

    Explore " schrems" with insightful episodes like "Data Transfers: Will We Ever Learn? (With dr. Laura Drechsler)", "A Disappointing Thingy", "B2P061 Karl Trojan (Schremser Brauerei) - Brauer to the People", "B2P061 Karl Trojan (Schremser Brauerei) - Brauer to the People" and "13: Update... Privacy Shield 2.0 - auf dem Weg zu Schrems III?" from podcasts like ""Serious Privacy", "Serious Privacy", "BauertothePeople (B2P) - Der Podcast hinter den Kulissen von deinem Essen", "BauertothePeople (B2P) - Der Podcast hinter den Kulissen von deinem Essen" and "Rechenzeit"" and more!

    Episodes (13)

    Data Transfers: Will We Ever Learn? (With dr. Laura Drechsler)

    Data Transfers: Will We Ever Learn? (With dr. Laura Drechsler)

    In this episode of Serious Privacy, Paul Breitbarth of Catawiki and Dr. K Royal of Crawford & Company talk with dr. Laura Drechsler, Research Fellow at the Centre for IT and IP Law (CITIP) at the Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium. They discuss Laura's work on cross-border data transfers, comparing the decisions of the European courts and the guidance of the data protection authorities with the adequacy decisions that have been published by the European Commission. It is clear there is still a lot to learn from the past on how to do adequacy and other data transfers right.

    As always, if you have comments or questions, let us know - LinkedIn, Twitter @podcastprivacy @euroPaulB @heartofprivacy @trustArc and email podcast@seriousprivacy.eu. Please do like and write comments on your favorite podcast app so other professionals can find us easier. 

    If you have comments or questions, find us on LinkedIn, Twitter/Mastodon @podcastprivacy @euroPaulB @heartofprivacy and email podcast@seriousprivacy.eu. Rate and Review us!

    Proudly sponsored by TrustArc. Learn more about the TRUSTe Data Privacy Framework verification. upcoming webinars.

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    A Disappointing Thingy

    A Disappointing Thingy

    On 13 December 2022, the European Commission published the long-awaited draft adequacy decision for the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework, among podcast listeners also known as the Thingy. In this episode of Serious Privacy, Paul Breitbarth of Catawiki and Dr. K Royal of Outschool talk about the adequacy decision, and what they consider is missing from it. 


    As always, if you have comments or questions, let us know - LinkedIn, Twitter @podcastprivacy @euroPaulB @heartofprivacy @trustArc and email seriousprivacy@trustarc.com. Please do like and write comments on your favorite podcast act so other professionals can find us easier. 

    If you have comments or questions, find us on LinkedIn, Twitter/Mastodon @podcastprivacy @euroPaulB @heartofprivacy and email podcast@seriousprivacy.eu. Rate and Review us!

    Proudly sponsored by TrustArc. Learn more about the TRUSTe Data Privacy Framework verification. upcoming webinars.

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    B2P061 Karl Trojan (Schremser Brauerei) - Brauer to the People

    B2P061 Karl Trojan (Schremser Brauerei) - Brauer to the People
    Bierbrauer aus Leidenschaft, mit dem Hang zum Erzählen. Was wäre wohl aus Karl Trojan, Eigentümer der Schremser Brauerei, geworden, hätte er nicht die Braunachfolge in der Familie Trojan angetreten. Hätte, täte, Fahrradkette … vieles von dem, was er zu sagen hat, bringt Karl nun eben in seinem Bier zum Ausdruck. Und glaubt man den in heimischen Gefilden gar nicht mal so raren Bierkonsumentinnen, dann dürften er und sein Team den Job gar nicht mal so schlecht machen. Das ist jedoch sehr subjektiv, kann aber jederzeit „embierisch“ überprüft werden. 
    Nun, sind wir froh, dass wir Karl für unsere erste Folge zum Thema Bier und Bierbrauen gefunden haben. Er bekommt daher als erster den Beinamen „BrauertothePeople“ und geht mit uns das kleine 1x1 zum Thema Bier durch. Obergärig, Untergärig, Craft-Beer, Zutaten und Stammwürze. Und früher, also gaaanz früher war es auch mal sicherer, Bier zu trinken, als Wasser. Und warum heißt Märzen eigentlich Märzen? Dazu aber mehr im Podcast. 
    Karl Trojan ist auch ein streitbarer und prononcierter Verfechter der Privatbrauereien und tritt für deren Eigenständigkeit und Unabhängigkeit ein. Überhaupt schreibt er, sichtlich stolz, dem Waldviertel und seinen Menschen eine gewissen Eigen- und Direktheit, ein Umstand den man gerade in Schrems nicht von der Hand weisen kann. 
    Wie also das Bier und die Familie Trojan nach Schrems kam und wie so eine Brauerei funktioniert, dass erfahren wir in dieser Folge des Podcasts! Und mit dem Karl bringen wir erstmals einen durchaus spannenden Brauer to the People! Und mit dem 1x1 des Brauens lauern in dieser Folge sicher viele Ahaa!-Momente hinter den Fässern.

