

    Explore "qur'an" with insightful episodes like "Episode 192: Do Muslims and Christians Worship the Same God? [Part 2] with Author and Quranic Scholar Dr. Andy Bannister", "Episode 191: Do Muslims and Christians Worship the Same God? [Part 1] with Author and Quranic Scholar Dr. Andy Bannister", "Memorising the Qur’an in an age of distraction", "Appreciating Allah’s Design and the Purpose of His Book" and "The Dividends of Spending Time with The Qur’an" from podcasts like ""Apologetics Profile", "Apologetics Profile", "Soul Search", "Qur'an Connection by Good Tree Academy" and "Qur'an Connection by Good Tree Academy"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    Episode 192: Do Muslims and Christians Worship the Same God? [Part 2] with Author and Quranic Scholar Dr. Andy Bannister

    Episode 192: Do Muslims and Christians Worship the Same God? [Part 2] with Author and Quranic Scholar Dr. Andy Bannister

    Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. Muslims are no longer half a world away, but now include our neighbors, friends, classmates, and coworkers. Do we as Christians worship the same God as Muslims do? What distinguishes Allah from Jesus, the Qur'an from the Bible? And how might we begin to have meaningful conversations with our Muslim neighbors? This is part two of our discussion with Qur'anic scholar, Dr. Andy Bannister, author of Do Muslims and Christians Worship the Same God? (uhop.me/SameGod). Andy continues to offer his insights and wisdom from his years of experience in answering these and other questions and in engaging Muslims who are searching for much more than what they read in the Qur'an.

    Dr. Andy Bannister is the Director of the Solas Centre for Public Christianity, speaking and teaching regularly throughout the UK, Europe, Canada, the USA, and the wider world. From universities to churches, business forums to TV and radio, he regularly addresses audiences of both Christians and those of all faiths and none on issues relating to faith, culture, politics and society. Andy holds a PhD in Islamic studies and has taught extensively at universities across Canada, the USA, the UK and further afield on both Islam and philosophy. He is also an Adjunct Research Fellow at the Arthur Jeffery Centre for the Study of Islam at Melbourne School of Theology and is also Adjunct Faculty at Wycliffe College, University of Toronto. For more information, visit AndyBannister.net.

    Related Resources: Watchman book plus free access to some related Watchman Profiles:

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    : We are also offering a subscription to our 4-page bimonthly Profiles here: www.watchman.org/Free.

    PROFILE NOTEBOOK: Order the complete collection of Watchman Fellowship Profiles (over 600 pages -- from Astrology to Zen Buddhism) in either printed or PDF formats here: watchman.org/notebook.

    SUPPORT: Help us create more content like this. Make a tax-deductible donation here: www.watchman.org/give.

    Apologetics Profile is a ministry of Watchman Fellowship For more information, visit www.watchman.org © Watchman Fellowship, Inc.

    Episode 191: Do Muslims and Christians Worship the Same God? [Part 1] with Author and Quranic Scholar Dr. Andy Bannister

    Episode 191: Do Muslims and Christians Worship the Same God? [Part 1] with Author and Quranic Scholar Dr. Andy Bannister

    On the next two episodes of the Profile we sit down with Qur'anic scholar and author Dr. Andy Bannister to discuss his very insightful and helpful 2021 book, Do Muslims and Christians Worship the Same God? (uhop.Me/SameGod). Andy gives us some wisdom from his own experiences and research in engaging Muslims over the last few decades. If you know a Muslim but are not sure how to begin a conversation, you don't want to miss the next two weeks of the Profile.

    Dr. Andy Bannister is the Director of the Solas Centre for Public Christianity, speaking and teaching regularly throughout the UK, Europe, Canada, the USA, and the wider world. From universities to churches, business forums to TV and radio, he regularly addresses audiences of both Christians and those of all faiths and none on issues relating to faith, culture, politics and society. Andy holds a PhD in Islamic studies and has taught extensively at universities across Canada, the USA, the UK and further afield on both Islam and philosophy. He is also an Adjunct Research Fellow at the Arthur Jeffery Centre for the Study of Islam at Melbourne School of Theology and is also Adjunct Faculty at Wycliffe College, University of Toronto. For more information, visit AndyBannister.net.

    Related Resources: Watchman book plus free access to some related Watchman Profiles:

    Additional Resources

    : We are also offering a subscription to our 4-page bimonthly Profiles here: www.watchman.org/Free.

