
    moody church

    Explore " moody church" with insightful episodes like "The Good Life", "Why are we here? Moses, God and the Meaning of Life Scripture", "The Lord of the Sabbath", "The Call of Discipleship" and "The Word of His Power" from podcasts like ""The Moody Church Sunday Morning Podcast", "The Moody Church Sunday Morning Podcast", "The Moody Church Sunday Morning Podcast", "The Moody Church Sunday Morning Podcast" and "The Moody Church Sunday Morning Podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    The Good Life

    The Good Life
    Jesus has been causing quite a stir up in Galilee. Many are drawing near in astonishment and faith. While others are recoiling back in skepticism and disbelief. Jesus’ own followers are starting to feel the heat. They’ve left everything and followed Him. Now the Pharisees are starting to question where their loyalties lie. Of course, we know the answer. Because in Luke 6:12-16, we read that Jesus called his disciples to Himself and chose twelve of them to join His inner circle as Apostles. They’ve decided to go “all in” with Jesus. And with these words, Jesus begins what scholars call “The Sermon on the Plain.” It bears many similarities to the Sermon on the Mount recorded in Matthew. In both sermons, Jesus begins the same, “Makarios!” Which means blessed, happy, well-off, and favored. It’s the Good Life! In these opening verses, Jesus is answering three crucial questions: Who has the Good Life? What is the Good Life? Where is the Good Life? 1. Who has the Good Life? The good life belongs to the most unlikely people. Despite poverty, hunger, or exclusion, the Good Life belongs to those who seek Christ. 2. What is the Good Life? The good life is citizenship in the kingdom of God. Jesus shows us what the Good Life is by pairing these couplets of “Blessings” and “Woes” in this passage. You can be a loser in the kingdoms of men, but if you belong to the kingdom of God, you’re a winner. 3. Where is the Good Life? The good life is found in the presence of Jesus. Rejections shall fade in His embrace. Give me Jesus. Give me Jesus! You can have all this world, give me Jesus! Takeaway: Which Good Life are you living for? Are we living for the Good Life here and now? Or are we living for the real Good Life that begins now and comes in fullness in the age to come? Matthew 6:18–33 says, “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, 20 but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. 24 No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money. 31 Do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. 33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” “Aim at Heaven and you will get Earth 'thrown in': aim at Earth and you will get neither.” - C.S. Lewis

    The Lord of the Sabbath

    The Lord of the Sabbath
    “No one puts new wine into old wineskins. If he does, the new wine will burst the skins and it will be spilled, and the skins will be destroyed. But new wine must be put into fresh wineskins.” With those words, recorded here at the heart of Luke 5 & 6, Jesus is setting the stage for what He’s doing as His ministry begins. Like wine ripening in the leather wineskins, Jesus is going to stretch everyone’s confined expectations to make way for the expansive kingdom that is already breaking into the world in Himself. In this passage, Jesus will bring the Pharisees to their breaking point, as he wields with increasing boldness, His miracle-working power. The Cleanser (5:12-16) Jesus cleanses by becoming unclean. Jesus stretched out his hand and touched the untouchable man full of leprosy. He exchanges his cleanliness to take on the man’s uncleanliness. The Forgiver (5:17-26) Jesus forgives by becoming unforgivable. The Pharisees will never forgive Jesus for what He did for the paralyzed man. This charge of blasphemy will follow Jesus to the cross. The paralyzed man was guilty and helpless, but Jesus exchanged places with him. The Protector (6:1-5) Jesus protects by becoming unprotected. Jesus’ disciples were under attack for violating the Sabbath. But when Jesus declared himself to be the Lord of the Sabbath, the Pharisees came after him. To protect the disciples, Jesus switched places with them and took on the attacks from the Pharisees. The Restorer (6:6-11) Jesus restores by becoming unrestorable. After restoring the man's withered hand, Jesus became unrestorable in the Pharisee’s minds.   Takeaway: Jesus is our substitute in every way Jesus’ actions in this passage foreshadow the cross… The Cleanser who removed the leprosy of our sin, by taking it all upon Himself. The Forgiver who made atonement for sin, by becoming sin for us. The Protector who stood between us and the accuser and offered His life in our place. The Restorer who brought life, by enduring death for us. For on the cross Jesus died in our place and for our sake, bearing all our sin and shame, and rose again to make us right forever with God. He is our substitute in every way.