    Leit hoits zamm – Haindling 
    Power to the People – Junior Kelly 
    … und ein bisserl selbst gesungen 😊 
    Durchs Reden kommen die Leut´ zamm! 

    B2P061 Karl Trojan (Schremser Brauerei) - Brauer to the People

    B2P061 Karl Trojan (Schremser Brauerei) - Brauer to the People
    Bierbrauer aus Leidenschaft, mit dem Hang zum Erzählen. Was wäre wohl aus Karl Trojan, Eigentümer der Schremser Brauerei, geworden, hätte er nicht die Braunachfolge in der Familie Trojan angetreten. Hätte, täte, Fahrradkette … vieles von dem, was er zu sagen hat, bringt Karl nun eben in seinem Bier zum Ausdruck. Und glaubt man den in heimischen Gefilden gar nicht mal so raren Bierkonsumentinnen, dann dürften er und sein Team den Job gar nicht mal so schlecht machen. Das ist jedoch sehr subjektiv, kann aber jederzeit „embierisch“ überprüft werden. 
    Nun, sind wir froh, dass wir Karl für unsere erste Folge zum Thema Bier und Bierbrauen gefunden haben. Er bekommt daher als erster den Beinamen „BrauertothePeople“ und geht mit uns das kleine 1x1 zum Thema Bier durch. Obergärig, Untergärig, Craft-Beer, Zutaten und Stammwürze. Und früher, also gaaanz früher war es auch mal sicherer, Bier zu trinken, als Wasser. Und warum heißt Märzen eigentlich Märzen? Dazu aber mehr im Podcast. 
    Karl Trojan ist auch ein streitbarer und prononcierter Verfechter der Privatbrauereien und tritt für deren Eigenständigkeit und Unabhängigkeit ein. Überhaupt schreibt er, sichtlich stolz, dem Waldviertel und seinen Menschen eine gewissen Eigen- und Direktheit, ein Umstand den man gerade in Schrems nicht von der Hand weisen kann. 
    Wie also das Bier und die Familie Trojan nach Schrems kam und wie so eine Brauerei funktioniert, dass erfahren wir in dieser Folge des Podcasts! Und mit dem Karl bringen wir erstmals einen durchaus spannenden Brauer to the People! Und mit dem 1x1 des Brauens lauern in dieser Folge sicher viele Ahaa!-Momente hinter den Fässern.

    Leit hoits zamm – Haindling 
    Power to the People – Junior Kelly 
    … und ein bisserl selbst gesungen 😊 
    Durchs Reden kommen die Leut´ zamm! 

    13: Update... Privacy Shield 2.0 - auf dem Weg zu Schrems III?

    13: Update... Privacy Shield 2.0 - auf dem Weg zu Schrems III?
    In dieser Folge beschäftigen wir uns gemeinsam mit dem Rechtsanwalt Ralf Burmester mit dem angekündigten neuen Abkommen „Privacy Shield 2.0“ zwischen der EU und den USA. Es handelt sich gewissermaßen um ein „Update“ der Rechenzeit-Episode 9 aus dem Januar 2022.

    Ist es überhaupt vorstellbar, dass dabei etwas anderes herauskommt als ein erneutes abschlägiges Urteil des EuGH, das den poetischen Namen „Schrems III“ tragen könnte?

    Der Rechenzeit-Podcast wird von der WPS - Workplace Solutions GmbH unterstützt.

