

    Explore "oneworld" with insightful episodes like "DLD 460: I dunno", "一直換不到機位?你必須捨棄的三大迷思", "DLD 448: ¿Cual Aeropuerto?", "This Week in Travel Episode 12 - Which is the best oneworld lounge at Heathrow Terminal 3" and "用不掉就是用不掉嗎!?手上的ana哩程究竟該何去何從,這集跟大家說明" from podcasts like ""Dots, Lines & Destinations » Podcast", "一直飛旅遊 Podcast", "Dots, Lines & Destinations » Podcast", "This Week in Travel from Turning Left for Less" and "一直飛旅遊 Podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (28)


    【Brady 航空哩程系列】 在後疫情時代,TripPlus不只一次跟大家說明 「疫情改變了很多事,很多過去的觀念已不復適用,必須更新觀念」 但還是有很多的朋友不願放棄過去的美好,始終死守著疫情前的舊觀念 因而換不到機位,或是看到了機位卻一直下不了手… 最後導致「空有哩程千千萬,機位一張沒得換」的窘境 這次主要把所有大家死守的舊觀念整合,並進而跟大家說明該如何更新觀念 希望對大家在未來點數旅行上有幫助喔!! 也希望大家聽完後能給我們五星評價~謝謝!!

    This Week in Travel Episode 12 - Which is the best oneworld lounge at Heathrow Terminal 3

    This Week in Travel Episode 12 - Which is the best oneworld lounge at Heathrow Terminal 3

    This week I will be looking at the latest news including Air France and KLM's decision to charge for business class seat selection and the latest on the strikes.

    The main part of the program is about flying from Heathrow Terminal 3 with oneworld and which is the best lounge to visit. Many people don't realise that if you have oneworld status that entitles you to lounge access (sapphire and emerald status) you can visit any oneworld lounge at T3, not just the airline you are flying with. This also applies if you are flying on a oneworld airline in business and first class.

    I'll be talking about the British Airways Galleries lounge, Qantas business and First lounge. American Airlines business and first lounges and Cathay Pacific business and first lounges.

    Plus I take a quick look at the American Express Centurion lounge which is free to enter with an American Express Platinum or Centurion card.

    You can find more details and photos about oneworld lounges at Heathrow T3 in this article: https://www.turningleftforless.com/which-is-the-best-oneworld-lounge-at-london-heathrow-terminal-3-what-lounges-can-i-use-worldwide/

    You can find the opening hours and locations of oneworld lounges here: https://www.oneworld.com/airport-lounges

    You can find the opening hours and locations of American Express Centurion lounges here https://thecenturionlounge.com/

    Visit www.turningleftforless.com for more tips on how to travel in luxury for less.



    其實我們都知道,因為粉專私訊如潮水般湧來很多都在問 :「到底ANA怎麼了?」 :「ANA怎麼老是找不到票??」 :「以前認真查還可以查到零星幾張,現在怎麼都沒有了…??是我操作錯誤嗎?」 在疫情之後,點數旅遊發生了很多改變 以往追求划算兌換的模式,現在也必須改為「以能換到票為重點」的模式 畢竟,哩程存在於帳戶裡,就只是一串數字不是嗎? 但我們相信很多朋友可能也"卡"了一些哩程在ANA 更糟的情況是在疫情影響之下…這些哩程很可能都要過期了,到底怎麼辦才好!? 這次的主題就跟大家分享手上的ANA還可以怎麼用!? 加碼再分享「ANA應該如何正確查詢哩程機位呢!?」 希望對大家消耗手上ANA有一點幫助 雖然不是十全十美的作法,但能夠讓哩程成為現實中的機票,才是我們的最大目標不是嗎!? 大家聽完之後也請給重病中的小編五星評價喔!謝謝~~ TripPlus AwardPlus小工具:https://www.tripplus.cc/awardplus/scraping


    既上次新手第一集分享了基本概念之後 第二彈跟大家共同討論「你真的需要航空會籍嗎?」 許多新手朋友在剛入門的時候不免會思考這個問題 但大部份的航空會籍與我們先前常與大家討論的酒店會籍大不相同 航空會籍取得的方式,通常都要實際的用「飛」出來的 花費的時間與金錢…確實是大家必須謹慎思考的成本啊!! 航空會籍的福利,像是可以使用貴賓室、優先登機,額外行李等等… 說真的,是實用的!!但單純為了這些福利,我應該要衝嗎? 這集跟大家分享如何審視自己是否需要取得航空高卡會籍 也會跟大家分享相對較好取得的航空會籍,以及如何取得喔! 希望對新手朋友有所幫助~也請大家聽完之後給我們五星評價呦!! 【資料參考】 哥倫比亞航空計畫 (LifeMiles) 更新高階會籍取得條件:https://blog.tripplus.cc/zh/153652/brady_lifemiles_new_elite_program_2023 透過日常消費,輕鬆獲取美國航空高階會籍,Ryan之極致疊疊樂: https://blog.tripplus.cc/zh/149752/ryan_aa_loyaltypoints_results_sep_2022


    隨著現金機票的無情飆漲,TripPlus也發現到 點數旅行的遊戲,越來越多新手試著想要加入 但在最一開始了解"基本概念"的時候,就讓許多人失望卻步 真的母湯喔~~!! 確實一開始資訊量真的很大,並且也要研究很多東西 但現在的起步已經比過去輕鬆許多,因為我們有很多現成的工具可以使用 這集除了跟大家分享哩程點數旅行的基本概念 也跟大家分享可以如何善加利用TripPlus獨家小工具 讓自己的點數旅行之路走得更順暢喔! 大家聽完之後可要給我們五星評價呦! TripPlus獨家小工具:https://www.tripplus.cc/home 哩程點數新手懶人包:https://blog.tripplus.cc/zh/2404/allinone-tutorial


    疫情之後現金機票真的是貴貴…雖說目前觀察到有些許下降 但是,相較以前的美好,還是貴啊!! 也因為這樣花不下手買現金機票的人也變多,所以…跟大家各位搶機位的人也變。多。了!! 如果你也跟小編、歐森一樣~ 出遊一趟,要配合另一伴的工作狀況、小朋友的假期… 旺季、連假的機位就是大家爭奪的目標!! 這次跟大家分享想要搶得旺季機位先機,該怎麼做!? 有什麼工具可能幫助大家贏在起跑點 如果真的沒辦法,又該怎麼做才能把自己的損失降到最低呢!? 千萬不要錯過這集呦~ 【點數工具】 TripPlus開發小工具:https://www.tripplus.cc/awardplus/scraping 【信用卡資訊】 Amex大白:https://blog.tripplus.cc/zh/creditcarddatabase/amex_platinum Hilton Honors American Express Aspire :https://blog.tripplus.cc/zh/creditcarddatabase/amex_hasp Citi Premier:https://blog.tripplus.cc/zh/creditcarddatabase/citi_premier U.S. Bank Altitude Reserve:https://blog.tripplus.cc/zh/creditcarddatabase/usbank_altitude_reserve Chase Sapphire Reserve:https://blog.tripplus.cc/zh/creditcarddatabase/chase_sapphire_reserve


    **部份內容補充說明:AS的網站"有時候"是可以看到日航頭等機位,但不一定可以完整顯示 有時候會完全查不到,因此建議搭配"日航"官網查詢,較為正確。 完整查詢手把手教學請參考:https://blog.tripplus.cc/zh/128730/brady_how_to_book_jal_first_class_by_alaska_mileage_2021 頭等艙產品,單程動輒幾十萬起跳,不是中了樂透還真是下不了手 但頭等艙絕不是遙不可及的~~ 這集要分享的就是「如何使用最少哩程,來兌換三大航空聯盟內的頭等艙產品呢!?」 包含: 寰宇一家的國泰、日航的頭等艙 之前也聊過超威超尊榮的星空聯盟漢莎航空、全日空頭等艙 還有最後最後的天合聯盟大韓航空頭等產品 究竟要用什麼哩程計畫,如何使用"最少"的哩程來兌換呢!? 保証聽完這些數字大家都會覺得「我也搭得到頭等艙!」所以一定要聽到最後喔! 聽這集,搭配TripPlus獨家開發的小工具,點數旅行手到擒來 聽完之後別忘了給我們五星評價喔! TripPlus獨家哩程小工具:https://www.tripplus.cc/home (包含哩程兌換、轉點夥伴、熱門美卡相關資訊…) 大韓航空淡旺季表格:https://www.koreanair.com/tw/zh-hk/skypass/use-miles/koreanair/award-tickets/redemption-table

    Osmium #25: Marilyn Manson, metal en #MeToo

    Osmium #25: Marilyn Manson, metal en #MeToo
    Liefhebbers van metalmuziek konden er de afgelopen weken niet omheen: de immer controversiële Marilyn Manson lijkt nu definitief van zijn voetstuk gevallen. Op sociale media volgde een schouwspel van verwijt, ontkenning en afbuiging. Deze spiegel zet de podcasters van Osmium - de zwaarste podcast in het Nederlands - aan het denken: wat zegt dit voorval over de moraal van de metalscene? Kan kunst gescheiden worden van de artiest? Wat is de rol van websites als Zware Metalen in het rapporteren over seksueel geweld? Is onze muziekgemeenschap daadwerkelijk voor alle buitenbeentjes? Met de gastbijdrage van fotograaf Koen, die in zijn studie journalistiek onderzoek gedaan heeft naar #MeToo, sluit de aflevering af met een appel om hier met elkaar in discussie over te gaan. Alleen samen kunnen we zorgen voor een bloeiende muziekgemeenschap. Met beeldmateriaal van Cocaine Piss en muziek van Bikini Kill. Onderwerpen:
    • Voorwoord (00:00)
    • Bikini Kill - Rebel Girl (02:03)
    • Introductie over zwammen en gisten (02:19)
    • Onthaal van gast Koen de Gussem (04:41)
    • Contextualisering van deze aflevering (06:39)
    • De kwestie Marilyn Manson (08:18)
    • Ontkenningscultuur en het ontbreken van gerechtigheid (14:18)
    • Idolisatie en het scheiden van kunst en artiest (24:13)
    • Het ontbreken van discussie over seksueel geweld in de scene en de pers (36:21)
    • De omgang met seksueel geweld in de hardcorescene versus de metalscene (48:32)
    • De weerspiegeling van de maatschappij in de metalscene (57:13)
    • De verantwoordelijkheid van de scene als geheel (1:07:46)
    • Luistertip van Niels: Cara Neir - Phase Out, een conceptalbum gevuld met videogamehysterica (1:11:47)
    • Intermezzo: de behandeling van de LGBTQ+-gemeenschap in de punk- en metalscene (1:15:25)
    • Luistertip van Pim: Humanity’s Last Breath - Välde, computergestuurde deathcore met een smaakvolle, menselijke toets (1:16:56)
    • Tip van Koen: Girls go BOOM, een feministisch DIY-collectief en boekingskantoor dat zich inzet om meer vrouwen en leden van de LGBTQ+-gemeenschap op podia te krijgen (1:20:03)
    • Shout-outs (1:21:36)

    Brock Crouch | Snowboard | The Bomb Hole Episode 37

    Brock Crouch | Snowboard | The Bomb Hole Episode 37

    A life changing avalanche, broken back, broken teethe, lacerated spleen, getting sober, contests, video parts, Burton OneWorld and more. Brock is one of the elite pro snowboarders that splits his time focused on contests and filming video parts. After his avalanche accident he went down a dark road of heavy drinking hitting the lowest point of his life. His father and sponsors reached out to him letting him know he was close to throwing away all he had worked for. Brock realized he needed to get sober and focus on rehab and that is just what he did. Now two years sober he is coming out strong with a full part in Burton’s OneWorld. Join us on this weeks episode of The Bomb Hole where we sit down with Brock and hear first hand about the avalanche and what it take’s to be a pro snowboarder splitting his time between the contest world as well as the video part game.

    One World Trailer

    OneWorld Site

    Special Thanks


    The Dew Tour

    Red Bull


    The Bomb Squad

    Brock Crouch’s Instagram: @brockcrouch

    INSTAGRAMS: @TheBombhole @Grendiesel @E_stone

    For all things bombhole go to BOMBHOLE.COM


    Join The Bomb Squad on our Patreon page! Props to all of our Patreon members for the support. We could not make these episodes happen without your help! Find out more at https://www.patreon.com/thebombhole

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    Watch the Video for this Episode on Youtube!

    Show Notes-

    Beta Movie



    How To Get Sober

    Hot Laps


    Tangle Full Movie

    Burton OneWorld

    The B Movie

    Pat Moore Avi Training

    How To Survive An Avalanche

    Luke Winklemann Spotify Playlist

    BSR Surf

    Surfer On The News

    Thanks for listening!

    Support the show (https://www.patreon.com/thebombhole)

    Copyright 2020 Bomb Hole Media, Inc.

    Friends of the Earth

    Friends of the Earth
    Friends of the Earth The OneWorld Community Show from Sunday 10th November 2013 on RadioReverb - Community Radio for Brighton and Hove, UK Chris Todd from Brighton and Hove Friends of The Earth talks air quality and the council's traffic plans, UNESCO green status for Brighton and other environmental issues local and global.. Mirika goes all musical newsy There's great music from Brighton and beyond, and more community news for our city Presented and produced by Donald Shier 59 minutes in length

    Eco Festival with Magpie-Shabbitat

    Eco Festival with Magpie-Shabbitat
    Eco Festival with Magpie-Shabbitat The OneWorld Community Show from Sunday 29 September 2013 on RadioReverb - Community Radio for Brighton and Hove, UK Magpie, Brighton's Recycling Coop has been in existence for 21 years. They organised a second Eco Festival at Saunders Park on Saturday 5th October 2013, just next to their Shabitat recycling superstore, with bands inside and out, talks on green issues, stalls from local eco groups and companies, wholesome food and drinks, children's activities and all kinds of things to do of an environmental and ethical nature Sibel from Magpie came to the show to say what was happening on the day Plus great music from Brighton and Hove and other places too Produced and Presented by Donald Shier 59 minutes in length

    Free University Brighton + Creative Living At: At The Coach House

    Free University Brighton + Creative Living At: At The Coach House
    Free University Brighton + At The Coachhouse Creative Living Centre A Community Education Special The OneWorld Community Show from Sunday 15 September 2013 on RadioReverb, Community Radio for Brighton and Hove, UK Ali from Free University Brighton tells us about this community education group that brings free, university style learning to convenient locations near you. Run by local people, courses and classes are a free and open alternative to what is seen as an increasingly expensive and commercialised university system And, a mystery person, from the At The Coachhouse creative and natural living centre, in Kemptown, tells of the courses and hands on educational opportunities she provides, in an informal community setting Plus, music from Brighton and Hove, with Sharon Lewis and Nicholas Barrell, Thom Weeks and Sparrow - And; from Los Angeles, USA - Orbit Monkey and from Misty in Roots from Southall in the UK Produced and presented by Donald Shier 59 minutes in length

    Fracking Protest for Beginners

    Fracking Protest for Beginners
    Fracking Protest for Beginners The OneWorld Community Show from 18 August 2013 on RadioReverb - Community Radio for Brighton and Hove, UK Another chance to hear our interview with two people concerned about the plans to drill for Shale Gas by Hydraulic Fracturing (Fracking) from November 2012 - The proposed drilling site at Balcombe has now become a national issue and a focus for thousands of people opposed to the government's plans for Sussex Plus community news for Brighton and Hove And with music from our city and the world - including : From here; Tiger Bite Fever and Hatful of Rain. + From Brazil - MC Sabrina, From Uganda Leila Kayondo, From the USA - Santigold and from London - Daniel Gouk Produced and Presented by Donald Shier and Tino Leonard 56 minutes in length

    B-ton and Hove Eco Energy Group

    B-ton and Hove Eco Energy Group
    Brighton and Hove Eco Energy Group The OneWorld Community Show from Sunday 4th August 2013 on RadioReverb - community radio for Brighton and Hove - UK On this week's show we ask is there a green future for our planet, and if so what can we do in Brighton and Hove to ensure that there is one. Doly and Tim from Brighton and Hove Eco Energy, a community group based in our city talk live in the studio about the problems of global warming, oil running out and if we can have other forms of energy without destroying our world. They tell us about how you can join the local debate on these issues at the Eco Energy groups monthly events in Brighton, on topics like nuclear power or wind power. We also look at the controversial subject of Fracking ( hydraulic fracturing to extract shale gas ) and the wave of opposition to it locally Plus community news and great music from Brighton and Hove and the world - With Das Fenster, Southern Sunrise, Wob, and The Resonators from here, and also with Burkina Electric from Germany and Brukina Faso in Africa and Marina Celeste from France Produced and presented by Donald Shier and Tino Leonard 57 minutes in length

    Rotait and Sharon Lewis Live

    Rotait and Sharon Lewis Live
    Rotait: Actually Live Session + Sharon Lewis recorded Live Session The InBrighton Live show from Saturday 16th March 2013 on RadioReverb - Community Radio For Brighton and Hove. Rotait - From Brighton-   Alternative Rock/Folk Rock/Bues Duo with Guitar, Cello and Drums Plus  3 songs from a previously recorded live session with singer/songwriter/guitar and pianist: Sharon Lewis, based in Brighton Produced and Presented by Donald Shier 58 Minutes in Length

    Brighton and Hove Eco Energy

    Brighton and Hove Eco Energy
    Brighton and Hove Eco EnergyThe OneWorld Community Show from Sunday 22nd July 2012, on RadioReverb - community radio for Brighton and Hove Talking with Dolly Garcia from this local community organisation that promotes energy saving and green energy sources - also the original organisers of the Brighton Eco Energy Fairs - We discuss the current state of Global Warming, Greenhouse Gases, Melting Icecaps and increasingly extreme weather here and around the world - and look at practical solutions for allPlus, music from Brighton's Spalien Acecraft and singer/songwriter; Sharon Lewis, and snippets of other music from the broadcast show, cut down for licensing reasonsProduced and Presented by Donald Shier50 minutes in length

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