

    Explore "rebeccakleefisch" with insightful episodes like "Republicans are not United, Rebecca Kleefisch and Kevin Nicholson should never be supported again.", "She Just wanted the job, Rebecca Kleefisch doesn’t care about Wisconsin", "Proof Why People think Wisconsin Republicans are Unintelligent", "What's Next For Rebecca Kleefisch, What Tim Has To do to win, and Mar a lago" and "I think media sites like Wisconsin Right Now have been Purchased by Politicians like Rebecca Kleefisch" from podcasts like ""APEX Featuring Ian C Jordan", "APEX Featuring Ian C Jordan", "APEX Featuring Ian C Jordan", "APEX Featuring Ian C Jordan" and "APEX Featuring Ian C Jordan"" and more!

    Episodes (25)

    She Just wanted the job, Rebecca Kleefisch doesn’t care about Wisconsin

    She Just wanted the job,  Rebecca Kleefisch doesn’t care about Wisconsin
    Aug 9 2022

    He hasn’t been here for Covid. He hasn’t been here for Kenosha” — where riots broke out in August 2020 following the shooting of an unarmed Black man by a white police officer — she said. “The people of the state want someone who has thought about these things in depth, has spoken with people in depth, has worked on these things in depth and is ready to go into the fight.”

    Some Kleefisch supporters said those attack lines resonated.

    “He’s a carpetbagger,” said Rick Eaton, a retired truck driver from Franklin. “It feels like he hasn’t really been involved in the future of Wisconsin. Hasn’t done much for the state.”

    But politics watchers and strategists in the state said Kleefisch’s ties to Walker aren’t certain to push her over the finish line.

    Proof Why People think Wisconsin Republicans are Unintelligent

    Proof Why People think Wisconsin Republicans are Unintelligent
    Why People think Wisconsin Republicans are Unintelligent

    I really respect the work that Jessica McBride does when she does investigative reporting I think she is phenomenal she’s intelligent she’s stunning she’s conservative and she obviously a business owner.

    Jim is a former police officer and I think God for his service that is a tough job it is hard to constantly go out when so many people hate you and still do your job at a high-level knowing one mistake Can erase everything you’ve done.

    Wisconsin Right Now is the best at investigative journalism. Jim has an issue with Tim , it stems back a while but it’s mostly due to their affiliation with Rebecca Kleefisch. I completely understand that but I am asking all of you they see this to please respectfully pushback when they are doing stories that speak negatively about Tim that has nothing to do with anything factually about Tim.

    If Tim Michels is doing something wrong not if you think he’s doing something wrong if you literally see him doing something wrong call him on it email him call his team message them on Twitter do not believe that it’s hard to reach them because it isn’t I talked to that team multiple times a week to check on things to see how they’re doing to see what help they need.

    I said this before and I’m going to say it again I respect everyone even those that don’t like me and have had negative things to say. Just remember I come from a long lineage of fighters if you are with me and with us I have your back to the end.

    But unfortunately this election is very very important and the backbiting and inner fighting is going to be eradicated by me and my team and my friends that are in the major media markets.

    I communicate as well as Paris Procopis with a lot of people that have a lot of influence in the media and politics on a regular basis Paris even more than me.

    This is where things go a little bit dark freedom is something that people have gone to war for and have lost their lives over. If you are so petty that you still want to make things difficult for the only republican running for governor to prove a point or because you’re mad about something let me be very clear you can joke you can laugh you can pretend that you don’t care but trust me you will never ever challenge me face-to-face nine times out of 10 you will be scared and you will say nothing.

    I will not allow anyone to try and sabotage our hope of getting rid of Tony Evers. Just remember what you try to do to Tim I will make sure, you get the picture no need to go into detail let’s get ready to fight.

    What's Next For Rebecca Kleefisch, What Tim Has To do to win, and Mar a lago

    What's Next For Rebecca Kleefisch, What Tim Has To do to win, and Mar a lago
    Monday's FBI raid on the home of former President Donald Trump — including his safe, according to Trump — has raised eyebrows and questions about what the search could indicate about a possible criminal investigation into the former president and those around him.

