
    motivational coach podcast

    Explore " motivational coach podcast" with insightful episodes like "How the Co Founder of Bulldog and Waken Built His Businesses | Simon Duffy | The 2%", "How to connect with anyone in the world | Steve Sims | The 2%", "Beyond Happiness | Jenn Lim | The 2%", "How the Co-Founder of Netflix created a Multi-Billion Dollar Brand | Marc Randolph" and "On Purpose: The Busy Woman’s Guide to An Extraordinary Life of Meaning & Success | Tanya Dalton" from podcasts like ""The 2% with Eric Partaker", "The 2% with Eric Partaker", "The 2% with Eric Partaker", "The 2% with Eric Partaker" and "The 2% with Eric Partaker"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    How the Co Founder of Bulldog and Waken Built His Businesses | Simon Duffy | The 2%

    How the Co Founder of Bulldog and Waken Built His Businesses | Simon Duffy | The 2%

    Do you want to build the business you’ve always dreamed about? Join Simon Duffy (Co Founder of Bulldog and Waken) and Eric Partaker as they discuss what it takes to launch a product and build a brand in today's environment. Take away tips and insights into how you yourself can join the path to achieving your goals. 


    You can start now - There's a certain mindset where people think they have to understand everything about a problem or a business opportunity before they make a start. You don't need to have all the answers before you start.

    You don't need to be an expert - You don't need to be a domain expert in almost any part of what you're doing. You just have to believe that you can be good with people and you can collaborate your way to success, whether that's through building a great team or hiring great consultants and experts to support your vision.

    The formula for success - Innovation is a combination of vision, opportunity and desire.

    Think beyond the category - High interest products can perform very well in low interest categories of products.

    Be Bold - Have the determination and the confidence to give something a go. You don't have to be an expert in the category to launch a brand.

    Be Determined - And once you've given it that go, be determined. Have confidence in yourself. If you think you're seeing something that other people haven't seen yet, have the courage to have a crack at something entrepreneurial for a few years.

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    How to connect with anyone in the world | Steve Sims | The 2%

    How to connect with anyone in the world | Steve Sims | The 2%

    Do you want to create the life you’ve always dreamed of? Join Steve Sims (Founder & CEO of Bluefish, and author of Bluefishing: The Art of Making Things Happen) and Eric Partaker as they discuss what it takes to network with some of the world's most successful people. Take away tips and insights into how you yourself can join the path to achieving your goals. 


    Action = Reward - You don’t get slim by buying a diet book, you get slim by actioning that book. If you want a big bank account, you’ve got to have a successful mindset. Professionals know that action creates feeling. Amateurs believe feeling creates action. Be the professional of your life and take action today.

    Your Net Worth Is Your Network - Grow your network. Talk to as many people as possible in the position that you want to be in. Find out how they reached the position they are in today. 

    Begin With Research - Connections aren’t made by chance. If you want to get a conversation going with someone, research them, find out about them, their interests, their work and discover how you could benefit them. 

    You Don’t Know Me - Limit the confusion at the beginning of networking conversations. Begin the conversation with anybody you don’t know by putting them at ease and letting them know that they don't know you. Instantly they will feel more at ease rather than desperately trying to remember where they might know you from. 

    What Value Are You Offering? -  When going into a conversation with someone, there needs to be a beneficial point to them. Approach every networking conversation with a solution, give them something of value that will benefit them, before you discuss your needs. 

    Focus On The Client - Stop looking at how good your website is, or how eloquent you are. Focus on the client. Discover the problems that they need solving and solve it for them. 

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    Beyond Happiness | Jenn Lim | The 2%

    Beyond Happiness | Jenn Lim | The 2%

    Is your workplace a happy environment? Are you getting the most out of yourself and your employees? Join Jenn Lim (Author of Beyond Happiness, and CEO of Delivering Happiness) and Eric Partaker as they discuss insights and strategies to get the most out of yourself, those around you, reach your full potential and live an all around happier life! 