    PROFILE NOTEBOOK: Order the complete collection of Watchman Fellowship Profiles (over 600 pages -- from Astrology to Zen Buddhism) in either printed or PDF formats here: watchman.org/notebook.

    SUPPORT: Help us create more content like this. Make a tax-deductible donation here: www.watchman.org/give.

    Apologetics Profile is a ministry of Watchman Fellowship For more information, visit www.watchman.org © Watchman Fellowship, Inc.

    Memorising the Qur’an in an age of distraction

    Memorising the Qur’an in an age of distraction

    Every Ramadan, Muslims recite all 114 chapters of the Qur’an. That’s more than 6000 verses, all in classical Arabic. But some will not have to read it from the page – they will have it memorised. They’re known as Hafiz, and they commit years of their lives devoting their holy book to memory.

    Professor Halim Rane teaches Islamic Studies in the School of Humanities, Languages and Social Science at Griffith University.

    Imam Ensar Cutahija is imam of Rochdale Mosque in Brisbane and so far the only hafiz among Bosnian Muslims in Australia.

    Amr Ahmed memorised the Qur’an at age 10. He is now in year 9 at an Islamic school in Melbourne.

    ABC Religion and Ethics is running a special Ramadan series by Susan Carland and Saara Sabbagh. Read the first instalment.

    Appreciating Allah’s Design and the Purpose of His Book

    Appreciating Allah’s Design and the Purpose of His Book

    What do IKEA furniture, LEGOs and nature have in common? Ustadh Michael Wolfender explains how they can help us appreciate and understand Allah’s Design, including how Allah references in Surah At-Tariq the falling of rain and evaporation (86:11). 

    As the school year concludes, Ustadh Michael encourages students and each of us to value our time together and not individually in front of screens. Connect with Allah’s Book and His Guidance. Interested in learning to understand and pronounce the final surahs of the Holy Qur’an correctly? Good Tree Academy students help with just that at quranconnection.org/learn 

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    The Dividends of Spending Time with The Qur’an

    The Dividends of Spending Time with The Qur’an

    Ustadh Michael Wolfender has words of encouragement for Good Tree Academy students to spend their summer building on what they’ve learned this school year from Allah’s Book. The Qur’an is Allah’s Book with benefits from reciting its verses. It is the final revelation from Allah complete with His Words. The Qur’an brings humans from darkness to light. The Qur’an is a cure and protection and it makes you a better person. 

    Listen as Ustadh Michael shares the story of an early accepter of Islam, how the Qur’an brought him to light and why Islam’s own enemies could not help but to seek listening to the Qur’an. 

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    7 Ways to Receive Protection from Angels

    7 Ways to Receive Protection from Angels

    Ustadh  Michael Wolfender reminds us how angels will visit us when it is our time to return to Allah. It can be a time to be happy to see and meet them, especially if you’ve taken advantage of seven times when angels pray for you:

    1. When you are eating suhoor, the pre-dawn meal prior to fasting, angels mention you to Allah based on your intention, as Allah says fasting is between Him and His believer. 
    2. Arrive early to be in the first row at the masjid
    3. Sit after salah and remember Allah as angels will ask Allah to forgive you and have mercy on you
    4. When you teach others good things, angels and all the animals on earth make dua for you
    5. When you make dua for someone who is not with you, Allah appoints an angel to say ‘ameen’ so your request on behalf of another applies to you, too
    6. When you spend for the sake of Allah, Allah returns what you spend
    7. When you make wudu before going to sleep, an angel is as close as hugging you all night; if you wake up, the angel asks Allah for your protection and forgiveness
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    Unseen but not Unreal: Preparing for the Annual Visit from Angels

    Unseen but not Unreal: Preparing for the Annual Visit from Angels

    Ustadh Michael Wolfender recites from five surahs in the Holy Qur’an where Allah explains, among other aspects of angels, the protection He provided the delivery of His Book by Angel Gabriel.  Al-Qadr (97 The Power) discusses the one night every year in the last third of Ramadan when Allah floods the earth with angels and why this night carries the power of 1000 months. Even Angel Gabriel descends on earth that night, though his mission of delivering the Qur’an to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is complete. 

