

    Explore "reducewaste" with insightful episodes like "How can we create less waste?", "605 Lauren Singer: The Zero-Waste Guide to a Simple Life" and "Andrew Morgan On The True Cost Of Fast Fashion: The Ethical & Environmental Price of Clothing" from podcasts like ""Ask the Expert North Texas", "The School of Greatness" and "The Rich Roll Podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (3)

    How can we create less waste?

    How can we create less waste?

    A film about reducing our carbon footprint called "Trash: a zero waste film" was released on Earth Day. Zero waste is a movement to reduce the amount of stuff people use and throw away. Adopting a zero or low-waste lifestyle is one of the most sustainable ways of living. On Ask the Expert, film director Heather Gustafson joined the KRLD Afternoon News to discuss what she found were the struggles and successes of going zero waste for an entire year.

    605 Lauren Singer: The Zero-Waste Guide to a Simple Life

    605 Lauren Singer: The Zero-Waste Guide to a Simple Life

    If you're going to have a discussion, be positive about it. Don't tear people down for trying. - Lauren Singer
    Have you ever thought about how much trash you create in a day?
    My juice comes in plastic bottles, my prepared meals come in plastic containers, my favorite to go meal from my favorite restaurant comes in a plastic bowl in a plastic bag.
    It's not just food either, it's everything. When you order something online it comes in a box full of packing products.
    It all adds up pretty quick, and once I started to notice how much trash I was creating, I started to wonder about a different solution.
    I'm not the only one noticing this problem, and you may even feel the same way. The zero waste lifestyle is a growing trend, and on the forefront of that is my friend Lauren Singer.
    Some of you may know Lauren from her popular blog Trash is for Tossers, or even from her giant social media following. Lauren was an environmental science major in college when she came to the discovery that she was creating just as much waste as everyone else.
    She decided to make an impact on the world by changing her personal actions and believed that her love for the planet would inspire others to do the same. Today she has been featured on several major news outlets, has a massive social media impact, owns a package free shop in Brooklyn, and is considered a leader in the zero-waste movement.
    On this episode, Lauren gave some amazing insights on how to live a waste free life. If you're worried that cutting down on your waste is expensive or impossible based on where you live, get ready to see this lifestyle in a new light.
    Learn all about the impact your actions have on our planet and how to improve them on Episode 605.
    Some questions I ask:
    What is zero waste and why did you get into it? (1:26)
    Is it easier for anyone to buy things without plastic? (6:04)
    Where can you go for non-packaged food? (10:09)
    When you want a smoothie do you bring your own container? (13:20)
    What if you were dating someone who had plastic everywhere? (16:42)
    Have you inspired others to be completely zero waste? (19:03)
    In an ideal world, what would happen with products in general? (23:50)
    Where do you need to grow the most? (26:55)
    Do you feel like you were more giving to everyone else as opposed to yourself? (29:07)
    Who do you reach out to when you're going through problems? (30:36)
    In this episode you will learn:
    What hydrofracking is (2:06)
    Why recycling isn't enough (7:24)
    If Lauren gives in to temptation of items that come in packaging (11:57)
    Where and how Lauren buys her clothes (14:22)
    How many people she's influenced to be waste free (15:26)
    How her life became simplified (17:56)
    How to get rid of plastic in the most efficient way (19:45)
    How she deals with all the haters (21:14)
    What she's working on the most right now (25:30)
    When Lauren reached her breaking point (28:04)
    Advice for female entrepreneurs in their 20s (29:30)
    What Lauren is going to do to get to the next level this year (31:30)

    Andrew Morgan On The True Cost Of Fast Fashion: The Ethical & Environmental Price of Clothing

    Andrew Morgan On The True Cost Of Fast Fashion: The Ethical & Environmental Price of Clothing
    When I was a kid, shopping for new clothes was a treat. A special, infrequent occasion. Why? because even inexpensive garments challenged our middle-class family budget. By comparison, the mega-conglomerate retailers of today — Target, H&M, Gap, fill in the blank — allow the average, penny-pinching consumer to fill a closet for a $100 or less. How and when did clothing become an essentially disposable product? What exactly is going on? The answers to these questions will shock you. Andrew Morgan is the young, talented filmmaker behind the beautiful and heartbreaking documentary The True Cost. Premiering at last year's Cannes Film Festival, it's a movie about the untold story of fashion. It's about the clothes we wear, the people who make them, and the impact the garment industry is having on the world we share. The film centers around the human rights and environmental implications of fast fashion — a term used to describe the increasingly rapid pace at which fashion houses push new trends at deflated prices made possible by global market ascendency and the comprehensive export of almost all manufacturing to the developing world. As a result, designer lines and trends once seasonal now move from factory to store shelves in a matter of mere weeks at a fraction of historical prices. It goes like this: prime the latent pump of consumer desire with hypnotic marketing campaigns featuring lithe models draped in the latest and greatist. Throw kerosene on the addictive must-have impulse with impossibly low prices. Obscure production transparency by shipping manufacturing to a far corner of the world. Then, before anyone discovers the product's troubling genesis and poor quality, light a match, sit back and watch the shopping frenzy ensue. Repeat to the tune of $3 trillion annually. There's only one problem — cheap is actually expensive. Because we're ignoring the true cost. Any accurate accounting of fast fashion must include the priceless expense of systemic and severe worker exploitation rife across the developing world. It must take into consideration the incalculable environmental damage caused by its very processes of manufacturing. And it must contemplate the mistreatment and slaughter of billions of animals. Without a doubt, fast fashion is an extremely expensive, unmitigated free market failure. But Andrew isn't interested in the good-guy-bad-guy narrative. He sees no purpose in shaming anyone nor pointing fingers. Andrew's wish for us is simple: Ask better questions. Demand better solutions. Do I really need this? Who made this and how? What exactly went into this getting from wherever to here? In other words, what is the true cost of our daily and often subconsciously or unconsciously motivated consumer choices? I was quite impacted by Andrew's stirring film; moved by this wise and thoughtful young man's commitment to positively impacting the world. As such, it is my honor to share his important message with you today. This is a conversation about the inextricable connectivity that unites us all. It's about our collective responsibility to be informed and to act. It's about conscious capitalism over mindless consumption. And it's about how every single day, every single one of us can make a tangible, positive difference in the world. Because in the words of Andrew, the greatest lie of all is that you can't contribute. I sincerely hope you enjoy the exchange. Peace + Plants, Rich