

    Explore "nadine" with insightful episodes like "8.14 SEMI FINAL MATCHUPS FANTASY GIRL TOURNAMENT", "8.13 NFL Mock Draft", "weekly Buschfunk #11", "8.9 Final Round One Matchups for the Fantasy Girl Tournament" and "Nadine - Over the sea to Skye." from podcasts like ""Cheddarhead Fantasy Football Podcast", "Cheddarhead Fantasy Football Podcast", "buschfunk", "Cheddarhead Fantasy Football Podcast" and "mit Milch und Zucker"" and more!

    Episodes (65)



    Happy Easter everyone,  we are off this week to celebrate the Holiday but don't forget to vote in our Fantasy Girl Of The Year Tournament, FOXY 4 semi final matchups. 

    Talk to you again next week.  

    Check out the website:  www.cffpodcast.com

    Questions, Comments, Concerns?  Email us:  cffpodcast@hotmail.com

    Don't forget about our fanline where you can leave your voicemail or text questions for us:  414-520-8249

    weekly Buschfunk #11

    weekly Buschfunk #11
    #11 - unser erster Weekly Buschfunk, ab sofort alle ein - zwei Wochen...wir sprechen über Nadines Isolation vor dem Einsatz und über unseren Live Podcast mit unserer Verteidigungsministerin AKK, anlässlich des Weltfrauentages. Achtung - dies ist kein offizieller Podcast der Bundeswehr, sondern gibt ausschließlich unsere eigene Meinung wieder!

    Nadine - Over the sea to Skye.

    Nadine - Over the sea to Skye.
    „Over the sea to Skye“ – Wie wandert man aus? (6:10) Ich liebe Heidlbeeren. Heidelbeeren sind alles für mich. (6:55) Mein Teenage-Selbst würde sich denken „Irgendwie bist schon cool“. (7:30) Ich bin drei Stunden in der Schlange gestanden und hab mir dann nicht einmal einen Donut gekauft. (9:20) Heuer war der beste Kaffee für mich, der Kaffee in Vietnam. (11:05) Eigentlich habe ich keine Ahnung von Kaffee wie sich herausstellt. (11:50) Ich wollte eigentlich am 22. fliegen, aber jetzt wurde mein Flug gestrichen. (12:35) Brexit ist ein Mitgrund, warum ich jetzt auswandere. (13:00) Durch Corona habe ich mir gedacht: Worauf warte ich eigentlich, dass ich was cooles mach? (13:30) Ich habe schon viel erlebt, aber noch nicht alles. (14:30) Die schottische Mentalität ist sehr ähnlich zur österreichischen. (15:45) Ich tu mir mit Rechtsverkehr schon schwer und bin nicht der große Autofahrer. (18:30) Es ist schon geplant für länger dort zu bleiben. (18:45) Momentan ist die Checkliste für daheim noch länger. (19:55) Es ist mühsamer das Leben hier abzubauen, als dort aufzubauen. (21:15) Vielleicht hasse ich viele Sachen, aber wenn die zu Ende sind, bin ich trotzdem melancholisch. (22:10) Es hilft mir zu wissen, dass ich wieder heimkommen kann. (25:30) Ich kann mir „fix“ momentan überhaupt nicht vorstellen. Was ist „fix“? Ich fühle mich zu jung um zu sagen „das ist jetzt fix“. (28:25) Ich denk mir lieber „Ein Wochenende dort hätte auch gereicht“ als „Warum hab ichs nie gemacht?“ (30:45) Was mir immer fehlt ist Leberkäse und Grüner Veltliner. (32:20) Es wird das erste Weihnachten ohne meine Familie. (36:00) Nachdem ich keine Ahnung habe, wie es sonst dort ist zu Weihnachten, wird mir auch nichts abgehen. (36:55) Ich bin ein Food- und Kochnerd. (38:15) Ich hasse Apfelstrudel. (39:00) Kann man Leberkäse verschicken? (40:20) Der hat mich gefragt:“ Why did you come to the US?” Und ich hab dann geantwortet:“ To live the american Dream!“ Das hat er nicht so witzig gefunden. (40:45) Meine Schwester ist der lustigste Mensch der Welt. (44:36) Ich finde es bei Humor wichtig, dass Satire sich nach oben richtet. (46:33) In 5 Jahren will ich sagen können, ich habe das gemacht, was mir getaugt hat. (47:49) Ich will mir nie denken, umziehen ist so mühsam und mich deswegen davon abhalten. (49:35) Nimm dich nicht zu ernst, auch wenn du schon 30 bist, musst du noch nicht erwachsen sein. (50:20) Ich bin nicht auf alle Eventualitäten vorbereitet und ich mache es trotzdem.

    Why is mediation the "most powerful' tool in the world of dispute resolution

    Why is mediation the "most powerful' tool in the world of dispute resolution

    I am delighted to welcome Srdan Simac to my latest episode of #Leadingthecoaching change podcast.

    Srdan Simac is a judge, a mediator, arbitrator, lawyer in Croatia. If you follow his work, you'll see that he walks the talk. 

