

    Explore " obey" with insightful episodes like "SERMON | Hebrews13:7-25 | Remember, Obey, Pray, Doxology", "Disciplined for Life", "A Prayer In A Most Unlikely Place - Jonah 2 (THE BOOK OF JONAH)", "Facts About Obedience" and "Walking In The Spirit" from podcasts like ""Light in the Desert Church Sermons and Podcast", "Mornings with Jesus", "As Bold As Lions Podcast", "Petra Church International Ministries" and "As Bold As Lions Podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    Disciplined for Life

    Disciplined for Life

    Start your day in a positive way with “Mornings with Jesus”. Find hope during this quick devotional "Disciplined for Life" Narrated by Melissa Disney. Take the next step in your faith journey with an inspirational story with scripture to center yourself on the hope we have in Christ. For more devotionals, Christian meditations, and sleep stories download the Abide app: https://abide.co/awesome

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

    A Prayer In A Most Unlikely Place - Jonah 2 (THE BOOK OF JONAH)

    A Prayer In A Most Unlikely Place - Jonah 2 (THE BOOK OF JONAH)

    In this second installment of Jonah, we see Jonah praying a prayer in an unlikely place:  within the belly of a fish.  We know from the first chapter, Jonah's disobedience landed him here.  But even as this place has brought him to his knees, Jonah's plea is not rejected before God.  Through the 10 verses of Jonah 2, there is a Psalm-like longing and hope within Jonah.  By the end, we see he has a heart of repentance and a desire to once again be reinstated for God's call.  It's a call we experience too as we fully submit and surrender to God's will.  

    Facts About Obedience

    Facts About Obedience

    John 14:15-24

    15 “If you love me, keep my commands. 16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— 17 the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. 18 I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. 19 Before long, the world will not see me anymore, but you will see me. Because I live, you also will live.20 On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you.21 Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them.”

    22 Then Judas (not Judas Iscariot) said, “But, Lord, why do you intend to show yourself to us and not to the world?”

    23 Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.24 Anyone who does not love me will not obey my teaching. These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me.


    Obedience in the Last Days 

    Facts about Obedience 

    1.Obedience is the best way to relate to God.

    2. Obedience is the only way to demonstrate faith in God. 

    3. Partial obedience is not obedience.

    4. Obedience starts with small matter.

    5. Obedience brings blessing

    Walking In The Spirit

    Walking In The Spirit

    Is it possible to see the miracles, signs, wonders, and conversions seen in the early Acts church today?  Today's podcast seeks to find the key that unlocks these things; assuming they are real and still for today.  When we walk in the Spirit, we live with the ability to listen to the Lord's voice and obey.  As we do, we must know Scripture well enough to stand on the truth and proclaim it to those who are in darkness.  Finally, as we walk in the Spirit and in obedience, we should expect signs and wonders to follow.  This was the pattern, especially in Acts 8 (our backdrop passage for today).  If we walk in the Spirit, we can expect God to do amazing things.  To reach those "desperate enough for Jesus," are we listening to the Lord's heart?  

    A Long Obedience

    A Long Obedience

    Start your day in a positive way with “Mornings with Jesus”. Find hope during this quick devotional "A Long Obedience" Narrated by Johnathon Eltrevoog. Take the next step in your faith journey with an inspirational story with scripture to center yourself on the hope we have in Christ. For more devotionals, Christian meditations, and sleep stories download the Abide app: https://abide.co/awesome

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

    Dynamic Touch | with Apostle Cindy Jarrett presents | To Love God is to Fear and Obey | Part1

    Dynamic Touch | with Apostle Cindy Jarrett presents | To Love God is to Fear and Obey | Part1

    This week on Dynamic Touch, Apostle Cindy Jarrett reveals to Love God is to Fear & Obey.

    Answer these basic questions, Do you fear God? Do you know how to? Do you obey his word? What about, love, do you love God?

    These questions may seem small, and they may or may not be answerable to you, but at some point or another, these questions will face you when you least expect them. 

    Love is an action word, love is correction, God said, if you love me, you will keep my commandments. This message is deep and will make you ponder, so turn your bible to John 14 and let us begin to understand what it means #ToLoveGodistoFearandObey.

