

    Explore "saginaw" with insightful episodes like "MMHP Season 4 Ep:13--Zydeco Ziggie Zeitler--Cajun/Blues/Zydeco/Irish Michigan Blends Part 2 of 2", "MMHP Season 4 Ep:12--Zydeco Ziggie Zeitler--Cajun/Blues/Zydeco/Irish Michigan Blends Part 1 of 2", "Message: Sharing the Life of Jesus", "MMHP Season 3 Ep:15--Dave Opperman and his New Reformation Band" and "Color Me Podd" from podcasts like ""Michigan Music History Podcast -- MMHP989", "Michigan Music History Podcast -- MMHP989", "Hopevale Church Podcast", "Michigan Music History Podcast -- MMHP989" and "Hunk with Mike Bridenstine"" and more!

    Episodes (40)

    MMHP Season 4 Ep:13--Zydeco Ziggie Zeitler--Cajun/Blues/Zydeco/Irish Michigan Blends Part 2 of 2

    MMHP Season 4 Ep:13--Zydeco Ziggie Zeitler--Cajun/Blues/Zydeco/Irish Michigan Blends Part 2 of 2

    Known to roll the Cajun off his tongue so fluently, you would think he was from Louisiana. Don 'Ziggy' Zeitler strolls around the country brandishing a multi-instrumentalist pedigree with a bluesman's heart. Zig has been a mainstay from the Saginaw area. Growing up in Hemlock, Zig caught the bug early on. Now doing just exactly what he wants to do musically, you can find him popping up on Facebook live as much as hitting the road, usually with his wife Siusan Bayne O'Rourke. Performing with the TOGO Touring Artists/Smokin' Sleddog Records label, Zig has found comfort in a roux made with his Cajun/zydeco/blues ingredients and of course some Irish music with Siusan.

       Here in Part 2, Zig dives into the music, styles, and future of the White Crow, as well as more live music--tune in afterwards for a bonus show wrap-up tune as well along with Sir Fred!

    MMHP Season 4 Ep:12--Zydeco Ziggie Zeitler--Cajun/Blues/Zydeco/Irish Michigan Blends Part 1 of 2

    MMHP Season 4 Ep:12--Zydeco Ziggie Zeitler--Cajun/Blues/Zydeco/Irish Michigan Blends Part 1 of 2

    Known to roll the Cajun off his tongue so fluently, you would think he was from Louisiana, Don 'Ziggy' Zeitler strolls around the country brandishing a multi-instrumentalist pedigree with a bluesman's heart. Zig has been a mainstay from the Saginaw area. Growing up in Hemlock, Zig caught the bug early on. Now doing just exactly what he wants to do musically, you can find him popping up on Facebook live as much as hitting the road, usually with his wife Siusan Bayne O'Rourke. Performing with the TOGO Touring Artists/Smokin' Sleddog Records label, Zig has found comfort in a roux made with his Cajun/zydeco/blues ingredients and of course some Irish music with Siusan. Sit back for part one and get out your Gumbo dictionary. Uncle Zig is gonna lay out some tunes for us--backed by Sir Fred as well on washboard!

    Message: Sharing the Life of Jesus

    Message: Sharing the Life of Jesus

    “Sharing the Life of Jesus” Ephesians 2:1-10

    Jesus cultivates the fruit of the Spirit in us. How can we allow Jesus to share all the fruit he has cultivated in us, through us?

    If you would like more information about Hopevale and be a part of all that is happening you can download our mobile app by texting HOPEVALEAPP to 77977. You can also go to https://www.hopevale.org/weekly to subscribe to your weekly updates.

    We want to thank you for giving to the Lord here at Hopevale. It is because of you that we can use digital platforms like this to share the hope of Jesus. To give you can simply text HOPEVALE to 77977 or go to https://www.hopevale.org/give. You can also mail in your donation to 5360 Shattuck Road, Saginaw, MI 48603. Thank again!

    If you need prayer your Hopevale family is here for you. You can email us at prayer@hopevale.org for our Saginaw campus or bcprayer@hopevale.org for our Bay City campus.

    MMHP Season 3 Ep:15--Dave Opperman and his New Reformation Band

    MMHP Season 3 Ep:15--Dave Opperman and his New Reformation Band

    Dixieland at its apex, is a tradition and musical revolution long awaiting its rebirth, like the recent resurgence in Bluegrass music (thanks in part to Billy Strings from Michigan). No one raised the bar on a national level higher than the mighty King from Saginaw, Dave Opperman and The New Reformation Band. Not only a musical torchbearer, Opperman opens up to us in his golden age (80's) to give the full, unedited story from his own lips of the memories, the tours, the beginning, and the New Reformation Place among the Stars. The MMHP was honored to have him sit in and rekindle all the memories that this man has offered in terms of music and friendship to the great state of Michigan...AND beyond. Get it here folks!

