

    Explore " predominance" with insightful episodes like "Jon Foreman & Mohsen Seddigh on Bill 161 - Predominance and Superiority" and "22. Sura al-Hajj with Urdu Translation" from podcasts like ""Certified: Class Actions in Ontario & Beyond" and "Recitation of Holy Quran by Qari Syed Sadaqat Ali with Urdu Translation"" and more!

    Episodes (2)

    Jon Foreman & Mohsen Seddigh on Bill 161 - Predominance and Superiority

    Jon Foreman & Mohsen Seddigh on Bill 161 - Predominance and Superiority
    Jon Foreman and Mohsen Seddigh discuss the recent amendments to the CPA brought about by Bill 161, and especially the predominance and superiority changes to certification. How disastrous are those changes? Have we put a wrench in the engine of class actions? What does the future hold? Jon and Mo answer these questions with clear analysis and good humour.

    22. Sura al-Hajj with Urdu Translation

    22. Sura al-Hajj with Urdu Translation
    Sura 22. al-Hajj (the Pilgrimage): In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Ever-Merciful. 1. O mankind! Keep fearing your Lord. No doubt the earthquake of the Hour of Rising is a terrible thing. 2. The Day when you see it, every suckling woman (i.e. mother) will forget the (infant) she was suckling and every pregnant woman will abort her fetus. And, (O observer,) you will see people in a drunken (state) whereas actually they will not be drunk, but the torment of Allah will be (so) severe (that everyone will lose his senses). 3. And there are some people who dispute about Allah without any knowledge and understanding and follow every disobedient Satan, 4. (Satan) for whom it is written that whoever takes him for a friend, he will lead him astray and show him the road to the torment of Hell. 5. O people! If you are in doubt about being raised up (after death) then (contemplate your creation and evolution). We initiated your creation (i.e. chemical genesis) from (the extract of) clay, then (your biological genesis) from a sperm drop (zygote), then from a hanging mass (clinging to the uterus like a leech — embryo) and then from a lump of flesh looking chewed, having manifest contours of elementary formation of some parts of the body and others yet to form (fetus), so that We might show you (Our Power and the trueness of Our Revelations). So We cause whom We please to stay in the wombs till an appointed time. Then We bring you forth as an infant, then (nourish you) so that you may reach your youth. And of you are (also) some who die (early) and some are brought to quite a worthless age so that (he may see this state too that) having learnt so much knowledge, now he knows (just) nothing (once more). And you see the earth completely dry (i.e. dead) and when We shower water on it, a stir of freshness and fertility runs through it. And it swells enriched and puts forth in pairs every kind of blooming and beauteous vegetation. 6. (All) this (keeps happening) because Allah alone is the True (Creator and All-Sustaining) and doubtlessly He alone gives life to the dead and certainly He alone is All-Powerful to do everything. 7. And, certainly, the Last Hour is bound to come. There is no doubt about it. And verily Allah shall raise up alive those who are in the graves. 8. And there are some of the people who dispute about Allah (His Essence, Attributes and Powers) without knowledge and understanding, and without any guidance and logic, and without any enlightening Book (sent down from heaven), 9. Turning his neck (in arrogance) so that he may lead (others also) astray from the path of Allah. For him is disgrace in the world (too) and on the Day of Resurrection We shall make him taste the burning torment. 10. This is because of the doings which your hands sent forth, and indeed Allah is not in the least unjust to His servants. 11. And among people there is also one who worships Allah (keeping just) on the verge (of Din (Religion)). So if some (worldly) benefit reaches him, he feels contented with this (Din (Religion)) and if some trial befalls him, he turns about on his face away (from Din (Religion)). He met a loss in this world (as well as) in the Hereafter. It is this that is conspicuously a heavy loss. 12. (Such a person) worships besides Allah that (idol) which cannot harm him, nor can bring him benefit. That is indeed straying (quite) far off. 13. He worships someone whose loss is nearer than his profit. What an evil helper and what an evil companion! 14. Indeed Allah will admit those who believe and keep doing good deeds to the Gardens with streams flowing beneath them. Surely Allah does what He wills. 15. Whoever thinks that Allah will not at all help His (beloved and most exalted) Prophet in the world and in the Hereafter should tie a rope to the ceiling (of his house) and then hang and strangle (himself). Then let him see whether his plan removes that (help of Allah) at which he feels enraged. 16. And in the same way We have revealed this (complete Qur’an) in the format of clear, logical arguments. And surely Allah blesses with guidance whom He wills. 