
    sasquatch sightings

    Explore "sasquatch sightings" with insightful episodes like "SC EP:1038 The Creature At Diablo Lake", "SC EP:1036 A Conversation With A Skeptical Hunter", "SC EP:1028 Bamboo Eating Sasquatch", "SC EP:894 I Was Being Stalked" and "SC EP:891 Sasquatch Encounter Brigade" from podcasts like ""Sasquatch Chronicles", "Sasquatch Chronicles", "Sasquatch Chronicles", "Sasquatch Chronicles" and "Sasquatch Chronicles"" and more!

    Episodes (16)

    SC EP:1038 The Creature At Diablo Lake

    SC EP:1038 The Creature At Diablo Lake

    Drew had an encounter in 1996 here in Washington up in Snohomish county. Drew describes a creature with an odd movement come out of the ditch into the road. The encounter still bothers him today. We will also be speaking to Chuck. Chuck had an encounter in 2015 at Diablo Lake. The lake is in WA state.  Its a glacial-fed lake and in the summer turns a turquoise color because of fine rock particles that refract sunlight. Crater lake in Oregon has that same appearance during the summer. Chuck describes several creatures vocalizing and then it came into camp.

    Chuck writes "In 2015 I spent the day on a motorcycle ride over SR20 in WA State. We rode around Winthrop and Twisp, then broke up and went our separate ways. I had made plans to camp with another group of friends that night at Colonial Creek Campground at Diablo Lake.

    I had spent plenty of time in that area and was very comfortable there. After a day of riding with one group of friends I was excited to meet up with my other group of friends. We had a great time hanging out. Eventually we went to our own tents and went to sleep. I guess I laid down around 12:15am. It took me a bit to get comfortable and doze off. I think I fell asleep around 1am. Around 1:45am I heard a call, much like the Ohio sound from across the lake. I estimated it was four or five miles away, but the sound filled the entire valley and woke me up. I smiled, chuckled, and told myself that it was Bigfoot.

    This call went on for about five to ten minutes, when all of a sudden there was a return call on my side of the lake. I felt like the return call originated about three miles uphill, coming from Pinnacle Peak or Colonial Peak. I felt a sense of surprise, and was taken back by the volume and duration of the return call. This call started out low and soft then crescendo to very loud and bellowing. The sound resonated through me in a way that it instantly woke me up and I became alert. Before I could fully comprehend the return call there was another call from across the lake. This call had a shorter duration, my instincts told me that the call from across the lake was a female and the call on my side of the lake was a male. This went on for about 20 minutes, back and forth. I was in disbelief. I thought of every animal sound I knew and there was nothing like it.

    The duration and volume was beyond any wildlife’s capabilities, not to mention any human’s ability. It was fascinating to listen to and was an experience all on its own. Then things got terrifying. What happened next still causes me anxiety just thinking about it. What I will call the male, calling from my side of the lake started coming down the hill. It would stop to call back to the female on the far side of the lake. Each time it called the intensity of the volume became increasingly more intense. I typically carry protection when out in the woods. Mostly for a noise maker, my theory is that the biggest barks wins most of the time. I’ve had to scare off cougars using this method in the past. Regardless, I white knuckle gripped that 44 magnum and was convinced it was not enough firepower to stop whatever was coming down the mountain, much less a bigger bark. I laid there in my flimsy tent, tucked into my mummy bag, grasping my 44 as I cowered with each return call getting closer.

    At some point I started hearing footsteps. With each step the ground shook with a vibration that resonated through the ground. I could feel each step getting closer. What was hard to comprehend was the gait between steps. In my mind I envisioned this thing as “jogging”, not walking. I estimated the distance between each step to be 9 to 12 feet. This thing was now in the campground and still returning calls. The terror I felt was indescribably. I was literally frozen with fear. I didn’t dare make a sound, I couldn’t if I wanted to. My body went into an involuntary flight mode. I could not function my body, meaning I could not get out of my sleeping bag if my life depended on it.

    I was frozen in fear. My heart was racing, I was uncertain what was going to happen next. Not knowing was the worst part. And wouldn’t you believe it, this creature ran right through my campsite, only feet from my tent. It let out a call that sent me into a state of shock. The volume, the duration, the resonating force of sound, I was defeated and terrified. As quick as it came into my campsite it left, and without hesitation it jumped into the lake.

    Which in my mind sounded like an elk being dropped from 20 feet into the water, there was a huge splash. If you have ever been to Diablo Lake you know it's glacier fed. That water is extremely cold. This didn’t even faze it, much like a dog chasing a ball in to a cold lake, it didn’t hesitate. This behavior suggested to me that this was some type of animal or “primitive”. Not many humans would jump in that water at night, and if they did you would hear them screaming in shock, it's freakin’ cold!