    097 - Michelle Lamb

    097 - Michelle Lamb

    Michelle Lamb is a mother, wife, executive, and go-getter. She discusses growing up in a small village in Ohio and reveals that she was supposed to be a twin. Michelle also talks about the dirty part of being in sales and how she ended up meeting her husband that way. She then goes on to talk about being a mother and the difficulty associated with it.

    Like what you hear? Become a supporter of the show! Go to http://www.Patreon.com/FriendRequestPod to support the show today!



    Chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, did I have anything to do with it?

    Chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, did I have anything to do with it?

    Thank you for tuning into Faith Over Fear with Pastor Vance Mansfield. During this broadcast, you have the pleasure of listening to a unique broadcast, because of the Podcast contest. Pastor Vance Mansfield answers bible questions sent in by listeners like you. Faith Over Fear with Pastor Vance Mansfield hosted a Podcast contest where listeners could write in their questions through the website: www.pastorvancemansfield.com  for a chance to win a $100 gift card and a Faith Over Fear Signature ARTIC to go mug. The winner is chosen by whomever gets the most plays on their question.

    Question: So, I was in Christ before the foundation of the Earth (my earth) and wound through the generations until coming forth into this day. How was I chosen, elected, and ordained? What made me “special” and did I have anything remotely in the choice?

    Pastor Vance uses the scriptures to answer this question. He uses Ephesians 1:4  According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:

    Next, he explains this question through Romans 9:11- 18

    11 (For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth;)
    12 It was said unto her, The elder shall serve the younger.
    13 As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.
    14 What shall we say then? Is there unrighteousness with God? God forbid.
    15 For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.
    16 So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy.
    17 For the scripture saith unto Pharaoh, Even for this same purpose have I raised thee up, that I might shew my power in thee, and that my name might be declared throughout all the earth.
    18 Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth.
    And Finally, Pastor Vance Mansfield speaks on Revelation 17:8 The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.
    Do you have Testimonies/comments/prayer request/ questions? email us: vmansfield@pastorvancemansfield.com
    Or call the office phone number (682) 207-7505

    If you would like to be a partner with us to help us spread the kingdom message to the world, click below: Donate — Vance Mansfield Ministries

    Check out our website for more information and resources:  www.pastorvancemansfield.com

    Subscribe to our YouTube channel:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3fjrfplLIUOoZqGGxYcprw
    Like us on Instagram: @vmm church & Twitter: @pastorVance

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    every tree that does not bear fruit would be cut off and cast into the fire

    every tree that does not bear fruit would be cut off and cast into the fire

    Thank you for tuning into Faith Over Fear with Pastor Vance Mansfield. During this broadcast, you have the pleasure of listening to a unique broadcast, because of the podcast contest. Pastor Vance Mansfield answers bible questions sent in by listeners like you. Faith Over Fear with Pastor Vance Mansfield hosted a Podcast contest where listeners could write in their questions through the website: www.pastorvancemansfield.com  for a chance to win a $100 gift card and a Faith Over Fear Signature ARTIC to go mug. The winner is chosen by whomever gets the most plays on their question.  

    The Question: The scripture seems rather severe in John 15 when it talks about how every tree that does not bear fruit would be cut off and cast into the fire. Please explain. 

    Pastor Vance Mansfield begins his teaching by expounding on Matthew 3:10 And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: therefore every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

    Next, Pastor Vance speaks on John 15:1-9 
    1 I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman.
    2 Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit.
    3 Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you.
    4 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.
    5 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.
    6 If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned.
    7 If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.
    8 Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples.
    9 As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love.
    Do you have Testimonies/comments/prayer request/ questions? email us: vmansfield@pastorvancemansfield.com 
    Or call the office phone number (682) 207-7505

    If you would like to be a partner with us to help us spread the kingdom message to the world, click below: Donate — Vance Mansfield Ministries

    Check out our website for more information and resources:  www.pastorvancemansfield.com

    Join us on our Podcast Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/FaithOverFearBroadcast 
    Subscribe to our YouTube channel:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3fjrfplLIUOoZqGGxYcprw
    Like us on Instagram: @vmm church & Twitter: @pastorVance

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    Episode 40 with Mike Burns

    Episode 40 with Mike Burns

    Back with another banger this one with longtime friend and host of the Power Moves podcast Mike Burns. We talk living in states with legal sports gambling, dogecoin, and share notes on leaving LA. We may get a little too insider with how to set up a podcast and how shitty it is auditioning for bullshit commercials we know we're not getting but its fun to show how the sausage is made sometimes. Thanks for all the support and please don't forget to subscribe/rate/review/share and help us start our horse racing empire.

