

    Explore "mychemicalromance" with insightful episodes like "Ep 344 - You Make Whiskey Where?", "Booker & Stryker Podcast 10/31/2023", "Episode 46: Creamy gender, slurp it up", "S2E11|(下集)「感動人最純粹的方式就是誠實!」新生代搖滾樂團 TRASH 最發人深省的話語,帶你探索內心的 Holy Trip!" and "Altuesdays Episode 11: Finale, Emo Trinity Review" from podcasts like ""Show de Vie Podcast", "Booker & Stryker Podcast", "My Chemical Fancast", "萬秀孫代客洗衣" and "Altuesdays"" and more!

    Episodes (69)

    Ep 344 - You Make Whiskey Where?

    Ep 344 - You Make Whiskey Where?

    A lovely live podcast recording in San Antonio for Bartender's Holiday. Chatting about challenging elements in producing Still Austin with Jordan Kaiser, Starward (Jake Hukee), and Blair Ault (Milam and Greene) Lots of indie rock in the conversation and amazing interactive tasting with folks at Blue Box. We chat emo bands, wine cask treatment, and constant observation of whiskey conditions.

    S2E11|(下集)「感動人最純粹的方式就是誠實!」新生代搖滾樂團 TRASH 最發人深省的話語,帶你探索內心的 Holy Trip!

    S2E11|(下集)「感動人最純粹的方式就是誠實!」新生代搖滾樂團 TRASH 最發人深省的話語,帶你探索內心的 Holy Trip!
    【用一件舊衣,找回你的初心】聽萬秀孫瑞夫x音樂平台 MyMusic 帶你透過一件舊衣物,深入各領域職人不為人知的感動故事➤ 節目開播以來最特別的故事—N手衣的奇幻漂流! 頤原大學每天都穿同一件問號夾克,想知道在哪裡可以巧遇他嗎? 阿夜自爆最愛穿 XX 的衣服,一首《NANA》主題曲帶領他走上搖滾之路! 魁剛的皮衣見證年少輕狂,那些陪你走過青春的人,還在身邊嗎? 博文喝醉後跟人交換東西,讓瑞夫驚呼:「沒有想過會有這樣的故事!」 想知道更多 TRASH 衣物的 Holy Trip 就在本集萬秀孫代客洗衣。 - 完整訪問⭐萬秀孫代客洗衣 https://mymu.tw/linktrWSWY 聽友獨享⭐抽 Google 藍芽耳機 https://mymu.tw/2mXRu 免費領取⭐台北最美 MicMind 錄音室 9 折優惠碼【mymusicvip】 合作信箱⭐MyMusic@kurotimes.com.tw 或私訊 IG【mymusic_tw】 - TRASH 推薦歌單►https://mymu.tw/ECxHn TRASH 最精選►https://mymu.tw/fteAT MIT 搖滾新勢力►https://mymusic.fan/SlWdf - #萬秀孫 #張瑞夫 #TRASH #MARZ23 #阿夜 #金魁剛 #博文 #頤原 #華納唱片 #羅大佑 #西風的話+畫 #安迪 #林吟蔚 #張雨生 #再見蘭花草 #五月天 #我心中尚未崩壞的地方 #柯有倫 #零 #歸零 #Conangray #memories #Jerisjohnson #rainning blood #草東沒有派對 #艾瑪 #MyChemicalRomance #Helena #NANA #glamorousSky #荷爾蒙少年 #靛藍 #Pizzali #指針 #伍佰 #鋼鐵男子#CatSteven #Fatherandson #SkeeterDavis #Endoftheworld #魁剛 #希望你回來 【企製/圓仔邦尼、張偲琪】 【後製/郭詠欣】 【場地贊助/MicMind】


