

    Explore "overture" with insightful episodes like "128-Form and Analysis Pt.5-Baroque Forms", "Ep 145 | Arya Firoozmand | Overture: Changing the Way Small Firm Attorneys Work Together & Extend Their Practices", "#79 Boom Supersonic Overture - in 4 Stunden über den Atlantik", "La Musica di Ameria Radio del 20 gennaio 2022 musica di Jean-Philippe Rameau" and "Il Maggio Organistico presenta musiche di Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart" from podcasts like ""Music Student 101", "The Lawyer Stories Podcast", "Pulsgeber - Inspiration für deine Zukunft", "La Musica di Ameria Radio" and "Il Maggio Organistico Presenta ........."" and more!

    Episodes (38)

    Ep 145 | Arya Firoozmand | Overture: Changing the Way Small Firm Attorneys Work Together & Extend Their Practices

    Ep 145 | Arya Firoozmand | Overture: Changing the Way Small Firm Attorneys Work Together & Extend Their Practices

    The Lawyer Stories Podcast Episode 145 features Arya Firoozmand, Co-Founder at Overture Law, located in Los Angeles, California.  During Arya’s undergrad at UC Irvine he spent time with influential and impactful people that co-founded companies with him.  Arya shares with us that he attended law school because it opened up opportunities that no other secondary degree could.  After law school and a couple of other ventures, Arya shares that he co-founded Overture – with a mission to empower independent attorneys to expand the reach of their practices and better serve their clients; a true attorney platform with a purpose.

    #79 Boom Supersonic Overture - in 4 Stunden über den Atlantik

    #79 Boom Supersonic Overture - in 4 Stunden über den Atlantik
    In dieser Episode geht es einmal mehr um die Faszination Fliegen. Fast 20 Jahren nach dem letzten Passagierflug der Concorde gibt es ein neues amerikanisches Startup, dessen Vision es ist, ein nachhaltiges Überschallflugzeug zu entwickeln. Das Unternehmen war in diesem Sommer in den Schlagzeilen, da American Airlines 20 Flugzeuge bei dem Unternehmen bestellt hat. Grund genug für Timo und Michael sich das Unternehmen und die Vision genauer anzuschauen. Die beiden sprechen sowohl über die Geschichte der Überschallflugzeuge als auch über die gesellschaftliche Notwendigkeit des Projektes. Eine spannende Episode über technologische Highlights, Faszination aber auch eine kritische Einordnung.

    La Musica di Ameria Radio del 20 gennaio 2022 musica di Jean-Philippe Rameau

    La Musica di Ameria Radio del 20 gennaio 2022 musica di Jean-Philippe Rameau
    A cura di Maria Teresa Ferrante


    Jean-Philippe Rameau (1683 – 1764)

    Overtures, intermezzi, dances etc tratti da alcuni lavori teatrali.

    01. Zais: Overture

    The English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner

    02. Les Boreades: Overture

    03. Les Boreades: Gavottes I & II

    04. Les Boreades: Contredanse

    05. Les Boreades: Entrée de Polymnie

    Le Concert des Nations, Jordi Savall

    06. Hippolyte & Aricie: Ritournelle

    07. Platée: Orage (The tempest)

    The English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner

    08. Castor et Pollux: Ritournelle tendre-Air tres gay - Ritournelle tendre

    09. Castor et Pollux: Tambourins I & II

    10. Castor et Pollux: Chaconne

    Orchestra Of The 18th Century, Frans Brüggen

    11. Dardanus: Tambourins I & II

    The English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner

    12. La Naissance d'Osiris: Premier et deuxieme tambourin

    13. La Naissance d'Osiris: Air gracieux

    14. Le temple de la gloire: Overture

    15. Le temple de la gloire: Suite de la passacaille

    Le Concert des Nations, Jordi Savall

    16. Nais: Musette

    17. Nais: Rigaudons I & II

    18. Nais: Sarabande

    The English Baroque Soloists, John Eliot Gardiner

    19. Les Fetes d'Hebe: Musette - Tambourin

    20. Les Indes Galantes: Menuet I & II

    21. Les Indes Galantes: Contredanse

    22. Les Indes Galantes: Air pour les Sauvages

    23. Les Indes Galantes: Chaconne

    Le Concert des Nations, Jordi Savall

    Il Maggio Organistico presenta musiche di Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

    Il Maggio Organistico presenta musiche di Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
    a cura di Maria Teresa Ferrante


    Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 – 1791)

    Suite in do maggiore, K. 399:

    - Overture

    Andante in fa maggiore per organo meccanico, K 616

    Fantasia in fa maggiore per organo meccanico, K 594

    - Adagio

    - Allegro

    Adagio in do maggiore, K. 356

    Sonata da chiesa n. 17 in do maggiore, K1 336

    - Allegro

    Klavierstück in fa maggiore, K. 33b

    Dal Quaderno musicale londinese:

    - Rondo in fa maggiore, K. 15hh

    - Allegro in fa maggiore, K. 15a

    - Rondo in re maggiore, K. 15d

    Adagio e Rondo in do minore, K. 617

    Fantasia in fa minore per organo meccanico, K 608

    - Allegro

    - Andante

    - Allegro

    Ivan Ronda, organo

    La Musica di Ameria Radio del 27 settembre 2021 musiche di George Bizet

    La Musica di Ameria Radio del 27 settembre 2021 musiche di George Bizet
    A cura di Maria Teresa Ferrante

    Georges Bizet (1838 – 1875)
    Patrie, Overture op 19
    Melbourne Symphony Orchestra
    John Lanchbery, direttore

    Jeux d'enfants, petite suite per orchestra
    1. Marche (Trompette et tambour)
    2. Berceuse (La poupée)
    3. Impromptu (La toupie)
    4. Duo (Petit mari, petite femme)
    5. Galop (Le bal)
    Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra
    Bernard Haitink, direttore

    Sinfonia in do maggiore
    1. Allegro vivo
    2. Adagio
    3. Scherzo: Minuetto
    4. Finale: Allegro vivace
    Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra
    Bernhard Haitink, direttore

    The Story Of The Overture

    The Story Of The Overture

    Ever wondered how the Operatic Overture came into existence? Take a minute to get the scoop!

    Fun Fact
    The roots of the opera Overture begin with the first surviving opera, Peri’s L’Euridice in the year 1600. Peri included an instrumental “ritornello” at the beginning of the opera. This planted the seeds for what would eventually become the full-blown overture.

    About Steven
    Steven is a Canadian composer living in Toronto. He creates a range of works, with an emphasis on the short-form genre—his muse being to offer the listener both the darker and more satiric shades of human existence. If you're interested, please check out his website for more.

    A Note To Music Students et al.
    All recordings and sheet music are available on my site. I encourage you to take a look and play through some. Give me a shout if you have any questions.

    Got a topic? Pop me off an email at: TCMMPodcast@Gmail.com 

    Support the show

    La Domenica di Ameria Radio 13 giugno 2021 ore 12.00 - Antonio Vivaldi

    La Domenica di Ameria Radio  13 giugno 2021 ore 12.00 - Antonio Vivaldi
    A cura di Maria Teresa Ferrante

    Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741)

    Da Il Trigrane, RV 740
    Aria "Fara la mia spada" (Oronte)
    Philippe Jaroussky, controtenore
    Ensemble Matheus
    Jean-Christophe Spinosi, direttore

    Da L'Olimpiade, RV 725
    Freiburger Barockorchester
    Thomas Hengelbrock, direttore

    Da Tito Manlio, RV 738
    aria “Frà le procelle” (Lucio)
    Philippe Jaroussky, controtenore
    Ensemble Matheus
    Jean-Christophe Spinosi, direttore

    Da La verità in cimento, RV 739
    L'Arte dell'Arco
    Christopher Hogwood, direttore

    da Orlando Furioso, RV 728,
    Act I, Scene 10: “Sol da te, mio dolce amore”
    Philippe Jaroussky, controtenore
    Ensemble Matheus
    Jean-Christophe Spinosi, direttore

    Da Bajazet, RV 703
    L'Arte dell'Arco
    Christopher Hogwood, direttore

    da Orlando finto pazzo, RV 727:
    aria "Se in ogni guardo" (Argillano)
    Philippe Jaroussky, controtenore
    Ensemble Matheus
    Jean-Christophe Spinosi, direttore

    da Ottone in villa, RV 729
    L'Arte dell'Arco
    Christopher Hogwood, direttore

    Da La fida ninfa, RV714
    aria 'Qual serpe tortuosa'
    Philippe Jaroussky, controtenore
    Ensemble Matheus
    Jean-Christophe Spinosi, direttore