17. Indeed those who believe and those who are the Jews and the Sabeans and the Christians and the Magians and those who are polytheists — verily Allah will judge among (all of) them on the Day of Resurrection. Surely Allah is witnessing everything. 18. Have you not seen that to Allah bows in prostration (the whole creation) that is in the heavens and in the earth, and the sun, and the moon and the stars, and the mountains, and the vegetable as well as the animal kingdoms and many of mankind (too)? But there are still many (human beings) for whom the torment has been proved (due to their disbelief and polytheism). And he whom Allah dishonours none can bring him honour. Indeed Allah does what He wills. 19. There are two groups who dispute about their Lord. So those who have become disbelievers, the clothes of (Hell) Fire have been cut out (and stitched) for them. The boiling hot water will be poured over their heads. 20. With it will melt whatever is in their bellies and also (their) skins. 21. And for them will be hammers of iron (to strike their heads). 22. Whenever they will intend to get out from there due to intense suffering, they will be turned back into it and (it will be said to them:) ‘Taste the torment of fierce Fire.’ 23. Surely Allah will admit those who believe and do pious deeds to the Gardens beneath which streams flow. There they will be adorned with bracelets of gold and pearls. And their clothes there will be of silk. 24. And (in the world) they are directed to pure and decent talk and are guided to the favourite path (of Islam). 25. Surely those who disbelieve and hinder (others) from the path of Allah and this Sacred Mosque (the Ka‘ba) which We have made equal for all the people — (there is no discrimination) in it between its inhabitants and the visitors — and he who resolves in it to deviate unjustly (transgress the appointed limits and violate rights), We shall make him taste grievous torment. 26. And (recall the time) when We fixed for Ibrahim (Abraham) the site of the House of Allah (for the construction of the Ka‘ba and ordained him:) ‘Do not associate with Me anything and keep My House (after its construction) purified and clean for those who circumambulate it and those who stand and those who kneel and prostrate themselves in Prayer.’ 27. And proclaim Hajj (Pilgrimage) aloud among the people. They will approach you on foot and (mounted) on all lean camels, coming by distant tracks — 28. So that they may avail themselves of their benefits and invoke the Name of Allah as well (while slaughtering) over the cattle which Allah has provided for them (for sacrifice), during the appointed days. Then eat of them yourselves and feed the distressed and the needy. 29. Then let them cleanse their dirt (i.e. cut their hair and nails on removing Ihram, the Pilgrim attire), fulfil their vows (or the remaining prescribed rituals of Pilgrimage) and make (the prescribed farewell) circumambulation of Allah’s Ancient House (the Ka‘ba). 30. That is (the Command). And whoever venerates the things sanctified before (the Presence of) Allah that is better for him in the sight of his Lord. (All) the cattle (i.e. quadrupeds) are made lawful for you except those whose prohibition has been recited to you. So always keep away from the filth of idols and guard yourselves against telling lies. 31. Devote yourselves wholly to Allah alone, not associating (anything as) partner with Him. And whoever associates anything as partner with Allah, (his case is as if) he fell from the sky, then birds snatched him up or the wind blew him away down into a distant place. 32. That is the (Command). And whoever venerates the Signs of Allah (i.e. honouring those living beings, shrines, monumental sites, commands and prescribed duties known and recognized due to some pious association or link with Allah or Allah’s devoted servants), this (veneration) is of the Godwariness of hearts (only those venerate whose hearts have been blessed with fear of God). 33. There are benefits for you in these (sacrificial animals) for a fixed term. Then they are to arrive at the Ancient House (the Ka‘ba for sacrifice). 34. And We have appointed a sacrifice for every people so that (at the time of sacrifice) they may invoke the Name of Allah over the cattle (i.e. quadrupeds) that Allah has provided for them. And your God is (only) One God, so submit to Him alone, and, (O Beloved,) give good news to those who remain submissive. 35. (They are) the people whose hearts get into fear when Allah is mentioned and they bear with fortitude whatever troubles touch them. And they establish Prayer and give away out of what We have bestowed upon them. 36. And We have made for you bigger sacrificial animals (i.e. camels and cows, etc.) from among the Signs of Allah. There is good in them for you. So line (them) up and (after lancing at the time of their slaughter) invoke the Name of Allah over them. Then, when they fall down on their sides, eat of it (too) and feed those who are sitting contented as well as the (needy) who beg. We have this way subjected them to you so that you may give thanks. 