

    Explore "pershing" with insightful episodes like "Friedensbewegung: 40 Jahre Menschenkette von Ulm nach Stuttgart", "Tego dnia: 20 kwietnia (przybycie Błękitnej armii)", "Percussion", "Force Connect: Cultivating the Galaxy" and "Tego dnia: 15 marca (zabójstwo Cezara)" from podcasts like ""Schwabenreporter", "Tego dnia", "As The Money Burns", "Around the Galaxy" and "Tego dnia"" and more!

    Episodes (16)

    Friedensbewegung: 40 Jahre Menschenkette von Ulm nach Stuttgart

    Friedensbewegung: 40 Jahre Menschenkette von Ulm nach Stuttgart
    Viele werden sich erinnern oder schon mal davon gehört haben… Wir gehen genau 40 Jahre in der Zeit zurück: Damals haben Friedensaktivisten aus Schwaben deutsche Geschichte geschrieben. Die Frage war: Wie reagiert eine Gesellschaft in Zeiten des kalten Kriegs auf einen drohenden heißen Krieg? Was tut sie gegen die geplante Stationierung (NATO-Doppelbeschluss) von Atomraketen (Pershing II) in der unmittelbaren Nachbarschaft? 400.000 Menschen über 108 Kilometer Sie geht auf die Straße – und zwar am 22. Oktober 1983 mit einer spektakulären Protestform: Für eine Menschenkette von Ulm nach Stuttgart geben sich rund 400.000 Menschen um des Friedens Willens die Hand, und das auf einer Länge von 108 Kilometern! Die Demo geht als Rekord-Menschenkette in die moderne Geschichte ein. 2000 Busse und 50 Sonderzüge Fast 2000 Busse und 50 Sonderzüge bringen Menschen aus der ganzen Bundesrepublik zu den Orten entlang der B10-Strecke zwischen Ulm und Stuttgart, die in 23 Organisationsabschnitte eingeteilt ist. Eine Motorradgang verteilt die Leute entlang der Strecke um mögliche Lücken zu füllen. Die Motorradgang besetzt dafür auch alle Telefonzellen entlang der B10. Von dort aus wird telefonisch koordiniert. Die Dörfer sind erst in Aufruhr, spüren aber schnell die friedliche Stimmung und versorgen die Aktivisten dann mit Kaffee und Kuchen. Es sind am Ende so viele Leute gekommen, dass sie teils auch im Zickzack oder in Doppelreihen aufgestellt werden. Nach verschiedenen Auftaktkundgebungen entlang der Strecke wird die Menschenkette um 12.40 Uhr geschlossen und nach rund 20 Minuten wieder geöffnet. Es wird sich umarmt, gesungen und getanzt. Friedensbewegung im Herbst 1983 Sogar die Polizei ist von dem friedlichen und bis ins Details durchorganisierten Großereignis ganz offen beeindruckt. Anschließend finden auf dem Neu-Ulmer Festplatz (heutiger Arena-Standort) Kundgebungen und Konzerte mit Ton Steine Scherben, Bettina Wegener, Schröder Roadshow, Konstantin Wecker und Peter Maffay statt, während sich letzte Demonstranten zum abschließenden Sitzprotest vor den Wiley Barracks, dem US-Army-Stützpunkt in Neu-Ulm (heute Wohngebiet, Sport- und Freizeitpark) treffen. Trotz der umfänglichen Proteste werden die Pershing-II Raketen in Neu-Ulm stationiert. Bundeskanzler Helmut Kohl reagiert auf die Menschenkette mit: "Die protestieren, wir regieren". Ein schrittweiser Abzug erfolgt erst ab 1988 im Zuge einer allgemeinen Abrüstung. Neues Buch: Die lange Kette Das neue Sachbuch „Die lange Kette – Die Friedensbewegung in Neu-Ulm im Herbst 1983“ von Autorin Beate Storz, das ab 30.10.2023 im Neu-Ulmer Stadtarchiv erhältlich ist, gibt einen neuen Blick auf die Menschenkette von Neu-Ulm nach Stuttgart-Vaihingen, als am 22. Oktober 1983 hunderttausende Menschen händereichend gegen die Stationierung von Pershing II-Atomraketen demonstrieren. Mitten in diesem Großereignis war der Ulmer Journalist und Autor Ralf Grimminger, damals junge 22 Jahre alt. Er greift die Menschenkette von 1983 auch in seinem teils biografischen Buch „Kleinstadthelden“ auf. DONAU 3 FM Reporter Paolo Percoco hat sich mit ihm über die Rekord-Menschenkette unterhalten.