    Saginaw John Doe - Unidentified, Carbon County Jane Doe and Grace Doe-Indentified

    Saginaw John Doe - Unidentified, Carbon County Jane Doe and Grace Doe-Indentified

    On October 8, 1988, the Saginaw Police department was contacted by a resident of an Apartment house located in the 400 block of Carroll Street. According to Lieutenant Kendziorski, the resident noticed that one of the apartment doors was ajar. After taking a look inside and seeing what appeared to be a deceased person the resident called the police.  When police arrived they discovered the body of a 16-20 year old african american male, with a shotgun wound to his face.

    Saginaw John Doe and his family need our help. If you are interested in helping to crowdfund this case, please visit
    www.dnasolves.com and click on Saginaw John Doe. Every little bit helps and brings us a step closer to identifying him. 

    If you can’t donate but would still like to help, I have created a shareable post with a  link to Saginaw John Doe’s DNAsolves.com page.  You can find it on our True Crime PI Facebook and Instagram pages. Please take a moment to share this post with your friends and followers. Together we can help find the missing , give the unidentified back their names and provide answers to  the families who have been forced to carry the unbearable burden of not knowing. 

    As I was editing this episode, I received news that 2 more Does have been identified through DNA profiling and Genetic Genealogical research and one of the identifications has led a suspect being charged with criminal homicide. 

    Carbon County (Beth) Doe Identified as Evelyn Colon
    Grace Doe Identified as Shawna Garber

    These two young women were brutally murdered. Their cases were cold with little hope of ever being solved. Today, they became the perfect example of why identifying the unidentified is so important. 

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    Prospect Report: Cole Perfetti

    Prospect Report: Cole Perfetti
    The LA Kings have the 2nd overall pick in the 2020 NHL Entry Draft, scheduled to take place Oct. 9th & 10th. While nobody knows who the Kings plan on selecting, fans have weighed in with their thoughts on who the best option might be. With that in mind we'll be bringing you scouting reports from the people that watch the players most likely to be selected by the Kings.

    Joey Battaino of the Saginaw Spirit joins host Jesse Cohen to talk about Cole Perfetti. Battaino breaks down the elements of his game, his off-ice demeanor and what Kings fans can expect should he be selected by the Kings in the first round.

    Never miss an episode by subscribing today at LAKings.com/podcast.

    Part 6 - The Wilds of Saginaw Michigan in 1831

    Part 6 - The Wilds of Saginaw Michigan in 1831
    Part Six - Finally in Saginaw With the help of Indian Guides, Alexis describes the experience of the last town on the frontier. In 1831, 26-year-old Alexis de Tocqueville and his friend Gustave de Beaumont, took the ultimate road trip. The pair of French aristocrats journey from Buffalo New York to the Straights of Detroit with the intent of going to the last overland outpost of civilization; Saginaw. Predating Michigan’s statehood, the lumber industry, and homestead settlement, the story weaves a tale of what early Northwest territory life was like in the early 1800s. We travel with them along with the famous Saginaw trail meeting unique individuals hacking their way into virgin forests and meeting its native inhabitants. It's also a commentary of the environment and how supposedly civilized society will forever impact nature. This takes place 180 years before today's concept of climate change. It's a fascinating short story that is an excerpt from the book A Fortnight in the Wilderness and is now freely available for the first time anywhere as a podcast.

    Part 5 - With Indian Guides Toward Saginaw

    Part 5 - With Indian Guides Toward Saginaw
    Part Five - With Indian Guides Into Saginaw. In 1831, 26-year-old Alexis de Tocqueville and his friend Gustave de Beaumont, took the ultimate road trip. The pair of French aristocrats journey from Buffalo New York to the Straights of Detroit with the intent of going to the last overland outpost of civilization; Saginaw. Predating Michigan’s statehood, the lumber industry, and homestead settlement, the story weaves a tale of what early Northwest territory life was like in the early 1800s. We travel with them along with the famous Saginaw trail meeting unique individuals hacking their way into virgin forests and meeting its native inhabitants. It's also a commentary of the environment and how supposedly civilized society will forever impact nature. This takes place 180 years before today's concept of climate change. It's a fascinating short story that is an excerpt from the book A Fortnight in the Wilderness and is now freely available for the first time anywhere as a podcast.