    The Call of Discipleship

    The Call of Discipleship
    As we come to chapters 5 & 6, we find Dr. Luke brings together two themes like a zipper. Jesus is beginning his ministry, and many are drawn to him and choosing to become one of his followers. Yet on the other side, many are skeptical of him, especially the Scribes and the Pharisees. Dr. Luke is zippering these two themes together, going back and forth between the Disciples who are drawing near and the Pharisees who are keeping their distance. For today, we will focus our attention on the call of discipleship. The Command of Jesus Jesus’ Authority is Broad He knew where the fish were, and they caught a large number (5:6a). Jesus’ Vision is Wide The fishermen caught so many fish they needed two boats (5:6b–7). Jesus’ Ministry is Stretching Just as the fishing nets were stretching, so will we be stretched in ministry (5:8–11). Jesus’ Call is Transforming These fishermen will no longer be catching fish, but men. The Companions of Jesus Jesus’ Authority is Broad Jesus commanded the attention of the tax-collector, Levi (5:29, 6:12–16). Jesus’ Vision is Wide Jesus wants to see all people reconciled to Himself (5:30–39). Jesus’ Ministry is Stretching Jesus’ twelve disciples felt the change and stretching of Jesus’ ministry (6:13). Jesus’ Call is Transforming It all began with a simple call to follow Jesus (5:27b, 5:10b). The Commission of Jesus Jesus’ Authority is Broad He is the Lord and Master of all of life (Matthew 28:18–20). Jesus’ Vision is Wide He wants all people to come and follow Him (19b–20). Jesus’ Ministry is Stretching This monumental task will bring Jesus’ disciples to their breaking point, but He knows what He’s doing (20b). Jesus’ Call is Transforming Because He is with us, what was impossible on our own is now ours to receive. Takeaways: Will I follow Jesus’ Authority? Will I embrace Jesus’ Vision? Will I stretch toward Jesus’ Ministry? Will I surrender to Jesus’ Calling?

    The Word of His Power

    The Word of His Power
    One of the best descriptions of Jesus is found in Hebrews 1:3, "He is the radiance of the glory of God, the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power." Jesus is the glory of God up close and personal. If you want to know what God is like look at Jesus! When God speaks and brings all creation into existence, that Word is Jesus. Through Him, all things were made and by Him, all things are sustained. When Jesus speaks stuff happens. This passage shows Jesus, the incarnate Word of God, wielding the word of His power with astonishing authority as He's, dispatching demons, and mending maladies. Astonishing Authority What gave Jesus' teaching such astonishing authority? His Approach, His Content, and His Person. At the King's word, souls stir. When the incarnate Word of God opens up the inspired word of God, soul's stir and come to life. Dispatching Demons The demon in this passage wants Jesus to be quiet and leave town. It's a challenge to Jesus' authority. At the word of Jesus, the evil spirit flees the scene. At the King's word, darkness trembles. Mending Maladies Jesus lays His hands on the sick to bring them healing. In both creation and re-creation God uses the hands-on approach. At the King's word, renewal begins. Takeaway: If God is for us, who can stand against us? The One who upholds the universe by the word of His power has given us His word that He will never leave us, nor will He ever forsake us. He promises to be with us always and to the very end. And if God is for us, who can stand against us?

