

    Explore " netzero" with insightful episodes like "Consultant Focus Let’s Talk: Large Scale Commercial Projects", "Ask ME | About the UK Net Zero Carbon Buildings Standard", "Win green & grow: Nachhaltige Verpackungen zahlen sich aus!", "Electrifying the skies: revolutionizing air travel with Josef Mouris and ELECTRON" and "Bauen, aber nachhaltig" from podcasts like ""Ask ME", "Ask ME", "Tomorrow - ein McKinsey Podcast", "Another ClimateTech Podcast" and "Tomorrow - ein McKinsey Podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    Consultant Focus Let’s Talk: Large Scale Commercial Projects

    Consultant Focus Let’s Talk: Large Scale Commercial Projects

    Rob Conway is joined by Richard Venga, Business Manager – Engineered Solutions at Mitsubishi Electric, for a discussion on the challenges facing HVAC Consultants and Specifiers when designing heating, cooling and ventilation solutions for large commercial buildings.


    Richard discusses the legislation and initiatives driving the changes in the way we will need to heat, cool and ventilate large buildings. From hospitals and schools to large commercial premises, each client has specific technical needs. During the podcast, we discuss the technological developments and innovations from Mitsubishi Electric, and what they mean for decarbonisation of the commercial sector.

    • (18:14) - Marker 01
    • (31:00) - Marker 02

    Ask ME | About the UK Net Zero Carbon Buildings Standard

    Ask ME | About the UK Net Zero Carbon Buildings Standard

    The UK Net Zero Carbon Buildings Standard, as discussed by David Partridge in this podcast, marks a significant milestone in sustainable building in the UK. This initiative, which David chairs, aims to unify the concept of sustainability in the building industry by providing a clear, measurable standard for sustainable practices. It addresses the urgent need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, encompassing both new constructions and retrofits, and targets both embodied and operational carbon. This standard is a response to the industry's evolution from raising awareness to actively engaging in emission reduction, representing a deeper commitment to sustainability.

    The standard not only defines 'good' sustainable practices but also confronts greenwashing by promoting transparency and uniform evaluation of Net Zero claims. It has practical implications, particularly in financial contexts, where adherence could lead to favourable loan conditions, thus incentivising sustainability. The initiative aligns with other metrics and standards, simplifying efforts across the industry. Looking forward, the standard aims for self-policing and will influence future government legislation. The challenge remains in verifying and enforcing compliance, with possibilities ranging from qualified professionals to a dedicated verification body. Overall, the UK Net Zero Carbon Buildings Standard is a collective commitment to a sustainable future, aiming to eradicate greenwashing and transform sustainable building in the UK.

    Win green & grow: Nachhaltige Verpackungen zahlen sich aus!

    Win green & grow: Nachhaltige Verpackungen zahlen sich aus!

    Der Übergang zu nachhaltigen Verpackungen im Einzelhandel lohnt sich: Optimierungspotenzial und Kosteneinsparungen in Höhe von 15%, in einigen Produktkategorien 30-40% sind möglich. McKinsey und ALDI SOUTH Group haben in Partnerschaft ein transparentes Verpackungsökosystem entwickelt. Emissionen reduzieren und Wachstum beschleunigen – das schließt sich nicht aus. Doch wie gelingt es, alle Akteure entlang der Wertschöpfungskette an einen Tisch zu bekommen, die Kreislaufwirtschaft zu verbessern und mehr recycelte Materialien zu nutzen? Darüber sprechen wir mit Anke Ehlers, Global Head of Sustainability der ALDI SOUTH Group und Daniel Rexhausen, Senior Partner bei McKinsey.   

    Weitere Infos: https://www.mckinsey.de/funktionen/nachhaltigkeit/retail-packaging 

    See www.mckinsey.com/privacy-policy for privacy information

    Electrifying the skies: revolutionizing air travel with Josef Mouris and ELECTRON

    Electrifying the skies: revolutionizing air travel with Josef Mouris and ELECTRON

    Imagine traveling by air with zero  emissions, enjoying the luxury of a private jet at business class ticket prices. That's what Josef Mouris, founder of ELECTRON, envisions with their electric five-seater airplane, the ELECTRON 5. As a commercial pilot for 15 years, Josef's experience fuelled his passion for revolutionizing air travel, and in this episode, he shares the challenges, potential, and mission behind ELECTRON.

