuss any potential health-related decisions with your own personal medical authority.

    Microcurrent in Europe according MDR

    Microcurrent in Europe according MDR
    In this episode we speak about microcurrent therapy, frequency specific microcurrent and the regulatory pathway of the development of microcurrent devices in Europe according the medical-device-regulation (MDR). We have in interview Dr. Thorsten Stüker a technical engineer and physican who studied also at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology which is also well known as the MIT in Boston. Listen to this episode carefully because this will change you way of thinking about microcurrent generally. All futher informations you will get at https://mikrostrom.com/podcast-microcurrent-in-europe/

    Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. habil. Schellenberg im Interview

    Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. habil. Schellenberg im Interview
    Dr. Schellenberg ist seit über 17 Jahren Anwender der Mikrostromtherpie. Er hat viele Generationen von Mikrostromgeräten bereits in seiner Praxis im Einsatz gehabt. Darunter der Clinic-Master MSG 1200, Clinic-Master professional, Vital-Master, Luxxamed HD1000 und den Luxxamed HD2000+. gerade der Einsatz bei chronischen und akuten Schmerzen, ist einer der Haupteinsatzbereiche in der Praxis von Dr. Schellenberg. Darüber hinaus setzt er die Therapie mit Mikrostrom und LED Licht sehr erfolgreich bei Patienten mit Neuropathie, Migräne und Diabetes ein.Dr. Schellenberg ist ein Experte auf dem Gebiet der Mikrostromtherapie. Hören Sie in dieser Episode seinen Weg und sein Verständnis für die Therapie mit Mikrostrom. Als Luxxamed-Anwender kann Dr. Schellenberg Ihnen viele Tips und Anregungen zum erfolgreichen Einsatz der Therapie mit dem Luxxamed geben.

    Episode #7: Recovering from Lyme Disease and Mold Illness with Dr. Dave Ou, MD

    Episode #7: Recovering from Lyme Disease and Mold Illness with Dr. Dave Ou, MD

    Why You Should Listen:

    In this episode, you will learn about treating complex illnesses such as Lyme disease and mold illness. We talk about Lyme disease, mold illness, parasites, dental issues, LDI, Field Control Therapy, EMR/EMFs, Frequency-Specific Microcurrent and much more. Enjoy!

    About My Guest:

    My guest for this episode is Dr. Dave Ou, MD. Dr. Dave Ou, MD is a practicing physician in Atlanta, GA. Dr. Ou graduated Cum Laude in Physics with Distinction in All Subjects from Cornell University, received his MD from the University of Miami School of Medicine, and completed his residency in internal medicine at Emory University School of Medicine in 1999. He is board certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine. From a holistic standpoint, Dr. Ou is one of only 3 medical doctors in North America certified in Autonomic Response Testing (ART) by the Klinghardt Academy. Dr. Ou has trained with the Institute for Functional Medicine, and Simon Yu, MD, author of the Accidental Cure, and is a trained acupuncturist. His other mentors include Ty Vincent, MD, developer of LDI, Savely Yurkovsky, MD, creator of Field Control Therapy, and Carolyn McMakin, D.C., who developed Frequency Specific Microcurrent. He is certified in the management of biotoxin illness by Ritchie Shoemaker, MD, author of Surviving Mold. His other training includes coursework from ILADS, the American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM), American College For Advancement in Medicine (ACAM), the Academy of Comprehensive Integrative Medicine (ACIM), and Dr. Walter Crinnion. He is trained in several cutting edge systems of energy medicine. He never stops searching for better tools and better answers for his patients.

    Key Takeaways:

    • How was Dr. Ou drawn to work with chronic illnesses such as Lyme and mold?
    • How does he approach treatment?
    • What contributes to Lyme disease beyond the Lyme organism itself?
    • What antimicrobial approaches doe he use?
    • How does he approach detoxification and environmental toxicity?
    • How often is mold a factor in chronic illness?
    • What does he recommend for reducing EMF exposures?
    • What is Frequency-Specific Microcurrent (FSM)?

    Connect With My Guest:


    Interview Date:

    February 11, 2017

    Additional Information:

    To learn more, visit https://BetterHealthGuy.com.


    The content of this show is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any illness or medical condition. Nothing in today's discussion is meant to serve as medical advice or as information to facilitate self-treatment. As always, please discuss any potential health-related decisions with your own personal medical authority.