    What Brings You Happiness? - Reflect on your highs and your lows. What were they? What did they mean? What did you learn from them? Build a sustainable way to understand yourself. What creates your highs and your lows and how to create sustainable happiness within your life. 

    We Rise By Lifting Others - To truly reach your full potential you need to help others self actualize. What could you be doing each day to help someone else in their journey to reach their full potential? 

    Create A Company That Cares - Create a company that goes beyond caring about how an employee is doing in their role.  Care about their wellbeing, and teach them skills that may or may not be directly applicable to their role in the company. When you invest in people and not just as cogs in a machine, it elevates people to a whole new level.

    Are Your Company Cultures Exceptional? - What company cultures could you initiate that if people heard of them they would leave their company and run to you? Company culture is an integral part of the business and affects nearly every aspect of the company. It is the backbone of a happy workforce. Spend time perfecting yours!  

    What’s in it for me? What’s in it for all? -  Think about how you can make your company a triple win for everyone, not just for your customers and your employees but also your societal and planetary impact. 

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    How the Co-Founder of Netflix created a Multi-Billion Dollar Brand | Marc Randolph

    How the Co-Founder of Netflix created a Multi-Billion Dollar Brand | Marc Randolph

    Have you ever wondered what it takes to build a company as successful as Netflix? Join  Marc Randolf (Co-founder and first CEO of Netflix, serial entrepreneur, author and speaker) and Eric Partaker as they discuss what it takes to create a billion dollar business, and discover tips and insights about how you can become part of the 2% of people reaching their full potential. 


    (Netflix &) Chill - You do not need to know where you’re going right away. Stumble around,  and gather experiences until you end up in the right place. Don’t simply pick your dream job and fight like crazy to get it. Get your foot in the door and find out what people really do. What’s the vocabulary? How do they organise? Then you’ll have a better idea whether this is the right path for you. 

    You Can’t Predict The Future - Stop dreaming about what your company is going to become, because you’re almost inevitably wrong. You can't, it’s impossible. Companies have their own life. There's too many forks in the road to predict the path they will go. The more time you spend trying to figure it out you are simply stalling the process of actually learning where it wants to go. 

    Look Backwards - What went well? What didn't? Any insights? Leanings? What will I do in future directly as a result? Set yourself periodic goals. Review your progress and take that knowledge to perform better in the future. 

    People Who Start Companies Are Not Superhuman - If you have an idea, if you have a dream, try it. Stop thinking about it. Stop coming up with reasons why you can’t. Cleverness is figuring out a way to quickly, cheaply and easily start, so you can learn whether it's a good idea or not. 

    You Are Capable Of More Than You Know - Everything is solvable if you're willing to start and figure it out. Stop dreaming about it, or bumping into the first roadblock and turning away. Everything is possible if you believe in your ability to figure it out.

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    On Purpose: The Busy Woman’s Guide to An Extraordinary Life of Meaning & Success | Tanya Dalton

    On Purpose: The Busy Woman’s Guide to An Extraordinary Life of Meaning & Success | Tanya Dalton

    Do you spend all day working through your to-do list to then go to bed and feel like you’ve accomplished nothing? Join Tonya Dalton (Author, Business Coach, Podcaster, Speaker and founder of inkWELL Press Productivity co.) and Eric Partaker as they share tips and insights into how you can break free from the 98% and join the 2% of people reaching their full potential!


    Pause For A Moment And Reflect! - When you look backwards, then can you start moving forwards. It is important to remind yourself of who you’ve been in the past, the good, the bad, the really ugly. All of that will help you find your purpose and grow you into the best version of yourself.

    What Doesn't Kill You, Makes You Stronger - The hardest challenges in life cause the most growth. That is your most fertile ground. It’s when you peel back the bandages and allow the wounds to heal that you can really see the life that you have created. 

    Numbers Don't Define You!. - Whether it's the numbers of followers, the number in your bank account, or the number of likes you have on a post, you cannot let that define you. Constantly striving for numbers is exhausting, it's like chasing after a finish line that is constantly moving. You will never reach it.