    The raid concerned presidential records that Trump removed from the White House when he left office in January 2021, according to Christina Bobb, an attorney representing Trump.

    The FBI search warrant authorized agents to seize "presidential records or any possibly classified material," Bobb said in a Tuesday interview on the Dinesh D'Souza podcast. The search took about 10 hours, she added.

    I think media sites like Wisconsin Right Now have been Purchased by Politicians like Rebecca Kleefisch

    I think media sites like Wisconsin Right Now have been Purchased by Politicians like Rebecca Kleefisch
    I really believe because of the way some of these articles are written especially by Jessica McBride I think they have to had to have been paid by the campaign or something.

    It is clear to me that they have some interest in Rebecca Kleefisch winning. Jay Weber of WISN is like so many of us tired of the Attack ads and tired the back and forth.

    I think the integrity of Wisconsin Right Now is forever tarnished in true conservative circles

    I guess I have my marching orders, I wish I was a Kleefisch supporter so I can be smart.

    I guess I have my marching orders, I wish I was a Kleefisch supporter so I can be smart.
    Jessica McBride was on air with the person who helped start my career, Vicki McKenna. I think Vicki is fair. I also think Jessica was fair even though I don’t understand why she is supporting Rebecca, especially knowing what we both know about this dirty campaign and how she is really perceived. But she does have some good things she may do for the state.I think Vicki McKenna is a Rebecca Kleefisch supporter. It’s ok because I still love her.

    For all of the Kleefisch supporters listen to her interview, she wrote the article all of you say is an inditement of Tim Michels regarding the gas tax.

    She even said judge for yourselves because she can’t confirm. Tim is on 40 boards.

    This further proves my point about Kleefisch running a dirty campaign.

    At Least I was right. And if Rebecca was smart, she would call McBride and ask “how do we get on the same page. “

    Becky said she had verified proof Tim supported the Gas Tax and she would give it to Jay Weber.

    This is sad how I have proved beyond the shadow of any doubt that, they had no proof Tim supported a gas tax increase, he doesn’t have illegal immigrants working for him, Scott Walker never wanted her ,she is viewed as radioactive, she can’t support the claims she attacks with, and she doesn’t have a Political career without Governor Walker who was forced to deal with her.

    The Attack on Tim Michels Success is Obvious

    The Attack on Tim Michels Success is Obvious
    I want to state that we need each other in this election. I just don’t understand how a candidate can get called out on live radio and her followers are acting like she didn’t lie about Tim Michels. I support who I think can win and is the better candidate.

    She said he had illegal immigrants working for him, no proof.

    She said he was in support of increasing the Gas Tax, no proof.

    She said he is in it for himself, but he is a millionaire and wants the job.

    I don’t know how anyone watching or listening to that debate views her as an honest conservative. I don’t care that she has been campaigning for 2years.

    That doesn’t take away from the fact that she is the last candidate in this race to lose to Evers. The only candidate that could have pushed to eliminate the income tax for 8 years and didn’t. Spending just went up in education when they said it wouldn’t.

    Those 13 thousand Foxconn jobs never came.The dems and In my opinion The Rebecca Kleefisch camp dropped the residency story to Wisconsin Right Now because Kleefisch is cool with that Outlet like I’m cool with my mentor Jay Weber ( he doesn’t know he is my mentor LoL)

    The difference between me and Others is I told you I loved Kevin Nicholson and I love Timothy Ramthun but I feel Tim Michels is our best chance to win and I think he is brilliant in business.

    For the lies she is telling and doubling down on is a direct attack on his character. I’ve been a victim of attacks. I’ve got attacked for being black , I’ve got attacked for not thinking like everyone else on the right because I never cared about same sex marriage, I didn’t care what you do in your bedroom.

    I’ve got attacked for people not understanding my moves, telling me I’m a failure and I would never win.

    Fast forward 4 businesses later, about to change my family’s life forever Trust me when I say I’m from an area where most people don’t make it so I don’t care what you think because I never got bought, never sold out and never quit.

