

    Explore "qurantranslation" with insightful episodes like "053 – Al Najm[1-62]", "052 – Al Tur – The Mountain[1-49]", "051 – Al Dhaariyaat[1-60]", "050 – Qaaf[1-45]" and "049 – Al Hujurat[1-18]" from podcasts like ""The Holy Quran English Translation by MH Shakir", "The Holy Quran English Translation by MH Shakir", "The Holy Quran English Translation by MH Shakir", "The Holy Quran English Translation by MH Shakir" and "The Holy Quran English Translation by MH Shakir"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    053 – Al Najm[1-62]

    053 – Al Najm[1-62]

    053 – Al Najm – The Star

    The sura begins with an oath of the falling star leading to the journey to the heavens of the Prophet (Mi’raj) where Divinity declares his closeness by showing him His awesome signs. It continues to look at the gods of the Quraysh created out of conjecture; making up rules as they went along with no authority and concludes with a condemnation of those who seek intercession from angels.
    The sura then affirms that basic truths do not change over time. The Qur’an states what is found in the scriptures of Prophets Ibraheem and Musa.
    Sura Introduction from: https://qfatima.com/quran-city/a-journey-through-quran-city 

    052 – Al Tur – The Mountain[1-49]

    052 – Al Tur – The Mountain[1-49]

    052 – Al Tur – The Mountain

    The sura takes its name from the first verse which is understood to refer to Mount Sinai. The five oaths lead to the certainty of punishment for the unjust and rejectors of truth.  The fate of the deniers of truth is contrasted to the fate of the God conscious  with graphic descriptions of the day of judgement, and the bliss of Janna.
    Replies from Divinity to the accusations made against the Prophet being a soothsayer, madman and poet follow with the Prophet told that He is protected by Divinity. He is asked to wait patiently for judgement and to praise and declare the Perfection of Allah at dawn and at the setting of the stars. (Am indication to pray the nafila (extra) prayers before sunset and dawn and the night prayers.
    Sura Introduction from: https://qfatima.com/quran-city/a-journey-through-quran-city 

    051 – Al Dhaariyaat[1-60]

    051 – Al Dhaariyaat[1-60]

    051 – Al Dhaariyaat – The Scatterers

    The sura begins with oaths on the life giving nature of winds attending to the certainty of the day of Judgement. Another oath on the multiple pathways on the heavens alludes to the different philosophies of life that human beings have and the intellectual excuses made by those who cover up the truth  to deny Divinity.
    The qualities of the God Conscious whose reward in Janna follows – they sleep a little in the night, ask for forgiveness in the day and share their wealth with those who ask and are in need. A reflection on the miraculous signs of creation around and within allude to Allah being the Provider and that there is a definitive day of Accountability.
    This is followed by  narratives of communities who rejected Divine messengers. Angels visit Prophet Ibraheem to give him the good news of Ishaaq but also that they had been sent to tell him about the destruction of the people of Lut. Firawn’s drowning, the destruction of Aad & Thamud and the people of Nuh are mentioned.
    The sura ends with the purpose of life being to serve Divinity (Obedience to the Creator and Serving His creation),  The Provider of Sustenance is Allah and a warning to those who cover up the truth about accountability.
    Sura Introduction from: https://qfatima.com/quran-city/a-journey-through-quran-city 

    050 – Qaaf[1-45]

    050 – Qaaf[1-45]

    050 – Qaaf 

    The chapter begins with a call to reflect on the wonders of creation as evidence of the awesomeness of the Creator and inevitability of resurrection.
    A brief reference to communities who rejected the Prophets sent to them leads to the main subject of the chapter which is death, resurrection and accountability. This leads onto the essential difference between the inmates of Jahannam and Janna.
    Finally orders to take heed of the Qur’an, exercise sabr (patience & perseverance), declare His perfection and be mindful of accountability.
    Sura Introduction from: https://qfatima.com/quran-city/a-journey-through-quran-city 

    049 – Al Hujurat[1-18]

    049 – Al Hujurat[1-18]

    049 – Al Hujurat – The Rooms

    The sura was revealed during the Year of Delegations in 9AH, when all of Arabia was finally united in a political federation, and some sort of protocol had to be set-up. The Prophetʼs (pbuh) house in Madina which was adjoined to the mosque was becoming the centre for this activity, and his household had to be protected from unexpected incidents and intruders. It also deals with social relationships and how to handle mockery, gossip and rumour. Finally, there is a recommendation on building foreign policy.
    Sura Introduction from: https://qfatima.com/quran-city/a-journey-through-quran-city 

    048 – Al Fath[1-29]

    048 – Al Fath[1-29]

    048 – Al Fath – The Victory

    The chapter begins with a declaration of the manifest victory of the treaty of Hudaibiyya. The Prophet signed the treaty with the Quraysh which allowed any tribe to forge an alliance with the Muslims and worked as an advantage despite some of the companions considering it unfavourable.
    It transitions into a discussion on the role of the Prophet and praises those who took the pledge with the Prophet under the tree in Hudaibiyya to support him. This is followed by a criticism of those who stayed behind making excuses. 
    The chapter then discusses Allah’s assistance in preventing war between the Quraysh and the Muslims and providing tranquillity to the Prophet and the Muslims 
    It concludes with the qualities of those who believe, likening them to a plant that grows in strength. 
    Sura Introduction from: https://qfatima.com/quran-city/a-journey-through-quran-city 

    047 – Muhammadp[1-38]

    047 – Muhammadp[1-38]

    047 – Muhammad

    The chapter begins by distinguishing between those who cover up the truth and those who believe followed by the sanction to fight at the battle of Badr. A stark contrast of the final end of those who cover up the truth and those who believe follows. 
    This is followed by the exposure of hypocrisy manifested in shrinking away when asked to fight for truth. The disease in their hearts is manifested in their inability to reflect on the Qur’an and thus have locked hearts. The sura once again focuses on the contrast between those who believe and those who cover up the truth. It ends with a warning against being stingy and an advice to serve humanity stating that human beings are totally dependent on Divinity and all wealth in essence belongs to Him.
    Sura Introduction from: https://qfatima.com/quran-city/a-journey-through-quran-city 

    046 – Al Ahqaaf[1-35]

    046 – Al Ahqaaf[1-35]

    046 – Al Ahqaaf – The Sand Dunes

    The chapter begins with a challenge to those who reject Divine Guidance calling them to account for their rejection and requesting proof to prove their case.
    It then transitions into a conversation on the rights of parents and the importance of respect and praying for them. Those who respect parents are granted the best of what they do, and their evil deeds are overlooked whilst those who disrespect parents are deemed as failures by Divinity.
    A discussion on the just recompense of deeds on one’s individual merits transitions into the story of Prophet Hud and the manner in which his people were punished for rejecting him. This is followed by the recounting of the story of the jinn who heard the Qur’an and called their people to follow the Prophet.
    The chapter ends with a counsel to the Prophet to have patience to endure the rejection of the Makkans  like the Prophets before him.
    Sura Introduction from: https://qfatima.com/quran-city/a-journey-through-quran-city 

    045 – Al Jaathiya[1-37]

    045 – Al Jaathiya[1-37]

    045 – Al Jaathiya – The Kneeling

    The chapter begins about the creative author of the Qur’an with an order to reflect on creation.  An insight into the deniers of Divine Guidance as those who keep lying, and mock and turn away in arrogance when the Qur’an is recited. Further reflection on ships in the sea followed by instructions to those who believe towards those who deny Divinity and accountability.
    There is an order to follow the shari’aah which includes not only Islamic law but also the spiritual and moral code.
    The chapter ends with the inevitability of the day of resurrection when every community will be brought on its knees (humbled) and there will be a just recompense for good and evil. The final verses emphasise that praise, gratitude and greatness in the heavens and earth belongs only to Allah.
    Sura Introduction from: https://qfatima.com/quran-city/a-journey-through-quran-city 

    044 – Al Dukhan[1-59]

    044 – Al Dukhan[1-59]

    044 – Al Dukhan – The Smoke

    The sura opens with an oath upon the Qur’an and its revelation on a blessed night in which there are benefits beyond expectation and the awakening of the good dormant in every human being.  
    A warning to those who deny Divinity and mock the Prophet is followed by  a historical example of the account of Firawn who rejected  Prophet Musa. The subsequent deliverance of the Bani Israil and drowning of Firawn leaving behind all his extravagance. The inevitability of the Day of Judgement and a graphic description of both Jahannam and Janna follow.
    It ends with a reminder that the Qur’an is easy on the tongue for remembrance  and an order to wait for the victory of the mission of the Prophet.
    Sura Introduction from: https://qfatima.com/quran-city/a-journey-through-quran-city 

    043 – Al Zukhruf[1-89]

    043 – Al Zukhruf[1-89]