    018 Dr. Madison Mansy: Medical Qigong Energy Based Medicine

    018 Dr. Madison Mansy: Medical Qigong Energy Based Medicine


    www.HealthAndWellnessEncinitas.com feedback@ThorpInstitute.com

    Topics covered in this show

    • About Medical Qigong - energy based medicine.
    • Dino Miaolo story - stress related anxiety and panic attacks.
    • Andy Peltz story - a divorce which went better than the marriage until a child custody issue came up.
    • Helping others overcome anxiety, stress and physical pain.
    • Finding the right practitioner.
    • Wellness Tip - Breathe correctly. Eliminate negative self-talk. Tools for of wellness.

    Links mentioned

    The Bali Floating Leaf
    Five Branches University in San Jose
    The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine

    Contact information
    Dr. Madison Mansy, D.M.Q.
    (Chinese Medicine Doctor, Instructor, Public Speaker)
    Life Crisis - Cancer, Death, Divorce
    Overcome - Emotional and Physical Pain
    Improve - Movement, Meditation and Mood
    Special Workshops for corporate and healthcare employees to prevent BURNOUT
    Direct: 415-678-8867
    Serving San Diego and Orange County, CA

    Here’s how you can spread the word
    If you enjoyed this episode, head on over to iTunes and please leave us a rating, a review and subscribe!

    Ways to subscribe to Health and Wellness Encinitas
    Click here to subscribe via iTunes
    Click here to subscribe via RSS
    You can also subscribe via Stitcher

    For more information

    Produced by John Biethan and brought to you by: www.AlkaWay.com the makers of UltraStream - working like nature to filter, alkalise and naturally energize water, helping to return it to its natural state.

    Using podsafe music from http://ccmixter.org/
    Loveshadow - Almost Given Up
    Nethis - Steady
    Speck - Greensleeves (whatever mix)

    The information contained in these podcasts and on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition. Please consult a qualified healthcare professional to diagnose your health condition and prevent self diagnosis. We do not dispense medical advice or prescribe or diagnose illness.

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration or the American Medical Association have not evaluated, approved, or disapproved the material contained in these podcasts or on this website or its related material. No specific claims are made in relation to any health conditions or the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of the devices contained in this website.


    016 Rickie Lee Ryan: Autism And Microcurrent 4 Kids

    016 Rickie Lee Ryan: Autism And Microcurrent 4 Kids


    www.HealthAndWellnessEncinitas.com would love to hear your feedback@ThorpInstitute.com 

    Topics covered in this show

    • 93% positive results from her initial studies using the ProScope with kids.
    • Kids love the sessions.
    • Rickie’s background in Child Life, Early Intervention and Pediatric Hospice.
    • There goes the train!
    • Rickie inspired  from a very early age working with children.
    • Working with Dr. Aaron Garcia.
    • Case study: nonverbal 6-year old autistic boy.
    • The device supports the body in healing itself. Absorbable energy.
    • Hope for the future.

    Wellness Tip
    Give protein in the morning to your children for emotional stability.

    Links mentioned
    Microcurrent 4 Kids

    Here’s how you can spread the word
    If you enjoyed this episode, head on over to iTunes and please leave us a rating, a review and subscribe!

    Ways to subscribe to Health and Wellness Encinitas
    Click here to subscribe via iTunes
    Click here to subscribe via RSS
    You can also subscribe via Stitcher

    Contact information
    Rickie Lee Ryan, MS, CCLS
    Founder / Lead Practitioner
    1285 Stone Dr #102 San Marcos, CA 92078
    Office: 858-367-9108
    Cell: 702-277-2247

    For more information

    Produced by John Biethan and brought to you by: www.AlkaWay.com the makers of UltraStream - working like nature to filter, alkalise and naturally energize water, helping to return it to its natural state.

    Using podsafe music from http://ccmixter.org/ 
    Loveshadow - Almost Given Up
    Nethis - Steady
    Speck - Greensleeves (whatever mix)


    The information contained in these podcasts and on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition. Please consult a qualified healthcare professional to diagnose your health condition and prevent self diagnosis. We do not dispense medical advice or prescribe or diagnose illness.

