
    personal shopping

    Explore "personal shopping" with insightful episodes like "[EXTRAIT] #73 - Lucie Rose Mahé - Comment l'IA décrit son parcours à la façon d'un portrait chinois ?", "Curating Your Personal Brand Image Through Wardrobe Audits", "Reflecting Your Self-Image Through Personal Style Choices", "Personal Branding with STYLE" and "#146: Lohnt sich ein Personal Shopping?" from podcasts like ""Follow Me", "Midlife Style School", "Midlife Style School", "Midlife Style School" and "Näh deinen Stil"" and more!

    Episodes (11)

    Curating Your Personal Brand Image Through Wardrobe Audits

    Curating Your Personal Brand Image Through Wardrobe Audits

    Book your 1:1 style consultation here: Book a Call

    Image walking into a crowded room and be noticed, being able to charge what you're worth, and opportunities are coming to you.

    Sound like a dream?

    No, it is the power of a Personal Brand Image.

    A personal brand image is essentially how you present yourself to the world. It's a unique combination of your skills, experiences, and personality that you want others to see. It reflects who you are, what you stand for, and what you offer. It's like your personal signature that distinguishes you from others in your industry or field.

    In the professional sphere, having a strong personal brand image is invaluable. Here's why:

    1. Differentiation: In a competitive market, a well-defined personal brand can set you apart from others. It helps you stand out by highlighting your unique capabilities and experiences.
    2. Credibility and Trust: A consistent personal brand helps build credibility. When people perceive you as a reliable authority in your field, they're more likely to trust you and your services.
    3. Career Advancement: A strong personal brand can open doors to new opportunities. It can attract attention from potential employers or clients and position you for promotions or partnerships.
    4. Increased Value: By showcasing your skills and expertise through your personal brand, you can command higher fees or salaries. People are willing to pay more for a recognized expert in the field.
    5. Personal Fulfillment: Personal branding allows you to be true to your personality, preferences, and values. It gives you the power to shape your own narrative rather than letting others define it for you.

    In essence, your personal brand image is a critical component of your professional success. It’s not just about self-promotion, but about establishing your identity, building a reputation, and positioning yourself as a leader in your field.

    A well-crafted personal brand image allows you to present yourself confidently and authentically. It makes it easier for others to understand your value, which can lead to new professional opportunities.

    Curate Your Personal Brand Image: The Wardrobe Audit

    A "wardrobe audit" is a process where you evaluate the clothes you currently own to understand how they align with your personal style and image. It's an essential step when considering a reinvention of your personal brand image.

    Here's how it works:

    1. Inventory: You start by taking stock of every item in your wardrobe, from everyday wear to special occasion outfits.
    2. Evaluation: Next, you assess each piece based on factors like fit, condition, comfort, and how often you wear it. This also includes evaluating whether each item reflects your desired personal brand image.
    3. Sorting: After evaluation, you sort your clothes into different categories such as keep, donate, sell, or repair.
    4. Identifying Gaps: Once you've sorted your wardrobe, you'll have a clear idea of what's missing. These gaps could be essentials that you lack, pieces that could enhance your personal brand image, or items that could add variety to your wardrobe.
    5. Creating a Shopping List: Based on the gaps identified, you create a shopping list. This ensures future purchases are strategic and contribute to your personal brand image.

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    Reflecting Your Self-Image Through Personal Style Choices

    Reflecting Your Self-Image Through Personal Style Choices

    Schedule a free mini session HERE

    Today, we're threading together an intriguing narrative around a subject that impacts all of us - the deep-seated connection between our self-image and the clothes we choose to wear. Let's embark on this journey together!

    Each one of us has a unique self-image, an internal portrait of who we believe we are. This image is shaped by a myriad of factors, including cultural norms, media portrayals of beauty, personal experiences, and societal expectations. These elements intertwine to form our sense of self, which interestingly, often manifests in our clothing choices.

    I recall a time when my wardrobe was a mirror of my self-esteem. Back in the day, baggy clothes were my armor against the world, allowing me to blend into the background. However, as I worked on my self-image and embraced my individuality, my attire started reflecting these changes. I began opting for more vibrant, fitting attire that mirrored my newfound confidence.

    Our clothing choices act as a visual representation of how we perceive ourselves. When we wear something that amplifies our self-image, it boosts our confidence, making us feel more comfortable in our skin. However, it's crucial to remember that while fashion can be a form of self-expression, it should not dictate our sense of worth. Our value lies within us, not in the labels we wear.


    Here are some practical tips to help you align your clothing choices with a positive self-image:


    1. Dress for yourself: Choose clothes that make you feel confident and comfortable.

    2. Experiment: Don't hesitate to try out different styles. You might discover something new about yourself!

    3. Set your own trends: Don't let fashion magazines dictate your style. Create your own unique look.

    4. Remember, clothes are an extension of who you are, not a definition of your worth.


    As we conclude today's episode, remember that your wardrobe is a canvas for your personality. So dress in a way that reflects the true you!

