
    sasquatch encounters

    Explore "sasquatch encounters" with insightful episodes like "SC EP:1046 Three Months In Hell", "SC EP:1032 The Teddy Roosevelt Bigfoot Story", "SC EP:1026 America's Boogeyman And Sasquatch", "SC EP:1013 Why Is There A Gorilla In Virginia?" and "SC EP:1008 The Eyes" from podcasts like ""Sasquatch Chronicles", "Sasquatch Chronicles", "Sasquatch Chronicles", "Sasquatch Chronicles" and "Sasquatch Chronicles"" and more!

    Episodes (29)

    SC EP:1046 Three Months In Hell

    SC EP:1046 Three Months In Hell

    I will be welcoming Jerry to the show. Jerry writes “I lived deep in Provo Canyon, in Utah, in a camper trailer with thousands of square miles of forest right behind where I lived. The first month and a half I lived there was peaceful. One day it felt like I was being watched and I had a bad feeling almost like I was sick. I fell asleep that night and woke up suddenly in the middle of the night.

    I had 2 “Wyze” cameras set up inside my trailer (Later I faced one outside so I could see what was happening, although they avoided the infrared light) that recorded 24/7 and they also have night vision but a crappy microphone for audio recording. So when I woke up I immediately felt like I was being watched and that something was wrong. I checked the recording on my phone from the camera as I just had a feeling that something woke me up. I looked at the recording from my cameras on my phone and there was a big BANG as if something slapped the side of my trailer thus waking me up.

    The video titled “Attack1” shows what I saw and what happened and you can hear me wake up from it.

    I was trying to justify what the bang was but something felt off so I stayed up all night and A LOT more happened. “attack2”, “attack3”, and “attack4” videos are all from that night some being very violent.

    the camera microphone is very cheap so you will need to turn the volume all the way up to hear what it sounded like and it still was louder in person. The cameras record clips when a sound is loud enough or when it detects motion.

    At that time the cameras were both inside my trailer recording the inside. The creatures were just outside my door that night and if I had opened my door I would have seen them. I was scared stiff in my bed trying to be silent and I was just frozen to say the least.

    I heard whistling and quick “whooops” coming from behind my trailer where some bushes were and also from the side and front of my trailer as I lay there all night not being able to move, breathe, or make a sound.

    My cat was very curious as to what was going on as you can see in the videos and you can tell where the sasquatch was standing from where my cat is. Once the sasquatch hit the trailer my cat would get scared and run back to me in my room.

    I could hear the sasquatch run away but only the first 3 steps as they left. then BANG they came back to hit the trailer again later in the night. I could hear the whistling and whooping throughout the night.

    The next day I quickly left my trailer with my camera once the light came out and Very quickly took pictures in the directions where I had heard the whistling and whooping. It took me some time to look at the pictures but when I did I was shocked once I zoomed in and studied the pictures.

    There was a BIG one hiding next to a house showing his teeth at me and this photo was taken from behind my trailer. Also, the black one hiding in the bushes was taken from the front of my trailer.
    In both photos, they are both about 200 yards away and the pictures were taken with a 1080p Sony camera which is why the zoomed-in photos are a little grainy. Now those videos are from 1 night, and the photos from the morning right after. I included pictures of both areas without the sasquatch for comparison as well. Yes, there were some tracks and I have some photos if you want them.

    I only stayed there as I was hoping the attacks would stop but after a month of trying they became bolder and bolder and I had to abandon the trailer, take what I could carry and my cat to my car while looking down at the ground so that I wouldn’t see one in person (seeing one in person with my eyes would have been way too much for my mind). Yes, I saw a HUGE male sasquatch, through the night vision camera and I have never been more scared in my life.

    this email would be a book if I wrote all that happened during that month and I am shaking while writing this and I feel sick.

    I included a video of a possible sasquatch on my landlord’s roof that has his arm reaching down and he pulls it up as he lifts his face towards the camera as if he hates it. His face is lit up by a light and infrared light which is why I think his face looks like it is glowing. It was also raining and it appears that there is a water droplet that moved and then the infrared becomes stronger on its face and that’s when you see his arm move up and face turn up. I am curious what you think about this video.

    there is another picture that appears to show a brownish female sasquatch and her arm standing to the left of what I think is the big one but I admit it is not the best photo.

