

    Explore "qurantranslation" with insightful episodes like "094 – Al Inshiraah[1-8]", "093 – Al Dhuhaa[1-11]", "092 – Al Layl[1-21]", "091 – Al Shams[1-15]" and "090 – Al Balad[1-20]" from podcasts like ""The Holy Quran English Translation by MH Shakir", "The Holy Quran English Translation by MH Shakir", "The Holy Quran English Translation by MH Shakir", "The Holy Quran English Translation by MH Shakir" and "The Holy Quran English Translation by MH Shakir"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    094 – Al Inshiraah[1-8]

    094 – Al Inshiraah[1-8]

    094 – Al Inshiraah – The Expansion

    The chapter is a continuation of Sura Al Dhuhaa (93) and  begins with a reminder of the blessing that Allah has bestowed upon the Prophet of strengthening him spiritually to be able to undertake the mammoth task of conveying the Divine message. This is followed by the reassurance that every difficulty is co joined with two eases and the command to continually strive in His way towards one’s full potential. 
    Sura Introduction from: https://qfatima.com/quran-city/a-journey-through-quran-city 

    093 – Al Dhuhaa[1-11]

    093 – Al Dhuhaa[1-11]

    093 – Al Dhuhaa – The Early Morning Light

    The chapter begins with an oath on the soothing morning light akin to revelation. The next oath is about the stillness of the night when it comes alluding to the period of time when there was a pause in revelation which saddened the Prophet. The wife of Abu Lahab – Umm Jameela taunted him telling him that his God had forsaken him. 
    The chapter continues with an assertion from Divinity that He has not abandoned him nor is He unhappy  with him. It continues to remind the Prophet of Allah’s limitless grace and support for him. The main theme of the chapter is consolation to the Prophet ending with an exhortation to care for the orphans, never to rebuke the one who asks and to proclaim Divine blessings. 
    Sura Introduction from: https://qfatima.com/quran-city/a-journey-through-quran-city 

    092 – Al Layl[1-21]

    092 – Al Layl[1-21]

    092 – Al Layl – The Night

    The first two oaths of the contrasting day and night allude to the third oath which draws our attention to the diverse deeds of the human being which are the sum total of our endeavours. The virtues of generosity, God consciousness and beauty of morals values facilitate ease whilst stinginess, a perception of independence of Divinity and rejection of righteousness leads to hardship. 
    The chapter clearly lays out two paths – good and evil and the free will and knowledge granted to human beings to make a choice. It ends with the consequences of these two diverse courses. 
    Sura Introduction from: https://qfatima.com/quran-city/a-journey-through-quran-city 

    091 – Al Shams[1-15]

    091 – Al Shams[1-15]

    091 – Al Shams – The Sun

    The chapter begins with  seven oaths; six phenomena to do with the Sun paving the way for the existence of the human being in the seventh. Allah swears by the sun’s brightness, the moon that follows it, the day that reveals it, the night that hides it, the sky that holds it, the heavens and Earth, and the perfection and complexity of the soul. There is an ability to choose between good and evil. The soul can succeed through good and fail through evil.
    A historical example of the people of Thamud is given who rejected the truth  because of their arrogance. The whole community suffered as a consequence.
    Sura Introduction from: https://qfatima.com/quran-city/a-journey-through-quran-city 

    090 – Al Balad[1-20]

    090 – Al Balad[1-20]

    090 – Al Balad – The City

    The chapter takes its title from ‘This Land’ –  with reference to the city of Makka – the focal point towards which all Muslims turn to (although it could refer to the earth in totality).  Then the best of cities is followed by an oath of the best of human beings – the Prophet as its resident. 
    Then every parent and child leads into the answer to the oath  that every human being is created in a state of  struggle and  hardship. It then reproaches the human being for failing to put his faculties and wealth to proper use by thinking that he is not accountable. He wastes his wealth and boasts about it. Divinity reminds him that he is watched, 
    This is followed by instructions as to how one should act describing the path as a steep difficult road entailing some of the challenges – to free one who is shackled, feeding on days of hunger, assisting orphans and the destitute. The chapter ends with a contrast between the companions of the right hand who advise to patience, perseverance, compassion and forgiveness  and the companions of the left who cover up this truth. 
    Sura Introduction from: https://qfatima.com/quran-city/a-journey-through-quran-city 