    043 – Al Zukhruf – The Decoration

    The chapter begins with the clarity and wisdom of the Arabic Qur’an. An insight into those who covered up the truth follows, describing them as those who mocked the Prophets and felt humiliated if they were given the news of a daughter. The chapter continues to Allah’s response to those who objected against the Prophet not being one of the elites of Makka and Taaif and their allegations that the Qur’an was simply magic.
    The opposition of the Makkans towards the Prophet is likened to Firawn’s objection against Prophet Musa. Their likening their worship of idols to the Christian’s reverence of Prophet Isa is rebuked.
    There is then a comparison between the righteous and the unjust on the Day of Judgement ending with an order to the Prophet to remain calm in the face of the opposition against him and his message.
    Sura Introduction from: https://qfatima.com/quran-city/a-journey-through-quran-city 

    042 – Al Shuraa[1-53]

    042 – Al Shuraa[1-53]

    042 – Al Shuraa – The Counsel Meeting

    The chapter begins with the assertion that the Qur’an is a revelation from the owner of the heavens and the earth as a warning and a path to reach one’s full potential. The recompense of the Prophet is love for his near ones.  It continues with a comparison of falsehood vs truth and states that the door of repentance is always open. 
    The chapter then emphasises Allah’s role as the Provider and Protector who owns the treasures of the heavens and the earth. The characteristics of those who believe and trust in Allah are listed on an individual and communal level. 
    After stating that the Prophet is not a protector over anyone, the chapter ends with the awesomeness of Allah in his speaking to the human being through revelation. 
    Sura Introduction from: https://qfatima.com/quran-city/a-journey-through-quran-city 

    041 – Al Fussilat[1-54]

    041 – Al Fussilat[1-54]

    041 – Al Fussilat – The Explanation

    The chapter begins with a discussion on the Arabic Qur’an explained in byte size verses followed by advice to the Prophet regarding those who reject it and cover up the truth. After reflection on creation, it states the calamities that befell the tribes of Aad and Thamud as examples of the fate of those who defiantly reject Divine guidance, stopping others from listening to the Qur’an.
    The chapter returns to a discussion on the Quran being guidance and healing for those who believe. Those who cover up the truth cannot access it even if they hear it. 
    The final section reflects on human behaviours when in need and when in despair and the manner in which Allah reveals the truth to human beings .
    Sura Introduction from: https://qfatima.com/quran-city/a-journey-through-quran-city 

    040 – Al Ghaafir[1-85]

    040 – Al Ghaafir[1-85]

    040 – Al Ghaafir – The Forgiver

    The chapter opens with the Divine attributes of Allah being the immediate forgiver of sins, acceptor of repentance, intense in retribution and possessor of bounty (enabler of expansion). This is followed by the rejection of those who disputed the truth and the duas of the angels who pray for the forgiveness, protection, and admission to Janna of the believers and their families.
    Verses 10-22 tell of the state of the rejectors of Divine Guidance on the Day of Judgement when they will confess their sins and ask if there is a way out.
    The chapter then expounds on the conversation of Hizqeel (the believer from the people of Firawn) with Firawn and his people challenging Firawn’s oppostion to Prophet Musa, ending by entrusting his affairs to Allah.
    The chapter affirms the promise of Allah to respond to the one who calls and concludes with a condemnation of those who are arrogant and discusses the punishment that awaits them .
    Sura Introduction from: https://qfatima.com/quran-city/a-journey-through-quran-city 

    039 – Al Zumar[1-75]

    039 – Al Zumar[1-75]

    039 – Al Zumar – The Companions

    The title is from the mention that categorised groups of those who cover up the truth will be driven to Jahannam and those who are God conscious will be driven to Janna. 
    The chapter begins with an emphasis on devoting oneself exclusively to Divinity and then leads to a contrast between those who believe and those who cover up the truth, comparing their behaviours and punctuating the discussion with rhetorical questions such as “Are those who know and those who don’t know alike?” Aya 9.
    The regret of the Deniers of Divinity is also recorded.
    One of the most hopeful verses of the Qur’an is mentioned here. The Prophet is reported to have said that he would not exchange the world and all that is in it for  Aya 53
    “O My servants who have been wasteful against their souls, do not despair of the Mercy of Allah, Indeed Allah forgives all faults; Indeed He is All Forgiving, All Merciful”
    Sura Introduction from: https://qfatima.com/quran-city/a-journey-through-quran-city 

    038 – Saad[1-88]

    038 – Saad[1-88]

