
    mueller probe

    Explore "mueller probe" with insightful episodes like "The Worst TV Interview I’ve Ever Seen (Ep 1343)", "The Definitive Guide to Muellers Witch Hunt # 939 (Ep 939)", "Ep. 793 The Democrats' Anti-Trump Battle Plan Leaks Out", "Ep. 786 John Brennan Should Be Very Concerned" and "Ep. 775 Is the FBI Hiding This Damaging Information?" from podcasts like ""The Dan Bongino Show", "The Dan Bongino Show", "The Dan Bongino Show", "The Dan Bongino Show" and "The Dan Bongino Show"" and more!

    Episodes (9)

    The Worst TV Interview I’ve Ever Seen (Ep 1343)

    The Worst TV Interview I’ve Ever Seen (Ep 1343)
    In this episode, I address the live meltdown on Fox News by a Biden media hack when questioned about Biden’s atrocious coronavirus response. I also address another explosive development about the corrupt Mueller probe. Did they wipe their phones out to hide their text messages?  News Picks: Unbelievable! The corrupt Mueller team wiped their phones of the data before turning them over. Joe Biden’s media hack melts down on Fox News. Questions multiply about Biden’s use of scripted questions and answers at events Adam Schiff is at it again. He’s found a new “whistleblower.” .  Professional sports is taking a reputational beating since they turned “woke.” Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    The Definitive Guide to Muellers Witch Hunt # 939 (Ep 939)

    The Definitive Guide to Muellers Witch Hunt # 939 (Ep 939)
    In this episode I address the deeply disturbing connections between Bob Mueller and the political hacks who tried to pull this scheme off. I address it because public support for Mueller’s witch-hunt is completely collapsing. I also discuss the liberal myths that middle wages are stagnant and that Australian gun control worked.    News Picks: Public confidence in the Mueller probe collapses.   Low income and middle class wages are rising, which debunks another silly liberal myth.   Did gun control really work in Australia?   The Democrat’s obsession with political correctness is going to eat them alive.   Watch Nancy Pelosi struggle to define Beto’s accomplishments.   Copyright Dan Bongino All Rights Reserved.     Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Ep. 793 The Democrats' Anti-Trump Battle Plan Leaks Out

    Ep. 793 The Democrats' Anti-Trump Battle Plan Leaks Out
    Summary: In this episode I address the Democrats' leaked battle plan against Trump. I also address some of the keys to fighting back. I discuss the latest liberal head-fake on taxes, along with the question we should all be asking about this Clinton team source.    News Picks: Debunking liberal myths about the stock market surge.   The Democrats’ plan to take down Trump has leaked into the media. It’s a disturbing look at what weaponized government looks like.    This piece lays out the Democrats’ strategy to move the witch hunt against Trump away from Mueller.    Don Trump Jr. fights back against another fake news story from CNN.    Democrats have been telling us for years that we should tax the “rich” more. Yet this report shows that this is just another liberal talking point.    The DNC has stripped its superdelegates of power. This is good news for Republicans.    Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Ep. 786 John Brennan Should Be Very Concerned

    Ep. 786 John Brennan Should Be Very Concerned
    Summary: In this episode I address the real reasons disgraced former CIA Director John Brennan is panicking about the revoking of his security clearance. I also discuss the liberal media’s disingenuous efforts to attack the Trump economic bump.   News Picks: This Daily Caller piece addresses the George Papadopoulos plea deal.   Why did this government employee lose his security clearance after reporting irregularities about one of the players in the Spygate scheme?    This November piece from the Hill covers the leak investigations going on within the DOJ.   Sara Carter has some interesting new reporting on newly revealed Bruce Ohr/Chris Steele texts.    This Investors Business Daily piece throughly debunks the “Obama handed Trump a strong economy” nonsense.   Denmark is not a socialist country.   The American public trusts Trump, more than the Democrats, on the economy.    Liberals are losing their minds because Jeff Sessions ate in this restaurant.    Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Ep. 775 Is the FBI Hiding This Damaging Information?

    Ep. 775 Is the FBI Hiding This Damaging Information?
    Summary: In this episode I address the devastating information the FBI and the DOJ may be hiding in the FISA application. I also address some suspicious behavior by the Mueller probe.   News Picks: What the media isn’t telling you about the Russian collusion hoax.    Does this Democrat senator know anything about our immigration laws?    Whatever happened to the “unmasking” scandal?   This is a solid opinion piece about the depths of the FBI collusion in the Trump probe.   Why isn’t Paul Manafort taking a plea deal?    Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Ep. 763 The Democrats Are Panicking

    Ep. 763 The Democrats Are Panicking
    Summary: In this episode I address the real purpose of the Mueller indictment of the Russian intelligence operatives. I also discuss the Russian summit and the corresponding liberal spin behind it.    News Picks: Does “socialism” work? Here’s Part 2   The information in the Mueller indictment sounds suspiciously familiar.    What happened to the other Russians Mueller indicted?    Despite the Trump tax cuts, income tax revenue continues to go up.   The Peter Strzok testimony did the FBI and the DOJ no favors.   Did the press help the Russians distribute propaganda?   Here’s a transcript of Barack Obama’s press conference where he downplays the significance of the Russia “hack.”   Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Ep. 741 The Two Questions Everyone Wants Answered

    Ep. 741 The Two Questions Everyone Wants Answered
    Summary: In this episode I address the disturbing news about both the Mueller witch hunt and Rod Rosenstein’s threats to Congress. I also debunk liberal myths about California’s economy and address some new economic news.    News Picks: This piece debunks some common economic myths about California.   Why were these redactions made in the FBI texts?   Hollywood is inadvertently helping Trump’s re-election efforts.   Is the Mueller probe’s investigation into the Russian influence campaign collapsing?   Food stamp enrollment drops again.    Despite record income tax revenue, we are still running massive deficits.    Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Ep. 725 It’s Worse Than They’re Letting On

    Ep. 725 It’s Worse Than They’re Letting On
    Summary: A target of the Mueller probe gave an explosive interview to Laura Ingraham last night about the Obamagate spying scandal. I also address some of Ben Shapiro’s questions about the Trump investigation.    News Picks: Was the Papadopoulos meeting a setup the entire time? This article makes a compelling case.    Is the Hakluyt connection the next shoe to drop in the spying scandal?    John Brennan is in panic mode as his role in the spying scandal is exposed.    President Trump doubles down on his criticism of MS-13.   Some data on school shootings.   Why won’t this rapper meet with Trump?    Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Ep. 716 Who Is the Source?

    Ep. 716 Who Is the Source?
    Summary: Major breaking news yesterday about the plot to set up Trump, the media cover-up, and alleged payments to Trump’s attorney.   News Picks: A 2016 piece about troubling ties between the Clinton team and a Russian oligarch targeted by Mueller.    Why was the Clinton team hiding its relationship with Pinchuk?    NBC is reporting on payments to Trump’s attorney, but the payments are from a Russian connected to the Clintons.    More on Pinchuk’s connections to the Clintons.    Devastating piece about DOJ efforts to hide a Mueller source. Who’s the source?   How did Stormy Daniels’ attorney get the bank records?    Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices