
    rusty nail

    Explore "rusty nail" with insightful episodes like "199: Jetlag på jäst" and "75: Kanske Kenneths brallor" from podcasts like ""En trea whisky" and "En trea whisky"" and more!

    Episodes (2)

    199: Jetlag på jäst

    199: Jetlag på jäst
    VÄLKOMMEN TILLBAKA, POGO PEDAGOG! Vår trio myser när de blir roastade, men på ett plan slår de tillbaka: Rusty nail är visst gott! Vi häpnar över designlikheter mellan Engelska Filey Bay och High Coast, och pratar form på både Benromach och Laphroaig. Dessutom gillar Serge Ceder och Tjeder Craigellachie. Pilutta på er. Vad var det i glaset? Jeroen hade en Old Pulteney handfilled 11 YO, David den gamla Old Pulteney 17 YO, och Mathias njöt av en Ncn’ean. Rusty Nail är visst jättegott! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rustynail(cocktail) Spirit of Yorkshire Filey bay: https://www.spiritofyorkshire.com/product/filey-bay-flagship-yorkshire-single-malt-whisky/ Den finns också på Systembolaget: https://www.systembolaget.se/produkt/sprit/filey-bay-5351701/ High Coast Doubles: https://www.highcoastwhisky.se/produkter/doubles-rum-casks På Systembolaget: https://www.systembolaget.se/produkt/sprit/high-coast-4126302/ Benromach: https://www.benromach.com/ Laphroaig har ändrat sin design en liten skvätt: https://www.beamsuntory.com/en/news/Laphroaig-Packaging-Redesign https://www.designbridge.com/news/laphroaig-dbp-packaging-redesign My dad wrote a porno: https://www.mydadwroteaporno.com/ Pogo pedagog: https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pogo_Pedagog Bon Accord-artikeln David excerperade: ”The fire at Bon-Accord distillery” Aberdeen Journal 25 februari 1885.* Serge Valentin om den brutala tolvåriga Craigellachien från Ceder & Tjeder: https://www.whiskyfun.com/archivejuly16-1-Port-Charlotte-Caol-Ila-Auchentoshan.html#010716 *Klart att ni alla vill läsa artikeln, särskilt Mathias brinner ju för detta! Varsågoda (de gillade inte styckeindelning i artiklar back in the day): ”The fire at Bon-Accord distillery”, Aberdeen Journal 25 January 1885: By the fire which occurred at Bon-Accord Distillery, Hardgate, Aberdeen, yesterday morning damage has been done to the extent of between £7000 and £10,000. The fire, which broke out about two o’clock, raged with great fury, and it was six o’clock before the flames were thoroughly subdued. By that time the building had been completely gutted and the valuable apparatus destroyed. The firemen then, however, did not desist from their efforts, and to prevent the possibility of another outbreak occurring they continued to keep a continuous stream of water pouring on the ruins till a late hour last evening. No definite explanation can ge given of the origin of the fire, but the theory which receives general credence, is that an explosion had occurred at the still safe, which was in the centre of the building, and in consequence of an escape of gas from it. The still-man, who was on duty at the time, had only been absent from the stills for a few minutes, and when he returned the building was in blazes. He immediately raised the alarm, and within a very short time afterwards, the Fire Brigade, under Inspector Lewis Anderson and Assistant-Inspector Booth, was on the spot with two engines and four hose reels. That the building could not be saved was at once seen, and the firemen accordingly directed their efforts towards confining the flames to the still-house and saving the adjoining property. The utmost anxiety prevailed lest they should not be able to accomplish this, but after a good deal of hard work they succeeded. Had their efforts been unavailing the conflagration would have been of enormous extent. This will be at once seen when the position of the distillery is explained. The property consists of four buildings. Two of these stand with their gables facing the Hardgate, the third is erected in almost the same line, at the rear of the second building, and the fourth is built at right angles to the third. The manager’s house occupies the ground behind the two first mentioned buildings, and to the south of the portion of the distillery which faces Hardgate are dwelling houses. The first of the buildings in Hardgate, which extends along the road leading to Union Glen, is occupied as a grain store and duty-free warehouse, and the second, which is the property destroyed, is that in which the manufacture of whisky was carried on. The third and fourth buildings like the first are used as grain stores and duty-free warehouses. In all the buildings there was a large quantity of grain, and in the third all the manufactured whisky in casks was stored, the total quantity of liquor in stock being about 15,000 gallons.