    The Homecoming

    The Homecoming
    In The Lord of The Rings, when Frodo, Sam, Pippen, and Mary return to the Shire, they come home changed. When they left, they were a ragtag bunch of mischievous friends, but now they’re heroes. However, the other hobbits of The Shire don’t know about their adventures. So, as these four friends arrive home in all their regalia, their old neighbors are left staring. In Luke 4, at His own homecoming, something a bit like that happens to Jesus. He comes back to Nazareth and He’s changed. The Father endorsed Him from Heaven and the Spirit descended upon Him. And now Jesus returns North to Galilee in the power of the Spirit to begin His ministry and His old neighbors don’t know what to do with Him. This is Jesus’ homecoming where He reveals to his childhood friends and neighbors, just who He is, and why He’s come. Luke 4:16–21 | The Prophecy - The days of renewal are here in Jesus. Jesus is teaching about the prophecies from the book of Isaiah in the synagogue. Jesus proclaims that those prophecies have been fulfilled. He is the Servant of the Lord and He is bringing the days of renewal. Luke 4:22–24 | The Prejudice - The days of humbling are here in Jesus The people spoke well of Jesus and marveled at what he was saying, but they couldn’t get over who was saying it. They ask him to perform a miracle like he’s done elsewhere. But he simply replies that no prophet is acceptable in his hometown. Instead of humbling their hearts, they begin to resist Jesus’ teaching even more. Luke 4:25–30 | The Peril - The days of decision are here in Jesus Jesus references the stories of Elijah and Elisha to make the point that Israel rejects the Lord's prophets. When you reject God’s mercies and the renewal of all things, great peril will come before you. Jesus’ warning makes the people livid, and they want to throw him off of a cliff. But Jesus slips away. No one can take his life from him. Jesus has come, and with Him, are the days of renewal. But they will only be ours if we humbly receive Him. Takeaway: What will you do with Jesus? C. S. Lewis, in Mere Christianity “I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him: I’m ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don’t accept his claim to be God. That is the one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic — on the level with the man who says he is a poached egg — or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God, or else a madman or something worse. You can shut him up for a fool, you can spit at him and kill him as a demon or you can fall at his feet and call him Lord and God, but let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about his being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to.”

    A Savior Like None Other

    A Savior Like None Other
    When being interviewed for a job, people are always asking about the same things: your background, your credentials, your qualifications, and your experience. They’re trying to see if there’s a fit between the job and what you have to offer. You’ve got to get the right person in the right assignment if you want to have the right outcomes. In 1st century Israel, there was one position in particular that so many longed to see filled, the Messiah. Then one day, Jesus of Nazareth stepped out onto the stage of history as the Savior of the World. Luke is going to show us that Jesus stands alone, uniquely prepared, to be a Savior like none other. Luke gives us three accounts concerning Jesus. His Baptism, His Genealogy, and His Temptation. Let’s consider each of these accounts as we discover Jesus to be the Son of God, the Son of Man, and the Son of Righteousness. 1) Son of God - Luke 3:21–22 In His Baptism – We see Jesus is divine. Jesus’ baptism brings hope to all of creation. 2) Son of Man - Luke 3:23–38 In His Genealogy – We see Jesus is human. Son of David - heir of the throne. Son of Abraham - heir of the promise. Son of Adam - heir of humanity. 3) Son of Righteousness - Luke 4:1–13 In His Temptations – We see Jesus is perfect. Jesus is the true and better Israel, Adam, and humanity. Takeaway: Jesus is our only, all-sufficient Savior!

    A Voice in the Wilderness

    A Voice in the Wilderness
    Dr. Luke has been weaving together the stories of these two remarkable boys—John and Jesus—born six months apart, both of whom will be integral in this new chapter of redemption that God is writing in salvation history. God is clearly on the move, and these two boys will be central to His saving work as it breaks through! The last we heard of John was in Luke 1:80, “And the child grew and became strong in spirit, and he was in the wilderness until the day of his public appearance to Israel.” But today we’re going to see him rising into the height of his ministry. John the Baptist will prepare the way of the Lord, crying out as a voice in the wilderness. John’s call, in this passage, is to the “why”, “what”, and the “how” of repentance. The “Why” of Repentance Repentance is a call to rethink the way you’re living, to turn around, and head in a whole new direction. Repentance feels like death, but it is the only way to life. The “What” of Repentance (3:3-6) There are four major life-patterns that John is calling people to turn away from. Cultural Religiosity (3:7-9) In John’s day, like ours, people hid behind their religious cultural heritage and failed to love God for themselves. When the Lord shows up, He will separate those who truly know him and are bearing good fruit, from those who are fruitlessly going along with the religious cultural flow. Disintegrated Faith (3:10-14) Repentance is about getting right with God, but the fruit of repentance is about living right with others. Loving God rightly means loving others rightly. Hypocritical Fakery (3:15-17) Jesus will baptize, not with water but the Holy Spirit and fire. The Lord is separating the valuable and genuine from what is worthless and false. Jesus can see through all the fakery, and He’ll sort it out perfectly on the day of judgment. Defiant Indulgence (3:19-20) John called Herod out for his Defiant Indulgence. Herod figured that the rules didn’t apply to him because he was in power. Repentance is turning away from ourselves, and turning instead toward God. The “How” of Repentance Whenever we feel the weight of conviction, we’re faced with a choice. To yield in tenderness or to become defensive. Repentance means surrendering to the Lord and walking in faithful obedience. That’s why we need Jesus. Jesus took the fire; he felt the purging and rose again to clothe us in his righteousness forever. Takeaway: Repentance is good news, if you and I will receive it.