    Tego dnia: 20 kwietnia (przybycie Błękitnej armii)

    Tego dnia: 20 kwietnia (przybycie Błękitnej armii)
    20 kwietnia 1862 – Pasteur przeprowadził pierwszy udany test pasteryzacji.

    20 kwietnia 1884 – Encyklika Humanum genus o zagrożeniach ze strony masonerii.

    20 kwietnia 1911 – W Portugalii rozdzielono Kościoła od państwa.

    20 kwietnia 1914 – Bitwa o Veracruz podczas rewolucji meksykańskiej.

    20 kwietnia 1919 – Do kraju przybył pierwszy pociąg z Armią Hallera.

    20 kwietnia 1934 – Pierwszy raz nadano tytuł Bohatera Związku Radzieckiego.

    20 kwietnia 1968 – Pierre Trudeau został premierem Kanady.

    20 kwietnia 1991 – Uchwalono Międzynarodowy Dzień Wolnej Prasy.

    20 kwietnia 1999 – Masakra w szkole średniej Columbine w amerykańskim stanie Kolorado.

    20 kwietnia 2017 – Delegalizacja Świadków Jehowy w Rosji.



    A popular tap dancer and a highly decorated World War I general both appear at a popular dining hotspot, so has the hostess finally solved her money troubles?


    March & April 1932, Cobina Wright’s Sutton Club is a successful hotspot.  She has the famous African American vaudeville comedy duo Buck and Bubbles performing.  She also hosts the famous war hero General John Pershing amidst his celebrations commemorating World War I.


    Other people and subjects include: John “Bubbles” Williams Sublett, Ford “Buck” Washington, Bill “Bojangles” Robinson, Private Henry Johnson, Private Needham Roberts, Micheline Resco, James “Jimmy” HR Cromwell, Cornelius “Neily” Vanderbilt III, Grace Wilson Vanderbilt, President Herbert Hoover, President Woodrow Wilson, President Bill Clinton, President Barack Obama, Brigadier General John Ross Delafield, World War I, Victory Parade, War Museum in Paris, Fort Bliss, mentor, World War II generals, Dwight D. Eisenhower, George Marshall, George Patton, Douglas MacArthur, Nita Patton, 92nd Infantry Unit, 93rd Infantry Unit, Buffalo Soldiers, separate but equal, racism, 369th Infantry Unit, Harlem Hellfighters, Colonel William Hayward, Battle of Argonne, French Croix de Guerre, Harlem Hellfighters Band, James Reese Europe, Noble Sissle, Eubie Blake, Blackbirds Orchestra, jazz, Harlem Renaissance, Duke Ellington, Walter Donaldson, Nicholas Brothers, Cab Calloway, Lena Horne, Nat King Cole, “Black Garbo” Nina Mae McKinney, Louis Armstrong, Bessie Smith, Coleman Hawkins, Kentucky State Fair, New York Palace Theater, Ziegfeld Follies, Fred Astaire, Al Jolson, Eddie Cantor, Dannie Kaye, Tuskegee Choir, Radio City Music Hall, BBC broadcast, Prince of Wales – future King Edward VIII – Duke of Windsor, George Gershwin, Porgy & Bess (1935), Carmen Jones (1946), Vietname USO tour, Eddie Fisher, Newport Jazz Festival, Sammy Davis, Jr., Gregory Hines, Michael Jackson, Greta Garbo, Ethel Barrymore, Lionel Atwill, revisionist, apologist, historiography, modern ideologies, Lil Colonel (1935), Shirley Temple, Michael Jackson’s chimpanzee Bubbles, US Senator from New York Charles Shumer, Purple Heart, Medal of Honor



    Extra Notes / Call to Action:

    Rhythm Tap Dance 1937 (John Bubbles)



    Buck and Bubbles Varsity Show 1937



    THE SUN QUEEN | trailer | American Experience PBS



    What’s Her Name Podcast by Dr. Katie Nelson and Olivia Meikle




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    Archival Music provided by Past Perfect Vintage Music, www.pastperfect.com.