    Thank you for joining me today. Stay tuned for more insightful conversations on our next episode. See you next time!

    Personal Branding with STYLE

    Personal Branding with STYLE

    Learn more about the Midlife Style School:  The Midlife Style School

    What is a personal brand and why does it matter?

    Personal branding is the practice of developing a unique and recognizable identity for yourself as a professional. It involves leveraging various methods of self-promotion to make yourself stand out from the competition in your chosen field. Not only do entrepreneurs need to have a strong personal brand, but all professionals should consider the benefits of creating one.

    A solid personal brand can help you establish credibility and increase visibility, which can open up opportunities both professionally and personally. It helps to create a point of difference that sets you apart from other professionals, giving employers or clients an instant snapshot of what you bring to the table. Developing your personal brand also provides an opportunity to showcase your values and experience, while showcasing why someone may want to work with you.

    Having a strong personal brand ensures that potential employers know who you are and what value you can bring to their organization. Your online presence will be more influential as a result, because it creates an easier way for employers or clients to get access to information about you. Through your own branding efforts, companies have an easier time identifying talent that would be a great fit for their organization or project.

    Your personal brand is not just about industry awards or achievements – it’s also about showcasing who you are as a person, such as favorite hobbies or hobbies inspiring creativity in others. By having this kind of self-expression involved in your branding efforts, it gives potential employers an insight into how well you’ll fit within their company culture. Furthermore, developing effective communication skills will help build trust between yourself and potential leads or contacts – which could be essential when looking for new job roles or clientele down the line.

    Having a solid personal brand is beneficial no matter if you’re an entrepreneur seeking new business opportunities or someone working within an established company looking to progress up the corporate ladder. Through building relationships both online and offline through networking events and social media platforms, as well as effectively communicating who you are through creative digital content – becoming familiar with how best to leverage your own personal brand will ensure more positive results in achieving career goals faster.

    Your image is going to make or break your personal brand. Aligning your style with who you are is a non-negotiable for a standout personal brand.

    Here are 3 ways having a standout style will help your efforts with your personal brand:

    1. Be Confident

    Being a leader in your industry requires having a standout style that is both professional and fashionable. Having on-trend clothes will not only help you stand out from the rest of your colleagues, but it will also give you a confidence boost when stepping into the boardroom or networking with other professionals. 

    When your clothes fit well and flatter your body shape this can make you feel more comfortable in yourself and ready to tackle whatever comes your way. Feeling confident in yourself gives off a positive energy which is attractive to potential employers or clients.

    It’s hard to exude confidence when wearing something drab or dull—so investing in stylish pieces that make you feel good will not only boost your individual confidence but will also have others take notice of how much effort you put into looking put together and polished on any occasion.

    2. Be Memorable:

    With an eye-catching wardrobe, you’ll be able to showcase your personality without even saying a word! Whether it’s bright colors or bold patterns, wearing clothes that reflect who you are helps people remember who you are and makes them feel more comfortable around you—which can go a long way when making important business connections!

    Having a standout style is also key for networking events or meetings outside of work where first impressions count for a lot. Dressing well shows others that you care about making good relationships with influential people within your industry, setting up future opportunities for yourself.

    As a style coach for midlife female successful leaders, I believe that having an eye-catching wardrobe allows you to take control of how people perceive you. This is especially important if you are attending events related to your field as it can make all the difference in how others view your abilities and accomplishments. The right outfit can influence people’s reactions when they meet you, so choosing something stylish and professional can be beneficial for setting yourself apart and making strong first impressions.

    Style can help you create a memorable impression that will open doors to new opportunities and next-level success.

    3. Be Credible:

    Having a standout style can also create opportunities for career growth. Studies have shown that people who dress in a way that looks more credible tend to get more promotions than those who don’t make an effort in their appearance. Having a polished look helps potential employers or clients take notice of your drive and ambition which shows them that you are serious about achieving your goals.

    Standing out in your industry with a polished and powerful personal style can help you gain respect from peers and colleagues. When you show up to meetings looking put-together and professional, it demonstrates that you take yourself seriously, which leads to others taking you seriously too. It sends the message that when you are taken seriously, people will listen to what you have to say.

    When meeting new potential business partners or clients, having stylish clothing helps create meaningful connections between both parties—even if it’s subconsciously! Wearing fashionable pieces gives off impressions of trustworthiness which ultimately creates stronger relationships built on mutual respect for each other’s abilities and qualities as professionals in the industry.