    Prioritise Your Priority List! - Get rid of your to-do list and start making a priority list. Your to do list is taking you everywhere but where you want to go. The problem with to do lists is your brain naturally wants the high from checking off your wins. So you check things off that aren't important, that are not priorities. So make a priority list. It is essentially a to-do list with intention. 

    Failing To Plan Is Planning To Fail - Spend 5 minutes a day mapping out what your days are going to look like. Create your priority list and prioritize what you want to get done that day and make sure it's attainable.

    Work Hard, Rest Often - Periods of rest are not rewards for great work. They’re requirements for work to happen. Stress + Recovery = Growth. Take a break! 

    Adaptability Is The Secret To Survival! - Life happens. Some days are going to be easy, some days are going to be hard. Allow that to be ok.

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    Turning TURMOIL into TRIUMPH | Dave Sanderson | The 2%

    Turning TURMOIL into TRIUMPH | Dave Sanderson | The 2%

    Have you ever wondered what it's like to survive a plane crash? Join Dave Sanderson (Speaker, Author of ‘How To Turn Turmoil Into Triumph’ and Survivor of the 2009 Hudson River Plane Crash) and Eric Parker as they discuss how to be bold in the face of uncertainty, and how anyone can succeed and triumph over adversity. 


    Everybody Has A Story - Judge people on the content of their character, not what you see. Don’t judge people until you know their backstory.

    Every Adversity Has A Benefit - Stress builds strength. The problem isn't stress, the problem is how you view stress and deal with it. Don’t try and avoid it, embrace it because that is how you will level up in life and become a better version of yourself.

    Triumph Over Adversity - If you’re going to have any triumph, you have to overcome some adversity. Everything worth having, comes with trials worth withstanding.

    Your Ability To Succeed Is Related To Your Ability To Adapt - You can have a blueprint in life, but when life hits you, and your strategy goes out the window you need to be able to problem solve quickly. The people who are most resourceful and the ones who are thriving.

    Be Bold In The Face Of Uncertainty - Strength does not come from winning, your struggles develop your strength. Real strength doesn't come from certainty, it comes from how you can handle uncertainty.

    Who’s In Your Inner Circle? - Expand your network. Put yourself around outstanding people who will stretch you consistently every day. Are the 5 people around you right now keeping you in your comfort zone or pushing you to better yourself?

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    Develop the MENTAL TOUGHNESS to go from ORDINARY to EXTRAORDINARY | Sonja Wieck | The 2%

    Develop the MENTAL TOUGHNESS to go from ORDINARY to EXTRAORDINARY | Sonja Wieck | The 2%

    What does it take to complete the toughest race on earth? Sonja Wieck knows! Join Sonja (18 times Ironman triathlon finisher, and a member of Team Iron Cowboy on Netflix show ‘The World’s Toughest Race’) and Eric Partaker as they share insight into what it takes to be an ultra endurance athlete and how mental toughness can help you achieve your dreams! 


    Develop Your Mental Toughness - “You can’t dig your well deeper unless you’re standing on the bottom with a shovel.” Be willing to go your limit. Be willing to reach a very uncomfortable place and look around. 

    Grab Your Dreams With Both Hands - Put it on your heart and soul. Let it envelop you like a blanket and live, breathe, eat and sleep your dreams. 

    Follow Your Heart - Your purpose comes from within. Your heart dictates your direction and your brain is for problem solving. Don’t think too much about what direction to go in, feel your way.

    Let Go Of The Reins - Your purpose in life is to filter all of the beautiful things that come your way, and use those as stepping stones to let your life unfold in front of you.

    Conquer Your Fears - There is someone on this planet that is living the exact life that you desire for yourself right now, this moment they are living it because they were able to get over the fears that you’re not. 

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    Twelve Truths for Creating Opportunity and Your Destiny in an Uncertain World | Jay Samit | The 2%

    Twelve Truths for Creating Opportunity and Your Destiny in an Uncertain World | Jay Samit | The 2%

    Did you know that ANYONE can be successful? Would you like to learn how YOU can break free of the 98% and join the 2% reaching their full potential? Join Jay Samit (Author of the bestselling book Disrupt You!) and Eric Partaker as they uncover tips, tools and strategies that you can use to be successful and win at life! 