    We dive into the world of funding and the exciting future of regional air mobility, projected to grow massively and be worth $100 billion by 2035. Find out how ELECTRON plans to leverage underused regional airports to minimize environmental impact while capturing a large slice of the global regional aviation market.

    Parakar is the easiest way to hire people in Europe without the hassle of setting up a new entity. Get a free consult now.

    Take two seconds now to sign up for podcast news, updates, and giveaways.

    Bauen, aber nachhaltig

    Bauen, aber nachhaltig

    Um Net-Zero bis 2050 zu erreichen, müsste die Gebäude- und Bauindustrie in den nächsten 30 Jahren dreimal schneller dekarbonisieren als in den 30 Jahren zuvor. Zudem steht die Bauindustrie vor einem Gewinnrisiko von > 210 Mrd. EUR/Jahr. Wo könnte man konkret CO2 einsparen? Welche Bedeutung spielt Kreislaufwirtschaft? Darüber sprachen wir mit Sebastian Reiter, Partner bei McKinsey.

    Weitere Insights und Infos: https://mck.de/DekarbonisierungBauindustrie 

    See www.mckinsey.com/privacy-policy for privacy information

    Wie grün kann bzw. muss Wachstum in B2B sein?

    Wie grün kann bzw. muss Wachstum in B2B sein?

    Entlang ihrer Wertschöpfungsketten investieren Unternehmen in die Dekarbonisierung ihrer Betriebe, um mit den immer anspruchsvolleren Erwartungen der Verbraucher Schritt zu halten. Weniger klar ist jedoch der finanzielle Anreiz: Wie können Unternehmen sicherstellen, dass sich diese Investitionen auszahlen und für Wachstum sorgen? Darüber sprachen wir mit Georg Winkler, Senior Partner und Greta Carlson, Associate Partnerin. (Zuerst erschienen im Oktober 2022)  

    Weitere Insights und Infos: https://mck.de/3N4bdOI

    See www.mckinsey.com/privacy-policy for privacy information

    Westwood Energy Transition Now Podcast – Episode 29 Offshore Wind with Justine Burg, Equinor

    Westwood Energy Transition Now Podcast – Episode 29 Offshore Wind with Justine Burg, Equinor

    in this episode of the Offshore Wind Energy Transition Now mini-series, David spoke with Justine Burg, VP of Business Development, Europe Offshore Wind at Equinor, to discuss "Delivering Europe’s Offshore Wind Ambitions”

    Ambition is not something the Offshore Wind industry is lacking. The question is whether it can deliver on the targets being set.

    New and emerging markets are often singled out for discussion, but the theme of deliverability is just as important – if not more so – in Europe, the birthplace of the industry.

    David and Justine explored Europe’s Offshore Wind ambitions, the challenges that the region faces, and what potential changes are needed for the industry to deliver.

    Ask ME | The retrofit challenge with ISG

    Ask ME | The retrofit challenge with ISG

    Join Dan Smith, National Sustainability & Construction Manager, and Chris Newman, Zero Carbon Design Manager from Mitsubishi Electric, along with Bradley Bennett, Mike Linehan, and Paul Sullivan from ISG, the Global Construction Company. The conversation focuses on the challenges that construction firms face in the retrofit sector as we move towards a net zero future.

    CLIMATE CHANGE – WE NEED TO TALK A cross-generational conversation on the climate crisis

    CLIMATE CHANGE – WE NEED TO TALK A cross-generational conversation on the climate crisis

    In this episode of Future Sight, we dive deep into the urgent issue of climate change and its impact on different generations. Join our host, Liz, as she engages in a meaningful conversation with Arielle Kouyoumdjian and Tyler Williams, who share their unique perspectives and hopes for the future. Throughout the episode, the importance of bridging the gap between generations and fostering dialogue is emphasised.

    Liz, Arielle, and Tyler discuss the role technology can play in sustainable practices and the responsibility we all bear in making a difference, no matter how small or large our individual spheres of influence may be.

    This podcast is based on Capgemini Research Institute's latest quarterly review, Conversations for Tomorrow, Climate Tech for a Sustainable Planet. It is brought to you by Capgemini Invent. This episode is hosted by Liz Lugnier, lead by Afashan Sayyed and produced by Thomas O'Mahony.
    You can listen back to some of our previous Future Sight episodes:

    Mission Zero – Step by Step with Mitsubishi Electric and BESA

    Mission Zero – Step by Step with Mitsubishi Electric and BESA

    In the first episode in our Net Zero Series, in collaboration with Mitsubishi Electric and BESA, we are joined by Chris Skidmore OBE, Chair of Independent Government Review on Net Zero. His ‘Mission Zero’ review, which was published in January, made 129 recommendations for delivering a prosperous UK ‘green economy.’ These included speeding up decisions around low carbon heating, the role of energy efficiency in buildings, and accelerating the process of connecting renewable power generation to the country’s electricity grid.  

    Chris is joined by David Frise, Chief Executive, BESA, Martin Fahey – Head of Sustainability, Mitsubishi Electric, and Chris Newman – Zero Carbon Design Manager, Mitsubishi Electric.

    They discuss in detail:

    • How building services have adapted before and can do it again, with BESA members urged to help government understand detail
    • How the UK will be warmer and richer thanks to net zero and will narrow the price gap between electricity and gas
    • The major barrier to net zero - our skills shortage
    • One trillion of inward investment possible this decade with 90% of global GDP focused on net zero
    • How we need to link net zero to the safety agenda to drive compliance

    Wie die Chemieindustrie Nachhaltigkeit voranbringt

    Wie die Chemieindustrie Nachhaltigkeit voranbringt

    Die chemische Industrie ist mit einem Jahresumsatz von knapp 5.000 Milliarden US-Dollar einer der größten Industriezweige weltweit. Auch in Sachen Emission, fällt die Branche ins Gewicht:  Die weltweiten Emissionen der chemischen Industrie beliefen sich 2021 auf ca. 925 Mio. Tonnen CO2. Das sind etwa 2 % der weltweiten Gesamtemissionen.

    Welche Rolle spielt die chemische Industrie für den CO2-Footprint Deutschlands? Wie kann die Dekarbonisierung gelingen? Diese Fragen klären wir im Gespräch mit Simon Knapp, Partner bei McKinsey. 

    Weitere Insights und Infos:  https://mck.de/Chemicalindustry


    See www.mckinsey.com/privacy-policy for privacy information

    A quantum leap for R&D | How quantum-centric R&D is reshaping research

    A quantum leap for R&D |  How quantum-centric R&D is reshaping research

    Our latest episode truly probes the frontier of tech and innovation. We’ve spoken about quantum computing before on this show – now get ready for a much deeper dive.  

    Our guests – Richard Padbury from IBM Quantum and Sam Genway from Capgemini Quantum Lab – explain the differences between quantum and traditional computing,  

    and discuss the topic of quantum-centric supercomputing. Later, they explore topics including: 

    • Quantum-centric R&D (QDDRD) and how it fits into the larger field of chemistry and material science research  
    • How QDDRD accelerates that research, including examples of recent breakthroughs 
    • The potential applications of these technologies in various fields 
    • Challenges that researchers are facing 

      This podcast is brought to you by Capgemini Invent. This episode is hosted by Kary Bheemaiah, lead by Afashan Sayyed and produced by Thomas O'Mahony.

      You can listen back to some of our previous Future Sight episodes:


    Circular Economy: Naht das Ende der Wegwerfgesellschaft?

    Circular Economy: Naht das Ende der Wegwerfgesellschaft?

    Wir leben in einer überwiegend linearen Form des Wirtschaftens - salopp gesagt: einer Wegwerfgesellschaft. Ist das Konzept der Circular Economy die Lösung? Was zeichnet eine Kreislaufwirtschaft aus? Was hindert uns daran, eine zirkuläre Form des Wirtschaftens zu realisieren? Und was hat der Tech Start-up Award „The Spark – der deutsche Digitalpreis“ damit zu tun? Darüber sprechen wir mit Stefan Helmcke, Co-Leiter der globalen Sustainability Practice von McKinsey & Company.