    Episode 67 - Data Flows After Brexit... For Now

    Episode 67 - Data Flows After Brexit... For Now
    Europe finds UK data privacy system adequate, for now. On June 28, 2021, the Europe Union granted two adequacy decisions to the United Kingdom for personal privacy purposes. 1. Decision on the adequate protection of personal data by the United Kingdom - General Data Protection Regulation 2. Decision on the adequate protection of personal data by the United Kingdom - Law Enforcement Directive This assures, for now, that data flows between the EU and UK can continue without restrictions. But for the first time, the EU’s decisions were not permanent and will last only four years. What’s going on? Because of Brexit, the UK and the EU reached a transition agreement at the end of 2020. This included six months for the UK and EU to reach an agreement about data privacy flows. The deadline approached, and the EU decision was made just in time (the UK had already issued its own adequacy decision regarding data going to the EU). Had it not been made, one estimate was that UK businesses would face immediate compliance costs of about 1.6 billion pounds, aside from other costs. So, UK businesses can rest easy – for a time. According to Kim Walker, a leading UK privacy attorney at the firm of Shakespeare Martineau (Kim Walker | Shakespeare Martineau (shma.co.uk), 11% of global data flows through the UK, and 70% of UK data flows through the EU. Why the last-minute timing and why the unusual temporary grant of an adequacy decision? The answer lies in the same surveillance issues that restrict data flows between the EU and the United States. Without a comprehensive and protective federal personal data privacy law, the United States is unlikely to receive an adequacy decision from the EU indefinitely. The EU is particularly skeptical of mass surveillance by U.S. authorities. The British mass surveillance system is not that different from the American approach to how and when public authorities can access private personal information. The EU is concerned that by granting adequacy to the UK, this could create a back door for the UK to grant unrestricted data flow to the United States, thus undermining Europe’s basic GDPR approach to restricting data flows that may disrupt the protections of personal privacy at the heart of GDPR. If you have ideas for more interviews or stories, please email info@thedataprivacydetective.com.

    SCCs Are Here But Far From Standard

    SCCs Are Here But Far From Standard

    On this week's episode  of #SeriousPrivacy, Paul Breitbarth and K Royal discuss the new Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs) for international transfers that were adopted by the European Commission on 4 June 2021. These model contracts, that come in four modules, finally replace the old SCCs, some of which date back to the early 2000s. The modernised versions are fully GDPR compliant, embrace the accountability principle and include many requirements to address the limitations set by the Schrems II decision.

    Listen to the conversation to get a better understanding of what the new SCCs entail and how they can (and cannot) be used by organisations. You will hear more about why some non-European companies will not have to use SCCs going forward, but also on the assessments that you will need to undertake. 

    Since recording the episode, the timelines for the Transfer SCCs have become clear too:
    27 June 2021 - the new SCCs become applicable
    27 Sept 2021 - the old SCCs become invalid for new contracts
    27 Dec 2022 - all SCC-based contracts will need to be updated


    As always, if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us at seriousprivacy@trustarc.com. In addition, if you like our podcast, please do rate and comment on our program in your favorite podcast app. 

    If you have comments or questions, find us on LinkedIn, Twitter/Mastodon @podcastprivacy @euroPaulB @heartofprivacy and email podcast@seriousprivacy.eu. Rate and Review us!

    Proudly sponsored by TrustArc. Learn more about the TRUSTe Data Privacy Framework verification. upcoming webinars.

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    Cosa cambia con le nuove clausole contrattuali standard sui trasferimenti di dati personali?

    Cosa cambia con le nuove clausole contrattuali standard sui trasferimenti di dati personali?

    La Commissione Europea ha pubblicato le nuove Clausole Contrattuali Standard (CCS) sui trasferimenti di dati personali che hanno implicazioni rilevanti e introducono nuovi obblighi sostanziali.

    In questo podcast, Giulio Coraggio, partner dello studio legale DLA Piper, spiega cosa cambia con le nuove SCC sui trasferimenti di dati personali al di fuori del SEE e come le aziende dovrebbero prepararsi alla loro adozione.

    Potete trovare la trascrizione del podcast a questo LINK e potete iscrivervi alla nostra newsletter settimanale "Innovation Law Insights", scrivendo a eventi@dlapiper.com
    Diritto al Digitale è gestito dai professionisti del dipartimento di Intellectual Property & Technology dello studio legale DLA Piper (https://www.dlapiper.com).

    Potete seguirci sul nostro blog (http://dirittoaldigitale.com/) e su LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/dirittoaldigitale/). 

    Il coordinatore del dipartimento è l’Avv. Giulio Coraggio (https://www.dlapiper.com/it/italy/people/c/coraggio-giulio/) che potete seguire anche su LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/giulio-coraggio/). 

    Il Prof. Pierluigi Perri dell'Università di Milano su perchè la sentenza Schrems II non possa essere dimenticata a 6 mesi dalla sua adozione

    Il Prof. Pierluigi Perri dell'Università di Milano su perchè la sentenza Schrems II non possa essere dimenticata a 6 mesi dalla sua adozione

    Pierluigi Perri è professore di Information security, privacy and protection of special categories of data all'Università di Milano di cui è anche DPO. Quindi ha certamente una posizione privilegiata nel comprendere gli effetti della sentenza della Corte di Giustizia europea sul caso Schrems II relativo al trasferimento dei dati personali al di fuori dello Spazio economico europeo e di come le aziende stanno reagendo a questo cambiamento.