    Obey and be Blessed

    Obey and be Blessed

    The practice of Christian Meditation helps us live with the peace of Christ. Relax to the sounds of meditation music. Narrated by Johnathon Eltrevoog. Find freedom in obedience. Meditate on Psalm 119:97. Find peace and rest during this guided meditation for mind and body with deep breathing, prayer, and scripture. Use these meditations as a Bible study in the morning to center yourself on the truth in God's word. For more Bible meditations, download the Abide app: https://abide.co/awesome

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

    Dynamic Touch | with Apostle Cindy Jarrett presents | Obey the Prophets

    Dynamic Touch | with Apostle Cindy Jarrett presents | Obey the Prophets

    There is a spiritual famine & a physical famine in the lands today. Are you experiencing or seeing it? Some of you are not observing the changes while others are wondering what to do. Saints, the truth is we need to be aware of the signs of the times.

    Do you know the difference between the Pastors and Prophets? 

    Pastors are religious leaders who play a central role in the Christian tradition, particularly within our churches and denominations.
    They are primarily responsible for the spiritual and pastoral care of a specific congregation or church in our community. 

    It’s important to share & note, that the roles of prophets and pastors can vary, depending on the specific religious tradition, denomination, or cultural view.

    The question of why we should obey prophets is deeply rooted in religious connection with the Creator or Jehovah. Some common reasons why followers choose to obey or heed the guidance of prophets may be because of Divine Revelation that could shape or change the outcome of their lives. Just as 1st Kings 18: 30 to the end, we understand the importance of the Prophet Elijah vs. Baal and the outcome within the test.

     Many religious traditions believe that prophets are chosen by a divine being, such as Jehovah God, to convey important messages, teachings, or guidance, and we believe they are. Obedience to prophets is seen as obedience to the divine will. Prophets see future events or offer insights into the consequences of certain actions. Obedience to their warnings can be seen as a way to avoid calamities or negative outcomes.

    But, do you realize that some Leaders in society disrespect the men & women of God because of earthly power?  Another example is Ahab & Jezebel! Are you seeing examples of these personalities around you? In today's message, Apostle Jarrett will remind leaders that it is important to Obey the Prophets when a word is delivered by God & not to dismiss the word. 



    On this episode Mr. & Mrs. Mac discuss, How couples can balance their individuality and togetherness in their relationship and how crucial it is in maintaining a healthy relationship. They talk about communications,  how important it is to grow together and so so much more. So just relax and enjoy this open and real conversation. Don't forget to comment, rate and subscribe on YouTube (UA Network). You can also follow us on IG (@mrandmrsmacpodcast). Thanks for listening and hope you enjoy!! 

    Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/bood-up-98803459

    Happy Obedience

    Happy Obedience
    When you delight in God, his commandments are in no way a burden. Following him should be joyful and happy-hearted instead.-------- Thank you for listening! Your support of Joni and Friends helps make this show possible.     Joni and Friends envisions a world where every person with a disability finds hope, dignity, and their place in the body of Christ. Become part of the global movement today at www.joniandfriends.org   Find more encouragement on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and YouTube.

    A Life of Surrender

    A Life of Surrender

    The practice of Christian Meditation helps us live with the peace of Christ. Relax to the sounds of peaceful meditation music. Narrated by Melissa Disney. True freedom is found in a life of sacrifice. Meditate on Luke 9:23. Find peace and rest during this guided meditation for mind and body with deep breathing, prayer, and scripture. Use these meditations as a Bible study in the morning to center yourself on the truth in God's word. For more Bible meditations, download the Abide app: https://abide.co/awesome

    Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

    Obey God's Voice

    Obey God's Voice
    Refuse to listen to the enticing whispers of this world, and instead obey the voice of your Savior.-------- Thank you for listening! Your support of Joni and Friends helps make this show possible.     Joni and Friends envisions a world where every person with a disability finds hope, dignity, and their place in the body of Christ. Become part of the global movement today at www.joniandfriends.org   Find more encouragement on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and YouTube.

    Godly Family Relationships

    Godly Family Relationships

    Ephesians 6:1-3

    Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.“Honor your father and mother”—which is the first commandment with a promise—“so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.” Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.


    May: "Focus on the Family" Month 

    Dynamics of Family Relationships 

    To Children 

    To Parents 

    Reality Check 



    Dynamic Touch | with Apostle Cindy Jarrett presents | Obey | Part2- 2023

    Dynamic Touch | with Apostle Cindy Jarrett presents | Obey | Part2- 2023

    In part two of today's message, we will continue in the book of Genesis 21 & Genesis 22.