    One of the attributes of Allah of which He is known by is Al Lateef, The Subtle. Brother Michael explains that developing a relationship with Allah helps you understand this attribute, for instance, in how Allah helps you see what is subtle. And Brother Michael provides some examples of how this applies to angels in our presence. He shares a story of a hospitalized man who spoke to angels and their conversation with him to understand that those afflicted with ailments who get angry about that are suffering punishment from Allah. Those who are patient with their ailments receive the reward of it being an expiation. When you are content with Allah, it raises your degrees of favor with Him. 

    Ustadh Michael shares the story of the Battle of Badr where Allah sent angels to aid His believers fighting in His Cause, though they were triply outnumbered. 

    And finally, Ustadh Michael shares how you can talk with angels in each daily prayer. These lessons help us understand the value of seeing the Night of Power in the last ten nights of Ramadan.

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    Learning to Seek and Understand Our Creator

    Learning to Seek and Understand Our Creator

    Ustadh Michael Wolfender uses surahs Ar-Ra’d (13 The Thunder) and Ibrahim (14 Abraham) and their explanations to help teach the unending value of learning to seek and understand Allah, as this brings true relaxation and peace. 

    All of the messengers Allah sent delivered the same message that Allah is our Provider, place your trust in Him and that He controls all. Our job is to worship and please Allah. 

    Verses 32 - 34 of Surah Ibrahim describe Allah and His Might with some examples including rain, fruits, ships, rivers, the sun and moon, day and night; including there are countless blessings we cannot complete enumerating. 

    Ustadh Michael emphasizes the power of dua, asking of and remembering Allah as when you please Allah, He gives you more. Surah Ibrahim memorializes how prophet Ibrahim (as) made a dua asking Allah to ensure his descendants were consistent in worship: “My Lord! Make me and those ˹believers˺ of my descendants keep up prayer. Our Lord! Accept my prayers.” (14:40)

    Ayah 7 of Surah Ibrahim includes the guarantee of how remembering Allah ensures He provides more: “And ˹remember˺ when your Lord proclaimed, ‘If you are grateful, I will certainly give you more. But if you are ungrateful, surely My punishment is severe.’”

    Allah guarantees the best for His believers, including paradise where angels will visit you. 

    And finally, Surah Ibrahim contains the verse for which Good Tree Academy is named: “Do you not see how Allah co

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    How Ramadan Makes You a Better Person

    How Ramadan Makes You a Better Person

    The Muslim lunar calendar means Ramadan moves back about 10 days every year. Ramadan is a month where Muslims fast, staying away from food and drink during the daytime as primary items per Allah’s Command. When you are strong enough to stay away from food and drink during the daytime, you realize you have the power to stay away from what you're not supposed to do and to withhold yourself from something you really want. 

    The most successful Ramadans begin with a plan, which correlates to taking action in life. Science has underscored the benefits of fasting though there is no determination on the best way to achieve this - other than the Guidance Allah provides in Surah Al-Baqarah (2 The Cow) where Allah details that fasting is for a prescribed period of the month of Ramadan. 

    More importantly than physical benefits of fasting is the spiritual connection and mental  resilience fasting develops. Allah says fasting is between Him and His worshipper. No one needs to know you are fasting. Allah is pleased with efforts His believers take in His Way, including rewarding happiness for the advent of the month of fasting. 

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    Asking for Forgiveness and its Bounty

    Asking for Forgiveness and its Bounty

    Guest khateeb Hammad Qasim Siddiqui describes why Allah created each of us imperfect, prone to error. This creates our opportunity to ask for His Forgiveness and understand how close He is to each of us. 

    In Surah Al-Furqan (25 The Criterion): Allah says: “Except those who repent and believe (in Islamic Monotheism), and do righteous deeds, for those, Allah will change their sins into good deeds, and Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” (25:70)

    A key to closeness to Allah is through dua or asking of Him. Start dua by praising Allah and thanking Him for the blessings He provides. Brother Hammad concludes with an example of how sincerity in dua can result in Allah changing sins to good deeds, resulting in the reward of entry into paradise.

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    The Power of Ramadan

    The Power of Ramadan

    Allah explains the significance of the month of Ramadan starting in the second surah of the Holy Qur’an: "Ramaḍân is the month in which the Qur’an was revealed as a guide for humanity with clear proofs of guidance and the standard ˹to distinguish between right and wrong˺. So whoever is present this month, let them fast. But whoever is ill or on a journey, then ˹let them fast˺ an equal number of days ˹after Ramaḍân˺. Allah intends ease for you, not hardship, so that you may complete the prescribed period and proclaim the greatness of Allah for guiding you, and perhaps you will be grateful. When My servants ask you ˹O Prophet˺ about Me: I am truly near. I respond to one’s prayer when they call upon Me. So let them respond ˹with obedience˺ to Me and believe in Me, perhaps they will be guided ˹to the Right Way˺."" (Al Baqarah 2:185 - 186)

    We learn the Qur’an was sent down in the month of Ramadan and when His servants ask, Allah is near and answers those who ask of Him. Ustadh Michael Wolfender hares four surahs showing the power of Ramadan we can't see with our own eyes.