37. It is neither the meat (of slaughtered animals) nor their blood that reaches Allah at all but it is the Godwariness that reaches Him from you. Thus has Allah subjected them to you so that you may proclaim Allah’s greatness (while sacrificing) the way He has guided you. And give glad tidings to those who practise spiritual excellence. 38. Surely, Allah removes from the men of faith (the mischief and strife of their enemies). Indeed He does not like anyone treacherous (and) ungrateful. 39. Permission (to fight against mischief, disruption and oppression) is granted to those against whom (unjust) war is waged, because they were oppressed and Allah is doubtlessly All-Powerful to help them (the oppressed). 40. They are those who were unjustly expelled from their homes simply because they said: ‘Our Lord is Allah. (i.e. they refused to accept the evil rule).’ And had Allah not been repelling one class of human society by the other (through progressive struggle and revolutionary toil), the cloisters, synagogues, churches and mosques (i.e. religious centres and worship places of all religions) would have been ruined where Allah’s Name is abundantly commemorated. And whoever helps (Din (Religion) of) Allah, Allah surely helps him. Allah is indeed All-Powerfull, Ever-Dominant (over all i.e. the survival of good is possible only through the revolutionary process of contradiction and conflict between good and evil). 41. (These men of Truth) are those who, if We establish their rule in the earth, will establish (systems of) Prayer, (organize and control) paying of Zakat (the Alms-due), enjoin righteousness (and piousness in the whole society) and forbid (people from) evil. And the result of all the endeavours is in the control of Allah. 42. And if these (disbelievers) reject you then the people of Nuh (Noah) and ‘Ad and Thamud (also) denied (their Prophets), 43. And the people of Ibrahim (Abraham) and (also) the people of Lut (Lot), 44. And the inhabitants of Madyan (too belied). And Musa (Moses) was also rejected. So I kept giving respite to (all) the disbelievers. Ultimately I seized them. (Say,) how terrible was My punishment! 45. Then how many a town was there which We annihilated because they were oppressors! They are fallen down on their roofs. And (owing to their devastation) how many a well (was) deserted and how many a strongly built castle (is) lying ruined! 46. Have they not travelled in the land that (perhaps by seeing these ruins) their hearts should become (such) as to understand or the ears (such) as to hear (the Truth)? So the fact is that it is not the eyes (of such people) that are blind, but the hearts turn blind which are in the breasts. 47. And they seek from you torment in haste and Allah never goes against His promise. And (when the Hour of torment will come) then one day (of torment) with your Lord is like a thousand years, according to your (scale of) counting. 48. And how many a town I gave respite while it was given to wrongdoing and then I seized it (with torment)! And to Me has (everyone) to return. 49. Say: ‘O people, I am only a Warner to you (against the torment of Allah).’ 50. So they who believe and do good deeds, for them is forgiveness and bounty of (greater) honour and dignity. 51. And those who strive in (refuting) Our Verses with the idea to frustrate (Us), it is they who are the inmates of Hell. 52. And We did not send any Messenger and Prophet before you but (it happened to them all) that when he (the Prophet or the Messenger) would recite (to the people the Revelations of Allah), Satan mixed up in their minds false doubts and absurd ideas of his own with the Verses recited (by that Prophet). Then Allah removes those doubts from the minds of the people which Satan puts (into the minds of the listeners). And then Allah firmly establishes His Verses (in the hearts of the believers). And Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise. 53. (It happens) so that Allah may make these (false ideas and absurd doubts) which Satan puts (into their minds) a trial for those people whose hearts are diseased (of hypocrisy) and whose hearts are hardened (owing to disbelief and disgust). And surely the wrongdoers are engaged in serious rivalry; 54. And so that those who have been given (true) knowledge may know that the (Revelation which the Messenger recited) is (based on) the truth from your Lord, so, they believe in the same (and reject Satan’s suggestions) and their hearts beat in submissiveness (before the Lord). No doubt, Allah does guide the believers to the straight path. 55. And the disbelievers will always remain in doubt about this (Holy Qur’an) until the Last Hour comes suddenly upon them or the torment of the Day from which salvation is least possible. 