    We will attack ANYBODY ENGAGING IN POLITRICKS. If she would have just been The Real Rebecca Kleefisch I would have been silent.

    God Bless


    In recent weeks the Rebecca Kleefisch campaign has became more and more desperate since they saw polling numbers showing her ‘inevitability’ quickly slipping away to a relatively unknown candidate who has only been campaigning a few weeks.

    A couple of weeks ago Kleefisch lobbed a ‘Hail Mary’ TV ad that without proof, falsely accused Candidate Tim Michels of wanting to raise the gas tax. She used a dotted line that Michels headed a trade organization that once lobbied for the gas tax. Her logic was guilt by association.

    Michels strongly denied this and has said publicly he will not raise the gas tax. More importantly, nobody has been able to come up with any evidence that he personally supported raising the gas tax whatsoever.

    Now, she’s doubling down on the falsehood with a new TV ad repeating the lie. Clearly it’s a mark of desperation by her flailing Campaign. The ads specifically talk about how ‘Tim Michels wants to increase your gas tax’ and other jabs like, ‘he’s just in it for himself.’

    Why on earth would an extremely successful multi-millionaire businessman subject himself and his family to personal attacks by Kleefisch, Scott Walker Tony Evers? The notion he is “in it for himself” is laughable. Michels views this campaign as a call to duty to save our state from liberal policies of Tony Evers. He’s making an enormous personal sacrifice, just like Trump did, to help put our state back on track. Clearly his reasoning is that he wants to make a difference and affect change.

    But you know what is rather interesting. At the so-called debate this last Sunday, Kleefisch made sure made sure she got a childish jab in about Michels not showing up to the last debate, that was important.

    But oddly missing from any of her rhetoric or jabs was the gas tax issue that she is doubling down on. Why is that? After all, this is an issue that she feels is so important that she made multiple commercials on it. She didn’t raise the issue, because she knew she couldn’t defend her ads on camera with Michels there to refute them. It’s as cowardly as it gets. Carry a big stick in TV ads, but speak softly on stage.

    Let’s put this gas tank falsehood into perspective and let me explain why someone like Tim Michels would never support such a thing

    Tim Michels knows Wisconsinites are struggling under record inflation and gas prices caused by the liberal policies of Joe Biden. The last thing they need is a tax increase of any kind. And a gas tax increase doesn’t make sense for businesses, either. It would simply raise the cost of goods and services which would be passed on to consumer. Common sense tells you this is a dumb idea that no credible Republican candidate would support.

    The Kleefisch campaign of ‘inevitability’ has been flawed from the start. When Kevin Nicholson ‘broke her rules’ and entered the race, Kleefisch immediately went negative on him. The people of Wisconsin were seeing this, this was why she was locked t 32% after three years of campaigning.

    Then all Hell broke loose because Tim Michels had the audacity to enter the race. Now, after years of Walker/Kleefisch collecting hundreds of thousands in campaign donations from Tim Michels and his family, Kleefisch and Walker have turned on Michels.

    The desperation started after the first polls had Michels and Kleefisch neck and neck, then later showed Michels pulling away. Now the campaign has completely gone off the rails and spewing lie after lie. What happened to Becky’s plan for Wisconsin? Why is she solely focused on tearing down Michels rather than building herself up?

    Kleefisch is showing voters a darker side that suggests she is willing to do an say anything to win. She needs this job. Michels doesn’t. So who is really in it for themselves?

    Why Have So Many Rebecca Kleefisch Supporters told me that they are sitting out the election if Tim Michels gets out of the primary

    Why Have So Many Rebecca Kleefisch Supporters told me that they are sitting out the election if Tim Michels gets out of the primary
    Gregory Erickson:

    “I am a retired small businessman and Army infantry veteran who supported Kevin Nicholson for WI governor. Kevin is a superb leader and man and I pray his public service continues.

    When Kevin dropped out I decided to back Tim Michels for governor. Tim is a proven leader.