    There is also a photo of a possible dogman but it is a long exposure. I heard sounds I can’t describe, my windows were ALL covered so I put my phone under the blanket covering the window and took the photo. I hope it’s not what it looks like but I figured I would include it and you can make up your own mind about it.

    I NEVER went back to the trailer to get my stuff. but that’s a long story I can tell you over the phone. As much as I love the mountains I have never been back to any of them since. I was a Boy Scout and lived for camping my whole life. I grew up and lived right next to Little Cottonwood Canyon and spent most of my life exploring, camping, and hiking in the mountains and all over Utah and it makes me cry that it has been ruined for me.

    I have so much more to tell you that I can’t write out but people need to know what can happen and that these creatures are real and to be careful.

    Once I got a little vocal about what was happening with my landlord, the other tenants, and my family (sometimes showing some of them just some of the pictures and videos I have) The other tenants moved out of the mountains 3 days later, my family thought I needed help, and the landlord KNEW (I have theories about him) about these things and then he also ended up moving around the time my lease was up (I had paid in full for 6 months upfront).

    Anyway, I am a bit worked up typing this as the PTSD from this is still there, although I am doing much better now and I can communicate much better in person and explain so much more in a way that makes better sense as it is hard to convey 40 days ish of being tormented and scared to death through a shortish email. Also, the aftermath of what can happen when you are vocal with the wrong people that “I had/have A LOT of evidence of these creatures”. I feel that this needs to be shared so others do not make some of the mistakes I made hopefully or at least get this off of my chest with people who know this is real.

    I apologize if this message does not make much sense and I hope to talk to you and go through what has happened to me while being trapped and tormented deep in Provo Canyon. People need to be warned and I need to get this message out of what can happen.”


    SC EP:1032 The Teddy Roosevelt Bigfoot Story

    SC EP:1032 The Teddy Roosevelt Bigfoot Story

    Long before he was President; even before he was a Rough Rider, Assistant Secretary of War, or governor of NY state, Theodore Roosevelt tried his hand at ranching in the wilds of North Dakota (until the blizzards of 1886-87 wiped out most of his cattle herd). One of his books from these formative years ”The Wilderness Hunter” (1893) contains perhaps the first widely-distributed modern tale of a Bigfoot encounter with early American West pioneers. In his book, Roosevelt relays an account as told to him by an elderly frontiersman, describing nightmarish events experienced during his earlier excursions into the region.

    Tonight I will be speaking to Mike. Mike and his wife live in Texas and in 2020 they started noticing strange things happening on this property. Mike writes "I have a deer feed plot at the edge of the woods and I've always felt uneasy there feeling like I'm being watched, especially at night.

    I've been tossing a few apples near my feeder a few times a week and started seeing every apple gone the next morning, no pieces left anywhere.

    Then I noticed other things like no coyotes for the past 6-8 months, found a large mound of dark poop full of seeds by my feeder that didn't look like any scat I've ever seen and old trees that either fall over or get pushed over at night, but I dismissed all this as just odd.

    Recently, I heard an actual whoop around 8 pm that sounded like the one on your show's intro from about a hundred yards away or further. My wife has heard this too on other occasions. It's hunting season now, so I was out about 8 pm the other night tossing out apples by my feeder when I heard movement rustling leaves followed by a deep, low growl about 30-35 ft away to my left.

    Now I've been in some truly scary situations before but this really spooked me because I know animal sounds and what we have here and this wasn't a hog, coyote, cougar or dog and we don't have bears,
    but this felt distinctly like a warning from something intelligent to leave the area immediately, so I did just that and quickly got back in the house."


    SC EP:1026 America's Boogeyman And Sasquatch

    SC EP:1026 America's Boogeyman And Sasquatch

    Tonight I will be speaking to John. John writes “In 2017 we took our cadets out to an FTX (Field Training Exercise) near Tenino, WA. On the 1st night we heard what I now know to be tree knocks, which was curious but nothing unnerving, so we really paid no attention to it.