    Failing Is Part Of The Process - The great thing about failing is you either win or you learn. Either way you will be propelled forward, you will never end up where you started.

    Follow Your Own Path - Ignore the naysayers. People that gave up on their dreams will tell you to give up on yours. Yet every song that moves you, every movie, every painting that you love was created by somebody who never gave up on their dreams no matter the obstacles.

    Don't Fly Solo - There has never been a self-made person. Surround yourself with people who will propel you forwards, and help you through all the ups and the downs. 

    Solve A Problem - Solve a problem for five people, you have five friends. Solve for a million, you’re wealthy. Solve for a billion, you’ve made history. People have changed the world by just solving one problem. What’s your problem solving idea?

    Money’s Nice, But Satisfaction Comes From Helping Others - Remove the “This is how it’s always been done” mentality. Most of society runs on autopilot. Open your mind up to new possibilities. How can you get out there today and change the world for the better and help just one person?

    Everyone Is Capable Of Success - It's easier today than it has ever been, all the groundwork has already been laid. The internet is already there for you. It's your job to connect the dots.

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    PPI #176: Can’t Find Your Purpose In Life, Watch This!

    PPI #176: Can’t Find Your Purpose In Life, Watch This!

    Can’t Find Your Purpose In Life? Watch This! // If you are thinking to yourself, “How do I find my purpose?” or “I wonder what to do with my life,” then this video is for you. Peak performance expert and coach, Eric Partaker, helps you find your true purpose and passion by explaining simple self development steps you can take to build a strong mind, find your inspiration, and finally start living a life of meaning and fulfilment. 


    Turn Your Wounds Into Wisdom - To find your purpose in life, think about where in your life have you experienced pain? Where in your life have you experienced insecurities? How could you use that as your source or purpose?

    If You’ve Got Talent, Use It! - Where do you find your strengths? Where are your talents, and how could you weave them together in a purpose that would serve not just you, but also those around you?

    Who Do You Admire? - What is it that they are doing? What is it that you admire about them? Use them as inspiration for how you want to live your life and become the best version of yourself. 

    Good Feedback Is The Key To Improvement - Listen to feedback, listen to what others say about your strengths or weaknesses. Listen to what others say about where you get your energy from, and what you get excited about? Use that as ammunition to propel you to the next level. 

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    Turn Your Dreams into Your Destiny | Crystal & Mark Victor Hansen | The 2%

    Turn Your Dreams into Your Destiny | Crystal & Mark Victor Hansen | The 2%

    Learn how to ASK your way to achieving your dreams! Join Crystal & Mark Victor Hansen (Authors of Ask!) and Eric Partaker as they share tips on how you can reach your full potential and achieve your dreams through the power of ASKING!


    Question Everything! - You cannot successfully navigate life without learning to be better. Asking is the only mechanism available to us that has the ability to reveal what is hidden. Asking questions delivers solutions! Any opportunity you have, ask questions and constantly seek to learn.

    A Good Relationship Starts With Good Communication - Half the improvement that you seek in any relationships can be improved simply by reacting better to the other person. Next time your partner triggers a negative response from you, insert a pause between the stimulus and your response. Ask yourself how would the best version of you respond to this trigger.

    Are You Missing Out On Opportunities? - Next time you’re afraid to do something, step on the fear with some courage and do it anyway. You never know how it may change your life and elevate you exponentially to the next level. 

    Action Ends Suffering – Professionals know that action creates feeling. Amateurs believe feeling creates action. Be the professional of your life and take action today, don’t wait around for the next day you feel like it, or it will never get done.

    Make Each Day Your Masterpiece - At the end of every day ask yourself “Did I do my best today?”. Keep track of the score, give yourself a W for a winning day and L for learning.