    The moment it jumped into the lake and started its way across the lake I started to feel some relief. However, I lived in terror for years. I believe I suffer from post-traumatic stress syndrome.

    After that event I listen to your shows and use them as a type of therapy. I am able to relate to others and their experiences. Knowing that I am not alone gives me a sense of relief. I have told many people about my experience. I often encounter people who are dismissive, but this doesn’t faze me in the least. Once you know, you know. And for anyone who says they want a Bigfoot experience, I would caution them against it. It will change your life and most likely not in a positive way.

    It’s been many years now and I have not tent camped since. I have hauled my travel trailer to a State Parks, but I am not comfortable remote/primitive camping anymore. I could not bring enough fire power, nor do I think I am smarter than these things in their environment. I would not have a chance if they decided to harm me. I do go out on day hikes, but I am armed and I’m constantly looking for signs. I have turned around on trails before for no other reason than my gut told me something isn’t right. That being said I love the PNW and will continue to push myself back into the beautiful areas that this State and BC has to offer. However, I’m no longer naïve."

    SC EP:1036 A Conversation With A Skeptical Hunter

    SC EP:1036 A Conversation With A Skeptical Hunter

    Chris writes "It has been several years since I have been hunting. My last experience, while hunting with an Uncle, had taken my comfort and confidence away.

    I have lived in Oregon my entire life other than being born in Colorado on an army base and some travel. Both sides of my family are from Southern Oregon. 

    I was raised in the Portland area, due to parents separation when I was 2,  and lived there until my early twenties. Though I spent many years spending my time in nature, I didn’t get into hunting until I moved down to Southern Oregon to live with my father in the late 90’s , my early twenties. My Father is a disabled veteran after a couple tours in Vietnam. After the Vietnam conflict, he tried hunting with his father but couldn’t stomach it anymore. He wanted me to have the experience so he introduced me to a couple of his local friends. They took me out a couple times and helped me with learning the area and strategies.

    Although I had heard many stories growing up and from a couple locals in the area, I was not prepared for what I would experience while in the woods…

    That is my basic story of what led up to my experiences in Southern Oregon and a couple more experiences. One later in the Tillamook NF on the Wilson River (2002) and the last experience in Central Oregon between Yamsay Mt. and Summer Lake (2015).

    I currently live in Bend and have since 2006. I am looking forward to getting back into the woods, just won’t be doing anymore solo trips."

    SC EP:1028 Bamboo Eating Sasquatch

    SC EP:1028 Bamboo Eating Sasquatch

    Josh writes “My mom is a big fan of the podcast and suggested I share an encounter I had in Alabama back in 2012. At the time, we were living in Gadsden, Alabama right by Noccalula Falls.

    Every day when I would get home from school, I would go to the backyard to let our dog out of a run we had made and bring him into the house. One day, while I was going up the side yard, the dog was agitated for some reason and was barking more than he normally would.

    I wasn’t paying too much attention and was just looking down at the path I was walking on until I heard a noise of some kind in the bamboo by the house. For whatever reason, our house had a bunch of bamboo growing around it (it was the only one in the neighborhood that had anything like that around) and I looked up to see a black, furry figure of some kind squatting down, ripping leaves off of the bamboo. I don’t think it was a bear because I remember seeing it use a thumb pinch and grab leaves and things off the bamboo to eat. I froze where I was and watched it for a second and when it realized I was there it also froze and we just stared at each other for a few seconds before we both sprinted in opposite directions.

    I’ll also share that at one point after that, I remember waking up in the middle of the night and looking up at a window above my bed in my room to see a face with sunken-in features looking down at me. That window faced the same side yard where I saw the bigfoot too, so I don’t know if it or another one had come back to check it out again but it’s something I’ll never forget.”


    SC EP:894 I Was Being Stalked

    SC EP:894 I Was Being Stalked

    John writes “January of 2017 I moved to Pikeville, Eastern Kentucky. The apartment complex I moved into was an old abandoned coal mine holler that had been converted which had an old coal road that went up a mountain and then swing around it with acre’s of woods.

    Well, whenever Id sit in the picnic area to have a cigarette id notice around 10+ at night this howling out in the nearby hills which now i can say sounded almost identical to the Ohio Sounds. I’d hear one howl and then maybe 30 seconds later there’d be another one from another hill that was maybe a mile or so away, and then I’d hear another, and another, and you could listen to these call and responses for hours without end. Well by April I was trying to get back into shape and I love to hike so I decided I’d get up around 6 am and hike up that coal road and back. As I’m hiking up and it got darker and darker up that road I noticed this strange bird whistling at me. It was strange because of how loud it was, and I mean the pitch was just so loud and I thought to myself, “that’s a big damn bird!” And I whistled back. Wes, my grandpa was a Green Beret in Vietnam who partly helped raise me, and I’ve been in the woods of Illinois and Wisconsin my whole life and never encountered much that was weird, although my Grandpa did and told me stories here and there, but I wasn’t afraid of much. Well, I’m hiking up and not only is that whistling getting closer, and I mean close to where it was like ten feet from me in the treeline of woods. I turned on the flash light on my phone and couldn’t see anything it was so dense. But then I noticed this “bird” was keeping pace with me.

    Then small pebbles started landing in front of me as I walked down. At first I thought it was just loose rock sliding down, but then it became apparent that something was tossing them right at my feet. At this point I’m about 300 feet up this old road in the pitch dark. So, I gently tossed one back, and then a big one, maybe 1/2 pound rock flung right at my feet. I froze man! Now, I gently yelled out, “is someone out there?” And that bird whistling started up even louder than it had before! Idk what overcame me, but I started belting out the St. Michael prayer in Latin and then the Hail Mary pretty audibly, and not wanting to turn back continued up that road. All of this whistling, keeping pace, and Pebble tossing just amped up as I was coming to a bend in the road that turned with the mountain. Idk what it was, but as I reach it with rosary in hand I got this bad bad feeling like something is really wrong here, and I spoke aloud and said, “idk what ya are, but im just walking here…” And the Pebble tossing got more intense and I could now hear “things” trudging through the wood at paces that I knew werent people. So I turned around and calmly began to go home. I thought that this could be bear or well hell a damn bigfoot. How loud the trudging was, combined with the whistling, and Pebble tossing I wanted to run the hell outta there down back into that holler, but if ya think that there’s an animal ya just don’t do that. And idk why, but something told me do not turn your back to them. So I’m trying to make it down while keeping an eye on what’s behind me, and the moments that I looked down the road towards the apartment complex something just leaped from the side of the mountain onto the road, and then down into a bunch of thicket. And I stopped and yelled, “what the fuck was that!” If it were a man he’d have fallen 400 feet down a vertical fall and broke his neck or something I mean it was steep! And covered in thicket and thorn bushes. And how loose the rocks were I mean if you did get a footing you’d just fall on your ass and slide and tumble down. Whatever this was got it’s footing and slid and trudged down with great volume like stomping through a huge snow drift. So there I am feeling like a fool the sun is begging to make the horizon pink up just a little at this point.

    I kept thinking to myself that this is not how I’m gonna die! By this point I felt with all of the noise that had to be five to eight things in the woods stalking me. Honest to God I knew that I was being followed and scrutinized and that I had pissed something off with my presence! The pebbles were being tossed at an alarming rate, there were by now eight or so “big birds” whistling at me from about ten or so feet in the woods, branches were snapping, and it was like multiple freight trains just trudging through those woods! This is a steep hill I mean it is steep I cannot imagine men being able to do this without falling down the only flat surface was the road. When I got about 100 feet down before the apartment idk what overcame me but something told me to just book it for the farm lamp and I ran like hell until I got to it spun around. I stood there watching and couldn’t see anything! They had stayed up there, but were still just making all sorts of noise.

    Idk what I started, but after that I felt like I was being watched whenever I was outside in that holler. If I went outside my apartment by my car to smoke pebbles would start getting tossed right at my feet in the parking lot from a mountain side, or a big bird would start whistling at me. And we had huge street lights shinning onto our parking lot. And as this is happening I’d take out a big old flashlight and shine into the woods. I did get eye shine a couple of times, but couldn’t make out faces of what they were which just creeped me out to no end. I went up the mountains couple of times in the day and found what appeared to be tree breaks, a couple of structures, sticks in the road. Now idk, these sticks were just laid ever so carefully in the road. What creeped me out was that they’d appear when I was coming back down. On one hike, idk I got dizzy on the way home. Now I do have epilepsy, but this was different. I’m hiking down the road and suddenly I got dizzy, the sound in my ears was like tv static, and I wanted to take my shirt off because I felt so hot, but I laid down in the dirt ditch for a few minutes and just felt drained of everything I just thought of my mother and picked myself up and forced myself down that road. When I got home I just collapsed in bed and slept for a good six hours. Now I think looking back that that was side effects of infrasound.

    But then one night my roommate and I went out to one of the picnic areas to smoke and talk and as we’re making it back toward my building idk Wes the ground shook to the point I felt like I’d lost my footing like a giant was stomping in front of us BOOM BOOM BOOM and let out this scream I’ve never heard before or since it was like a woman mixed with a bear, a lion, and a witch all in one terrifying scream idk, but I JUMPED like three feet up and just ran up a picnic table and I could not look at it! We were stuck in that parking lot until the sun came up! Everytime we even made an attempt towards my building it would scream and we couldn’t find it, couldn’t see it! We had the sensation that it was behind this old 100+ year old white oak tree, but we made five attempts to go home and it was not having it. But when the sun began to rise we made our sixth attempt and then heard something just trudge up that mountain side in time that no man or woman could! I’m talking a 100 foot vertical hike that this thing scaled in seconds and just kept going until we saw trees moving at about 500 feet up. We never went that far out at night again and that was a lighted parking lot/picnic area in the middle of an apartment complex. After that I’d smoked at night at the door dealt with the whistling and Pebble tossing give it the finger and go inside. I moved to Louisville in June and never went back! I’m not afraid of the woods or anything, but I definitely will never go in them again without a 30-30 or something bigger!

    The power just in the lungs of this thing it could have killed us if it had wanted to! I ldk what we did that night; we weren’t messing up in the woods or nothing and I feel like I was being stalked for having gone up there, but over residents went up there, but not at night. I have a deeper respect, appreciation of the mountains and the woods. Since all of this the guns I have and carry with me in the woods are enough to take down a bear, but yeah, like I said I will never go in the woods unarmed again.”


    I will also be speaking to Brian. Brian said “I was stationed at Ft. Lewis in Washington state. We were running a training exercise and we saw what we thought was someone in a ghillie suit. This made no sense since we all had the same equipment and there was not any snipers present. This “guy” was huge he was about 7 foot tall, I am 6’4. I did not know anyone in my unit that big. We decided to track it and find who is was. That is when it stood up. I thought it was 7 foot tall but it was crouched. When it stood up it was closer to 9 feet. Five of us saw it that night.”


    SC EP:891 Sasquatch Encounter Brigade

    SC EP:891 Sasquatch Encounter Brigade

    Jonny will be joining me tonight from Georgia. Jonny never gave Sasquatch another thought. He had a strange experience on his property with strange lights. Shortly after the lights showed up, Sasquatch showed up.

    Jonny started a YouTube Channel where he post his evidence. The channel is called The Sasquatch Encounter Brigade. Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLtRbSsqqwOzl_Vb_-bbKzQ/featured

    SC EP:871 Strange Creature At Grandma's House

    SC EP:871 Strange Creature At Grandma's House

    Tonight I will be speaking with Chris. Chris will be sharing with us his families experiences back in the 70's in Kentucky. Chris said "I don't think anyone knew what it was, it was large and hairy and walked around like a man but it wasn't a man." The Smithsonian Institution makes a surprise appearance in this families encounter.



    SC EP:785 Pastor Films Creature (Audio Version)

    SC EP:785 Pastor Films Creature (Audio Version)

    I noticed the video was not playing on Spotify. Here is an audio version of the show. If you have an Apple phone, It should be in the Apple Podcast Player. if you have an android check out CastBox it is a free podcast player app. You can get it from the Google Play Store. Every Podcast Player plays the video except for Spotify. I hope this helps.



    SC EP:785 Pastor Films Creature

    SC EP:785 Pastor Films Creature
    Spoke to the witness who took the video and he has agreed to come on the show. A listener writes “Hey everyone, So, I wanted to share my video with y’all , that I took a few Saturdays ago on 7/24.

    First of all, I wanted to tell you a little about myself. I’m a pastor of a small country church for the past 15 years and I’m also the lead vocalist for a Christian rock band called: Stained Red.

    I live in Royse City Texas and The morning of the sighting was very hot and dry and I was basically just outside early in the morning sipping my coffee about to go in my prayer room, when I noticed a couple fields over from my farm something moving very quickly to the North.

    So, I thank God that I grabbed my phone and began to video this creature. I also noticed that it had a white tail doe on its back. ( I did have my phone on zoom) But notice how quickly it crosses the fence, which I measured at 48”, but no hair to be found , and the ground was to hard and grassy for any foot prints.

    The grass was 3’ at fence line, but it was still moving very gracefully. I couldn’t get any closer when I was filming because I was already against my fence line to my prayer room. And honestly I was a little scared to go down and look for it, not knowing if it had babies down in trees that it might try to protect.

    Tell me what you think, your friend IronMan of Stained Red . I would believe that it was about 7.5’ tall easy and very heavy. God bless you all!!!”

    It will be uploaded to the podcast players shortly.

    299: The Spider Crawl

    299: The Spider Crawl
    In Episode 299: The Spider Crawl, we are joined by Cheyanne and Joanna. Cheyanne shares some significant paranormal experiences that both she and her family members have been through throughout her life. These experiences range from UFOs, to ghosts, to the “Black Nemesis.” Following Cheyanne's stories, her brother's fiancée Joanna joins us to describe her bigfoot experience in Washington state. While picking mushrooms, she saw a large creature that walked away from her in a bizarre manner - by dropping down to all fours and "spider walking," all while keeping its torso turned towards her! To Joanna, the creature did not seem like it was of this world, leaving her very confused by what she saw. Interesting to note is that Joanna’s bigfoot encounter is eerily similar to that of the experience of Wes Germer from 'Sasquatch Chronicles'.

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    SC EP:697 A Whirlwind Of Weirdness

    SC EP:697 A Whirlwind Of Weirdness

    Cindy writes "Hi Wes, I've thought a lot about sharing what has been happening here and to be honest, when it all started I had no idea what was going on!

    We have lived in this house for 20 years. It's in a Beautiful area in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia. When we bought this house, we were traveling 9-10 months of the year... only coming home occasionally. This pattern continued until 2015 when we started a different path. My husband is a Speaker, Professor and does work for the State Department, so he was still Very busy.

    At that point, I was home alone 98% of the time. I started to hear noises in the woods At night... and Knocking! The Master Bedroom has a Balcony off of it that faces in to the woods. It's at least 14 ft off the ground."

    Cindy goes on to share her encounters with these creatures and how the aggressive behavior would ramp up.




    SC EP:678 The Hunting Lease

    SC EP:678  The Hunting Lease

    Tonight I will be speaking to three guests. My first Cassidy had several strange experiences on a hunting lease in Wisconsin. I will be playing some sounds tonight that resemble what the witness heard. Cassidy talks about something walking up to his trailer on the property and tapping on the windows. I will also be speaking to Travis who had an encounter with several creatures while on a trail in Pennsylvania. We will wrap up with Matt who is a truck driver from Western Pennsylvania and witnessed a creature on the side of the road. Matt said “I wasn’t sure what it was the eyes were red, which confused me. I never looked into Bigfoot before this and did not realize their eyes could be red…it was strange.”

    SC EP:673 The Skunk Ape Lives

    SC EP:673 The Skunk Ape Lives

    I will be having three guests on tonight. Orrin who is from Washington describes seeing this small creature on two legs cross on front of him and his family. We will also be chatting with Gabe who had a strange encounter while camping in Washington back in 2017. We will wrap with with Stacy Brown who will share his encounters and talk about his new documentary called The Skunk Ape Lives which is available on Amazon

    SC EP:94 Strange Bigfoot Encounters In The Woods

    SC EP:94 Strange Bigfoot Encounters In The Woods

    Tonight I speak to several witnesses that have had strange encounters with Sasquatch in the woods. Randy talks about an encounter he had where a 300 pound rock was thrown off of a cliff at him along with strange vocalizations. I also speak to Kevin, a former police officer, who had an encounter which sounded like “Two apes fighting."

    SC EP:85 Sasquatch passing through

    SC EP:85 Sasquatch passing through

    Tonight we speak to a witness who started noticing a group of Sasquatches passing through his property at a certain time of year, every year. The witness has noticed that the creatures seem to use the empty land behind his property as a travel corridor. He notices activity from the beginning of summer time until late October or November. The witness describes a lot of behavior we have heard in the past.

    SC EP:18 Sasquatch Stories with Jim Grant AKA Bear

    SC EP:18 Sasquatch Stories with Jim Grant AKA Bear

    On Sunday we welcome researcher Bobby Woods and Jim Grant aka Bear to the show. Most in the Bigfoot community know me as Bear, but my real name is Jim Grant. I was raised as a country boy in Montgomery County, Mississippi. Now, I find myself spread out all over the South. I have personally known of BF since 1966 when a “booger” was outside me and my brother’s bedroom window, making strange cooing and clucking sounds.This caused an interest till this stage in my life. I guess you could say this was before the “Patterson” film came out in 1968. After a few more run-ins with our hairy friend, in 1975, I decided to attempt to study and learn the habits of our elusive friend. I have been doing this off and on for almost 35 years, with the last 10 being of the more serious nature.The aspect I find most interesting is the diversity of this creature between ecosystems from all across the South, including Oklahoma and Texas. This has pointed out to me that there are various differences, as the ecology makes this hominid seem different from region to region, but it is basically the same animal.