56. On that Day sovereignty will be Allah’s alone. He is the One Who will judge among them. So those who believe and do good deeds, will (reside) in the Gardens of Bliss. 57. And those who disbelieve and reject Our Revelations, for them will be humiliating punishment. 58. And those who migrated from their (homeland) in the way of Allah (and) were then slain or died (suffering from troubles in the way of Allah), Allah shall indeed provide for them an excellent provision (of bestowals specific to the Last Day). And verily Allah is the Best of providers. 59. He will indeed admit them to that (station of divine pleasure) they will be well pleased with. And Allah is indeed All-Knowing, Most Forbearing. 60. That is (the Command). And whoever takes revenge in proportion to the torture inflicted upon him and then he is again wronged, Allah will surely help him. Allah is verily Most Forgiving, Most Pardoning. 61. That is because Allah causes the night to enter into the day and causes the day to enter into the night, and indeed Allah is All-Hearing, All-Seeing. 62. And that is because Allah alone is the Truth, and whatever they (i.e. the disbelievers) worship besides Him is certainly falsehood and verily Allah is Most High, Most Great. 63. Have you not seen that Allah sends down water from the sky and the earth becomes fresh and green? Allah is indeed Most Beneficent (and) All-Aware. 64. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth. And surely Allah is Self-Sufficient, All- Praiseworthy. 65. Have you not seen that Allah has subjected to you whatever is in the earth and (also) the vessels that sail in the sea (and river) by His Command (i.e. Law) and He withholds the heavens (spatial spheres and atmospheric fields) from falling on to the earth (under a cosmic system)? But (when He wills, they will collide) by His Command. Surely Allah is Most Compassionate, Most Merciful to mankind. 66. And He is the One Who gave you life, then He causes you to die and then will give you life again. No doubt, it is the man who is highly ungrateful. 67. We have appointed for every people a way (of Islamic injunctions or worship and sacrifice) which they are to act upon. So let them not at all dispute with you over the Command (of Allah). And keep calling towards your Lord. Certainly it is you who are on the straight (path of) guidance. 68. And if they dispute with you then say: ‘Allah knows best whatever you are doing.’ 69. Allah will judge between you on the Day of Judgment all those matters in which you used to disagree. 70. Do you not know that Allah knows all that is in the heavens and the earth? Verily it is all (recorded) in the Book (al-Lawh al-Mahfuz). Surely all that is (very) easy for Allah. 71. And they worship these (idols) besides Allah for which He has not sent down any authority. Nor do they have any knowledge of (the consequence of) this (idol-worship). And there will be no helper of the wrongdoers (on the Day of Judgment). 72. And when Our enlightening Verses are recited to the disbelievers, you can clearly see (signs of) displeasure (and resentment) on their faces. It seems as if they are nearly ready for violent attack on those who are reciting to them Our Signs. Say: ‘(O restlessly upset disbelievers,) shall I inform you of something more agonizing than this? (That) is the Fire (of Hell) which Allah has promised to the disbelievers. And that is the most evil abode. 73. O mankind! An example is given, so listen to it attentively. Verily the (idols) you worship besides Allah cannot create (even) a fly though they all may join in for this (purpose). And if the fly snatches a thing away from them, they cannot (even) recover it from that (fly). How helpless is the seeker (worshipper) and the sought (god)! 74. These (disbelievers) did not recognize the value of Allah as was His due. Surely, Allah is Most Powerful, Most Dominant (over everything). 75. Allah chooses His Messengers from among angels and from among men (as well). Surely, Allah is All-Hearing, All-Seeing. 76. He knows (best) what is before them and what is behind them. And to Allah are returned all matters. 77. O Believers! Persist in kneeling down and prostrating yourselves and worshipping your Lord, and do (other) pious deeds consistently so that you may prosper. 78. And toil hard (for the establishment and promotion of Allah’s Din (Religion), fully charged with His love and obedience,) as is toil His due. He has chosen you and has not laid upon you any hardship or constriction (in the matter of) Din (Religion). This is the Din (Religion) of your father Ibrahim (Abraham). He (Allah) has named you Muslims in the previous (Books) as well as in this (Holy Qur’an) so that this (Last of the) Messengers may be a witness over you and you be witnesses over mankind. So, (to sustain this status) establish Prayer, pay Zakat (the Alms-due) and hold fast to (the Embrace of) Allah. He (alone) is your Helper (Patron). So what an excellent Patron and what an excellent Helper is He!

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