    His drive and commitment to achieve are second to none as proven by becoming an Army Ranger, the ultimate infantryman, and Commander of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, and by growing the Michels Corporation to over 8,000 employees. Tim achieves and inspires others to greatness.

    I also believe Tim has the backbone to stand up not only to Democrats but Republicans and special interests when their interest is not in the best interest of we the people of Wisconsin.Tim is running a positive campaign. He has the charisma and character and plan to right the ship of state that the Democrats under Evers are sinking with division and hate and incompetence.

    Remember that Evers let Kenosha burn, threw our police under the bus, and didn’t fire Milwaukee DA John Chisholm, the man responsible for the low bail policy that let Darrell Brooks out to murder during the Waukesha Christmas parade.

    I met Tim and have visited his web site many times to see his blueprint for our great state. His blueprint is a winning one for Wisconsin, from his plan to drain the Madison swamp, backing the blue, trusting parents in education, to restoring election integrity. His web site is top notch and easy to read and navigate. Tim is just getting started winning for we the people of Wisconsin. “

    Rebecca Kleefisch forgot that the Board of Regents was created on her watch, she is done.

    Rebecca Kleefisch forgot that the Board of Regents was created on her watch, she is done.
    Rebecca Kleefisch: The Board of Regents' decision to hire a woke radical like Dr. Mnookin is infuriating. Our universities need to focus on building a strong economy and workforce — not force-feeding liberal ideology to Wisconsin students.

    Decisions like this from the Board of Regents make Wisconsin moms and dads consider sending their kids out of state where they can get an honest education. This ridiculous mindset demonstrates why we need to drain the Madison swamp — to get away from this crazy groupthink.

    As governor… and a Badger alum, I will prioritize appointing Board of Regents members who will value 21st Century skills and free speech — unlike Tony Evers, who caves to the liberal education elitists every time.

    Everyone Else in Media’s response:

    5 of those Regents were appointed on your watch as part of the Walker/Kleefisch Administration

    Michels Leads Kleefisch In New Poll

    Michels Leads Kleefisch In New Poll
    Maybe Rebecca Kleefischs Team can drop another Hit Piece on Tim considering he is at 27% and leading her.

    Rebecca Kleefisch has gone from the only major Republican candidate in the race for governor to second place according to a new poll. New entrant Tim Michels leads the field.

    Amongst 675 likely Republican primary voters, Michels (27%) has a one percentage point lead over Kleefisch (26%). But the margin of error for the poll is 3.8%. Kleefisch, who served as lieutenant governor from 2011 to 2019, announced her long-expected campaign in September 2021. Michels, whose family runs a large contracting firm, entered the race in late April. A 2004 candidate for U.S. Senate, Michels recently faced criticism that he hasn’t lived in Wisconsin for much of the past decade.
    Kevin Nicholson, who ran unsuccessfully for the Republican senate nomination in 2018, came in third with 9%. Representative Timothy Ramthun, the most vocal of the candidates in pushing the false claim that the 2020 election was stolen, finished fourth (and last) with 6%.

    The most common choice in the poll, however, was not an actual candidate. Twenty-nine percent of respondents said they were “not sure” who they would pick and 3% said they would vote for “someone else.”

    Get a daily rundown of the top stories on Urban Milwaukee

    The new poll was conducted by Public Policy Polling for Milwaukee-based Milwaukee Works, a 501(c)(4) that periodically polls on local policy issues and candidates.
    “Michels has come off the starting blocks incredibly strong and is a major contender. Nicholson, who has been running for statewide election continuously since 2017, seems dead in the water,” said Milwaukee Works leader Daniel M. Adams of the results.

    The primary will take place Aug. 9 with the winner taking on incumbent Governor Tony Evers on Nov. 8. A lieutenant governor candidate will be selected for each candidate through the same election.

    The poll was conducted by landline phone calls and text messaging. Of the respondents, 56% of respondents were males and 91% were white (3% African-American, 6% other). The ages of respondents were roughly evenly distributed between those 18 to 45 years old (30%), 46 to 65 (36%) and older than 65 (34%). The respondents were also filtered by educational attainment.