    【用一件舊衣,找回你的初心】聽萬秀孫瑞夫x音樂平台MyMusic帶你透過一件舊衣物,深入各領域職人不為人知的感動故事➤身兼歌手、創作人、吉他樂手和電台DJ的全才音樂職人GJ蔣卓嘉,青春期一夕之間從滑板男變成了練琴廢寢忘食的吉他宅,為了帥穿白吊嘎還用仿曬劑把自己「噴黑」,荒唐年少連自己都講到尬笑!執著幕後工作的他如何隻身來台走向幕前成了歌手?又如何勇敢拋開偶包,用身為一個「色弱」者的視角,帶你用聽覺感受「紅綠藍」三原色抒情、潮放與靈騷的一面?快來透過黑色龐克帽T和白色吊嘎兩件私服,娓娓聽他細說從頭~ ⭐ 五星留言訂閱⭐ 開啟小鈴鐺🔔https://mymu.tw/linktrWSWY 抽aMEI小巨蛋包廂票🎁https://mymu.tw/VIPreward 合作請來信📫MyMusic@kurotimes.com.tw 01:14 我看不到你衣服顏色! 03:36 這張專輯有點「色」 04:40 有一首歌,需要3隻手機同時播放 09:10 1.5和0.5倍速都好聽的〈第二個體溫〉 11:52 抱歉在心口難開?請點播〈2am Calls〉 🎧情趣暗號chill一下https://mymu.tw/MfSyn 🎧腳底抹油放克迪斯可https://mymu.tw/rSLgX 17:43 愛到包色「Love is blind」黑色龐克帽T 20:49 練吉他廢寢忘食,都怪老爸推坑 24:53 努力做出好成績,讓他人認可你的熱情 🎧太有才~能寫會唱創作人https://mymu.tw/i4kxY 🎧蔣卓嘉推薦歌單https://mymu.tw/WvGNC 26:46 不會的,就上網學 31:20 太荒唐!為穿白色吊嘎把自己噴黑的耍帥黑歷史 34:53 邁向斜槓step1:視學習為日常的一部分 *色弱是指分辨顏色的能力低於正常的眼睛。患者通常能分辨大部分單一顏色,但不易分辨色彩飽和度低、或混合在一起的多種顏色。在遺傳性色弱當中,9成以上都是不同程度的紅綠色弱,而黃藍色弱只佔少數。且男性為色弱的機率高達8%,女性僅0.5%。色盲則非常罕見,每三萬人才有一個患者。 ______________ #萬秀洗衣店 #張瑞夫 #蔣卓嘉 #創作 #靈感 #色弱 #色盲 #第二個體溫 #RGB #三原色 #唱片企劃 #LofiR&B #美麗本人 #2AMcalls #陳珊妮 #蘇聖 #魏如萱 #Cantika #跨國 #遠距工作 #線上 #街頭風 #龐克風 #滑板 #OOTD #穿搭 #搖滾 #GunsNRoses槍與玫瑰 #ACDC #LimpBizkit #Slipknot滑結 #numetal #AIM澳洲音樂學院 #民謠吉他 #CountryRoad #青少年 #青春期 #學習 #課外活動 #社團 #任賢齊 #陳奕迅 #JimLee李振權 #KPOP #電台DJ #大師班masterclass #opentank坦克背心 #吊嘎 #仿曬劑selftanner #Slash #MyChemicalRomance #GJ嘉好友 #環保 #循環時尚 #教養 #斜槓職人 #親子關係 #偶包 企劃:趙珮含 剪輯:彭期正