* By the destruction of the stillhouse, as has already been stated, damage has been sustained to the extent of between £7000 and £10,000. All the machinery necessary for carrying on the manufacture of whisky has either been completely destroyed or rendered useless. The plant consisted of the mash tun, where malt and hot water are mixed prior to being pumped into the four large wooden washbacks, each capable of holding about 12,000 gallons. After fermentation, the liquor is tranferred to a wash-still, from which it is subsequently let into a spirit still, then into the spirit receiver, and afterwards into the spirit vat, from which it is filled into casks. The stills are of copper, one of the two being of an exceptionally large size, and the mash tun is made of metal, the other vessels being of wood. Two large water tanks have also been destroyed. These tanks were in the upper floor of the building, and one of them fell through with a great crash to the second floor. The quantity of whisky which is estimated to have been consumed by the fire is from 1500 to 2000 gallons. The damage is covered by insurance with the Scottish Provincial and Northern Assurance Companies. The scene of the fire was visited during the day by large crowds of people, and the narrow thoroughfare of the Hardgate presented an unusually busy appearance. It was feared that the walls of the ruined building might fall, and precautions were taken by the police to keep the spectators at a safe distance from the ruin. Only members of the fire brigade were allowed within the building, and the utmost caution had to be exercised by them in going about among the debris, lest they should cause any displacement which could increase the dange to life. It was fortunate that the night was calm, otherwise it would have been impossible to have saved any of the property, and the dwelling-houses adjoining on the south would have suffered considerably. When the fire was at its height the heat was most intense, and it was with great difficulty that the firemen could carry on their operations. The utmost excitement prevailed among the residents in the locality, and those who dwelt near the distillery had their furniture at once removed to the street. Women and children ran about in a most bewildered state, and, even after all danger of the fire spreading was past it was with great difficulty that they could be persuaded to return to their homes. Considerable damage was done to the furniture of the poor people in being hurriedly dragged from the tenements. The news of the fire spread very rapidly, and in a short time a large crowd of spectators assembled from all parts of the city. Among those who were early on the scene were Baillie Kinghorn, convener of the Watching Committee, Councillors Sutherland and Lyon and Shoremaster Mearns. Within an hour from the time the fire broke out the roof of the building fell in, and the huge volume of flame which then rose into the air lit up the sky for a considerable distance. The spectacle of the conflagration was grand. The Bon-Accord Distillery is the property of a limited liability company, which was formed a few years ago, and it occupies the site of what was once a woollen and wincey mill, owned by Messrs Pratt & Keith.
    Här når du oss: En trea whisky på Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/entreawhisky) Maila till oss på hej@entreawhisky.se Davids blogg tjederswhisky.se (https://www.tjederswhisky.se) Följ oss på Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/entreawhisky Bli medlem! https://entreawhisky.memberful.com/checkout?plan=74960