    The first is Al-Qadr (97 The Power) where Allah explains sending down the entire Qur'an to the lowest heaven on Laylatul Qadr, known as the Night of Power and thus this night is better than a thousand months. It is also annually when all angels visit earth including angel Gibreel. Laylatul Qadr began the year Gibreel came to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ with the first five verses of the Qur’an from Surah Al-’Alaq (96 The Clot). This occurred in a cave on Mount Hira and angel Gibreel continued to deliver revelation over the course of 23 years. 

    The second is Ad-Dukhan (44 The Smoke) which Allah begins: "By the clear Book! Indeed, We sent it down on a blessed night, for We always warn ˹against evil˺. On that night every matter of wisdom is ordained by a command from Us, for We have always sent ˹messengers˺ as a mercy from your Lord. He ˹alone˺ is truly the All-Hearing, All-Knowing —  the Lord of the heavens and the earth and everything in between, if only you had sure faith.” (44:2-7) The blessed night referred to here is Laylatul Qadr, thought to be one of the odd nights in the last ten during Ramadan. This night is when Allah sends HIs Decrees for the coming year. It is on this particular night Muslims search for to seek Mercy from our Master as he hears those who ask and understands how we feel inside. 

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    In hardship, call on Allah

    In hardship, call on Allah

    There are seven surahs in the Holy Qu’ran referred to as the ‘musabeehat’ in Arabic. They start with phrases of glorification of Our Creator. They were revealed by Allah to bring comfort and relief to His Believers. The first is Surat Al-A'la (87 The Most High), This surah brought so much comfort of Prophet Muhammad that he often recited it in jummuah, the Friday congregation, and the Eid clebration prayers. Glorifying Allah reminds us of His Perfection and this world is not perfect. This brings peace to believe in and seek to understand Allah’s Perfection, including in all that He creates and decrees. 

    The second surah, Al-Isra (17 The Night Journey), was revealed in what is referred to as The Year of Sadness, when Prophet Muhammad’s ﷺ wife, uncle and son, who were all beloved relatives to him, returned to Allah. It was during this time that Allah provided His prophet ﷺ the miraculous journey from Mecca to Jerusalem and ascended him ﷺ to heaven to receive gifts including the command for daily prayers and the two verses of Surat Al-Baqarah (2 The Cow)

    Muslims partake of these gifts daily in worship, glorifying Allah when bowing and prostrating. Allah begins Surah Al-Isra: “Glory be to the One Who took His servant ˹Muḥammad˺ by night from the Sacred Mosque to the Farthest Mosque whose surroundings We have blessed, so that We may show him some of Our signs. Indeed, He alone is the All-Hearing, All-Seeing.” Glorifying Our Creator brings believers ease. The Qur’an is a cure from disease and harm. In the 82nd verse of Surah Al-Isra, Allah says: وَنُنَزِّلُ مِنَ ٱلْقُرْءَانِ مَا هُوَ شِفَآءٌۭ وَرَحْمَةٌۭ لِّلْمُؤْمِنِينَ ۙ وَلَا يَزِيدُ ٱلظَّـٰلِمِينَ إِلَّا خَسَارًۭا the first part of which translates as: “We send down the Quran as a healing and mercy for the believers.” 

    Other surahs in the musabeehat Allah sent during times of Islam’s early revelation to ease the hardships His believers faced, including a seige from 300 soldiers. With the right intention, actions and asking of Allah, relief comes. In this situation, the Muslims dug a trench and Allah sent a sandstorm which caused the soldiers to retreat. Remembering Allah’s Perfection brings peace, comfort and strength. 

    Completing our look at these surahs:

    The beginning of Al-Hadid (57 The Iron), Al-Hashr (59 The Exile) and As-Saf (61 The Ranks) all start with:  “Whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth glorifies Allah. For He is the Almighty, All-Wise.”