    Ne ha discusso in questo podcast con Giulio Coraggio e Tommaso Ricci di DLA Piper con un approccio decisamente aperto e spontaneo, condito dalla sua simpatia che rende ogni discussione sempre molto piacevole.

    La trascrizione del podcast è disponibile a questo LINK. Sulla sentenza Schrems II, è possibile leggere l’articolo “Avete una metodologia per valutare i trasferimenti di dati extra SEE dopo la sentenza Schrems II?” e potete ricevere la nostra newsletter settimanale, Innovation Law Insights, scrivendo a eventi@dlapiper.com 

    Overførsel af personoplysninger til tredjelande: Microsofts praksis og konsekvenserne af Schrems II - del 2

    Overførsel af personoplysninger til tredjelande: Microsofts praksis og konsekvenserne af Schrems II - del 2

    I den anden af to podcasts om overførsel af personoplysninger til tredjelande fortæller Tina Brøgger Sørensen, specialist i persondata og partner i Kromann Reumert, og Ole Kjeldsen, Teknologi- og Sikkerhedsdirektør fra Microsoft, nærmere om, hvordan Schrems II-afgørelsen ændrer virksomheders praksis i forhold til tredjelandsoverførsler. Ole giver dig et indblik i Microsofts håndtering af Schrems II-afgørelsen, ligesom Tina og Ole giver deres anbefalinger til, hvordan virksomheder kan gribe den nye situation an, herunder om vigtigheden af at foretage risikovurderinger forud for overførslen af personoplysninger til et tredjeland.

    Overførsel af personoplysninger til tredjelande: Microsofts praksis og konsekvenserne af Schrems II - del 1

    Overførsel af personoplysninger til tredjelande: Microsofts praksis og konsekvenserne af Schrems II - del 1

    Persondataspecialist Tina Brøgger Sørensen, partner i Kromann Reumert, fortæller dig i den første af to podcasts om overførsel af personoplysninger til tredjelande om de særlige betingelser, der gælder for lovligheden af sådan overførsel. Tina belyser i den forbindelse blandt andet, hvilken betydning EU-Domstolens afgørelse i den såkaldte Schrems II-sag har for virksomheders fremtidige håndtering og overførsel af personoplysninger til tredjelande. Tina har inviteret Ole Kjeldsen, Teknologi- og Sikkerhedsdirektør fra Microsoft, med i studiet, og i første podcast tager han hul på, hvordan Microsoft i praksis har håndteret de juridiske konsekvenser af Schrems II-afgørelsen.

    Schrems II and other data privacy legislation -- what's a tech company to do?

    Schrems II and other data privacy legislation -- what's a tech company to do?

    In this episode, DLA Piper's Victoria Lee, Co-Chair of the firm's Global Technology Sector, talks with Andrew Serwin, US and Global Co-Chair of the firm's Data Protection, Privacy and Security Practice, about implications of Schrems II and other recent data privacy legislation, and how technology companies can navigate the ever-changing landscape of global privacy regulatory issues.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    What Now Right Now? Assessment of the EU Schrems II Decision

    What Now Right Now? Assessment of the EU Schrems II Decision

    The Schrems II decision is a Serious Privacy topic. Privacy professionals in the EU and the US had the 16th of July marked on their calendars for a long time. Today was the day the Grand Chamber of the Court of Justice of the European Union would publish their verdict in the case between the Irish Data Protection Commissioner on the one hand, and Facebook and Max Schrems on the other. The Schrems-II case, as it is commonly known, has made as much of an impact as its predecessor did in 2015.

    On Thursday morning, July 16, the Court invalidated the EU-US Privacy Shield, and seriously restricted the use of standard contractual clauses. Reason enough for a special Serious Privacy episode to discuss the case and what comes next.

    Paul Breitbarth and K Royal talked briefly with Gabriela Zanfir-Fortuna of the Future of Privacy Forum and Sophie in ’t Veld, Dutch member of the European Parliament. We were looking for their reactions to the decision, their expectations, and their recommendations of what happens now. They did not disappoint in providing their insight. 

    Join us as we have an open discussion with two preeminent privacy professionals to discuss a critical privacy event, that may have global consequences.TrustArc was prepared for any eventuality, and rest assured, we have you covered.


    If you have comments or questions, find us on LinkedIn, Twitter/Mastodon @podcastprivacy @euroPaulB @heartofprivacy and email podcast@seriousprivacy.eu. Rate and Review us!

    Proudly sponsored by TrustArc. Learn more about the TRUSTe Data Privacy Framework verification. upcoming webinars.

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