    Stylish clothing is not only aesthetically pleasing but also establishes credibility in your work environment. The way one dresses is often seen as a visual representation of their skillset, so by having an appropriate look for different occasions, you are presenting yourself as someone who understands what it takes to get ahead in your industry and who is serious about advancing professionally in their career.

    In conclusion, having an impressive fashion sense will help you reach your next-level of success faster and have a whole lot more fun while doing it.

    Don’t wait another day and start designing your personal brand standout style now.

    Learn about the Midlife Style School here: Midlife Style School

    Follow Afton on IG:  www.instragram.com/aftonporter

    Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/AftonPorterStyle/


    #146: Lohnt sich ein Personal Shopping?

    #146: Lohnt sich ein Personal Shopping?

    Endlich mal mit jemandem shoppen gehen, der oder die die perfekten Teile für dich raussucht und in die Kabine bringt? Das ansonsten so anstrengende Shoppingerlebnis zur Freude zu machen? Wenn du schon mal mit dem Gedanken gespielt hast, dir ein solches Erlebnis zu gönnen oder wenn du neugierig darauf bist, wie es mir mit meinem ersten Personal Shopping ergangen ist, dann ist diese Folge perfekt für dich.


    Du möchtest Jeden Monat eine kostenlose Outfitinspiration nach Stiltyp in deiner Inbox? Melde dich hier an.

    Und wenn du einfach schön und selbstbewusst in deinen Farben strahlen möchtest, dann besuche unsere Farb-Fitterie. Denn dort kannst dir bequem, in nur wenigen Schritten von zu Hause deinen Farbfächer bestellen. 

    Dein Erfolg beim Nähen soll lange anhalten. Nicht nur an der Nähmaschine, sondern auch beim Tragen deiner selbst genähten Garderobe. 



    The Art of Layering

    The Art of Layering

    he key to layering in a way that is stylish as well as practical is to think about balance. Long with short, flowy with fitted, textured with smooth. Creating balanced elements keeps outfits flattering as well as visually interesting. Here, how to build a layered look from the ground up.

    1. Start With a Base Layer: Most layered looks include a couple of simple, streamlined pieces that form the foundation for the whole look, and gives the eye a place to rest. Whether these include the classic white button-down, a long (or short) sleeve layering tee, or a simple pair of neutral pants, these pieces serve as the springboard for a look that is practical and chic.
    2. Add A Completer: After the base layer is complete, the next piece to consider is the completer piece. Completer pieces can be casual, like denim jackets or cozy cardigans, or a bit more trendy, like a slouchy blazer or moto jacket.
    3. Add A Middle Layer: Between the base and the completer is where the true magic of layering happens, and much of this will depend on practical considerations as well as style preferences. A currently trendy and versatile middle layer is a sweater vest, which layers well over a base layer and under a jacket. But a middle layer can be a more fitted cardigan, a sweater, a button-down shirt or flannel, or a silk blouse. If your base layer was fitted, your middle layer can have a little more volume. 

    Afton also shares 4 outfit recipes and style tips to create more interesting and luxurious outfits.

    Write a reivew to enter the contest for a free Color Analysis that you can keep or gift in December.

    Need a personal stylist?  Send an email to team@styleguidesociety.com to schedule your free style breakthrough.

    Alles eine Frage des Image

    Alles eine Frage des Image
    Ein Imagewechsel kann manchmal ganz schön haarig sein: Schon bei der Frisur kommt es darauf an, den richtigen Farbton zu treffen. Aber auch das Outfit bis hin zu Schmuck und Brille muss perfekt aufeinander abgestimmt sein, damit die eigene Persönlichkeit so richtig strahlen kann – egal ob man eher der sportliche, klassische oder extravagante Typ ist. Wie das funktioniert, zeigt die zertifizierte Knigge-Trainerin & Trainerin für Business-Etikette, Farb-, Typ-, Stil- & Imageberaterin sowie Personal Shopperin Monika Gerhold. Sie gibt Tipps, damit Image und Outfit in Einklang kommen und man sich beruflich wie privat rundum wohl fühlt.

    Rewriting What Your Height Means About You

    Rewriting What Your Height Means About You

    I've been tall all my life and it wasn't until I was older that I actually enjoyed being tall.  When I was younger, I longed to be one of the cute short girls.  

    When I rewrote being tall could be graceful and elegant instead of akward, it changed how I walked into a room.

    How can you rewrite your story?

    Ready for a private VIP Day with me?  Email my team at team@styleguidesociety.com and we will send you the scheduling link.

    Want more?  Join my style coaching group at https://www.styleguidesociety.com/elevate

    Top-Potenzial Personal Shopping: Wo Outfittery die größten Chancen sieht

    Top-Potenzial Personal Shopping: Wo Outfittery die größten Chancen sieht
    Mehr als 20 Algorithmen, 150 Stylisten und eine Million Kunden in neun europäischen Ländern: Das sind die Kennzahlen von Outfittery rund zehn Jahre nach der Gründung. Warum CEO und Co-Gründerin Julia Bösch nun die Zeit gekommen sieht, das noch junge Business mit Womenswear zu internationalisieren, erzählt sie TW-Ressortleiterin Jelena Faber im TW Podcast. Außerdem verrät sie, welche privaten Momente die Kunden und Kundinnen mit dem Outfittery-Team teilen und welches Start-up man einmal genauer unter die Lupe nehmen sollte. Sie haben Fragen, Anregungen oder Kritik? Schreiben Sie uns an podcast@textilwirtschaft.deMehr von der TW:Website: www.textilwirtschaft.deNewsletter: www.textilwirtschaft.de/newsletterInstagram: @textilwirtschaftLinkedin: @textilwirtschaftFacebook: @textilwirtschaftTwitter: @tw_online See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

    OMR #428 mit Julia Bösch von Outfittery

    OMR #428 mit Julia Bösch von Outfittery
    Fast zehn Jahre nach dem Start hat Outfittery gerade sein erstes profitables Quartal abgeschlossen. „Das bleibt so“, sagt die Mitgründerin und CEO Julia Bösch im OMR Podcast. Außerdem: wie ihr Berliner Curated-Shopping-Startup eine sechsstelligen Zahl Kund:innen gewinnen konnte und auf einen Jahresumsatz um 100 Millionen Euro gekommen ist – und warum sie glaubt, dass die richtige Zeit für das Businessmodell von Outfittery gerade erst angebrochen ist. Alle Themen des OMR Podcasts mit Julia Bösch im Überblick: - Wie Bösch zu Zalando kam und eine Reise nach New York sie zu Outfittery inspirierte (4:45) - Über ihre ersten Investoren und den Nutzen eines vor Gründung aufgebauten Netzwerks (8:09) - Die speziellen Herausforderung bei Anbieten eines personalisierten Services (10:20) - Wie Algorithmen die Stylisten unterstützen und das Dauerthema Retouren (11:35) - Wodurch Outfittery das Problem unverkäuflicher Lagerbestände vermeidet (16:27) - Welche Kanäle bei der Neukundengewinnung am wichtigsten sind (17:54) - Warum Influencer-Marketing bei Outfittery bislang kaum eine Rolle gespielt hat (20:30) - Weshalb Zalandos Konkurrenzprodukt Zalon Outfittery eher geholfen als geschadet hat (23:15) - Über den Merger mit dem einstigen Mitbewerber Modomoto (24:13) - Welche Auswirkungen die Corona-Pandemie auf Outfittery hatte (24:44) - Wie viel Geld Outfittery bis heute von Investoren bekommen hat (25:30) - Weshalb ihre Mitgründern das Unternehmen 2018 operativ verlassen hat (26:18) - Über Frauen in der Startupszene und ihre Strategie als Gründerin (28:05) - Die härtesten Zeiten für sie als Gründerin und ihr Unternehmen (30:42) - Wie Bösch ihre Rolle als Unternehmerin sieht und wie sie Social Media nutzt (31:29) - In wie vielen Märkten Outfittery aktiv ist und welches die wichtigsten Länder sind (33:29) - Welche Produktkategorie bei den Kund:innen besonders gut funktioniert (36:24) - Wie Bösch zum Thema Mode und Nachhaltigkeit steht (37:02) - Wie teuer Neukund:innen für Outfittery sind und wie lange sie bleiben (40:09) - Welche Rolle aktuelle Mode bei den Empfehlungen durch Outfittery spielt (42:48) - Wie viele Kund:innen Outfittery aktuell hat (46:48) - Über die Optimierung des Einkaufs und Eigenmarkensortimente durch Daten (48:24) - Was Bösch mit Outfittery erreichen will und wie sie zu einem Exit steht (49:50)

    28: Bianca Stäglich, Personal Stylistin

    28: Bianca Stäglich, Personal Stylistin
    Farb- und Stilberaterin Bianca Stäglich aus München hat Antworten auf viele Fragen. Auf oft gestellte wie "Welches Kleidungsstück gehört in jeden Kleiderschrank? Was sind absolute No-Gos? Wie gehe ich mit aktuellen Trends um?" Aber Bianca hat auch richtig gute Antworten auf unerwartete Fragen, die im Laufe eines sehr lustigen Podcastgesprächs auftauchen können. Ein Beispiel gefällig? Wie helfen Slipeinlagen bei Schweißflecken? Oder: Was ist eine Gürtel-Kauf-WhatsApp-Gruppe? Mehr über Bianca, ihre Workshops und Beratungen und viel Style-Inspiration erfährst Du in dieser Folge des Pop-Up Casts. Viel Spaß dabei!

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