    Srdan Simac shares his compelling story about his journey, his career and his philosophy of life (and mediation). He is humble, caring. 

    • What skills a mediator need to have to be successful
    • Why do people like saying 'I am right' (and you're wrong)
    • The importance of listening when managing difference of opinions
    • Why is mediation the "most powerful' tool in the world of dispute resolution

    Srdan made reference to:

    My favourite quotes in this episode

    "Mediation is teaching us about communication skills, how to communicate, how to use words, how to change our perspective."

    But as a mediator, can you imagine, I have so-called "natural authority"? What does it mean? They choose me because they believe that I can help them. That is a huge privilege that somebody with the big problem in his or her life or business, choose you as a person and give you trust to help them, so I feel so privileged."

    Thank you Srdan Simac for this unforgettable moment.

    I improve employee well-being through conflict resolution training. Email me at npowrie@nadinepowrie.com.

    If you are curious about how can help leverage your leadership strengths, please visit my website.

    7.14 WR3s That Will Perform as WR1s this season.

    7.14  WR3s That Will Perform as WR1s this season.

    <>NFL News And Notes
    <>Eating With The NFL (Donny Anderson's Chicken Spaghetti)
    <>WR3 Draft Targets The Will Perform As WR1 This Season
    <>Fantasy Girl Of The Week (Nadine Leopold)

    Check out the website:  www.cffpodcast.com

    Questions, Comments, Concerns?  Email us:  cffpodcast@hotmail.com
    Email Dan at:  strap1971@yahoo.com

    Don't forget to use the fanline.  Leave us a voicemail or text message to read or play on the show:  414-520-8249

    Offizier und Werdegang #Folge4

    Offizier und Werdegang #Folge4
    Eigentlich wollten wir über die Ausbildung der Offiziere reden, das haben wir auch getan, nur leider sind wir mal wieder ein bisschen abgeschweift. Wir hoffen trotzdem, dass ihr ein bisschen was mitnehmen könnt und wir euch einen Einblick - zumindest was unseren Werdegang angeht - geben können. Achtung - dies ist kein offizieller Podcast der Bundeswehr, sondern gibt ausschließlich unsere eigene Meinung wieder!

    #46 Hallo Wohlfühlform - die Hochzeit kann kommen! (Nadines Fazit)

    #46 Hallo Wohlfühlform - die Hochzeit kann kommen! (Nadines Fazit)
    Alles hat irgendwann ein Ende - so leider auch das Coaching mit der wundervollen Nadine, das sie heute in dieser Episode mit Nati Revue passieren lässt und ein abschließendes Fazit zieht. Welche Erfolge konnte Nadine erzielen? Wie ist sie mit einem kleinen Rückschlag, ausgelöst durch eine Verletzung, umgegangen? Wenn ihr auf der Suche nach einer tollen Motivation seid, ist diese Episode genau das Richtige für euch! Viel Spaß beim Anhören!

    Nadine Mezher: Owning Your Financial Independence

    Nadine Mezher: Owning Your Financial Independence

    This episode is for people who want to learn more about investing cheaply, and those interested in entrepreneurship.

    My favorite quote was “You only incur the loss when you pull out of the market”.

    You can find Nadine on LinkedIn or at www.sarwa.co



    Want detailed show notes? A list of book recommendations? To send us some love? To nominate a guest? Head to whenwomenwinpodcast.com

    Let’s get social! When Women Win is @whenwomenwinpodcast on InstagramTwitter & LinkedIn.

    If you’re on iTunes, would you kindly take half a minute to rate & review the podcast? It would help tremendously.

    Thank you,


    Episode 6 - Let's keep this discrete

    Episode 6 - Let's keep this discrete
    I have a secret about my celebrity crush. But we must be discrete about it! If you are interested in learning more about discrete math and my favorite Die Hard puzzle, please feel free to visit me at www.mathsciencehistory.com and read more about it (there are visuals too). 

    Also, while you are at my Website, please feel free to click on the coffee link and buy me a cup of coffee! 

    Until next week, carpe diem!