    089 – Al Fajr[1-30]

    089 – Al Fajr[1-30]

    089 – Al Fajr – The Dawn

    The chapter begins with a series of oath to reflect on starting with the dawn which denotes a beginning, followed by 10 nights without the definite Al and therefore could have several connotations. The even and the odd may refer to the merging of duality into one in the night prayer and finally the night when it departs suggesting that all creation is in constant motion and ignorance departs when we awaken to the dawn of reality.
    The destruction  of Aad, Thamud and Firawn because of their arrogance and corruption follows with a discussion of the tendency of the human being to relate wealth and ease to honour from Divinity. A rebuke to the stingy who  do  not honour the orphan, or encourage the feeding of the poor, eating the inheritance of others and loving wealth with excessive love.
    There follows the regret of the defiant rejectors of Divinity and finally an address to the tranquil soul who returns to His Master having reached his full potential and gains the acceptance and pleasure of Divinity with an invitation to enter into His Janna.
    Sura Introduction from: https://qfatima.com/quran-city/a-journey-through-quran-city 

    088 – Al Ghaashiya[1-26]

    088 – Al Ghaashiya[1-26]

    088 – Al Ghaashiya – That Which Covers Entirely

    The chapter begins with a comparison of the torments suffered in the fire of those who rejected Divinity and accountability  to the bliss of the gardens enjoyed by those who submitted to Divinity. In essence a tour of Jahannam and Janna. 
    It then directs the reader to reflect on Allah’s creation from the camel to the raising of the skies, stability of the mountains and spreading of the earth.
    The chapter concludes by reminding the Prophet that he is a warner and not responsible for those who defiantly refuse to accept Divine guidance.
    Sura Introduction from: https://qfatima.com/quran-city/a-journey-through-quran-city 

    087 – Al A’laa[1-19]

    087 – Al A’laa[1-19]

    087 – Al A’laa – The Most High

    The chapter begins with an order to glorify (declare the perfection of ) Allah whilst reflecting on His Creative Ability and perfection and guidance for each human being to reach His full potential. 
    This is followed by an order to continuously remind the human being of purpose of life as it serves as a benefit.
    The chapter then continues to show the contrast between those who heed the Qur’an and those who don’t concluding with a warning to those who prefer the world. 
    Finally, there is an affirmation of the timeless universal message of the Qur’an which is also found in previous revelations. 
    Sura Introduction from: https://qfatima.com/quran-city/a-journey-through-quran-city 

    086 – Al Taariq[1-17]

    086 – Al Taariq[1-17]

    086 – Al Taariq – The Brilliant Star

    The chapter begins with oaths on the sky and the brilliant laser sharp night star implying that that the sky is a witness and the night star both guidance and a witness akin to a camera in the sky. Within every soul is a beacon that emits light energy that penetrates everything.
    A reflection on the origin of the human being as he forgets his beginning continues to his return to Divinity and the exposure and testing of all secrets. 2 more oaths on the rain giving skies and the splitting of the earth leads into a final warning not to the the Quran lightly and an address to the Prophet to leave the rejectors of truth to Divinity to sort out. 
    Sura Introduction from: https://qfatima.com/quran-city/a-journey-through-quran-city 

    085 – Al Burooj[1-22]

    085 – Al Burooj[1-22]

    085 – Al Burooj – The Forts in the Heavens

    The chapter begins with a short series of oaths on the tall forts of angels in the skies who will come out row after row on the day of Qiyama. The axis of the chapter is verse 3 “I swear by the witness and the witnessed” which emphasises that everything is witnessed.  It summarises the core beliefs in Allah, angels, the Messengers, the Qur’an and the Day of Qiyama. All are witnesses and are witnessed at different times.
    It is followed by the story of the companions  of the pit who were from Yemen  who persecuted those who believed by throwing them into a pit of fire. Their crime was witnessed and will be dealt with justly. The consequence of Jahannam as a result of those who are unjust and do not repent is contrasted to  the recompense of Janna for those who believe and manifest their belief with righteous deeds.
    The awesome attributes of Divinity follow – The Originator, The Oft Forgiving, The Loving,  The Master of the Throne Who does what He wills. Then the story of Pharaoh and Thamud whose arrogance was ultimately destroyed. Finally, the gloriousness of the Qur’an preserved for eternity.
    Sura Introduction from: https://qfatima.com/quran-city/a-journey-through-quran-city 

    084 – Al Inshiqaaq[1-25]

    084 – Al Inshiqaaq[1-25]

    084 – Al Inshiqaaq – The Tearing Apart

    The chapter begins with the cosmic chaos  that will transpire  on the day of Judgement from the tearing apart of the sky to the stretching of the earth which will empty itself of everything in it. All because they have no choice but to obey their Master (Creator).
    There is then a statement around which the chapter evolves that every human being will meet his striving. 
    The chapter then contrasts the reaction of those who will receive their book in their right hands and those who will receive it behind their backs on the day of Judgement.      
    This is followed by a series of oaths on the  twilight to the covering of the night to the stages of the moon alluding to the stages of life from non existence to life, death and resurrection. 
    The chapter ends with the disparity between the final end of those who reject Divine guidance to those who believe. 
    Sura Introduction from: https://qfatima.com/quran-city/a-journey-through-quran-city 

    083 – Al Mutaffifeen[1-36]

    083 – Al Mutaffifeen[1-36]

    083 – Al Mutaffifeen – The Cheaters

    The chapter takes its name from the first verse which refers to those who cheat. A Mutaffif is one who sneakily short changes others. More generally, it refers to those who demand that their rights be observed but are not willing to recognise the rights of others or those who see faults in others but not in themselves.
    Beginning with the condemnation of those who cheat because they reject accountability and mock Divine signs, the chapter then provides a contrast of the fate of the rebellious and the rewards of the God conscious. 
    It concludes with a discussion on the fate of those who mocked the Prophet and his followers. 
    Sura Introduction from: https://qfatima.com/quran-city/a-journey-through-quran-city 

    082 – Al Infitaar[1-19]

    082 – Al Infitaar[1-19]

    082 – Al Infitaar – The Tearing Lengthwise

    The chapter begins with the tearing or splitting of the sky as if it were gates, the shutting down of the stars, the boiling of the seas and the opening of the graves as the marks of the day of judgement. Like other chapters about the day of judgement, it is where the heavens and the earth are turned inside out. 
    This is followed by the statement that every soul will know what it has sent ahead and held back (what it prioritised in its life on earth). The chapter continues with an appeal from Divinity to the human being asking what deluded him from thinking that he was independent of Divinity. This is followed by a warning of accountability on the day of judgement. 
    The chapter ends with a statement that the will of Allah will prevail and the powerlessness of the human being. 
    Sura Introduction from: https://qfatima.com/quran-city/a-journey-through-quran-city 

    081 – Al Takweer[1-29]

    081 – Al Takweer[1-29]

    081 – Al Takweer – The Folding Over

    The chapter takes its name from the first verse which refers to the folding of the sun upon itself describing one of twelve graphic images of the occurrences of the day of judgement. It suggests an inversion of the apparent order of the creation of the world.
    The twelve signs lead to the declaration that every soul will know on that  day what it has presented (its life works and legacy).
    The second section of the chapter begins with three oaths on the stars, the night and the day alluding to the guidance of the revelation of the Qur’an through Jibraail and its effect on the human soul. 
    The chapter focuses  to the book of deeds and the book of guidance alluding to the success of life works being dependant on following Divine guidance.
    Sura Introduction from: https://qfatima.com/quran-city/a-journey-through-quran-city 

    080 – Al ‘Abasa[1-42]

    080 – Al ‘Abasa[1-42]

    080 – Al ‘Abasa – He Frowned

    The first ten verses refer to an incident regarding a blind man called Abdullah ibn Umm Maktum who was one of the first Muslims. He taught the Qur’an to many people and was a Muadhdhin. The Prophet, trying to protect the Muslims from harassment from the Quraysh elite, had a meeting with them to convince them to submit to Divinity. The blind man interrupted the meeting and the elite expressed their discomfort and Allah admonishes them.
    The chapter continues to the book of records written by the angels and the Qur’an as a powerful reminder. It then transitions into reflection on the bounties provided by Divinity and concludes with a reminder of the contrasting fate of those who believe versus those who defiantly rebel against Allah. 
    Sura Introduction from: https://qfatima.com/quran-city/a-journey-through-quran-city 

    079 – Al Naaziaat[1-46]

    079 – Al Naaziaat[1-46]

    079 – Al Naaziaat – Those who pull out with force

    The chapter begins with 5 oaths which refer  to amongst other things  the resistance  of the souls by angels at the time of death or the resistance of the soul when embarking upon a spiritual  journey to worldly attachments. 
    The subject of the oaths is the reality of the day of judgement whose description follows as a day when everything will shake, the hearts will be agitated, the eyes deprived of sleep and all humankind gathered.
    The arrogance and agitation of Pharaoh at seeing the miracles of Prophet Musa follows as an example of one who denied accountability. After a reflection on creation as evidence of Allah’s ability to resurrect.
    The sura ends with focusing on the human beings remembrance of all his efforts and contrasting the fate of those who reject the truth to those who are God conscious.
    Sura Introduction from: https://qfatima.com/quran-city/a-journey-through-quran-city 

    078 – Al Nabaa[1-40]

    078 – Al Nabaa[1-40]

    078 – Al Nabaa – The News

    The chapter begins with those who did not believe in resurrection. It continues by pointing out physical signs that should make the truth evident to those with intellect.
    It then discusses the condition of the Day of Resurrection referring to it as the Day of Decision when everything is exposed and each one of us will be reconstructed according to our intention and actions in the world.
    Sura Introduction from: https://qfatima.com/quran-city/a-journey-through-quran-city 

    077 – Al Mursalaat[1-50]

    077 – Al Mursalaat[1-50]

    077 – Al Mursalaat – Those which are sent (winds)

    The chapter begins with oaths on the different aspects of winds – raging hurricanes to those which distribute provision and an oath on the angels who bring down revelation..
    A reminder that Divinity controls life through the winds and enough of a sign to know that what has been promised will happen (the day of Judgement). 
    A graphic description follows with the first appearance of the phrase “Woe (destruction)  to those who deny the truth” which is repeated ten times affirming that the unjust of all generations will meet the same end.
    Reflection on creation as a sign of Allah’s power is followed by the contrast of the fate of those who reject the truth to the rewards of the God conscious. 
    The chapter ends with a final warning to those who covered up the truth and refused to pray and believe.
    Sura Introduction from: https://qfatima.com/quran-city/a-journey-through-quran-city 

    076 – Al Insaan[1-31]

    076 – Al Insaan[1-31]

    076 – Al Insaan – The Human Being

    The chapter takes its title from the mention of the human being in the first verse. It is also called “Hal Ataa’ (Has there not come) from its first two words. Another couple of names are Al Dahr (Endless time) and Al Abraar (the Righteous) referring to its discussions on the recompense of the walking talking righteous. 
    It begins with the purpose of life being gratefulness followed by the consequences of being ungrateful. Then continues in verses 5-22 to describe the recompense of the walking talking righteous with the example of the family of Imam Ali, Sayyida Fatima, Imam Hasan, Imam Husayn and Fizza. Imam Hasan and Husayn were unwell and the Prophet suggested that Imam Ali make a vow and supplicate for their recovery. The whole family vowed to fast for three days.
    The family fasted the first day. Imam Ali for some barley which Fatima ground to flour and used a third to make bread. At the time of breaking the fast a needy person came to the door asking for food and they gave all they had breaking their fast with water. The following day an orphan came followed by a captive on the third day and they gave their bread and breaking their fasts with water. It is after this that these verses were revealed with Jibrail congratulating the Prophet about his family. 
    The chapter ends with the indication of the gradual manner of the revelation of the Qur’an, and instructions to the Prophet to be patient in the face of the opposition, not to take heed of the ungrateful, remembering Allah at every moment, and the night prayer. 
    Sura Introduction from: https://qfatima.com/quran-city/a-journey-through-quran-city 

    075 – Al Qiyama[1-40]

    075 – Al Qiyama[1-40]

    075 – Al Qiyama – The Day of Judgement

    The chapter begins with a negation of all philosophies about resurrection and an oath on the day of Qiyama (judgement, resurrection) focusing on painting a graphic picture of the day of resurrection. It rebukes those who deny Judgement and emphasises the preservation and clarity of the Qur’an is upon Divinity. The chapter ends with the inevitability of death with a detailed description of the last moments of human being and a reflection on his beginning and creation with a purpose.
    Sura Introduction from: https://qfatima.com/quran-city/a-journey-through-quran-city 

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