    75: Kanske Kenneths brallor

    75: Kanske Kenneths brallor
    NEW MAKE BATTLE! Gott? Äckligt? Striden fortsätter. Veckans tema är stort som en byggnad med pagodtak, vi kör nämligen tema destilleri. Veckans ord avslöjar hur just DU kan hitta när innehållet i flaskan är producerat. Veckans destilleri är stora – och märkvärdigt vackra – Dalmunach. Lika vackert som new make är gott. Eller?

    Vad var det i glaset? Mathias hade en Rusty Nail med Smögen Sherry project 1:4. Mer om Rusty Nail här:
    Jeroen körde en High Coast Berg:
    David hade dels en single cask Ledaig från Signatory Vintage, närmare bestämt exakt denna:
    …och lite new make från Craigellachie. Det där om att det bränner ledde till många referenser till Ove Markström som dricker Klorin och försöker prata efteråt:

    Ägandeförhållanden i whiskybranschen; vad händer med Distell
    Det sista destilleriet Distell äger är förresten JUST Tobermory vars rökiga whisky heter Ledaig som David hade i glaset.

    Laliques flaskor åt Macallan
    Här har vi ett exempel. To each their own men vi på ETW tycker ungefär jösses vad jävla fult:

    Vad är ett destilleri?
    Norrtelje brenneri: https://norrteljebrenneri.se/
    Dallas Dhu, destilleriet som är ett museum:
    Kennetpans distillery grundades av whiskymagnaten John Stein 1777 och lades ned 1825. Du kan läsa lite om det här:
    Vackra bilder finns här:
    Kennetpans Distillery
    Foto: Brian Smith/Flickr

    Den bästa källan till nedlagda skotska destillerier är Brian Townsends bok Scotch missed, som kan starkt anbefallas som intressant läsning.
    För ihopblandningen av destilleri och varumärke bör man läsa vad som helst om bourbon, gärna Bourbon, Straight av Chuck Cowdery.
    Mackmyra: pilotdestilleriet var igång 1999–2002; de nya pannorna på samma plats användas 2002–2013; gravitationsdestilleriet invigdes och har varit igång sedan december 2011. Under en viss period hade alltså Mackmyra två destillerier igång samtidigt….!
    Det där med Skånska spritfabriken kan man läsa mer om här: https://tjederswhisky.se/inget-mindre-an-en-skandal/
    Andrew Derbidge har skrivit om detta med australiensiska destillerier och inköpandet av mäsk, även om David kan tycka att han just här är lite väl kritisk till inköpandet av mäsk utifrån, som om det är fusk att göra det:
    Om David bara hade läst David före inspelningen hade han faktiskt hittat än mer grejer för att problematisera detta med vad ett destilleri är, bland annat hur exakt samma pannor kan användas på olika destillerier när något destilleri har nedlagts. Läs bara här:

    Ardbeg Project:
    Vi slutar aldrig länka till whiskybase:
    Som David förklarade, om du verkligen vill gå in på djupet, lätta på lädret och köp Collecting Scotch whisky av Emmanuel Dron:
    Det finns massor mer att säga om datering, detta var verkligen bara ett skrapande på ytan. Här kan du läsa lite lite mer:

    Veckans destilleri: Dalmunach
    Här lite foton på gamla Imperial distillery som låg på platsen:
    Veckans destilleri: Imperial på ETW avsnitt 32:

    Dalmunach kom igång med produktionen 2015 och det ligger i Speyside. Destilleriet kostade tydligen 25 miljoner pund att bygga. Dalmunach har ingen egen hemsida, men här finns lite saker att läsa, om än inte uppdaterat:
    De har faktiskt själva släpp en officiell buteljering, en 4 YO: https://whiskymag.com/story/exclusive:-first-whisky-released-from-dalmunach-distillery
    Här har vi arkikekterna som ritade och byggde Dalmunach: https://norr.com/project/dalmunach-distillery/
    Och här den ovannämnde Derbidge som besöker Dalmunach, med många matnyttiga detaljer för den nyfikne:

    Foto: Norr Architects

    2017-04-28 192 Dalmunach Distillery
    Foto: Martyn Jenkins/Flickr

    Här når du oss: En trea whisky på Facebook (https://ww.facebook.com/entreawhisky) Maila till oss på hej@entreawhisky.se Davids blogg tjederswhisky.se (https://www.tjederswhisky.se)


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