    Opening Music: My Heart Belongs to Daddy by Billy Cotton, Album The Great British Dance Bands

    Section 1 Music:The Younger Generation by Ray Noble, Album The Great Dance Bands Play Hits of the 30s

    Section 2 Music: The Charleston by The Savoy Orpheans, Album Fascinating Rhythm – Great Hits of the 20s

    Section 3 Music:Hep! Hep! Jumpin’ Jive by Nat Gonella & His New Georgians, Album Dance Crazy

    End Music: My Heart Belongs to Daddy by Billy Cotton, Album The Great British Dance Bands




    TW / IG – @asthemoneyburns 

    Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/asthemoneyburns/

    Force Connect: Cultivating the Galaxy

    Force Connect: Cultivating the Galaxy
    Nick, Chris and Pete take calls and share their wild theories as to where the Mandalorian and Bad Batch are headed this season. We dig into how the Star Wars Legends stories will be brought back from EU obscurity to drive the plot of Star Wars stories to come.

    The Streaming Star Wars Network brings content to #StarWars Fans of all ages and generations. With Around the Galaxy, we bring you that magic moment when Star Wars fans meet for the first time. On Podcast of the Whills, we take a deep dive into the canon or a particular aspect of the saga. And our LIVE Friday night call-in talk show, Force Connect, looks at the latest in news and conversation in the Star Wars universe. From #disneyplus content, to comics to news and rumors, Chris, Pete and Nick have you covered!

    TikTok: @TheSSWNetwork
    Instagram: @TheSSWNetwork
    Twitter: @TheSSWNetwork

    (c) 2023 Pete in the Seat Studios

    Tego dnia: 15 marca (zabójstwo Cezara)

    Tego dnia: 15 marca (zabójstwo Cezara)
    15 marca 44 p.n.e. – Juliusz Cezar został zamordowany w dniu id marcowych.

    15 marca 1519 – Cortes dostał 20 kobiet wśród nich także Malinche.

    15 marca 1656 – Dywizja Stefana Czarnieckiego rozgromiła Szwedów w bitwie pod Jarosławiem.

    15 marca 1680 – Do dotkniętej zarazą Pragi przyniesiono obraz Matki Boskiej Piekarskiej.

    15 marca 1765 – Król Stanisław August Poniatowski założył Szkołę Rycerską w Warszawie.

    15 marca 1916 – Ekspedycja karna gen. Pershinga wkroczyła do Meksyku by schwytać Pancho Villę.

    15 marca 1989 – Weszło w życie nowe prawo dewizowe, legalizujące handel dewizami.

    40 - M26 Pershing, the discarded future

    40 - M26 Pershing, the discarded future

    Totally Tanked is tackling the American WW2 heavy, the M26 Pershing.

    In 1943 the Americans had a tank design that would define tanks into the 1980s, but they decided they didn't want it.

    In this episode we will get to the bottom of how and why this happened, and how it ended when an American Lieutenant General was blown to smithereens by the US Eighth Airforce.


    -- The Ukraine volunteer talking to Lindybeige is at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCbD4WBqPg4

    -- Sponsor us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TotallyTanked

    -- Buy a T-shirt: https://www.redbubble.com/people/tota...

    -- Subscribe to the podcast: https://totallytanked.libsyn.com/

    40 - M26 Pershing, the discarded future

    40 - M26 Pershing, the discarded future

    Totally Tanked is tackling the American WW2 heavy, the M26 Pershing.

    In 1943 the Americans had a tank design that would define tanks into the 1980s, but they decided they didn't want it.

    In this episode we will get to the bottom of how and why this happened, and how it ended when an American Lieutenant General was blown to smithereens by the US Eighth Airforce.


    -- The Ukraine volunteer talking to Lindybeige is at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCbD4WBqPg4

    -- Sponsor us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TotallyTanked

    -- Buy a T-shirt: https://www.redbubble.com/people/tota...