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    PPI #175: THE CURE TO LAZINESS (This could change your life)

    PPI #175: THE CURE TO LAZINESS (This could change your life)

    THE CURE TO LAZINESS (This could change your life) // We all have days when we are feeling lazy and unmotivated. A lazy day is not the end of the world, but you don’t want to let too many of these lazy days form in your calendar. If you want to avoid laziness, stop procrastinating and find your motivation, peak performance expert and coach, Eric Partaker, has some solutions for you. By the end of this video, you will have the inspiration and strategies to combat laziness so you can pursue your goals and reach your full potential.


    Starting Is The Hardest Part, The Rest Will Follow - Finishing a task can feel overwhelming, but just starting takes only a second. Adopt the mentality “I choose to start for just 5 minutes”.

    Get The Right Things Done, Prioritize! - Are you feeling overwhelmed by the number of tasks on your to-do list? What is the one thing that you could do that will help you progress, even just a inch forward? Pick your most important task and start with that. 

    Perfection Is An Illusion - Often we feel lazy when we are seeking perfection. Perfect is impossible to attain. Instead focus on improving by 1%.

    Are You Getting Enough Sleep? - Are you feeling lazy because you are actually tired? Is the laziness of your feeling actually your body wanting to recharge and get energy back? Ensure you are getting a full 8 hours of sleep per night.  

    It's Ok To Ask For Help -  Laziness could be triggered by the fact that you actually need some support. Are you feeling isolated, alone, and not sure how to move forward? There is most likely a lot more support around you than you realize. Pick up the phone, or send that email and reach out and ask for the help that you need.

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    PPI #174: MORNING ROUTINE 2021 | Healthy & Productive Habits

    PPI #174: MORNING ROUTINE 2021 | Healthy & Productive Habits

    Morning Routine 2021 | Healthy & Productive Habits // Do you want to know what the world’s most successful people have in common? They all have a morning routine. A morning routine consisting of personal growth, self development and productive habits. If you want to be healthy and happy then you should follow the success habits of the world’s top performers. In this video, peak performance expert and coach, Eric Partaker, shares a morning routine of activities you should be doing everyday. 


    I for Identity - Behaviour Follows Identity. Separate your life into three domains, health, wealth and relationships. At the start of every day decide who you are at your best in each of these three domains. What does that person look like and how do they act?

    R for Reading - Schedule around 20 minutes per day where you are focused on your growth and development. Do some reading, listen to an audiobook. Open yourself up to learning new things. 

    E for Exercise - Spike your energy at the beginning of your day. Do at least 20 minutes of moderate exercise. Your body is designed to move. You are designed to be active. Exercise will boost your mood and lead to a happier day.

    V for Visualization - Picture your identities on the health, wealth and relationships front. How would those versions of you show up throughout the day? How decisive, inspiring and reliable will you be? 

    A for Affirmations - Throughout the day remind yourself of your affirmations. They are positive statements, a selection of phases, sentences, or words which when you say them to yourself will increase confidence and help you complete your day as your best self.

    M for Meditation - For 5 minutes a day, put your phone away and focus on just counting to 10 and back down again .Create clarity and peacefulness in your mind to enable you to navigate your way through the day as your best self. 

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    Building a Franchise Empire | Brian Scudamore | The 2%

    Building a Franchise Empire | Brian Scudamore | The 2%

    Do you have BIG dreams? Is the fear of failure holding you back? Join Brian Scudamore (Entrepreneur, Author and Founder of O2E Brands) and Eric Partaker as they dive into what it takes to reach your full potential and share tips on how you can succeed at life! 


    Dream Big, Live Bigger - Believe in possibility. Every dream starts with an idea. Dream big, work hard, never give up. 

    Failure Inspires Winners - The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure. Failure is a gift. Not only do you learn how to deal with mistakes but it is a necessary ingredient in the recipes for success. Take the first step. Fail. Learn from that failure then take the second step towards success. 

    Persistence Is Key To Success- You can have just about anything you want in life, providing you're willing to go through 1000 nos. Collect your nos because yes lives in the land of no, eventually yes will appear, and success will materialise. 

