

    Explore " papua" with insightful episodes like "Papua New Guinea's Klenneth Pombo does a great Scottish accent", "All Hands Update – May 30", "Dead Man's Secrets | 02", "Dead Man's Secrets | 01" and "Sambo Sentenced; Police Rot Lives On" from podcasts like ""Stories From The Pacific", "All Hands Update", "Background Briefing – The Whistleblowers", "Background Briefing – The Whistleblowers" and "Reformasi Dispatch"" and more!

    Episodes (14)

    Papua New Guinea's Klenneth Pombo does a great Scottish accent

    Papua New Guinea's Klenneth Pombo does a great Scottish accent

    Ever since his childhood days singing at church, the stage has always felt like home to Klenneth Pombo. At school he also excelled in sport, but after realising soccer wasn't going to make him any money, he pivoted to comedy. His journey started when he scored a big gig hosting a PNG comedy TV show at the age of just 17. And then came a meme that kicked off PNG For Realz, his Facebook page that aims to showcase his societal observations and especially his own vulnerability. Klenneth is now one of Papua New Guinea's biggest comedians, reaching hundreds of thousands of people. And he understands the responsibility that comes with. He also does a brilliant Scottish accent. 

    Sambo Sentenced; Police Rot Lives On

    Sambo Sentenced; Police Rot Lives On

    Disgraced former police general Ferdy Sambo was found guilty and sentenced to death for ordering the death of his subordinate, Yosua Hutabarat. Four more defendants including his wife were also found guilty with three dealt lengthy sentences behind bars. Even so, after a slew of high level dismissals last year the appetite for reform of Indonesia's crusty criminal justice system is still a long way off.

    Then, Jeff gets to segue neatly into Indonesia slump down Transparency International's Corruption Perception Index -- worst one-year fall since the dying days of Suharto. University of Michigan Professor Dan Slater joins Jeff and Kevin to discuss what Indonesian democracy can teach world and how efforts to criminalize critical speech and protest risk undermining the country's two decade transition from authoritarian rule.

    Get our special episode on the 4th Presidential Debate on:

    Al Gillespie: Waikato University law professor on the video of a Christchurch pilot being held hostage in Papua

    Al Gillespie: Waikato University law professor on the video of a Christchurch pilot being held hostage in Papua

    A leading law professor is warning a video of a Christchurch pilot being held hostage escalates the situation.

    Phillip Mehrtens is seen surrounded by a number of the separatists holding rifles a week after being kidnapped in Indonesia-controlled Papua.

    He appears unharmed but says they will keep him captive, unless the Indonesian military goes home.

    Waikato University Law professor Al Gillespie says the group has made a mistake by taking a hostage.



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    Klaus Werner Friedrich, Diplom-Geograph und Weltreisender

    Klaus Werner Friedrich, Diplom-Geograph und Weltreisender
    Eigentlich wollte Klaus Werner Friedrich Kapitän werden. Doch nach drei Jahren Berufsausbildung zum Voll-Matrosen entschied er sich für eine Lehrerausbildung. Er wurde Diplom-Geograf, begann für Schulbücher zu schreiben und zu fotografieren und bereiste die Welt. Vor allem Asien hat es ihm angetan, dort geriet er aber auch in gefährliche Situationen. In seiner Wahlheimat Bad-Laasphe unterrichtet er aktuell ehrenamtlich und mit viel Herzblut ukrainische Flüchtlingskinder. Autorin: Heike Braun Von Heike Braun.

    John Beede - Keep on Climbing!

    John Beede - Keep on Climbing!


    John’s background via audio clips and an intro (0:55)

    The connection between mountain climbing and public speaking (3:55)

    The origin of interest in mountain climbing – scouting (4:55)

    The beginning of John’s writing (6:10)

    Goal setting, choose your summit, go! (6:40)

    Feedback from readers (7:00)

    My purpose in life (7:15)

    Why is kindness mentioned first in the title? (8:20)

    There’s always more strength (8:40)

    Lessons from the mountain (10:20)

    Greatest obstacle as a writer (11:25)

    An accomplishment when working with young people (12:20)

    A significant surprise on the journey (13:45)

    Turning back (15:00)

    Identifying one’s battle crew (16:05)

    Failure and current circumstances are not the end (16:35)

    Stepping up (17:15)

    Warrior Challenge – the book – call to action (20:00)

    The mountains (21:45)

    Papua, New Guinea, Indonesia, and warring factions (22:00)

    Malaria (24:20)

    Kindness in the classroom (27:10)

    Courage in the classroom (27:55)

    Grit in the classroom (28:30)

    John’s favorite teacher (29:15)

    A final word – a call to action reemphasized (32:00)

    Contact information (33:00 and Show Notes)

    After the closing music – place of learning (34:10)


    John’s contact information and book information:

    Twitter at @johnbeede

    Instagram at @johnbeede

    Online at johnbeede.com


    John’s Amazon page

    The Warrior Challenge 


    Music for Lead. Learn. Change. is Sweet Adrenaline by Delicate Beats

    Podcast cover art is a view of Altmünster am Traunsee, Austria, by photographer Simon Matzinger, published on www.unsplash.com