    Al-Hashr ends with: “He is Allah: the Creator, the Inventor, the Shaper. He ˹alone˺ has the Most Beautiful Names. Whatever is in the heavens and the earth ˹constantly˺ glorifies Him. And He is the Almighty, All-Wise.”

    Al-Jumu'ah (62 The Congregation, Friday) begins with: “Whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth ˹constantly˺ glorifies Allah—the King, the Most Holy, the Almighty, the All-Wise.”

    At-Taghabun (64 The Mutual Delusion) “Whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth ˹constantly˺ glorifies Allah. The kingdom is His, and all praise is for Him. For He is Most Capable of everything.”

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    Lessons from 2 Verses in Surah Al-An'am (6 The Cattle)

    Lessons from 2 Verses in Surah Al-An'am (6 The Cattle)

    Surah Al-Anam (The Cattle ) is the sixth chapter of the Qur'an with 165 verses which were revealed all at once. Ustadh Michael Wolfender shares two verses or ayah from the Holy Qur'an which ultimately underscore the peace of Islam in its appropriate practice. Translations of the two ayah from Arabic are: 

    "Indeed, Allah is the One Who causes seeds and fruit stones to sprout. He brings forth the living from the dead and the dead from the living. That is Allah! How can you then be deluded ˹from the truth˺?" (6:95)

    "Whoever Allah wills to guide, He opens their heart to Islam. But whoever He wills to leave astray, He makes their chest tight and constricted as if they were climbing up into the sky. This is how Allah dooms those who disbelieve." (6:125)

    Looking at the beginning of 6:95, we learn Allah as Our Creator is The One who opens seeds and causes soft saplings to grow. In the same way, Allah can open a believer's chest as true power is in being soft, not harsh. Power is in submitting to the Commands of Allah which allows the believer to be relaxed. 

    In 6:125, Ustadh Michael uses the example of a hot air balloon and how the lighter air inside causes it to rise. 

    Being guided in Islam provides relief, similar to how deep breathing provides relaxation. In doing this, you feel your chest expand when taking deep breaths. Islam is submitting to Allah to acheive peace. Without this relaxation, one's chest feels squeezed with worldly concerns, worries and fears. 

    Using this same literal technique of breathing to expand your chest allows a believer to breathe when reciting the first chapter of the Noble Qur'an, Al Fatihah, to feel the connection in daily prayer. This draws a wave of relaxation throughout the body, expanding your chest as a believer submitting to Allah. 

    Relaxation triggers hormones allowing your brain to be relaxed. Recite surah Al-Fatiha slowly. When you recite Qur'an slowly, you feel relaxed.

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    The Power of the Qur’an

    The Power of the Qur’an

    Ustadh Michael Wolfender was looking for the beauty of the Qur’an and shares how he found its power, in particular while listening to Surat ‘Abasa (80 He Frowned). Allah trains your heart to be touched by the Qur'an when you seek to only worship Him. Whoever who has a heart who wants to know Allah is the best. This is a premise in Surat ‘Abasa referencing the blind man who is now memorialized in the Qur’an. Allah made him famous due to his dedication to learn about Him. And the lesson Allah taught his prophet ﷺ brought him to tears. Allah cares about the heart which is eager to learn. This will raise your rank with Allah and He is The Loving. 

    We can learn from the Signs of Allah. Everything in creation is a Sign of Allah and this can draw you closer to Him.

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    Remember 4 Lessons from John the Baptist (Prophet Yahya)

    Remember 4 Lessons from John the Baptist (Prophet Yahya)

    All of Allah’s messengers came with the same message: worship Allah alone. Ustadh Michael Wolfender shares four lessons from a contemporary of Jesus, John the Baptist, and their correlation to the fifth ayat of Surat Al-Bayyinah (98 The Clear Proof): “... even though they were only commanded to worship Allah ˹alone˺ with sincere devotion to Him in all uprightness, establish prayer, and pay alms-tax. That is the upright Way.” (98:5) 

    What are these lessons from Allah’s prophet? Don’t worship other than Allah alone, giving charity can save you, angels love the smell of those who are fasting and when you remember Allah, it is your own fortress you build of safety. Further, John the Baptist advised the importance of connecting your heart in prayer and focusing your mind, praying as if Allah is in front of you listening to each word and answering each of your requests. 

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    Your Ticket to Paradise

    Your Ticket to Paradise

    Do you get upset standing in the security line before an airline trip or do you get excited about the destination? Ustadh Michael Wolfender uses this analogy to help prepare us for the best journey ever – the life Allah provides us and what to do to earn paradise.