    -- Subscribe to the podcast: https://totallytanked.libsyn.com/

    The Great War Part 3, Final

    The Great War Part 3, Final
    November 11, 1918 – November 11, 2018

    In our final episode on World War 1 Robin, Chauncey, Jesse, and Paul discuss the final episode of PBS.org's documentary, The Great War:  The American Experience.

    Jesse shares from his great-grandfather's war journal, written during the fighting in the Meuse-Argonne offensive.

    This was a fun experience for us.  Was it for you?  Send us your feedback podcast@secularhub.org

    Science Fiction Quadruple Feature

    Science Fiction Quadruple Feature

    Movie Meltdown - Episode 465 

    This week we are coming to you “live” from Louisville Supercon as we talk with a quartet of sci-fi legends. Join us as we talk with Sam Jones (Flash Gordon), Ricou Browning (The Creature from the Black Lagoon), Patricia Quinn (The Rocky Horror Picture Show) and John Wesley Shipp (The Flash). In this Meltdown-verse crossover event, we join forces with George Buehler (The WBKI FANatic), to discuss our other interactions with guests like… Kevin Conroy, Alice Cooper, Loren Lester, Diane Pershing, Charles Martinet, Lloyd Kaufman, Kane, Sergeant Slaughter, Theodore Long and at least one of us inspired Booker T and changed his life. (Or at least his lunch.)

    And while we realize that being a hoarder sometimes comes in handy, we also bring up… Mask of the Phantasm, Thunderball, Ming the Merciless, Space Jam, Kiss Meets the Phantom of the Park, the life of Edward Fudge, watching him on the Muppets, The Burien Flyers, Cowboy Bebop, you’ve influenced royalty, 97% of every actor or actress, you were so giddy to be talking to him, Isaac Yankem, DDS, Kurt Russell, He-Man, a shot of brandy, we’ve got David Bowie we’ve got Princess Margaret, Flipper, The Neverending Story 2, The Fire That Consumes, the old-fashioned Hollywood screen test, Max von Sydow, mail ordering out of catalogs, The Day Magenta Went Away, Warner Brothers for CBS, we all wore glitter and you couldn't get it off because it was made of glass, the Vogue theater, Verity Lambert who invented Doctor Who actually, Jack Palance, Separation Anxiety, Mackenzie Astin, Arnold Schwarzenegger, it was pretty chilly, he got the sack because he was no good at Herod, I went in and sang a 1930’s song, The Flash/Arrow/Supergirl crossover, Vampire Hunter D, Clint Eastwood, a drunk Creature, that's filthy I'm not singing that, we're leading toward Crisis on Infinite Earths, the voice of Mario, Frank Langella, then they said Mick Jagger's queuing up on the last night with Bianca and Elliott Gould, fan theories on the internet, Dino De Laurentiis, he was my Flash, they're introducing the Monitor into the Arrowverse, to me standard thinking is substandard, shaking hands with Alice, who put me in the Cobra clutch and they said the four magic words... Vincent Price Christopher Lee.

    “I will say Hollywood... unless you're grounded... you will get a little bit tainted.”

    For more on Louisville Supercon, go to: https://louisvillesupercon.com

    Follow WBKI: Louisville's CW at: https://www.facebook.com/CWBKI

    Episode 899 - Batman: The Animated Series w/ Kevin Conroy/Tara Strong/Loren Lester/Diane Pershing/Bruce Timm/Eric Radomski!

    Episode 899 - Batman: The Animated Series w/ Kevin Conroy/Tara Strong/Loren Lester/Diane Pershing/Bruce Timm/Eric Radomski!

    Jimmy attended New York Comic Con and boy are his arms tired. As usual, he got lots of 1:1 interviews and covered as many press rooms as he could. Producer Joe even got in on the interviewing action! In this episode, you'll hear the press room for Batman: The Animated Series with Kevin Conroy, Tara Strong, Loren Lester, Diane Pershing, and producers Bruce Timm/Eric Radomski. Be here all month to hear more interviews/press rooms from NYCC! Leave your iTunes comments! 5 stars and nothing but love! Also, get a hold of us!

    Thanks for listening!