    Lost in Jerusalem

    Lost in Jerusalem
    Imagine Dr. Luke sitting down to interview Mary about her son, Jesus. Of all the key witnesses he’d interviewed, his conversation with Mary must have been the most precious. She may have said, “Let me tell you when I first realized that He knew exactly who He was. He was 12 years old, just a boy, and we accidentally lost Jesus. We left him behind for 3 whole days in Jerusalem.” When Mary and Joseph finally found him, Jesus responded, “Why were you looking for me? Did you not know that I must be in my Father’s house?” With these words Jesus is showing us His belonging, believing, beholding, and becoming. Belonging - Jesus is running to His home Believing - Jesus is seeking out His refuge Beholding - Jesus is embracing His delight Becoming - Jesus is defaulting to His habits Takeaways: When I’m lost, where do I run for home? When I’m scared, where’s my safe space? When I’m at leisure, where do I seek joy? When I’m pressured, what are my default habits? Under pressure, we default not to our instincts, but to our habits. Jesus’ spiritual muscle memory sent him running to His Father. What would it look like to build the kind of spiritual muscle memory, those spiritual habits, that will serve us well the next time the pressure mounts and crises hits? Remember, the only way you and I get to run to God as our Father is because of Jesus. Jesus isn’t just our example to follow, He’s our Savior who makes us children of God.

    Light and Glory

    Light and Glory
    What kind of story are we living in? Is life a comedic story? Or is it a tragic story? We call those who see life as a comedy, optimists. Their cheery outlook drives innovation, entertainment, and hopefulness. As for those who see life as a tragic story, we call them pessimists. They are honest about the pain and struggle life has to offer.  But there’s a third kind of story… a redemptive story. Redemptive stories see the brokenness of the world for what it is, but the light always breaks through.  The Bible characters we meet today, Simeon and Anna, see life as a redemptive story. These two aged saints have spent their whole lives awaiting the redemption of God…  1) The Sign of Redemption 2:22-24 As Mary and Joseph redeem their firstborn son and present Jesus to the Lord. They are acknowledging they’re living in God’s redemptive story. God has redeemed… we owe Him our everything!    2) The Hope of Redemption 2:25-33 Simon and Anna were waiting for the consolation of Israel. They were anticipating her redemption and longing for her salvation. God will redeem… we look to Him for everything! 3) The Cost of Redemption 2:34-40 The redemption of Israel can only come through the suffering of the Servant of the Lord, Jesus. God is redeeming… we’re receiving His Everything! Takeaway: Redemption is here, and His name is Jesus! This is not a feel-good comedy, neither is this a depressive tragedy. This is a redemptive story. It’s the story we live in, by grace through faith. It’s a story worth trusting in, hoping upon, and waiting for. It’s the story of Jesus. Our Light, our Glory, and our Redeemer! Luke 2:22-40

    Freedom and Joy

    Freedom and Joy
    Two gifts from the Lord that are available to every follower of Jesus no matter what they are going through. These two gifts are essential in helping us face the pain of living in a broken and fallen world and fight the temptations that it brings. And without them, we are far weaker and more vulnerable than we should be. Those two gifts are FREEDOM and JOY. Joy is a choice; it’s a state of being more than an emotion. The foundation of joy is the promise or assurance of future happiness. Freedom is not doing whatever you want, but instead it’s repentance of your sin. Freedom and joy are possible when we embrace the truths of a passage like Psalm 19. In this psalm we see three actions or responses that are essential to living in freedom and joy. 1: Be Amazed by God's Glory (1-6) Psalm 19 tells us that God’s glory is so great that His creation never ceases to proclaim it; it is on display every day, every night, all over the world, and to everyone without fail. 2: Be Captivated by God's Laws (7-11) David is doing much more simply telling us that God’s laws are good and that we’re better off following them than not. You can hear the delight in his voice over the beauty and goodness and rightness of God’s laws. 3: Be Ruthless with Sin (12-14) After considering the inexhaustible glory of God in creation, and the perfection and desirability of God’s laws, the psalmist asks three things of the Lord: To be declared innocent from hidden faults For God’s help to conquer willful sins That his words and thoughts, with God’s help, would be pleasing to the Lord Do not underestimate your ability to minimize or justify your sin. Takeaway: The Lord is offering you freedom and joy because of Jesus Christ through the gospel. Psalm 19