    038 – Saad 

    The chapter begins by denouncing those who covered up the truth for their opposition to Divine Guidance questioning, their logic. This is followed by lessons from past Prophets with a focus on Prophet Dawud. 
    After a discussion of the blessings of Janna and the punishments of Jahannam there is a mention of the deniers of Jahannam who wonder why those whom they thought were astray were not with them in Jahannam.
    The Prophets’ affirmation of Allah’s oneness is followed by the rebelliousness of Shaytaan when Prophet Adam was created. The chapter closes with a final address in which the Prophet is instructed to promise the Quraysh that they will eventually know the truth of revelation. 
    Sura Introduction from: https://qfatima.com/quran-city/a-journey-through-quran-city 

    037 – Al Saffaat[1-182]

    037 – Al Saffaat[1-182]

    037 – Al Saffaat – The Rows of Angels

    The sura begins with a series of oaths on the rows of angels on standby leading up to the subject which is the Oneness and Total Ownership of Allah. It then describes the futility of those who attempt to obtain knowledge of the unseen from the Jinn continuing to a warning to the deniers of truth of the inevitability of accountability despite their  objections and mocking of the Prophet calling him a mad poet. 
    A description of Janna follows with its inmates enquiring about the friends who they cannot see. A window into Jahannam is opened for them to see and they recall how they too would have been in the same position. A glimpse into the punishments for the unjust in Jahannam is followed by the  ludicrous distractive questions asked about Allah by those who cover up the truth. Each is refuted by Divinity.
    The sura ends with the definitive victory of the Messengers as they are assisted by Divinity.
    Sura Introduction from: https://qfatima.com/quran-city/a-journey-through-quran-city 

    036 – Yaseen[1-83]

    036 – Yaseen[1-83]

    036 – Yaseen 

    Addressing  the Prophet as Yaasin which could mean ‘O Perfect Human Being’, the chapter begins by clarifying both his mission and the nature of revelation. This is followed by a historical example of the people of Antioch who rejected Divine messengers and killed their own who exhorted them to believe.
    It continues to a directive to reflect on the signs of nature followed by addressing the objections of those who rejected guidance when asked to be God conscious and to feed those in need. The comparison of the fate of the believers and the defiantly ungrateful ones in the hereafter is portrayed. The chapter ends with a return to a discussion on the signs of creation that demonstrate Allah’s creative power and ability  to resurrect concluding with an affirmation of He who has control over everything. 
    The chapter shows how we dictate our  own destinies and also depicts how we tie ourselves in the chains of arrogance, expectations and desires which make us forget reality and our purpose of existence.  The sudden calls of death, resurrection and coming before the Divine presence are also vividly portrayed. The meaning of Janna and Jahannam is made clear. 
    In essence it  teaches graphically how to keep the heart turning.
    Sura Introduction from: https://qfatima.com/quran-city/a-journey-through-quran-city 

    035 – Al Faatir[1-45]

    035 – Al Faatir[1-45]

    035 – Al Faatir – The Originator

    The chapter begins with an affirmation of Allah as the sole Creative Originator & Sustainer of creation. There is then a discussion of the deception of the world and shaytaan as the deceiver who makes evil deeds look good and enslaves the human being to the opinion of others. A reflection on creation and an assertion that human beings are not independent of Allah and no one will carry the burden of another.
    The Prophet sent as a warner and bringer of good news is then highlighted followed by a contrast of Allah’s power to the idols that those who covered up the truth worshipped.
    The concept of racism is annihilated with a reflection on colours.
    The chapter ends with a comparison between those who follow guidance and those who defiantly reject it asserting that there will never be a deviation or alteration in the course of Allah.
    Sura Introduction from: https://qfatima.com/quran-city/a-journey-through-quran-city 

    034 – Al Sabaa[1-54]

    034 – Al Sabaa[1-54]

    034 – Al Sabaa – Sabaa

    The chapter begins with praise and gratitude of Allah and criticises those who deny the Prophet and resurrection. The praise and gratitude of Prophets Dawud and his son Sulayman is followed by a discussion of the people of Sabaa. Their arrogance, greed and ungratefulness led them to be destroyed by a flood. They desired greatness at the expense of the smaller towns.
    Two verses regarding the nature of Shaytan is followed by a series of challenges to those to those who opposed the prophet and his message with an assertion that divine success is belief in Allah manifested in serving humanity.
    The chapter then orders the reader to think for himself and not go for a herd mentality when it comes to the prophet asserting that he was not mad. It ends with the terrifying consequences of rejecting Divine Guidance. 
    Sura Introduction from: https://qfatima.com/quran-city/a-journey-through-quran-city 

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