    Did Rebecca Kleefischs Camp Drop a Story about Tim Michels not Living in Wisconsin?

    Did Rebecca Kleefischs Camp Drop a Story about Tim Michels not Living in Wisconsin?
    (The Center Square) – The latest Republican to join the race for governor in Wisconsin admits he’s a part time resident.

    Businessman and candidate Tim Michels on Monday told News Talk 1130 WISN’s Dan O’Donnell that he lives only half the year in Wisconsin to maintain his residency and for tax purposes.

    “If you spend 183 days, half a year plus a day, in a state that’s where you have to pay taxes,” Michels explained. “I have always paid Wisconsin taxes. I’ve always spent 183 days in Wisconsin, usually many many more days.”

    Op-Ed: Madison Elite Hyperbole & The Attempt to Demonize Tim Michels By Paris Procopis

    Op-Ed: Madison Elite Hyperbole & The Attempt to Demonize Tim Michels  By Paris Procopis
    Op-Ed: Madison Elite Hyperbole & The Attempt to Demonize Tim Michels

    Paris Procopis

    The party elites were in the middle of their Rebecca Kleefisch anointment process when the buzz came out that Michels was going to officially enter the race. This was in direct conflict with their Rebecca ‘inevitability’ strategy and the elites immediately had to circle the wagons.

    They immediately turned their turrets away from the current anti-establishment candidate, Kevin Nicholson, and set their sights directly on Tim Michaels.

    As I was busy seeing the buzz all over social media, I noticed a specific pattern coming from some Nicholson supporters but especially coming from many Kleefisch supporters.

    If someone did not know any better and just listened to the hyperbole being bantered about, one would think that Tim Michels was the evil twin brother of George Soros himself.


    Tim Michels, the man who ran as a Republican Senate candidate in back in 2004 and literally got more votes than ANY Republican in state history and held the record for many years before Tommy Thompson broke it in his 2012 Senate bid. More on that later.

    How did he go from that clear high point to becoming Dr. Evil? The reality is, he didn’t. It’s political doublespeak and mythology to keep the flailing Rebecca ‘inevitability’ train alive.

    Now time to dispel some of this hyperbolic mythology.

    It’s too late to get in the race – This one is my favorite. Under Wisconsin law, candidates have until June to get nomination papers in. There are still over 100 days left until the August primary. In 2010, late entry and relative political unknown, Ron Johnson, got into the Senate race in May and knocked off a once-popular, three-term incumbent. Campaigns are already too long When was the last time you heard someone say campaigns are too short?

    Nobody knows him – With the right resources, which he has, 100+ days is more than enough time to rebuild name ID and present his positive vision for the future.

    He’s not a proven vote-getter – This one is exceptionally false! In 2004 he won a four-way primary capturing over 183,600 votes. In contrast, Kleefisch got 175,280 in her 2010 primary. And then, remember the Michels vote record of 2004. Here are the top three statewide vote-getters in Wisconsin history in a regular election:

    Ron Johnson ’16 1,479,471
    Tommy Thompson ’12 1,380,126
    Tim Michels ’04 1,301,183

    Know who’s missing on that list? Walker/Kleefisch. They NEVER beat Michels’ record in a regular election year.

    2010 1,128,941

    2014 1,259,706

    2018 1,295,080

    In fairness, we should talk about the one anomaly, the 2012 Recall. This was the only election cycle they were able to beat the Michels record. In a controversial election with record turnout and a lot of Democrats voting who also did not support the disastrous Recall. Incidentally, Walker and Kleefisch had to run in separate races for the Recall. Here are those numbers:

    Scott Walker 1,335,585

    Rebecca Kleefisch 1,301,739

    But, even in a record-high turnout election, Kleefisch only beat the Michels’ number by 556 votes. Yes, you read that right, 556 votes. Make no mistake, it was still a great number, but I am stating that her team’s rhetoric about Michels’ ability to get votes is flawed.

    On a different note, Kleefisch did get 33,846 fewer votes than Scott Walker did on the recall. That is an interesting issue. Her team has to make up that deficit just to get in the game. That could be a huge liability in the general, but that’s a whole other topic.