    The Upending Begins

    The Upending Begins
    In the business world, most of the time companies are competing in an established market, each trying to marginally outdo the others. But every so often, a market disruptor breaks in. Instead of competing in the existing market space, disruptors redefine the space altogether. Disruptors break in and upend everything, changing the world as we know it forever. 2,000 years ago, the ultimate disruptor broke in and upended the world forever. The Son of God entered into space and time as a baby born in Bethlehem. In that moment, the Kingdom of Heaven broke into this weary world. In this sermon, we’ll explore three themes: Jesus' coming is… 1) Upending Power There’s a Power behind the power. Real power is when the power-brokers unknowingly do your bidding, and they think it’s all their idea! That’s precisely what we see happening with Caesar’s decree. It might look like Caesar is large and in charge, but behind his power there’s a greater Power that is working all things together for His glory and the good of His people, and No one can thwart the redemptive plans of our God. This is such good news for those of us who often feel so powerless. How good it is to know that our God is on His throne, and no one can thwart His redemptive plans for our lives. 2) Upending Nobility There’s a nobility beyond the nobles. God lifted up these lowly shepherds and crowned them with honor. God bypasses the cultural elites, the nobles, and instead elevates these poor, lowly, nobodies and brings them into the fullness of His joy. He ennobles them by His gracious invitation, for to be chosen by God is a nobility beyond anything this world can offer. This is such good news for those of us who often feel so overlooked. How good it is to know that our God sees us all, that He invites us—the lowest, the least, and the left-behind—to share in His joy. 3) Upending Honor There’s an honor beneath the honored. It is the beauty of Jesus that transfigures this manger—a filthy, mundane, trough fit only for barnyard animals becomes a cradle for the newborn King! Most people think honor is something you amass, acquire, and build toward. But Jesus shows us that’s all wrong. According to Jesus, the road to honor runs not up but down. Resurrection comes through the cross. Glory comes through a manger. This is such good news for those of us who often feel so damaged. How good it is to know that our God is a Redeemer! His grace transfigures wherever it falls! Takeaway: This great upending is good news of great joy for all people.   Luke 2:1–21

    The Song of Silence

    The Song of Silence
    What do you do when God sets you aside for a season? When you can’t do normal, but have to learn to wait on Him? There’s lots of circumstances God can use to set us aside: career interruptions; health challenges; romantic breakups; job searches; and family crises. In today’s passage, Zechariah’s season of being set aside finally ends. God enables him to speak again, and we realize, now that he’s back in the game, that he made good use of his time on the bench. We’ll see three ways from Zechariah’s story how we can respond when God sets us aside for a season. 1) Check Your Heart God sets us aside to get our attention. During Zechariah’s many months unable to speak, we see that he spent that time doing some serious heart work. He reflected on his failures and lack of faith. So, when we see Zechariah emphatically pronouncing the name of his son, John, we see this moment full of faith and obedience. God had got his attention. When God sets you aside, check your heart. 2) Engage the Word After nearly a year of silence, Zechariah’s first words pour out blessing upon God in a beautifully crafted poem, the Benedictus. And what’s amazing about this poem is that there are nearly 100 allusions to the Old Testament. Which tell us what Zechariah has been doing all this time: he’s been pouring himself into the Scriptures. He’s been meditating on the promises of God. God sets us aside to fill our attention. Sometimes God slows us down to fill our attention with what truly matters. We’re so busy doing, doing, doing, that we don’t give God the attention He deserves. When God sets us aside, we should engage the Word. 3) Look Unto Jesus Zechariah’s just gotten his voice back after a lifetime of waiting for his prayers to be answered. He’s just welcomed his little son into the world, and yet, it’s clear what has captured his heart, because his song is almost entirely about Jesus. God sets us aside to focus our attention. Sometimes we can lose focus on what really matters in life, and we start living for all the wrong stuff. And God loves us enough to set us aside for a season, to refocus our attention on what really matters, so that we might learn to “seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33) Takeaway: God sets us aside to get us back in the game. He puts us on the bench, not because He’s done with us, but because He’s getting us ready for the next play. Won’t you trust Him? Luke 1:57–80