    09.09.15 (MP3): Garage Hour Visits Helix Brewing (Made in the USA), Turning Homebrew Into a Business (Nano VS Micro), Building a Brewery, Ingredient Percentages, Plus What Uber's Up To, Old Laptops, Pork Chop Cruise Missiles, AR-15s + Kelly's Heroes

    09.09.15 (MP3): Garage Hour Visits Helix Brewing (Made in the USA), Turning Homebrew Into a Business (Nano VS Micro), Building a Brewery, Ingredient Percentages, Plus What Uber's Up To, Old Laptops, Pork Chop Cruise Missiles, AR-15s + Kelly's Heroes

    The Garage Hour goons managed to check off one of the to-dos on their list with a broadcast from the brewhouse at Helix Brewing, a charming new brewery that just opened for business in La Mesa, CA, just down the street from the Garage Hour compound in Fletcher Hills.  This is the definition of craft brewer - making fun, tasty beers that you can enjoy in a small, cloistered setting.

    While chatting with owner/operator/engineer/bottle washer Cameron Ball, Hostus Maximus Justin Fort and cohosts .45 Phil and Chef Jeff really dug into the new ales offered by Cameron and company, as well as little bit of the thinking behind starting and running a new brewery in the Bureaucratic State of Kalifornistan.

    It's the Garage Hour, though, so don't worry: this episode also has AR-15s (and Cameron's plans to brew a beer inspired by the AR), tow trucks and towed 5.0s, off-roading, running trails versus running trails, good soundtracks and bad movies, .45 Phil's VW bus, and why Uber is up to something.

    There's an M4A version of this podcast available on this micropage - just check the sound file for the same show with no "MP3" label.

    09.09.15: Garage Hour Visits Helix Brewing (Made in the USA), Turning Homebrew Into a Business (Nano VS Micro), Building a Brewery, Ingredient Percentages, Plus What Uber's Up To, Old Laptops, Pork Chop Cruise Missiles, AR-15s + Kelly's Heroes

    09.09.15: Garage Hour Visits Helix Brewing (Made in the USA), Turning Homebrew Into a Business (Nano VS Micro), Building a Brewery, Ingredient Percentages, Plus What Uber's Up To, Old Laptops, Pork Chop Cruise Missiles, AR-15s + Kelly's Heroes

    The Garage Hour goons managed to check off one of the to-dos on their list with a broadcast from the brewhouse at Helix Brewing, a charming new brewery that just opened for business in La Mesa, CA, just down the street from the Garage Hour compound in Fletcher Hills.  This is the definition of craft brewer - making fun, tasty beers that you can enjoy in a small, cloistered setting.

    While chatting with owner/operator/engineer/bottle washer Cameron Ball, Hostus Maximus Justin Fort and cohosts .45 Phil and Chef Jeff really dug into the new ales offered by Cameron and company, as well as little bit of the thinking behind starting and running a new brewery in the Bureaucratic State of Kalifornistan.

    It's the Garage Hour, though, so don't worry: this episode also has AR-15s (and Cameron's plans to brew a beer inspired by the AR), tow trucks and towed 5.0s, off-roading, running trails versus running trails, good soundtracks and bad movies, .45 Phil's VW bus, and why Uber is up to something.

    There's an MP3 version of this podcast available on this micropage - just check the sound file for the same show with an "MP3" label.

    04.17.10: Classic @ Mr. Dustin's Wrenching Palace, w/ Ramona Off-Roading, Prius Punting, the Roadburn Festival, Tax Day Pays, Black Jack Pershing and Jaime's FJ

    04.17.10: Classic @ Mr. Dustin's Wrenching Palace, w/ Ramona Off-Roading, Prius Punting, the Roadburn Festival, Tax Day Pays, Black Jack Pershing and Jaime's FJ

    Hank Watson's Garage Hour: Making a point of making a point.  This GH reload's got everything from the US's southern border, taxes, Jaime's FJ, Ramona trails and our plans to use 'em, the big Roadburn stoner metal festival in Amsterdam, Toyota liability defenses, hybrid hatred, Talk Like a Pirate Day (really?), Black Jack Pershing, updates from Barona Drags, a big LA traffic fail from Dirty Dave, and all of it from Mr. Dustin's Wrenching Palace.

    In-studio with host Justin Fort is Grizzly Chris, Dirty Dave and Mr. Dustin, Top Earner.  Have some.