    In a nutshell, that means Michels captured more votes than the Walker/Kleefisch ticket did in 2010, 2014 and 2018. A significant point that should NOT be ignored.

    Outsider vs. Insider – Some people are saying that Michaels is just an RPW insider who is trying to resuscitate the flailing Kleefisch campaign by taking votes away from Nicholson.

    Obviously, he is not an insider; just think about it, he is sticking a cog right into the wheel of the Madison Establishment Elite’s plan for the anointment of Kleefisch. An insider would not dare take on the Madison Elites. On top of that, Tim Michaels is not a career politician; remember, he has not run for anything in 18 years.

    In many ways, Tim Michels fulfills many ideals that people look for in a Governor. He is a veteran who served our country as an Army Ranger; he is an executive of a company that employs over 8000 people nationwide and 3500 right here in the state of Wisconsin. He’s the only one in the race who can say that.

    Plus, his personal wealth means that he won’t take special interest contributions. None! This means he can’t be bought. In today’s day and age, this makes him uncancellable.

    Now, on to the elephant in the room (Pun Intended). Michels Corporation has thousands of union employees. Having Union employees is hardly a surprise in an industry where it’s usually a minimum requirement for most major projects. Michels Corporation is not the only conservative-owned business in the country with union employees. And let’s not forget, he was also a supporter of Act 10, which limited public employee unions.

    Conservatives need to face it; working-class union votes are extremely important to win this election for both Governor and US Senate. It sometimes seems that Conservatives forget the fact that Wisconsin is a purple swing state, not a deep red impenetrable fortress of Conservative goodness.

    Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump successfully won over the working-class union vote. Remember the so-called ‘Reagan Democrats?’ After Reagan, the Republican party seemed to ignore them, and then President Trump brought them back into the fold.

    Trump changed the party; we are no longer the party of the country club elites. Republicans are the party of working people – including those union workers.

    ACT 10, Right to Work, and prevailing wage are all in the past. Today’s Republican Party is focused on immigration, inflation, rising crime, and education. The governor’s campaigns should be about the future, not the past.

    We need to be crystal clear; the Democrats are out for blood and will drop several Million Dollars into Wisconsin to unseat their arch enemy, Ron Johnson. Choosing the best candidate for Governor is crucial to holding back these attacks.


    Seeing all the hyperbolic political attacks from all sides and the Madison Establishment playing the rule-changing game in order to anoint Rebecca Kleefisch has given me flashbacks to 2012 and 2018.

    Both election years had very contentious primaries, and the victors, Tommy Thompson and Leah Vukmir, spent every dime of their money to win their primaries, leaving nothing for the general. The Madison Establishment Elites hung both candidates out to dry and we lost. Of course, those Madison Elites didn’t lose; they got to keep their consulting jobs and are back at it again.

    Nicholson and Kleefisch were already bludgeoning each other and spending their money to win the primary and once again, the Republican Party will likely hang the winner out to dry. The one thing that only Michels has is the personal wealth to stave off his primary opponents and still continue the fight in the General. This is huge

    Yes, one of them will win the primary. And I will support whoever the winner is. Rebecca Kleefisch and Kevin Nicholson have had months, if not years to close the deal and have not as of yet. It’s important to take a moment and sift through the politics and learn the facts; you most definitely will find Tim Michaels worth a closer look.

    I do sincerely like all the front runners, and they each bring something to the table. This isn’t personal; ultimately, we have too much at stake to take such immense risks with political games and anointments and two front runners who may lack the financial resources to continue in the General elections.

    If either Nicholson or Kleefisch was sealing the deal, Tim Michels would not be necessary. Give the guy a chance. Get to know him. Make an informed decision.

    Unfortunately, the Madison Establishment elites may have derailed Kleefisch’s chances in their effort to stack the deck for her ‘inevitable’ anointment. Once this battle is over, we will need to reassess and start looking into moving the Republican Party Headquarters out of the Madison bubble.

    But that’s another topic for another time

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