    The World Turned Upside-Down

    The World Turned Upside-Down
    Sometimes in a movie, the scenes cut back and forth between two different characters in what appears to be two distinct plotlines…only for their storylines to suddenly merge unexpectedly. Something like that is happening in our text this morning. We’ve met Zechariah and Elizabeth, and rejoiced with them when the angel Gabriel told them God had answered their prayer, and they would conceive a child in their old age. We watched as Elizabeth withdrew from public eye, keeping her pregnancy quiet for the first 5 months, secretly cherishing this miraculous life in her womb. Then the screen faded, and a new scene came into focus—a young Galilean virgin named Mary, engaged and awaiting her wedding day, also encountered the angel, Gabriel. We shared in her astonishment when he told her that God had chosen her to bear the Savior, the King, the Son of God… Jesus into the world. And we marveled as Mary agreed, “Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” But just before Mary gave her consent to this noble calling, Gabriel mentioned a detail that seemed a bit out of place—her barren relative, Elizabeth, will bear a son. And so, within days of Gabriel’s announcement, Mary packs her bags and heads South to see the one person on earth who will be sure to understand her. She goes to see Elizabeth, as these two ladies’ stories merge into a common plotline. Three startling surprises from this story: 1) An Unexpected Witness The first witness of the incarnation is a pre-born baby, John the Baptist, who leaps in Elizabeth’s womb. As Elizabeth is filled with the Holy Spirit and prophecies the words of blessing to Mary. And here’s what’s amazing…That means Elizabeth knew Mary was pregnant before she did! And the preborn baby John knew even before Elizabeth did! Isn’t that remarkable?!? God would choose an in-utero pre-born baby as the first witness to the coming of Messiah. 2) An Unlikely Pedigree Elizabeth’s blessing of Mary is touching because she knows the magnitude of what is taking place. And then Mary, overwhelmed with joy as she realizes she’s pregnant with the Son of God… bursts out with this beautiful poem we know as “The Magnificat.” It’s the first ever Christmas carol! You see, God could have chosen anyone. He could have picked a young woman from any number of wealthy, affluent, well-connected, and upwardly mobile Jewish families. But He didn’t. He chose Mary; a nobody from nowhere. The first choice for the incarnation is a peasant girl. Why would He do that? Because God takes the overlooked, the devalued, the discarded, and crowns them with glory! 3) An Unparalleled Kingdom Mary’s poem now expands from what God has done for her, to what God is doing more broadly in the world. The first sign of the incarnation is a grand inversion. God is in the business of turning the world upside-down! The moment Jesus shows up, the world starts turning upside-down. Or should we say, right-side-up?   Takeaway: Jesus’ Kingdom is turning the world upside-down. That’s what grace does; it turns the world upside-down. See, you might think that the plotline of your life is over here… totally distinct from the plotline of Jesus’ life. But at the cross your storylines suddenly merge unexpectedly. Because Jesus is on the cross for you. He’s offering grace to you. He’s looking upon your humble estate, and saying, “Come to me. Trust in me. And I will raise you to royal rank. I will give you the right to become children of God! Sons and Daughters of the King!” Grace is when your storylines merge and become one… “aha… I get it… brilliant.” Jesus’ Kingdom is turning the world upside-down: Has He turned your world upside-down? Luke 1:39–56