    Allah tells us in Surat At-Tur (52 The Mount): “Indeed, the righteous will be in Gardens and bliss, enjoying whatever their Lord will have granted them. And their Lord will have protected them from the torment of the Hellfire. ˹They will be told,˺ “Eat and drink happily for what you used to do.” They will be reclining on thrones, ˹neatly˺ lined up ˹facing each other˺. And We will pair them to maidens with gorgeous eyes. As for those who believe and whose descendants follow them in faith, We will elevate their descendants to their rank, never discounting anything ˹of the reward˺ of their deeds. Every person will reap only what they sowed.” (52: 17-21)

    This starts with the five pillars of Islam: belief, prayer, fasting, charity and pilgrimage. Make sure you cover the basics of belief and worship, as every prayer is your conversation with Allah asking of and thanking Him. The more you remember Allah, the more He hears you. Work on improving character, as arrogance deflects entry to paradise. And level up your rank in heaven with Qur’an, fasting and hajj.

    Ustadh Michael underscores the importance of prayer, reminding that when salah is good, all will be good on the Day of Judgment. The first thing Allah said to Moses when he spoke with Him was the command to worship One God and establish prayer to remember Allah. In Surah Maryam, Jesus says that Allah has ‘entrusted me to perform prayer and give charity throughout my life,’ as an example for us all. 

    The Day of Judgment includes an accounting of each of our deeds, with the successful receiving their book of deeds as Allah describes in Surat Al-Inshiqaq (84 The Sundering): “As for those who are given their record in their right hand, they will have an easy reckoning, and will return to their people joyfully. And as for those who are given their record ˹in their left hand˺ from behind their backs, they will cry for ˹instant˺ destruction, and will burn in the blazing Fire. For they used to be prideful among their people, thinking they would never return ˹to Allah˺. (84: 7-14)

    Focusing on the positive, when family members make it to paradise, just one’s piety and character can raise the entire family’s level in heaven. Such is the Might and Mercy of Our Lord. 

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    A Lesson on the Blessing of Praying on Time

    A Lesson on the Blessing of Praying on Time

    The kings who were father and son, Dawood and Suleiman (as), were aware of where their blessings came from, so Allah gave them more because they had the right attitude. In Surat  An Naml (27 The Ant), Allah gives examples of these prophets acknowledging their blessings from Allah. In Surat Sad (38 The Letter ‘Saad’), Allah acknowledges the blessing Dawood was provided in his son: “And We blessed David with Solomon—what an excellent servant ˹he was˺! Indeed, he ˹constantly˺ turned ˹to Allah˺. (38:30) Allah then describes Suleiman’s love of horses and an incident where he was busy inspecting his horses at Asr time, as Ustadh Michael explains. Recognizing the distraction his love of horses provided, Suleiman ordered to get rid of the horses, preferring not to have anything to distract him from Allah and that praying on time is most important. Allah continues in the 38th surah then describing how Allah gave him more and more, including control of the wind.

    This story shares the lesson of controlling your time and giving importance to prayer. Ustadh Michael then references from ayat 15 – 16 of Surat Al Fajr where Allah says: “Now, whenever a human being is tested by their Lord through ˹His˺ generosity and blessings, they boast, “My Lord has ˹deservedly˺ honored me!” But when He tests them by limiting their provision, they protest, “My Lord has ˹undeservedly˺ humiliated me!”

    Most people are not alert and don't realize blessings from Allah, boasting when they get things they don’t deserve and then complaining when something bad happens to them.

    Instead, Ustadh Michael advises following the lesson of recognizing the importance of time and praying on time to earn a place among those Allah acknowledges at the end of Surat Al Fajr in ayat 27 – 30 describing the resulting reward on the Day of Judgment: ˹Allah will say to the righteous,˺ “O tranquil soul! Return to your Lord, well pleased ˹with Him˺ and well pleasing ˹to Him˺. So join My servants, and enter My Paradise.”

    Ustadh Michael concludes with Suleiman’s dua which was prompted by the namesake of the 27th surah (An Naml ‘The Ant’):  “My Lord! Inspire me to ˹always˺ be thankful for Your favors which You have blessed me and my parents with, and to do good deeds that please you. Admit me, by Your mercy, into ˹the company of˺ Your righteous servants.” (27:19)

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