    Giving Up Is The Only Sure Way To Fail - Set a goal of how many times you are going to fail this week. Imagine the gift of learning you will get from those failures. We all make mistakes, but it's how we learn from those errors in judgement and take steps to rectify the situations that show our true character.  So much of failure is not understanding what the mistake was and why you made it.

    Failure Is Not Fatal! - Don't let failure come as a shock to you. Expect it, and plan for it. By foreseeing failure and expecting mistakes to be made, you’ll reduce the negative emotional impact when it appears. Learn from it, pick yourself up and reflect. 

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    PPI #173: How the comfort zone is ruining your life

    PPI #173: How the comfort zone is ruining your life

    How the comfort zone is ruining your life // Your comfort zone is a safe and secure little haven but it’s also holding you back from reaching your full potential and living the life of your dreams. It’s time to get out of the comfort zone and build up the courage to dare to become the best version of yourself. Today, peak performance expert and coach, Eric Partaker, encourages you to embrace these life hacks to break free and showcases the dangers of living life within the comfort zone. 


    Are You Limiting Yourself? - Staying in your comfort zone increases the risk that you won’t discover your true purpose in life. Finding your purpose requires a degree of risk and exploration. Get up, test your limits, step outside what is comfortable to you and flourish!

    Is Your World A Tiny Place? - Your comfort zone is shrinking your world. There are so many experiences out there that are waiting for you to enjoy them. Open yourself up to new experiences and reach a new level in life. 

    Are You Sabotaging Your Growth? - There are many opportunities out there sitting waiting for you. Open up the doors of fear and step through them. Often you will realise it wasn't as bad as you anticipated.

    Are You Destroying Your Confidence? - Are you guilty of turning down opportunities or experiences that are outside what you are used to? If you are, why? Is it because you’re used to staying comfortable? This limits your confidence, and attacks your self belief and can lead to a mundane boring existence.

    Is Your Creativity Diminishing? - Often when you stay in your comfort zone, you will be repeatedly doing what feels safe. Try something new that allows your creativity to flourish and increase that excitement for life. 

    Do Your Friends Think You're Boring? - You may not realise it but your comfort zone builds you a reputation to others of somebody who is not willing to take risks and try new things. Get out, try new things. Organise fun days out with your friends.

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    PPI #172: How to Stop Being Tired All the Time

    PPI #172: How to Stop Being Tired All the Time

    How to Stop Being Tired All the Time // Do you want to stop being tired all the time, feel more energetic and feel great throughout your day? Getting better quality sleep is important, but if you want to truly feel great when you wake up, you have to change up your routine. In this video, peak performance expert and coach, Eric Partaker, provides some insights and tricks to not feel tired so you are ready to attack and pursue your goals, each and every day. 


    Wake Up And Work Out! - Exercise in the morning spikes your energy for the rest of the day. Just 20 minutes daily gives you a positive mood equivalent to taking an antidepressant.

    You Are What You Eat - Whatever we ingest goes into our tissue, it forms everything in our body, it also contributes to us feeling energetic or fatigued. If you eat foods that are unhealthy you will feel more fatigued. 

    Life Is Better When You Get Enough Sleep - Ensure you’re getting 8 hours of sleep a night. Not getting the correct amount of sleep reduces your ability to focus. In the long term it increases the likelihood of cardiovascular disease, mental illness and even cancer risk.

    When You Embrace Stress, You Transform Fear Into Courage - Stress builds strength. Stress is not the issue, often it is your perception of stress that is the problem. Rather than avoiding stress, flip it around and realize that it's our perceptions which cause the problem.

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    PPI #171: Timeboxing- Elon Musk’s Time Management Method

    PPI #171: Timeboxing- Elon Musk’s Time Management Method

    Timeboxing: Elon Musk’s Time Management Method // Elon Musk is notoriously known for his insane work ethic, clocking around 80 to 100 hours per week. Want to know his time management secret? Timeboxing. Elon Musk's schedule is precisely planned and perfectly executed for incredible productivity, using an efficient time blocking method and relying on the fundamentals of Parkinson’s Law. In this video, peak performance expert and coach, Eric Partaker, explains Elon Musk’s daily schedule tool, so you can plan your day, get more done, stop procrastinating and reach your full potential. 