    Conceiving Hope

    Conceiving Hope
    Dr. Luke is documenting for us the life and times of Jesus. But it’s interesting that he doesn’t start with Jesus. Instead, his gospel begins with a scene in the Temple, as an aged priest lights the incense, and an angel named Gabriel appears to him announcing that he and his wife of many childless years are miraculously about to become parents. It was a moment that would change Zechariah’s and Elizabeth’s lives forever, as they were chosen to bring this little boy John into the world.  He will grow up to be known as John the Baptist, the forerunner of Messiah, prophesied from of old, the one who would come and prepare the way of the Lord. And it is with this miraculous pregnancy that Dr. Luke begins his history. As we left off last time, Elizabeth has been keeping her pregnancy to herself in restful seclusion for the first 5 months. And now, the scene shifts. Instead of the Temple in Jerusalem, this scene opens upon the small village of Nazareth. Instead of southern Judea, we’re up north in Galilee. Instead of an aged man, we see a teenaged girl. Instead of a robed priest, she’s a country peasant. And yet, despite all the differences, the angel is the same. Gabriel has been sent with another message. Three insights from Luke 1:26–38: 1) A Life-Altering Salutation God’s plans are massively disruptive. That’s exactly where Mary’s at in this moment. In one hand, she holds the life of her dreams. In the other, the life of God’s calling. And she’s there in the middle, pulled and stretched, because God’s plans are massively disruptive. And you know the disruption—the cost, the tears, the letting go of your dreams and plans and expectations—that comes with saying “yes” to God’s call on your life. 2) A World-Changing Sovereign It’s true that God is disrupting Mary’s plans and dreams, but it’s because He has a plan and dream of His own. For this is no ordinary child. This child will be unlike anyone who has ever been born. His salvation will outshine Joshua. His kingship will outstrip David. His holiness will outmatch all the sons of Adam. For He will be the Son of God in the flesh; Heaven come to earth. You see, God’s plans are gloriously redemptive. Like the message of Gabriel to Mary, God is asking each of us: “will you trust me with your life?” Will we trust that in these massive disruptions, God is actually doing something gloriously redemptive? That He is working all things together for the good of those who love Him? 3) A History-Making Sacrifice Mary laid down her plans, her dreams, and her life, trusting God with her everything. And that sacrificial decision changed Mary’s life, and all of history, forever. God’s plans are voluntarily transformative. Friends, God intends to bring deep, lasting transformation into our lives; to work glorious redemption through massive disruption. As He calls us to lay down our tiny dreams to say “yes” to His abundant purposes in our lives, but He will only do so with our permission. 3 Questions: Am I willing to let God massively disrupt my life? Am I yielding to God’s glorious redemption through me? Am I volunteering myself for God’s transforming work? Takeaway: “Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.”   Luke 1:26–38

    Breaking the Silence

    Breaking the Silence
    In the Gospel of Luke, we encounter a King like no other. Most kings make it about themselves. They wield power, authority, and strength for their own benefit. But not Jesus. Jesus is the King who came to serve.  He laid down all His rights and privileges in love to rescue us.  From His place of glory, He came all the way down to the fringes of this broken world to redeem the very people everyone else had given up on. You see, Jesus knew the secret to the upside-down kingdom: that in giving ourselves away, we actually get ourselves back. Jesus is the Servant King who shows us the way to real abundant life. And He beckons us to come and follow Him! This sermon begins a new series in the 3rd Gospel in the New Testament: the “Good News” of Jesus, recorded for us by Luke. Luke is documenting for us the backstory of the coming of John the Baptist. The first prophet in Israel since Malachi, some 450 years ago. But now God is breaking the silence. He is once again on the move. His salvation is awakening. And in this first chapter, Luke wants us to see three things. God’s salvation is: 1) Historical Dr. Luke is acting as a first-century investigative journalist, documenting the life of Jesus from eyewitness testimony and original source material. The Gospels are a compilation of eyewitness testimony; there’s a real historical portrayal. God’s salvation is trustworthy. We can discover it! Have you ever seriously considered the veracity of the gospel accounts of Jesus? The stakes couldn’t be higher. If Jesus really is the son of God who died and rose again, nothing could be of more importance! 2) Prophetic What’s happening in these verses, without fanfare or hype, is that God is being faithful to His covenant promises. God’s salvation is fulfillment. We can believe it! 3) Redemptive Not only is the coming of John the Baptist of national significance for the people of God; the fulfillment of prophecy signaling the coming of the Messiah, as the Lord Himself draws near; it is also a tender moment of personal redemption. Because Jesus comes to bring redemption. Through the cross and resurrection of Jesus, all who believe in Him experience a measure of redemption now, which is pointing to the fullness of redemption that is to come when Jesus returns to make all things new. God’s salvation is transforming. We can experience it! Takeaway: God’s salvation is awakening. God is breaking the silence. In the quiet and the stillness. Salvation is drawing near. He is coming, and His name is Jesus. Luke 1:1–25 Resources Mentioned: The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel Can We Trust the Gospels? by Peter Williams Jesus and the Eyewitnesses by Richard Bauckham

    Stop It!