    But the 2nd night… around 0130 (1:30 am) we heard a LOUD, chilling, otherworldly yell, that got all the staff out of our tents at lightning speed and on immediate high alert.

    The length… of the howl / screaming growl; NOTHING I know of has a lung capacity that large. I’m a hunter & fisherman, so I spend a fair amount of time in nature (or at least, I used to) and I’ve never heard anything like that, ever, in my life.

    A sustained vocalization of approx 25-30 seconds in one breath. It was chilling. Almost paralyzing.
    What truly stood my hair on end, was some kind of infrasound reverb passing through my vital organs that accompanied the yell. Like a lion’s huff. I Felt the sound waves ripple through my body, vibrating my guts.

    The voice was strange too. As if multiple sets of vocal cords were overlaid, activating all at once. Like 2 or 3 voices of different octaves and pitch, but altogether, wrapped up in a singular voice.
    I know that sounds insane, but it’s difficult to describe.

    The 2nd vocalization had us back in our tents drawing our firearms… but for the first time, I had no confidence in my weapon against whatever made that sound. It was so intimidating. I felt thoroughly vulnerable, despite being armed. I mean Utterly helpless.

    We heard tree knocks again shortly after, and then another vocalization from the other side of the field in the opposite tree line and then tree knocks from that location as well. I don’t know if there were two of them communicating across the field, or if it was the same one circling and repositioning around our perimeter. Whichever it was, it sounded aggressive. It certainly wasn’t happy we were there.

    Like I said previously, we never saw it, because it was in the darkness beyond the glow of our bonfire in the center of camp. On the other hand, I hated being so exposed because we were at a tactical disadvantage. We were illuminated by the fire, so it could see us, but we couldn’t see it. I wish I had brought NVG’s. (I certainly will next time)

    A rock was thrown at our campfire where we, the staff were in befuddled conversation, about just what the hell to do. A few more rocks were thrown at us periodically but eventually it got quite. Obviously, we couldn’t go back to sleep. We stayed up, and remained on watch until sunrise. We packed up and left the following morning.”

    SC EP:1013 Why Is There A Gorilla In Virginia?

    SC EP:1013 Why Is There A Gorilla In Virginia?

    John writes "This happened on the opening day of rifle season 1998 in the southwestern mountains of Virginia. Now to give a back drop to the property we used to hunt so you can get an idea. The parcel of land backed up to the New River, less than a mile above it.

    When I say above, you could walk to the river if not for the 100 foot sheer rock cliffs, caves and caverns that fall off to the riverbank. We had built a tree stand in an oak tree about 75-100 yards down in a holler. This stand was a 2-sided stand with a roof over top. The front side of the tree where we built the ladder was about 20-25 feet off the ground, whereas the backside was probably 60-70 feet above the kill zone. It was strategically placed this way because of the kill zone. The zone I mention is what you would call a super highway for deer. 3 different points coming together in an opening with an unobstructed view and vantage point. The leaves had fallen, so that Sunday afternoon I had taken a rake and swept them off the path to the stand.

    I always like to get into the stand by 530ish so if by chance I did spook a a buck it could have a chance to settle down. I got to the stand about 20 minutes late cause of forgetting my knife. I had walked this trail many times over the years so no need for a flashlight. Climbed up in full ghillie suit, got settled and waited. 20 minutes or so later, start hearing something walking my way. I could tell that it was on 4 feet, so I was expecting a deer at least. The sun had just started to come up, so I was just waiting on it to come to the bait pile that was set up about 30 yards from me. In the Laurel thicket im seeing movement and notice its too dark to be a deer. Well, I’m sitting there thinking to myself that’s got to be a bear, because deer do not make that much noise.

    When this thing/creature comes into my view the first thing I think is what the hell is a gorilla doing in the mountains of Virginia. It/she (breast In full view) makes its way to the bait pile, looks around to the thicket and here comes a smaller one. When I say smaller, I mean it looked like Cha-ka off the land of the lost episodes on tv only it was black and not copper. The adult stands up on all fours, starts looking around the forest. She grunted towards the small one and it instantly climbed on her back. She is scanning the forest, I don’t know if she scented me or just knew something was off. I was sitting completely still, not sure I was even breathing.

    She glanced up to the stand I was in and with a scowl on her face stared for a few seconds. She dropped back down on all fours, with the little one still on her back and let out what I can only describe as part scream part growl. 2 seconds later I hear a scream to the north from what I assume was another one, but this scream was much more intense, louder and more deeper. She turned and walked off down the trail. I sat there for at least an hour, maybe more without moving, barely breathing. After that time, I slowed lowered my rifle, which was a .270 ruger that I knew would have only pissed her off. Only way I think I could have done damage was a head shot, but the way I was shaking there’s no way I could have hit her.

    Besides I was worried about the other scream/howl to the north. I backed out up the trail turning complete circles to make sure I wasn’t being flanked. Once I got to the clearing, which was probably 50 yards wide, I sprinted like never before. Climbed to the fence, got on my knees to make sure I wasn’t followed. I ran to my truck, got in and left. The bigger one, I’m guessing the mom was at least 7 feet tall and probably had to weigh at least 600-700 lbs. Those guesstimates could be wrong because at the angle I was at and the shadows. The baby as I said looked just like Cha-Ka from the tv show Land of the Lost. It was on all fours the entire time so I could get a gauge on the size. I’d say even at the same time it was at least 100-150 lbs.

    When on all fours, they had a gait and body structure that resembled a hyena. The momma creature reminded me of a gorilla in the face. Sunken in eyes, protruding brow and flat nose. The face wasn’t hair covered. The body was completely covered in hair that seemed matted with mud. Hard to tell again with the shadows, but could tell it was somewhat long and unkempt.

    The skin on the face, hands and soles of the feet were a greyish color. I could see the feet when she turned and walked away. I didn’t notice any ears, but did notice that when she screamed that it looked like she had canines.

    I know you like to ask about what witnesses knew about the subject, so I’ll tell you. I thought ppl were crazy when talking about it. I laughed at a buddy once when he said he had seen one. I’ll never do that ever again. It’s been 25 years to the month and I have never spoken a word about this to anyone. I had seen the Patterson/Gimlin film and some things in the book but waved it off as delusional people."


    SC EP:1008 The Eyes

    SC EP:1008 The Eyes

    Tonight we will be speaking to Roland. Roland said "In 1996 I was 16 years old and was a brat. My uncle took me with him. He was a truck driver. He took me under his wing and was the closest thing I had to a father. One night we had this creature cross right in front of us. It took up the whole windshield. I have never seen my uncle scared of anything, ever but he was terrified.


    We will also be speaking to Dan. Dan is from New Hampshire. Dan said "For the last 13 years we have had a lot of strange things that have happened. We have a pond on the property and one night I was fishing and this huge rocks were thrown near me. We also caught sight of something with these fiery reddish eyes."


    SC EP:1002 Sasquatch, Dogman And A Mouse

    SC EP:1002 Sasquatch, Dogman And A Mouse

    Tonight I will be speaking to Harley who had an encounter in 2020 in Virginia. We will also be speaking to Brandon who had a very strange night of running into this werewolf type creature.

    Harley writes "I have a encounter I’d like to share with you. I have pictures of footprints, the creature, I have audio and what I believe to be a Bigfoot, would love to chat!"

    Spoke to Harley and he said "I always thought Bigfoot was nonsense. In 2020, I was hunting in Virginia and I saw this creature come out on the ridge and look at me then look down the ridge and look at me again. It kept doing this and it was massive. I was able to snap a picture then something strange happened on my phone camera.

    Later that night several of these things were going off and you could hear it echo through the valley."

    Brandon writes "I wanted to reach out to you to possibly discuss my strange encounter from back in February 2007 in Miami county Indiana. It isn’t so much a Sasquatch, but I don’t know how to describe it all because the whole experience is crazy. I’m not sure if you want all the details, but I’ll write it all out below.

    The short version is a coworker and I were both driving our own vehicles and had to swerve to avoid a large black shape in the road, then turned around to see what it was an encountered a large canine that stood up on two legs before running off.

    If you’re interested in talking with me, please let me know."

    Remembering Scott Carpenter

    Remembering Scott Carpenter
    This Reloaded Monday is dedicated to my friend, Scott Carpenter.

    In episode 524: Bigfoot and Dogman Nephilim DNA we are joined by Scott Carpenter. I was in a local pizzeria called Legends and Lore Pizzaria and in talking to the owner he informed me that Scott Carpenter, the author of The Nephilim Among Us, lives in the same town my studio is located in. So we reached out to Scott and brought him to the studio for a fantastic conversation. Scott was someone that laughed at people who believe bigfoot existed and probably thought someone should be institutionalized when claiming they have seen one. All that stopped one day while fishing and encountering a bigfoot himself. Once that happened he did a 360 and started to research everything he could about them. He would go out in the woods with cameras strapped to his body to catch as many video hours as possible to increase his chance of catching something on film. The more he researched and the more he went out, the more he learned bigfoot was not the only creature that roams these East Tennessee hills. He's had dogman encounters, little people encounter, and portal sightings which all lead him to believe there is more to these cryptids than just being hairy creatures living in the forest.

    Scott Carpenter:
    The Nephilim Among Us: https://amzn.to/3IVUTh6
    Truth Denied - The Sasquatch DNA Study: https://amzn.to/3IDG4OZ

    SC EP:969 Danger Close

    SC EP:969 Danger Close

    John writes “My encounter happened in the Berkshires of Massachusetts, where Umass is, in October of my senior year of college (October 16th, 2021); I was twenty-one years old.

    To slightly set the scene for you, I was home due to covid during the second half of my sophomore year and my entire Junior year of college. My senior year was the first year everyone returned to campus, with everything running as normal as possible. After a long week of midterms, I decided to take the Saturday to myself and hike in October Mountain State Forest in Lee, Massachusetts, to relax my mind.

    I was on the trail for about an hour and a half and prepared to return to my car around four o’clock in the evening so I would be at my car y the time it was dark. On my way back down the trail, the sun was starting to set, so I wanted to try to find a better view of the sunset. I found a trail that was not as finished as the main trail, which went up a small hill, so I figured I climb it to see the sunset better. I went upwards on the trail for what was probably twenty-five minutes when I just came across it. There was what appeared to be an ape-man sitting down staring at me as I stared at it. It was about my size, 6’1”. It had black fur, and its skin was a grayish-black color. It was holding a branch in its left hand, and I believe it was eating the leaves off of it and saw me as it was in the middle of chewing. It had its head tilted upwards with pupils on me. Its mouth was half open, and it had a confused and scared look on its face. What scared me the most was the eyes.

    There was so much human expression in the eyes alone that I was unsure what I was looking at. After about thirty seconds, it lowered its head and faced forward to its right side but kept its eyes on me. This side-eye it gave me made me feel sick to my stomach. I was looking at a human, but it wasn’t a human. The creature then moved its eyes off me, looked in the direction its face was facing, and then moved its eyes back on me, never moving its head. Thinking of the whites of its eyes is giving me goosebumps. This went on for about a minute when I heard a massive crunching of leaves come from out of nowhere in the direction the initial one was looking. The same creature came out from behind a tree, although this one was much bigger, closer to eight feet tall, and I just wanted to deflate on the spot. When it came out from behind its tree, its hand raised toward the smaller one with its hand up as if it was saying, “Stop.” The larger creature was female, as it had large breasts. The expression of the new monster was not aggressive. Her head was lowered with her eyes and her brows raised, looking directly at me. I started to shake my head to say no, and to be completely honest with you, Wes, I started to cry. I wanted to scream, but nothing would come out of my mouth; my face was paralyzed but silent. The creature watched me, and I don’t think there was any sympathy, but I think it knew I was not a threat. She lowered her hand and stood straight up, looking at me, and she looked behind me and, for lack of a better term, spoke. It was a weird gibberish thing.

    I don’t even know how to describe it to you. She did not look back at me but at the smaller one, and then she slowly walked away. The smaller one looked at me weirdly; I don’t know if it was fear, confusion, disgust, or none of the above. It soon followed the female and kept looking back at me with the same expression. I didn’t know what to do because whatever I did when it was right in front of me kept it from attacking me. I felt like if I made one slight movement, it would come back and kill me.

    I was also terrified to turn around to go back down the trail because I was almost sure she “spoke” to another one of these things behind me. I was so scared to turn around, I was fully prepared to see another one, but there was nothing there. I was terrified after what I saw and wanted to get out of the woods as soon as possible. As I went to take my first step back, I vomited, which made me feel like I could bring myself to move my body. I walked in fear along the trail back to my car, not seeing anyone else, to my dismay. When I finally reached the end of the trail and could see the opening of the parking lot, I felt so much better. I moved faster as I got closer and felt like I wanted to cry again when from behind me, I heard a guttural “Ay.”

    I immediately turned around and saw another creature much bigger than the female I had seen earlier. It was standing behind a large rock which only allowed me to see the creature’s chest up and one of the creature’s feet planted on the ground. I could tell it was male; I don’t know if that is because the noise it made sounded like a man or because of intuition, but I am willing to bet this one was male. This interaction was far scarier even though less happened. It looked at me with absolutely zero expression except for its eyes and brows. Its brows were raised all the way, and its eyes were open so wide they looked like they were popping out. That is all it did. I believe it just wanted me to know it was there. Again I felt sick to my stomach and wanted to cry; however, I felt like if I had done what I had done earlier, I could be okay. I walked to the end of the trail at the opening of the parking lot and turned around to find the creature still standing there with the same expression on its face. I wanted to look away but was afraid to take my eyes off it. I made it to my car and drove back to Amherst with one hand clasped over my mouth and crying the whole way home; I was still terrified. My friends invited me out that night, but I refused; I stayed in my apartment and was awake all night. I had an awful feeling these things would somehow follow me home.

    Sorry, that encounter is so long. I’m not sure how long other people’s encounters are on paper. I can’t get into enough detail about what I saw, but I’m also getting emotional as I go through it again. I’m nervous about coming on the show if you feel like you would even want me. I’m embarrassed about how I reacted to these things, I always feel like I want to act like more of an adult than I am, but I guess when push comes to shove and I see something terrifying, I still cry like a kid. I’m also worried about how I might come off to people who listen, especially since I am relatively fresh out of college and am working to become a full-time classroom teacher. I don’t want to come off as crazy because I know how I must sound after seeing what I saw.

    But that’s my encounter; life hasn’t been the same since. I’m glad I work with fourth-grade students. They remind me of how naive the world can be, and I find peace in that. I wish I never saw these things because I can’t stand my viewpoint on the world since that day. If you would ever like to call and talk off the air, I would appreciate that I have yet to share my encounter with many people, and I don’t even think the people I told 100% believe me. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to read my email to you, and I hope to hear from you soon.”

    I will also be welcoming Jane to the show. In 2013 Jane saw these strange lights in Palm Springs, CA. She said "there was something sinister about the lights or that was the feeling I got."










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    SC EP:968 We Saw The Creature And It Was Gigantic

    SC EP:968 We Saw The Creature And It Was Gigantic

    Lisa writes "I was 10 or 11 when it came up behind our house. I was in my bed and the window was open above my head. My mother was in the bathroom just finishing a shower and the bathroom window was open as well. The bathroom was next to my bedroom.

    I heard something walking outside that sounded like a man walking, breaking sticks and crunching leaves as it walked. It came close enough to my bedroom window that I could hear it breathing. It was a raspy deep guttural breathing not only on exhale, but also on inhale. I became frozen in place, terrified out of my mind. Just paralyzed with fear. I couldn’t speak or scream or move or anything. I’m not even sure I was breathing.

    My mom came running out of the bathroom yelling at me to get out of bed. I couldn’t answer her and I could hear the fear in her voice. She managed to come into my room and grab my leg and jerk on me while she said she avoided looking at the window. I guess that broke my paralysis and she managed to half drag me out of the bed and we ran into the hallway.

    Just as we were trying to explain to my grandmother what was happening, something hit the back of the house really hard. It shook the whole house. My grandmother got her gun and we huddled together in the kitchen. The kitchen had a small window not really big enough to see anything out of that might be in the backyard, so we eased our way into the dining room where a larger window was. At this time, they were thinking someone was trying to break into the house, maybe knowing only 2 women and a young girl were there.

    We tried to look out the big window, but it was pitch black and we couldn’t see anything, which didn’t make sense because there was always a light out by the driveway that would illuminate the back and front yard at least a little all the time.

    As my grandmother and my Mom were commenting on that, something moved away from the window sideways. At that moment, we all realized that we couldn’t see anything out of the window because this huge hairy thing was standing in front of it blocking the entire window! Now just imagine that feeling! We were freaked out! And even thinking back on this gives me chills every time I tell this to anyone.

    This big hairy thing was inches from our faces and we had no idea!

    Anyway, as it moved from center to the left of the window, back toward my bedroom, we saw that it was gigantic and covered in brown hair.

    I don’t remember the remainder of the night except that I slept in my mother’s room and the following day we moved my bed away from the window to the other side of the room.

    The breathing I will never forget. It has left a scar on me since that night. I guess it is a form of childhood PTSD. Though that term didn’t even exist back then. I never want to be that close again, but I gotta know exactly what that was, you know?”



    I will also be speaking with Alan.  Alan and his father were hunting in Colorado. This incident took place in 1975, Alan and his father were awaken to their truck being rocked from side to side. To this day Alan's father will not speak about what he saw. In 2015 Alan was in Washington State and he describes this strange vocal he heard while fishing and everyone in the area left because of fear.


    SC EP:964 This Just Started On My Property

    SC EP:964 This Just Started On My Property

    I will be speaking to the father about this property. The family has been on this property in California for a couple of years. I spoke to the son who is in high school and he said “We have heard strange whoops from the forest.

    They have a sharp whistle and then another one will respond from a different location. Many time we hear what sounds like people hitting trees with bats. “The day I saw it, was from a window inside the home. It was about 30 feet away. I was shocked by what I was seeing. It ran off like a man on two legs…but a very powerful man.”

    Check out the full encounter.

    SC EP:953 I Think We Snuck Up On It

    SC EP:953 I Think We Snuck Up On It

    Benny writes "Me and my buddy, Joe, where south of Bradshaw TX. This will be in the fall, 1989. We were crossing the creek in the truck with the headlights off . Had the dogs in the back trying to catch the scent of a coon crossing the road because the wind was up.

    Joe said to flip the headlines on because there’s a game warden that usually sits at the top of the hill when you come out of the creek.

    When I turn the headlights on something blew up in the fence line, right next to the truck, scared the crap out of Joe and he was headed up the embankment same direction we were going.

    When I looked over, I initially thought it was a buffalo. I could see a shoulder and his back. It was on all fours. The back road, we were on had a quick left turn then right turn down the fence line that would put us in the path that it was headed.

    When I made the right turn down the fence line, it turn right beside us and stood up and ran down the tree line about 5 to 6 strides then back into the tree line, heading down towards the creek
    Somewhere around 7 foot tall never stood directly straight up, ran bent over freaking super wide at the shoulders, narrowed down to the hips and really muscular, butt and legs.

    It was a brownish, reddish color, never saw the face the it’s left side in his back never got directly in the headlights.

    It was a very bright Moonlit night with a storm coming in and the wind blowing. That’s why we did not unleash the dogs to run track.

    Are usually come in from the north. That night we came in from the south wind in
    front of us.

    The water was running across the crossing with a bunch of rocks. Making a lot of noise because of the rain we just had that day. I honestly think we snuck up on it."

    SC EP:939 Salish Sasquatch - The Browns Property

    SC EP:939 Salish Sasquatch - The Browns Property

    Jonathan Brown returns to the show. I have talked about the Browns property on many shows. For newer listeners, I asked Jonathan to give us a history on his property.

    We will be discussing ongoing activity on the property. I will share some stories of when I was on the property and what Jonathan recalls over ten years later.

    I have always wanted to get his take on the night we saw the light and what sounded like a truck hitting the building we were standing next to.

    Check out and subscribe to his YouTube channel. He has some great audio on there. https://www.youtube.com/@salishsasquatch8373

    SC EP:928 Sending Hot Lead Down Range

    SC EP:928 Sending Hot Lead Down Range

    Tommy writes “I am a retired lawman/judge still in my 50’s and going strong, when you become a cop at 18 and get your 30 you get to retire early and then go enjoy life.

    I own a cattle ranch in Texas. One got real up & close to me in the Sabine National forest and I gave him a dose of hot lead as he followed me or skirted me down a logging road. He screamed and roared as he tore through the brush running the other direction, we tracked him for about 2 days and did not find him. I made the huge mistake of telling some of my co workers (other Law Enforcement Officers) about what I had seen and witnessed on my many trips into the woods.

    I was set to be promoted to Sgt Investigator and when the date passed for promotion I inquired as to what happened? I was informed that when I shared some of my BF encounters with others I became no longer credible and therefore not up to the standards of supervision. I shut my mouth and did not share any BF info with anyone for sometime except others close in the know…. I had enough of that treatment so I ran for office as the local Judge or Justice of The Peace. Needless to say I began keeping my BF hunts, outings or excursions to myself or just my tiny little group.”

    SC EP:912 The Appalachian Trail Encounter

    SC EP:912 The Appalachian Trail Encounter

    Alex will be a guest on an upcoming show. In 2006 he was hiking down the Appalachian Trail. Alex said “I thought some serial killer was following me. He matched me step for step. I stopped on the trail and caught sight of someone or something in wearing a black hoodie. I thought it was a person.

    I kept moving down the trail and that’s when the rocks started whizzing past my head. I started running and this thing gave chase. It was knocking over small tree’s, it sounded like a bull dozer.

    I will also be speaking to David. In 2009 David was returning from a funeral when a large creature stepped in front of his vehicle. David said "The driver coming in the opposite lane stopped and this thing went straight up a mountain side. I didn't know what it was but it looked like a man, a big man walking across the road.

    SC EP:890 Somebody Save Me

    SC EP:890 Somebody Save Me

    Tonight I will be speaking to Casey who grew up on a ranch in Humboldt County, CA. Casey and his family have seen the creature on a few occasions. Casey said "A friend and I decided to camp next to the river on the property and something walked across the river and was coming to their tent.


    Show Notes: https://sasquatchchronicles.com/sc-ep890-somebody-save-me/

    SC EP:821 Which One Did You See?

    SC EP:821 Which One Did You See?

    Robert writes “I had encounters in the Daniel Boone National Forest in the 90’s. I think it’s still a hotspot but most people won’t talk about it. Most of my encounters were brief except for one.

    I had a bear walking towards me and one came running down the mountain and actually chased the bear off. I was walking back down a gravel road as my car was broke down. It actually jumped into the road, slid in the gravel before coming to a complete stop. Turned towards me and bluff charged me twice to push me out of the area. It was 7.5 to 8 fat tall, browns oh red with white hair which made me think it was an older one. Right before it turned towards me I could see it looked like it had “road rash” on the back of its left shoulder.

    You could see it had hair missing as it looked scabbed over. Kind of like the aftermath of sliding in gravel while wearing shorts for us. There are a lot more details about that encounter but too many to type up.”

    SC EP:786 My Father Shot It In Our Front Yard

    SC EP:786 My Father Shot It In Our Front Yard

    Wade will be my guest tonight. Wade writes "The childhood experiences with my 5 sisters and 1 brother all older have being horrifying to all of us when we lived in Rainier Oregon. Dad was a pipe fitter and worked on a new nuke plant there. Mom was a stepford wife so to speak. Not long after we moved there odd things happened..no one could explain..starting with the 3 other houses that no one came out at night.

    Animals disappeared and or twisted and put in trees. Lots of foot prints. The lumberjacks dad hired kept leaving. The well drillers pulled off twice. And then it got way worse. Bangs on the house, broken windows. We think there were 5 for sure....they all looked different and had NO fear of us. This was over a 3 year span. It had a life long no BS effect on the family. I talked to my older family about Rainer and it was way worse than could 10 year old to grasp. I went back there 2 years ago. It continues to this that day. It's hard to piece together so so many things over the years. There were a hell of a lot of stuff people knew back then. And we were warned by the very old couple dad bought the land from."