    What Is Timeboxing? - It Is the practice of setting a specific amount of time to work on tasks, then integrating those blocks of time into your schedule in your calendar.

    What Is Parkinson's Law? - Work will expand to fill the time given for its completion. If you give yourself 3 hours to complete a task, you will take 3 hours. If you give yourself 3 days it will take 3 days. Think about this when setting time for tasks. Get more done in less time!

    Think Proactively - At the start of each day look at each task you need to get done and assign an amount of time to complete it. Then hold yourself accountable to completing that task within the given time frame. 

    Give Yourself Buffer Time - When you complete a task for the first time set yourself a goal for how long you aim to take to complete it. Then add 20% - 30% extra to give yourself a buffer so you can develop an understanding of how long it takes to complete certain tasks.

    Bunch Small Tasks Together - Don’t drip feed yourself lots of small tasks throughout the day. Group small activities together into a single block. Your efficiency when completing the tasks will greatly improve. 

    Do You Single Task? - Minimize your distractions and make sure notifications are turned off on various apps, and that your phone is out of sight. Ensure you are focusing only on the task at hand. 

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    PPI #170: 6 Ways To Get Back On Track When You’ve Lost Your Way

    PPI #170: 6 Ways To Get Back On Track When You’ve Lost Your Way

    6 Ways To Get Back On Track When You’ve Lost Your Way // Do you want to know how to get out of a rut? If you are feeling stuck in life, searching for motivation and want to get your life together, then you’ve come to the right place. Today, peak performance expert and coach, Eric Partaker, will share how you can get out of a rut, overcome procrastination and engage in personal development to regain your motivation and hunger to achieve your goals. 


    Get Up And Get Active - 90% of your psychology is driven by physiology. Exercise releases positive hormones that make you feel good. It can improve your mental health and give you the energy you need to go after your goals. 

    What's Your Reason Why? - Write it down! Ask yourself why you are doing what you’re doing. What is motivating you to achieve your goals? Constantly remind yourself of the answers to these questions.  

    Feed Your Mind! - Consume powerful and inspiring content for your mind. Put on your favourite podcast or listen to some inspirational talks. Ensure you’re constantly filling your mind with things that make you feel strong, confident and good about yourself.  

    Are You Feeling Aimless? - If you don’t know where you’re going, if you don't have a vision for your life, that can lead to feelings of aimlessness. Think about what you would like to be doing to improve your health. Where would you like to be in wealth and work? And how do you see your relationships progressing and improving over time?   

    Give Your Motivation A Boost! - Maximise your motivation and minimize your likelihood of getting distracted. Check in with why you are doing each task, and highlight the benefits that you would receive from completing it.

    Nothing In Life Comes For Free - Everything worth achieving requires some form of payment. You can either pay in through the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. Get your head down and work hard! 

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    PPI #169: Don’t Allow Your Life To Be Controlled By These 5 Things

    PPI #169: Don’t Allow Your Life To Be Controlled By These 5 Things

    Don’t Allow Your Life To Be Controlled By These 5 Things // Do you want to know how to be happier, live a better life and reach your full potential? The truth is that to live the life of your dreams, you must let go and stop letting certain things control you. It may be that you need to develop a strong mind, break free from bad habits or learn how to let go of the past. In this video, peak performance expert and coach Eric Partaker, explains 5 things you should never let control you so that you can take back control of your life, become your best self and reach your full potential. 


    Don’t Let Your Past Define You - The past no longer exists, the future hasn't happened yet. What’s done is done. Live in the moment. Make the right choices at the right time and create the better future that you seek. 

    Ignore The Naysayers - Don't let other people hold you back from pursuing your ambitions. Ignore other people and do what feels right for you and your life. 