    While Obedience means to submit to authority, as humans we must obey God as he is the ultimate authority. We have gone so astray that we omit his every word & instruction, we must obey rather than feel the pain or suffering of life. 

    When God has given us an order, we must obey, imagine giving your niece, nephew, your child, or grandchild an instruction or even your co-worker and they don't obey, how would you feel? 

    This is our Father-Jehovah God, Jesus is his son, our King, we, therefore, must follow his instructions so that we can live forever in his Kingdom. I am sure you remember the word, 'Children, obey your parents...honor, your father & mother, so your days will be long.' Do you remember that passage? What about, Husbands, do you obey your wives or wives, do you obey your husbands? It's something to look at!

    Don't hold back what God is asking of you, give him your cares, problems & worries and he will reward you with peace that surpasses understanding. Obey him with no apologies, DONT BE AFRAID!  There will be a reward in Heaven when you obey his commandments and instructions.

    So, now you have some ideas, let's listen to part 2 now, with Apostle Cindy Jarrett.

    PARABLES — THE SOWER (Mark 4:1-20)

    PARABLES — THE SOWER (Mark 4:1-20)

    We're starting a new series for the next 3 weeks called Parables.  In the Gospels, Jesus used parables as a means to teach His discipes and followers a deeper spiritual truth.  The stories He used were not always for the greater audience, but rather for those who would genuinely follow and obey His words.  This first episode takes us to a well-known passage in Mark 4 called The Parable Of The Sower.  There are 4 different types of soil or ground that the seed (the word of God) can be sown into.  The Sower is Christ.  Our hearts are the individual soil conditions.  Join Derek this week as we dive into this passage which is as relevant today as it was when it was written!  

    The Impulse to Pray

    The Impulse to Pray
    Sometimes the Holy Spirit asks you to pray at inconvenient times, but you should always respond to every impulse to pray.-------- Thank you for listening! Your support of Joni and Friends helps make this show possible.     Joni and Friends envisions a world where every person with a disability finds hope, dignity, and their place in the body of Christ. Become part of the global movement today at www.joniandfriends.org   Find more encouragement on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and YouTube.

    BE GENEROUS - Giving Of Our Time & Talents

    BE GENEROUS - Giving Of Our Time & Talents

    IT'S THE 100TH EPISODE!   YAY!  Thanks for listening in.  

    “The worst sin against stewardship is to waste your life.”  R.C. Sproul

     “The saddest thing in life is wasted talent.” unknown

    But the master replied, “You wicked and lazy servant! If you knew I harvested crops I didn’t plant and gathered crops I didn’t cultivate, why didn’t you deposit my money in the bank? At least I could have gotten some interest on it.”  Matthew 25:26,27

    With the Parable of the Talents as our backdrop, today's episode looks at our we steward our time and talents.  It is clear that we are called to give an account for how we used what we were given.  This applies to money as we discussed last time.  But it also applies to our time and talents (i.e. giftings/skills) and using those in a God-honoring fashion.  Join Derek again as we finish up this BE GENEROUS series.  As always, you can reach this ministry at info@derekcharlesjohnson.com.  

    The Road of Suffering

    The Road of Suffering
    Stay on the right path, no matter how hard it feels – it’s leading you to the cross, and it’s leading you home.-------- Thank you for listening! Your support of Joni and Friends helps make this show possible.     Joni and Friends envisions a world where every person with a disability finds hope, dignity, and their place in the body of Christ. Become part of the global movement today at www.joniandfriends.org   Find more encouragement on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and YouTube.

    Submit Yourselves | Ep. 89

    Submit Yourselves | Ep. 89

    This biblical lesson is on the principle of submission. Regardless of what we see in our experience, God is absolutely sovereign. Sometimes, it is difficult to swallow some scriptures on subjecting ourselves to governing authorities and so we address some of the following questions like:

    1. How do we conduct ourselves in relation to governing authorities? 
    2. How is the principle applied, even when those we are submitting ourselves to are evil and wicked? 
    3. What are the limiting principles, if any, to this principle?

    We analyze how submitting ourselves to one another is applied in varying relationships of our life for the glory of God, borne not solely out of a fear of God, but more so out of our love for God.

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    May God bless you and make you prosperous in Him as you listen and obey His voice!


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