    Part 4 - On the Saginaw Trail to the Flint River

    Part 4 - On the Saginaw Trail to the Flint River
    Part Four - On the Trail to the Flint River. In 1831, 26-year-old Alexis de Tocqueville and his friend Gustave de Beaumont, took the ultimate road trip. The pair of French aristocrats journey from Buffalo New York to the Straights of Detroit with the intent of going to the last overland outpost of civilization; Saginaw. Predating Michigan’s statehood, the lumber industry, and homestead settlement, the story weaves a tale of what early Northwest territory life was like in the early 1800s. We travel with them along with the famous Saginaw trail meeting unique individuals hacking their way into virgin forests and meeting its native inhabitants. It's also a commentary of the environment and how supposedly civilized society will forever impact nature. This takes place 180 years before today's concept of climate change. It's a fascinating short story that is an excerpt from the book A Fortnight in the Wilderness and is now freely available for the first time anywhere as a podcast.

    Part 3 - The Edge of the Wilderness, An Education in the Pontiac Settlement

    Part 3 - The Edge of the Wilderness, An Education in the Pontiac Settlement
    Part Three - An Education in Pontiac. In 1831, 26-year-old Alexis de Tocqueville and his friend Gustave de Beaumont, took the ultimate road trip. The pair of French aristocrats journey from Buffalo New York to the Straights of Detroit with the intent of going to the last overland outpost of civilization; Saginaw. Predating Michigan’s statehood, the lumber industry, and homestead settlement, the story weaves a tale of what early Northwest territory life was like in the early 1800s. We travel with them along with the famous Saginaw trail meeting unique individuals hacking their way into virgin forests and meeting its native inhabitants. It's also a commentary of the environment and how supposedly civilized society will forever impact nature. This takes place 180 years before today's concept of climate change. It's a fascinating short story that is an excerpt from the book A Fortnight in the Wilderness and is now freely available for the first time anywhere as a podcast.

    Part 2 - The Steamer Journey to Detroit in 1831

    Part 2 - The Steamer Journey to Detroit in 1831
    Part Two - The Journey to Detroit. In 1831, 26-year-old Alexis de Tocqueville and his friend Gustave de Beaumont, took the ultimate road trip. The pair of French aristocrats journey from Buffalo New York to the Straights of Detroit with the intent of going to the last overland outpost of civilization; Saginaw. Predating Michigan’s statehood, the lumber industry, and homestead settlement, the story weaves a tale of what early Northwest territory life was like in the early 1800s. We travel with them along with the famous Saginaw trail meeting unique individuals hacking their way into virgin forests and meeting its native inhabitants. It's also a commentary of the environment and how supposedly civilized society will forever impact nature. This takes place 180 years before today's concept of climate change. It's a fascinating short story that is an excerpt from the book A Fortnight in the Wilderness and is now freely available for the first time anywhere as a podcast.

    Part 1 - The Lure of the Wilderness

    Part 1 - The Lure of the Wilderness
    In 1831, 26-year-old Alexis de Tocqueville and his friend Gustave de Beaumont, took the ultimate road trip. The pair of French aristocrats journey from Buffalo New York to the Straights of Detroit with the intent of going to the last overland outpost of civilization; Saginaw. Predating Michigan’s statehood, the lumber industry, and homestead settlement, the story weaves a tale of what early Northwest territory life was like in the early 1800s. We travel with them along with the famous Saginaw trail meeting unique individuals hacking their way into virgin forests and meeting its native inhabitants. It's also a commentary of the environment and how supposedly civilized society will forever impact nature. This takes place 180 years before today's concept of climate change. It's a fascinating short story that is an excerpt from the book A Fortnight in the Wilderness and is now freely available for the first time anywhere as a podcast.

    November 2019

    November 2019

    We're talking fall fishing this month on the Angler Qwest Podcast.

    First, boat designer and avid angler Brad Dupuie talks about reaction to the new models and design improvements for 2020.  

    He also talks about the late season walleye bite on Saginaw Bay and Lake Erie...and explains why Angler Qwest is the perfect boat to explore those fisheries.

    Then, fishing educator Lance Valentine of Teachin Fishin joins the conversation.

    Lance is a Pro Staffer for both Angler Qwest and Polar Kraft boats.  

    He has great tips on trolling for late season walleye, then talks about the upcoming Walleye 101 fishing weekend on Lake Erie.