    The Future Is In Your Hands - Don't let self doubt and limiting beliefs define you. The mind will do what you push it to do. If you tell it to find excuses, what is it going to find? Excuses. Take Action today, and stop making excuses.

    Who’s In Your Inner Circle? - Ensure that people you’re spending time with are people that matter to you, and people who will help further your dreams. Take all the relationships in your life and categorize them into either energy drainer or energy generator. Who do you think you should be spending more time with?

    Don’t Chase The Money - Focus not on chasing money, but creating value for others. When you focus on others and creating value for them, you’ll be shocked and surprised how your financial situation starts to change very rapidly. 

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    PPI #168: 12 Things You Should Not Do In The Morning

    PPI #168: 12 Things You Should Not Do In The Morning

    12 Things You Should Not Do In The Morning // Win the morning and you win the day! While there are plenty of things you should implement into your morning routine there are also things you should not do in the morning if you want to live a healthy, happy and productive lifestyle. Today, peak performance expert and coach, Eric Partaker, breaks down 12 things you should not do in the morning. These are life hacks and lessons to not only optimise your mornings but to break bad habits, change your life and reach your full potential. 


    Stop Hitting The Snooze Button! - Put your alarm clock on the other side of the room, out of arm's reach so that you have no choice but to get out of bed to turn it off.

    Five Second Rule - The moment you have the urge to do something you know you should do, give yourself 5 seconds to take action before your brain will try to convince you otherwise.

    Put Your Phone Down - Stop using your phone as your alarm clock. Get an old school alarm clock and shut off your phone when you go to bed. This will help avoid temptation when you wake up to grab and start scrolling.

    Stop Winging It - Make a plan for your day. Spend five minutes in the morning, seeing what meetings you have, when and where do you need to be? Look at the free space and decide how best you could use that? How could you further your goals?

    A Clean Home Is A Happy Home - Ensure you have enough time scheduled into your day to clean up after yourself. Those simple acts of cleanliness will help promote a sense of discipline. It will increase structure and help improve your day.

    Time To Hydrate - Begin every morning with two large glasses of water. Replenish the liquids in your body and give your day a well hydrated start.

    Do You Make Your Bed? - The simple act of making your bed every single morning helps foster a sense of discipline and structure in your life so that you can get your day off to a good start.

    The Best Investment You Can Make Is In Yourself! - Make time to read, study or learn at the beginning of your day. Take at least 5 minutes to visualize your day ahead. Decide how you will show up today with excellence.

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    PPI 167: Jim Rohn 10 Things You Must Improve Daily (Best Motivation)

    PPI 167: Jim Rohn 10 Things You Must Improve Daily (Best Motivation)

    Jim Rohn 10 Things You Must Improve Daily (Best Motivation) // In this video, entrepreneur, author and icon, Jim Rohn, shares the personal development and self improvement habits of successful people. If you practice and improve these things daily then you can improve your life and work to become your best self. Jim Rohn’s healthy habits and lessons are presented by peak performance expert and coach Eric Partaker, to give you the tools and inspiration to develop a strong mind and reach your full potential. 


    Direction Is More Important Than Speed!  - A clear vision gives your understanding in what direction you are heading. It keeps you moving forward, and helps you not only conquer the peaks but also get through the tough times.

    Say Goodbye To Your Inner Critic - If you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right. It's up to you to decide whether or not you are going to believe in yourself. 

    Check In With Your Passion - Are you doing something that you truly love? If the answer is no, how can you bring more passion into what it is that you’re doing?

    Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance - Ensure you are working towards what is meaningful to you. Every quarter, every week and every day decide on the top three goals you want to be working towards. Don’t forget to regularly check you are on track! 

    Who are you at your best? -  What does that version of you look like? Check in with that on a daily basis, remind yourself how that person would behave. 

    Success Starts With Self Discipline - In order to reach your full potential and perform at your best self a payment is required. You can either pay through the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. Nothing comes for free. Regret is always more costly that the pain of discipline. 

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