    0421 西洋夯樂線|走出舒「室」圈,浩室DJ凱戈〈Gone Are The Days〉轉抒情

    0421 西洋夯樂線|走出舒「室」圈,浩室DJ凱戈〈Gone Are The Days〉轉抒情
    【MyMusic不只音樂 還有Podcast】你的耳膜旅伴,24小時7天不間斷! 每週三的「西洋夯樂線」將為你帶來一週歐美重點發行與要聞,讓你15分鐘掌握西洋音樂脈動! 00:31 走出舒「室」圈,浩室DJ凱戈〈Gone Are The Days〉風格轉抒情 02:14 空靈女聲柏蒂傷情歌〈Second Hand News〉醞釀出道十週年專輯 03:40 性感芭比碧碧雷克莎〈Sabotage〉撕心裂肺唱出內心脆弱面 05:02 電氣3人組倫敦脈絡《Californian Soil》主打歌影射女性職場困境 07:07 泰勒絲版權保衛戰第一彈《無懼的愛》重製後感動依舊 08:53 好事多磨!EMO天團「我的另類羅曼史」重組巡迴延到2022 10:17 分手快樂?翹臀珍和球星未婚夫A-Rod表示「做回朋友比較好」 11:36 布蘭妮分享影片聲明自己「過得很好」,真相讓人霧裡看花 特約編輯:喬治 ____ ⭐來社群找我們 https://mymusic.fan/facebook ⭐聽歌抽山姆史密斯簽名照&紅髮艾德手機架 ► https://mymusic.fan/抽好康 ⭐再享成真咖啡精品手沖30元優惠碼 ► https://mymusic.fan/搶序號 ⭐本期歌曲一鍵聽 ▼ https://mymusic.fan/西洋最HOT歌單 https://mymusic.fan/EDM最HOT歌單 https://mymusic.fan/一週新曲 https://mymusic.fan/快意路途必聽選 https://mymusic.fan/沁涼夏日熱帶電音 https://mymusic.fan/運動人生健身必聽 https://mymusic.fan/泰勒絲歌單 https://mymusic.fan/珍妮佛洛佩茲精選歌單

    The Art of the Troll: An Interview with Raven, the Acid Bath Princess of the Darkness

    The Art of the Troll: An Interview with Raven, the Acid Bath Princess of the Darkness

    Sup, we're My Chemical Fancast, your acid bath podcast of the emos, and we're here to share an interview with a true mid 00s icon: Sarah, AKA Raven, the Acid Bath Princess of the Darkness. Join as we talk with her about how those legendary videos got made, the all-important distinction between emos and goths, the My Immortal rumors, and the perils of being online in the age before empathy. 4Chan, YouTube, and Davey Havok's new hair: it's all here on this special episode of My Chemical Fancast. 

    The Pencey Prep Special

    The Pencey Prep Special

    New year, new episode, my dudes! This time we're sinking our teeth into New Jersey's early 00s finest: Pencey Prep. Heartbreak in Stereo is finally on Spotify and needless to say, we're jazzed. Join as we talk about the band, the album, the ~growth~, and reminisce about a simpler time when all you had to worry about was your latest summer heartbreak. It's all here on this episode of My Chemical Fancast. 

    Ep. 131 Tucker Rule (Thursday)

    Ep. 131 Tucker Rule (Thursday)

    Tucker Rule is most well-known for being the drummer of post-hardcore band Thursday but stays busy playing for a host of folks including The Wanted, Frank Iero, and My Chemical Romance. You can hire Tucker to play on your record through SoundBetter.com and you'll be happy you did! This was the first time speaking with hm and we had a great time talking a lot of random crap. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did. 

    If you are able and feel inclined please help support Couch Riffs podcast and covers videos at Patreon! Patreon support helps this grow and improve and your support is much appreciate! 

    Thanks to River City Guitars for continued support!

    PATREON BONUS PREVIEW: Maggie's My Immortal Drinking Game

    PATREON BONUS PREVIEW: Maggie's My Immortal Drinking Game

    tw self-harm // PATREON BONUS PREVIEW! On the 10th of every month, Maggie is going to enthrall Patreon donors with a few chapters of the irrepressible, incomprehensible, enigmatic literary tastemaker that is... My Immortal. We offer you this preview of the first installment of her solo Patreon show on the main feed as an enticement to pop over to our Patreon at patreon.com/imetyouonljpodcast and see what other goodies you can get. HI DONORS, WE SAID FLIRTILY.

    Episode 44: A good time, not a long time

    Episode 44: A good time, not a long time

    The time has come. It's our final episode! Join us as we analyze our very last MCR mystery, reminisce about times gone by, and bid you a fond farewell (for now). Featuring: queens of the night Tara and Raven, orphan ghosts, and Dracula 2000. It's all here on the final-ish installation of your friendly neighborhood My Chemical Fancast. 


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