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration or the American Medical Association have not evaluated, approved, or disapproved the material contained in these podcasts or on this website or its related material. No specific claims are made in relation to any health conditions or the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of the devices contained in this website.


    015 Diane Kusunose: What Blocks Your Body From Healing

    015 Diane Kusunose: What Blocks Your Body From Healing


    Topics covered in this show

    • Traditional physical therapist who turned to natural medicines, remedies, homeopathy and cold lasers.
    • Trained with Shelley McQuerter and Learn Homeopathy Now.
    • Magnetic Frequencies of the Earth.
    • Zyto Pro Biofeedback technology created by Dr. Reinhard Voll.
    • Muscle testing.
    • Case study: Sugar Stressed Muscle Builder.
    • Sugar and grains create rotting tissue.
    • The 21 day purification Program.
    • Book: One Degree of Change: re-learning how to eat.
    • Back and neck pain. Calcium deficiency. Calcium rarely gets from the bloodstream to the tissues.
    • Needing to supplement especially when you’re repairing your body.
    • Loving to see people change color, statute and purpose.

    Wellness Tip

    Get your food basics back into your body.


    Links mentioned

    Shelley McQuerter and Learn Homeopathy Now


    iMRS2000 Electromagnetic Frequencies of the earth

    Zyto Biocommunication Technology created by Dr. Reinhard Voll

    Book: One Degree of Change


    Here’s how you can spread the word

    If you enjoyed this episode, head on over to iTunes and please leave us a rating, a review and subscribe!


    Ways to subscribe to Health and Wellness Encinitas

    Click here to subscribe via iTunes

    Click here to subscribe via RSS

    You can also subscribe via Stitcher


    Contact information

    Diane Kusunose

    Insights for Natural Balance

    5825 Avenida Encinas, Suite 107 Carlsbad, CA 92008




    For more information




    Produced by John Biethan and brought to you by:www.AlkaWay.com the makers of UltraStream - working like nature to filter, alkalise and naturally energize water, helping to return it to its natural state.


    Using podsafe music from http://ccmixter.org/

    Loveshadow - Almost Given Up

    Nethis - Steady

    Speck - Greensleeves (whatever mix)



    The information contained in these podcasts and on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition. Please consult a qualified healthcare professional to diagnose your health condition and prevent self diagnosis. We do not dispense medical advice or prescribe or diagnose illness.


    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration or the American Medical Association have not evaluated, approved, or disapproved the material contained in these podcasts or on this website or its related material. No specific claims are made in relation to any health conditions or the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of the devices contained in this website.

    006 Gabe Golden: Rheumatoid Arthritis - a very stubborn condition

    006 Gabe Golden: Rheumatoid Arthritis - a very stubborn condition



    Inspired by his 25 year challenge with rheumatoid arthritis, Gabe is writing and directing a documentary on alternative medicine, has co-produced the "Rangeland" series for the Nevada PBS affiliate and is developing an online educational program for schools based on the series.


    Topics covered in this show

    Rheumatoid arthritis.

    Gabe’s history with Rheumatoid arthritis.

    What made a difference? Detox. Gluten free. Herbs. Low dose antibiotics. Ozone therapy. Micro-current technology.

    A must made documentary on wellness focusing on autoimmune diseases and body imbalance.

    Sensitivity testing. Diet. Eliminating all sugar, carbs and processed foods. Keeping the blood sugar low. Paleo.

    Blood types as it relates to diet.

    Impact on the world. Documentary with the Savory Institute about farming.

    Global warming issues. How we treat the earth. Erosion. GMO farmlands NOT serving the land or people. Letting the earth “breathing” again.

    How can you make a difference? Choose what you buy. Buy local and organic. Make different choices.

    Golden Productions PBS documentaries: The Endangered West, Rangeland Under Fire, Rangeland Water.

    How the Thorp Institute and Gabe came together. The microcurrent technology’s role in rheumatoid arthritis.

    Bioenergetics and Functional Medicine. The BioScope.


    Health tip

    Emotional and mental health: Be aware of your state of mind.


    Links mentioned





    Contact information

    Gabe Golden

    Golden Productions-San Diego





    For more information




    Produced by John Biethan and brought to you by: www.AlkaWay.com the makers of UltraStream - working like nature to filter, alkalise and naturally energize water, returning it to its natural pristine state.


    Podsafe music permission of Plook. Find them here:
