

    Explore " niksen" with insightful episodes like "Kindergeschichte für Groß und Klein: "Vom Dasitzen und Denken" von Elke Bräunling und "A Brilliant Idea" von TerraSound, Dag Reinbott", "Niksen: The Art of Doing Nothing with Olga Mecking! 211", "103. Necessidade de descanso", "The Boredom Antidote" and "Can boredom ever be good? Part 1" from podcasts like ""HÖRBAR BUNT & VIELSEITIG Sonntagsgeschichten", "Boundless Body Radio", "Autoconsciente Podcast", "The Kind Leadership Podcast" and "All In The Mind"" and more!

    Episodes (6)

    Kindergeschichte für Groß und Klein: "Vom Dasitzen und Denken" von Elke Bräunling und "A Brilliant Idea" von TerraSound, Dag Reinbott

    Kindergeschichte für Groß und Klein: "Vom Dasitzen und Denken" von Elke Bräunling und "A Brilliant Idea" von TerraSound, Dag Reinbott
    Ein herzliches Hallo, ihr Lieben, schön, dass ihr wieder da seid auf einen kleinen Ohrenschmaus im August:
    Vielleicht ist euch schon mal das Wort „Niksen“ begegnet? Es ist niederländisch und bedeutet, nichts zu tun. 
    Dass er nichts tut, das sagen einige Menschen zu Max, wenn er so dasitzt und denkt. Ziemlich merkwürdig, findet Max. 
    Was meint ihr? Ist man wirklich ein Langweiler oder eine Langweilerin, wenn man eine lange Weile einfach so dasitzen und denken kann? Hm … 
    „Vom Dasitzen und Denken“ und viele andere Geschichten schreibt in bunter Frische Elke Bräunling mitunter auf elkeskindergeschichten.de. Kein Wunder. Denn sie lebt und liebt im sagenumwobenen und inspirierenden Odenwald. Dort lässt es sich nämlich ganz wunder-voll dasitzen. Und denken 😊

    Wir wünschen euch viel Freude beim Eintauchen in die bunte Welt der Geschichten und danken euch ganz herzlich fürs Dabeisein, fürs Mitmachen, fürs Unterstützen 💝

    FreeSound-Mitmacher*innen: freesound.org

    Niksen: The Art of Doing Nothing with Olga Mecking! 211

    Niksen: The Art of Doing Nothing with Olga Mecking! 211

    Can doing nothing actually be doing something?

    Olga Mecking is a writer, journalist, and translator based in the Netherlands. She contributes to The New York Times, The Guardian, The BBC, The Atlantic, and many other publications. In her new book, Niksen: Embracing the Dutch Art of Doing Nothing, Olga shares why ritualistically letting your mind go free and doing nothing is the key to being more productive and happier in life. She is the reporter who made Niksen big, and her New York Times article on the subject was shared over 100,000 times! Since then, she has been interviewed by numerous media on the topic, from written news and blogs to radio shows and podcasts. Olga is also the creator of the blog The European Mama, translator of her father’s memoir, One Chance in a Thousand, and the editor of and contributor to the 2014 anthology Dutched Up! Originally from Poland, she now lives with her German husband in the Netherlands. She shares how Niksen can be more approachable than meditation, and why doing nothing can actually boost creativity and productivity!

    Find Olga at-

    FB- Olga Mecking

    Join the Facebook group!! The Nikseneers- People Who Love Doing Nothing!

    Amazon- Niksen: Embracing the Dutch Art of Doing Nothing


    Find Boundless Body at-


    Book a session with us here!

    103. Necessidade de descanso

    103. Necessidade de descanso

    Nestes tempos de comércios abertos 24 horas, linhas de produção que nunca param e entretenimento ininterrupto, nós perdemos a noção dos limites do nosso corpo, da nossa mente, da nossa energia vital. Este é um episódio para nos lembrar da importância do descanso, das funções do sono e do direito de não fazer nada às vezes. Depois de 21 meses de pandemia e tudo que a gente passou, quem é que não está precisando descansar?

    ==== Episódios relacionados: 17. Nas noites insones | 18. Relaxamento para o sono – Meditação guiada 

    ==== Acompanhe o Autoconsciente no Instagram pelos perfis @regina.giannetti e @vocemaiscentrado


    Spot Globoplay: Astrológicas

    Se você curte astrologia; se você tem curiosidade sobre a influência dos astros na sua vida, um podcast pra você é o Astrológicas.  Em episódios aos domingos, as astrólogas Isabel Muller e Titi Vidal apresentam o quadro "O céu da semana" e falam das influências que vêm por aí. Em sextas alternadas, elas fazem o quadro “Café com os astros”, um bate-papo sobre o mapa astral de algum convidado do mundo artístico. E nas outras, apresentam o quadro "Astrologuês", que explica os significados de planetas, casas do mapa, aspectos astrológicos e outros temas. Você acessa o Astrológicas pelo Globoplay no app e pelo seu navegador de internet ou ainda pelos aplicativos de audio. No Globoplay tem um podcast pra você!


    Um curso para você encontrar o seu centro no turbilhão da vida:

    Sou autora do podcast Autoconsciente, que fala de vida interior para você entender melhor sua mente e emoções. Os vídeos deste canal retratam situações que todos nós vivemos: emoções difíceis, inseguranças, ansiedade, stress, problemas de relacionamento, dificuldades da vida que não sabemos como enfrentar.... Aqui, esses assuntos são tratados de uma forma esclarecedora e acolhedora, com muita empatia. Como costumo dizer, minha intenção é que ao terminar um episódio você se sinta melhor do que quando começou.

    Acompanhe-me no Instagram pelo perfil @‌regina.giannetti

    The Boredom Antidote

    The Boredom Antidote
    The feeling you get when you're waiting. Pent up energy stymied by the inability to act. Stuck. Held up. Frustrated. Grazing food in the kitchen. Restless. Risky behavior. Online shopping (when you don't need anything). Drinking too much. Sleeping too much. If you'll do anything to beat boredom, why not do something good for you? In today's episode, we offer some keys to escape the boredom trap. Are you ready to get out of here?

    Can boredom ever be good? Part 1

    Can boredom ever be good? Part 1

    Many Australians have reported a higher level of boredom during the long stretch of isolation brought about by COVID-19. So, if you have felt some boredom, was it good or bad? Psychologists believe they’ve classified several different shades of the beast and not all are bad. So we check out ways to embrace the better versions.

    NIKSEN - the art of doing nothing

    NIKSEN - the art of doing nothing
    We live in an amazing time with advanced technology and endless opportunities. But this amazing time comes with a disadvantage: we feel the urge to always DO something and that causes our brain to get overwhelmed and our energy to get depleted. And while it is so necessary, it has almost become an art - doing nothing. So much so that we actually have a word for it in Dutch! It’s called Niksen. It literally means ‘doing nothing’ and it’s the focus of this episode! So if you’re ever overworked, overwhelmed, or overtired...then listen up!