    Music is public domain. Little Prince by Lloyd Rodgers. www.LloydRodgers.com 

    Diversity Meets Technology at New York Fashion Week w/ Anina Net

    Diversity Meets Technology at New York Fashion Week w/ Anina Net
    When the fashion and technology worlds combine, remarkable and advanced creations are made. But we need to encourage more women and minority groups to embrace technology. , fashion model, blogger, and CEO of 360 Fashion Network is creating beautiful wearable technology while paving the way for diversity. Anina Net is an absolute inspiration. She approached major tech companies with her ideas to combine fashion and technology at an early age and has been guided, mentored, and educated along the way to making her dream happen. Anina Net knew what value her thoughts and ideas could bring to the fashion industry. She believes in the power of amplification and wholeheartedly thanks for being an advocate for her in a male-dominated industry. In the same vein, women in positions of power should always bring other women with them to the top - that’s the power of a mentor. With the advances in fashion technology, companies are learning more about who their customers actually are, and in a lot of cases, the results are surprising them. Anina Net shares some insights into this side of the fashion industry. Wearable technology is not solely about light-up clothes and self-heating jackets. Technology meeting fashion will also transform the home medical industry. Imagine a world where you’re not having to hide in your house wearing monitors and wires, but one where that’s all built into a cozy sweater you can head outside in. Anina Net is advocating for more diversity in fashion technology. By elevating women and minorities, discussion and opinions that differ from others in the room lead to more creativity. That’s why we should be endeavoring in every aspect of our lives to create a more representation. In This Episode: Why you need to know your own value How having a male advocate to amplify your voice can impact your career How fashion technology is showing designers who their customers really are How wearable technology can have a positive impact on home medical care What fashion technology kits are bringing to the future of medical technology Why we need to expose more minorities to technology to create diverse ideas and views What happens when we have a more diverse panel How a mentor should help lift you up   Quotes: “I think as women, we don’t maybe all the time see how fabulous we are. I think women need to get some kahunas and be more bold!” (4:44) “I decided that we needed more women in technology. I thought we needed more women to create technology. And how could I get women even interested in technology? Because through their upbringing, they have been trained to be technophobic. So I thought fashion is the right platform to attract women. Because women in fashion are powerful.” (31:09) “We have to cleanse our minds and be conscious of our unconscious bias, to specifically go where we may feel uncomfortable or out of place.” (36:11) “I just really tried to put together a useful event, that when you go in you had one way of thinking, and when you come out, you have solutions that you can implement into your business that can bring you forward into a more sustainable and inclusive and diverse world that we’re moving into.” (53:00)   Links       Fina Anina on | | |   Find Powerful Conversations on | | |

    New York Fashion Week meets Technology w/ Anina Net, Pablo Starr, Dale Noelle

    New York Fashion Week meets Technology w/ Anina Net, Pablo Starr, Dale Noelle
    Who says the fashion industry has to stay the same as it always was? With remarkable advances in technology, the industry is entering a renaissance period, with many designers and models at the helm. We’re speaking with Anina Net, Pablo Starr, and Dale Noelle to find out how they’re revolutionizing the fashion industry with wearable technology. Anina Net was the first model blogger. She’s the CEO of 360 Fashion, a company dedicated to fashion technology and wearable tech. Pablo Starr is a fashion editor who has recently released his first book: RNWY, A Fashion Week Space Adventure. Dale Noelle is a model manager and instructor at The Fashion Institute of Technology. While all three guests come from different parts of the fashion industry, their mission is in sync. Together, they speculate and share what they think the future of Artificial Intelligence looks like, especially for the fashion industry. Pablo goes one step further to explore a world where we live and work in harmony with Artificial Intelligence. Dale is looking at the benefits technology brings to the fashion industry, starting with creating clothes to fit all body types. In fact, diversity in fashion and technology is important, and not just for representation. Removing the barriers to fashion technology opens up so many possibilities for diverse opinions, expressions, and possibilities. Anina shares how hearing phrases like “that’s impossible” have pushed her to make greater things. She’s used her experience as a model to become an entrepreneur, as so many of the aspects overlap. For her, fashion technology is the present and future. Do you own any wearable technology? How do you feel about the future of fashion and artificial intelligence? What does diversity in fashion mean to you? In This Episode: What the future of Artificial Intelligence might look like Why you should be open to the concept of sharing the world with Artificial Intelligence  How technology is helping the fashion industry create clothes that fit more body types Why more diversity in fashion and technology is important What can happen when you remove the barriers to fashion technology Why hearing “that’s impossible” is actually a great motivation for making things happen How modeling can give you all the skills you need to become an entrepreneur How the modeling industry is helping defy gender stereotypes   Quotes: “It’s through our dreaming and through our storytelling that we actually understand the products and things of the future that we want to develop.” (8:36) “If we continue to ignore the idea of things existing that our more powerful or faster than us and we don’t give them some sort of security, then we’re inviting all the problems that we see in science fiction novels.” (13:07) “The world is finally moving forward in the right direction when it comes to “fit for all” and trying to help the world be a more environmentally friendly place.” (19:11) “If we had more people from diverse backgrounds developing the tech, we would have even more services that would help them out.” (22:58)   Links   Fina Anina on | |     Find Pablo on   Find Dale on | |   Find Powerful Conversations on | | |

    Nadine Baggott: Beauty Without the BS

    Nadine Baggott: Beauty Without the BS
    She's been in the beauty industry for 25 years and her straight talking, no nonsense approach has won her hundreds of thousands of die-hard fans.

    Nadine Baggott is a woman who seriously knows her beauty stuff and in this episode she joins me for an honest and outspoken chat about the ingredients that really work, products we can trust and also advice on how to sort the facts from the fiction about subjects such as the safety of parabens.

    Nadine isn't afraid to speak her mind and I love her for it. If you're into you're beauty, you'll find this chat refreshing and informative.

    Later in the episode I chat about a recent spa visit that was truly spectacular as well as talking through some great mascaras. I also talk about a failed hypnotism session!!

    Hope you love listening to this as much as I enjoyed doing the interview. Join me again on Wednesday for The Ultimate Guide to Makeup With Cher Webb xx

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