    Da Giustino, RV 717
    L'Arte dell'Arco
    Christopher Hogwood, direttore

    Auditorium 19 - Musiche di Hector Berlioz

    Auditorium 19 - Musiche di Hector Berlioz
    a cura di Paolo Pellegrini

    Overture Il Carnevale Romano opera 9
    Sinfonia “Fantastica” op. 14
    1.Nel primo movimento "Fantasticherie - Passioni" viene descritto lo stato del compositore prima e dopo aver incontrato la donna amata. Avviene una transizione da uno stato di sognante malinconia, interrotta da vari eccessi di gioia immotivata, a uno di passione delirante, con i suoi impulsi di rabbia e gelosia, i suoi ricorrenti momenti di tenerezza, le sue lacrime e le sue consolazioni religiose. Ecco perché l'immagine melodica iniziale ricorre lungo tutto il movimento, come una idea fissa.
    2.Il secondo movimento "Un ballo", è un trascinante valzer in la maggiore, nel quale il protagonista è ritratto durante una festa danzante, costantemente turbato dall'immagine della donna amata (che compare attraverso la solita immagine melodica della idée fixe).
    3.Nel terzo movimento, "Scena campestre", un lirico adagio in fa maggiore, il protagonista sull'onda di un ranz de vaches eseguito da una coppia di pastori si abbandona a contrastanti pensieri di speranza e di angoscia. Abbandonata infine la speranza di essere corrisposto, egli tenta di avvelenarsi con l'oppio, che provoca le visioni dei due movimenti successivi.
    4.Nel quarto movimento, "Marcia al supplizio" (allegretto non troppo in Sol minore), il protagonista in preda all'oppio, sogna di aver ucciso la donna amata, e quindi di venir condannato a morte, condotto al patibolo e giustiziato. L'idée fixe compare solo verso la fine del movimento ed è bruscamente interrotta da un violento accordo che simboleggia la caduta della mannaia.
    5.Il quinto movimento "Sogno di una notte di sabba" trasporta il protagonista nel bel mezzo di un sabba di streghe, in un corteo lugubre e solenne. In questa parte finale su un costante metro di 6/8 si susseguono ininterrottamente quattro "quadri": nel primo, dopo un'introduzione, una distorsione triviale della idée fixe rende i tratti grotteschi assunti dalla fisionomia dell'amata nella visione del sabba; il secondo è fondato su una parodia del "Dies irae", l'inno gregoriano per la sequenza dei defunti; il terzo è la Ronde du Sabbat,[3] un vorticoso fugato; il quarto (Dies Irae et Ronde du Sabbat ensemble) inizia con una visionaria sovrapposizione della sequenza gregoriana sul fugato, per chiudersi con una trionfante apoteosi.

    Orchestra Filarmonica di Radio France
    Direttore Myung-Whun Chung

    I Notturni di Ameria Radio del 18 febbraio 2021 musiche di George Frideric Handel

    I Notturni di Ameria Radio del 18 febbraio 2021 musiche di George Frideric Handel
    A cura di Massimiliano Samsa

    George Frideric Handel (1685 – 1759) – Ouverture, sinfonie, marce e danze da opere
    01. Rinaldo - Overture
    02. Rinaldo - March and Battaglia
    03. Admeto - Overture
    04. Radamisto - Passacaille
    05. Radamisto - Gigue
    06. Radamisto - Passepied
    07. Radamisto - Rigaudon
    08. Xerxes - Overture
    09. Xerxes - Gigue
    10. Xerxes - Sinfonia
    11. Orlando - Overture
    12. Rodelinda - Overture
    13. Rodelinda - Sinfonia
    14. Alcina - Overture
    15. Alcina - Musette
    16. Alcina - Tambourino
    17. Terpsicore - Passacaille
    18. Tamerlano - Overture
    19. Scipione - March
    20. Julius Caesar - Overture
    21. Julius Caesar - Gigue
    22. Julius Caesar - Sinfonia and March

    The Hanover Band
    Nicholas McGegan, direttore

    Elimination of the Snakes - Show #500

    Elimination of the Snakes - Show #500

    Bruce Janacek joins us for show 500.

    Mail Bag:

    An all Bruce and Dan show this week.

    The Rest of the Show:

    1) Overture - Center For The Arts.

    2) Madison Symphony Orchestra.

    3) Update on Bruce's book.

    4) Bruce is at his wit's end with Trump.

    5) George W. Bush.

    6) Barack Hussein Obama II.