    Stop It!
    The troubles of this world can be heavy to bear. The future is uncertain, and the present is filled with difficulty and pain. How are we supposed to navigate this all by ourselves? In this sermon from John 14, Pastor McCarthy shares with us a simple message: Stop It! Stop running on the treadmill of life to nowhere and trust in Jesus to be the way, the truth, and the light. The key verse in this passage is verse 1: “Let not your heart be troubled.” Why shouldn’t we be troubled? Because Jesus said, I AM: The Way The Truth The Light Do you know Him? John 14:1–6

    Awaiting the Dawn

    Awaiting the Dawn
    This final sermon from the book of Malachi is about hope. Hope is something we can’t live without. Hope gives us reason to endure. Hope lifts our eyes beyond the shadows to the dawning of the light. And as the Book of Malachi draws to a close, it ends with a wonderous vision of hope. There’s been a lot of tough love in this book. God doesn’t pull His punches as He disciplines His beloved children. But His final word is full of tender mercies; He leaves hope ringing in their ears. Because hope breathes courage into our timid souls. 1) The Sun of Hope In the Great and Awesome Day of the Lord, four things will happen: Evil will be vanquished forever; the earth will be banned, purged with fire; then upon the scorched ashes of the world that was, the sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings; and the righteous shall inherit the earth, set loose like bounding calves into the wide world of the New Creation. One day the darkness will be way to the dawn. This really is what the story of the Bible is all about. The Bible helps us see the profound depths of the darkness, because it also holds out resplendent heights of hope for the dawning of the light. The Bible helps us see the darkness of the crucifixion in resurrection light. And one day, the darkness will give way to the dawn. And healing shall come to all creation with the rising of the Sun of Hope. 2) The Soil of Hope What difference does it make when this hope falls upon the soil of your life? When this hope rains down and sinks in how does it change us? Endurance grows in the soil watered with hope. Hope helps us look back to remember Whose we are. Hope helps us look ahead to all that God has promised us. Hope helps us look beyond to the glories that await us. 3) The Seed of Hope All throughout the Bible, God is sowing this seed of hope of the world one day set to rights. These promises are sown in hope all over the Scriptures. But the greatest seed of hope is found in Jesus Himself. Because in Jesus’ death and resurrection, we get a preview of what will one day happen to us and to all of creation. Jesus is a microcosm of new creation hope. He’s a mini cosmos: Jesus is the firstborn of all creation; and he’s the firstborn from the dead. Takeaway: “Behold, I am coming soon. Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!”

    Faltering Faith

    Faltering Faith
    In this sermon, we explore the 6th and final dispute between God and the people of Israel. Previously, God was pouring out His heart in an appeal to the people to “test me in this” so that He would pour our His blessing on them, and to “return to me, and I will return to you.” But how will the people respond? In this passage from Malachi 3:13–18, the people respond in two very different ways. One group turned to one another and said it’s time we take God at His word, and repent and return to Him. The other groups turned to one another and said, what’s the point? These people doubled down on their faltering faith. This passage serves as a reminder to Israel and us that God hears our words, God discerns our hearts, and God remembers our deeds. 1) God Hears Our Words When it comes to God, nothing escapes His notice. We need a God of final justice far more than we realize. First, because the justice of God gives life meaning. And second, because the final justice of God is the grounds for non-violence. 2) God Discerns our Hearts When it comes to God, true motives are laid bare. God discerns the hearts of those filled with resentful obligation, and the hearts of those who fear and esteem His name. 3) God Remembers Our Deeds When it comes to God, all shall be brought to account. Takeaway: History has an arc, and it bends towards Jesus. One day, we will stand before Him and the books will be open. In that day, will you find your name written in the Book of Life? Malachi 3:13–18

    God’s Perspective and Our Anxiety

    God’s Perspective and Our Anxiety
    We live in anxious times; it’s a world of worry out there. Are you struggling to sleep at night due to anxiety? Are you fearful of what may happen in the future? Psalm 127:1–2 is a beautiful reminder of how God’s beloved children can find peace from a world full of worry. In this sermon, we’ll discover that our ability to experience the peace of Christ in our lives is dependent on our ability to trust Him in all circumstances. 5 Practical takeaways for God’s beloved: how do we allow God to keep and build our lives on solid foundations? Communion with God. Time in God’s Word. Community with God’s people. Seek God’s perspective. Rest in God’s sovereignty. True rest in an anxious world is seeing the very real possibility of our worst fears right around the corner and know that the God who calls you His beloved is sovereign over it all. Psalm 127:1–2

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