    Weitere Insights und Infos: Spiel, Satz, Sieg: mit der Klimawende gewinnen: https://www.mckinsey.de/publikationen/2022-05-03-spiel-satz-sieg

    See www.mckinsey.com/privacy-policy for privacy information

    Finally – a map for net zero | The industry net zero accelerator initiative

    Finally – a map for net zero | The industry net zero accelerator initiative

    In this episode of Future Sight, our expert guests from Siemens and Capgemini come together to uncover the best way forward with Industry Net Zero Accelerator initiative – a joint effort between Siemens, Capgemini, Rockwell Automation, Cambridge University, and the World Economic Forum. This conversation covers: 

    • The four-step “No-Excuse” framework and its potential to change production practices worldwide 
    • Systemic collaboration and how it’s achieved 
    • Unexpected challenges and opportunities in our collective path toward net zero 
    • The changing role of digital and data 
    • The Estainium Association and their role in creating value chain transparency  

    Tune in now to be a part of this insightful conversation on how we can work together toward a net zero future. Don’t miss out! 

    This podcast is brought to you by Capgemini Invent. This episode is hosted by Liz Lugnier, lead by Afashan Sayyed and produced by Thomas O'Mahony.

    You can listen back to some of our previous Future Sight episodes:


    Fliegen? Aber bitte sauber.

    Fliegen? Aber bitte sauber.

    Der Anteil der Luftfahrtindustrie an den globalen Emissionen liegt bei 2-3 %. Das ist ähnlich viel, wie Deutschland als gesamtes Land. Nachhaltiger Flugkraftstoff ist ein wichtiger Hebel zur Dekarbonisierung. Das Bewusstsein beim Kunden dafür wächst. Wie lässt sich das Fliegen mit dem Gewissen vereinbaren? Was könnten und müssten die Airlines tun, um zukunftsfähig zu bleiben? Diese Fragen klären wir im Gespräch mit Daniel Riefer, Partner bei McKinsey.

    Weitere Insights und Infos:  



    See www.mckinsey.com/privacy-policy for privacy information

    Ask ME | With Future Leap Sustainable Business Network

    Ask ME | With Future Leap Sustainable Business Network

    Curious about what truly constitutes a "sustainable workspace" from both environmental and commercial perspectives? We were too! That's why Dan Smith and Martin Fahey from Mitsubishi Electric had an engaging conversation with Fenna Leake and Katherine Piper MSc from Future Leap Sustainable Business Hubs. We gained valuable insights into one of the UK's largest green business networks and explored the concept of a sustainable workspace in depth.

    DECODING THE CSO | The newest role in the sustainability landscape

    DECODING THE CSO | The newest role in the sustainability landscape

    With more and more organizations making sustainability a top priority, a new executive role has emerged: the Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO). But what exactly does a CSO do?

    In the latest episode of the Future Sight podcast, we dive deep into the responsibilities of a CSO, and the challenges organizations face in achieving their sustainability targets. This timely conversation covers:

    • Lessons from other executive roles like digital transformation and DEI, which can help the CSO position succeed
    • Strategies for overcoming the organizational inertia that often hinders progress towards sustainability goals
    • How to balance the 8 key responsibilities of the role effectively

      Don’t miss out on this valuable conversation about a role that could shape the future of sustainability. Listen now!

      This podcast is brought to you by Capgemini Invent. This episode is hosted by Liz Lugnier, lead by Afashan Sayyed and produced by Thomas O'Mahony.

      You can listen back to some of our previous Future Sight episodes:


    Creative worlds collide Inspiring new worlds with SXSW and frog

    Creative worlds collide                                                                                                               Inspiring new worlds with SXSW and frog

    South by Southwest (SXSW) has long been at the cutting edge of creativity – but how did it become the powerhouse it is today? And how are they connected with frog, part of Capgemini Invent? Today we talk with Hugh Forrest, Co-President and Chief Programming Officer for South by Southwest, and Craig McNeil, President of Capgemini Invent in the Americas. Together we take a deep dive into the history and evolution of one of the most innovative event organizers in the world. 
    In this episode we explore: 

    • The link between technology and creativity 
    • Following trends, versus driving trends 
    • How to look at “trends of the day” 
    • Maintaining a creative workforce and creative processes 
    • How Greentech startups are taking on climate change 
    • Space, the universe, and the drive to discover 

    We also look at creativity and innovation within organizations, and discuss how frog has helped to cultivate this culture. From "the power of provocation" to the rise of generative AI, all the biggest tech questions of the year are here. 

    Tune in for invaluable insights and discover how you can boost your organization’s creative power. 

    This podcast is brought to you by Capgemini Invent. This episode is hosted by Liz Lugnier, lead by Afashan Sayyed and produced by Thomas O'Mahony.

    You can listen back to some of our previous Future Sight episodes:
