

    Explore "podcastformedicalstudents" with insightful episodes like "Reflective Functioning: The Key to Attachment with Dr. Howard Steele", "Bruce Perry on the Healing Power of Human Connection and Resilience in Trauma", "Early Psychosis: Detection and Treatment", "Q&A with Dr. Michael Cummings" and "PTSD and Cognitive Processing Therapy with Patricia Resick" from podcasts like ""Psychiatry & Psychotherapy Podcast", "Psychiatry & Psychotherapy Podcast", "Psychiatry & Psychotherapy Podcast", "Psychiatry & Psychotherapy Podcast" and "Psychiatry & Psychotherapy Podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (73)

    Reflective Functioning: The Key to Attachment with Dr. Howard Steele

    Reflective Functioning: The Key to Attachment with Dr. Howard Steele

    In this episode, we discuss “reflective function,” which is a precursor to the concept of mentalization. Reflective function is best understood not as synonymous with mentalization, but as a scale from -1 to 9, based off certain adult attachment interview questions that measure the person’s ability to describe their own and others’ internal states, motivations, and articulate a nuanced and unique understanding of life from 0 to 12 years old. This scale was developed by attachment researchers at the University of London, including Dr. Howard Steele and Dr. Peter Fonagy.

    Bruce Perry on the Healing Power of Human Connection and Resilience in Trauma

    Bruce Perry on the Healing Power of Human Connection and Resilience in Trauma

    In today’s episode, we talk with Dr. Bruce Perry who co-authored, The Boy Who Was Raised As A Dog, Born For Love: Why Empathy is Essential and Endangered, and What Happened to You? Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing (2021). We are also joined by Megan White Zappitelli, M.D., a child and adolescent psychiatrist, and Maddison Hussey, M.D., a child and adolescent fellow. 

    Early Psychosis: Detection and Treatment

    Early Psychosis: Detection and Treatment

    In this episode, we are joined by a panel of experts to discuss treatment of psychosis. Experiences of psychosis are common. When these experiences lead to interference in achieving life goals and/or distress, individuals can benefit from seeking evidenced-based care. The earlier individuals experiencing psychosis come to treatment, the better the outcomes. We are all allies in connecting these young people to care and services. Recovery is possible—people living with psychosis experiences can lead full, meaningful, and fulfilling lives. 

    Q&A with Dr. Michael Cummings

    Q&A with Dr. Michael Cummings

    In this episode, we welcome back fan favorite Dr. Michael Cummings and ask questions sent in by listeners. Topics include Schizophrenia, Social Media Trends, and the SSRI controversy. We are thrilled to dedicate an episode that allows individuals to ask pointed questions and glean from Dr. Cummings' expertise. 

    5 Factors and Domains of Psychiatric Care

    5 Factors and Domains of Psychiatric Care

    In this Episode, Dr. David Puder, Dr. Adam Borecky, and Joanie Burns discuss the 5-factor approach to holistic, patient-centered psychiatric care. This approach takes into account that each individual who seeks care is unique in their physiological and psychological make-up and that multiple factors influence both physical and mental health (for better or worse). 

    The 5-factor approach to treatment is based on the importance of sensorium and its pivotal role in regulating thoughts, feelings, and overall mental health. Sensorium is a lens to understand how we focus on various things. Sensorium is total brain function, which fluctuates throughout the day and depends on a number of factors, including sleep, stress levels, and more.

    Mentalization Based Therapy (MBT), with Dr. Anthony W. Bateman, MA, FRCPSYCH and Dr. Peter Fonagy, Ph.D., FBA

    Mentalization Based Therapy (MBT), with Dr. Anthony W. Bateman, MA, FRCPSYCH and Dr. Peter Fonagy, Ph.D., FBA

    In this episode, we are joined by Dr. Anthony W. Bateman and Dr. Peter Fonagy to discuss their expertise on Mentalization. 

    Mentalization refers to the capacity to reflect upon and understand one's own state of mind and the states of mind of others.  This involves recognizing and making sense of one's own and others’ emotions, beliefs, needs and desires.  People use this tool consciously and unconsciously to make sense of others and themselves. Often done automatically, a person may form beliefs about the people they interact with, making assumptions about their mental states. These beliefs tend to have a strong influence on the mental state of the person, whether or not they are correct.


    Beginning the Treatment with Jonathan Shedler, PhD

    Beginning the Treatment with Jonathan Shedler, PhD

    Dr. Jonathan Shedler is well known for his work on the efficacy of psychodynamic therapy. He has highlighted the importance of the initial phase of therapy in establishing a foundation for successful treatment. Dr. Shedler strongly believes the consultation phase is crucial to developing a working alliance between client and therapist and building a treatment frame and structure. Without this foundation, there is no mutual understanding about the goal or the purpose of treatment, and psychotherapy should not move forward. Join us in this episode as Dr. Shelder discusses how to create a firm starting foundation in clinical practice.

    Adverse Childhood Experiences Part 2: Measurement, Impact on Future Mental Health, Dissociation, and Timing of Trauma

    Adverse Childhood Experiences Part 2: Measurement, Impact on Future Mental Health, Dissociation, and Timing of Trauma

    In this week’s episode of the podcast, we will continue our discussion regarding adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and their influence on the development of future mental health disorders. The greatest predictive factor of the relationship between ACEs and future mental health disorders has to do with the severity, duration, and number of traumatic events. We’ll explore the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire and the data of how ACEs increase the risk of certain personality disorders and psychiatric conditions.

    Link to blog: 


    Adverse Childhood Experiences and Their Lasting Impact on Health: A Comprehensive Guide

    Adverse Childhood Experiences and Their Lasting Impact on Health: A Comprehensive Guide

    In today's episode post, we embark on an in-depth exploration of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and their profound impact on adult mental and physical health. The CDC defines ACEs as, “potentially traumatic events that occur in childhood.” ACEs include (but are not limited to) physical, emotional, sexual abuse, neglect, household dysfunction, such as domestic violence or parental substance abuse. We'll investigate how these early negative events are critical predictors of adult psychiatric diagnoses, including substance use disorders (SUDs), depression, anxiety, PTSD, psychosis, and personality disorders. Our analysis extends to the intricate ways ACEs affect an individual's physiology and psychology. This episode will be the first of a mini-series of several episodes surrounding the impact of ACEs and how we can treat patients who experienced trauma.

    Link to Blog here

    Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) with Dr. Judith Beck

    Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) with Dr. Judith Beck

    In today’s episode of the podcast, we interview Dr. Judith Beck, a prominent figure in the field of psychology and author of the highly regarded textbook, Cognitive Behavior Therapy: Basics and Beyond, which is a staple in the academic journey of many students in psychiatry, psychology, counseling, social work, and psychiatric nursing. This book, translated into 20 languages, is a key resource in the U.S. as well as globally.

    Dr. Beck serves as the president of the Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy, which she co-founded with her late father, Dr. Aaron Beck, who is considered the father of CBT. The Beck Institute is a non-profit organization based in Philadelphia. In addition to her leadership role, she is a Clinical Professor of Psychology in Psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania, where she educates residents.

    Psychotic Depression with Dr. Cummings

    Psychotic Depression with Dr. Cummings

    The underreporting of psychotic symptoms by patients in depression is a significant concern, frequently driven by the fear of consequences like hospitalization or the stigma of embarrassment. 


    We'll discuss the history, the differential to consider when thinking of psychotic depression, mechanisms, and treatment. Notably, individuals with psychotic depression face a suicide rate double that of their non-psychotic counterparts. A recent cohort study by Paljärvi in 2023 revealed a stark contrast: deaths due to suicide were 2.6% in the psychotic depression cohort, compared to 1% in the non-psychotic group. Alarmingly, most suicides occurred within the first two years following diagnosis. People who suffer from psychotic depression often do not report their psychotic symptoms, leading to inadequate response to normal depression treatments. With 6-25% of individuals with major depressive disorder (MDD) exhibiting psychotic features, it is imperative to understand and address these unique challenges. Join us as we unravel the complexities of this underrecognized aspect of mental health.

    200 Episodes Later: A Journey Through Psychiatry with Dr. Puder

    200 Episodes Later: A Journey Through Psychiatry with Dr. Puder

    Join us today on the 200th episode of the podcast, as Dr. Puder sits down with Dr. Mark Mullen to discuss the podcast, answer some questions about his personal journey in psychiatry, and reflect on some of his favorite episodes. Dr. Mark Mullen is a 4th year psychiatry resident at Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska, and the host of his own podcast, Psychiatry Bootcamp.

    Motivational Interviewing with William Miller

    Motivational Interviewing with William Miller

    Motivational interviewing serves as a versatile enhancement to various professional practices, whether it’s behavioral therapy, medication counseling, classroom teaching, or sports coaching. In the words of Dr. William Miller, “It’s a way of being with people to help people make changes.” This method emphasizes a collaborative and empathetic interaction style, focusing on empowering individuals to drive their own change, making it a valuable asset in any change or growth-oriented setting.

    Connection and Supervision in Medical Education: Exploring the utility of the Connection Index in postgraduate psychiatry training

    Connection and Supervision in Medical Education: Exploring the utility of the Connection Index in postgraduate psychiatry training

    What causes burnout among residents?