    Professional Association of Georgia Educators:  www.pageinc.org

    David’s LinkedIn page 


    #20 - Mythen aus Neuguinea: Fischmenschen, Kopfjagden und Götter in Ameisenhügeln

    #20 - Mythen aus Neuguinea: Fischmenschen, Kopfjagden und Götter in Ameisenhügeln
    Sarahs PC ist gerade erst wieder repariert und deshalb erzählt in Folge 20 eures liebsten Mythologie Podcasts wieder Steffi den Mythos der Woche. Diesmal spielt er auf der Insel Neuguinea - und zwar bevor diese überhaupt von irgendwem "entdeckt" wurde und daher noch nicht in Papua Neuguinea und Indonesien aufgeteilt war, sondern einfach nur eine Insel, auf der zahlreiche verschiedene Völker sich um ihren eigenen Kram gekümmert haben. Es geht um abgefahrene Ursprungsgottheitswesen, um Fischmenschen, Bambus spielt eine große Rolle und ein Hund kommt auch vor. Viel Spass.

    Weitere Themen: Wie freundlich wäre Sarah in Paradise und wie kindisch würde Steffi sich dort benehmen, will man im Fernsehen wirklich nackte Penisse sehen, ab wann ist man eigentlich Promi?

    Sad Songs:
    Mario - "Let me love you" (Sarah)
    James Blunt - "Goodbye my Lover" (Steffi)

    Piotr Śmieszek - z wyprawą po Indonezji

    Piotr Śmieszek - z wyprawą po Indonezji

    Jak to jest żyć w Indonezji? Dobrze? Jeśli takie pytanie przeszło Ci kiedykolwiek przez myśl, to nie musisz już szukać odpowiedzi ! Już teraz możesz ją poznać w najnowszym odcinku serii "Ok!Azja do Rozmowy", w której prowadzący - Łukasz Kozłowski rozmawia z mieszkającym od lat w Indonezji polskim podróżnikiem - Piotrem Śmieszkiem.

    Dowiedz się:

    Czy po przeprowadzce z Polski łatwo jest odnaleźć się w realiach kraju muzułmańskiego?
    Czym urzeka Papua?
    Jak trudny jest język Indonezyjski?
    Jak wygląda azjatycki nepotyzm?
    Skąd najlepiej zacząć zwiedzanie Indonezji?
    Kiedy najlepiej jechać do Indonezji?

    The Truth About Bali - Being Black In Bali

    The Truth About Bali - Being Black In Bali

    There are so many things to consider when traveling or moving to another country. To be honest, as a black American, understanding how life is for your race is one of them. So, let's talk about it! On this episode I'm talking about my experience on what it's like to be black in Bali, Indonesia. From boundaries, friendships, music, food, beauty, being asked for pictures, to racism! Hear me out!

    #08 Espacio Sonante. Rai Puig

    #08 Espacio Sonante. Rai Puig
    [ESP] Rai Puig es instructor de Kayak, guia de la naturaleza, aventurero y persigue sus sueños desde hace mucho tiempo. Además, hace expediciones en solitario que después muestra en sus documentales. Le agradecemos su amabilidad al acompañarnos en un nuevo episodio del podcast sobre el paisaje sonoro [espacio sonante] y hacernos conocer el ambiente sonoro que ha vivido en sus aventuras. En ellas, ha visto y también ha escuchado junglas, ballenas, icebergs, personas en lugares remotos o las incesantes paladas de su kayak. Viajemos hoy con Rai Puig y los sonidos de sus viajes. [ENG] Rai Puig is a kayak instructor, nature guide, adventurer and has been pursuing his dreams for a long time. In addition, he goes on solo expeditions which he later shows in his documentaries. We thank him for his kindness in joining us in a new episode of the podcast on the soundscape [espacio sonante] and letting us know the sound environment that he has experienced in his adventures. In them, he has seen and also heard jungles, whales, icebergs, people in remote places and the incessant strokes of his kayak. Let’s travel today with Rai Puig and the sounds of his travels. [CAT] Rai Puig és instructor de caiac, guia de la natura, aventurer i persegueix els seus somnis des de fa molt de temps. A més, fa expedicions en solitari que després mostra en els seus documentals. Li agraïm la seva amabilitat a l’acompanyar-nos en un nou episodi de podcast sobre el paisatge sonor [espacio sonante] i fer-nos conèixer l’ambient sonor que ha viscut en les seves aventures. En elles, ha vist i també ha escoltat jungles, balenes, icebergs, persones en llocs remots o les incessants palades de la seu caiac. Viatgem avui amb Rai Puig i els sons dels seus viatges.

    God Uses Our Weakness

    God Uses Our Weakness

    Paul wrote, "When I am weak, then I am strong." He is referring to the power of God at work in His people when they allow Him to use them in their weaknesses. This week Pastor Tim shared the story of Elinor Young, who survived childhood polio and grew up to serve God among the Kimyal tribe in the mountainous interior region of Irian Jaya. Her Kimyal friends gave her the name of "Bad Legs" referring to her polio-weakened legs. They believed her 'bad legs' were a sign that God loved them so much He sent her to share the Bible with them. The lesson to learn is that God will use all of us just as we are, unpolished and broken, to draw others to Himself!