    7) "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!" (Howard Beale)

    8) If you can't take the time to educate yourself.... DON"T VOTE!

    9) Paul Davis Ryan Jr.

    10) The world is not black and white.

    11) Midterm elections.

    12) Let the SOB go.


    11 O'Clock Comics Episode 533

    11 O'Clock Comics Episode 533

    J. H. Williams III and Wendy Wright-Williams stop by to discuss the upcoming Where We Live: Las Vegas Shooting Benefit Anthology from Image, Promethea, process, Batwoman, Sandman: Overture, magick, Alan Moore, Greg Rucka, Echolands, Neil Gaiman, diversity, the collective unconscious, and a whole mess more!

    Grunt Free Press Podcast Episode 114

    Grunt Free Press Podcast Episode 114

    They say the early bird gets the worm, so we kick off the Grunt Free Press Spook-a-Thon a few weeks early with a horror themed episode. Although there were horror games last week, too. And there might not be any next week... Scratch that. It's just a normal episode.

    Topics - Fuck System Shock, Where did you learn to fly?, control mastery, playablility, Whatevertown, humping walls, like Prey only bad, horror theme?, Penumbra: Overture, Frictional Games, Lovecraftian, manual control, physics, demon dogs, levels!, where the goo is, graboids, The Land of Pain, lost in the woods, random goofy Cthulhu, normie Earth dimension, Turok: Dinosaur Hunter, FPS lives, refunds.

    Music - The Misfits - She, Pantera - Domination/Hollow, Iron and Wine - Sick of You

    Episode 33: Overture (with the Internet History Podcast!)

    Episode 33: Overture (with the Internet History Podcast!)

    Episode 33: Overture (with the Internet History Podcast!)    Ben & David dive deep into the early days of internet search, with the help of the best in the internet history business: Brian McCullough from the Internet History Podcast! We are huge fans of IHP at Acquired, so this was a real treat to collaborate with Brian and the great work he does over there. In this episode we cover the story of how a small incubator in Southern California spawned perhaps the greatest tech business model of all-time, Yahoo!’s fumbling of that golden opportunity, and Google’s recovery of that fumble to cross into the end zone of tech history behind the biggest moat ever constructed on the internet.  

    Pilot: https://bit.ly/acquiredpilot24
    Statsig: https://bit.ly/acquiredstatsig24
    Crusoe: https://bit.ly/acquiredcrusoe

    Topics covered include: 
    • Overture’s origins as part of the Idealab incubator run by famed early internet entrepreneur Bill Gross
    • Invention of the paid search business model… initially by returning ADS ONLY in response to search queries
    • The eventual marrying of Overture’s paid search (ads) with organic search results via syndication on other properties like Yahoo!
    • Revenue from Overture’s ad partnership saving Yahoo!’s business after the internet bubble burst 
    • Yahoo!’s eventual acquisition of Overture for $1.4B in 2003 
    • But… the really interesting story here: Overture’s 'inspiration' of Google’s business model and the creation of "the greatest advertising machine in the history of the world"
    • The original (pre-Overture) Google business model: selling a box
    • Google’s differentiation vs Overture: focusing on the long tail, ad quality scores, and an advertiser-friendly auction structure
    • Google’s first major search syndication victory over Overture: AOL
    • Yahoo!’s failed attempt to buy Google for $3B in 2002, leading it to settle for acquiring Overture instead the following year
    • Project Panama” at Yahoo!, and its impact on the tech and internet history
    • Overture's (and later Yahoo!’s) lawsuit against Google for stealing the paid search business model— "the O.G. version of Snapchat and Instagram”
    • Paul Graham’s take on "What Happened to Yahoo?”
    • Perhaps the most important technology to come out of this whole episode: Hadoop
    • The power of incentive alignment in marketplaces— and creating the widest and deepest moats on the internet

      The Carve Out: 

    #36 Your Personally Curated Sex Playlist

    #36 Your Personally Curated Sex Playlist
    And we’re back with another episode of Philistine Overture! We’ll be broadcasting this term 7pm on Thursdays! Also, you can download ALL 36 of our past playlists here (unless you exclusively use a streaming service in which case I have nothing for you)   BUT tonight, you can listen to the show live @ 7pm with the TuneIn app or online at: http://listentomyfuckingradioshow.com​​​     Up next is show #36 and I’ll be in the studio in about two hours with prospective voyeurist and Spotify-famous Jane…Read more #36 Your Personally Curated Sex Playlist