    There are many factors associated with burnout supported in the literature. We can break them down into environmental factors, personal factors, and non-modifiable factors. In this episode, we dive into the major factors of resident burnout and how the connection index can improve resident morale. 

    Sick Enough: Dr. Jennifer Gaudiani On Eating Disorders

    Sick Enough: Dr. Jennifer Gaudiani On Eating Disorders

    In today's episode of the podcast, we talk with Dr. Jennifer Gaudiani (Dr. G), internationally renowned author of the book, Sick Enough: A Guide to the Medical Complications of Eating Disorders, and founder of the Gaudiani Clinic in Denver, Colorado. We deconstruct common myths and misconceptions about eating disorders, exercise, metabolic processes and why the term “sick enough” is such an apt title for a text and discussion on this group of complex and life-threatening mental health conditions.

    Dr. Christopher Browning- "Ordinary Men" of the Holocaust

    Dr. Christopher Browning- "Ordinary Men" of the Holocaust

    In this interview with historian Dr. Christopher Browning, we discuss his book, Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland. An internationally renowned author and researcher, Dr. Browning is also a professor emeritus of history at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC). He is an internationally recognized expert on the Holocaust and Nazi Germany and has authored over 75 publications.


    His focus on Battalion 101 emerged during his research of the Holocaust, when he discovered that this battalion was unlike any other in the German army or police force—it was comprised of ordinary, middle-aged men, not trained soldiers. Despite this fact, they assimilated into the Nazi practices of mass murder with disturbing ease. Dr. Browning examines the psychological and cultural influences that impacted this seeming phenomenon and offers poignant insights from existing historical documents.

    We want to thank Jeremiah Stokes, Ed.D., LMHC for being part of this episode and helping with write up available on psychiatrypodcast.com 


    Dr. Robert Sapolsky: Baboons, Stress Research, Connection and Determinism

    Dr. Robert Sapolsky: Baboons, Stress Research, Connection and Determinism

    In today’s episode of the podcast, we are joined by neuroscientist and primatologist, Dr. Robert Sapolsky, to discuss his work with baboons, stress, and his own mental health journey. Dr. Sapolsky is professor of biology, neurology, and neuroscience at Stanford University, as well as an author of several books including, A Primate's Memoir: A Neuroscientist’s Unconventional Life Among the Baboons, Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers, and Determined. He has spent extensive time studying baboons in Kenya over the course of his career, a passion he attributes to his extensive time spent in the American Natural History Museum in New York. Joining our conversation is Alexander Horwitz, M.D., a 4th-year psychiatry resident who previously enlightened us on serotonin syndrome in an earlier episode.  


    Dr. Sue Johnson: Attunement, Attachment and the Development of Emotionally Focused Therapy

    Dr. Sue Johnson: Attunement, Attachment and the Development of Emotionally Focused Therapy

    In today’s episode of the podcast, I interview Dr. Sue Johnson, founder of Emotionally Focused Therapy, an intervention for relationships aimed at resolving distress by helping clients become attuned within a secure attachment bond. She has also written countless books and articles, a personal favorite being Hold Me Tight. She was the first person to teach me about the still face experiment in 2013. I, myself, have had the personal benefit of being in EFT with my wife for the past year. I remember watching a video of Sue doing therapy, and I thought, there is some sort of symphony happening here, and I really want to learn how to play the notes. I wanted this session to pull out as many practical pearls as possible from Dr. Johnson, more of the “how” of the process of helping people reconnect.

    Buprenorphine and Opioid Use Disorder Management with Dr. Neal Christopher

    Buprenorphine and Opioid Use Disorder Management with Dr. Neal Christopher

    We are joined again by Dr. Neal Christopher, who is currently the Vice Chair and Associate Medical Director of Arrowhead Regional Medical Center and the Psychiatry and Addiction Consultant for the San Bernardino County Department of Public Health. Dr. Christopher has previously appeared on the Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Podcast in episode 063, “Interviewing Well For Psychiatry Residency & Beyond,” and episode 103, “Acceptance and Commitment Therapy with Dr. Steven Hayes.” 

    In this week’s episode, Dr. Puder and Dr. Christopher discuss the recent elimination of the X-Waiver and what it means for providers, the mechanism and efficacy of buprenorphine, and practical tips for prescribing buprenorphine and supporting patients on their road to recovery from opioid use disorder.

    This episode continues our podcast series on addiction, designed to meet the one-time, 8-hour training requirement introduced by the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023. This mandate applies to all providers registered with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), and our series primarily focuses on the treatment and management of patients with substance use disorders.